The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

> < . S.' I qjra T h e lr[ei*qld, f l . t t A Y l f t B . ' * H a m s £ B ull , Prop**. **»»#**■ - * . f (fcpMt JM*» » - * ..<*■»**» Owe*: mi*IlkWrt4*ffcm, * a t u * d a y , m arch io , l m Hew.. weald “Bryan and Cflevt M P Aft for »»xl> full? •Ifeifoutt dabts »eem to be national I W i |l to national bank*. CoNfnNWmxn Littlefield, of Me., TwwMiked himself into being known *• one of tbe wort independent men ht Qoflgreari - • Aooording to tbe newspaper*, New York City now has * “Society” trmt TbeMock of tike trust isn’t quoted, bnt it citn doubtless bo bed b y el who ere willing to pay tbe price. %tne green reporter has been cabl lug-—jit $2.40 cent* a word—'that Cecil Rhodes was in excellent ‘spirits when Kimberly wn> relieved. Nat­ urally. He would be hard to please i f be wasn’t. - We don’t know whether Taltnag* it a teetotaler or not, but it doesn’t seemjust tbe proper thing for the Washington Pott to run whiskey dreaders” as foot notes to two columns of his sermon. Gen. Cropje’a reply to the first de wand for his surrender by Lore Kitchener: ia likely to live in military history—“I’ve got some guns, some men and some ammunition and 1 am alive ■'Why should Xsurrender? ,< A' French scientific association which is excavating on the sites o ’ ancient Persian cities bus found evi dences ofthe existence of an advancet civilisation centuries older than any of which the world has any record. Denver believes in doing things up brown. ' Consequently the dinner ser­ vice of gold and silver and jewels .•which the. city will .present to the cruiser Denver is to cost #70,000 am • be the finest in . use upon any ship : afloat. ■ Kruger is bebg -advised to sue for peace and take the best terms he can gat. 8 o much English blood has been shed it in doubtful whether he could get any .betterterms than allow­ ing the Boers to become British subject* and their country a British colony. ’ __________ . . . " Prof. Booker T. Washington, the ipost learned and educated negro in the United States, has been denied hotel/accommodations at Anderson, lad. It now behooves the northern press either to stop making remarks about the Color line in the south or explain this incident. Too much power ia being planed in the bands of the President Some day we shall have a bad Presidentand then the country wilt learn the oon sequences; It used to be an old say­ ing that “the power of the Executive has increased. Is increasing and ought to be diminished,” and it is just as true today as it was fifty yeanago. A notable article—at Once an ap­ preciation and 4 vivid, stirringpicture o f our boys in tbe field—has been written exclusively for the Saturday Evening Poet (of Philadelphia) by Senator Albert *T. Beveridge. This great article, the first and only on* that Senator Beveridge has written ft* any magttiefo or periodical shea* hie return froat tbe Philippines, ap* pears exdurively in the March 17th *amberof theSaturdayEvening Poet, There hasjust been ketted a mag- xHtamtiy printed and illustrated tot- ame, 9 by 11 in eise, and nearly 206 pages, under the title of “The Em* pira of the South,” It iawithout ex* eeption tit# most comprehensive vol* um« evsr issued in the interest of any Mie section, and telH ia a most Intel* lfgeat and luteresting way o f the rapid stride* being made by the eeautry East o f the Miarilsrippi, and Berth of the Ohio and Potomac. The Southern Railway ia the pub> Usher of thto volume, and Mr. Frank PVaelway, one of the leading etndents and writers la connection with South* •rn Interest*, k H# editor. White H Is lamed try a Railroad Gwapaiy. it Is not la aay m tm a g^gaete|tt^iittdU*^|^dk 'tejnthfMWisb irlWPwvWW '1^1wMSniPMwwWXmPf' flfmm WPfflMj 90 eeeyelMpeiie of MmSouth and all of las tpested' fatarseta. . . . Tim vwteme tmteft* more ri*a M i halftew* flttntertteni t r m p k th■ andk Iwaaslia a awat aa Age |Xy| •Hi wBPw aeetiatt wUaii it tssala. Omits mar ha had hy mateitef 18 tm to , the exactadt o i pe#towa» ta W*. H, TjLTMst, l u l i l i # Ham* anti PeesiBgsr Agmt, ImhkriMk'Ky* 1 a s m m m la tbe oto, tiM ia iH w w U i IJM v m iw I mm . - —iMaffcittw. Some people do not eajoy a nice wipter day for four it will oauee a lata Spring. * 1 1 1 Nobody considers a newspaper or a pipe private property. t t t , . .# - Counterpanes on beds, according to books are always “snowy.” t t t Any man reads a telegram two or threetimes. t t t • * Whena man’* collar button come* in piece* at church it does dot im­ prove his spiritual condition. t t t It is not always because a fellow is cold that he buttons up hU overcoat' collar. It may be because bis collar is loose. t t t ' , ' " „ , t *l • , Not all golf capes are expensive, for some of them are made out of old shawls. ' t t t A lamp never suit* a woman fully till she has made it welt nigh useless with a fool shade. ' t t t Whenwe do not likea man we be* gin to wonder if anybody does. ‘ t t t * It sounds funny tqwee a man come from a strange town and meet some of your', old citizens and ,call them by their first name, when you hardly knew they had one. t t t "Girls who get married- are callet accomplished, even if they can’t bake bread, ■■ “ t t t ' We observe that rainy day skirts can bebought on time, or some people would not have them. t t t It is not always the best man win hears the most sermons. t t t A man who wear* over gaiters now must be wearing out an old pair. t t t Nothingmakes a person feel sillier than to cheerat rest in a concert. t t t An actor’s neck tie slipped up looks as badas anybody rise’s. t t t « Every dog that if muzzled does not bite, Maybe he sacks eggs. Aucx. M iujcb . WteVf Tm Tm WtnkT Sometimes a fortune, but sever, if you have a sallow eomplexion, jaundiced look, moth patch** and blotch** on the akin, all mgna of Invar Trouble. But Dr. King’s New Fills give Clear Skin, Boey Cheeks. JKieb Complexion. Only 35 cent* at Itidway ACo.’s Drug Store. Surrounded by cheering eoldient, townspeople and oooliei oriebrating the relief of the town, Sir George White, at thapostoffice, addressed the throng. He said: “People of Lady smith, I thank yon for the heroic and patient manner in which yon assisted me during the riege. It hurt me ter ribly to cut down the rations, but, tfaenk God, ws kept the Rag firing.” Then, profoundly moved, G « . White led the assembly in singing “God Save the Queen.” —I f troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain*Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent If it does n« good, One application will relieve the pain, It also curea sprains and wuisei in one*third the time required rf any other treetment. Cuta, bums, frostbite#, quineey, pains la the ride and chest, glandular and other swell* ngs are quickly cared hy applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 and 50 cti. S3JI4** ffW tr driaty tint, ^ seat andMarisegHat, Ibttug^eur searieileestAt Ishtt Ofa raglqa halfdlrioe Where in tmwpy ehUdhood’a years, Kaew I naught of doubts and Jean, Ah, you bring both emUee and tear*, Dear old-ftahkmsd Criumbin*! Freer theetiy’s busy street From its clamor ana its heat, To a garden, aori and aweet, To a born that ones wasmine You have led my fancy back O’er the shining golden track, Which we tread butonce, alack Dear, old-fashioned Columbine, 1 . . ■* When vou came to mp today From that garden far away, “"id you hear me softly say, “0 , 1 love-you Posy mine?’’ Can you ever feel or know, Why I love or prise you so, tl glow D * Can you ever feel or knoi 1 Why you set my sou a Dear old-fashioned Columbine? Frailly-fashioned, fragile Bower Would were mine the magic power To prolong your little hour ' And to make you ever min* - ■ Ah! I love you, for you’ve brought To myheart a .helpful thought And a lesson wisdom-fraught, Dear old-fashioned Columbine! I f with'simple, silent art, You could act so sweet a part, I, who own a human heart, Have a mission more divine; ’Tis to guide, some homesick one, Toiling on from sun to sun, Homeward, when life’s work is done Dear old-fashioned Columbine! Miss Lida Keck, now employed in the North Western M. E. Book Con­ cern, Chicago, spent part o f her child hood iu Cedarville. when her father was pastor of the M. E. church here. She now writes poems of wondrous beauty, one of which we give jn this paper, from the Western Christian Advocate. “H it. W» E. flitoer, W. Gfetow, Y.i writ*#, “I had dy ^ spria over twenty year*, and tried dottor* Aid AMAhAMtltdimbaM MMldaUMiAri’ A’ jf* ^wfleXnHnBwwHWHIwe Jm ^wlPB wm Mi mmm j-fph ^9 INIWNI IMPIr IM kW ellM b* a p w ftM t —It is very hard to stand idly by and see «>ur dear ones suffer while awaiting the arrival of the doctor. An Albany N. Y. dairyman called at a drtig store there for a doctor to ‘coiiie and see his child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, he left word for him to come at ouye on his return. He also bought * bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, which he hoped would give some re­ lief until the doctor should arrive. In a feWhours he returned, saying the doctor need not come, as the child was much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Scholz, sava tbe family has since recommended Chamberlains Gough Remedy to their neighborsand friends until be hasa constant demand for it from that part of the country. For sale by C« M. Ridgway. Beldon. W. Smith, a pressman, committed suicided at Hammond, Ind., last Saturday, by taking poison and then shooting himself. His life­ less body was found buried in the snow three miles southwest of Ham mond by William Fowler, who waa hunting for rabbits. Near the body was a 38 caliber revolver and a letter addressed to his wife, who- live* at 6815 Monroe avenue, with their two children. It i* stated that Smith feared insanity would overtake him, and rather than end his days in «some institution and perhaps be a burden to his family he had decided to (t*ke his life. Another letter was addressed to Fred Bantow, employed with him at the W. B, Conkey publishing house at Hammond, Ind., telling where his body coujd be found. He was 45 yean old. Last week Smith com' plained of a sprained back. —Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Miles- bnrg. Pa , says, “As a speedy care for coughs, colds, croap and sore throat One Minnto Congh Care it unequalled. It is pleasant for chil­ dren to take. I heartily recommend It to mothers.” It is the only harm­ less remedy that produces immediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneu­ monia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent consump­ tion. Ridgway A Co., druggists. An English flag displayed in the window of a dwelling at l9$2 S t Mary’* avenue, Omaha, Neb., oaueed a mild flurry of excitement in the fieighbothoM, Saturday lest. The flag was in celebration of the British victory in South Africa. A com- mitttee composedo fCharles Scranton, L. Lynn, W. A. Allison and &Sid linger, *11 abont 20 years rid* called at the house and demanded that the flag he removed or the state and strips* placed beride it. The English banner ws* removed. T«iltf*SMt ' Dr, Caldwell’s flyrup Pepsin adver­ tised fbr months, bat have you aver tried It! I f not, you do not know what aa ideal stomach remedy it is. A l i e bead# (10 dose*<lfc) will shew m B fNMn*HMnnnHflIB« MOP tWW flW* iWk > H k and f t ,a t AB daatsee trid Renkflc Bhuntitea, i f WestJaflhem, 0 . , idle* 1# atanthe ftam Battel Fietola, he weald die anleei a aoetiy ayaratien himself with Buekkn’s Araica Salve, the best in the World, riurest Pita core on Earth. 35e a box, at Ridgway A Co’s, Drugstore. Tba British transport Karamania left Gibraltar last Sunday with 500 mules, bound for the Cape, and the transport Denofuiriie, with 200 left Monday, It IMS*. - Wherever it has been introduced. Dr Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin leads all other remedies in caring constipation, indigestion and tick headacb. It only cost 10 c for trial rite (10 dose# (10c. ’ Large size 50c and #1. C. M. Ridgway. —The top of the heap is Pratt's Poultry Food because its the only true and tried regulator for poultry. Sold by Andrew Bros. A Co. MIMIC SALE. I will offer the following property for sale, Wednesday, March 14,1900, on the J. N. Townsley farm one inile eaBt of Cedarville: 6 head of horse*, consisting of 2 brood mares, 2 road­ sters, and 2 yearlings, 5 head of hogs, 13 head ofsheep ail ewes, and 5 head of Jersey milch cows. 1 carriage, spring wagon, 1 two-horse wagon,, 2 breaking plowB, 1 McCormick binder and mower, eider press, hay fork and pulleys. 2 stands of bees, 6 sets ot working harness, 1 set good buggy harness, 200 bushels of corn and 150 shocks of fodder, and many things too numerous to mention. Sale begins at 10 o’clock a. m. H. A. T owksby . W. L. Marshall Auct. -Subscrilie for the Hernld. TQ COSE S OOLDII OIB DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quiniu, Tablets. Alt' druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E We Grove’s signature is on each. box. 25c. Does Your StoMMdi Distress Yoo? Do yon have‘ pains in the side, nausea, sometimes vomiting, distress after eating, Imlching, constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and n repulsive complexion? If you have any of these symtoms, you have dyspepsia or stomach disurder. These distressing troubles are promptly re­ lieved and. then cured by Bailey’s Dyspepsia Tablets. Pleasant to take. They will bring quick relief to: the worst case*. Written signature of W. J. Bailey on each package. Price 25 cents. Sample free. Druggists who don’t have them will get them for you. Two kinds of tablets in each package. The latest discovery. Sold by Ridgway ACo V ANTED—S»r«*l Brifht and IIoOMt ytt- •on* to rtpreitnt ui 11 U i t i p n In thU and o I m * by oonntlti/ Balury $MS » y««xand •zpoaiai. Straight, bonl-ido, no more,no I m Muuy. Poiition p t n u t n l. Onr nfmnow, any bank In nny tawny ' It f* intinly ofllo* Work cMdnotod nt kora*. Rofwonet. X.- Blow rttf-nddrMHd itMdjwd onvolopo. I l l D omixio * C u lm , Dopt. t , Chltogo. $26*00 Per Week — TO— ANY PERSON in America of ordin­ ary intelligence, male or female, can earn #25 weekly during their leisure hours by introducing our celebrated Art Tapestry Paintings, send stamp or illustrated circular, containing ull information and reproductions of our tapestry paintings. Call or address, Frisian Tapestry Co.. 19 West Tweuty-fourth Street, New York. CHURCH DIRCOTORY R. P. Chsrak—Kor. J, P. Motto*, Paitor. wrvlm nt 11:00 n, m. Bnhbntk Bckoot nt 10n. m . Q Covnnnator Chnreh«»Rov. W«J.Bnndorna, t kttor, Kogalor itrvloti nt 11:00n. » . Bnb* ntkSckool nt 10n. m. U. P, Ckntob-—Dor. J). 0. R mi . Motor. Bor- vie**nt 10:M n. in. and7:0#i, a. Bnbbntk Schoolnt l:H n.M. otnMdnrd tlrao, A, II. K,Chnrok-aot, Mr. Mnxwott. 1* m - tor Pronehlng at U:M n. n . i r t fd tw n . Clnoa orotySabbath nt 1S:S0, BnhWthSohool ntBieSp.M. Prirad* and rloltora oordially tavltodf M.R. Charah—Snr, A.D. MnddoX, Pnotor. Pronehlng nt 11 a. to. BahhntkBohool nt till a. m» Yonng Poopto'e moottag atS.'tt p. w. Prayor Mootiag Wodaooday oyaning nt I'M. Dantlet Chnrek—lav. Mr. Coleman, pnotat ofthoBoeUttcharah. Pronehlngnt 11o'oiook nadltSOp. tt. Bnbhnth SohOOlnt SdW*. at. Prayor mootiag otwry Wodaooday night at T:Mi I n n i t i Inrltod, DathoringofthoPrWndoofZfon, at Irvin k Wlltlattran7*Hail, ovoryBnnday nltccnoon, at S:Mo'olMk, Itnndntdtiao. in- vttod. John H. Boyroo, DonconInCharge, 1 IflteH InYw- m S S S ^ im m ' k ^SwtwmseMie# woyino^gfi^ roottttlrottWiol M, nanmMUfe ttntirao, ’ o . A . t M o w m o o . i « f M j i \ ) \ S P R I N G -1900 C a p p e t n . * The “designee and quality snrpsse and farmer aeaaon, The a I- vanes ia rawmaterial and general good timaska* mmlea gwatik- ntand, and tb# milts lutve advanced pnoea. To overcome ta part HUTCHISON A GIBNEY placed them order* at prices that can­ not be duplicated by 6 or 10 per cent. h a l t i n g ; . 10000 yds. Matting, jbintem and seamless twine chain in green, blue, brown and red at 12 $ to 85c. Never better for the money. 10 Rolls of tbe Grande, per yd#•»*<**•noSnn*« mi ##4.0na#**»*»< 15 Rolls o f the Cotton Extra Super,.,.,.................................... —-35c 15 Rolls All-wool Filling 25 Rolls All-wool both ways.,.,.,...-...........50, 60, 7* jc o ro m nw cs c w wTgY. Have you watched its marvelow growth? I f not, The Weekly E* quircr wants to study the strides it ha* made- The first census of the Unite# States was taken in 1810 . Since then every succeeding ten years. The r# salt has been as follows: Vsivat, Tapestry, Moquette, Axmlnstor. Art Ingrain all sizes #4.76, #5*75 #8.75, Large size, all-wool Axminster, 3 yards wide, 14 yards long. Large size Moquette, Velvet, Tapestry, Art CornerRemnants put down to 26c. Brussel Remnants 19c, 25c,’50c, 75c, I L a c e C u r t a i n s * t styles, neve ds long # 1 . 0 ( Threeyards long per pair. 60c, 500 pair, excellen r lower. Good style 3$ yar 0. ■ t t ";#• .f-" : - - -■ • , H u t c h is o n & Q 1B N E Y It makes sick women well. ■It makeB weak women etroug. It makes the care.worn face of premature age youthful aud handsome again. Health to woman means lieuuty, youth, hnppiuess,. and sweetness of disposition. Lack of it means homeliness, premature nge, and irrituhillity ot temper. With health site commauds love, admiration, and esteem. Without it she becomes a burden to herself, a cross to her friends, a disconsolate being, long- iug to die. ■ . ■ ■ ^ Do you siiflcr with headache, backache nervousness, weariness melan­ choly, painful menstruation, or leucorrhen, accompanied by dizziness bad taste in the mouth, or sallow complexion? Few women are without these distressing symptoms of disease, aud thousands are today on the verge of fatal collapse without suspecting it. i' Ladies;. Do not delay"if you have any of these symptoms. Dr Harte- lius. the discoverer of F em a lia Compound, was the greatest physician :md scientist of the age Thousands of .women have heen restored to health, beauty, happiness, youth and freedom from irritability through this wonder­ ful.remedy. Write to us, whether you think you are suiiering from these cisea'ses or not. We can advise you. Delay may be fatal to you. Mr*. E. Bird, of IS W*«tS7*t»eet, New York City, luo letter to tbo-Dr. • UNrtelia*t'ornpovite KemedT.Oowpkuy, ‘•I w»g given up by pby*iol»og e« • hope)M« c»*e. I took ft trip to Europe with « view er being under treatment there. I wm treated in Pari* for gix . month*, hue received no help. I returned to New York. »nd one diiy t raw a littlemivertWomcnt in one of the newepsper*, eteting timt Dr. Hereliug’ FE­ MALIA COMPOUND would cure nll female dieenne*. I dooided to try tho same, and I am glad to (uglify, not for uiy own sake, but for that of iny suffering gietorg . • that I amtoday * well woman, thank* to Dr* llarlelin*." • A ll A d v ic e F ree . All correspondence S t r ic t ly C on fid en tia l. All lettlen destroyed to insure A b so lu te S ecrecy . Woman longs for sympathy in her distress. No one could give you the necessary advice with more care, kindness amt consideration than our corps of able and eminent physicians. Write us fully. Tell us all about yonr troubles. W e Can H e lp Y ou . Remember that Consultation with these eminent physicians, either in person or by mail, is A b so lu te ly F r e e . -ADDRESS- n Aaericflft Tract Society Bflildiag, Mew fork City. ExchangeBank CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNTS of Merchants and In­ dividuals solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. D RAFTS on New York and Cin­ cinnati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail. T OANS made on Real Estate, Pei- A i tonal or Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W,Smith, Vice Pres., W. J. Wildman, Cashier rOU can a lw ays find a t tlie o ld reliab le M eat Shop o f C* W. Crouse^ Choice Fork Sausage, V e a l, h a r d . Bologna, • Wenerwust, Bacon, Hams. Sugar Cured Shoulders* G ive us a tr ia l and be eon - tin ted . mmm Mb AwyM»*t«iih|g IM IMByL.iwtfttflMMMtt wsflfl "|-waLy^^ IITVVfiMfiSIM A*rtorh iini S BfMW fMWatgjPMM . A t . IN S U R A N C E CO . O f N e w Y o r k . 92d Semi-Annual Statement, July, 1899 . Summary of Assets: C»*h in lttn k E m I S ititi United States Bond* Bute Bond* City Bond* lU ibced Bond* V itir Bend* G u Staek* ft«d Bond* Krttrond Stock* Bank Stock* T ra it C<>, Block* * M l,*67.04 1,774,*24.61 1,916,740.** 36.40V.0A 736,611.83 1,M3^M.** 83 ,m * « lS2,* 4,647,535.60 314.700.60 105,5*0.** Bonda ahd Mortgage,, being tat lienon Beni Eetnte 213,050.65 Loan* on Btoeke, payable ondc- .. w»hd 128,125.6* Frattinauaaeoiloeteds ad ia traadg of Agent# 577,198.90 Iaierett dae ahd aeeraed on 1U Jaly, 189* 47,914.21 $12,457,928,52 LteMmkSi Ca#k Capital $ 1 , 006 , 0 * 0.00 Raama Praniaai Faad 4,103,223.0* Baattve for aanald loaeet and Claiiai 549,911,81 Net Barptaa ' ^ 4jW4,793.71 , ' $12,457,928*M fearpia* m ragardt palieyMders $*,*4*,7*3-7i> W * i . CLIBM ANS; 1 Agent, CEDARVILLE, • * . OHIO, Year, Fepatetiot, 1MQ .,,.91M 3,33t I M79...9*M68,31t 1&H ...Q tM 22 .n t FRANK 11. DEAN. A ttorney at L aw . 4 1E. Main 8 t„ Xenia, O. Man’s f iu t t ir iit M i Maing tom Corner High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. II m t o r t d u k li. Leave your hone* there and yonr rite be kept on tbe inride, out of tbe rain and storm. 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Sprint***, O. • V * m m % T«M*,F»ap y<Mr. i m ...... 7M***L m o .. ,.12*09,900 1040.. ..11.000.460 1069.. ..20,W,»70 Here you have the figures of* basis of calculation. The problem now is: What will be the population of the United States, excluding recent acquisitions. The result is usually announced in July of the census year. ■T he W xexmt E nquirer is anxious th engage all in a study of their couq . t y, To this end it will distribute c ish amounting to $ 25 , 000 , for solu- t ons received o f the population of the ijlnited States Census, as follows: IheflrrtsMrttt emvApmrK4i*i.f3.0W.0{) tbesMOod,, *... • •,, ,.v. ,.1,609.00 . thfilhird##•«»* ,* .• •' m #6 #6 ■ ¥m0*0(!l:. 1 ihflfburth. ****# 4 * ** * *#■* #**»v ■** SQu-QQ- thefifth.. 290•DO . thesixth ** 200'00 t h * s e v e n t h , 160.00 „'o thec«xt 10 ,euh$ 100 , amoutiagt»,‘ 1,000.00 ifothenext50. <*ch$50. smourtisg to, 2,600.00 !To thenext100,each$25,uuutug to. 2*00.00 <roth»inrxl500,tacb$!0,a«o»tjn|;to. 5.000.00 Tothenext1^30,ueh$5,httoantingto. 1,060*9 ■2191cashpretenlt amountingto $26,000.00 In case of a tie, money equally di- vidcd. Every guess on the Above proposi- tiott must be accompanied by a year's subscription to theW eekly E nquirer , You can guess as often as you care to inclose subscription price to the W eekly E nquirer . This contest will close a month h* fore the result of the census will be known and officially certified by the Director of the United States Census, at Washington, D, C. Subscription price for the'W eekly . E nquirer (including guess) is only $t.oo a year. Eleven copies and eleven guesses for $io.oo. For full particulars see W eekly E nquirer . Send all orders to E nquirer Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati Division. ennsylveniaLines. ScheduleotPasssntptrTralnt-Centrallime. - W estw ard , ('oliltnlHiH v. Alton.......... . ** West.JetturBftii... “ Tioiuto-i ......... •* Ho. lliiai'k’Kon:.. * Holmft ....... .... " tViisurvUlo,“ \Vri:tici'forca....... “ X eu tft........... | SpringVoiley..:. Uixaumi ... .. “ Wnynesvlllo ,. *• Or'Konliv,........ “ FortAnclont .. “ SInrrowHoiitU I/Cbiinoa, “ l/jvclnnd...,......'* Milford.... .......“ BHt f tVi nJo'* CtncttMtl... . a a i r a a p / AMAM /M ,‘M *21:*71Q||85|*123 921' 303} 7 53}9SR3US 015 955; 1003!, noil . • ilOI 2 tt _ 8 40102®351 360410 f422 855103713£ 1050 . 10541.. 1103; >437010__ ,. |f443,.....Ill 14l . 1 ill® . 60S 9301135' 43® «... 1 .114®I N 630iff46. AMIAM Xbwetward. CiAelamll >v luuaviftjQ.. *. Milford___ “ l.ovelttnd.... “ Bo. JLcbenon '* Morrow.... . ** Ft. Ancient “ Oregonln..... “ Wayneevlllo" Kottnne... '* spr’e Valle: Xnnla. Wtlberforce ‘‘ Cedarvlle.,,., “ Selma..,.,..,.. 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Pellttw i IMeeylttc :<ttmon Kea.*,#.*, 7 , 14 ,«a and a i ntiiier runthrotigiiviftOntwtt ban and Ptttebtinrh ot connect through rott horgUUnionStation to and from BaltlrMH, Waehtnxton, Philadelphia and New York., Man.S.aai a i d a t eonaeet alRIchmood ttt (ndtanapollaand ( 4 t. Loaia: Mae. a* aad S : forChlcetpK Ma. a t l for I<og»acport. 1 ., F. LOREK, K.A, FORD, lawillutcw, teanihaaivtoX 13 - 1 M 9 .-I* rrmnoaow, Pawn’A. . For ttmeearde, rateaofSera,throngli tlesm begrege fhecki, and farther talMmetloa ie> sardine the rnnnln* of tralae appljr to MV HM tM tttfMHTnH ltUW . p t te r a ^ ttettara, ...... . • m nn.ftjH b b YKAitr KXPKItlKNCft P atents Anraae ttone TfMaCMAM** „ . OcawNa.. , OeatwiaiiTadA aMiMeaeett*ewrt|i^*wg onrarttew B A K IN C I T O W D g R . jumyatuTw^v wumriflj