The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

▲Brand Haw Stock of WALL PAPER From 5e per Bolt np. A3- All Paper Trimmed Free. HATS and CAPS T l i o N m v o s t i f * o m * M o l l o , Bird’s «mamoth* Store. P r em iu m s G iv en—A sk for T ic k e ts , Onr Hew Spring Stook of Carpets * Matting Is Complete in All Grades A .2 * X > At Prices to Please Everyo WHY DESTROY tbe appearance of your skin, nuking it rough and yellow,, by the use of cheep soup*.' We , have the very hootof soaps at - the same price that you pay for other soaps. They are made of tta best material, ele­ gantly scented. Step in and let us show you. RIDGWAY & CO., the Druggists, -Opp. Opera House. ' Local and Personal iipeneefwf V - v em b < ib eiixwigtiiB> —Ladies’new style pocket books at €;H^Hidgway's. . Mrt. John Ross is suffering from art attack of the grip. —Wray keeps nothing but fhe beet in h'» line of goods. a Miss Fannie Jackson is visiting ' relatives in McKeesport, Pa. ‘‘ ‘ Mr. W. M. Barber was somewhat *indisposed tbe first of the week. Mias Glinginsmitb, of Dayton, spent Sabbath with Miss Etta Crouse. —When in, Xenia take' (linnet with Grices* in their “New Home, * No. 19 GreOp,Street. Mrs; M. I. Mktsh is Visiting rela- 'tiyesar^w^ost^rt, O: "'She will he - absent about ten <&ya. :—What everVoti want in the drug lips and have not got,, will get at once. C. M. Ridgway. The county W, C. T. U. semi, annual convention will meet in the M. E. church in this place April 12 . —The only place in town, where -you can find 25 brands of Cigars and a complete stock. C. M, Ridgway, A . large delegation from Xenia o f Monmouth friends attended the ooocert. given by the Monmouth Col kg* glee club, Friday evening. Mis*. Amanda Duffield and her friend,. Miss Della Johnston, of the O. 8 , & S, 0 . Home, were the gitesta of Mw, Duffield, Sabbath, Mr. and Mrs, J. H , Houser bad for their guests the firstoftbe week, Mr. J , M. Houser, father of the former, and Mr. and Mr*. Caleb Core, of Roxatall, Ohio. , D r. J , O. S tew a r t, Physciau and Surgeon. Specialist inB y e and E a r , G laaaee A c cu ra te ly Ad- j i l t e d , S a t is f a c t io n G u a » a n - TWD , Tha many friendsofMraMsrtin Loy a former resident of this place, will h* pained to hear of her death, which took place at her home in Holidays hetg, Pa., the latter part of*Ja*t aeouth, *—Ihava just received a large stock o f Collars of all funds and prices; eeti ia and examine them when you are ready to purchase for spring week. Also have large stockof Her* mm at popular prices. Dora, The Hayaeas Min. The Monmouth Callage Guitar, Mnadalia and Gke Oahs, which gave the eftiaaeiafthe town such an hstsesslfwg enfartaiamaat last Turn- day Bight will on their return from Pittsburg give a concert, March 33, ia the First U , P. Church, Xenia. On Saturday, March 10,,Mr. aed Mrs. John MeGary, o f Xenia, enter­ tained the Stormont relatives, in baser o f Mr, Riley Stormont’s Mventyeeventh birthday. About twenty from this place were in at* tendance. It was a most enjoyable Hr, Horace Ankeny, representa­ tive from this oounty, introduced three bills in the state legislature, Tuesday of this week. One was a bill authorising the issue of $ 200,000 bonds to build a new court house in. this county, Another bill would allow official stenographers for Greene and Warren counties a salary of $800. The last bill wonld empower the Mayor of Xenia to appoint special police. Do you know that we sell— Corn (Revere) per can at 8 c. Tomatoes, per can at 8 c. Potatoes (fancy),per bu . at 60c. Syrup (Cal. Honey) per gal,, at 26c. "... 1 Crackers (good ones) per lb at 5c. Coffee (good bulk roast) per lb a t 13c. Prunes (fine ones) at per lb, 5c., 8c. and 10c. Onion Sets, Red, 10c.—White, 12i cents per quart A t B ird ’ s . Mr. T. E. Lott and wife, of Spring- field, spent Sunday tbe guest of his brother, J . N. Lott. Mr. .Lott was formerly sheriff of Clark County, and this spring is' a candidate, for county treasurer and will make a lively race for the office. —“I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in4 my family with wonderful results. I t gives immediate rel{ef,.iB pleasant to take and is truly tbe ' dyspeptic’s best friend.” says E. Hartgerink, Overisel, Mich. Digests what yoii eat. Can­ not fail to cure. Ridgway & CoM -M a t. W. E. 8 it*er, W. Caton. JL Y„ write*, “I had dyspepsia over sweaty years, aad tried doctors and medicines without benefit I was pwtsftndbtl use Kodol D/s- psytis Cure and It helped me from the start. I fatUefateto he a pana- a*e far all forme of indigestion.” It digests what yon #at, Ridgway A 0 *., druggists. -. There sees** to be quite an excite­ ment ever the poet office at Yellow Statons, Theft at* eetewl -conket* d H ^ h e le f t far ttapriaa. Among t f t a aw iMum J . M, Birch, T. H W. T. Drummond. The |ay* i t , 0*0 per year and Is m t- looking after. Mia Ross McCown was quite startled, the other day, when a young lady on Xenia Avenue affectionately greeted him as brother. He declared that she must be mistaken and -has ever since been 'trying, to get bis brother, Ed, to explain things. At the council meeting last Mon­ day night Ellsworth Lowry was selected by the ’council to fill the vacancy on the Board of Health, caused by *the resignation of George Sbroadea.: . Levi Ridell is a t present surveying for the electric road from Xenia to Springfield. The promoters ritet the other night with-the Council at Yel­ low Springs and everything seems favorable. Misses Gertie Lsbont and. Helen Eavey, of Xenia, were in attendance a t the entertainment last Tuesday evening, and were the guests of Will IlifTand family while here. Dr, P. R. Madden, Practice lim* ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, aiaaaes AccunrtelyAd- justed* Allen Building, Xenia, 0 . Telephone.—Oflke Ho, 1 %, Raidcae* Ho,- 37 . Hie Pan Handle railroad have constructed a long switch out this side of Xenia which will aid in tha handbagOf freights. Mimes Leona Johnson and Bernice Northup, and Mrs. Bqiaon, of the O. S. & 8 . O. Home, Xcoif, spent Sabbath With friend* here. Mia Jennie Smith left Wednes­ day fo r an extended visit with her water, Mrs R. A. Adams, of Wind­ sor, Out, Albert aad Ftarenoe Stewart, of Springfield, spent Thursday the geest p f their conein, Minnie Ford. Mrs. Frank Tarbox and daughter Ruth, were among the out-of-town visitorshere, last Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. Finney attended a dinner party given by Mr. Frank Spencer’s Thursday. Mr. John Gillespie, of Xenia semi­ nary, was the guest of Prof. Jurkat, Tuesday night. * Millard Shroads and sister, Mrs. Cora Trumbo, spent Wednesday in Springfield. Miss* Maud Satterfield, of Xenia, spent Sabbath with friends at this place, «--If your Cow is out of condition get “KowKure” of Andrew Bros, A Co. Mr, Charles Iliff and family, of Jamestown, were here over Sabbath Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Andrew spent Wednesday in the Gem City, Mr. John Johnson made a burinem trip to Columhns this week. Tahatmpowder, all kinds and all wm A u m m m r ™ I tr im . C . M . at peasant, teMs theodkw. r ^wnisr CSevrianda 0 m 4 m i Bwedn i* faalbn M M * r § -Builders and Genera!Hardware, at C. M. Crouse’s. —Blackberries,Gooseberriea,Rasp­ berries, Beaus at Gray’s. Mrs. Jones, of Cbillicotbe, is visit­ ing her sister, Mrs. Dr, Dixon. —Ladies and gentlenjfen try a bot­ tle of Qrodentjne Dentifrice. C, M, Ridgway. Mr. Will Conley shipped a fine Gernsey calf to Lebanon, O., last Wednesday. • „ Mrs. Lewis Gilbert has been quite ill for tbe past week, suffering with rheumatism. - ; Miss Enima Blair and Miss Effie Duffield spent Saturday, the guest of Jamestown friends. Carlton McLean returned to^ his work a t the Dayton State -Hpspitul, Thursday evening. Miss Emma Thomas returned to Dayton, after" spending a ’very-pleas­ ant visit with friends here, Mr, and Mrs.' -C. M. Ridgwnv went down to tbe Queen City,. Wed­ nesday. and returned Friday. ' J Frank 8. Nngley, of Morrow, O., was the' guest" df' his father, S. W. Nagley and failiily, Tuesday. Mr.'S. L. Stewart, was in Cincin­ nati this week on business. . Master John Ridgway accompanied hint. Frank Bull went to Cincinnati last Monday over the traction line from Xenia. He returned yesterday. Mrs. Anna Hill spent-a few days this week, the guest of Mrs. Joseph Van Horn, of South Charleston. Mrs. Cllns. Sowers,- of Dnvtoo, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Smith, returning home Monday. — W anted : Sewing of all kinds, childrens clothing a specialty, by Mrs. Anna Hess, North Main Street in Ross property. ml7. The following is otist of farmers who lost sheep during Februarv, and what they were allowed: Rolit. Town- sley, $66.40; j . M. Marshall, $61; R.-B. Hnrbisou, $47.95; I. T. Cum­ mins, $29; O E. Bradfutc $44.60. Everyone enjoys hearing an enter tainment given by well trained college students. The musical students of Wooster can’t bo beat. Don’t forget the date, Thursday evening, March 29. Admission twenty-five cents, Mrs, Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes. “I never fail to relieve my children from croup at once by using One Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it.” Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe aad all throat and lung diseases. Ridgway & Co., druggists. •We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in our home. We keep a bottle open all the time and whenever any of my family or myself begin to catch cold we begin to use the Cough Remedy, and as a resultWe hever have to send away for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy'never fails to cure. If is certainly a. medi­ cine of great merit.and worth,—D. 8 . M ka rk le , General Merchant and Farmer, Bedford county, Fa. For sale by C. M. Ridgway, druggist. Arrangements have been made to bring the Wooster University Choir* inters here, to give an entertainment in the Opera house, Thursday even­ ing, March 29. This company con­ sists of eighteen members and will give a first-class entertainment. The price of admission will be the nominal sum of 25 cents, —I t is very hard to stand idly by and see our dear ones Suffer while awaiting the arrival of the’doctor. An Albany N» Y, dairyman called at a drug store there for a doctor to come and toe his child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, he left word for him to come at ouce on his return. He also bought « bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, which he hoped would give some re­ lief until the doctor shoul.l arrive. In a few hours he returned, saying the doctor need not come, as the child vraa much tatter. The druggist, Mr. Otto Hchol*, savs the family has since ammm mended Chamberlain's Cough \ TnXm8m Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin adver­ tised for months, but have you ever tried itl I f not,-you do not know what an ideal stomach remedy it is. A 10c bottle (10 doses (10c) will show you its’great merits as a cure for con­ stipation, indigestion and sick head­ ache. Regular size, 50c and $1, at O. M. Ridgway. BellbrookRejoices. The first motor car passed through Bellbrook,.March the 5th and the Moon thus describes its advent: "All ears were turned to tbe breeze to listen to the gong sounded by n*c- torman Capen, who had the honor of running the first car through Bell- brook by electricity. This is one of the signs prophesied by a large num­ ber, that would, never be witnessed bv the people of this place. ‘Woe" unto you chronic kickers, for behold it cometh;’ We are glad to spread the joyful news that tlie fine vestibule cars will he the next to htrseen in our town in a short time.” 1 . Republican Primary. The republican- primary yesterday afternoon Went off quietly, very little strife for the different offices being manifest. The vote for the different candidates stand as follows; CORPORATION TICKET. MAYOR. (One fo Elect) W. H. ILIFF J , H. WOLFORD CDERK,. (OnotoElect) J. G. McCORKELL TREASURER. (One to Elect) ’ JACOB SEIGLER MARSHAL. (One to Elect) J . C. GRINDLE . OOUNCILMEN, (Three to Elect) W. P. TOWNSLEY GEORGE H. IRVINE 260 261 263 1 C. E. TURNER Backer Bants ABobber. J,. U. Garrison-, Cashier of tin* j Bunk of Thnrnville, Ohio, hail been robbed of health by a serious lung trouble until honried Dr. King’s New | JAMES H. ANDREW Discovery for Consumption. Then he wrote; “It Is the best medicine I ever used for a severe cold or a bad 1 ^.WILLIAM SHULL case of lung trouble. I always keep | ( ’HAS. DEAN a bottle on iiaml ” Don’t suffer with' Coughs, Colds, or any Throat. Chest or Lung trouble when you can he cured so easily. Only 50e, and Si 00 Trial bottles free at Ridgway & (ir.’.s Drug Store. Imperial floats and tepairs. See That New Corn Marker; Prices Bight - - Prices Bight COLLEGE NOTES. The.term examinations were held, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week. .. .41 • College closbd yesterday, to open tor the. Spring term next Wednesday. Dr McKin.ey made his semi­ monthly visit to the college, Tuesday. , Homer Henderson will. spend his vacation with his friend Paul Poeock in Dayton. The contestants are all hard at work „on their productions Jfor the annual contest iu the Spring, which promises to he one of unusual interest. Miss Mabel Robb, of Jamestown, will enter college next term. Mr. Robt. Wallace will spend Ins’ vacation at his home in Belle Center, O. STREET COMMISSIONER.. • (One to Elect) M. V. DENNY* HENRY McCARTY W. H. E8TRIDGE TOWNSHIP TICKET. JOHN A. JOHN W. TRUSTEE. (One to Eteot) HARBINSON McLEAN 227 ll65 AFletdlihAttack. 'An attack was lately made on C. F, Collier of Cherokee. Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through his kidneys. His back got so lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him un­ til he tried Electric Bitters which ef­ fected such a Wonderful change that he writes lie feels like a new man. This marvelous medicine cures back­ ache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 50c at Ridgway & Co.'s Drug Store. (f IfTONNOTES. The Presbyterians have placed a new vocation in their church. Hugh Alexander has removed fo the farm formerly occupied by Mr. Bird, on the Springfield pike. Charles Iliffe, a blacksmith of Jamestown, has entered into partner­ ship with Mr. William Whalcen. The nlat for “The Deacon,” will ta open Monday noon, March 19, at Luce Broa.’s grocery. James Cewau and daughter Anna will return home about the last of March, after a pleasant sojourn in California. 8. Armstrong lias purchased the J . W. Confer property on Limestone street, , “ 'fhe Deacon,” a comedy drama it: five acts, will bo presented in our Opera House, Friday evening, March 23, by the Philo Dramatic Club of Ccdnrville College. They gave this plav in Cedarville some time ago to a well pleased aucicnce, Clifton peo­ ple who lie id it, pronounced it the best homo talent play they had ever heard, Admission 10 & R> cents. TOWNSHIP CLERK. i (One to Eleot) FRANK A. JACKSON 21 MACK BULL 1’ ASSESSOR. (One to Elect) GEORGE H . SMITH 11 J . HALE COLLINS II WILL, W. NORTHUP 11 CONSTABLE. (One to Elect) WILEY KENNON 2< J . SHELTON HAGGARD If WALTER CONDON Olin Dobbins is home froni hie school work at Ada, O. He will not return till next fall. D. S. Ervin was in Cincinnati, Thursday, attending the funeral of Ills cousin, Rev. J. C. Smith. Dr. E. O. Oglesbee is spending a few days near Wilmington, visiting his father, who is not very well, Hon. Andrew•Jackson has been ap­ pointed Seargentat-Arma, of the Re­ publican State Convention to be held in Columbus, April 24-25. Mr. Jack- Son has the appointment of his assist­ ants. ' s ' ' * ' ' \ ■ - <• .v- >-.l to Users. TSeTelleft Mereaetilt M M I m la tfctVMrrt, , OwnXeim OcwMe* t imleilrelyiy He. “ Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15 c to partly pay postage or expressage and we’ll send you otie. It h is itoo pages, 17,000 illustrations ;*nd quotes 'prices on nearly 70^000 tfiingi ' that you eat and use and w ifk We constantly, carry in atock all articles quoted; ” • MONTGOMIRY WARD * 4DO, APoetaster’* I W*Jf. The editors want me ' To.writeaome poetry. - ’ To help-draw trade, - -• t Their ways they’ tatter mend,;- I f on this they depend, Their paper-soon will end, • ■>Iam afraid. They want to use my brain, - Their custom to maintain, And buy their bread. If I could aat at they, I surely would obey, . . But I -would have-to eat tome qay, By township fed. * But this is ail a joke, Some lapghter to provoke, From.cuttomera. Yea; I snail do my best, . > And’lit Some people jest, For they, can’t .let, Without aqme tiara.. It is my firatattempt, And while I never dreampt, I ’d write suoh stuff. Bnt since they want me to, [’try to furnufa) ’ v —-THIS— . ArcacTa FhotogYaiJlier » V - i n Is th e Mi^rt re liab le and S tr ic tly iTp-to- . date A r tist in th e cl ty—S ftring iield , Op *t1,1,11'Triirnfi *iiawiRiaH*sa»waaaBB you, v This thing Pit ' to do, I’ll try ish r i Poetry enough. One Moravairse I shall write,: , Theft bid you all good-night,' And wish you wall- But when you wish to find, Tha ownw o f tibia mind. Don’t ask »*, though I ’m kind, I will not tell. : Next week I hope to write, : Upon the D.nwieite, * A* he appears. " This will be read by folks, . Which someo f them provoker, Yet on thepi we will have bur jokes For many years. ................. W ill U . B. G ood . EliOSNRatios. .There Will bo an election Heldat tha usual voting places, if fads?, April 2 , 1900„ for tha election of three memberso f the Beard of Eds* cation of' tbe Cedarvitle YtHags School District - J Andrew Jackson, Clerk. With th(i loturn of Spring, the irtiSginatiou p.unts glowing pictures of electric rood#, sommor retorts, parks, hotels, hikes and drive ways, iNow the question is, why don’t some Rmftedy to their neightaraand friend*;vom|oiny (‘*,nrtr.i(;t ftn electric road to sfSl-vrr*“* r;s fram that part of the eonatry. Fo r1** build an t b m k road that spot is sate by V, M. Ridgway, (Hftnn. S ta te o p O h io , C ity o f 1 T oledo , L uijao C ounty , j F rank J , C h en ey makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J . C iie n e y A Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN- DEED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot ta cured by the use of H all ’ s C atarrh C ure . FRANK J , CHENEY. Sworn to before me and snbecritad in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. I)., 1880, A. W, GLEASON* SEAL Notary Public. "W iVaito t i pi ta tf Do youhatre that tired feeling? Do you feel riuggitit, billions and out of sorts generally? Do you have sick headache? Do you have pimples, eruptions, blotches, ulcers, totes or other result* of constipation? The sewer of the body must ta kept in aft. active, healthy condition,arid nothing, doc* it «o well as Bailey’s Laxative TableU). Their use brings on a clear, rosy, taautiftil complexion. A tab­ let or two. taken at night makes you feel fine in the morning. 10 c package* contain 20 tablets, and 60 in 215c packages. Tablets chocolate coated. The written rignatare of W, J. Bailay on each package. Sample free, They promptly relieve and then cure eon- stipfttion. Sold by Ridgway A Co. Mayor’s Elwtin fmlmitiii mimmm Tbe electors of the Yttkgfe «f tint Village .of Gedarvifta witi tak* notios that aa election will ba heH at the teaml toting placet In gaid vfffefi ok Monday, the Sad day o f Aprfi, 1 $ 00 ; between tbe boors o f 6 o’etak a.m. and 6 o’cloek p.m.,at which tiee* tion the following affiesra will b* choaenr One Mayor. OneMarshal. One Treasurer. One Clerk. One StreetCommissioner. Three Councilmen. Made at Cedarville thin 16th day ofMarch 1900. J . H. WoLrofcn, Mayor. ATOOtaCEXurrs. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in­ ternally and acts directly on the blood and tmictiotm surfects of the system. Send for tsstimoninU free. F, J. Cheney A <!o„ Toledo, 0 , Hold by all Druggist*. We. Hall’s Family ITU* are the haet, tM i ’YawY m »VaitM Sometimes « fortune, bnt never, if m heye a eatiow complexion, -n aundloed look, moth pefcfees and dotetaa on the tola, nil ‘ Liver tVonbie, Mm m , X Pita give dimv Skin, llss? Itiek Cemplenimi. Only m IMlwn f * Cb.b Drag Stem, -senes nnu J sign* of fkmgiXew at COUNTY OOMMrSStONKft. , We are suthoriaed to aanownce tin name of JOHN W. SMITH, ms Candidate for County Commissiontr, subject to the Republican Primwy election in April. We ire authoneed to annosSM JOHN W, HEDGES, who retote fbnrmtas aonth-weet of Xenia, ato candidate for County Commisaioate Snbfaet to tike RepnMisaii PrimMf Shtetietaltt April, m m m k iK tm w m * * WaAimnnlhariAsd to nunounto ta aame of JOHN T0K)MA8 as a mr dUntiinr Ininmtwy Dieeetee •« !# •