The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

T l i e . f f e v q l d . «1.W A VKAK H awim ** Bvw#, F io ^ k 9.g.Y*sf»«* XdUtwr, lu< Mgt, Qrnea: H t»H f«M»W**»i *ATO*DAY, MARCH 24, 1900. MUMV m m r n m m m m m m m m f a c t * a&d Fu iciM L X J . W. Smith. Tfc* Kentucky poet irho rhymed CMttfo with laager « m evidently tttakiag ofhiabier. Advance notice* of trouble in Ken ney no longer thrill the public. There bee been.too many of them. tfGensral Wheeler would tell uc muiotljr what he thinks of Genera O t* the country would be ititereatec *nd might be edified. Thought!** candidates ere com mow, end there arc occasional brain lata candidate*, bat the speechless can dictate is a blessing yet undiscovered No political party ever carried par- tkaksbip into the courts without iu the end injuring itself, not tomention the had effect of Jewelling public re­ spect for the courts. .ToChiua a man has been sentenced for life for having assisted in getting a railroad concession fora syndicate; in the U. 3, he would have been fairly started on the road to plutocracy. **Tbeimpending European war” is pace more getting to be a familiar Mwapaper headline. Like the weath­ er bawan’ipradictiens, this one will eonte tra« sometime, if persisted in. A- colored “Jehu the Baptist" is working up a religious delirium among bis race in New York. Scenes nr faMchurch aresaid to recall those at old-fashioneddarkeycamp-meetings la the South, where everybody got Info a whirl o f excitement after the sendee* got into full awing. Nation* are so much like.individ- uaWtbftt the ooatinUed existence ot tbs two Dutch republics -in South A k in may be set down as a practical iatjwaaibHity. Nothing short of their destruction will satisfy the (English, who have lost many lives hud spent $900,000,000 in the present war. The American section of the Paris foir is to he closed on Sundays, even on too opening day, which falls on Easter Sunday. We suppose the Idsi Is to set a good example to the French. Probably the superiority of American agricultural and inanufkc taring exhibits might drive ’them to drink*.. Opinion* differ as to the Rsv. Shel- deaVsfbrt to run a paper as Christ wswld. Aside from the preeumption e f the atteespt, many people see in it oaky blasphemy; others see an earnest aflbrt for better things iu the news paper pramof the country. One fact afaa*i* certain, and that ic that the esMme will be an enormous financial swsssas, both for the beneficiaries of the wvek and for the owner o f "the paper, whohas advertised his journal saw* MMesssfnlly tbab perhaps any eweever managed to do before. The amount ofrevenue which it is prepemfl to raise from Porto .Rico, awsamts, according to Senator For* ahsr, to about $fi per capita. * There eraonly fivestats* in the Union Which false a* large a per capita revenue and toe? are all western states wfiicipob- lain a huge portion of it from tales of peddle brads granted them by the pevenment. The average state rev- ersne throughout the United States is finartlhwa $ f per capita. Yet Gov- erner Osnsrat Davis my* that the dnatkntion ot the people of the island ER sw MI m WRWN if cmw m * i « m * #t t m m dMBsEhadabadaeare last tfri- He.Heard someofie at the and went ant t o ' inveetigate. nhairrivad near the barn, the win spew find he mw a man in filling ftp * seek of coin, : m Moner tu rn Cliffthan filfiftfin^hdl a mtdi tharil at him. O ff w**»Tprepared for this kind o f wtrtMV, m he ran bask to the bonee. ffjHIL. n^^ki^LKsk' u Ana- sue jWaffPffwfoegei^ff mfPp^E iMr to the kern# In a ftttle while fils tf fitoxenl away foam the bar* tank «Hfwittg twe toftke wen I t J* , to* tint A eoupUof wesks ago, two boy« o f Jamestown got the notion into thsir heads to run off and endeavor to make thsir own fortune in the World, So instead of going to school one afternoon they took to the road. When they bad gotten as far as Csdarvills one of the boys began to thrak of hMmother and to long to sec her again. With the thought of mother he began to get homesick This sickness is contagious - and of coarse the other boy caught it, So, without any more ado they turner around aud started back home arriy ing at Jamestown about dark. The father of one of the boysasket him wbat made him take a notion to run off, and be replied that he just wanted to see what thopapera wpulc my about him. We believe, without adoubt, that this fellow is cut out for a newspaper reporter. If things are dull he will himself, do something ant; furnish the newe, No doubt he wil d6 wme’such thfog as feigning bimeel ‘ crazy and living for a timp in lunafic asylum, just to see how it goes. There are endless possibilities in store for that boy arid no doubt he will make himselffamous# * There are some people who woulc be aa poora*Job's turkey, no matter wbnt advantages were given them. They have no idea of the value of a dollar and would spend it for the first trifle that met their fancy, j Just this week we heard of a poor family, who was living in an old log cabin, being left a: Bmall -sum of money by the wife’s father/ . The first thing they did after re­ ceiving the money was tospend fifteen dollars for a certain brand of coflee .in order-to receive the prize of a watch, which was given to those who pur chase as many packages of the coflee aBthat amount of money would buy, They tell about it with a great deal of pride, thinking no doubt, , they have made a great bargain and have the watch free. In six mouths from now they*will never know where their money went to, and if they should receive another sum they would spend it in about the same way. *** Of all the schemes invented to raise church funds that one inau gurated by a church in New- Jersey caps the climax. The scheme was first started by levying a tax of 10 cents upon young men, Calling upon young ladies connected with the church. This worked so well that the echemo was enlarged and the follow­ ing schedule was made and will be distributed to taxable young men; One call, evening ........................... 10 One call, afternoon......... ....... . One hng, light turned on...... ......... 20 One hug,light turned down....... .4 6 Moonlight hand squeeze **■ •» ** • ie Kisses in thedark.. „C............... .80 Kisses by lamplight........’...... «... .27 Kisses, with mamma present, per dozen. . . . . . . . . 1 7 Invitation to tea......... ............ .31 Buggy ride . . . f . #12 Buggy ride, one arm kind..... .. . 1 8 larantock siting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #30 Exchange of photographs.......... .42 Saying “yes” ....................1 .90 %* A. couple of gypsy horse traders flayed a skin game on an honest old toner i t the Jamestown horse rale, Tuesday, The farmer brought a horse iu to sell, for which he asked sixty-five dollars. A hone buyer bad offered urn fifty-five, but be felt that this wasn’t enough. Toward evening he was approached by a stranger who offered him fifty-five dollars. This was refused, when the stranger point­ ed to a man with a black horse across he Street and said: “Yonder is a rorse1 have been trying to get a hold of all day, bnt I can't make it# The i’eilow want! to trade for a horse some­ thing like yours. You go over there and make si trade and I will give you sixty-five dollars for him," The old man went across the street and struck the fellow for a trade, not examining the bone very closely. After some deliberation an even trade was made, The victim now took his black hone and began to look for his buyer, but he was uo where to be found, He now began to examine Mshorse and found it was an old plug scarcely worth taking home, and for which be eonld.obtain 6ohiy five dol­ lars, The episodeCreatedquite a little excitement among the bystanders when ft iHtatme known, and if they eonld have found the two rases!*, the crowd would have seen that the former get Ms bone hack, bnt nritbar ef tlNMfc wan anywhere te he found. «Jb* in fo was Made. by a candidate for office, He bud been up here looking after his chances for alcetiou and bad had some deal- ings with some of our local political)*, While returning to Xenia be was «b served by a friend to be doing consid­ erable figuriug. His friend asked him it be was counting up bis votes. No, be replied, I am counting up the population of Oedarville. I find by today’s- woik that-there are 1800 voters up there that are controlled. I t Is safe to say that there are i.00 who vote their own sentiments. This makes 2000 voters Oedarville must have a population ot 8 or 10 thousand. My but we are growing? - *** One of our young men badquite an exasperating experience -last Friday evening, audsono that be very much dislikes to have the boys mention. Not satisfied with the Cedarville girls, lie went over near Yellow Springs aud called upon a young lady, who for beauty, grace and ebarining manners, he declared was unsurpassed. - In fact, she so charmed him that the greater part ot the nignt had worn away liefore he thought of starting home. When at last he went out to start be found that his horse bad become tired of waiting and had left him. He considered the distance too long to walk at that iate bout- so he procured a horse from the girl’s father and started home, horseback, through the breezy midnight air. We bave heard that his troubles were.not ended, for his saddle becoming loose, be got off to fix it and the horse got away leaving him to carry the saddle. However, we are not inclined to be­ lieve tliis last, as there would have been no one to relate the occurrence except himself, and the subject is very distasteful to him. At last he arrived home, and the next day found his horse at Clifton, where Fred An­ derson had taken it in charge. —Win. Qrr, Newark, J ).; says, We never feel safe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved my little hoy’s life when be had the.pneumouia. We think it is the best medicine innde.” It cures coughs aud all lung diseases. Fleueant to take, harmless and gives ’ imme­ diate results. Ridgway & Co druggists. The council at Jamestown have granted n franchise to the Columbus & Xenia Traction Company for an electric line. —“I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. I t gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic’s best friend.” says E. Hartgerink, Oveiisel, Micb. Digests what you eat, Can­ not fail to cure. Ridgway & Co,, druggists.. / ' ----- --------- - y ' Jamestown has had somuch trouble in their Bchool board lately that it was almost impossible this year to get any one on the ticket. There are two to elect and a second-candidate wasn’t secured until the last day at noon. Pager Do yon trie# cold with ovory e f i l s i l la th o waathorP Dost your throat Issl n w t A** do sharp paias dart through your dra t? Don’t yon know thsso at* dangor signals which point to ptMwmoitio, hroiichltls,Or coaawwption hsoM? H yon hr* oiling and hav* lost flash lately, they are certaintydanger signals. The qneetlon for yon to decide le, “Heve l tho vitality to throw off thee# dIeeaMe?” Don'twait to try 5C0TP5 BMU1AION “ ** a last re* .sort.” Thorn to no remody oqnal to It lor fortifying tho system# PrtvsntJonissasy. Scott’s Emulsion hostsOfothsr dlisiissiwhich ■SSia-ir hm J tbhMm mnsw^raowo oww wnsw» nnsnsn.sspnosw^r wM now Mood. rsw jm s. ipiwswi SCOTT* HMUUMON le I m AU mnn I iJidKit® (Iw i imi£tu imfl &mm saw*ootovpwffowBrwaosooosiwiworaai It* m*aRr m*MsnRififi^fi^Ri^ spwl^WP fiRBiRPR^RfiRmHElWR■^f^rasRowfRk CHUflOH DIMOTOPY x, p. J, f . Moiton. PiMvr, ferric** at 11:00 a. ia, Paibath 8cbw>i at •Wa#*». fortaatUtr fliarcb—Kev. W’. J. Ptmdtrson, p*jtor. K**ul*r **tvic*gat 11:00». ». ^ab- Utb School at 10 a. w. IF, P. Cbureb—B*v, y, 0. R om , paatur. Ser- viM*at 10:JWa, w. =,ad IM p. m, H*bb»tb fieboolat 9:30a,m, ataadard tiioa. A. M, E. Charcb--Rav, Hr. JHtxwlJ, I'n- tor Praacbin* at 11:00 a. at, aad 7:39p. m* ClaMeverySabbath at 18:30, SabbathSchool at 3:09p. w.» Friends and viiitore cordially fnvitad. M. B. Chnrch—R*v,A.l>. Maddox, Patter. Preaching at 11:00a. in. SabbathRehool at 9:45 a. m. Yeung People’! meeting at 4:40 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Baptiit CbnrclwRev, Mr. tol«,wan, pattor ofthe llaptiat oburoli. Preaching at 11o'clock and7:30p. m. Sabhath School at 2:30P. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30, Everyone iuvitpd, Gatheringof the Priendsor Zion, at Ervin & Williameon’s Hall, everySunday afternoon, at 2:30o’clock, standard time. in­ vited. John U. Sayres, Deacon in Charge- « ANTED—Several Bright and Honest per­ rons to represent us as Managers in this and closebycounties. SalaryS90Ua year and expenses. Straight, bOni-flde, nomore,noless salary, Poiitlon permanent. Our references, any bank in any town. It Is mainly offic* work conducted at home# Reference. E.- close self-addressed stampedenvelope. T he DoniNiQjf C ompamv , Dept. 3, Chicago. FRANK H. DEAN. A ttorney at L aw . ' 41 E, Main St., Xenia, O. Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. Y OU cMi a lw ay s find a t th e olri re liab le M ea t Shop o f C . W . C rou se ’s • ■ .« ■ <$ Choice Beef, Pork Sausage, . Veal. Larfl, ^ Bologna, Wenerwust, Bacon, Hams, Sugar Cured Shoulders. Give us a trial andj be eon- ’ iticed. ExchangeBank CEDARVILLE, OHIO, A CCOUNTS of Merchants and In­ dividuals solicited. Collection^ promptly made*and remitted, TlRAFTS cn New" York and Cin- U cinnnti sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most' convenient way to send money by mail. OANS made on Real Estate, Pei- 1 sonal or Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., AV. J . Wildman, Cashier, INSURANCE CO. O f N e w Y o r k . 92d ’ Semi-Annual Statement, July, 1899 , Summary of Assets: Cash in Honk Real Estate UnitedStates Eonde Stato Bonds City Honda Railroad Bonds Water Bonds OasStocks and Bonds Railroad Stocks BankStocks Trust Co#Stocks Bonds ami Mortgages, being 1 st lienonReal Estate Loans on Stocks, payable on de­ mand PremiumsuncollceteJand in hands of Agents Interest due and accrncd on- 1st July, 189® $ 04 ,f87.«4 J,774,024.04 1.010.750.00 20.500.00 705,311.83 1.093.850.00 ai,200.00 152.982.00 4,047,535.00 314.700.00 105.500.00 212.350.00 128.125.00 577,198.80 ___ 47,914.41 $12,457,028.52 Liabilities: Cash Capital $3,000,000.0(1 Reserve Premium Fund 4,103,223.00 Reserve -for unpaid L osbc ? and Claims Net Surplus 549.011.81 4.804,79.1.71 $12,457,928.52 fiarplai at regardspolicyHolders >7.*V>.793.7* W . L . C LHM A N 5 ; Ageat» CF.OARVIUI-, •- - OHK>. $26.00 Per Week . “-•TO--'- ANY PEUfiON in America ufordiip ary intelligcnce, male or female, can earn 125 weekly during their leisure liutifg by intriMlticiiift cur celebrated Art Tapestry Paintings, send stamp for illustrated circular, containing and r»productions paintings, <att nr fapsstry Cn.. Iff th «WM*. W§9 tofrhiieirA ib* nfnur td je*7 SPRING - 1900 . C a r p e t s . The deeignes and quality„8urpaee any former•season. Tbenl- vance in raw material and general good tiroes has made a great de­ mand, and the tuillB have advanced prices. To overcome in part HUTCHISON & GIBNEY placed there orders at prices that can­ not be duplicated by 5 or 10 per cent# N f a t t i n g 1. 10000 yds. Mattingi jo in te and Beamless twine chain in green, blue,, brown and red a t 12J to 35c. Never better for the money. 10 Rolls of the Grande, per yd .,.......... ............. ................. 25 and 30c 15 Rolls of the Cotton Extra Super................................ ...............35c 15 Rolls All-wool Filling.......... ......................... .....................„...,8Qc 25 Rolls All-wool both w a y s , ,50, 00, 75c “Velvet, Tapestry, Moquette, Axminster.' Art Ingrain «U sices $4.75, $5.75 $8.75. Large size, all-wool Axminster, 3 yards wide, 14 yards long. Large size Moquette, Velvet, Tapestry, Art Corner Remnants put down to 20c. Brussel Remnants 19c, 25c, 50c, 75c. l - . t i c e C a r r t i t im s i , 500 pair, excellent styles, never lower. Goou style 3£ yards long $1.00. i Three yards long per pair 50c. H u tch iso n & Q ibn ey Madame Gorilla Co&’s ..... PERFECTION..... Boetores, preserves and beautifies the Hair. -Removes Dandruff, dray bair restored to its original color and youthful beauty. Hair grown on bald heads. Free fromoil,/ color or Stain -and Of pleasingodor. .PRICE $1.50 per Bottle. JlHonfini) f--«^or a ‘bort timeO nly , MadameCorillaCoeoffers her Hair Restorer for One /ftltvillJi/ll 1 . Dollar, if you uiection this paper. This Restorer has no equal and is perfectly free fromalt poisons, On receipt ofone dollar, MadauioCoe will send securely packed, a full eight ouncebuttle to your nearest express office. Remember, I GUARANTEE my Hair Restorer to doAll ! claimfor it. Address at once, ' MADAME COREL.LA COE, 217Michigan St., Toledo, O. ■A it'k ic 'k ik ir ic ic 'k 'k 'k 'k 'k 'k it'k SAVE YOUR STAR TIN TftflS " S t a r ” tin tags (nhowing small stars printed on under side of tag), " Horse Shoe,-” “ J . T.,” “ Good Lack,” “ Cross Bow,” and “ Drnmmond ” Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in aeouring presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. Every man, woman and child can find something on tho list that they would like to haye, and can have F R E E ! - TAOB. I _ TAM. 1 IffitChBOC a ,«•••■•»•*<«.aaaea* ,1 tt SJ Clock, 0-day.Oalandar, Tbarmom- " etor.Baromatar.............. . *W *4 Gun cata. leather, no better mode, u a M Revolver, nutomatio, doubla action, SKnife,oneblade, goodutee]•»4,»»*.» fofo BBHseore.-tKtnebee. .... » 4 Child-. Set. Knife,Porkaud HpoonW 5SaltandpepperBet,oneeach,quad- . ruplepleteonwhitemetal........ to iKrenrli BrierWoodPipo............. St 7Barer, hollowground, fine Epcllah eteel.............. to 8Batter Knife, triple piste, best • Sugar^beli, triplepu-o, b 09 . quit*. 80 10StampBox. eterlini; sUvcr.......... 70 11Knife, “KeenKuttor." two blades., 76 13ButcherKnife. "KeanRutter," 8-tit blade...,...,........ 76 13Shears, "KeenKutter,"8-lm-u.. ... 76 16»nt Set,Otackerand8Picas, silver Plited....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 16B*seBall,"Association,”best qual.too if AlarmClock, nickel.,.,............. ito n IKI1U................. . .. . u 17SixGenuineRoger*’Teaspoons,beat ’ __ platedgoods.................... . its 13watch, nickel, itemwindandset.. MU ateel, mckhora 13Oarvera, good handles,......... ................ .....sue 33Wx GenuineRogers*TableSpoena, beetplatedgoods.....................Its n Six each. KnivesandJForka, buck- homhsndlee,.,................ Me 0 Mx each.Genuine Borers’Knlvet andKoras, bestplatedgoods.......its 33 orascaliber........................... 38ToolBet, not playthings, but real toota ................................ ate 37 Toilet Bet decorated porcelain, very handsome..................... BM 33Rcinlntltdu,RifleBo.t,IlorSacat. SM 33Watch,sterlingstiver,roll jeweledlow tv DressButtBase, leather, handsome , . anddurable,........... ,..1SW 31Suwtnu Machine, first cbwa,with allatiachinenta. 16W 31Revolver,Colt’s; 38callbec, blued steel...... ............................uw 33Rifle,Colt’s, 16-shot, 23-caliber.... lies 36Guitar (Washburn), rosewood,Inlaid .... ............................ ; . t m 36Mandolin, veryhandsome......... SOW MWinchester Repeating Shot Gun, 1*flange................/............ MW 37Remington, doable-barrel, ham- . marShotGun, laor 11 gauge.... .uw WBicycle, standard make, ladiwor gents.. --- t*••606«*«tl*«9eial WShotQua. Remington, doublebar- Ml,hammertoes..... ............. ..low 60ReginaMoaicBox, UH inchMao,Ad* TH £ W V E O FFE R W IR C S K O V E H n * 30m . 1600. Special Motlcel . ^ V r i ^ ^ n ^ ^ o M ^ ^ f " J * p a * a w « hotwillbepaidforlaCABH_ouU>»basiscSlwi withMiwan a ftr jwaeeMa, im y in aw ■ w w m t tu b l in Bot , if received by na on nrltentre March let, 1M», ITBUXIN MINDthat a dime’s WMtll «t STAR PLUG TOBACCO wXIHtatImager wad afftnl wan piswanre theta w*w h wactlMf RKp M b * * ™ * M A K E T H E T E f o T I ts*4ts«sl* CONTINENTAL TOBACCO CO., St. UtM, M*. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ I t makes eick women well. I t makes weak women strong. I t makes tho care worn faeo of premature age youthful and handsome again. Health to woman means beauty, youth, happinera, and sweetness of disposition. Lnck of it means homeliness, premature age, and irritabillity of temper. Willi health sue commands Jove, admiration, and esteem. Without it elie becomes a burden to herself, a cross to her friends, a disconsolate being, long­ ing to the. Do you suffer with headache, backache nervousness, weariness melan­ choly, pnmful menstruation, or lettcorrhea, accompanied by dizziness bad taste in the mouth, or sallow complexion? Few women are without these distressing symptoms of disease, and thousands are today on the verge of fatal collapse without suspecting it. L a d ie s : Do not delay if you have any of thesesymptoms. Dr. llarte- bus, the discoverer of F em a lia C om pound , was the greatest physician and scientist of the age. Thousands of women have been restored to health, beauty, happiness, youth and freedom from irritability through this wonder­ ful remedy, Write to us, whether you think you are suffering from these (‘incases or not, We can advise you. Delay may be fatal to you. M m . E. Bird, of 19 West 37street, New York City, In a letter ta the Dr. llarUlius Composite Remt-ly Company* imyas . , ‘1 *** UP hy physician* ss a hopeless ease, t took a trip to Europe Witha viewof beihff under treatment there, I was treated in Baris for six months, hut receive:! nohelp. I returned to New York, and one day I tawa one„ of Hus newM»TWM, stating that Dr# Harelins" tfB- MAIitACOMPOUNDwouldcureall femalediseases, t decided to try the flame, and I am *lad totestify, hot fur myown lake. tmt forthatofmy Rfllerlnaeiatatfl that t amtodaya well woman, thanks toDr, HArMlM.” . Al l A d v ic e f r e e . All correspondence S t r i c t l y C o u fld*n tl*L AH lettlcfs destroyed to insure A b s o lu t* B*cr«oy, Woman longs for sympathy in her distress. No one could give you the necessary advice with more care, kindness amt Consideration than our corps of able and eminent physicians, Write us fully, Tell us all about yonr troubles. W * Cbm H e lp Y ou , Remcmlier that ConiuitatHm with these eminent physicians, either in person or by mail, is A t o o t a t e l ? 7 m . - -ADDRE88— - tepte Knedyunpsiy, Clifkf** C m ii#Me k fioont TM* flrM tw t Nov*I o t th e Age. ffiFGHf i 0O^_PBBLICATIOS8, Indudea second edition (20th thou- sand,) beautifully illugtratctl, of that charming novel, “Chickens ‘(Vmie Home to Roost,” by L. B. Hillen, de­ scribed by the New York Times as “a book without a single dull lii^ «itd with a hope race far surpassing in vivid description and thrilling tersest the famous chariot race in Ben Hur.” Robert G, Ingersoll said: “The boldest and best of the year.” .Hon, B. T# Bakemaii $ay«: “ It is the greatest novel I have ever read.” W. L , Stone, author and critic writes; “ I t is most admirable, beau­ tiful and vivid in style. A great secession to American fiction.” Judge John Rooney of the New York says: ‘>It is equal to the best masters, and the horse race is even better than the one in Ben Hur.” Hon. M. L, Knight of the Chicago bar says;. “This is the most realistic and remarkable book of the age. A' greater book than Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Witten with.the realism of Defoe, the grace of Addison and the pathos and gentle sweetness ofGoldsmith.” More than five hundred letters have beeu received from delighted readers. The book is on sale everywhere or sent poBt paid for $1.25 by WRIGHT &COMPANY, Publisher*. 1308-70 Broadway. ' NewYork City, A Good meal Cannot always be procured in short time, but we are able to get up a first-class meal on the shortest notice. We bundle a line of cigars and fine candies un­ equaled in the city. Fresh roasted peanuts every dny. Try Our Lunch Counter. Williams Bros. Lowry. Block. •AllnuBia Fin litiriMi fa lm w l ^ M a M .1 0HMM3lAt.m6 Z.W.S.)tainawn. iaaartatowflat eflaaiiraBww lW*8*wlMai>r,i>Bi»f n u UMana zxsssss :btsaK ' i s r a i s MWMammal im T im eoaflitfawaaabwawaM WUMaamr.* thaUdrty-anl 4*9 afDae«Si7 aaartmtfUflAi *a£iSaMpt,iaakowa 9 ^ S S S S & U ^ S S S k A|Plpll^mnMaviMiniM 0 ra *BsmM«‘ iSnu iMM u i ofliaMiutM (aiMpt . aasjfiikfaataatas M-ku»r»aea......„ aw.iu.M lES^jBSfffolWa•#•*•**»a*a»>*aaawa»aaaaa" tyatawiaaipakt-aa mpUal........ JSSg^ SamMbMMtbr tba roarla aaah, > 8?!***- ^ .^ .ffL « fc a im l u kad m Ktton tr. t’UCKETT, Agent, YellowBprlngR, O : s r » n c if.n a ti D ivis io n . ~\t ........ —— Kwa ecksddeotPaoier.jtrTrat«i-CantralTima. Westward TJflXCnisjnr 1 W A’.fl7M!“ ’j| . *21 \ :915( ... j 19?i 3031.7: ■!933 3c J 1 j !955 LOW ' i 1313! I lOOT ritiiimkiu •Atton ... •* WckUcirenHM... •• Euiiiloi .........“ Sn. I'iiarli-Mon . * -H.-Ima .........** (v-it-irvltle..... .. * Wllbcrforco ....... «> X pm I m / Pr-1 3 SO! 8 <9102ft . ftpringValley. .. •'•'1,f42^® . ' |t;>*auiia ......«*j j 'in 1 : 4 : Waynmvillo ... '*rM3?f3 1011 13! 85 D!Di,,V - i - * f443/ 11141 EpnAncient . « » j * ......*.!:GG3-333i t ^ 43317n}?- ftotiili l^k.iKo t . •* s... • 11 ai 7 : *tt * laiveland.........*«. 5351001 iJSr 7Si’sf- : ! 1 W Jin 552 Mllffird,..... BatavlaJo Clatlsaaii < *MtWArd. flmelmmmti Iv llalavlaJe.,, •* Milford «« liovelaiul. .. «* fi<>. l#ebauon " Morrow......•* Ft, Ancient" Oregonto .. * y 7 *yneivtl!o“ Hoxann*,..11 Bpr’g Valley« I Jf WllberSwce * <%tarrlle... « ftelniA,,... ....•* fcatH toriwha <* Iftmdon “ W. Jetftraort “ Alton........ a CatmaiiMar. ' j 0351945) i lHS40> 8 SO. e 'AWlAM|I>Mi I’Mi PM 3 »• ilii f*:1^arjTrf^ .iu a T i'fMfi’jr 1 Mt is aaataaMasCr? am . i [T m J540*830*1“ t s H 7t*716 f 72C 729* 741, 75111.. ja ? ? 1 9151...... 935UM4 AM AM .... g-TrU3 io«i*WgY.jgr 59* 9471 1 ... t»45 gft k m 1 WttTWARD, XewlA tu ty U m , JLjjffilj _ AMAM i AM was |-7W • iS I S s i----- . . . . __ ,t 1 » l 21 fi ?8 | 2 7Kl206l'iM I FM1AMIJ' m I J; ■tlctiwoni,, .JOTS AM*I’M iPM !« . _...U30t 91! AMI 530101010251 ■MatMh*.Z “ Wttuaifl* ...w. XaitWARI AM rM;AM g*»»aU». f 5*.... *l»»li KMara **'1 irttkitlit x * m « {■; *£$Tar tm ^ w h ir s T pm nn 141 g*fl It-Mi IM ‘Sttat w i s : - 1 ¥ p II* sm «Mm iaa trwm m M««, 2 ,s« 0 * fit wiker twtMuwtwIivtot’iiinto- fft*souiMietthrmiflti P*H* ».«*.«*«»4 hffa"iit»dPI... bjuith1’ntflW .rw e r , RTtsSr 1 h W» ix m tm . from iteminuriv *t»J New . ;M»lchmiv.«l*f mtaj wit** MwXffiiWMpon, RAWni), fiMffi tUrMH Mica< *f tor M O D REASON why yti» shmsldl S f a u g S t w e fon there you will mho knows aho is their business what you wanti) f oods do not )rvg informam here and the Dt too. The Drug! *0 are the primj RIDGWAY 4c CO., tl Opp. Open tl I §0 L local-and P -—I f you want an> :to Gray's. College opened for t Wednesday. Hour the Wooster itesdsy evening. Mr. Rose, of Chieaj Cedarville college. -—Blackberries, Go* berries, Beans ntGrsu -—Cedarville head<j| Xenia is at Grice’s res M. JA. Broadstone, j in town Thursday, onj Misa Alice Turner, j .Sabbjth with Miss Fl< —Ladies uud genth , tie of Orodentine De, Ridgway. ■■ ■ i Mr. Joe Rii liu^ds visited bis mother, M and family. J - Mr. John Stanley 1 - with rheumatism for suffers with severe paj Mr, J. M, Stokes; to the Milburti pro Street from the D. H The plat for the W1 will be open at C. M day afternoon at 2 ! time. . i Mrs.' J . D, Willi! visiting her daugl; Bryson, near Xeni: week. Miss Mabel. Robh who entered cfilegG take up her abode at K. S te rre tt. 1 —The top of the Poultry Food becausi and tried regulator ft by Andrew Bros. & 1 Mrs. F. M. Ewry to thank their frietu for their kindtufss du and deatli of Everybody enjoy; College (ilee Clnli Choristers will be not better. Don’t f! Mr. and Mrs. J, Mr.-and Mrs Georf toined twenty-five <; the home of Mr. J . 1 day. D r. J - O St«! «nd Surgeon. Spec E a r . ' G la sse s fi j u s t e d , S atihf # i TEED, | W. L. Miller, i| candidate for ptoi has withdrawn. 1 thing clear for 1 Howard. Mr. H. C. Deal intss man of Jan Thursday, and tou WilliftiiisonV Will Pollock «1 time he goes to the ft hotso that will stj held, and overall* off in the mud. Mr 7 . Robert n and Mrs. It. D, \ Xenia, Spent the. With friends in tkj Ing the trip both lines. Tim play “Sips Thursday eventuj best plays wo. It The company tt private <.ir the essonituls of a ^ 1 have just r* of Collars of ai 0*11 in nod exon; *te resdj1 to notk. Also hav* fitti a t popular j» Dorr ltobert Bind, n chant, has been n Tmprovcnscfits Its n m k . The tn; given a fresh foel of new ehtlv k wenmi iiorif hi Wsek part of thi W « n * i make %