The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
W f e t n Y o u C o u f h . Yu* wD*fur*aii» good rotsedy to rvltev* tlmetiHgit Hir* it. Vo« kt»» iri«4»e*«y *•#* jew »mwy **»M. ’fkiHiMtil* hare c«r»d roughs *UJ* HWiWAV'B HONKX Of TAK- Hon* wore difUipointeJ. We mAh* it, We sell il, ;Eo. . RMJfcWAY * QOntlM l>m«Uts, Oftjp. Opera H om *. Local and Personal Rditor Blair was in town, Tuesday. —-Medicated salt a t C. M* Ridg* ■ . ' . - — I f y o u w an t an y th in g good, go to G ray's. ■ ■Mi&e Myrtle Ford visited friends in Nfania, this week. Flat opens for “The Deacon," Tuesday at £ o’clock p, m. -—Blackberries, Gooeeberries.Rasp' . berries, Beans'a t Gray’s. Mr. and' Mrs. W. R. McMillan were in Xenia, Tuesday. .—Disinfectant, everything in that . lino can be got at C, M.. Ridgway’s. Miss Gertrude lman spent the week in Columbus, the guest of her ■■:<,•fator.' ,’■ Mrs, Ed. Faris and daughter, Yula, are visiting Mr. Faris’ parents in Indiana. t ; ' . —Marshall can cave tor more rigs than any other Livery Stnble in Xenia. ■ / . Patronize home talent by attend ing the play at the opera house, Fri day night, Miss Zella Nagley spent Sabbath ip Morrow, the guest of her brother Frank, and friends. Mrs. R. C. Watt returned from Springfield, Wednesday, after a Week’s visit with relatives.. Mrs. Myrtle M. Wildman and little son, of Plulo, 111., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Wildman. "Mr, and Mrs. Frunk Turnbull Were iu Charleston, Monday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J . C.. Mc Millan, . " Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stanley left Wednesday for Hillsboro, to make a short visit before going to their future hone in Kansas. > D r . F* O S te w a r t, Phyacian god Surgeon. Specialist in E y e a n d E a r - G la s s e s A c c u r a te ly A d j u s t e d , S atisfaction G uaran teed , ‘Shore Acres’ is, iu style, method and construction, as distinctly symbolic ns any one of Maeterlinck’s tragedies: 'Shore Acres’ is a beauti ful play.”—Chicago News. Mias Minnie Ford returned home fttstn Dayton, .Thursday evening, after a delightful visit with her cousins, Mrs. Will Weymouth and Mrs.Maggie Benham. ’ Good literary performances are given in both literary societies at the college every Monday evening. I t will pay you well to attend these exercises. Admission free, Every body invited, —Geo. Barb©, Mendola, Va., says, “ Nothing did me so much good as KixJol Dyspepsia Cure. One dose relieved me, a few bottles Cured me.” I t digests What you eat and always cures dyspepsia. Ridgway A Co., Druggists, A bill has been introduced iu the House a t Columbus, that all game shall be regarded as personal property of the owner of the land .on which it to found; also one removing all pro tection from ducks and according rabbits the same protection as quail. The Lebanon Patriot gives ex pression to following sentiment* “ The merchants who want newspaper men to roast grocery peddlers, cheap John stores and the like, would make news paper men feel like doing so if they would quit using free letterheads of «wp fonts, and wholesale gargling oil envelopes, baking powder statements, sidewalk advertisements and rubber •tamps, and patronize home printing tf The Ohio Penitentiary News has bean advocating some much needed reform*. One, which deserves the praise of every lover of humanity, is a move to proviso work for the pris- mmw * when they an; discharged from the “p e n / They advocate employ- faff wman by the state whose business la will he to dad work for every die «fc*rgad prisoner. This is certainty a mows in the right direction, as it t« a wall-known diet that a majority »t the Moorwi farm prfamers are driven to arias* an aawnnt of the fact that it k lafliiriilti far Ikam In find work, and HIs rilkar bag or sired. and the m«wt •fam e prsfar tka fattar retire far- Mrs. C, M. Ridgway spaut Thun- day with Jamretewu nktivas. A fatter fromBtete seaator, Arthur W. lladdeu, of this district informs u« that he hw reoeiyad over a bun dred fatten from this village relative to the Clark Local Option Bill, The senator states that it would be a physi cal impossibility to answer all of these fatter# and takes this method of in forming the people, that this very im portent, measure shall receive at his bauds 'the consideration that it de mands. About ten couple# were entertains Tuesday evening at the beautifu country home of Miss Clara McMil lan, in honor of Mis# Black of Spring- field, The evening was merrily spent playing test games of different kinds. A delicious luncheon was served. Mesdatnes J , H, Andrew, L. G. Bull, C. M. Crouse and Florence Townaley, and Mime# Lulu Barber and Clara Townaley went down over the traction line from Xenia, ant spent a few days the first of the week iu the Queen City. The funeral of Rev. Clark Kendal was held yesterday from thy Presby terian church, Xenia. Mr, Kendal' was born and raised a few miies west of here, and has resided here recently until his death, which occurred Feb- 20, 1900. , A t'the meeting of citizens Thurt day evening at the Mayor’s office, Mr. L; G. Bull was .selected to represent this township at the meetiug iu Xenia today, for the purpose of examining the Court House. . Mr. John Brown Jewett, of New town, O,, made Mr. VV. M..Hundley a visit the first- of the •week,, Mr, Jewett is a poet of some note, a mini her of his poems having appeared in the Herald. D. Bradfute and sou shipped a male calf to Mississippi last Wednes day. The animal was sent by express and no doubt the transportation charges were as much as the value of nn ordinary calf. ’ . D. S. Ervin left a t this office a new rubber, 9 | in size, found near depot Owner can have same by calling at office and paying for this notice. Dr. P. R. Madden, Practice lim ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AMD THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad1 justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. Telephone.—Office No. ja, Residence No. 37 , . Mr, Clein Rich, with and little boy from Columbus, were down last Sat urday and spent the day with Dodd Keyes and wife. Miss Leffel, who has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Git- laugh, returned to her home in Springfield, Monday. Dm. Baldridge and Pollock, of Dayton, were bound over to the grand jury, in the sum of $1000 each, which was furnished. Mr. Bert Baldwin and wife of near Selma, were the guests ‘ of their cousins, 8. W. Nagley and family, last Friday. Miss Minnie Owens had quite a narrow escape, Monday, from being burnt by a celluloid comb igniting in her hair. —W. M. Hart, Gladstone, Ohio, pays 7£o in cash or Sc in trade, for chickens. Butter and eggs in pro portion. Mr. and Mrs. McCali, of Idaville, Indiana, aro hero visiting their son, John, nt the home of Mr. Calvin Wright. Mr. Ira Davis, the enterprising tailor was in the Queen City yester day purchasing his slock o f spring goods. A good delegation of teachers a t tended the Greene County Teachers’ Association at Xenia, last Saturday, Rev. W. W. Kilpatrick, of Bel- ville, Kansas, visited his sister, Mrs, Z. T, Phillips, during this week. A number of horses, went through Cedarville, Tuesday, on their way to the Jamestown stock sales, A stray sow is on the farm of Mr. D. N. Dean, for which Mr. Dean has failed to find tu owner. Mrs. James Satterfield was a recent guest of Postmaster Mitburn, of Xenia. I f your cow is out of condition get “Kow Kure” of Andrew Bros, A Co, Miss Emma Thomas, of Dayton, s tho guest of Cedarville friends. Don't forget “The Deacon” at the ojwm house, Friday night, - Newcrop canned Apples, Corn and Tomatoes, a t Gray’s, Mr. Reid Owens made a business trip to Xenia, Monday. . Lsdi**' new style pocket books a t t \ M. BMgway*#. -Bwlbfanead General Hardware, •f C. M. CfMMflV JL. - t i AmJLM WWIMP Tom Tarhox was a Xenia viiitor, Thursday, . - Gray keep# nothing hut ihe best in hi# lino ot goods. 31fa#Bertha Mitchell is home from Xenia, for a few day# visit with friend#. Mrs. J , C. Barber entertained a large number of her lady friends at dinner yesterday.' Mrs. M. A. Creswell fa storing her house hold good# in the vacant room i n the Qrr building', Ellis McMillan and Rebecca Ann Taylor were granted a marriage li cense, Thursday. Mr. Tom Tarbox has rented Mr#, Bailie Barber’# property. Mrs. Bar ber will remove to Dayton, Mrs, E, W, Hager, of Xenia, was iu attendance (it a dinner given by Mrs. C M. Barber yesterday. Mrs, A, W. Osborn, of Xenia, spent aday or two-thfa week with Mr. Jacob Siegter and family'. Mr. Walter De Haven and Mies Minnie Whittaker were guests ot Mrs. Do Havnn, Thursday. The familes of J. M. Bull and W. A. Spencer took dinner .with' Misses Deans, of 'near New Jasper, Thurs day. • " . M. V. Denny, our present street commissioner was taken suddenly ill Inst Wednesday night. .The cause seems to be enlargement of the heart, mid nt present is in a very critical condition. The congregational meeting of the R; P. church, yesterday afternoon, it was decided to erect a buildingmarer the center o f town. A committee composed of H. If. McMillan, J . II. Stormont and J .-R .. Orr, was ap pointed to look for a location, and was instructed to look at the old Nis- bet property. Mr, and Mrs. Will Cherry gave a dinner on Friday iu honor of Mr. John 11. Vuughun, of Garnett, Kan sas,, who fa visiting Mrs. Jennie Hutchison and family, of Goes Sta tion, Mr, Vaughan is on his way to New York, where has a position on the transport Summer, between New York and Manila as government era- baltner. As the committee meets in Xenia today tor the purpose of examining the old Court House, as tc whether it would pay to repair it to any extent, we would suggest that if it is decided to erect a new one that it be placed in the hands o f n building committee composed of at least five members representing different sections of the county. Have about three well posted farmers jn this committee, a mechanic and a financier, A com mittee of this kind who would have complete charge of the building re gardless of any one, we, think would be the most sutisfactoay way of ar ranging for the erection or repairing of this building.* Martin Acquitted. When court opened yosterday at 9 o’clock the room was filled with people who were anxious to hear the end of the great murder trial. Judge Neilun immediately began bis charge to the jury and it lasted a few minutes over an hour. Tho jury immediately retired to their room where they re mained until noon when they re ported that they had agreed, As the jury filed into the room perfect silence reigned, and when the Court asked if a verdict had been rendered, Foreman Shuey replied that “ It has.” Clerk Huveratick then read the document in a very clear tone. As he reached the the words “ not guilty,” Mrs. Martin was moved with great emotion, weepiug with joy. The defendent was also moved to tears. The freed man then rose and ad dressed tho court and jury in a very impressing speech, thanking the court and each of the officers and the twelve men that had given him his freedom. It is evident from the time the jury was out that lie had been acquitted before tho verdict watf read. Mr, diaries Crouse, of this place, one of the jurors returned to his home last evening. It has been twenty- five days*since Mr, Crouse left here, possibly the longest time he ha# been away from his business for a good many year#. “TheD ncm .” The Philadelphian Literary So ciety will present “The Deacon” in the Opera House, Friday evening, March 2. This sero comie play has been a decided success wherever it ms been given. You can’t afford to miss it. CftteVltll MAIIMI WWI1S, Wheat................. ..«!» (■ora »#***.*****■**»mao**#t*-****###<**«# m 20 Butter Jfi Egt#-.,..,,...... ..,,,........12 (JilriHMf ...... ............ 01$ H o M#.* . . . . $4. i A Oatifa..... .............. 4.00 Mwtyi.................. * .M V -wr.i'I'jfiM v ■i pQuVfO a w + 2 „ r , c t i c r - u - lh # other evening, th e l#»t touch to a a So Professor Loeb or Chicago ele c tiv e toilet in tfe3 prevailing ahaae University Says. -<«.*»• STARTLING EXPERIMENTS 8tartllns Experiment*—Th#y Oeem t# Show That All Animal Lite May Be . Propagated by Artificial Means— Believes in Immaculate Conception H as eckneo a t la st discovered the principle of life? I# it possible for man to create life by artUlclal means? Prof. Jacques ]Loeb, of the University of Chi caso, a fte r months of careful experi mentation in ' the Marine Biological Laboratory, a t Wood's Holl, Mass,, has made an assertion.-that has startled the scientific world. H is assertion Is this:*” That by chemical means he haB suc ceeded in hatching th e unfertilized eggs of marine animals. That he has developed the larvae so hatched into healthy animals, capable of exercising all th e functions of nor mally developed animals. That Iby a Beries of experiments he Is led to believe this can be done with mammalians, Including the human.ape vies. . The experiments -which led Professor Loeb to make this-announcement were performed a t the laboratory a t Wood’s » Holl during the last summer and fall. Professor NornVan, of Texas University had already ehown th a t the eggB of certain marine animals when unfertil ized. iiad a tendency to develop when sodium or-mafineslum was added to the sea water in which they were. Follow ing this out Professor Loeb began ex- perimenl? with the sea urchin, a com mon marine animal, the mate and fe male of which as of fishes, are separate Individuals. The unfertilized eggs’of this animal Professor Loeb subjected to a solution of hoditim and magnesium and within two hours they hatched, producing ‘‘biastului),"' or the first larvae. Placed In norma 1sea w ater these developed in to ‘'{,-iit.trulae” and th en 'in to “plufel/ the la tte r bearing the same relation to a r.oa- urchin as a tadpole does to a frog. Professor Loeb’s announcement of his experiments, and the belief to which lie is forced, practically establish a new theory of the reproduction of species. According to this, the union of two elements is not necessary' foi reproduction, but any cell may dlvi '* und. reproduce. This throws a t once what may be n most Important light on the subject of cancers and of dermoid cysts, “With regard to cancer, I can ray nothing,” •says Prof. Loeb. “Others, my-colleagues, are working on that. .B u t the rest, the development of the unfertilized egg, th a t Is an fact. I believe an immaculate coiucp-, tion may be from uatu ral causes Th« less a scientist says about th a t n-w the better, It Is a wonderful subject, and in many wayB an aw ful one. “That the human species may be made artificially to reproduce itself by the w ithdrawal of chemical restraint by other than natu ral means is a m ut ter we do-not like to contemplate. “But we have drawn a, great rtcr nearer to the chemical theory of .lf« and may already see ahead of us th< day when a scientist,- experimenting with chemicals in a te st tube, iua> ;u-t them unite and form a substance wlitcb shall live and move and reproduce It* self. “I t will he the first protoplasmic ceil, the origin of all life,, which was pro duced in tho te st tube of nature ages ago by the uhlon in th e course of the world’s evolution of the same chemical substances With which ho will have worked.” If the discoveries are verified by further experimentation, the possibility is th a t science may explain the mirucl* of immaculate conception, over which long and b itter contests have been waged. Centuries ago scientists and theologians took up the quarrel, and they have continued it to the present duy. Biologists studying the phenom e n a of life dectared th a t i t ’was chem ically created In the first place, bui th a t man was the result of an age long evolution which had brought about the Impossibility of reproduction without the union of the male and the opposlU clement. I t was Impossible from thclj sfaudpolnt for a woman to become e t> ,:hef from any power in her. t-lf, I; oloqlans, on the other hand, have . J that, whatever m ight be the uana' »• •*’ ” r, in Hie ones of Mary there was o » op t ;- fatherhood than th a t of the Ah ighty. They have remained trtit to !. belief In thin, even when abandon- l-.-g belief in the miracles pet fanned bv tne 8 / 1 Sour. Silo diM -iory th a t a solution of mag- ntiium salt caused the development oi sea urchin eggs Into normal plutol leo the s< Initials a t Wood’s Holt to A ion# sorler, of experiments to find what ef fect tho .-MluU..n had on other cells. A Joib-tM'., or sen anemone, was takon as nn il’usuvtl-m. This is a trails- pE* *ivt j-Ilylihe mass th a t moves •b ough the fiea, pulsating regularly, tracing with each motion a set ol stenm ora which drive food toward Its Momaeh. Not man already had shown that v 1 on this rln;; of iibics was cu t away pulsation n(t.| (ittl, afid it was there- foie dubb-'d tho “ ij . rvo ring,” and was believed to l.o tho centre of motive power in th e animal. This has now been prov n wrong, for when tho re maining p.u tion of tho jellyfish was pat In v.-ator containing no calcium and a large percentage of magnesium, It Im mediately began pulsating- rhythm ical ly, no It had in sea water w ith its rings attoehed. I5lt by bit tho outer por tions were cut away, and a t last the merest centre of the mass was pu t In a magnesium solution, when It pulsated as had tho rest. New OjMr* Magi, c no of the latest uses for the . . head m fu r I# for an opera hag, & silk en or satin pouch being attached and the head term ing the lower p a rt of tit* Icq?, If one I# very vulgar and very ih ft ehc may have diamond eyes in her ntilmnl’s head; if one Is vulgar and li-iet’ she tn sy have rhinestone*, while f<--,r the minority I* left the almplbity «■’ ih “ regular optical Eompletene*#, wht.h !m*e* nothing of its conspicuous, m-Sr, S ots the c’dtm-hm These hag* t e m * ra th e r gvaior addition to tu* mime, tmiM. and, matching the fur tumm lni o r artteto a t a ttire give a •faaslng^note of individuality fa thd whole costume, A gray fox’a head w ith . gray sa tin attachm ent, out of which peeped a p a ir o t ope;* glasses i* re o sse silver, w as #**n a t th e th ra tre __ ____ i t ,A lo o t iAitnfa */V NEW PROBLEMS, P ra c tic a l Side " f th e Colonial r « ” v Considered, Wo are no t under the slightest u’.’i- eatlcms to wnUe haste in proponmllng a tlieorv of th e ualm v of th e new re la tio n s'b e tw e en the Philippines and the United States, nor yet to elnborate any comprehensive scheme o,f govern-1 ment. We must drop the French model and a t this point tak e ,u p Eng lish methods. We need not make defi nitions n t all about the statu s of the Philippines, but simply proceed to do anv particu lar work th a t may require to be dope, and otherwise do nothing nt nil. F irst, If the treaty should be ratified we. must make a con tra c t w ith private shipping companle# for taking the Spanish soldiers back home a t our expense. T h a t will Involve our per suading the insurgents to give up their ftpanlsh prisoners. General Otis and Admiral Dewey w ou ld seem to be of the opinion th a t they enn arrange th a t Item of business w ithout trouble. A fter tbe prisoners are yielded up nnd arc all packed off for Spain the Insurgents will have to lie persuaded to disband. There is little reason to1suppose th a t we should need fo r any length of time, to retain In the Philippines the services of more than n quarter of th e Ameri can troops who are now there. There are plenty o t men who have W times past served in the native regiments with the Spanish a rra y -m a n y of whom have also subsequently served in the insurgent ranks—who can be rendilv formed Into an excellent body of inliltary police. And‘since the peo ple are quite .certain to be very peace ably inclined and are ready to believe in tin- benevolence of tbe m ission.ot the United States,’ th e maintenance of order Is not going to he seriously dif ficult. I t will not be a very baffling task to Improve the adm inistration of to simplify the existing system of taxa- justice a s between man and man. nor tirtri—removing needless burdens from agriculture and business anil' replacing the corrupt nnd rapacious methods of the Spaniards with honest and fa ir An. elo-Saxon methods. These matters, with the policing, are the principal ones liat for some little time to come will inve to be attended to. They are m at ers of precisely the . same nature as those which w ithout any fuss what ever Gen. Leonard Wood h as arranged a t Santiago. Every one In this country will be delighted to give the people oi the PhlHppnes the. largest possible con trol of their own affairs.—American Monthly review of He views. Little Clarence—“ Pa, whnt do people feather tlieir nests with?’' Mr. Callipers—“Cash down is tbe best thing I know of.”—Puck. THEIR OWN FAULT. Why Devoted Wives Find Themselves Falling Into the Rank of Slave*. Many a man is censured a s a selfish husband when he is really hardly res ponsible fo r his fault. There a re women so constituted th a t they spoil, every living thing within th e ir prov ince by over-indulgence. One o t th is type so overwhelms her husband by klndnesB th a t he accepts-his role of divinity as a m atter of course. Whereas, before marriage Edwin waited upon Angelina, anticipating her w ishes w ith lover-like rapidity, she nOw watts upon herself, and in a little while th e positions a re totally reversc'd, and Angelina waits on Ed win. Complete self-effacement markB her statu s. The daintiest morsel of th e joint, the choicest fruit, th e moBt comfortable chair, and the coziest cor n e r of th e room, each is allotted to th e ’ spoilt husband, accepts all. He allows h e r to fetch and carry for him as h o ‘ would a dog, often w ithout a word of thanks equivalent to th e pat bestowed on th e dumb animal. Truly a spoilt husband this, and a spoilt- dis position In consequence, which exerts a po tent influence on those w ith whom it is brought into contact during tho ro u tin e , of dally life- This m ight have been otherw ise had a little com mon sense and self-restraint on th e p a rt of Angelina led h e r to exact h e r due share of respect and devotion '• •’m Edwin. 1A Dress for Girls. i t has recently become the fashion to model children’s garm ents on th e same lines a s those made for mamma, and very proud is tho child who can wear a sm a rt frock like th e accom panying illustration, w ith its tig h t sleeves, p rettily trimm ed w aist and graceful little three-piece skirt. China blue and cocoa brown novelty cloth Is here combined w ith bluo tucked Lib erty sa tin and trimmed w ith brown ribbon velvet. The w aist is Blightly bloused back and front, fitted w ith underarm and shoulder a cams. T h e round yoke of blue Liberty eattn to outlined by a pointed bejrtba, trimmed with two row# of the ribbon velvet. The clone- fitting two-piece sleeve to trimmed at the wrists with narrow frills sur mounted with two rows ot ribbon vtl- tet, Crush belt If brown velvet, lh*; three pleee skirt fits smoothly aerate tho front and over the hips, and above the hem ribbon velvet 1* applied In point# to match the berth* on the waist. Thli to * very stylish little frock and can he made «p ia serge, cashmere, Venetian, cheviot or novelty good# and trimmed with rib bon. Silk, velvet, gimp, with tnckqg or corded Liberty satin, taffeta, laos or other yoking. To make this drees for * girt eight yeans of am will require two and ewe- half yeteto m materiel tortf ftmr 'ache* wide MAT MAHTCm High Class Trotters on New York's Great Speedway A RARE SIGHT FOR AU More Fast Horsee Can Be Seen There Then on Any Other Drive In the World—A Recent Sunday Morning Moot—The Exclusive List, Ever since the tro ttin g horse became a recognised product of this country New York has been th e g re a t centre toward which each breeder turned a longing eye, hoping some day to pro duce a world beater th a t should find a m arket there. In the early days of breeding the tro tte r the road riders of th e metropolis absorbed the champion performers, and in a certain sens* this is true to-day. " Of course, w ith the Immense growth of -breeding light harness horses, when thousands a re produced annually, no one section or city can absorb all, but it is safe to say th a t a t the present time there a re more high class tro tters in New York th a n all other cities in th e country. The reason 1 b not far. to seek. Now York n atu rally a ttra c ts a class of men who Have the means and wealth to gratify a desire fo r whatever they wish. F o r many years the g reat draw back to harness sport was the lack of a suitable place for fa st driving. Few men care- to own a fa st horse unless they can gratify the ambition to havea fa st one and excel some competitor in point-of speed. Now all this is changed. The owner and lover of the light harness horse has free access to the .finest drive de voted to fast driving in the world, it is twfcoon not- alone acce-rible to the, man of wealth, who drives a champion th a t perhaps represents an outlay of many thousands of dollars, b u t equally so to the man of humble means who probably finds as much pleasure behind his modest priced tro tte r a s fails to the lot" of the wealthy devotee. Again, it is not alone those who drive th a t vote Speedway P a rk one of the brightest and most enjoyable spots in Greater New York. Thousands who make the journey by ca r to enjoy the beautiful scenery and watch the sport derive fully a s much pleasure as'tho se w^o drive. The visitor who h ad not seen the lo cality in ten years would scarcely rec ognize the place to-day. What was then a rough, unattractive spot of wilderness has been transformed into a lovely p a rk stretching for two miles along the bank's of the Harlem River. The rugged beauty -of n atu re Has been softened and. made more attractive. The ruged b e a u ty of nature hoe been softened and made more attractive. The sheltered nooks and overhanging cliffs present an ever changing pano ram a th a t alone would make a visit well worth the jo u n ey . When to this Is added the most m ag nificent speeding ground m an ever con structed, over whose surface one can see almost dally the fastest harness horses in the world competing in spir ited contests, what could th e ' lover of nature or sport desire th a t is not here provided for his enjoyment? The approach from the Viaduct at 155th street has been hewn for the greater p a rt o t the way out of solid rock. This p a rt of th e drive hus a m a cadam stone surface. The broad walks on either side invite the pedestrian to Join the throng and view th e sport Many, however, prefer to make the Journey up Amsterdam avenue, leaving the c a r a t Washington Bridge and passing down the broad stone steps, th a t lead' to the drive. A t the end of the approach the Speedway proper begins, and extends for a trifle over a mile and a h a lf to Dykemau street, which is really a m a cadamized extension. The construction of the roadued is sim ilar to th a t of the' traelcs where harness races are held, and no track has b etter care or is kept In more perfect order. The first stretch extend.! to High Bridge. From this point to Washington Bi-luge there is a slight descent a s the upper stretch is reached. , I t is here th a t the drivers usually congregate and the majority of the con tests take place. The lower stretch Is rarely used for speeding, except on the homeward journey, v. hen a p a rty of friends Indulge In a grand scramble to see which shall first reach the macad am. Sunday morning, from ten to twelve o'clock, Is when the drive is liable to be most a ttractive to th e lover of h a r ness sport. The visitor may then see not only many of the fa ste st horses the skill of th e breeder and trainer has produced, bu t prominent visiting horse men from other cities who sojourn licrf to enjoy the advantage of the famous drive. A t a recent Sunday morning meet, among the many famous horses seen in th e throng, w as Robert J., 2:01 1-2, the champion harness horse of the wo Id a t the time he was tran& ferrel from th e race Hack to the road, an l Humps, 1:03^1, th a t now holds the worla’s rec ord to ttngon. Among others seut-eely less noted were Bessie Ronehlll, 2:05?4; Roy Wilkes, 2:0# 1-2,* Darlel, 2:0rii; Lizzie Wilkes, t:M% Ddvid B., 2;03$i* Jam es L., 2:0# 1-2; K ing Egbert, 2:09ft; Lucille, 2:09ft: Nettle Jefferson, 2:10ft; J , R, D., 2:10ft; Ambidexter, 2 ;llft; Iron Ban, 2:11ft; Jack, 2:12ft; Chanty 2:13ft; We*t Wilke*, 2:18ft; Glen M en Boy, 2:11ft; Bir Eld, 2:14ft, and per haps others which figure a s member* Of the exclusive 2:18 list, This was no t afty special occasion, either, b u t is such common occurrence th a t many of th e regular spectator* come to know alt the fipeedway stara, which of course, adds greatly to the enjoj ment of witneeeifig th e contests. Those present th a t morning saw the famous "cracks,*’ Robert J., 2:01 1 . 2 ; Bumps, 2:08ft; Darlel, 2:07ft, and Jack 2:121-2, in one o t th e beet contests ever scon over the drive. Add to th e spirited scenes of speed the long line of pleasure vehicles mov ing in an endless chain up one side and down th e other th e thousands o t spec ta to rs th a t line th e w alks m eith er aid* end one h a s a h ideal picture o f What th e fipeedway h a s done tow ard contri buting to the pleasures o t thoee fo rtu n a te enough to dwell w ithin th e circle of its magic influence, N* ttgeuee fe c T h fa k , tn Peris there to * wine atop ter every th re e houses. following ctoeriy upon the retteer *t the retirement of John items, Msg- lend, from ait active participatfe* m of wrttnited fete*, in <*re*t Britain to theieeeof anethet temone lender in the m m m of Jeeerit Arch, the waii-kmroii aeMeeftwnTl*-. hem-nndMmther*f Pertin e nt, Mr. ArMt senfamn rim mmer tent, he w« r e n te frsm n a aetree w en t in tew in- ttft Hw ttWW ~ — C i n c i n n a t i PM n lo n , mdStekpi—orrt 8gh*#msIFa<wasarTr«kt*«iobaUtei. -|1'T rT » T F i^ ''7 T r;r.;2h W estward. « (Trlh'M i f lolNM-ia s . V,,*a ti??X, Alton....... ■ i a s s . is p s * *';• .’iOMSSS ' * ■ - t .war s , *iOis -1- - ffisszS ,iv.Uiftf fciorr.fM i Spring Valiey.,.:, “ JBj. !l050( ^ w a y S S v i i u I * ;J43?ma!ii a l . t e n & s z r S H J f i : ■ Morrow..,......... " ! 505 930U35i 4381 ’ W fS t J#fi«rso;i Lo u d o n . . . . So. C’iiw Jy ro n helms ■ tV d a rv illo .......... Wilbirlbro*.— **■*•...— {w! iihf8>,ib3/' Boutlt LetMiuou. Lovalaad.... M ilfo rd ...___ V a t s v ls je ...., C lB d lB S tl. „*r. ■ (i E astw ard f ib w i s s s t l lv Batavia Jo... ’■ Milford----- •* l/»V0|and " Bo. Lebanon ” Morrow........ “ Ft, Ancient" O r e g o n l a ” Waynesvlllo *» Koxamia...." Bpr’g Valley *• X r a l a . | Wilberfcroe Cedarvile..... "' nett OtrltHm. •• L o n i l o a . “ W.Jelftnoo ” Alton......... « Colembni *r. 15«*830) reot • 6 IE 635 5 654 . 705 £ f714 . 720 . 729». 741 *' . 7511007 5351001-1! " •M i : r,aoioM- AMlASlj; | >’» 1? UIW 1012 7 18 81, 8 21 ) ...... Iio|lO S7) 90S .... 9 IS ...... 93all30 AMIAM M m s iss f Ilgie "IftSS i.«2 4|5:§ 5-53(530; 5 I'M| I’M‘ % •I'M! , .iff |817xy 458 HI |n 46* lie am 5*1133 11311211 CM pm J am | pm K ■etwees 8priiire»IA Xento^Deyiow, WCSTWAItp. SpfisfteM T«U*vtfriefi..” Z e a l s , D a y ton . Bteekvllle.... *• EM on to ” RlehmoiM.-rar. EASTWARD Eldorado“ .SrakviU*:.*' Dayton I f ’ Xenia TtllmSMt.' tngfleia * Bera ♦400 430 430 AM AM *73S ' 75f’ 8151 820*350 8551917 855 917 922! 53010lO'lOSS SoaldO, AM 1*745 1130 AU I’M m VH IO 3TffTT AM VMAM •550 10*10 te ia ...i. 642 li’ib 715 _ 715 mo 760 1135 8164M 8354« AM 95:- is4 I’M• lluiitviU «fleniu bSlon to dluktrg* pi • m j .-1Unto* f : lUMBgVt r«eiv*l tut Inept Suptoj. DarkFaeeSTyMbMbe fiat Groalt.09aM3lol2.00a;<l- ■iglit; tiftht fuid from12.00 8udni{bt U 12.00 doob . 1 'n llm n u N lr e p le r Can* on Now, St,.t. 7 ,1 4 ,3 0 und 31 either run thmugli viaOitluni- bns nnd Pittsburgh or connect through I*i Us- burgh Union Station to and from llalttmom, Washington, Philadelphia and N ew York, N o s. a , SOI a n d 3 1 connect atR ichm ond fur Indianapolis and St. L a n in :. N«M- 3 i a n d a for Chicago: N o . SOI for Logansport. I,. KJfoOREE, ' E . A . FORD, Geatrtl Xuugtr, Cuen! Ptauftr 1-tat, 12-I0-89.-I? PiTOBUROH, PXXN’A. For tim ecards,rates o f fare, through tickets, baggage checks, and farther information re garding the running o f trains apply to any agent or the P ennsylvania Lines. Mrs. Ella B. Frantz Teacher of. Piano ; and Organ^fa- New England (Boston) Con servatory Method Taught' ■ ... ■’ ' " ■",l We go to your house if desireA Term Reasonable. . Tecumseh Nurseries, C ed a rv il l e , - *' - O h io . XEfllfl OPERAHOUSE ;C. L McClellan, Mgr, Monday,February 26. Janies A. Heme’s Beautiful Play, Shore Acres. . Direction of Henry <J. Miner. Carrying a car load of special scenery. Older your tickets by mail. Prices 25 ,00 ,75c and $1.00. PATENTS ;Cav«atf,aadTnMleMadisoM red aadall r*t f witbasioeeeconfected for MlMfoMTt Wts. ; ;0« r o m e t taareaaiTC u.S.lhtttNT ornct !»itdwe ran eerare patent in te a tfesethsa tfcwt: itemete form Wsthingtoe, ! 1 Seed model,drawiag or photo,,WithdtKrip- | t a W« adviM, if M toitdli or set, free m charge, OaffoeMtddaetilliMtteatuaecnred. ! A INimraurr,’’Howto OhtalnPsteeti,” wid; MX n mm* <etheU.S. and fotekm ceastnet teetfree. Addreee, O .A .S N O W d b O O . - O te. PAT*BITOrtha t, WASHINATeH, D. C» WANTED Several Bright and Honest pf- I* eons to repreient us «« Managers in eM* and elose by wmntier. Salary |» 0 a year »»* expeaae*. Straight, bwrfi-M*, no were, no ltd salary. PcaitleB permanent. 0ttr reference*, any bank ia any town. I t U wainly o!te Work rendseted at hetae. Heferenre. K. elesa Betf-addrisaed ataniped envelope. T « * D o zia to x (’« m f a < i v , D e p t. 3 , Chks*»< IfaW iU ’s W itc h I is r e l 8aiv eh unequitDed to r pile#, injuries s#$ sk in dfareses. Xt is th e o rig iu sl Wifi* H « ie l thrive, B ew are o f a ll co u n t# fella, R irifway A, C o ., Druggiifa - New i i t u p Caiiforaia Apricote. Peache*, Pruvoee, GrepeeanJ lfaisite* a t i h t y % ' ... — “ Bo touch ha* been w ritten abote *8h<wf' Arnmf atueeitoim iwoduclfaffj th a t it ia riiiHeai; toXml fareh v w f a to i t t fa ith * 1 •-Om aha fee. (teekMWMMfa . we mm , nearesteerike -jmldyoa | lq #eat to y TWENT ■OK cot IH* f iW t Ol Diogenes [has been Jem [was noted f ihaluto, bu t t j nut taken n t 1they called li [adaya they a B u t it wm I f a man s be common DO- taken ou kicked into t rhe-ahould ailed a pliil Tbef^are iriiobavethi recall them Diogenes - lluded to go I'eM, afid fot Itehe alivin HU father i try an e> euoe be. i ben grown [use, little Igab whei [uid sbut uveteAtioc ehtthat [r* glad, a, in t et over it, Diogenes applied couf oiks than een licked' [very chanc pight not it he woul koreaccour |aking citi: matter anted to g a, and nc [Poo mucl gtion. I f 1bankrupt {make an i account - ogues l i t will be liloeophcr [Diogenes - erly no * [c, so he t took Uj Iver took ing, just , ge«o bthes neec bed. Elf he was ird of it, agratulat liTf him. Iiyto ai liloeophcr [It fa rclat 11 ■tforth ’ il i honest n the. T Oh like jit he sen [•omethir •iogeues i Choice ieV«r e»' 1 the wt rbidft' - ifrreput two oi Kt I* ais i eallcd it he wi to sta tuniig | o f D io lafao tre i«p givei -o | wudd; pflfl v f « a t o
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