The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
‘* - r ' * V f r '( •'.*4 tSSt^f^SUl IlMi ffiiMttt* iNMI^p^wW i f|^ag|Mu| ) m £ m | | | m A M ‘ ■PVwM^ BriPqpt^J t - w a » iiiifl# a tm , n > f 1 \ *qStW WV i A t y * < m ^ u A ^ m JL b | a L *WPI ^PPr ifMifttfltt f l i p in H ;m shew ynu* ■ fAV 11CO.,Hs* Dfw**tota, 4lpp*OtpHRfiM wmm * MN m Local tad Personal ■JPHtrWWHSra ^ W lttp tP to ? to *5 ^ r t o ^ to ^ Wtot - -, —«4 shrio* line of *11 kind* of 'IfoMarits, a t Gray**, g*.. X k a ril Hr*, Robert Fowl span hNriay .1* tipringtfld, tiri gurat 'Of k ftoiratt, “ -"~Ledi*s and gentlemen try • bot< tie of Otod*atin* D«ntifrioe. C. M Mosdamc* Burr and Boyd, are . apaodiay this weak inClaeiunati, at tending. th* millinery opening and laying In tbeir new stock of spring ataXi* T-Wfirill sell you a Tea Pot so ofeeap that' that yon cannot afford to dowitjboutoae, at Bull A Spencer’s. Mr,, and Mrs. L . G. Boll enter ' tertained Mrs. Jennie Hutchison auc fiu»ily, of Goes Station, Thursday- —When1in Xenia -fake dinner with Grice*’ id their “New Home, Mfc/J9 Green Street. _ ' . i ' * m . W. P. Townsley made a trip over to Franklin, last Tuesday, to visit hin toother, James Townsley. —The only place in town where you canfind.25 hrands of Cigars ant a complete stock. C. 'M. Ridgway Quite a large crowd was out yester day afternoon in attendance at the .Dean sale. Everything sold at a good price, " Personswishing extra copies of the Bam’s Horn can get them by tending to the poblhhera at 110 La Halle Avedue, Chicago. We would ear neatly urge persons who are in opposi tion tp this work to send and get osgto^if not already aubacribers. —Big bargains in Queensware to day and all* neat week for cash only, a t Bull A Spencer's, Rev. W, H. Anderson, who has guest Of Mr. and Mrs, J . W. for Some time, returned Mtomday for his home at Bock Val- t'-Jette Jasses Gowdy, of Xenia,7Wis in town, Tneaday, on badness, • I V Reichstag committee a t Berlin .has adopted an amended Mil for the inspietioo of cattle for slaughter am tito fospectim of meat. Walt tor the Brussella Dramatic , itonpany next week. Plenty o (jMMt ringing and dancing. New . foes*, new plays. A hurricane of ^jsaddsst merriment. Remember the Monday, Match5, and all week. rM m ptay «tr«ry night. M r, J* O. S t e w a r t , Physriaa Sargsoo. Specialist inB y * And CHn—ne A c c u r a t e ly A d Sanarioxioir G ua R ax S e t . Ctwrisa Howard waa In town shaking hands with his oki Charley is a oaadidatsfor Ateerney and will make no to r the office. Mr. was Mayor of XsoW forasv- yeses and made a most excellent bring Just the mad fto the We think that just such a as this should be prosecuting «f Ikhieounty. ;*~-Gwy kelps nothing but flte beet Ms toil «f goods. About ffty from this ptaoe attended “Shew Aero*" in Xenia, evening. A special train y i t i h l to bring tha crowd back tire shew was over. From the arisadisg this play and tit* paid to r tickets it locks a* wa aright |S t a good -ritoff BftesMeto * while. ,s Mr. W» M. Barber -toe rented his IS F , B. Tnmbull. who took Marrit t . Mr. Turabult atf the atcek sad fanuiag 1m* and will Vv* complete i f j H h | 0 m Atoa H t^k r nas moved from > *y< tf r to the rooms ever fee want earthing good,go rSEj nBhdidmljl WljF Mteetoat >Ji, flbuwitdl,,le t Mi. I f J tm . Maagseet A toWm. W. aari Ada Cram to CritorfMe “ ; is in this Vun ’MEmmmVIwut wen'toinaiaaeMUhn IfMiiMiM dwMfpiJ Wwtf ■ m w i i Mr. W n 'iu to i t asday. W« ami. shserftiBy reeam* 'mend Itfm AmAn m^manlmWmato. aaweknve known tom srer sines <mr bsyheod dsys, He has made a seo* esssIn btMinsm andR la just ewebiK man whois^naBM to conduct tiw a ik in o f the county, —Dost mbs tit* cheap emh aak. BttUABpsocer. Judge Dean, of Xenia, was in town yesterday, shaking hands with his many friends. Prof, Mcdbssney and wife, ware lit Xenia, Thursday, attending the Greene Go. S. S. convention. The Profsmor road *u interesting paper before that body. —What averyon want In tbs drag Hue and hare not got will get *t once. C. M. Ridgway. Mr. J . h . Horner, the enterprising groceryman, is moprning the loss of § dosan fine' chickens, either lost, Strayed or stolen. As they left during the night when chickens arc not in the habit of xunning around, the evidence i» pretty good that they have been stolen. See a good show all next week. AdmimiOn 10c, reserved seats 5c, nowon sale at C. M. Crouse's hard* ware store. Ladies admitted free on Monday night’wheu accompanied by one paid ticket. Get your eeata re served now. The business of the CedarviUe Bank Waa wound up the first of the month. The furniture is being torn down prepsritory to moving it up to the Exchange Bank's present location. I t is believed that the plague in Honolulu has now run its course. Master Hugh Marshall is the proud possessor of a pair of Angora goats presented to him by his grandfather^ Mr. W. H. Walker, Air. John Ervin, who has charge ofthe flour millet Old Town, is re joicing over the arrival of a tine son which put in his appearance Thurs day. —Now is your chance to get an elegant Chamber Set cheap at ‘ Bull A Spencer’s. ’Mr. E. H. Ellis, an enterprising, young man, has purchssed the photo graph gallery of Anderoon Bros. Xenia.. Mr. Ellis is perfectly quail tied to carry on the work, and wi| ha glad to lee all old Customer* back Mr. Audamon trill probably tiava for some eastern house, —New Crop California Apricots, Peaches, Prumes, Grapes and Raisins, at Gray's. Dr. P.' E. Madden, Practice lim ited to BYE, BAR. NOSB AND THROAT. GlassesAccuratelyAd Juetad. AllenBuilding,Xenia, O. nitpkMtt.~OSot No. 7*, MsMtmat Noy37. Mr, C, M. Crouse left Tuesday for Cleveland, when he attended a meet ing of Hardware dealers. The. r* toilers and jobbers of Cleveland en tertained the viatorsa t a banquet last night. I f your cow is out of oonditiou get “KowKure” of Andrew Bros. A Co. About forty of the membsn of the J r . O. A. M. were banqueted Thurs day avaniag, at the Sherman House. An elabolrat* supper w u served and a jolly time spent New crop canned Apples, Cora and Tomatoes, at Gray’s. Rav. W. J . Sanderson preached ait Sabbath til BaUefontai*#. Carlton MeLean, an attendant of the Dayton Btote Asylnm is spending ik two weeks vacation with hit Heads her*. T V drams entitled, “TV Deacon,*' was given In tV opera house, last night to a fair sued nndienee. We do not hesitate to say that It was on* of the beat exhibitions of am*tors act ing ever given in the city. TV play waa full of Interest from the first and toiriy sparkled with the typical “darkey” binmor. Much credit is due the Philadelphkh society tor their enterprise end especially to thosewho worked so folthfnlly to make the MJ m SMOQCflSi A party consisting of Mm, T, B. Lndrew and dan^bter, Vara, Mm tobert Bird and daaghtsr, Mary, and >r. and Mrs. Marsh wees gnsstoof . fra, Crain and Margtret, o $ Ira* den, last Saturday. Mr, Moody Baglay and ristor, !k((a, attended the ftroeral of Mill 4krtrade Mitchell, at Clifton, THU* day* Mr. Olh» DohWae, who to tohiag to tora to law a t the OMo Bormel' 1lelraerity, a t^A da^O ^ tojlV^ pra- X a to liaV .» - ...»-«■■i y „ ttaM, IV aU an wpe wmssa- aacai aamv , m irw inm to v ip a id to ne mnaM entsnt. 't0 teb* tljB WMrk n^isiwN 1 ''tbit' IU m 1 mm £ bss UBTif MMh •entod natil this week, whan tiny de vote th* who!* paper to Wi i annss. f^lntkn :fratt^iij|kra^^ Is .Jfisswarl a lik e nawQMtfowto, where cri^ptomhivalldi, and sick are ail in line foliofring him The raldeQt of the description to the “Ptod llper,” with whom sll are fa mlKar. TV foltowing to an extract: MA ‘preaefaer* named Dowit, aceord log to current history, undertakes by mesne of a power, V boldly calls 'divine, to cure, every manner of dis ease—except that of an unbridled tongue and * contentious spirit. Thto according to his story to done without money and without price: though in five years V himself has passed from a life of penury fo a life of plenty. I f the townspeople who are his followers withhold their offer ings, lie curses them in the name of God, and in extreme revensp 0Q the State which does not appreciate his services, be threatens to draw off the unsuspecting portion of the populace and establish a community which wii pay him perpetual adoration—as wel as thefruits of their sacrifice and toil A fewmore references we give, but have not the space to print in full Matt, vii; 15*16; Matt, xxiv; 24; Matt, vii: 22-23. On the third page is found a car toon entitled: “There is but one eafe ferry host to Zion.” In the rear is aj church where the boat called “ Christianity” is backet Up to the church to unload it* pas aengerf. In the front are fount crowds trying to get into the church while the tub boat of “Dowieism,” raft of “Christian Science," crafts, o: “Theosophy," “SpirUWm" and “Mar- monism,'J are pulled up to the wharf, each with their captain beckoning for passengers,' but few seem to notice the delapidated vessels. On the 5th page is found au article entitled “The Dowie Delusion," with a picture of one of one of their taber nacles. “ Why she left. Zion” written by Mn. Ann D. McDonaldson, another interesting sketch. On' page seven is found a picture Of “Dr. Dowie in bis 125,000 turnout, start ingfolr hiB tabernacle. I t says, “He i* perhaps the only minister of the lowly Christ in the world who rides in snob an ostentatious style, *’A Bomb Shell In Zion," written by Dr. La Grange, one of Dowto's lieutenants, who resigned some time ago.-thoroughly exposes the heathen* tomof these false doctrines. I t givesany number of testimonials from ,persons who have left thto cor rupt institution to inform otVrs to beware. Magag*IMmaftlttftf w^gsw^raa*■avowsiioav “Dr." Dowie in his Sunday sermon declared V had discovered a plot to murder him. He charged tV Masons and Methodists with being tV insti gators. “Look through tV Bible,* V said, “page by page, you will find that God—through bis own son •flVted leas then 80 cures during the Savior's lifetime. 1, Dr. John Alex ander Dowie, in leas than four, years, have afiectad more than 10,000 cure*." Dowie iV n turned his attention, to Dwigbt L. Moody. “ I warned him a year before V died, and prayed God, if V did not oeasa his persecution of me, that V should tV “ over- •eer" said, “and to was in obedience to that that V vanished from tbs face of tin earth. And I warn all others, here and etolwVre, who are carrying oa opposition and peneeution of me, to desist or come t o the same and."- Cincinnati Post PORUCSAif. I will ofer the following property for sale, Wednesday, March 14,1900, on tV J . N. Townsley farm one mile east of Cadarvitto: 6 head of horses, consisting of 2 brood mares, 2 road- start, and 2 yearlinn, 5 head of bogs, 18 Vad ofsheep, all ewes, and 5 bead of Jersey milch caws. 1 carriage, spring wagon, 1 two-horse wagon, 2 waakibg plows, 1 McCormick Nadar and mower, cider press, V y fork and pulleys, 2 stands of best, .6 set* of rorkfng harness, 1 set good buggy lartfiek, 200 bushels of com and 160 ebooks of fodder, and many things too Uttmatoitt to mention. Bala begins a t 10 ofctoek a. m. H. A. T owmrkt . W. L. Marshall Anet. -^wWvVUiratiMNvFa Hifhatttemp. on t V 6th, 64°; low- oa tV 25th, ssro; toasa tamp. 81"; total rainfall 8.42 la.; groatast ratufall la 24 hours 0.84 fa.; atal saowfoll 6| la; attmVr of dear days 8$p*ii atoudy d a y sM v d y days % aumVr of ralas, day* I *i nag* of tomp, I t 4; wladall. W.| atawhar af aaawi 8 . P r i a t t r y C^IL TV RspuhMcaa Priauary Etootioa o f Cadarviti* Towashlp wad Cedar- villa Csrporatlou will V held la the Mayer's efito*. Csdarvilla, O., FrW»j. imk ICO, ttfflO, Vtwsaa the boars of 1 o'clock P. M a*d 6 o'riook P , M. ^Btaadard time) for the purpose of nominating candi date* for Corporation and Township otitoss: townsh ip ormexs: One Trustee. On* Clerk, - - One Assessor, One Constable, CORPORATION OPFICXS; One Mayor. One Marshal. One Treasurer. One Clerk. One Street Commissioner. Three Councilman, Said election shall V held in nc- cordance with and-be governed by the rules and regulations governing the Republican county primary election, excepting as to the time, of maxing returns, which shall tie made imme diately after count of votes to tin- secretary. Assessments to be paid to J . D. Silvey or Ed. H. Nisbet on or before Thnnday, March 15th, 1900. j ' J . D. S ilv ey , J . H. N isbet . Commitee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. CORPORATION, clehk . We are authorized to aiioounce the name of J . G. McCORKELL as ii candidate for .re-nominntion for Corporation Clerk, subject to the de cision of the Republican Primary. TREASURER. We are authorized to announce the name of JACOB SEIGLER os n can didate for re-nomination for Village Treasurer subject to the decision of the Republican Primary. TOWNSHIP CLERK. We are authorized to announce the name of FRANK JACKSON as a candidate for re-uomination for Town ship Clerk, subject to the decision of the Republican Primary. marshal / We are authorized to announce the name of J . C. Grindle as a candidate for re-uominatiou for Village Mar shal subject to decision of the Repnb- lican Primary. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN W. SMITH, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Republican Primary election in*April. IT WORKKD. His Story Just lu lM th* Good Old , Lady. There la a good old lady In on* of the western towns who prides herself upon discrimination in giving charity. She will aot tistea long to one of the stock tales of woe, but Is liberal in giving when convinced that her gen erosity Is deserved. A strapping fel low, long of beard but short of cloth ing, appeared at her back door recent ly- “Did you avsr have a fortune and lose itf In other words, have you ■sen better days?” and she spoke like an old-time school examiner. "No, mum, I’se alius been poor.” "Have you a wife and anywhere from seven to thirteen children de pendent upon you?” "No, mum, Tee alone In the world." "Hava you been tramping from door to door for the last throe weeks look ing for work and could get none?" "No, mum. I walked inter town a hour ago, and haen’t had time to hunt work yet," "Of course yon were at Santiago or Manila, aad will have a pension com ing?” "No, mum, I would have 'listed et our own country had been attacked, but’1 never could help prosecute them heathens," "Come right in, It does me good to feed aad clothe an honest man that's In distress," and he ate to repletion aad went forth In a suit that atilt re tained a good deal of the nap. ul heard of that floe old letfy afore," he chuckled to himself as ns walksd Jauntily down the street, "1 guess 1 must *#r psssed about 100 on that there ex«mluatlon.-—Exchange, •- Christmas In the Hub. WUHe Ssppington—-I pweiume, Mies Backbay, yon wilt, of cou'sc, you know, hang up youah stocking on Chwlsmss eve? Miss Beynn Beckbey—-Ton presume too much, Mr. Sspplngton. It Is aot my habit to suspend a oerteln portion of asy apparel within plain night of the vahpur gas* of nay gentleman, even Mr, Seats Clans. However, I May condesoead to teat* my speo- taels* where Mr. Santa Clans may use them to discern th* haad-pMatod plaque at aay pretests my friend*may send by hlm.—-thnaha World-Herald. lne*n*M*rat*. , lfi«, TsadhNH-t think it Is * tram- log MNua* the erael, lew tricks men May on eerii athar at that? rinks, Mrs, N*xdcro~-Why, m t dear, what's the matter? „ Mrs.. Taadlsi ..Clsart a arid* hoot* last alcht aethm vary daaeriy. Ha raac far ah hear heiara 1 canid get hha to tied, and ha waatrito drilrion*. had ha trid me today that V had Jtot dnak a tow hat Sasish jeB dCkuj^e^n ilMMMMiiMSlSllWto NwrTark ^ Small Fruits, 3 Vines and Rosea. Tecumseh Nurseries, CEDARVILLE, OHIO, Shrubs . fc> and Evergreen*. £ •If 4 } 4 Required to see the superior style, quality and workmanship of our « * « 5 H 0 E S * * * We have men's dress shoes for $1.50, $1.90, $2.50 and $3.00, that are not equaled in this country at these prices. Our ladies $1.45, $1.90, $2.45 and $2.90 shoes are made in all the late patterns and look like shoes that cost much more. School and dress shoes for the boys and girls at $x.oo, $1.25° and $1.50 that are stylish and durable. Correct styles cost no more here than past ideas in any other stores. A visit w ill surely prove of interest to you. Meet your friends and leave your packages at S Y O U N G & N I S L E Y 7 Bast Main Street., Springfield, O. $25.00 Per Week —TO— o ANY PERSON in America of ordin ary intelligence, male or female, can earn $25 weekly during their leisure hours by introducing onr celebrated Art Tapestry Paintings, send stamp or illustrated circular, containing ull information and reproductions of our tapestry paintings. Call or address, Parisian Tapestry Cb.,,19 West Twenty-fourth Street,. New York. COMtVNlL MARKETREPORTS. IVheat 65 Coni;.................. . 30 OAtesnsas«»**#•**««•••*«••»*«isi»«itii20 # S '******* **#»» s S *«* S | l $ 12 Chickens • S S a |* S S * a * SS *» 4 *« 4 »« S s a g ** 05 Hogs «* S ||* A S * S S S « S *» V * *•*«***•*»« 84.75 Cattle,,,,*.-.,*.*,.. .««.«*«,,«•• 4.50 Sheep..*..**,«.,*.....**«»*•..*», 3.50 LIST OP LETTERS. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the CedarviUe postoffice for the month ending March 3, 1900, * , List No. 10. CARD*, Scoot, Mrs,-Rebecoa. Weeks, Mrs. M. L. T. N. T arhox , P. M. . * -Ladies' new style pocket books at C. M. Ridgway’*. 1 “STEVENSFAVORUE” R I F L E . ria aa-saS - r - wm *AWW*il***W**WllAl Gmarnsri vlWVNVMH k MI1 mdifnmmtm jaaratoiL WEOO. I t “ T«kea Down.** sz-tnch barrel, weight d posrxit Csrsfully bpred ana tested. For aw, ^5 sad . 3 a rim-fim caraldgss. 'PlainOpenSights, $6.00< L . ^ No. 18* TaigetS^is, _Arit vowdealerforOw**FAVO- RITE." If he dossat Jessp It w* Will send, prepaid, on receipt of prkA . Scad stamp for complete csts- HfS* showingonrfoilUne,withvii* nabte fnfonastioa regardis*t rids* aadasMamritloningeaStaL ;J.mTElTllU ilS TOLCO.i ttdwasMff -IL'fhBox emcoess pa u a mas *, ;Y 1 i E & TATE, Mra. Ells B* Frantz Teacher of Piano and Organ s New England (Boeton) Con servatory Method Taught We go to yourhouse if desired Term Reasonable. Tccumaeh Nuracrics,, - - - O hio . sWeawitaH 18 S, Detroit St„ Xenia, O. ♦ Diamonds, . W a tc h e s , Clocks, J e w e l r y .. * -F in e R epa iring So lic ted- FOX, I f ANf*0»»a*vwri Bright m l Mswiti ™*ras te represm as as ttsasgsrel* ' sodetwsiysMstiee. Bshuvthis*yes* m m m . su ^L mi * 2 WtoWtoM* 4 “ JMrit . tele ^fckright, tori-Ms, a#were,no hm ***** psrt»i»«w«,Ow retosagts, • f Arcedi Photogrenlur - f It the meat reliable and Btrietly Up-to- A tm ‘ ' t luJTi- Wahwr#nsdc wr: lWMr#*fwTnf! VfK-el rrhish we c*o !.i’.cr, I t M f evlMrtiUjr.-i •lN*4ir p«ti rub will h«*•*( t9 J'cu Seri TWENTY -1 The pro^ The pri Style, the wl COGI -The Laborers in of' Now it came to man over aguiji wanted to hire iatl yard. There was 1 and he wanted al| get, And it was so. ' They came irl ' round about to g(| -Some came bed ' job aud some becJ run out at the others came to wives told tbeml work or starve. •to get. a job l)e fathers had told to fish or cut bait 'And it was,so. 1 , Some bdongd labor union an f. And those wbo wist’hot how it w| ail got jobs Krst.- Those who di| card got the ins when they got aj any better than iug till night,or till the setting th And the union ' itigly wroth agl hired out to woij time and to ati union. . The man wt went out again a| and saw men corner grocery a] about the war they would have rise of sun uni thereof, while home eujoying| Steaming hot wa would have b I k I And the man wl them stand tbe| unless the meu wives would had finish the washis ■And it was sol Bnt theae mej South Africa vr| conducted and war experts fori aa it had; and i| So the man you here all the nearly fell dca laborers wbo w| worked the vot tion time and t] And he said second time, work? And ti| one has hired them and said and I will pay1 they wist uot hi And they wf But there who talked me a day system t| work in the been farther as far as Clue* bad also joinj that they callj long to the m And so thej eleventh hourj and the world [ And so whs oome they ku^ but a short ti« And when tbe going dev acht hts foten And it was] And when 1 hour men hd They claimed] ■fiRaasednit. n f a young fo B u t they ti they were fa ' thuy abuwesl] they teceiv! whchatl m 1 il l dkty anar strip
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