The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
,/ i‘ f t i\ ••• « - v ™ - vy lye VWPififfW?*'-*# ^' h ^Y^T * t »” &*o wvm • ■*' , - -IT ' ? 'J>v-r*»'E , ■f.w1'” : ■C .* » • X e r a l d . I - M M M M M I S M I M M » - » - $ ■» m m * M M f . _« ,1 n ImltfH’Httent JStt%e$yayer Burntwt M rt* /M «w i4 1 / CcdarvilU and Vicinity TVEHTYTHIRD YEAR, HO, 2, CEDARVILLE, OHIO, JANUARY 6,1900, PUCE $1.00 AYEAR. Jierebant Tailor, Batter and ffleo’s FaroishoA (Korrat Styles. CAUCUS HEW ., SluJL^^^^U LU u^fe^ .fidtegral-^ ••:RuMPt wRPfifefePftifiMBD - w ,iijid§dRRK‘1li(irt^t m i - JeckSMSecernsOffice ef Serceaat-et-AraM. • ' ■ V > • When Hou. Joseph Breok, of Cuy ahoga county called the meeting to order at % o'clock lust Baturduyafter- -nooo, every republican member"of the house Of the Seventydourth'general assembly was at hie scat in the hall of the house. . The caucus was organized by ap pointing the usual officers with. Col. R ed Blenckentr to act as Sergeant- at-arius. A resolution was offered by Me Gurdy, of Miami, which carried, pro viding tor the order ui which nomina tions should be made, an l limiting nominating speeches to one for each candidate not to exceed three* min ute*. When nomination* for speakers were called tor, Mr. Snyder, ofStark, aeewred the ioo r and announced that he.wouM withdraw in favor of Judge Reynolds of Lake. The clerkship light was a royal battle, and ofier-McElroy had been Dominated, a motion wat made to make it unanimous which was done, W. R. Dutton was nominated tor messenger derk; Scott of Troy, tor recording clerk; and Jesse B. Jackson for enrolling clerk, * . Mr Horace Ankeny, our repreesn- tstive from thin county, aoauaated Hon, AndrewJackson, of thie place, whom record ia the Imnee t e . fkmilter ‘to every person. , The nomination was seconded by Messrs. Price. Haasr, Srnee and others, who were On their feet, when Mr. McCurdy mured that the rules be suspended and that the nomination o f Andy Jackson be made by scclammation, which was met with a vociferous re sponse John G. Steinkeiup, of Ottawa eaunty, wae ■patinaled aa f rat assist- aat aegeanbat-arms, while D; L. Vernell was nominated-by Bankin, of d a rk , who created some amuse ment by makiaga speech and sitting down without naming his man. He quickly arose upon noting tbs omission and announced the name of D. L, Ygroel), .of Beliue, Mr. Yarneli fe- eeived the required number of votes. Mr. Griffin, of Toledo, took the fioor and in a humorous speech, in which he cited the fact that neither (Jayakogt county nor L oom county had not aecured anything in the nances, he would name a man who tires In both Cuyahoga and Lucas, and speeds his winters in Golumbus. Mr, Griffiin stated his candidate was not on the slate, nor in the toboggan, and as there never waa any oppost- itou to him to over 40 year*, he pre* seated the name o f Col Week* euer, to he nominated by acclama tion. not aa a representative of the vspabliean party, hut o f everybody in Ohio, Thu motion went through ayes and three whoops, which was ftosm i ^^mTsumsajbna |Rlnu|nlf Ctekmet Frwt was eelled torward JR mi m Rigi Ajte^ae *■•« 9 wWIWIW* Wssirwew fiffiy wUHwliPi' -»■ dLftWaR- m., suamja wEMR 9iHw«R *9® awW^^nWi^M^^wwgMWuw aamred feu wm btra that ho would seduavsr to do his duty by ewe and aH. The CtXmi hue w*uy fttewte dM^Mto StottR fkm RifiMbtHf iMh wfifiF^i?Wfiffi^wWMv wNP HgPRPMf «W5 ith sW d *M la muay eeuplsa to mm* an* m m -----* - >. iyu A f t. and Mrs. i l i a IhMh and half osetury. the death angel entered their home and removed their oldest daughter, Mrs. Anaa Young. - This put an and to any thought* that they may have had o f celebrating the dty, but their children felt that their gojileo Wedding ought hot to be unnoticed, and that 'it would not .be inappropriate to celebrate it in a quiet manner. Instead of Commem orating it oujhe second o f the month, they brought their dinners and all gathered home on New Year’s day. Aa they gathered arouad-the din ner table, Mr. Williamson was pre sented with ,u gold-hesded cane and Mr*.' Williamson with a pocket-hook, containing ten dollars in gold. This was au entire surprise to them, but was.gratefully accepted as a gift of love from their beloved childreu. ■>The afternoon, was spent, reading the letters of condolence from distant friends, which Clarence Young bad received since the death of his mother. The HkftALD wishes to extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs., Williamson, and her Wirffti* that they may be spared to see numy wore an niversaries of,their weddingday. ; Ursadu r Catches m IMtf. Dr. Behepler. pastor of St. Paul’s Episcopal church a t Mariettc, Wis., juterruped his Christmas service long tuottfh tngivu, chase to a sneak thief whowas carrying ort'a number o f hol- klay gifts frimi the parsonage. The preacher, while a t the altar, saw the thief leaving the paneuags with a kAuf stuff tMtdsr hmuvuraeat.' JPUttiug aside his robes lie giivuchase, caught the iWlow, and after a tustle, turnial 'h im carer to the police, lie thru rWaroed anddaithed the service. WMef JslMWfe. In the will of John Bife, which was made some time before bis death, G. W-, J . B. and W . C. Rife, are named a* executors ' His property consisted o f a fine farm near Clifton and 160 acres of land in K am i Hi* real estate is valued a t $16,600 and hie personal property a t $6,644. In his wilt-he directs that his wife’s altiws shall lie settled first and at her death all hia property is to be divided amoag fate children, after his daugh ter Maggie gets $2,506 and his youngest son, Lee, $1,600. r-1—• i i ! t ~ t rtimriirtJ~-T^ TfeffiAIMWffct MMUiiHe To the Editors the Herald. Be* lieviug it of interest to many citizens, 1 am pleased to give you a fewpoints about the Christian Catholic church in Chicago anil the nations of the world.1 1 have ju st returned from a moet de lightful visit of a week a t its head quarters in Chicago, The church is growing very rapidly. Since Janua ry 1,1699, it has grown from 14,000 to 40,000, A more devoted church 1 have never men. On January 1, 1900,66 followed Christ in triune ins- tnemion; on Deeembar 27, 1099,27 were immersed; also, there were re- aeived Into fellowship 262j on Lord’s day, December 61, W99, and 15 offi cers Installed, I saw some wonderful healings during this visit to ftiou, Three thousand persons attended the all night meeting ending the old year, and ushering In the new year. Hot fifty of them left from 6:60 p.m., Lord’s day, to 7 a w, of January 1, 1 M 6 Meuihwa and officers wet* them, ispwwsntfng every part tif the world The fateeheoda told fayCalkins In th* Clnalnanti Poet and other papers, havtouly arade maaifait thsir own worksof the devil and eucounqmdihe growth In the nttudwr o f Gad’s fitith- ful tottowers, T V * who crithdse the Ghrimias <atholte (Gewerul) ehuveh should reed Proverbs 16; I t. aud hasp ttew u lru wftiilutimhftuadswf tenth, amt laeahtagatudytofi hy mema. Ym w i i s $ . Ju an H . ftavua. H ,r .*■ COGITATIONS TheGfaUdi'swWfw WaSs’t Takea late CeaflUsace—The Hare aad theTer- . te}#e-~teW«teraret«U Grief., Onoc upitt % time in a iliaunt city, the ladies bad got UP n hoxar for the benefit ofsome public enterprise, The work they did and the money they spent to lure money from the pockets «*?those who attends) Was fur in ex cess of the money tjiey-wml* by hav ing these attend That is the ivay of all bazara and this one was no excep tion. And if it had hem 1 should say nolliitig, about it, because tlmt is not the subject of this story, A certain public-spirited man who always helped with atlairs of this kind and wbo spent liis money freely when it was for the good of the town, went in, tire evening because bazars have a habit of miming in the evening. He had a gm idsou who was like a good many other grandsouswho know a good tiling when they see it and lie wanted tu go along. Also, this man wal hue of the kind of grandfathers who believed in allowing boys to do somethings that they wanted to do. Before leavinghome he had searched out u ten dollar lull from tlm place where ten dollar hills were kept and the grandson had noticed it. Notic ing it another habit boys have. When they arrived a t the b ea r there .were frfeutyo f folks there whose: 1|istl^4eeekI t -wavfilr Vt'ge hdfcsiw buy liberally. 8o when theysew the man with the grandson they approached him eagerly, tor he was a man knowu tobuymeely. -ButT ie had not seen what be wauted to boy, so when they triwl to beguile him, he said; “No, 1 don’t want to buy anything; I have no money.” . The hoy laoked surprised. They petted to another booth ahd when they tried to beguile him into buying many things he had no use for, he told them he waf busted. Whereupon the boy could stem! It no longer, because already they had passed hy things he could use in his business. And the hoy ejneuiated. “Why, grandpa* you have money; yott have ten dollars,” And when they left the bazar grandpa was short on change and the boy long on articles that were offered for a le . Now, whan they go to bears, these two have a toiiHdemisil talk in the bed room before they start. THE HARE A9tb 9HE TORTOISE. A hare one day jollied a tortoise on having such short legs and upon its slow pace. The latter lieing some what nettled, replied: • “ Although yon have been away af school and wear sweaters aud have taken lemons in athletics and know how to part your hair in the middle, yet I can beat you in a race.” How, the hate was one of the foxy kind of bqyt whose father had worked hard and saved his earnings until he Was what the neighbors called well to do, This son was the pride of his heart, and white the “ old gent,” the Hoy al ways ealted him the “old geut4”cou!d Write his name it was only with the greatest sfh rt and he was obliged to sttek out hte tongue quite a good ways luordav to writ* itsoltoould he raad, But h* Mid evarsiittia he could “ ’rick* oteet h* tewad to have his sea Bsrtia git ft p u d edteition* Hte maaia was: AUrnrt, but they called him “ Bertie,” Aad Barite held it orarthe rostef the hop who hedn't been away a t asked. Thetorletee was a poor hoy who had to help make a Itvtef tor hit ssether ead alee or ten hungry A ll- t e n . Be whoa he bantered tha hare toe a ram H sms ell the enttaga hoy aeuld do to hasp Ann hmgklng. hot Ms adrtte aod tha day fM A RfiJf9 Tim tortoise having teat an indiffer- eut education, wm ohfiged to bustle and kept on tlm more frpm morning till night,;not even s t r i n g for din; ner. He couldn't ,read Greek and was utterly deficient on foot hall and the lending college branches, but he was great on the Hustles " $o white the hare with, the collpge training was dreaming an easy*vic tory, he was outwitted and when be awoke the tortoise bad won the race apd was receiving the congratulations of hia friends. itioral: A collide education can never take the place otbrains, ,'j ^ r r *« 4 , 4», MlSItrTCpRK^Kp «WRP. - Mrs. Sarchfeld, wss expecting her son and his wife home tor the Christ mas holidays. He had never bean home since he; was married and of course the word that tec was coming, after an absence of several years, was an event looked forward t«» with-da- light But women have a habitof express-, ing their joy in a ptewliitr way, so if wasnot surprising timt tbara whs some little indication of a ahovter. How, lira. Barcbfeld is not unlike othersof her sex. kenaa she. did not wsnl her •seoa made tea pommou hy allowing *U the family to .not her amotion. Theralora aha wept to the kileheu,* where all woman ga to -give way to grief that te aot raffiJiut only ssems to he. .The cook who ptosHs telar the dea- ttoiraoflteM;iHtBteiat^^ up-®0** her work of prspstiag lka diniiev de sert andasked: "W hsttethk m ftitetr Bhasupposadthat perhaps there bad been a death ofa near and dear friand or that topi* do* whom,the woman dearly loved had gone away to war. She thought that maybe her husband had met with business reverses and now the woman would he compelled to do witboutacook. But when Sirs. S, informed her that her son Wsecoai- l*g home for the holidays she stood petrified. Wlied she recovered suffi ciently to utter speech, she ejaculated; “Why, I should thiuk you would Cic glsd to bsve him come hotoee" And then she Ispsed into a sort of semi-consciocs condition and still won ders whereat the lady of the house was aggrieved; Mrs, Bailie C’ooley, of X.nia, was the guest of Mrs. Nettie Harbinson Hew Years, tf M; m Efiie Btormont spent a few days the first of the week with friends in Jamestown. Miss Flora Marshall r, torued home from Dayton after a pleasant visit with her friend Miss Edith Grove. SHEEP BREEDERS’ UlRMlftfR'SS’"A|NtiNN'BffiW* - i t e - Ci teft i i teea tsMHWt a f t E, Ileciffii The Improved Delaine Merino Sheep Breeders’ Association held its annual meeting a t the Arcade Hotel, in Springfield, Thursday. The ob ject of this association is to raise tha standard of sheep produce both as re gard to wool and mutton. Already 10,000 head are registered in this organisation and applications for new membership are fa#, coming in. Eight near member* were taken iu at this meeting. A change in the constitution wm matte t o the effect that there will be po admissions by score after April 1, 1900, when none will be admitted except from registered docks. I t was also decided that all stock rams should hereafter be recorded a t 10 cents, instead of 26 cents. The .following Oxaming experts were chosen: Robert Bradeu. of Bellefontaine; Alvip Grittendon, of Hew' London; and R. B. Barber, of Cedarvilte. The following officers were elected: Pres., Ol E . Bradfhte, Cedarvilte; F ir# Vice Free., Janies Bradin, BeHefbp- taine; Second Vice Pres.* Frank Turnbull, Cedarvilte; Sec and Tress.* George A, Henry, Beltefontaine; Cor, Sec,, A. SkraUesewfky, Tiffin. Dfesotom, !* Xu. Dukai, BqjPagtoft; • iM*vxfN9if|nMrnvff'iPa -mvww^ UrbiM ; F , F . W stmt , BfoomfiaU. •:Tha timtt' aassting trill -he I m M a t IteffidbiitriiM* Mte titot Thfttsday In January, 1901. —A gentleman’s present-box of elegant cigars a t C. M. Ridgway. Hermann Townsley qpent the holi days in Dayton, a guest of the Philip*, •—Marshall can care for more rig* than any other Livery Stable in Xenia. „ —Benzoin Cream, nothing better for chafed hands and rmigh skin a t X M. Ridgway. On Monday o f this week, Andrew Bros, received three imported cattle. Andrew Bros, will have tbs heat If they have to send to the old country for them. Rev, John N* Kyle, a returned miltionary from Brasil gave an In* terastiagand entertaining lecture in the II. P„ church last Babhalh evs* tag, Mr. Kyle was the guest of Mr, S. K. Willtenwon for a few days, orr;~-'frT~--/<wi 'arrr—?f04ar ^IVom now on I will aell Robes and Blankets a t greatly reduced prices, in feet I will aell them at pmm to merely cover lie ooet and carriage, Thteie not an advertitiag dodge, ha t tka faet Is t am needing money very badly, hence this propo- •Hten,- -Dora, the Harness Man, Thawaatiiet this week ha* been •saaediitgiy da# fer the tee harvester. Hie tec te about ten inches in thick* nasa aud of the finest quality, having no Mew whatewer in it, Mr. 0 , I f . Crnusu, tha Iwteker, pa t In o n e * 1GM teas this week. Tkebaw aaelt cut tenor | | | p o d , fraaeo A m fee line. Mr- IA • . trv ta Ifee Itecfe Jeafc ftetara ftayCaemaay. The next number of the lecture course wilt be given in the opera house Thursday evening, January 16. This will, perhaps, be the most entertain ing number o f the whole course, I t is called the Uncle Josh Picture Play Company. Over 200 pictures will be thrown on the canvas, being the scenes o f a complete play. The dif ferent parte of the play will ba given by Mr. WheelerD . Long, a noted im- psrsonator. This is a new fbrm of entertainment, but it te meetingwith decided success wherever given. Take advantage- o f the school childrau’s tickets and bring your children. They will enjoy it. - WardsefWMe*. Our tester nurse of Hature is re pfee^Shakspere. Peace rules the day where reason rules the mind,—Collias Our hours in love have wings; in absence, crutches,—Coltey Cibber. Wheresoever the search after truth begins, there life begins,—Job* Bus hin. Never regret th a t you ten help or what you can’t help.—Sir Charles Trevelyan. What do we live for, if it te not to make life"less ditteult to each other! “ George Eliot Be your character what it will, it will he known; and nobody will take it upon your word.—Cheatorfirid. Character te the stamp on onr souls of the free choice that We have aside through life o f good and eviL-4teb kie, Our chief want ia life te somebody who will make os do whet we oea, Thte te toe strifes of a fetesid.—JB« sou, WM ioiftr si m imm mm w m g. im Jfijk^i L^iz, laUt JMHnubMnaftRa^m RVM f P RNB9 w*!SBcwWw Hffil •> x , jL ^i M teltt D a f a D D i gRBsSIRu HOOROffifl ~JPu mf If nwlOlPHnHffiBIg, Hy syktskiN i wi ■sMifi Lw dlm^aa' M^eMtoUsduiewami ffifim eBHuOIWsWe|pWnffi' fcwwmiiiiiffimfiv1M mmi onf mNMliit1 (fit^fiwnfifififiwfifi MHfimBfiRs T>aw Is to ieveof ancM, bot aepurdiug to toe measure ot our-thoughts.—A, J , Balfeur, When you findyourselvesovetpow end , as it were, by melaneboly, the b a t way te to go ont and do some thing kind to somebody,—John Ke- ble. Though the stawahoutdhe quenched in a moment forever, it is good that the star should shine its brightest to the test. This te the instinct o f the brave and healthy heart to st te tenth tell te its truest impulses.—Phillip* Brooks. —Gray keeps nothing but fbe best in his line ot goods. Protective Association meets Tues day night in the Mayors office. WAGONS HORNED. Strawricto sad tasdsd WepUa CaMI rbw-Thras Wsf *ra test—Atwit- .i-yv Oulact Thursday the paper will teams want up in the neighborhood of Pleasant Viewafter straw. As it waa cold they built a fire-to keep feeir dinner from freezing. Wh«r they built the fire tha wind was blowing so that it would keep toe fire away from the woke. While they were loading, unnoticed by too bands, the wind,veered around and blew some sparks into the wagons loaded ; with straw, setting them on fire, So.quickly did the ‘fire spread that it Watrall they could do-to unhitch their teams and get them out o f toe road. One of toe mule*, had a habit of balking and wm determined not. to leave the wagon. As Will Northup was trying to persuade it to hurry up out of danger, it kicked Him haek in- to the burning. straw, burning hte face. Finality, aa toe fire got hotter it concluded to move. ' Three Wagons and two large ricks of straw Were burned/ One of th e ; wagons wm the property of WQt Northup, one belonged to Hugh Stor-* mont and’toe other t o toe paper mill. Charley Irvineaad wife, of Xante, intended « diansr party at. Will B arW aMcmfiay. , *v:V.-■ ‘<t.y —Mot watte batrift' i^feg te ' kiwis, ■uid..utsmteswr :'guaiiurt<ud:at' M, R tfigway. George MedstoM add wife, of Bpriugfield, wsra totegussts, Monday, of Mrs, Rchert MoCleltaa. One thousand veteran employees of the Pennsylvania railroad ware re tired January 1st on pensions. Quite u number went down to Xenia, Wednesday, to see tha msr- vetioM tricks of “Tbs Great Keller.* Mrs. Baltic Hoagk and little daughter Ada, urs visiting her sister, Mrs. F . W. Aide*, o f Delaware. O. Are you going to the mis tiag next Tusaday night? I f not you should make your arrangements to come or send a representative. The social which was to have been held a t the M. E . parsonage last night, hae been postponed, but will be held a t some feint* date. Tha tele o f Baatn Cteus has been expressed by soara ont as statist m dangeroas as the position o f abase ball ttKpive or ftdbhaek In e feot ball team. The ndvtetisbg l e t somewhat sub sided, and it wffi beoar tamest en deavor to furnish our readers with mere news' than we ha te been, for toe past fewweeks* dome out totbe meeting of the Os* darville Protective Assoetation next Tusadayevening t* Ike mayorteoffice. With the help o f toe prosecuting at* tomey the ritissus should lend their aid in trying to bring to justice all mayanden a id aril dosf*. Juftgl H u ll rela ted to call out tha O lfe National Guard owtaf to to* AaL^A qgig^g^yfi' ^B$fiaSfiWpSfiWWJfififiWBHWPwffilu irtH»H^Hto te * Wg ffiRmwi' feyABrigAd^fetiiNik L 1 -IMMnle 11 W MW' BWH W f lilf if B1 has eesi aa high as $10,6M to tall M l Dili BOwJr W Wmfm Dli MwVVfMr m&SWm WfiHPWilPiin The citizens interested in the Cedar- VilleProfaetiva Asseetetyp *L/R|Wa» te vV ylvW •II D R S 1 £ < R |» - - A fetus made out by prosecuting A t torney Bfaoupe.Mkiog for incorpora- tion paper*, wm signed by five eiti* k Q s , and the president ordered to •Mid it to tbe Secretary of State. A oommittee wm appointed to get up a constitution and by-laws, and ordered to report a t toe next meeting. Diff erent committees were beard from In regard to toe organization of tech a ~ society and all reported favorably. The next meeting wilt be brid in tbs Mayor’s office, Tuesday night, a t 7 o'cktek. Prosecuting. Attorney 3honpe hM promised*to be and will give any 'assistance that tka society cares for. Every termer Should be present and place hte name on tbe list to help to boom the organ isation. The Sabbath school scholars is this town were not forgotten. Alt the churches gave their scholar* a lib eral treat. The R. P . church held a social and entertainment in their church last Friday night, and toe 0 . P . church, something of the same order, Monday evening. I t te un* neceamry to say that afulU ttcudaaes of the school was present at both these gatherings, Last Saturday evening the puasp at the electric light plant was broken and no light emtid be fernlsteri. Tha Cook Bra*, company waa her* ex pecting to play “ t i u Hfgkte In a Bar Room,” but aa thee* m m aa lights, It waa tanparable tor them to pcifefin, I t cost toe township qafe* a little sum, as the trustees were etas- pelted to pay the expeusss o f fee company, , -TTIiS"WmCl M tetttitt m AtetefeHnniMr Hatieatekteriiy given feat l amas a rf IfMm |WRI^ra ^ qudUUd craeutor o f fee tost « ■ ' -A.JU. Jk m M JLusifejteb 'RRT ^ M M fe m J R HM WVVMWIliv 5 JI 1 W IT a tested. J , N, Dene, fn v m t f t , I960, A graai iraray fswm tMi (to st Me IPMRfiRfifiKI ffiffiRP * * f Mr, awl Mi*. Jahat f r i t , totweCa Mr-tekfi M g A u m H f if- FOX 4-M n S i fh s tip s s te r f /VJ
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