The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
taMaa# n t w m r t V -ljPKigfatafafaCSJrJf faa appaaraaoa of your ahte, kaaklaf it roagb aud yaHow, by fa# wm offaaap vo*}*, Wo h im fa# vary boatof soap* at fae mum prie# that you |» y tor other aoapa. ■T«ty mo taMb o f fa# b#*t material, els* atatiy aoauted. Stop in and Mt us show you. WOCIWAY A CO*,fae Dnifgteto, Off. Qp*r* Houa*. tool and Personal. «*■*.A choice line of all kindred Groceries, at Gray’s. Mr; Hanna, who lately purchased Mr, William Dean’s lam , moved hi* family and good* here tbi* week, —Ladies and gentlemen try a bot tle of Qrodentiue Dentifrice, C. M. Ridgway. Missed Graftaad Beazell will give One of their interesting recital* in the opera house neat Friday night. Ad* mission 15, to defray expenses, —I f your cow 1 b out of condition , get “How Kure” of Andrew Bros, & ■ I f you wish to spend a pleasant .evening attend . the Tecital at the opera boose next Friday evening. —We will sell you a Tea Pot so cheap that that you cannot afford to do without one, at Bull & Spencer’s. M in M. C. Turnbull entertained . her neighbors at dinner, Friday. Lapixa;—Foil particulars regard ing a pleasant Home Treatment lor •' the cure of Leucorrhea and all Fe male Diseases, mailed to any address Absolutely Free. £Tbe L. G. Hall Co;, 616 Vine Street, Cincinnati, O. Our Monthly Regulator Never Fails. —-Row is yoiir chance to get an elegant Chamber Set cheap at Bull & Spencer’s. Will Wfijrraouth and wile, of Day ton,, are spending some time here the guest of Mrs. Hanna Robinson. Mayor Wolford was in Xenia, Wednesday. A .law suit was tried in Squire ■ Bradford's court, Wednesday, in Which D. H . Marshall was plaintiff and John M. Stokesbery was defend* ant. The suit was for forcible de tention, and was tried before the fallowing, jurors: E. O, Bull, Chas. Cooley, Alex, Kyle, John L. Sphar, ......... fa ta was subpcenaed, but lived out of the township, and for that reason they only had five jurors. The jury was out far a short time and returned a Verdict in favor of the plaintiff. —Don’t miss the cheap cash sale. Bull ASpenqer. Mr- James Ginn, of Jamestown, was in town Thursday circulating a petition getting signatures of the busi new men, asking Judge Scroggy to appoint him as one of the four build fag oommlttee on thenewcourt house, provided the bill passes* —Weaving done at the same old pfaet, Mrs Conley’s, by her daughter, • Nannie Deck. —What ever you want in the drag Bo r and hare not got will get at oeoe. C. M. Ridgway. Hoy Broroagem went over to Day- ton, Tuesday, after his father Mr. John Bromagem, who has been con* fatod in the Dayton State Hospital. Mr. Bromagem returned in much ira- plated health. Dr. P , It. Madden, Practice lim- i fad to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND r TMWAT. Glasees Accurately Ad- - fant sd. Allen Building, Xenia, 0 . tttftMMW— oakc Ho. ?>, Residence No. %f, Teesday, we found Geo. Winter , and Bev. Andrew in the county aapttal, while Dr. J ; O. Stewart made a trip fa the Gem city. Ufa, Mattie L, Williamson has jlfad In the Probate Court’s office » Maim of $8*048 against the J / S . Wttkatoon estate. The claims rep* Mtafato two promissory notes. Mm. WUftaHMofl and 8 . K. Williamson, sea e f th« deceased, are executors of fawiatate. smn ww^ aai^w* —I f you want anything good, go «e ferny*. - St* X. 0 . Bull moved this week fa f a i Wafa farm, south of town* Mr, 'fafci* awsfad to Springfield, and Mr, F-m- OsOfas take* the Barber farm .'MM si by K. O. Bull*' ' —CawrisAekanaan, Goshen, Ind., “PeWitti* Little Early Risers errfaln relief, cure my ^ f f a f a if a e m i uerer grip#* They 'ipMfa 4 m m and fitrigoraie the .•MWi iM*d Kter; Rid*way fa Co., .& iflbU fe )t,« r faarilie, Mr, WfU Deau has moved hit family into town and they will make their home fora time with Mr. J» • D. Williamson. —When in Xenia take diuuet with Grices' in their “New Home/ No. 16 Green Street. A number of our teachers took the examination a t Xenia last Saturday. —Gray keeps nothing but Hie best in his line of goods. ' Rev* John Bicket, of Xenia, visited the college Wednesday morning. —The only place in town where you can find 25 brands of Cigars and a complete stock. C. M. Ridgway, Calvin Morton has been sick and unable, to be at bis school for the past week. Ed McCown taught for him a few days tho first of the week and closed the school Wednesday until Mr. Morton is able to resume bit duties. . , .. —Big bargains in Queenaware to day anfl all next week for cash only, at Bull & Spencer’s. »- Mrs. Minnie McElvoy and son Kenneth, ofY/est Carlton spent a few days the first of the week, the guest of Mrs. Hiram Cline, . D r, J . O, S te w a r t, Phyacian and Surgeon, Specialist inE y e an d ' E a r . G la sse s A c c u ra te ly A d ju s te d , S atisfaction , G uaran teed , . ... The river at' Dayton was on quite ft boom last Tuesday owing to the heavy rains. : Clarence Northup has rented a farm near Clifton and will remove from Dayton in a few weeks. Mr. J, C. Barber has purchase! about 70 acres of land lying east of town on the Townsley road known as the Kelly farm. - I t was owned, by the Kelly heirs and was .sold for $3,000. —Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111 ., writes. “I never fail to relieV' my children from croup at once by using One Minute Gough Cure, would not feel safe without it. Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and ; all throat and lung diseases. Ridgway &Co., druggists. Plat for the Recital opens Wednes day at 2 p. m. Crouse’s Hardware :Store. —“I used Kodol DyspepsiaCure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic’s best friend/ says E« Hartgerink, Overisel Mich. Digests what you eat. ' Can- nob fail to cure. Ridgway & Co., druggists. . Mr. John Murry, of South Charles ton, was the guest of Mr. aud Mrs, George Harper, last Thursday. He is desirous of trading one of his farms for property here in ' order _that he may have the benefit of the college in educating his children, I t takes a business man to conduct the business ot the county. The man that knows how to take care of his own dollars, will keep.a safe look out on the county’s money, and not spend a cent that is not necessary John W. Smith, the pork packer, possesses these qualities in the highest degree Vote for him at the coming, primary, Charlie McFarland displayed cun siderable nerve in tho stopping of the horse of Miss Clara McMillan last Tuesday. The .horse had been left unhitched and started to run off. Editor Blair, of Morrow, was in town, Tuesday, for the purpose of consultingjone of our physiciap. Will has been under the weather for some time and comes here for medical aid. You won’t need a feather to tickle yourself tonight when you see “The Widow McGinty* at the opera house tonight, Messrs* Shoup, Neff. Heller and McKay were in town last Saturday looking over the grounds for an elec tric line here. They represent the Rapid Transit Co. of Xenia and have the right of, way to tho corporation limits. James Webster, colored, while in the employ of James Duffield, as drayman to haul the BrusSells’lug gage from the depot to the Opera House, became in possession of tickets which he tried to sell and give away, was tried before Mayor Wolford, yesterday afternoon, He was found jguilty of larceny and was given $300 lue/and costs, and 20 days in the works. Wm, Hill represented the state* Mfas Fannie McNeill returned Thursday after a pleasant visit at her home near Belle Cehtre, O. The laughing “ absurdity” Widow MeOtaty, new specialties, new cos* turn!#, a hutrieane of merriment, opera house tonight, HrMssH’s Dramade Co, will r*- pautTha Wifaw MsGtety by jwqamrt. T H E W JA SQ tiERA D E . The home ot Dr, ami Mrs. Oglesba# was tho scene of a very plea#* ant time, Tuesday evening, when seventeen' ladies of the town entertained their husbands at a masquerade The pompany met first at the home of Calvin Barber and donned their masksand the men selected their partners for slipper. The company then went to l)r. Oglesbee’a where aupper was served. Rev. F, G, R om wrote the following poem aud read it at the party, which is a very vivid description ot the affair. ‘ a ** • 1 ■' * A • 1 I ^ There was a happy company, of couples seventeen In Cedarviile a merrier crowd hah never yet been seen, At the house of J. 0 Barber when;/ell the evening shade, t ? For "the masquerade. ■ - , j ,t- # Dr. Oglesbee and lady played the part of genial hosts. For the company of dark sepulfcljpuHooking ghosts ■' Who that evening did their domicile invade *. For a,masquerade. - ! -VJV/ * » Their garb tfae so unsightly with monkish cowl am] gown* That atougher lot was never Beenwfthin our peaceful town, The slim ones were the fattest, by, padsand cotton’s aid j ' For a masquerade. The fat ones were so very slim, onfe would think that they would break, Who when their stomach troubled felt-their backbones for the ache, The greatest transformation evpr known on earth was made . , ,'Ai$he masquerade. The masks they wore were horrid, ,as figly as could lie, They looked far;worse than pictures,>of hift Satanic Majesty, Yet sqme appeared more bandsqnieVfor being thus arrayed ! ; At the .masquerade. Time would fail to tell the many, tiiihgs amusing that were done, So swiftly sped the hours with laugher* mirth and fun, That none can now remember just,haw late at night they 1 stayed _ ^ At'the masquerade. • .You can’t compare the hour oil bliss.'you felt when you- were young, .Wheii on your arm in evening shade some«oy sweet nmiden elung, Whjle through the fields clysian and forests ueep you strayed ; With the masquerade. *■■<»■■’ The thoughts and xlreams of her who chewed the purest pepsin gum, So busy with her wagging jaw,' shttdnly said, yum, yum, With all their blissful moments did frOihour memory fade • > At tlie masquerade. There is on exhileration in the lon^ gone husking bee, There’s no music in the.awful surging of the deep blue sen To one standing on its shore in luithing suit arrayed, Like the inusqiHM'ude. The menu was magnificent, all written «yit hi Freiicli, Why sir tojust pronounce the words gave your jaw an awful wrench, T’would.shock you sure to see the name they had for lemonade, ^ . , A t the masquerade. They ate omelets and oysters, fried hiim and devtded eggs. Baluds, pickles,-icecream, fresh fish and froggies legs, Pip liver pudding, rat'tail jelly, preserves and marmalade, At the masquerade. Will Spencer and Cal Barber were so very thin and lean That when they stood before the crowd \yere not able to be seen, So they attacked 'the menu and most awful havoc played, At the masquerade. There was a pretty program, but yet n little long, Doc. Dixon pulled an oyster’s tooth, .Jim Andrew sung a song. McChesney hud some picture cards about n queen and spnde, At the masquerade. ' A duett then was rendered by Pin Kerr and Charley Crouse. They rendered it so handsomely, they brought down all the bouse.. Frunk Turnbull in a lecture'then his eloquence displayed " At the masquerade. ■* ' *0-. • . "*£ * Two Bulls broke loose, a scene ensued, then settled to a calm. While Bub Watt sitng most touchingly the Hundred nineteenth Psalm Bev. Andrew and ’McCollum gave a pantomime charade, / ( At the masquerade. Wildman a recitation gave in-such a tragic way That some gave vent tosobs and tears and othere swooped away A scene the like no more to be enacted or portrayed, - At a masquerade. - Docs. Mnrsh and Oglesbee rushed iiu alas they came too late, There were no fractured bones to set. no limbs to amputate, Nor call for undertaker nor graveyard sexton’s spade At the masquerade. The ladies were in evidence with gowns and smiles galore, Who at the hour of parting were sorry that t’was o’er And all agreed no social was of a- higher grade Than the masquerade. That night with weary hands and feet they Bought their little beds Next, morn they felt quite different, much-sorer in their heads, / For every one was "busted” when all the bills were paid For the masquerade ‘ CEDARVILLE, O . OPERA HOUSE, Evening, March 16, 1900. ? J 30 S h a r p . “Nocturne tip 47”......... .................. .......... ..................,F, Dftrto " kavxii m ;u,. ' “Bourn Bourn”....*............... ............. ............... .Jules Churette BESSIE itomNG. Oration—“The Battle Field of the World”........... .................. JAMES ltAMItOW. “Jitnsella”............ ..............................Paul Lnwrenee Dunbar (’olJtlEI.IA UONNer. "Pour Little Joe”,.....................................................Arkwright CLODE PAUL “Water Nymph op 3”........... .......... ;...............Ethelbert Nevin BESSIE WALKER. “The Lcgand of the Cigan Builder”...,................ ...Julia Dorr LULU'S!. COE. “Selling a Feller”...............................................Storiette Holley NELLIE B. LEWIS, "A Scrap of College Love”, ..... ...............Will Allen Dromgoole MABVB EBVIN. "Antony’s Oration”......... .................... ...................Shakespeare ’ CECILGEOROE. "The Flatterer4’...,.......... .............. .........................Ghnminade BORA«IE«LER. “Mary’s Night Ride ’4 .......................................... ......................... ECHO Ml'EUUElt. ’ I he Burglar Alarm .....Atoik Twain ■ . OROHORA. HARPER. “ How 1 a Rn# Stakes Were List”........ ................N. Hood I'LARARCRA, VOVKO, irn'iL oaoMoir, A Wi t l IPPBi * The BruKwll* Dramatic Company husj ■g«iu delighted the Cedarviile theatre goer* with * number of good play* this week. That the plays were of first class order is evidenced by the fact that the house was crowded every night. Mr. Edmund'Brussells played the leading parts to perfection. He is an actor of the first quality,; and could easily play with some of the leading companies of the country. Whether he plays the part of the old man, as in “His Daughter’s Honor,’' or the lover as in “The Silk Weaver of Lyons,” his acting is very realistic. But Mr Brussells is not the only attraction in his company, the leading lady, Mrs, Emma Brening, playing her parts very well. We would es pecially mention the part taken by her, as Blanche Morel, in the “Silk Weaver of Lyons,” Wednesday even ing. „ The compauy has also been for tunate in obtaining the services ofMr. W.alter Marsh to take the character of. the villain, and his acting is not one of tho smallest features of the per formance by any menus. He was the principle character betore the audience, Tuesday night, in "The Alabama Home.” I t would be impassible to tell of the other members of the troupe, but sufficient it is to say that there are none but natural actors in the com pany, and nil iir all it is the best show for the money that ever struck Cedar- ville. ■ ANewCourt House. - 'At the meeting of the Coinmittee ut Xeiiia, of last Saturday ..for -the pur pose of inspecting the Court House it wa* decided not to expend any sum of money on the old building, but rec ommended the expei dituro of money not to exceed $ 200 , 000 , this to include furnishing and heating of same. Those present. . olf the committee were: Walker Williamson, George H. Smith, Adam I. Boots, J. B. Cum mins, J. R. Ridenour, L. G, Bull, F. E. McGervey. A bill was then-mid to be the legislature. It provides for a comtnitttee of four tif net witli the county commissioners as a building committee, the four citi zens to he appointed by the Common Fleas Judge,' uot more than two of whom shall he ot the same political party. Their compensation for time •employed to lie $3 per day. “Before any action shall be taken Under the provisions of this act, other than the appointment of said building commission, ' tho proposition and policy of building said court house, shall be by said county commissioner submitted to a vote of the electors of said county at the regular annual spring or fall election, or. a special election.” Mrs. G, M. Crouse and Miss Lula Barber had the pleasure of eating dinner with Dr. A. M. Campbell, of Princeton, Ind., Thursday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mar shall, of Xenia. . ! Mr. M. V. Denney is rapidly re gaining strength. J . H . W O L F O R D Wt law*sals mm whMi ma mr cfi-.- *»MW«*Ureitarii f - efawlyysiSyevr esl *dHfaiMat toyes. for ASK YOUR DOCTOR! Ask your physician this ques tion, “Wnat is the one great remedy for consumption?" He will answer, “ Cod-Hver o il." Nine out of ten wHf answer the same way. Yet when persons have consumption they loathe all fatty foods, yet fat is neces sary for their recovery and they cannot take plain cod- liver oil. The plain oil dis turbs the stomach and takes away the appetite. The dis agreeable fishy odor and taste make tt almost unen durable. What is to be done? This question was ans wered when we first made SCOTT'S EMULS/ON of Cod-Liver OHwith Hypo- phosphites. Although that was nearly twenty-five years ago, yet it stands alone to day the one great remedy for all affections of the throat and kings, T teb s ifsato aid ofarhsvt h aft taken away, the toil Itirif Has bren partly digested, and fa# most m » Mtlre stomach obfats fa X tartly. Not tan in ten mm tfa# and fajMt fi*pMn>«fa Nteeofaaftenaan tskeSCOTTS CUUUIONafalfa, g ilt fa That* why R ««rw «t socrrtT’aoM iC riJ ia ^ vw * . Imperial Plouis and Repairs. i . . • . # S e e T h a t N e w C o r n M a r k e r . v/' Prices R igh t - - Prices Right AOTOUNCEMEHTS. riother aoM« In NewD(« mi RhymesauUiiigles-JiDElBS M Rhymes CORPORATION CLERK. We are authorized to announce the Tliis is a large quarto book with name of J . G. McCORKELL as a- thirty-two pages of Music and Ori*. e.nmdaK for J r . jB U 2 T 3 5 L for . b l t t l e S * Corporation Clerk, subject to the de- {ID(] especially for kindergarten work, cisi'ju of the Republican Primary. The marches and songs are sweet utd . simple, the music easy and most mt.. TREASURER.. lodious. The children, are delighted. 1 We are authonzkl ip pnnouuce the xi)is book beep endorsed Jby thfi name of JACOB SEtGLER ns a can- greatest women in. the world: Her didate for re-nomination fofYilluge Majesty, the Queen of England; by Treasurer subject to the decision of Mrs. President McKinley; by that .i t > 11 -„„„ most gentle and noble mother, Mr*, the Republican Pnmary. Grover Cleveland; all of whom have township CLERK. introduced it to'their little friends. -°We are authorized to announce the ■Etta M. Wilson, Director of Kin- name of FRANK JACKSON us a deigarten in Public School No. 43, ,,,■ ,. „ . .. .. .n Brooklyn, New York, writes: “We. candidate for re-nomination for Town- {iaye been, using Rhymes and Jingles ship OIerk| subject to the aecision jn our kiuflergarlen for the past of the Kepublicau Primary-, month and find it invaluable in oar Wtirk. It indeed fills a long felt want j Ai al . - in kindergarten songs and music. T We are authorized to announce the wish every kindergarten' aud primary name of J. C. Grindle asu candidate school in the world might have it-.’* for re-nomination for Village Mar- The work is beautifully, printed on shnl subject to decision oft he R e p u b - expensive deckle edge paper, in’ strik- lican Priimirv ■•] ing blue cover. For sale everywhere, j oi*'sent to any address, postpitid, for s t r e e t comm ission er ;-. | $1 00.. We are authorized to announce the j name of M. V. DENNEY as u candi date for re-election to the office of Street Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Republican primary, March 16, 1900. ' ; • ASSESSOR. We are authorized to announce that J . HALE COLLINS will be a candidate for Assessor at the Re publican primary, March 16,1900. MAYOR, We are authorized to announce the name .of TED RICHARDS, candi date for Mayor of village of Cedar viile subject to Republican primary. Messrs. Editors: Please announce J . H. WOLFORD as candidate for re-election for Mayor, subject to the Republican Primary. “ C i t i z e n , ” . COUNTY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN W. SMITH, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Republican Primary election in April. INFIRMARY DIRECTOR. We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN THOMAS as a can didate for Infirmary Director subject to the decision of the Republican pri mary election. Primary Call. The Republican Primal y Election of Cedarviile Township and Cedar viile Corporation Xviil be lin'd in the Mayor’s office, Cedarviile, 0 . r . Friday, March 16th, 1000, betweeu the hours of 1 o’clock P* M aud 6 o’clock 1 \ M. (Standard time) for the purpose of nominating candi dates for Corporation and Township offices: tow n sh ip o f f ic e s : One Trustee, One Clerk. One Assessor. One Constable. CORPORATION OFFICES: One Mayor. One Mrfjteha). One Treasurer. One Clerk, One Street Commissioner. Three Councilmeu. Said election shall lie held in ac cordance with and be governed by the rules and regulations governing the Republican county primary election, excepting as to the time of maxing returns, which shaft he made imme diately after count of votes to the ■secretary, .^taaesatmssts to be paid to J . R Silvay or fid. H. NWwt or before TSttreday, Marfa 15th, 1900 J , D. S ii . vxy , J . H. Ntaamr. WRIGHT & Co., Publishers, 130^ Broadway, Now York City, Chickens Come Home to J M * The Greatest Novel of the Age. WRIGHT &CO’S. PUBLICATIONS, - Include a second'edition (20th thou sand,) beautifully illustrated, of that charming novel, “Chickens Come Horae to Roost,” by L. B. Hilles, de scribed by the New York Times at “a book, without a single dull line, and witli a horse race far surpassing in vivid description and thrillingiu- terest the famous chnriot race in Ben Hur.” Robert G. Ingersolt said: “The boldest and best of’the. year.” , Hon. B. T. Bakeman says: " I t is the greatest novel I have ever read.” W, L, ti tone, author and- critic writes: “ I t is most admirable, beau tiful and vivid in style. A great accession to American fiction,” Judge John Rooney of the New York says: “I t is equal to the best masters, and the horse race is even better' than the one in Ben Hur.”' Hon, M. It, Knight of the Chicago bar says: “This is the moat realistic and rcmnrkable book of the age, A greater book than Uncle Tom’sCabin. Witten with the realism of Defoe, tha grace of Addison and the pathos and gentle sweetness ofGoldsmith.” More than five hundred letters hate been received from delighted reader# The book is on sale everywhere or sent post paid tor $1,26 by WRIGHT &COMPANY, PubHahers. XS03-70 Broadway. Nrw York City. WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office I wish to open in thk Vicinity. Good opening for an cner* getio sober man. Kindly mention this paper when writing, A. T. Morris, Cincinnati, O. Illustrated catalogue 4 eta, postage. n o t ic e of a p po in tm en t Notice is hereby given that Oscar Iticd Owens has been appointed and ( qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Hcgry Owens, de* ceased. J . N, Dean, Probate Judge February 26, 1900. ElictionHotici. There will bo an election held at the usual voting places, Monday, April 2, 1900, for the election of three members of the Board of Eda* nation of the Cedarviile Village Bchool District Andrew Jackson, Clerk. tr. TWENTY-1 The pro< The pr< , Style, the wi NOTICE. This is to infbrai fa# pablic that fa# aato advarttead io fake pJm 1 l|a ta L ’f JL X . I , TmwSMX* RAWL Writes freaitke! AChatty-Letter.! Messrs. Bull & Ha Dear Boys; Os promised you a Jed ’ waiting for someth! , ‘ knbw that we werj place. Alas! Fro| ,-and. water we have , to realize we are ‘ Of our movernent*| you no doubt ar newspapers. Otnl Thomas, Ky., was! ' ^we have bad sin! - in barracks, \rithl - ro,om and..everythil ' civil life, but sincel are.enjoying CO til living in tents uni| >bur;ni'ess kits: *'*:We h'rolte(C>mf -- August 25th, at] ! marched to NewpoJ • of three miles, - handle were awaiti| . loading we were Cincinnati, leaving 2j2*5 p. m. via anapoljs to St. Loj Louis, via Chicago! Gity, Mo., thence] , to San Francisco. , Ou r t r i p o v e r toreating, seeing ni| erv, some very fine.’ The Alkali and Wyoming -beii| much wonder so Ished trying tol liinds during the] The trip, by rail 1 1 enjoyable one, Vf we did not’dare oj - acconnt ofthe offei| found the heat pr through "The R<] pleasure, seeing m] ;«ry ., I can pot •criptiort of our t r | « Y»»ydose obaerv diary of our trip leak-n known youij -deacribfe of the S tt| letter more princ and our ocean voj This Dec. 16th] in camp at Zar ‘ Island, P. 1.,'ftbo] Of Manila. Will 1 left off. , Otir stay at Ca| tained by aickne ure. Regiment Presidio, Cal., camping rather during evening with strong wind j our tents were tie stove, aiid we hnd on, yet l have an out and shivering rekindle Same, wa# quite a disapj til becoming aedi we Were seeing Cj winter and bcing| wai cause of Quite A noveltj Mkki; of winte fruits #nd flower On 8 ept. Ifltl line, heavy marc joking among t! patient to l» tnaee.” I t pro# i s w#were order Again on 19th w] h a t learn, insls Fhilft^iines are ] m A ^ e l Island,I for* Mile out ii| iMMlbpOX havin| -pwwiHtld 'farid quai ieaaap,' Oet, II far fate af la hnfa.i the 1 ,
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