The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

5# . > ‘'tf-yr-M^irr-zsr < <*„, Ut t<| 3< ini ml ■of B 1 tel til ml tal *1 1,1 ofl ir<| t* lust • f th * Ag0, micifioss, |tiimf£Qth thou- N « f o d , of that Lfockena Como [L; IL Hilles, vje. JYoik Times ns p ig lo dull line, aurpaatfng (ml tbrilling in. (iriot race in Ben nil ’ said: - “The 10 year.*’ Laosa$s: “ I t is llmve-fever wad.” [tthor and critic admirable, beau- „ *tyle. A great Jin fiction.” |y o e New aal to the best lirse race is even 11 BejiHar.” lit of the Chicago fhe most realistic of the age. A neloTom’s Cabin, lism of Defoe, the. | i the pathos and Koldsmith,” lulred letters have- ldelighted readers, pie everywhere or . 25 by tNY, Publishers. NewYuri?City, Iri ml bifl 'Pi be procured in It we are able to Icliiss meal on the VVe handle a bid fine candies un- Ithe city. Fresh Is every day. pch Counter. Ill 111 is Bros. IBlock. littraMiei, CwnambJrt. t, tMfc imTlMiNt MMM* rWui*. h i iM |»na ir“ »«nU»Mwttktew.twi ieoiMtiuuBm Nigmg iMb<>. S mjwi . h __Vmr'ii #Miii J 3 .w.» ~ r £ & r ufc* * f * i^Knl, Yellowgpriogt, 0, lin n ti D iv is io n . ivcinaynes. fccr.girTtttn^CMtralTkM. 1s iT iia •, / aTYgg Aif. it *.:'i ?MilP '•'r § f P ■V ' im 3C' .51,. sira • nor , m l |5$Sc4o»j P 8t« i l3Tf3X5uut Urtg* I43i n w IsIFn i l » j } t # * » l a t o d f S i o i i ^ | 't VJi PMt I’M. IT.l t d 1 w n r • i ’U, im ; * **' 9 i>- a at .KD25I . [ u s f w t ^ m t n t r " •r « !r.wm :rail Ml ira . i l tfgt tut 4» t lisift iiMbjr. |*CIfrfMt*ifWlMia j <'at»o» fraa fhntMg*Mwowf''^ rcynh^t lMWWh Pit!!* \«H 1 tr«mJmttttpn?- sbi* s»«L !•*» mrt: * u fwsft, *m**mm*&A A QOOO REASON why you should pati unite the Drug Store for drug* is that » there you will hud aoineone who kuowa about drugs, I t is their business to lcuow about what you waut in Drugs, Other f oods do not interest them. Irug information is obtainable here and the Drugs yon need, • too, The Drugs are right and so are the prices, RIDGWAY * CO., the Druggists, Opp, Opera House. ] Local and Personal. —If you want anything good, go to Cray's. . College opened for the spring term, Wednesday.' • Hear the Wooster Choristers Wed­ nesday evening. Mr. Rose, of Chicago, has entered Ccdarvillecallege. , —Blackberries, Gooseberries. Rasp- berries,.Beans at Gray’s. —Cedarville headquarters while in Xenia is at Grice’s restaurant. M, JA. Broadstone, of Xenia, was in town Thursday; on business. « Miss Alice Turner, of Xenia spedt >Sabbitli with Miss Florence Richards. —Ltidies.and gentlemeu try n bot­ tle of Orodentine Dentifrice. C. M. Ridgway. Mr. Joe Richards of Dayton riias visited his mother, Mrs. H, Richards and family. Mr. John Stanley has been afflicted with rheumatism for some time and suffers with severe pain, Mr. J .. M. Stokeabtiry has moved to the Milburn, property on Cedar Street from the D. H. Marshall farm. The plat for the-Wooster Choristers will be open at C. M, Crouse’s Mon­ day afternoon at 2 p. m , standard tiaie, Mrs. J. D. Williamson baft been visitiug her daughter, Miss Elia Bryson, near Xenia, for the past week. ; ■ - Miss Mabel. Robb, of Jamestown, who entered college this week, will take up her abode at the home of ,\V< It; Sterrett. ' . , —‘The top of the heap is Pratt’s Poultry Food hecause its the only true and.tried regulator for poultry. Bold by Andrew Bros. & Co; Mrs. F. M. Ewry and family desire to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness during the sickness anti death of husband and father. Everybody enjoyed the Monmouth College Glee Club. The .Wooster Choristers will be equally aft good if not better. Don’t fail to hear them. Mr. and Mre. J . B, Winter and Mr. and Mrs George Winter enter­ tained twenty-five of their friends at the home ofMr. J . 0 . Winter, Tuee- day. a Q D r . J . , 0 . S te w a r t, Physcian and Surgeon. Specialist inE y e a n d E a r , G la s s e s A c c u r a te ly A d ­ ju s te d , SATiBFACtioN G uaran ­ teed , W. L. Miller, who was out as a candidate for prosecuting attorney, ha# withdrawn, * This leaves every­ thing clear for ‘Hon. Charles F, Howard. Mr. II. C. Dean, a prominent bus­ iness man of Jamestown, was here Thursday, and took dinner at J . D. Williamson's Will Pollock says that the noxt time he goes to the country he wants a horse that will staud without being held, and overshoes that won’t pull off in the mud, Mrs, Robert Watt, of this place, and Mrs, R, D. Williamson of near Xenia, spent the first of tho week with friends in the Queen City, mak­ ing the trip both ways on the tractiou lines. The play “Squire Hs«kiit,” given Thursday evening was one of the best plays we have had this Winter, The company travel in their own private ear and have a band and all the essentials of a first-elsss company, •=--I have just received a largo stock of Collars of all kinds and prices; rail in and examine them when you are ready to purchase for spring work. Also have large stock of Har­ ness at popular prices. Dorn, The Harness Man, Robert Bird, our enterptishig mei- chant, has been making some decided improvement* in his store room, this week. The entire inside has bee# given a fresh coat of paint, about 300 feet of new shelve* have been pnl in- A second floor ha* been araeM i» the hack part #f tha raMk, hi ardae that he can 1 maka a hnHat tlly ti f *f M* n rpm . ^ *#: -aatSAbt VoW fop J , W, Smith for County Commissioner, —Mw, (Vlviu Zimmerman, Miles- burg. P a , says, “As a speedy cure for roughs, colds, croup ami sore throat One Minnie Gough (Jure is unequalled. I t is pleasant for chil­ dren to take, t heartily recommend It to mothers." I t Is the only harm­ less remedy that produces immediate results, I t cures bronchitis, pneu­ monia, grippe and throat aud lung diseases. I t will prevent consump­ tion. Ridgway & Co., druggists; On Tuesday of this week IX Brmi- fute &Sou sold to C. E. Swain & Sons, of Princeton, Indiana, one of their beat bulls. The purchasers ex­ pect to place this animal at the head of their herd. I t took the first prize at the Ohio, Indiana and Wis­ consin state fairs, and second prize at Springfield, Illinois, and. St. Louis, Mo. Milton Hanna, son of the Mr. Hanna, who lately purchased Will Dean’s farm, had quite a distressing accident to hefai] him last Friday afternoon. He was riding a horse into the stable when in some manner his arm was caught in the side of the door and was broken at the wrist. A number of men from this place attended the Jamestown Stock Sales, Tuesday, These sides are gradually obtaining a good reputation ns a jducet for the sale of horses. A large num her changed hands, Tuesday alt good prices. —To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve; well known ns a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Be­ ware of worthless counterfeits. They are dangerous. Ridgway & Co., druggists. Everyone enjoys hearing an eliter- tainment given by well trained college students.- The musical students of Wooster can’t bo beat. Don’t forget the date, Wednesflav evening, March 28. Admission twenty-five cents, Wednesday was th e ‘first day of Spring, it being Mnrcli 21. Although the weather has been rather (fold for the time of year, j e t it is more agree­ able than the cold, wet weather we had a few week’s ag'o. ‘ The Elocutionary and . Musical recital given by students of the col­ lege under the direction of Miss Grnflb was a decided success. Every­ one rendering their pieces in a eredit- uble manner. Charley Hopping, who has lieeu spending the winter in West Virginia will return soon* He will come home by way of Marietta and stop oil’a few days with Dr. Cunningham. Miss Emma Angelbauer will'return next Monday to resume her duty as head trimmer for Barr & Boyd. Her many friends will be glad for her- re- return. Dr. P. R, Madden, Practice lim­ ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed. Allen Building, Xenia, 0 . Telephone.—Office No. 7a, Residence No. ;r» About the worst thing in tho uunie of a show wa$ the performance given by the Bailey Sisters at the opera house, Tuesday evening. David Bradfute and Oscar went to Chicago, Wednesday, to attend the Wallace Istllo sale of cattle. ‘ They wil 1 return tomorrow, The Philosophic literary society wijl hold an open meeting ns usual, next Monday eveniug commencing prompt­ ly a t 7:80 p. ni. The Philo Dramatic club gave their play, “The Deacon,” to a good au­ dience-at Clifton last night. It was well received. Charley Gilbert and wife, of South Charleston, and Miss Lena Gilbert, of Alpha, spent Sabbath with their parents here. . Homer Henderson was tha guest of Mr. Thomas Clark and wife, of Xenia, a couple of days the first of the week. « -The only place in town where you can find 2o brands of Cigars and a complete stock. C. M. Ridgway.- Charley Conloy and wile enter­ tained .a number of their Xenia friends last evening. ----Weaving done at the same old place, Mrs Conley’s, by her daughter, Nannie Deck. --New ( ‘rep California Apricots, Peaches, Prumcs, Grapes and Raisins, i t Gr*y’s. 1 —Marshall can care bu; more rigs than any other Livery Stable in Xenia. The Monmouth College Glee Club gave an entertainment In Xenia, last night, Hon. Andrew Jark*on and wifi are visit tag in the ffisat. — Oraer sl Hard***, --Go to Grices when in Xenia for nice clean meal. « ^-■Ladies’ newstyle pocket books at C, M, Ridgway’s. Hogan’s Alley, Xenia opera house, Wednesday, March 28. D. R. Hopping of Jamestown was seen our streets, yesterday, —Wireless planters sold by Andrew Bros. & Co. All quarantine restrictions in Cedarville have been removed. The solicitor for the . Deaconess Hospital was in town yesterday. J . L. Houser is in Bainbridgc at­ tending the obsequies of a friend;. Horace Gillaugh is moving to town. He will occupy his owu property- ou Cedar Street. Probate Judge J . N. Dean is quite sick with a-cold, with-symptoms of pneumonia. George Boyd purchased a driving horse of Frauk Harper at the stock sales, Tuesday. Mr. aud Mrs. C. II. Gillaugh enter­ tained a number of friends aud rela­ tives at dinner, yesterday. —We guarantee our prices on bag­ gies against any catalogue house ill America. Andrew Bros. & Go. The youug peoples society of the TJ. P, church will hold a social next Friday evening at the- home of Mrs. C. M. Grouse. > \ i Mrs, M I. Marsh returned this week from a visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs. F. J. Roudebush, at Oweusville, O. . ■ ' '--Gulden Seeds in bulk. —Early Rose (Seed) Potatoes. —Eurly Ohio (seed) Potatoes. —Onion Bets, both red and white. A t Bird’s. Gabel Ojre, 0 / Roxabeli, O., while here visiting law, J . II. Houser, purchased a fine yearling Polled Durham calf of R. F. Kerr,- -—W anted : Sewing of all kiuds, childrens, clothing a specialty, by Mrs. Anna Hess, North Muiu Btreet in Ross property. ml7. —-A pot of gold can be earned by the man who farms on business prin­ ciples and plows his land with the Oliver. ; Andrew Bros & Co. Mrs. Condon will open up her mifiiuery establishmentat her uew place of business', "Monday, March 2G. She respectfully requests all her old friends to cal! and see her.' Rev, Maddox’s congregation,to the number of about fifty visited him iu a body last Saturday afternoon and brought many of -the eubstautials of life. The surprise was a complete one. —1 The announcement of J. Harvey Nash appears among our announce­ ments today as a candidate for county commissioner. Mr. Nash is a worthy citizen of this township mid is well qualified for the office. Our Representative, Hon. Horace Ankeny, introduced a bill, Monday, intJ the state legislature authorizing this village to issue bonds to the amount of (1000 to pay the expenses pf the recent snmll-pox epidemic. Mesdames Condon & Murdock attended n millinery opening at Cin­ cinnati the first of the week They state that it was th* finest they ever attended, over 2000 trimmed lints be­ ing displayed. —Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Iud., says, “DeWitt’s Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels mid liver. Ridgway & Co., druggists. The Exchange bank now presents quite au attractive appearance. The furniture from the Cedarville Bank has been moved to the Exchange Bank aud newly varnished. It is un­ doubtedly one of the finest and most convenient banking rooms in Greene county, —Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111 ,, writes. “ I never fail to relieve my children from croup at oucc by using One Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe dud all throat and lung diseases. Ridgway &Co., druggists. Graham Wylie left Wednesday morning on quite an extensive trip. His first stopping place will lie North Dakota, where be expects to spend about a mouth. From there he will leave with a friend, for Alaska, to try hid fortune in the gold fields. •—Rev. W. E. Sitzcr, W. Caton. N, V., writes, “ I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit, I was putetiaded to use Kodol by* pepsin Cure am! it helped me from the start, I believe it to h# a pana­ cea for ali forms of Indifertton,” I t d lfnts what ymi eat. RMgway A 0 *» The funeral of Mrs. Gordon, of Washington, C. IL, was held last Babbath at 2 p. m., at the residence of Mr. Edwards, south of town, on the Andrew Bros. farm. Service* were conducted by Rev, Maddox. Borne have inferred that Probata Judge Dean ia running J , W. Smith’* campaign. This i*‘a gross error, a* the Judge is confined to his room with symptoms of pneumonia. Communiou services in the R. P. Church, Rev. Morton's, tomorrow. Rev. Benson, of Philadelphia, assist­ ant, will preach tomorrow at 11 a. m-, and at 7:30 a. in. Joe Flynn in Hogan’s Alley will prove to be one of the greatest attrac­ tions that has been piayed in the Xenia opera house, Ethel, the youngest daughter of Will Spencer was quite sick the first of the weekj but I ihb recovered. ,-*-\Vhat ever you want in the drug Hue and have not got will get at once. C, M. Ridgway. —Right styles and right prices in wall paper., Ed H. Nisbet. Mrs. Hannah Reid is very low. not being expected to live. —If you’ve a sick cow use “JKow Kure.” Andrew Bros. & Co. OBITUARY. ‘ Francis Marion Ewery was born at Lafayette, Indiana, March 10, 1840 aud died near .Cedarville, O., March 17; 1900 aged 60 years and 7 days. He was the son.ofSamuel and Eliza­ beth Ewery. H ib mother died when he was six moiitbB old, and also his father when lie was ten years of age. He was' raised by his grandmother and uncle at Covington, 0 . He lived in Dayton and vicinity for about twenty years. He moved to this com­ munity March 8 , 1880, where he closed, up life’s journey. He was married to Mary Jane Bridgman. Jan. 27, 1861. To them were born seven children, all of whom are living. These with wife and two brothers and three sisters residing* in In(lia»u<-»nd Town mourn his de­ parture. He was a good man. As a hus­ band and father, lie was kind, and thoughtful of their interests, pro­ viding well for their, comforts. As a friend he was true and loyal aud one could feel safe in his bunds. As a neighnor he could not be excelled. His neighbors held him in the very highest esteem.' They say, “you would have to live by him to know him well.” As a eitizen lie was loyal. At the time of hjs country’s great need for loyal, young men lie offered himself for her services and eulisted in the 13let O. Vi I. regiment. He was un aggressive farmer and his word was as good-as his note. . * On October 18tb, 1899, he was stricken with paralysis and for five months, save 0110 day, he was a pa­ tient sufferer, He knew he would not get well, but declared be was not afraid to die and meet his record. The funeral services were held at his late residence, on Monday at 2 o’clock p m., and the large attend­ ance was proof of tho high esteem in which he wub held, The remains were laid to rest in the beautiful cemetery at Beavertowo ou Tuesday afternoon, there to sleep the years away. The entire funeral services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. A. D, Maddox. —Gray keeps notliiug hut the best in ills line of goods. A Correction. There is a report current that J. W. Smith, candidate for^ County Commissioner is using his influence against II. L. Smith, candidate for congress. There is 110 foundation for the report ns we have been informed as to the truth of this by H. L, Bmuli, himself. Court House Pasted. The Couit House-hill has been passed by our state legislature and is now a law. The question will bo sub­ mitted to the voters of Greene Co. at the coming spring election, One of the provisious of the bill was that the Common Pleas Court should appoint four citizens, two republicans and two democrats, to net with tho county commissioners in building the struc­ ture. Judge Beroggy has appointed Hon John Little, of Xenia; A1 Wickersham, of Jamestown; Henry Barber, of Cedarville; and W. NY Ferguson, of Beavercreek Township. —Talcum powder, all kinds and all prices, C, M, Ridgway. COtORfJD SOCIETY. Mrs, Bylvia Senior attended tho fuucral of a relative at Covington, last Saturday, Mr. Frank Dqnt, of Springfield, visited the home of Air. and Mrs, Martin Daniels, Monday, Harrison Lily, who has been visit­ ing hfs mother at Paris, Ky.f for the past three months returned home, Saturday. Bud NVHson died Wednesday morn ing. Aiimentconsitmption. Funeral service* was held at the A. M. E* church, yesterday, by Rev, M, M» Maxwell, -Werttrn ***d <*ta at Atfraw It#*. Jr Ok, No 6 Torchon Lnce pr yd.. • lc Shoe Strings 2 pr for,........ lc China Doll......................... Whisk Broom.................... . ••■»••••*3c Linen Collars....,....: Spectacles.......................... 1 cross Agate Buttons....... Talcum Powder pr box...... 1 roll Buggy Washers....... Hose Supporters.............. Horn Hair Pins 7 for./...... Unbreakable Braid Pins.... i w w m f c T H E K L M IG H C Y D O L L A R ! If you will take the eye and (carefully run over the following items, then come and examine them, you will agree with us that the price ?of every article tells a saving, story. You will also satisfy yourself that there is r j Bargain values in every corner of this store. Dolies, 18x18*■ , .5c No 5 Ribbons pr yd......... ...........7c Pompadour Comb............ ........7c Ladies Fancy Hose...,.................... 8 c Harness Pad...... ...... : ........ ........... 8 c Doilies 23x24.................................. 9c Book Btrps....................... ...10c WiroClothes Line..... ........... .10c Nose Glass Chain........... ............ .15c Dog Collar Belts...... .................... 19c Calf Finish Gents Pocket-pocket...20e Tumblers per doz.,........................20c Leather Hitching Strap............... 21c The Dewey Childrens Waists......25c Lorgnette Chain.............. .,.*.356. Chain Bracelet warranted 5\yrs..,'44c Black Silk Muffler........... 48c Oxford Teachers Bible...... ...... ,...65o Ladies Kid Gloves..................„67e Roues Water Proof Umbrella..... .70c Stiff Hat, worte 89c.................... ,7.7c Jute Rug 36x72...... ............'..,...95c Ladies Solid Gold Ring............ 81.14 Eight Day Clock..... .‘........,....(1.88 Suit ot Clothes............. ......82.29 up Gold Filled NVatch.................... $5,70. NEW YORK RACKET STORE JOEL ORANSKY, Proprietor, X e u i f t , - - O h i o . ANNOUNCEMENTS. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, NVe are authorized to announce the name of J . HARVEY NASH as, a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Republican Primary election in April, NOTICE o r APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that Oscar Ried Owens has been appointed and qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Henry Owens, de­ ceased. J . N. Dean, Probate Judge. February 26, 1900. Blue Front Stable. Leave your horse* there and your rigs be kept on the inside, out of the rain and storm, 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, 0 , C iiabies E. T odd , p rop n*ili«rdoMe loNewDre** XEjtlAOPEfylHOUSE W A N T E D ! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office I wish to open in this vicinity. Good opening for an ener­ getic sober man. Kindly mention this paper when Writing, A. T. Morris, Clndmiatl, O. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. postage. This is a large quarto book with thirty-two pages of Music and Orig­ inal Drawings of Mother Goose Rhymes, adapted for tho little folks, and especially for kindergarten work. The marches and songs are sweet and simple, the music easy and most me­ lodious, The children are delighted. This book has been endorsed by fhe f reatest women in the world: Her lajesty, the-Queen of'England; by Mrs. President McKinley; by that most gentle and noble mother, Mrs. Grover Cleveland; all of whom have introduced it to their little friends. Etta M. Wilson, Director of Kin* dergarten in Publio School No. .43, Brooklyn, New York, writes: “We have been using Rhymes and Jiugies in our kindergarten for the past month and find it invaluable iu our work. I t ibdecd fills a long felt want in kindergarten song* and music. 1 wish every kindergarten and primary school in the world might have it,” The work is beautifully printed on expensive deckle edge paper, in strik­ ing blue cover. For sale everywhere, or sent to any address, postpaid, for ( 1 . 00 . W R m n rA C o . , Publisher*, ISIS Broad##y, ’ Ncif York City. MEDPOTATOES. I have northern grown of the fol­ lowing varieties: Early Ohio, Early Acme, Early Market, Early Michigan, Early Rose, Early Pride, Honeoye Rose, World’s Fair, Carman* No.* 1 and 3, Living- iton and Sir Walter Raleigh. I also have some home grown Car* mau* No, 1 and 3, Livingston Ban­ ner, ami B. W. Raleigh, 1st and 2nd size, which I will sell a t very low price* considering quality. , Thase ara *11 pure seed and true to name. Call m of addraas, mm Jl« Amrik ( t a d n t w , O. Dae*Your StMMtkDtetresaYw? Do you have pain* in tho side, nausea, sometimes vomiting, distress after eating, belching, constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? If you have any of these symtonis, you have i dyspepsia or stomach disorder. These jdistressing troubles arc promptly re­ lieved and then cured by Bailey’s )Dyspepsia Tablets. Pleasant to take, •They will bring quick relief to the wont cases. Written signature of W. J Bailey on each package. Price 2 S cent*, Bample free. Druggists who don’t have them will get them „for you. Two kind* of tablet* iu teach package. The lattat discovery IlMd ny RMgwny 6 C 0 m . fc------i a - * r 1 t - — ____ » i •■’■•raWWflWIw iW »JlrawHP*s JOE FLYNN -IN- ‘Bogan’s Alley’ » W ED N E SDA Y M arch. £ 0 —Tho Creator ofo —Laughing Habit- “Hogan’s Alley Hoof 1 Garden.” “Shaving Day in Hogan’s Alley." “ Hogan’s Alley May Party." PRICE 25, 35 and 50c. M W I M w III i II m 1 U l 0 figMMJRRI PENNYROYAL PULS rMtcMiwirmaiii mxwumm J m I . s «*M MMAllle b»u*, MM with ttw ' WMf* m *•**#*> airtWiia«**»i»»**ai MMMMfMMtMftMlfMk lWy<*gWtttl o»w.iet inmruwmr inininiviini nngnNiwmnD din * i 'mNnawtpw.’WDiP br KWHlVWMftll.' M,*a*%WMe»>MI*, «MM*r aflMwesH. - ' . „ rHicttnetaa rmaMtUAf, *m., *M mtMmt mttMH rA« EN—WVWmHPW IPtNPwE* MOW i v g g r t a a MMSUMk - A fM at Una «f «N Oamrin at irY: 0^