The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
a . '*V Tile «!.W A YEAR* HARTER * ECtto Propl*. ^ y. it. Wu#w, | u u B*u, Xlilw, ffw.fftjpr. jwaaia AaMwteaweroduatotiia Has- I imum , But Wellington aact M*rl- 1bo rough a n d lb * to o k lin t g lo ry . *K“f * # ■ * * W * lr' " I t J i b l ow l to 1* « , he S.M,” awl f a w reriaiuly waking a poor — — - •bow of it. linr, Calvin Zimmerman, Mitafc- *‘A sensible womern,” m\d I ’ncloBtu, i burg. i’a , seya, “ A* a sjweily cure , “Air about a* f a n * m tim teeth of * { for , -.uglis, cold*, croup *wl «>r« | tlirmtt <>«e Minute Cough 1‘iire Is j hen- emmm Q**ms **(♦« write Phw# BATPKPAY, MABCH 17, IdOO. Xl J.W. Smith. The JPreeldeot verr quickly beaded off -the report that he vriu wobbling lit fct* view* on expansion- &$«, Wood is trying, in Cuba, the Mexican plan of making good citi- xeutof bandit# by giving them offices. Barrator Hoar aeema to be a friend Of both Quay and Aguinaldo. We wondar which feel# the disgrace of the Companionship the most keenly. Emperor William’# royalties on hi# play# do not suffice to pay hi# ex peases, and ho ha# asked hi# g ooi people to vote hi# increase of salary Recently a baby was born in Ken tticky who had three hips. " Thus • nature provides for the needs of the rising generation. Hips are handy in 'K e n tu c k y . 13 - I t is au offweek when some detect ive does not claim to have located the assassin of Goebel, but somehow none of them over get so far as to produce the criminal. Our consular service is to he re formed again. Despite the talk of civil Service men, onr service 5 b now the best in the world and is being copiedW nearly'every other nation. American plants may not be needed in Cuba, but we notice that the Amer ican Roots nre receiving much utten licit over there, and that the popu la rity of an American Wood con tinues to increase. >■ The federation of Labor bill re cently introduced in the House pro Vide# that no action by half u dozen men shall he deemed criminal if it is not criminal when done by one man /This i# good horse sense. Brother Sheldon will make a big mistake if he. figures that those1 who subscribe for the paper that be will conduct for a single week, as he thinks Christ would, would become regular subscribers to a religious daily. / Delaware has reported that her peach crop is doing well and that the prospects are excelleut for a big crop. Well, Well, what will happen uext? Will Aguinaldo surrender or will Cleveland'be nominated by the Demo- ewitst . ' * ■ 41As f r onr newly acquired pots* Msst 0 u*,*aatd Air, Dooley a few weeks ago, “ ’tis our intintion to give them a a form i t government suited to their heads, which is small, an*, in short, to do as we blame please with them makio* up our minds as we along.” This seems to define the state of affairs with sufficient accuracy. Mr. J . W. Health, the pork packer, spaat the greater part of his life on U m fern, He understands the needs «f rite frrMer and is in complete eym pithy with him and his work.^ The totmert will make no miatake in sup parting such a man. There will be two John Bmithi on the ticket, but pines your cross opposite the name of j . W . Bmitk and you will make no mistake. Remember the W . in the AIM#. In a recent civil service examine ikm for letter carriers, the candidates were asked to explain the difltaKtce between the Puritans and the Pit grtear, also what connection there was between a street railway iu Washing- tan aad th a Atlantic ocean. Home « f the candidates made a stagger at DmNest, hat m one could guess a t ties amend, and it remains a dark I f fme trade to Porto Rieo exists as • mutter of right, it must similarly waist hi the Philippine*. But Hpsin Is ewtitied to trade with those Wands •m the mate term# as tha fa iled •totes, lar tea year*, Timt It to My, dm viH h« entitled to tree trade with 4m Halted iMtes by way wf Manila Ihr tea ysars, There are aH swrte of to this axpaasfoa hast* »Pp mlWiWWWI '•rJPtetePPPw 4 tha first 'real lead have Always they AJHMHAf IflAATC dVmmrvf 1JWW**r* I ikot a * sms fa tk« air, Itr*n to tb*worth; l lcMirsot vter*. ’ We wonder why a furnace always clinkers on the coldest days? ‘ • f t t People who are always complaining of feeling ill live the longest. f . . . | -j- f Home people think it requires good education to he a book-keeper, ~ 1 1 1 An optimist is a person who can take care ot a neighbor’s kids all day and not get tired. t t t ‘ ■ No woman thinks her own children are a# much bother ns other folks.’ t t f I f a man of any respectability puts on a whiteshirt without taking a hath, lie feels guilty. ' ,. t t t ' • A farmer who doesn't keep his wagon bed painted usually hasn’t, much to haul in it. ............... -• t t t If a man lets you look into his bank book, the chances are, he has just de posited and uot had the book balanced. • t t t Wlieu two old men get together and one tells a story, the other must -1— t»r , ^ ■ * go him one better., ■ ."■■■ t t t One drawback in every business is the number of stories yOu have to hear, ■ f t t The worst part of it is, nobody sympathizes with yon if yon make a bad bargain. f t t If water pipes only froze in hot weather so one could get at them bet ter, it would not be so bad. ... t t f ' A girl writes “ finis” at the lust ot her letter, but an older girl writes nothing or “ the end.” f t t As long as a man wont allow any body to help him to put on his over coat, he thinks he is young. f t f, . Lots of folks g e t. into people's houses at a funeral who would not a t any other time. f f f Nobohy |ever listens to a funeral sermon. * t f t The safest way is to put up the first ico of the winter. t t t A singer must lie from a bigger town if he hopes to make any im pression. Every girl thinks she married the pkk of the family. t f f There is nothing a man needs more than hie pockets. t t t Home people think it sounds better if they say, when they started out looking for a job, they only had 75 cents in their pocket. 1 1 1 Everybody gets mad if the tele phone is not answered at once. t t + We wonder what would become of the world if all people were as trifling as some people we know. ACfcX. M im , er ; - -The top of the heap is. Britt’* I’ouhry Food becauseits the only true and tried regulator for poultry. Hold by Andrew Bros. A On. 10 OTJJUSAGOLDIX 0«g OAT. Tike Laxative Bromn Quintn. Tablets, Atl druggists refund the money if it fail* to cure, B We Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c, - I f troubled with rheum atism , give GbamheriamV Pain-B alm a tria l, I t will n o t cost you a c e n t i f i t <W* no good. O ne application w ill relieve th e pain . I t aim cure# sprain* and hrutem in one th ird th e tim a required ►va n y o th e r tr*atm *nt. C u ts , h am s , frostbite*, quiaovy, pate* in th a side an d aheat, g lan d u la r s a d o th e r aw d t- t e f i earn qwtehiy a a rad by W lteM lilA “ When me an d my H a n n a h J a iie was Swnequallcd. I t « ploa^ant fm <hil* w« l . « | drew to take, I h e a rtily recommend How p e a rt she looked a* she stood by j i t , to mothers,” I t is tlm on ly harm •M ijfe f PteV| m y able, In a kalikcr gown, while the knot was tied. Her lmir wasn’t Iwnged, said Uncle 3 Ben, “And they didn’t wear no bloomers then. Her hands was a Jeetle hard, I know; Hhe could milk the cows and spin and ‘ hoe; A nd i f was# would ev e r come to wuss, Hbe could plow a Icctle, w ithou t no fiifes, . I suppose she'd been a trifle green A try’n to use a sewing-machine, Hbe altera made her gowns upplsin— But a right smart gal was my mnnali ■ Jane. The only thing she cared to feel Around her waist, instid of steel Was ray right, a rm -hu t then, ’twas plain That.never injured Hannah Jane. When the children come—there |was nine, I believe— Bhe didn’t pout nor scold nor grieve; Bhe darned and patched the hull day through, And larnt them young ones to help her too, / To read their Bibles, find say their prayers, And never, no. never to put on airs. I’m Sure,” said Uncle Ben, “It’s ■■ plain There hain’t no more like Hannah Jane” - . i’; • »Js $ ti'. iji sfc wai, old wije, I du declare, I didn’t know that you was there, A listBuin’ tew me on the stair— A hearing' every ivor., I've said—- Lord bless vour tremnblin', gray old head! You'ie twice as gmart and twice as ; fair As these here stylish women air, The hull haint with a single rush, Nay, uuy, old wife, von need’t blush, I’ve often said, and l ’l{ say again, There linin’t no women like Hannnh ■■Jntio.” —The Pilgrim Does Your Stomach Distress You? Do you have pniiis in the side, nausea, sometimes vomiting, distress, after eating, belching, constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? If you have any of these symtoms, you have dyspepsia or stomach disorder.. These distressing troubles are promptly re lieved and then cured by Bailey's Dyspepsia Tablets. Pleasant to take. They will bring quick relief to the worst cases. Written signature of W. J Bailey on each package. Price 25 cents. Sample free. Druggists who don’t have them, will get them for - you. Two kinds of tablets in each, package. The latest discovery, Sold by iRidgwny &Co Last Tuesday when returning home from Xenia, we found a paper which had hceu dropped iu a car Beat, that was published at Buenos Ayres, South America. Friday, January 5,' 1500. I t was gotten up in metro politan style, and spoke of the open ing af the 5(ith Congress and of the death of Vice Pres. Hobart. People here think that subeription rates are high. We quote the South American’s rates: The daily is $1.50 per month, or $18 per year. The weekly is $10 per year; to foreign countries $ 1 4 per year. Pauiier Do yon tak* csM with • v « r y c h a s e * I* t h a watfUMf? Dow your throat teal raw? And 4o slurp pains dart throsgk your ehaat? Don't yon know tfuM am danger signals which point to pnenmonfait bronchitis, hr consumption Itself? If yon atef ailing and hav# lost flash lately, they a rt csrtsinly danger signals, Tha quMtlon foryontodscld* Is, “Hava I tha vitality to throw off firsts illisa iii?“ Don’t wait to try 5COTT’5 EMULSION “ as a last ra* sort.** Than la no remedy eqoM to It for fortifying tha •yat«n« Pttvantionisoasy. Scott’s Emulsion PifiVMIIti MPNRI|Nivi mmm hosts sfothardlasnsM which attack tha werlt and thoas •vwnw vtvmdi nsnnvn ■mtwtmenm with poor Mood. SCOTT'S EMULSION la aWi MWM m WtBw fatkmed throats and ImigM, toe cote*, hroneMtis and con* teMNptien, I t Is a food Midi* fcwip w+ a p ate fi- 'IPM^ I* •MPMiMxap ym less remedy that produces immediate rcnulte. I t cures bronchitis, pneu monia, grippe and throat and lung diseases, I t will prevent consump tion. Ilidgwr.y & Co., druggists. —New Crop California Apricots, Peaches, Prumcs, Grapes and Raisins, at Gray’s. . ItLwd#. . Wherever it has been introduced. Dr Caldwell’s Hyrup Pepsin leads all other remedies in curing constipation, indigestion and sick headftCb. I t only cost "lOc tor trial size (10 doses (10c. Large size 50c and $1. C. M, Ridgway, --Grice’s, of Xenia, are headquart ers for the finest Cream and Ices, They ship to all parts of. the county. —Win. Qrr, Newark, Q.. says, We never feel safe without One Minute Cough Cure in theliouso. It saved my little boy’s life when he had the pneumonia. We think it ia the best medicine made.” I t cures coughs and ulI lung diseases Pleasant to take, harmless and givts imme diate results. Ridgway ,& Co., druggists. ' —Marshall can care lor more vigr than imy oilier ■’Livery Stable in Xenia. LIST OF LETTERS List of letters remaining nnc: Her. for in the-Ce.lurville postoflicc fm tlu month ending March 17, 15)00, List No. 12. Johnson, Mrs. l5mily Woods, Joseph T. N, T arbox TP M, SPRING - 1900. ' C i i r p e t i i . The dcsignes and quality surpass any former season. Then)- vance in raw material and general good time# has made a great de mand, aud the mills have advanced prices, To overcome In part IirTCH lHuN & ( ilBNEV placed there orders at prices that can not l>e duplicate)] by 5 or 10 per cent. M a t t i n g 1' 10000 yds. Matting, joinle* and seamless twine chain in green, blue, brown and red a t J2I to 35c, Never better for the money, 10 Rolls of the Grande.rier yd........ ....................,..,,,.,,..25 and 30c 15 Rolls of the Cotton^Extra Super.,,.,,............... ......... ......,35c 15 Rolls .All-wool 5 ' t l i m g . . , * . . , , . . 5 0 c 25 Rolls All-wool both ways,..,......,.............................. ...50, 60, 75c V lyt, Tapestry, Moquette, Axminster. Art Ingrain all sizes S4.75, $5.75 $8.75. Large size, all-wool Axminster, 3. yards wide, 14 yards long. Large size Moquette, Velvet, Tapestry. Art Corner Remnants put down to 2<>c, Brussel Remnants 19c, 25c, 50c, 75c. ^ - L a c e C u r f i t i n s , 500 pair, excellent styles, never lower. Good style 34 yards Jong $1.00. Three yards long per pair 50c. H utchison & ( I ibney IS HoFooled The SargeoBli . All doctors told Ronick H.imilton, of West Jeffso-smi, O., alter suffl-ring 18, months l'rm» Rectal Fistula, he would die unhss a costly operation was performed; tint he cured himself with Buekltn’s Arnica Salve, the best in the World, Surest Pile cure on Earth.- 25c a box, at Ridaway & Co’s. DrugStore., $ 2 5 . 0 0 P e r W e e k ' —TO— ANY PERSON it) America of ordin ary intelligence, mule or .female, can earn $25 weekly (hiring their leisure hours by introducing our celebrated Art Tapestry Paintings, send stamp or illustrated circular, containing uli information and reproductions of our tapestry paintings, fa ll or address, Parisian Tapestry Co., 19 West Twenty-fourth Street, New York. I t makes sick women1well. It makes weak women strong. I t makes the care-worn face of premature age youthful and handsome again. Health to svoman means -beauty, youth, happiness, and sweetness of disposition. Lack of it means homeliness, premature age, aud irritnlnllity ot temper. -WitJr health she commands love, admiration, and esteem. Without itshe becomes a burdeti to herself, u cross to her friends, a disconsolate being, long ing to die. Do you suffer with headache, backache nervousness. Weariness melan choly, painful menstruation, or leucorrhea, accompauied by dizziness bad taste in the mouth, or sallow complexion? >tr Few women are without these distressing symptoms of disease, and thousands are today on the verge of fatal collapse without snspecling it. L ad ie s : Do not delay if you have any of these symptoms. Dr. Harte- I*us, the discoverer of F em a lia C om pound , was the greatest physician and scientist of the age Thousands of women have lieerurestored to health, beauty, happiness, youth and-freedom from irritability through this wonder ful remedy, Write to tis,, whether you think you «re suffering from.these I'iseatcs or not. We can advise you. Delay may be fatal to you. . Mr#. E« Dirtl, of lS We#l 37 lUrc- t, New .York City, iu a letter to tl,e Dr. thtrtolius ( omjKi.-lto Kcmedy Ooiu^suy, snye: 1 , . -'-I w,-is given up by pbyetcians m h hopclii«« case. I took a trip to Europe with n ricivol' being under treatment there, i was treated in Paris for six' niontli*. bn*, reeoived no belli. I returned to. New York, and one day l sawn little ndvoruVoment, in ouo of tho uewspspors, stating that t ) f . Itarclius* F£- ‘ MA14ACOMt’Ot-Nt) would cure all fematu diseases. I decided to try the same, - and I nm glad tb testify, not for tny own sake, but for that of my suffering sisters th a tl am today, n woti woman, thanks to Dr. Hnrtclius.” A ll A d v ic e F r e e , A11 com spondcnce S t r i c t l y C o n f id e n tia l. All tattlers destroyed to insure A b so lu te S e c re cy . Woman longs for sympathy in her distress. No 'one could give you the necessary advice with more care, kindness and consideration than our corps of able and eminent physicians. Write us tolly. Tell us all about yonr- troubles. W e Gall .H e lp Y ou . Remember that Consultation with these eminent physicians, either iu person or by mail, is A b s o l u te l y F r e e . — ADDRESS— AiiKTicim T rae t Society Build ing Hew York City. WANTED—Several lirtght -and Honest peril eons to repretent an as Manager# tn this nnd Close by d unties. Salary $001) tvyear and expenses. Straight, bnni-fidc; no wore, no tees salary. Position permanent. Our references, any bank In any town, - It Is mainly ofTio work conducted at home. Rcfercnco. E.. close self-addressed stamped envelope. T hr D ohisiox CoarANT, Dept, 3, Chicago. ExchangeBank CEDARVILLE, OHIO. INSURANCE CO. C >1‘ N e w Y o r k . A CCOUNTS of Merchants and In dividuals solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. CHURCH DIRECTORY tt. P. Church—Rev. J . F. Moiton, Pastor, services at 11:00 a. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Covenanter Cbnreb—Hcv. W. J, Sanderson, f aster, Regular services at 11:00 a. m, Sab- ath School at 10 a. m, C. P.Chnrch—Bev. F. 0 , Boss, pastor. Ser vices at 10:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m, Sabbath School at 9:30 a.m, standard time, A, M. E. Church—Kev, Mr. Uaxwcit. 1’as- tot Preaching at 11:00 a. m. abd 7:S0 p. m. Class every Sabbath at 12:30, Sabfcalh School at 3:00 p.m. Friends and visitors cordially invited. M. E. Chare!:*—Kev. A. I). Maddox, Pastor. Preaching at 11:00 n.t». Sabbath School st 9:43 a. in. Yoang Poopto’s meeting at 0:43 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at liuO* Baptist Church-Bev.Itlr.folcrjan, tmstor \ / G [ T CilTl a l w a y s f i n d ftt tilt* ofIho Baptist cburoti# Preaching aili<>N£toFk ■ 11 t* 1 1 \ r a . l and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at S:S0 p. ri. * O ld T e l l a b l e M e a t S llO l) Ot Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at 7:00, Everyoijo invited. Gathering of the Friends of !5ion, at Ervin & Williamson’*Hail, every Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 o’clock, standard time. Everybody’is in vited. John II, Sayres, Deacon in Charge. Y\RAFTH on New York and Chi- rinnnti sold at lowest rates. The cheapest ami .most convenient way to send money by mail. ’ OANS made on Real Estate, Pet- ri sonal or Collateral Beeurity, William Wildman, Pres,, 8eth W. Smith, Vice Pres.. W. J . Wildman, Caehtar 92d Semi-Annual S ta tem en t, July, 1899 , Summary r i Asset*: Cash in Bank Real Estate United States Bonds State Bends City Bonds Railroad Bonds Water Bonds G tt Slocks and Bonds Railroad- Stocks Bank Stocks Trust C*». Stork* $ Otl,067.O4 1,774,*24.04 lj»l«,7SO.00 50.4Q0.W 736JUI.8* 1,093,860.00 83,900.00 153.063.00 4,047^34.00 314.700.00 1(15^00,00 teA ttN M a Fin lnson iM C$* -STATXOPOHIO. I ' . . . * telSHMWtPspWsat,f Ootw*B 7 -s,P*b. I. IMA u h X l *' Saperlaiendeat of la«ra»ei#| Uf**Mtayf Okie So hereby eertlfy that the A lS {MMMJanr* iMsraace Cotnpaay. leeMed at Fltw. te iilMnttiaatataar Peen»yt»««l*, feoseetnytlMin •Uresyeetswith U» tawsof this S!»te,rel»tl*ttol» ,MMsMMtnysMte*,otker thanLtre.taeoriKinMdh* sthsrsMIisof tke halted State*, and is aataorOed Y t S m m .« • spyroynato bnslastt of, FlMt |||i jmEalcata this ststs.ia scenManes with taw.esr. ■Mr um MsTtat year. The condition ss«bMistMo< datehereof.Isshown P .t e " S »aO(. aiMer oath, atieoairedkySsctloS I f tw iite atstatesof Ohio, toheat follows: SssrstasaOMonat or avMiskte assets,... f“si rni u A—riaMiaMonni of HsWHMea” xe»t •aMfidiitM{a4l*s rs-tatara»e«,....A!; W.rq.M teu oJ ta ttt a g g g tstMtitStXMs* s*s**a 1 • «»*« ------------ ------ * ‘ ' ' 970,711.10 ------------------— ________ 99ft.SlS.01i ______ toss,whereof. I ks*e horsnato sakterikH Awitt i ifnteowofor thoyesr'ja i>Mh? Ait-tMiSsysaeiures jsr.tksfearto «Mh, C, W. Grousers- C ho ice Beef, P o r k S a u s a g e , Veal, L a r d , B o lo g n a , W e n e r w u s t , B a c c n , H a m s , S u g a r C u re d S h o u ld e r s * i i t v u u s A t r i a l am i b o oun* 'im to il. Bonds end Mortgage#. Being J tt lien on Beal Estate 212,350.00 Loans un Stocks, payable on de- tnnnd 138,125.00 Premimns kneolleefedn nd in hands of Agent# 677,106JO Interest dne and neemed «m 1st Jnljr, 1699 47,914.31 012,457,9^52 LliMlHte*: Cash Capital » »3,000,000.0# Reserve Preminm Fund 4,100,328.00 Reserve for unpaid Lease- nnd „ , Claims 449.011J t Net Surplus 4.001,,7*3.71 DnrplnnasregardspolicyMien 07 . 04 «< 3 oi> 7 t W o L ? C u i w A N S ; At*Mt« CliBARVItLfi, - . OHIO. FRANK IL DEAN. ATTORxrv at L aw . 41E. Main 8t., X pmm , O. ,Caveat*,andTrade.MaA*obtainedandallPat hwiine.stfwsuewdforMnntnatc Ptks. , OusOrriet t t muNHnrau • .pavtNTo rrta t and vj*»an m at* yat-eiln 1' m timethawthose remot* f-'W*'washiagtov. | Hondmodet, drawtwf or photo.,-with deattin ^ y b g g 4 g S 7 g t f J & i 3 .,lt I W A O O . M i i b ' s R n t i n i i t n d M aiag t e n t Uorjipr Hfyh end Limntotw #tr«t, HpbnjritaMt Ohio. WANTED! Rpliahlo mntt jfor Manager of Branch Office 1 wish to open in thia vicinity. Good ojiehing for an ener- gefic Adwr man. Kindly mention this IhM f t lM S ttk l* p a p r when writtug, A*T* M m k , CJa d aw tl, o . llluatrated eatalofne 4 H*. pofagt. imteyoerhome tkm and fiMtr t I m I m W o n tb*lute**#, <mt oftb* wtuiwMii jwaium npn teMwfl tetewNTPRi —Naw craft eawted ApiAm. Gum » N. Fawwtfefai A teem , « aNLM | flU jaa • t Have you watched it* nurvelow frowth? I f not, The Weddy E». gutter waste to attafy(tee atrideckhsi made, TbelintceflaiKoftJic Units* States was taken In t$io, Since that every succeeding ten years. The n - suit has been at follows; Yoor, .PmnlaMsn. Yaar- f^pnlelisa, m * , . . . e # U M t Here you have the figures of # bass o f crictflatiou. Tbe proble* now is; Whatwill be the populatioa of the United States, exclucUag recent acquisitioos. The result is usually announced in July of the census year, T hs Wtooux Enootxn it anxious to engage all in * study of their coun try- To this end it will distribute cash amounting to $ 35 , 000 , for solu tions received of the population of the United States Census, as follows: ttthiirtttiv*rto9met[mtnmni.fS,O0O.Ot TsttetomA.............................. tMO .0t TV tiM third.................. 7*0.00 T»fc#l*rtk.., ■• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $00,00 T o th s f f l k ........................ 100.00 T o & f c x t i i . . 100.00 TotteMftttb..................... 710,00 T b tte&«zt10,sodf10Rsawatoghi. 1JOOOM Tetii»aHt60.Mekt60,uwudiHte- tJOO.OO 1btka«ttOO,«e*W,8s#sa<iSfi», XJfOO.OO T»t4«»«tMO,sash|i 0 ,—watiigla. SJfOO.M Tottezsxt1^30,sate 7,000,00 1707 catbprHnt* 1 waatetey H WffiQOM In case of a tie, money equally di vided. Every guess on die above propori-' tion must be accompanied by a year’s subscriptiontotheW im r E hquiru , You can guess as erffen as you care to inclose subscription price to the W eekly E nquirer . • ■( v This contest will close a monthbe fore the result pf the census will be known and officially certified by Hie. Director of the United States Census atWashington, D. C. Subscription price for the W eekly E nquirer (including guess) is only $z.oo a year. Eleven copies and eleven 'guesses for $ 10 . 00 . For fuD. particulars see W eekly E nquirer - Send all orders to E nquimer C o ., Cincinnati, Ohio. C in c in n a ti D iv is ion . - ennsulvaniaLines. SehcdulaofPsasan|orTr*!n»-Coa!rslTiwa,. ’ W astward. C a la u b a * ......I v , Alton ...... ..... <* WoKtJeilinnu... “ Louijici .. ’• Kf». Cliurliuton .. “ Ni-limi ............. . •• (Vitnrvlllo____ “ Wilbcrforce........ “ x.*n«i»......— |j\r .Spring Vaiicy ... •*' tt -xuiidiv ....... “ Wnyiif-svlllo ... •« Or-gniiliv Fnri Alicleut .. ** Mnrrmr ....... “ Buntti Labunou. “ Loveland,..,....... 11 M i l f o r d . . <* llatttvlaJ c ......... >* g l H t l l a m t t L O 131 SSI 7 AM!AM :*ZlS*710lt8 9 AM| Jit •22S 08^ 753 'i815 :9 • | 10 - • 1013 ... 10120, 50t 84tf10281 l ! W (437191011 m 505193011: 5351001 r 924< 939 306 530J.04« AM)AM Baatward. C i n d a a a U tv ItoiavlaJe.^ “ Mlirord.....« .1/)veintul.... “ So. J5ebation 11 Morrow....... “ Ft. Ancient “ Oregoula ... *• Wayneavllle *‘ Hox»nna„... “ Hpr*g Valley •• X«wl«_ 1 W'ltberforce •' Ccdnrvlle...., *' Selma......... »* IntkO v M m . liomlon.......“ W. Jaflktaon “ Alton....... “ Caiambnsr. 3j» AM J54Oj*03Oi fti 04 . 910 6 IE 635 654 70S 930 f? 14 . 7 20 . 729 ► 741 751 758. f805 812 821 fS33 8501057 90S .. 9lS .... 93511301 AMj AM 1007 1012 S4fl PMI I’M WSV'- ) i f 80 r< i * a f f % m *a- J Aff*. 11301210 gjfwte flltsyfrid Wwi-f^yfi. it WtSTWAHO. — . 73S1206ri fi I'M| PM| AM| TM ill i?! SarlaaSsId—lT. TwiiwSgiitt " Xewln Itaftaa ■m^^.^a^z.aa-L. •nptewtev Mu-— a- Eivtnft KSSTWS AM Kiaatir, KtOradq“ ■mkrUk - #« at vs i* r p XtMa fM ? t s s a r : AM w n i i « n i i s « a AM •7 . 754 815 •400 S»*S5C las Sir 056 917 922 . 949 .a.j, 530101010IB Iff AH l«t« 71130 AX I’M rx rst t l PM!. ■sta-uarftsrissrssfi OorkPaaodTifeMaWi * m Sea RjMamkt aim hsMteMnmt tf.H aURgu«•UN im .. yyRw w ? ? 1 » J |Ii»«r €ia*a w N#4.| Y ,ltM«MdW t lamior ntauirew ki bwi m 4 in ttabawrti oe awMie»iiEra bargh Uakwi M mmb to.aad tn m 1 Wotrttlinttwa, PhUadSlitel* aad Rear N m . 1.4*1 * w jS [ S e n ti* a t Rich m iMtanapelta m At. u a ta : S m . s t . SwChtoofo: X e, M l tot- I^flaMport. fc, p . eo rb e , k . a . F ord , ftatal Satftt^ ftooit B mn S! . li-iaas.-i* Pmovnax, Mftx’A. For UMMtMinle,rMeaofSuw, thromk 1 . — N»wto,*Bd farUMTInftrrniSMil * tm m m g ar taaiaa apMp ISr aPewaoriVaadaU ate. m v iR iir ■«XWIRIIWi« kT w m W # * i ............ .. . t| i Oe a ^ ffT lte j trm m m tf ~ ---- THE cm Why. 4jf «cN6q y m m e * to hfq « *R}i4*dy lit lw affair, fi*| t tlo rM to ot f . *■ M, Act i«;» flto- i>mrtul real to*it mwlins ?i am aslxg tugiMi saaswtod «a tlit- lteMigu 7>im(;i!| butmr heatsmu <i muter flm I no 4hto day \yo \ ad half >) metm vpauj# v v t tRe islainl ..teg waa.pcactta to the Bpantsh r *'<1 there won a-nounted to , m -W oi either wi aff item aetcnl to* , o a r wiwlii •■teas-'r.. amiggicii hUsi-ivvjAe rmt; v f incessant svri to be lying on , (" I titanic yc Cailnt stuif tl *. i»ocK. uij * course a consi - had a pretty atiuply tunm:: Sired direction1 . “ titty . Lano'is '■ from the shah Which he was m ake out of down n e a r tin . ah out thyee ir “Looks a s it air,” 1 said at . Data iglrls are1 when they cai it la h e r dress. --tile glass.” ' •The binoeuk' to be to r our must, bave g them, fpr flv< •least. A t any . 'p a tien t aud et ••You're tak rig b t through ■across the Yu ly. “Afay I fu / futentue^s?” “You may. I hhu the glass best answer 1 . -look for your ' -. not glue youi 'docfor’Sw atcI flcoat folk.” ; It was this f ever want *<| lmlr, and fare ken bodily ou — was standiii beach gazing i the same ttiu fro a big red to 1m a blank. I fancied that wild longing i toco.. The sid much, If not 1 he took tlte i eyes only lot course oliang for the spot i and then ren through the l enough to us advantage, i ••Landiss, ji In th e small i scarlet slgna; pop;, “ the l-esl eyes perlc-tl 1 Sj.nnlHh soldi drop a shot i where it will The men ci to re I got vl Boat in 1-hofl! block on tliel arid in the j! under the m and ready fq The -skipixj the skiff, wil l such n s Jmrlj IT, and told! Luckily, th e am oun t to ai landing w lti I f th a t Cti ta r e through sight a t her to rt, If such "Not b u t wh. fully haggir skhhp dresN somehow, < could not <i Bhe m ight ! prt ttle r wlic ileiois, altlif stop descrll ■couldn't do trie d .. I t w as a th e ensign, akd the rest out enough th in g up. II* • n d she W\r Mates, Sint ahd hoc hr Heats,, an d , ttielr, plfttita The same t gill--* • lle i • ltd hard 1 got It dowi palled her • ty was as i «p r father dose* Aunt «t high hriple ♦ rattan edi s ’nqdy eni •v *!» b u t t*P 1 111 .♦ham ill fa r tb rfe . a fftwqi or testa ifnd mm HJ w bt‘ t e t Wat sh e did i twnreakk) h e r la th e Mgb ifyiti That was fM t o f s i W #Mh fipte aid 'On1—am) - K M
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