The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

fP®?* ■') * 1 nit\& U m < q l d . ,1.00 JL YEAR. H arfkk 4 p B ui ** Propr*. j.S.Matrxs, X«M.ft S cu ,, It(filer.. Bus, Mgr. CxH'aao O m n : SdpjM Wnlde Place, MATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24* ’00 Q wmo Victoria and Oom ' Paul didn’t exbange sentimental valentines tVwy«ar. Manila i« being rapidly American- ftad. I t bn* more than 400 wiloone; almoet aa tuany as Washington baa. *I f the Kentucky legislature can devise an anti-gun lair* aud make it stick, it will ntope for many of its *u*. I f a klpof ia equal to two kopjes* ‘and a krantz is worth half a kopje, what is the value of two vaala and a drift? Row that the Senate has a Bard, the Congresaional Record may con­ tain something poetical without .quotation marks. Governor Roosevelt has fortified himself,with'the people by demand, ing that tbe Nicaraguan canal be for­ tified by the United States. Porto Ricans are liable to differ aa to tbe relief they- will get by the bill Imposing a 25 per cent duty on their products sent to the U. S. ’ The evidence seems to be conclu­ sive that entirely too much American whiskey is being used in educating the natives of the Philippiuos up to our standard. Evidently Governor Leary has been reading. Shakespeare. He has eeut lor a cargo of banjoB with the idea ' that music has chnrms too soothe the Gnamian breast. . If the testimony in the .Clark bri- -hery case can be even half- believed, running for office in Montana is about the moBt expensive luxury a Cltueo cun indulge in. ’ Great Britain has a considerable taskion hand knocking out the Boer republic* and it is improbable that she has selected this particular time for attacking the Monroedoctrine. The editor o f Life has offered a prize of $50 for the person who can name the meanest city in the United States. Particulars must be recited. Now is the-time to pay off old scores. The world isn’t just finding out that military campaigns are much easier conducted on paper than in the field in front of an alert enemy* just as it is easier to criticise what others do than* to do. Brother Andy Carnegie will be de­ cidedly shy on partners, if they con­ tinue to desert him as they have re­ cently been doing. Only modesty prevents otir saying that we would consider offers to fill any vacancy in Andy’s firm. The Alinauacli do Cotba, that hide-bound catalogue of European royalty* states iu his edition of 1000 that Alphonso is stiil sovereign of„the West Indies. There is a slight’ im­ pression to the contrary on this sido of the water. Mrs, O. O. Uatt has been chosen president of thw Womens’ Suffrage Association. As the anti-suffragists are now making a Jut fight against the others before Congress* it is prob­ able that Mrs, Catt was chosen for her fighting abilities, There is a flippant inclination on the part of some editors to poke fun ntCapt, Leaiy* V> & N., now serv­ ing m Governor of the island of llasMi, bteawse he has asked that hooks and banjos be sent to that island, lan't it * commendable trait to In sdnsate and amuse those wnfise ynw? f t woaM. probably have been! -hi Mr. Osmsfie’a pocket.had frasagniag to law with" JM k . Tbn JataWa Wfcaf»««r* j 121.000. 000 last year on a capital of 125.000. 000* and that it expected to make 140,000,000 this year, will go fcr to aid the movement to reduce tbe tariffduties on iron and steel. While tbe oouutry ia undoubtedly greatly dissatisfied with tbe restric­ tions of the Hay-Pauucefote treaty, it is difficult to see what better can be done if Great Britain really refuses to concede further. The initial mistake was in adopting tbe Olayton-Bulwer treaty iu the first place, and in not taking advantage of British violations of that instrument to declare it abro­ gated. As the ease stands, tbe treaty is still in force and we are a t Britain’s mercy. ARROWRROTR. Steed Death Off, E, B. MundSy, a lawyer ofHen­ rietta* Tex,, once ^fooled a grave­ digger. He says: “My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I persuaded him to try Electric Bitters, and he was soon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly cured, I am sure Electric Bitters saved his life.’ This remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs and purifies tbe blood; aids digestion, regulates liver, kid­ neys and bowels,; cures constipation, dyspepsia, nervpus diseases, kidney troubles, female complaints; gives perfect health. Only 50o at Ridg- way & Co.’s drug store. Waated-»S«iesmaii and Collector. A gentleman of good address who can give good reference and furnish a horse in the business can secure steady employment at good wages by addressing J . G. B rown , 26 West Third St. Hayton, O. —Mrs. J . K. Miller, Newton'Ham­ ilton, Fa., writes, “ I think DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve the grandest salve made” It cures piles and heals everything. All fraudulent imita­ tions are worthless. Ridgway & Co., Druggists. The University of Pennsylvania will confer the degree of LL^ D. on President Diaz, of Mexico, February 22 . —“One ib almost tempted to say that anyone who cannot, grasp the truth and beauty of 'Shore Acres’ is without intelligence, perception or sympathies.”—Chicago Record. Tbs selection of Commander Wain- wright to- be Superintendent of the Naval Academy at Annapolis means the infusion of young blood in the management of that institution, as no officer who is his senior in rank can •lay there. The Kansas Supreme Court holds that a State legislature has no power to compel railroads to give passes to cattle shippers, or any other class; but that Won’t prevent the railroada giving passes to such legislators as will receive them. - —‘T had dyspepsia for years. No medicine was so effective as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It gave immediate relief. Two bottles produced marvel ous results.” writes L. H. Wnrren, Albany, Win. I t digests what you eat and cannot fail to cure. Ridg way & Co., Druggists. . ’ Great interest was taken in the Frick-Carnegie suit in Pittsburg. I t was said that more money was at stake than in any similar legal pro­ ceedings ever brought ip'America. —“After doctors failed to cure me of pneumonia I used One Minute Cough Cure and three bottles of it cured me. I t is also the best remedy on earth for whooping cough. ‘I t cured my grandchildren of the worst cases,” writes Jno. Berry, Loganton, Pa/ I t is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles. I t prevents consump­ tion. Children always like it. Moth­ ers endorse it. Ridgway <fcCo., Drug­ gists. Senator Jones has offeredan amend­ ment to the currency bill providing tor the free coinage of silver. i a Edifor’s Lift Bare! fcjr Okiabeilaii's 0e»gk Rowdy. During the early part of October* 1896,-1 contracted a bad cold which settled on my lungs and was neglected until I feared that consumption had appeared in an incipient state. I was constantly coughing and trying to expel something which I could not. 1 became alarmed and after giving the local doctor n trial bought a bot­ tle of Chamberiaiu’s Gough Remedy and the result was immediate im­ provement* aud after I had used three bottles my lungs were restored to their healthy state—B. S. Ed­ wards, Publisher of The Review, Wyant, III. For sale by O. M, Ridgway)druggist. Public Safe, Having sold my farm ! will offer at Public Sale, one half ($) mile north of Cedarville on the Clifton Pike on Friday, March 2,1000, tbo following personal property:— 20bead of high grade Jerseys. 1 span of well broke mules. 1 pair of males, 10 head of Hogs, 1 Davis cream separator. Farming utensils and other articka too nnmerrms to meathm, Bafe to begin promptly at 1 p. *», ana tint*. W. S. D u x . I *1iet an tumor ia Ike sir, I t fill to tltt earth; I know not where. ^LesfftHerr, Only a few people understand mors than halfof what they read, 1 1 t One nlmoat expects a persou from a small town to uae had grammar, t t t When a man marries the second time, people all recall the nice things he said about hia wife while he was a widower. f t t. Every once in a while a fellow has to take a lay-off to do things he has been neglecting, - ' t t t Borne tneu always move a chair be­ fore sitting down. t f f The best, time to do a thing is when you first think of it. ; t t t When some men coine back who used to live here they, act as if they thought talks were glad to see them: i. t f t ■After a girl goes to boardiug school two weekB she talks about “semester t f t A woman with a petticoat that frau frou8 attracts lots of attention, and she likes it. • t t t - ' When you brag on a man he is apt to tell you he could have done lots better ii lie had tried his best. t t t A man never wants His soil to leurn the trade he always worked at. f f t We wonder how it feqls to be able to say, “ we have no debts.” ' t f f . I t is ueurly always when you have •left the chairs standing around in the way that you have to get up at eight. ' t f f . We never see a man brush his clothes that we do not make up our minds to go home aud do likewise and straightway break the resolution. f t t A jeweller thinks if you have done without your clock a long time, a while lobger wont hurt. f t t Everybody-thinks there is always an opening for a newspaper. t t t Most women think they know a good deal about money matters. t t t There is one time when every man is glad that there is a baby in the house and that is when he has to stay at home from church to take care of it. t t t Everybody rings the door bell when the baby sleeps. <v A l e x , M i l l e r . WnUofligMullky. The busies! and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills, These pills change weakness into strength, list- IcssneSs into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Ridgway & Co druggists. More thah 13,000Michigan farmers raised sugar beets for the first time last summc’. —From now on I will sell Rohes and Blankets at greatly reduced prices, in fact I will sell them at prices to merely cover, the cost and carriage. This is not an advertising dodge, but the fact is I am Reeding money very badly, hence this propo* itiott,—Dorn, the Harness Man. lav* Tu a field? If so, then instead of taking so much quinine take a pleasant and mild stomach and bowel remedy which will cleanse the system, and yon will be surprised how quickly the cold will leave you. We sell Dr. Caldwell’s Byrup Pajsu'n for just this purpose Try it. 10c. 50c and t l , For sale by C. M. Ridgway, druggist. I t is stated that 30,000 Mormons wilt leave Utah ami settle a colony in Wyoming, T O O T JW A G O L D I S 0 * 2 D A I , Take Laxative Brotm> (Quinine Tablet*. All druggist* refund tha money If it fkife to cure, E W. Grove’s signature ia on each box. life. --Tana. UeAfra and ffigara at Gray’* i PROVIDENTIAL At aunset la a Itttt* town ia Queens- land th a propiM o? th* best hotel th a plac* could boast of w as surprised, not to aay flattered to aee a. gentleman, gold-haadad a s hfs can* and evidently rich and Influential, to Judge from hia e erv an ti and luggage, alight from th a coach w ith all th e appearance of one who waa going to a ta y a t le a st a week In th e place. H e waa distinctly Amer­ ican w ith a tw inkling gray eye, a long aquiline nose, a clean shaven upper Jlp and a small goatee, which h e amothed meditatively as b e etood Ilka a long-legged Colossua of Rbodea, In trousering of ia very broad check pat­ tern, surveying the pride of th e pro­ prietor'* h e a rt—-namely, th e hotel. "I guess it I b no t unlike m y stables in Connecticut.” h e said presently, aa th e proprietor cam e down to m eet him. "You m ust have ,fine stables, then,” was the reply, offered gently, in th e hope of turning away no t th e great man himself, bu t only hia w rath. “We have, s ir; our stab les a re com alderable, And I say it In p raise of your Bbanty th a t it rem inds m e of my stables In Connecticut. I suppose you can give ue a loose box fo r a week, maybe?" The landlord recognized th e free and easy American with- plenty of money—the kind of m an who was never alow to give offence because h e was m aster of tb e situation by reason of th e alm ighty dollar; h e recognized th e "Colonel” a n d 'th e "general," the -man who trav e ls a s he ItBts th e world over, and gets ready respect and difar- cace from everybody. “Certainly." Ue replied; "for a week or CBmuch longer a s you like.” “Well, I guess I only w ant to stay a week. You see, i arranged to wait aero for Viscount Thurlton, who Is going to Join tne. next Thursday, and then we’fe going along-to th e new dig­ gings ju st to reckon things up a b it to see whether tb e place is w o rth work­ ing on a large scale as we do in Amer­ ica. But I suy. boss, th is place is real dull after B risbane; isn ’t th e re any theatres or places o t amusement? I reckon I shall die of dullness right here.” The lnudlord. already under th e dis­ tinguished . patronage of Viscount Thurlton, became oily almost greasy, In his manner. He explained th a t there was no troupe a t th e th e a tre a t present, and th e only excitement was the trial o t a man who was supposed to be concerned In a daring conch rob­ bery commit;(Ml some little tim e be­ fore in the neighborhood.. ■ ■ "Ah! th a t would bo interesting,” said the stranger. “I would lik e to see that. Stuck up th e coach, did he?" -‘Well, they say he did, bu t he him­ self swears th a t he is innocent, and th a t he was iu Brisbane a t th e time the c - ic'i was stopped, -If you .would' care to h ear tbo trial, sir, I cm. get you a seat, easily." “I guess i II take you up," returned the stranger, and it was agreed th a t the proprietor should esco rt th e g reat man tp th e court house on th e mor­ row, and l-y his Influence secure him a good seat., ju st to enable him to while away the lime until Viscount Thurlton cnpie along. ' It so ha - ,v however, th a t when they, arriv* «t.tu t . *dy of th e court was full, so tlnu liu t Istinguished Ameri­ can was accommodated w ith a se a t on th e bench, where he not only had a good view of th e proceedings, but was seen and known by everyone as th e friend of Viscount Thurlton, and a wealthy American .who y a s going to buy up the mvr digging township to “work it” as an ordinary m an m ight work a potato patch. The prisoner wax standing- in th e dock with his cys ca st down, listening in despair to th e conclusive evidence against him. Providently he raised his eyes a t some direct question from the Judge, aud was about to speak when his eyes fell upon th e distin­ guished strang er sitting on th e bench. He paused and staggered, then gripped a t the air and fell senseless in th e dock. When a t la s t he was brought round be stood up and, pointing a t th e stranger, gasped for b re a th and tried to speak. “What is it, my man?” said th* Judge. “Steady yourself. I ask again, have yon anything to Bay In your own , defence?" "Oh, Your Honor!” said the prison­ e r a t l a s t “ I am saved—saved a t th e la st moment. I have already said I was a t Brisbane a t th e tim e of the rob­ bery, and th e re is th e m an who can prove it.” "All eye* followed th e direction of bis finger and r e r v d upon th e strang­ er, who started, locked confused, then Irritated, and fina.'.’y bewildered aa if h e fancied th e prisoner m u st b e mad. If th a t gentleman will answ er my question," return «.-•! th e prisoner, "I think I shall be nice to prove to every one th a t 1 was In Brisbane a t tlic time I said." TL strang e r shifted in his sc a t n e r­ vously, and a t la st :<aid in tones of an­ noyance and expostulation: “Your Honor, !'vo n ev e r to my knowledge set ey-r. on tlio prisoner before, and I don’t see how I can fix up his Innocence. Besides, 1 guess I didn’t come bore to bo questioned by every son of a gen th a t holds up a mall coach--I bog your pardon, Your Honor, but you’ll allow th e annoyance lx considerable anyhow.” His Honor adm itted It was, but straightway appealed to th e stranger’s b etter feelings on behalf of th e prison­ e r until he was somewhat mollified, and remarked, “Waal, If h e th ink s it’s stra ig h t wire, b e ra n s ta r t in, and I’ll answer h is questions. I don't mind taking him up on th a t.” The strang e r wag then sworn, and ax he stood In th e w itness box the prisoner addressed him. “Sir,” h e aald, "a m an was running for your h a t in th e stre e t of Brlabano, and bringing It back to you on tbo pavement?” “t c an 't say th a t I do," replied th e strang er a fte r a little thought; "no, I cant’ fetch It.’ "Do you remember bis saying th a t he w ss out of work and his threo chib dren were starv ing? And then can you no t recall giving him s sovereign and saying, 'H ere’s a shilling- for you’?” 1 The stran g e r w ss silent, a s if ho Wished to rem ember th e coincidence, b u t presently b e shook h is head slow- ly and said, "No, It's no use—you must b* m istaking m e for some one else,” "S tay !” cried th e p risoner again, in a voice or te rrib le tension *or it was his la s t chance; "don 't you remember, before giving th e sovereign, th a t th e man told you th a t lie had fought la th e Crimean W ar and could show wounds - - th a t h e bad helped h js country, bu t h is country wouldn’t help him ? Yes, yofi m ust rem ember him showing you th e scars one a t th e hack o f th * head, Another or th e rig h t b re a s t T he stran g e r in terrup ted him w ith a sudden exclamation. “ 1 do, l do! The s c a r on your b re a st Is a long one. a sab re cut, Your Honor, I remember m eeting th is man! I m u st apologize; hfs lifts w as la my hands, and I nearly Jet him fail through. M* ht th * man J •sw tn hrtaba** ’ Than wss a prsflmm MWMttoa in court ax th* prlxoner steadied him* ••If and wiped th* cold moisture from XU brow. s » you r*member th * dat* on which th is happened?" ask ed th* pros- •curing attorney. . „ ' . “Ah, I'm .a fra id 1 can’t," th * Strang- • r re tu rn s* ; "bu t I know t h i s - it w as tbw e d a y a itte r th e C a rlis le fa s tis >a r ­ rived a t Sydney, if It’s possible to find ou t w h st d a te t h a t was. The newspapers of the first week In July were then consulted, and It was found that the Carlisle Castle arrived at Sydney on June 30, BO that three days afterward brought it to the exact date required. Again there waa applause In the court as th* prisoner was finally ac­ quitted. Finwiv, turning toward the stranger, tbe yjdge remarked; "In the interest of t^tlco 1 thank you. sir; your presence iere to-day Is one of those remarkable dispensations of Providence which arO seldom met with.” T h a t n igh t th* acquitted prisoner, th e American gentleman an d Ws s e r ­ v a n t rode through th e bu sh in a Jovial fram e of rnthd. For reasons best known to themselves th ey wished to pu t as a g re a t a distance as possible between th e towut-lilp and themsolye* before, morning; and « • th ey w ent they planned how they should hold up th e m a il'a second tim e At’ n o v e r y d istan t date. But it was th e la st tim e th e trick was played successfully In th a t neighborhood, for th e distinguish­ ed American decamped w ithout paying h is hotel bill; moreover, Viscount Thurlton never arrived, and a ra t was subsequently sm e lt an d seen floating in th e air. of th e neighborhood of th e - court house—a ra t which had grown considerably beyond th e "bud” stage. Girl Typew riters. ‘1 had ft little experience the other day,” said n young New York broker, "which proves 1mv easily one can learn the motive actuating a person who does an odd thing If one only takes the trouble to investigate a bit. "L ast Sunday I w as coming down­ town In a. Broadway car, I had no paper to read and soon found myself looking speculatively a t n pretty girl who took the c ar at1.Eighteenth street. " If ;4u< had been born in the Four Hundred she would have been called 1 IU.-" her face showed her Hie bud been a serious one, and her. beauty, a t about 2(S. was already marred by n careworn expres-don. "1 iv-pin tp wonder where she would leave the car, and finally decided th a t If ,» did not step a t Grace Church she would get out a t City Hall Park and" cross the bridge. City I-iaH was tvsh-ia-d and passed, aud still th e girl made no sign, bu t a s the car pnssed T rin'ty Church site signalled the con­ do- tin- to stop. ‘Ah, she is going to church, a fte r all.’ 1 said to myself. But to my surprise. Instead of turning Into Mr- gateway ot old .Trinity, site"cross; d to f!-e i ,ist side of the street. My curi­ os f.vgot the t o tter ..f-nio, and I jum pul off the car and watched her. “She turned abruptly Into the gate­ way of « big office building, and i fol­ lowed lier, bethinking myself th a t I bad n friend on tin* fifth Moor whom I rn rb l say 1 hoped to find if questioned. Sl.-o never pal-1 the sTghtest attention to me.' but on the fourth floor she un­ locked the door of nn office and disap­ peared, . I was wondering w liat busi­ ness she could linve th ere on Sunday, when suddenly I heard th e sound of a ts pewrlting nmchiue, and the my* t,*ry was solved, “The n ex t day I met a friend of mine who employs a young woman typew riter to transcribe his lo.^al notes, and told Idnnof my experience. ‘What you saw,” he said, "is nothing unusual. Hundreds of young women typew riters get behind ill tlielr work during the week and complete it durlug the even­ ings and on Sundays. Those who have no nun-blues nt home a re obliged to use tlm-o of their employers a t tbe otllces. Go into any big otliee building hi tie dowu-town district on a Sunday olid you will hear the click of a typew rit­ ing machine. It m e an s th a t some poor gh l is alone In all solitude striving to catch up with her work th a t she may save herself from the harsh reprl maud sure to com • If she cannot pro­ duce her work ntdahed on the mor­ row.’ N. Y. Journal. '"*■"... .1 ■"" ' r* Lobsters are Scarce. That cod cat young lobsters Is a fact established to the satisfaction of n w riter in an exchange. lie says:. “The codfish are folding on the young lob­ sters to such an extent th a t It will not take long to exterm inate them. Tlq-ou h the efforts of the Ceiled Rtntes Fish Commission eodlisn seem to have in­ creased greatly In numbers. The fish­ ermen around Block Island and Watch H ill say th a t coil n rc growing more plentiful every year, and they say fa rth e r th a t when drousing codfish they frequently find young lobsters whole inside of th e larger fish. Evidently young lobsters are becoming a delicate morsel of some of th e ir companions of th e sen. There Is ft problem for the Shellfish Commissioners to solve in the artificial propagation of th e lobster, Old fishermen about W atch H ill and vicinity te ll mo th a t when th ey haul their lobster pots now they get fifteen mid tw enty pounds, where they use to get one hundred. The fishermen have do one to blame b u t themselves. When lobsters wore plentifnl they would kilt the egg-hear­ ing lobsters a s nuisances and bait-de­ stroyers. I f they bad thrown them overboard th e result m ight have le en different.-—The F ishing Gazette. Curious P aper Weight. The m ost curious paper weight In the world is said- to belong to the Prince of Wales. I t la the mummied hand o f one of the daughters of P h a r­ aoh. ^ ^ ............ ^ Whits Moose. The white mouse of Mlinuoata Is nt It again. Like the dappled In Kipling's inimitable story, thin beast makes hie spectral appeal once nt un ­ expected times and a t Ir.-.-RU a.* Inter­ vals, and when reported there is bound to ha a commotion. Unlike tbe t'cor, the advent of the white moose 1- not o sign of trouble, bu t it SB tie- sign of much unrest and activity. For every rifle owner in Minnesota has heard, tbe story since hie babyhood, and would en\np a finger for th a t moose without stopping to think. This white moose fa raid to be a monster. There never was a moose ot any colos* since the world began so big. It Is a bull, of coutae and is h edited with tbo speed of a, hurricane. Aud now the question arises, asSth&s often arisen before, is there any whiter moose? It is safer' to ask the question heto In New York than out In the MIA-. ncsota woods, where thousands of ha* tlves know people who hare seen It. fttlll. It will strike you as singular that search us ytm may you will never find a man whs* aaw the white nmore with hb-‘ own eyes, A* far as evident* f* concerned he IS ft. creature of rum .p, Meyetthe!***, there are hundreds n-*r ♦fartlnx Into the w<*»da f<>r the win t*r eh'Hvflnx who openly erpri*** to*** of * to** nt fft* white we* e ftxrtn ■**, I Tint ChnetoBuy ! i Belfast, {Ireland] ends for table cloths 2, 21-2 and 3 yards long just the right length, and better than that; worth one-third more. Tbe second case has comejin and the price is 45, 50 and 75c a yard—something never heard of before, ^ Muslin are going up. A part of a case at 8 1 - 3 C is surely cheap: worth 12 i-ac.;jg^ 1000 yards of French Gingham—wide and fine, suitable for waists—10c a yard: just half price,. , Jaconet Embroidery bargains at 7 i-2c. 1000 yards of Lace at 5c a yard. j I i - J J • ■ • - * |- - .. H u t c h i s o n Q I B N EY !<* ‘‘S NEW SYSTETJ. D o n f ill <>fflce * N i m o i i ; F O R IW D A Y S O N L Y .- I b order to ujuru fully introduce our work to tiro people of (.'edarville unit vicinity we . mitke tliiit Bjji-ciul offer: Ollll UEGUI.AU $12 PLATE with nu- f t . tomtttio ouotioii, with highest grade Hi / teeth nod one gold filling. *1*1 > No charge far Painless Extrac­ tion when teeth are ordered, Hew System Dental Office Rooms 10 Allen Rnilding, Telephono No. 230, XENIA, OHIO* M e inand Se ill Ami we will treat you right, Wei wcsli to call vour attention toj our w-w-liuo of Ciimlies, Cigars i ami Tobacco. Hot and Cold) Lunch at all-hours. Meals 25c, boarding $3 00 per week. {G u t • Al i c e s on peanuts for School Teachers and Subbat Ii School Teachers for holidays. You will <Jp well to sec us before buying imwe always have a flue line on hands ami keep fresh roasted every day. Oranges and Apples, Brazil Nuts, Almonds, California Wainuts sold nt. our place. Yours to please, W iHinm** Bros.*.'* Lowry Block, Cedarville, - - Ohio. IN SU R A N C E CO. O f lV e w Y o r k . 92d Semi-Annual Statement, J u ly , 1899 . S umm ary of A sse ts: Cash in Bonk Renl Kntstu buited Staten Bondn Stfttp Ronds City ItondB Railroad Bond* Water Banda Gaa Stockn and Honda Roll road Stocks Bank Stooka Trust Co. Stooka $ Otl,CS7.« 1,774,824At, l,8l#,750.H 788 JIIM . I.093JH.W 83,aStA 152,9ft]W1 4, #47,534.#' 314,70MI . 105,500*11 Bonds und Mortgages] being 1 st >g lien on Real Estate 212,350.11i Loons on Stacks, payable on de­ mand 128,125.01 Premiums uncollccteda nd In bands Of Agents 577,198,11- Interest due and accrued on 1st July, 1809 47,914311 $ 12,457,02k®] ExchangeBank Liabilities: 1 CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A GCOUNIS of Merchants and In ­ dividuals solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. Cash Capital , $3,009,000441 Reserve Premium Fund 4,103,223,<4’ Reserve for unpaid Losses and Claims Net Surplus 4 . 814 , 793.71 $12*407.928jf j florplas as regards policy ksldsrt $ 7 , 840 , 791 - * j D RAFTH on Now York and Cin­ cinnati sold a t lowest rates. The cheapest aud most convenient way to send money by mail. W. L. CLEMANS; Agent, CEDARVILLE, - - OHIO.; L OANS made on Real Estate* Pet- eonal or Collateral Security. William Wildman* Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres,, W, J . Wildman, Cithier, FRANK H. DEAN. A ttorney a t L aw . 41E. Main St,, Xenix, 0, Y O U c a n a lw a y s ; i ; n u a t t l i c o l d r r l i a l i l r M<*ai .S h o p o f O. W . C r o u s e 's Choice Beef, Fork Sausage, Veal, Lara, B o l o g n a Wenerwust, Bacon, ' Hams, Sugar Cured Shoulders. Givt! us a trial and be ton* tm cec l. M id i ' s R esttDw n t Ml Diiiig R oms ] Corner High and Limestone street* Springfield, Ohio, b a n k o f c e d a r v i l l e ; H a r per A Co., B ankers . Responsibility $!<$,«#«.O 0 , 0 . W. Hsqw,: pres.; Vixha X , Hntper, ties pres. —John Dirr, Poseyville, lud.* says “ I never n?od anything as good as One Minute Cough Cure. We are never without it.” Quickly breaks up coughs and colds. Cures all throat and lung troubles, Us use wilt pre­ vent consumption. Flcssant to take. Ridgway Jk Co., Druggists. - V o tt c a n a lw a y s find a nm e tk liii new in the stationary Baa at C. M. C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y R.P.Chnrek J . F . Morion, P*it«., services At 11:00 A. fe. SAbbAtlr Sckoelft] 18«»m» | CoT.nsnter Cfcarefc -Rev. W. 3. f'-atdwxa j t Alter. Rsgalar services at 11-80 a . a . JWq Ath School At 10 •> « . 1 B. P»CHurcl» R«V, F. O. Ross, Baiter. R* j vices at 10:9* a . ft- «a$7:Mp. tn. SsHton School a t 9..1Sa. m. efts ford rime. f A.M. F. Church- Rev, Mr. Haswell. ft*j ter Preaching at 11:10 *> n< zed 7-.30 p>* i Class every BaMbath at 1130, ftehbaft SA<dj at 3:00 p.m . Friends visitors eonNtoff invited. 1 M, K. Chnreh -Rev. A .» . Msdd&x. Preaching at 11:00 a .m . gabtoth Sdssri J} 9:45 a. in. Yoxng People's meeting stH* j )>i *». Prayer meeting Wednesday eveimf at 7tS0. 1 Raptist Chareh-Rev, Mr, Coleman, ftof of the Baptist rhxrch. Preaching at 11o'eto*J and 7:30 p.m . fiahhath Bchool at 2:90f Prayer meetingevery Wednesday c;g«t*l 7:S», Rveryoxn Invited. j ■Oathering of the Friends of Fi&n, at Frd** Willlamson’e Hnll,**«ry fiaadey afserctea-* j .C:flOo’clock, etaalsNt time. Rtetybodyh ► vitei. John H, Sayre*, XNween in Chstf* II h fmt taMft, iA a m fv>«r I mw m tk» f« RPd T * \ rigx h i k e p t or th a M M f , o u t * • ] raina«datorai, U K . Fawntofet AfMIfe, O r *atmR, t wm » i