The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
If". LTW. ’ ' , r 5 ^ ” •l"" *•“ *'<:’ ! ' • "* ** " v # JBFv * e-.-.-tf-sWipM!'* ' ,’1: ' # -*8 $ V . a* 4- ,.***,. — T . ~ i t T C S T l We 4e mti i FAV « M , % XiQCtI l i f t llJMOWkL j/i '§ y b a p ) h v r m r . mm t wsythinr good, go <ar£ w ■• *V: - '.,“ -.■• to u ta f i, Sd McCown w*« in Dayton* on ' TW ntay. i t ' '.--*■■—Belktar* and General Hardware, a t C. M. CrouseV Milt Lea* Gilbert ta spending her veearion here with her parents, . - H . i t B ai^tr, agent for the American Book and Bible Houae, ’ Flttfttaiphta, R*,, can supply yon . with anythlngfewa * Bpelltag Book to * BiWe, which ie the &»k of broke. ' • • -T', Jtatay Meagher, era* killed one day leotVeak a t SeHsville, by one o f the large elephant* of Forepaugh- and BeBtBree. circus. , ’■] , . ^ •—Gray keep* nothing but ihe beet ta htalfoeof goods, J ■ ' v . - •Grieeh, o fXenia, areheadquart- <m f x the fine* Cream atid Ice*. They ship to all peris ofthe county. Mr* Harriet Hiff was among the ftaft o f penaboen wha was granted a iptninn had week. A jpenriotr o f 18 •Wmeftth, and abo«itf200.was granted. Mb* Bjrler, whois en joyed a t the ©. 8 . A & O, Home, Xenia, era* the greet of friends here, Thursday. —w i g . in Xenia take dinner wif)»Qriee< in their «‘New Home,/ Xp. l# l3hreen Streat. -. Dr. Dixon, wife and eon, went to Baa* county, last week, to visit their patents,, end* other relative*. Air. Dixon referred Tuesday: hut Mm. Dixon and eon, wit) not he back until the fia t o f next week. ■Otaftka, eapa, eollaretUi, pocket Vseka, khmhrts and 1000 thing** ■Better ream redas* far yourself. . Atexaader Sc&p*hrt Xenia* ffife^O tyelataK to b* **ibe liter* liN t t.-iwa awat of ChMago/' b e t the jfltap ia'hf St. Louis h ire hot a« yet gMMntod their tide of the ease, —J . B. (Berk, Peoria, JUf,. say#; “Smgeeaa wanted to operate on me Am pOea, but I cured them with im w itf Witch Haael Setae* I t it MdHMc for pile# and akin distorts, Bamare of ooaatarieiu. Btdgway I On., drwmritte. •f h h i l health ia that ortiditi&it of lha heJy when digestion ia so perfect ,Anl MmphymdoglMl balance between th> l a l i i a iw and construction that ■m pm caasalaady ia oalt Hfc ia dally l i j f n w m a l .-X B, W am ro. —When yon wtah to purchase Bahaa or Biaaketa come in and ex ariftaa my atari;, an t bar* the beet that is kept In oar reember I mill not be Dorn, the Hameit Man, riHA -lAw. mmJt If* wW’- XVnPIIMHi ww*“ s» 11(1 fflsi ' d KA t^ykaia » ^wBwWBPHmg PI XJMWWIiJj n te the fhnettl o f Mix. Anna m - -Hew neckwear In talent boltdey n . 00 eanlt to If,SO, I t 8. Xante, Olio. ay ereniag, tha Mahhath and etafgiegatkerof the O. $■ * {* BMMlBhllJBilFBk lilJWWB# j BBP^WWBI IB ml iHBIMy [$? gN itnnk Thla ram fcBawad h r tha te the «hMd gJS •BMP tBWS Among dm pram La Ana tanip, Tfcfc te W. d. w, who mm rim* * aMaAanBmkSamh^mnemv | v BB^^W P^^a^BWPWB rws itentfieoNM ant and t> atop a e f On* Mtaeta *4 w t tang trawfaii*. it t* tnhe. ft A B C e . m wtah n mark a f h a | gtaAim tha keaeta an the ride e f the gtaar.’ aa wall m that e f the reeatr er and enah ghdaga a rt rrnrthy ael* o f g g g ta h l llraa. —A atadee tarn e f all kindc ef Q u a n ta , a t U » rk , Him Bata* Caalay, o f Xenia, npant Chrimmaa vWi her ahter, Mta. Hattie HmhtaeMi. - ^ —Mr*, d . Sbeer, S«da)ia, Mo., aavad hbchid 'a Iftta by One Minnte Cough Onm. Doctor*bad gimmber up la die wUberoap. Dhaninlrilihta cure for eougha, cold*, grippe, pn*u ■monta, brewnkWa and throat and tang troubles. Batamss a t once. BMg»* m y AO o.drngritak ' • * —••Ten H%hte in a Bar Boom** aa played by Caok Bee*’. Big Company ghnaa the pnblie an interpratarion of iliii ftaneha draaaa never before atan a t the Opera Home to«n^ it D r. d . O, 9 t* w * rtt Fhyarian andSuigaon. %metalitainMytaiKltri D n r. f l l tw t a A ^ n n d i i f Ad* j m i i >"8armr*CTioa Ovanma* TB*D, Mr* mnd Mr*. William Wiidman, of Srima, apapt Cbriatma* with Mr. and Mra. W, d* WiMmam Mmma Maud and Elrie Witam, of Columbus, were guests of Mrs. VV. J . Wiidman, Wednesday*. —A gentleman** present—box of elegant cigars a t C. M. Ridgway, Mr. and Mrs. Chs*. Dobbins euter- taiued relative* to dinner,Wednesday, —Fo* S alk - t ISO double shocks of bundled fodder.—James Holmes. ’ **'* ^ * - Mm. C A', dowdy, of Cbicago, is viriring her parents, Bev. and Mrs. A. D . Maddox, .—Almost a carload of handker chiefs. Special holiday line, new do* signs—5c. to $3; better lor the money and larger stock than ever. Alexander A Spshr, Xenia. Lewi* Henael, of Dayton, a former citisen ofthis plaec, is visiting here. Dr- P. R . Madden, Practioo lim - fieri to EYE, HAIL NOSE AND THROAT. OlaaiMAccurately Ad justed. A llen Building, Xenia, O. OSke 2*>, ; j , l ulAste No. 37 . Springfield . p*pem have it that Leon Houston, the well known cap italist and fiirmer, o f Sontb Charlee* ton, clesred nearly 160,000 in the last few months, owing to the heavy advance, in wool. Mr. Houston, thinking that web would be the case, purchased nearly 1,000,000 pound* —Anew holiday line o f umbrellas. Prices t l to $7. *B S. Kingsbury. Xenia. Ohio. —Hewcrop canned Apples, (Corn and Tomato**, a t Gray’s. ' —Silver novelties, ebony goods, Battenherg sets, open work linen eats, linen table sets, napkin* to match. Alexander St Spahr, Xenia. I t is mid that them am 101 fermert and savantsen meshwntai ta Urn lower home of rim Connecticut Imgbtature. Over Am tom e f doeumeui* pm- dneed by Kogiand ta the Vonennetan arbitration ease have lmen removed from Paris, I t required two large railway van* to taka them away* —Marshall can earn for more rigs than any other Livery Stable in Xenia. A French arientiet has Totted that some kinde of mnshroom aflhrd n vac cine agnfnet rim vsnom o f snakes. Tkejato* of the msahtooas renders a feteon immuno against rim poison for a month or two, A petrified priest lit a sandstone fermarion hm been dismvewd ta Itontt eeunly, California, Jgams Towmtay ami wife, of Fraaklta, Ohm, mtutaod to their home this past weak, rimy bring t a n ta attondanm a t rim fnimml o f the late Amo* Cmiwrii Wmley HnAmn bm been gnuttod an tasmase ta pcmirn from f i t to llf i per monrii with lack puy from IfifiL ■FhmVriism, Mnehiatorim*, Stet hats, eto .,«ll makeneribl pres- m is Jt, S. Ki«Brim»y» Xenia, Ohio, Mm, J*mm Kyle, of Xetria, is fi« i» g m m m hm womuwWB sh iiiii -The w*«k )* right. TW prim is M l fj A^ng wA' Iras'. Q d ta r, l a b , Q, I l> past eMse wfll ba «p*a Am I# to 11 riataak a. m, and ’4 to Ap. B. ChrirekM, Bmiln. V t, e f rim BBfnm^w ni^waktawMi JHMMn Mm. AmeeTonktasen and dmigh- tor Fanab, «va vMMfiflwr brother, Vtoso Bakssstsaw, atTmp, Q. Cftriton Malaftsi, u »ttandaat a t tha asytam»ltapeftm u*tafe Ids frmnds hem a lying risk, Mondsy aight. ■W.M.BarimrisshBfimnandgrand- «idNbrsn,Mr#aad Mae. D. H . Mtoeball and Mr. and Mia. Charisa Marshall and ion, spent Chriatmne day with W. L. Marahai, Xmri*. Boy Stwrett, who ia attending school* a t Geneva college, P«nn, ta Spendingbtavacation with hi* parents, here- —There is still time to have your Christmas Photos, made a t Anderson Bros'. Gallery, Xenia, 0 ., next door to Hntrihinson Sc Gibnay’a, Mr. Will Weymouth and family, ofDayton, spent* fewdays this week with relatives and Friends here. Mr. Charles Gtttangb and little daughter Pauline, were in Dayton, a few day*, this Week. Mr. and Mrs, Thompson Craw ford entertained Dr. Mnrton and family, Tbomaa Turner, and Ed and Boss MeCown for dinner, Tuesday, Joseph Osborn* of Cincinnati, was iii town a few days this week. A. B. Bull entertained quite a number of relatives for dinner, Tues day. - /.The M. E. church held their Christmas entertainment on Monday night. - The church was beautifully decorated with cedar and bunting. —New Crop California Apricots, Feacbesi; Prtttnes, Grapes and Raisins, at Gray**. Mr. and Mre. Freudeutlmll, o f Chicago, arc visiting her parents, Mr. and Mia. 8 . L. Walker, The U. P . church will hold n social and Hew YeaFa treat for the Sab bath school in the church next Mon dayevening. Mr. Hamer McMillan, a graduate of, and now » student of the ' theological seminary at Hew Brunswick, ;New Jersey, i« spending bta vacation bore and will preach in the B . P- church to-morrow. We are very grateful to eeveral of our friends for calling at our office and settling their account with the H erald , but there are several othen that we would be glad to see, —When in Xenta, feed your horse at Marshalls Livery Stable, Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Crouse spent Christmas with their son Chirks Crouse, Jr., and wife, at.Sebina. —Smoking jackets or house coats make useful presents. We have* them from $5 to $10. All sires B. 8 . Kingsbury, Xenta, Ohio. Mrs. Margaret Crawford and Mrs. Elisabeth Aiken, of Logan county, are tha guests of Mrs. Mary J . Me Million. Several hare inquired as to where our information wa* received about John Alex. Dowie in last week's tame. I t waa taken from the (Tin- rinnati Post written by Calkins, the Chicago correspondent, Dr. J . 1 >. Steward made a Hying trip to Missouri, last week, returning Saturday evening* Messrs, J . M, Bull and William Spencer, with their families, spent Thursday, the guest of Thomas Spen oer, of Jamestown, Mr* John Cline, who used to ben resident of this piece died at the home of hta stater ta Indians, last Saturday* For the last few yean he hi* haen living a t the Soldier* Home a t Dayton, The malt and express business has boon execedtagly beery owing to the holiday trade, One of the mail sacks berated last Friday, when the postal etaskonrim feat train attempted to eateh it, —500 bottles ofWhile Pine Cough Syrup* sold taut winter and no Oom- piatatatG . Iff, JUdgwayV. Mtaa Della Johnston, of Xenia, spent Tuesday, rim- gueet of Mite AuMida DaiNriC Btnsriir Cream, nothing hotter tor chafed bands awl rough skin i t C, M. Wdfwey Mrs, J* IS, Meier, a f Jamestown, and Mbs Amanda OvfieM, o f rim O, II. A S, O Home, agent the botidey fita^mI^Jkmn^n w^^nw ® Prof. Mata, wife and little dangb* lar Bath, e f Clbftrimf , wees the ■ha H mmm mm S b * - M l M M JBrTMp JMMf* A m c r ^ W» tbnene held leak Mandey* attb* tanas * Chaa. Weakly* Sr The party «u» given Aw tkeaMUesn bat a lumber e f aUter people »**» prae* eat to help them enjoy ibsmeelvee. Dinner wa*served a t Id o’clock. A Christinas Iran was tha main featura e f the day. Immedlalriy after tfianer the happy crowd gathered I* the per- lor and after a number of speeches by tbs little ones, the tm< was despoiled of its gifts, each <um re ceiving a generous share. —Hot water bottle syringe* of all kinds, and atomisers, guarautecd at C, M. Ridgway. Mr. Wallace Ilifle and Mies Faunie Towneley spent durtatmss day with M tarByierof the “Home.’* . Mr. Janie* Mitchell made a busi ness trip to Springfield the first of the week, Mias Efle Dnffisld left Friday for a short visit to her brother Wifi, of Itayton. Mr, J , W. Pollock and family en tertained friends at dinner and stipper, Thursday. Mr*. J . H , Andrew entertained « few of her friend* a tn dinnerparty, yesterday. A number of invited guests sssem- bled a t the home of Mr, and Mrs. Will Nbrthup for dinner* yesterduy. Win C.Shope,formally ofthis place but |tow a resutent in Portage county,, this state, is calling on his old-titoe friends and relatives. It has been 31 yet irs since M r. Shupe loft this village. Miss Mabel Owens entertained, a few friends at her home, Wednesday eve. Mr*. J . G McMillan, of Smith Charleston* is spending a few days' with Cedarville relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J t II. Drake, east of town entertained a large number of their friends nt a Christmasdiniier. Several from Xenia were in attend ance. _ Miss Bertha Mitchell, who has been making her home with her grand mother, Mrs. Shannon, of Xenia, is spending her vacation with her parents of this place. MissLizzie Wylie, who is cmployrtl in the telephone exchange office, in Cincinnati, will spend a week's vaca tion here,, NEW YORK RACKET STORE. O u r l a r g e s a l e r o o m i s f u l l w i t h T o y s o f a l l k i n d a n d d e s c r i p t i o n t h a t w i l l m a k e s u i t a b l e X m a s P r e s e n t s , W e m e n t i o n o n l y a f e w . m m 4PM ft« BMf Clothes Wringer, the feet that rsubenunle for the ui'Miey and far ahead of the ordin ary cheap wring ever #1.33 Teachers’ Oxford Bi01^4»*»*»*•*#•***«»ease****<M*r»f* a08 Album, 21 cabinet, J*j card p h o t O i # , .70 Set Knives end Forks—Win, H o g e r # . . 3.31 Metlallious, 6x8, bronze, gilt, dirt cheap a t 30c HOWMiM*v*l*»«*i****i*rii*f ,m n .30 Wall Pocket under glam, fitted with very fine subject ***is*a»»***« 4 ««e*,eai*v»s j * e *1 M 4 French Plate M irror..,., 1.13 Novelty Clock, play* 20 minutes, wakesyou in good humor'...;............. ............................... 3.50 Gold-plated Spectacles, warranted 10 year*..... ,62 Indies* Bing, warranted to wear 10 year-,...... ,41 Ska tes..................................... ................ ,3$ Bracelet with padlock and k e y ....................... , 4 $ Sweet Bye and Bye, no perfume o f equality can be arid a t its price......... ....... ............. ,10 fi ineb Oak Picture^Frame 16x20.,.,....,.....,... ,92 An elegant St* Celia M e d a l i i o u .53 Stand Cover * » # * » * * « v*w eeev « * « * * * *!■*•**•**,• a ********* .33 F$irofBfauil;t|K kliftfViM*******««»»«■»*M»■ .65 Comforts**#•>«*** *»**«V «»**»**f»*tt«**»#**» 13Q We alio bav* a nice Hue of Clothing and Shoes, Don't tail to give us a call if you are looking for ••Bargains.” * _ .............. ......... . - TWCHTY ' l i t LIST OP-LKTTEIU. List of lettera remaining uncalled forln the Cedarville poatoffice for the month ending Dec. 30,1809. ’ List Ho. 52. Beach, Mrs. Ana Herl, Jamre Hencry, Wiliianl Paine, Willie Webster, Augie T, H. T arbox , P . M. H E L 0 V E D J I I S W I F E W* had been married about at* lontba whea Miranda advised me that >r Aunt Bareh waa comln*. I aatd "Yee, dear/’ and tried to look easaat, I bad expected this for sometime, aad ta a way prepared for the ordeal, “You will be glad to aee her, woft*t your, Curtis?” ‘Tit.*’ “No, yon Won't,” “Yes, I wui-reelly." “Yon don't like her.*’ “Xeat sure, deer, that she is all that one could expect her to be.” There it no accounting for the ways and doings of womankind. That wee the nicest thing I could think of say* lag, but Miranda iamped sp with on* of her ieahilght gianeec af indignation aad left the room. M iranda war n ttm u tm nroiDnxit* PAH** fttOK I found her in the garde*. Over the hills to the north hung a few firecy clouds, The mu blared fiercely out of e*u<Mor!ai skies, In the touedcimt Shade of the maples our fowls end household pet* lay treat*!! and pe- tieet, Miranda wee h aetU ig tweide th e p ea ty he*, mgefied in weediag aad' atfrrlag th e t e ll Thera ie aothta* mere eemdlieiiMt than a- pveperfni attUiide. t atm haeft •a d hs«sa te weed. We weeded eft In eiiefte*. The eat area* end m ate w ith * pm etfel parr r a MTnrarauiM%t"h# deg that, has aevre E tm t a ree* wbeft aaethar m«hw M ia m i a metre ter -heeHUttes. NEW YORK RACKET STORE, XENIA, OHIO. # a « f t O s M o e a q r . W » o p r i » t o r . CAliC! Crown 3 A K I N Q P O W P E R AftftOtuTstLY e u n e a r SND S gST "MftPft....... P O U N D S , S O C T 3 . SOLDBY ALLWIH»T~ -o L a s fta n o C g B S .,..,. 5 0 YEARS’ 'EXPERIENCE P atents A B O U T . FINEHOLIDAYGOODS We Have the Assortment. •ftfiDgnififtn* OcsiaNS, CoevmoHTS A c. MHiuaiy jsiien ew it iw *. wjrim vi* * » v v " JnvMtloa l«proSsblr patmttaWe, ComtonnUf. tlontstricslyeoanOsnUal. HandbookonPatents ssntfrsa. OW««tiMisncyfor,ecnrli:.TriU*nta. FatnU taken tbrouah JIo>::i * Co. iccels* n^MSaatks. »ltbo«td»anre, IniJiC StttMifiCHweim AkandsowsJrllliwttatedyertrtr. T.nrtettejf. aniBrtraw. New York MgtOdisI^Cn/: . mm ta * BUWa»hla*,oe.».( PATENTS ,Caveat,,a »4 Trade-MarksobtaioodaadallPat- > ’•atbdtioewcondactedftirMenciiaTcrtca. ;' OenOmccisosroerreU.e.eaTcnTOrricc ; •newscanaecuwspatentin lets ninethanthose ’ rttaotofromWashington. , S*sSmodel,drawingocphoto,,withdeseny. • ion, Wn advise, If pstentable or not, free of ; harr*. OarfeenotaoetillpatcntisSccared. , ft hBMUT. M HowtoObtainPatent,,’’with > u k o tiu K ^nthe V.S. andforeigncosntrits | ass*fmn. Address, O . A . 8 N O W A O O . o rr. vntcnv e m u ' W* shi ** to «»< d . C. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure D i g e s t s w h a t y o u e a t . Ifcartiflclallydigests the foodand aids Mature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans, I t is the Infest discovereddigest, ant and tonic, Tfoother yueperatiou can approach it In efficiency. I t in stantly relieves ami permanentlycares Dyspepsia, Indigestion,' Heartburn, flatulence, Soar Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache,Ga 8 tra]gia,€rainps,and auotherresultsoflmperfectdlgestloa Prep«red by E.C. DsWittACo* Cntceg* For sale by Ridgway A Co. Our Wat^h stock is onp of the largest in thecity, . Fine Opera Glarew, Gold .Spectacles «nd Eye Glawne. 7 A large *tnck of nit style.* of nice Jeivclrv. Wo have an efepfttit assortment of Diamonds. IVe have « store fell ’of elegant Silverware. We linue the largest aesostmeiyt of Sterling Silver Hoveltiesin the city. Our stack o f Sterling Silver Hovel- ties is pot excelled. Onvx, Enaynel, China, Marble and a large variety ofFAHGY CLOCKS We Guarantee Our Prices The Lowest. v to s p fe to tlM tU iy liA v & tta y o u t o o o .U o m d MOO o u o S t o f i r o o p o u # t r o # y ^ ' .■ OTTOUtUMw ' C. O. FR IED 6 E, Main St., Springfield, 0. IT lH T U T M H m 55fm*.sll2S5n** TMftATtVrMMM HOLIDAY GOODS. There never has been such a demand for Holiday Goods, and wc are wetter prepared then over before to supply your Holiday Want*, with the newest and latest merchandise. Irrrrz BlreciJy she came- bsch and, itt33ius f&gere through my hair, took a o.<i>Lcltl and began the ewiverastloB, ‘•You don’t mind her coming, dr rou, Curtis?” “I think you might take my word for “Answer” Yen remember the advantage she had aken. I said; “No,” Later the seme toy, when she w.o? suiting away the te* dishes, I wrote Jilt the following statement; “I am glad Aunt Sarah is coming, Her rresente will Add to.the sum total of my happiness, I -shall fee better for her having come, My wife will he hap pier and what more can I want? it will be a good thing for the eomnnmity at large, for do hot all great minds proclaim that the welfare of the state depend* upon the happiness of the home?” , f was «going to write more, but she looked over my shoulder, took the pa- per away, *»sa I was a goose ana kept busy eft hour and a half watering tore bushes. The sunset that evening was won* derfftb A blue cloud willed into * «e* ef crimson and around its edge wore n ■Jo'd;v fringe, 1 p from this the skis* seriated «n> numbered shade* of marvellous hue*, presently we stood, watching night west shout w«end onr home. We torn sd into the path through the ?.«hard with clasped hands. A*«t ftarsh or ten of h*r- no man shftnld he alons' {.*h!eago Iftunorrat, Jawesry and 4tr|oher nt H»* ^une r r eiwrftyn t o r t h e mm * d«y. mo April Jftly. *hw fteptemhei and -k. — las IMwonry, Hmrch ew* Wo fe1 it i* flHHTiHPJ' JWW h By the (from 25 and 50e. MM #iWW At 25,50 ami f5c an! |U h b S y i l i u . mWmm j (BPT^WpnF' At 01 25,1.50 am! 2 00 a p t. IRE^f m m m w i v i i 50,05. n nnd itae. yM NM PICBNtt On Matt#, 1000 at 10c eadi, d M N W m At 39, 30 ntnl 75b All kinds 3e to §5,00, Fitted a t 01.00, 1,25 and 1.50. i n | u r n * i n • How 08c» D f t n i f i t f i *3.9810*7.75. mk him Correct styles, Low price. ffiftJIft* Via*a feRRKft fro* BBVIi 11 .23 ,150 ,200 *ttd $M . H y m n 8 iM N k tta #2.75, 3.60, d.Off and 0.00, #100 to 2,00* F o r Wfttat* a t JSeftml #LO 0 . i i t f i t o i t m IKE ! ' Jecttaent •< , , fewm in When Hon .. thega county [ifrder a t 2 (A j I o ' i >n, every ref of the I nobly eras a house. The ceucus « i» feting the U'i »1 Bteneken Itoirnis. A resolntitn L’urdy. of Mini rnling for the < lions should l ominsringsp* iildklate not lies. ..Wteeu-:;: non • ^OBaP'Stota lta l for iredthefio )«would witht eynoldsof L The derksb Ifrie, and of liuatod. n te it uuani W . B D u l tiger ele vrdiugeterr. forenrellingi ^ . v Mr'Horace %■*' tsrive’from Hon. Andrew whose record •to every pci- 4 W*g: seeondt iner.Seew their fee reed feat lud feet th< taehion be ll<HUl| rhich wns n iponse John G. s •" »*ty, was it segeanb • rpraell was Clark, w! i tbyma i • )wn witboo Iqaleklyaresr , [and anuooD Ygmell, 'of reived the r Mr. Grifl floor and ii which he cit Cuyahoga c had not & raueus, bo live* in hoi and spends Mr. Griffiin not on the s! and as the? tioti to him nented the ener, to b ■ rion, not » repuhitaati, Ofckb Th • •yes and i soggeMedb Cdonel f - ft tpeo .mmm ired .tin IWHCtt The who irteftiti] [fftl JL For YmdtaMHPGent*. #1 to #5«i; VMI ■ tW im EttnnralMTA , * -m |tt.* 4 . All jwfew, ,!l « i r c t M M f t t W w C SM ft W www groirwwwwmvaww , t u t o t** $mm> i i V t o i i i w . iCNNt O bob Bedmed, #2t o i l toTfieJ Hepktaetonmtoh, All|«f*ere W«< * 'f^tartMmll refeR WfirtoRRBWpPfifcJfi •p and (dose eat w tnro half tor FftN HMtimry. fee W : ..w 6Ak4
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