The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

>-¥ THE HEWIDEA PATTERNS For Sale at Our Stori, Price Only 10 Cents* Each. * APRIL • FASHION - SHEETS - NOW - EBADY-5- Carptts * mattings * Oil doth W e now have a special Department for these goods. W E W IL E MAKE AND LAY CARPETS A T T H E LOW E S T PR ICES . 4 ' Come in and see our line of these goods. Wall Paper #Window Shades Are you going to need any WALL PAPER this Spring? Then some to us for it. We sell it for 5c per holt up. ALL PAPER TRIMHED ready to put on the wall. #fcMi W* *** t* »**r Will t*M»t TWEfl' MOWTOK FAMOUS. Ik* something tluit no other cares to do* • Bay something that no other cares to MY, Anti the busy world will go to wateh* ing youj Amt your name will he iu headlines every day. Never mind the sneera. Close your eyes to jeers, Call yourself a prophet or come for­ ward as a clown; Roar aud rant arotmd, Anything for sound— Btart another hubbub and the world cap's keep yon down. Rot) a tub around and play Diogenes, , Go to scolding people—curse them now and then: Bach mighty proofs of genius as these Are the things that make celebri­ ties ot men. 6 Close your ears to jeers, - ‘ - Never mind the 6 ueers Of the ones who call you rogue or 7 'fool fcr bore. Try to be unique! Genius or a freak— Neither worse uor better than the other any more. —8. E. Kiser. H*FooUdTh«Sirgmi. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, 0 „ after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, lie would die uo I ces a costly operation was performed; but he cured himself with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the. besi in the World, Surest "Pile euro on Earth. ■ 25c a box, at Ridgway &* Co’s. Drugstore. . Memories of Dwight L. Moody. It was the wish of the late Mr. Moody that his biography should be written by his son. Mr. W. R. Moody, who has in his pOMettioit alt ol his father’s papers and I t preparing a very complete life of the great preacher, has consented to write especially for The* Saturday Evening’ Post a series of anecdotal papers on his father's life and work, profusely illustrated with hitherto Unpublished photographs. The first of' these papers, entitled .“♦Moody as Boy and Business Man,” Will appear in the April 7 number of the Saturday Evening Post. An order wasreceived by a Cincin­ nati concern by cable from au English firpi for nearly 500,000 British flags, to he shipped as soon as they can be made. ■■- ■ It Leads. ' Wherever it has been introduced. Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin leads pH other remedies iu curing constipation, iudigestion ' and sick . headach. It .only cost 10 c for trial size (10 doses (10c. Large size 50c and $1. G, M. Ridgway. Representative Levy introduced a resolution requiring Cuba to feira burse the United Stntcs for expenses incurred on the island’s account. AnOunce ofPreventiTe Ts worth n pound of cure. Try a bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Pepsin, anti if properly taken, it will positively prevent rheumatism or any other kindred trouble arising front a torpid condition *ot the bowels, liver and ’kidneys. Trial sizes 10c. other sizes 50c. and $1.00 of C. M. Ridgway. ’ ARROW SHOTS. •—I t is very hard to stand idly by •nd se® our dear ones suffer while awaiting the srrival of the doctor. An Albany N, Y . dairyman called at a dfug store there for n doctor to come and ace bis child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, he left word for him to .come at once on his return. He also bought a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough ■Remedy, wbicb he hoped would -give some re­ lief until the doctor should arrive. In a few hours he returned, saying the doctor need not come, ns the child was much better. The druggist, Mr.' Otto Scholz, says the family has since recommended Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to their neighbors and friends until be has a constant demand for it from that part of the country. For sale by C. M. Ridgway. What has become of our JBoard of Trade that they arc not after a few of the factories and manufacturing con­ cerns that contemplate moving this •coming spring nnd summer? Wc think It about time to add another branch of industry to this hustling little “ burg.” —We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chambcrlaiu’s Cough Remedy in our home. We keep a bottle open all the time and whenever any of my family or myself begin to catch cold wo begin to use the Cough Remedy, and as a result wo never have to send away for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never fails to cure. I t is certainly a medi­ cine of great foerit and worth.—D. 8 . M xarkle , General Merchant and Farmer, Bedford county, Pa, For sale by C M. Ridgway, druggist, Miss LeflVI, who has l«cn the guest of Mu, Hess and Mrs. Mary Gil* laugh, returned to her home in Hpriagdsld, Monday. —fr troubled with rheumatism, giv* Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. H «U 1 not cost you a cent if it does vo good. One application will relieve Urn pain, I t also cures sprains and hrwtse* In one-third the time required by any other treatment, Cuts, burns, frostbite*, quiusey, pains in the side and sheet, glandular and other swell ■I shot an Hirowin Ilia air, It foil to flip earth: I know not where. —Longfellow. Once in n while a man invests, a cent in a slot machine for chewiug gum, but he generally looks sheepish. t t t ■. I t is not always the best looking barber shop where a fellow gets the best shave. - ■ t - f t • We observe that the men who have timo to keep track of nil the little de­ tails, never have time to amount to very much. f t t It always seems a good deal farther home when we have on a pair of shoes that hurt like sixty. . t t t We have learned to beware of a soft voiced man. t t t Some people think a religious book is proper to keep on the center table. t t t Some folks think they could surely get rich if they only h.d n little money to give them a start. t f t I t doesn’t pay to have an overcoat of too marked a style, for everybody notices it if you wear it too long. f r r The older n girl gets, the shorter her rainy day skirt becomes. f f f * Most men enjoy a sermon in which they flnd lots of points roasting the other fellow. 1 1 i Baying yes is often n good way to end an argument. r i r. When n girl has grown a little old and moves to a strange town, she is apt to change, her given name. .i. ,i. * ! I Muddy Crossings always bother a girl a good deal more if she lisa on a pretty new petticoat. A lex , M iller . The Mooted Question, . John Ross, Janitor of the school building, having been ques tioiicd a number ot times as to ptihHcj ■tlVACpr j »! whether Prof, Sayre would be an ap­ plicant for the superiuteudancy the coming year, interviewed the Pro­ fessor with the following result: March 21 , 1900 Mr, John Ross. Dear Sir:—The statement made to you by some party that I am to be au applicant for re-election to the Super­ intendency of our'publio schools is un­ founded, ns I announced publicly some months ago that I had otherwise engaged. 1 cannot accept the place under any circumstances, much as I love the school and the' dear honest patrons of the same, yet my best wishes will lie with them and the dear school. You will most likely fiud the affair born in the fertile minds of non: patrons of the schools who are always “just going to do something.” Yours sincerely ' John II. Sayrs, S tatu of O hio , C ity of • T oledo , LirAs C ounty , i F rank J . C hunky makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of ,F. ,T. I ’ iienry & Co., doing business in: the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, a'nd that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN­ DRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh' that cttjmot be cured by Ilie use of H all ’ s C atarrh (JURE'" FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to-before'me nnd.subscribed my presence, this foil day of D., 188(5. A W. OLEA." m , Notary Public, in December, A. WOOSTER CHORISTERS OPERA - HOUSE, Wednesday eve, MARCH 28 , 1900 l SEAL Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in­ ternally and acts directly on the blood and iriucuous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free F. J . Cheney «feGo., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Mayor’s Election Proclamation The electors of the Village of the Village Qf Cedarville will take notice that an-election, will be held at the usual voting places in said village on Monday, the 2nd day of April, IflOO, between the hours of 6 o’clock n.m, and 6 o’clock p.m.,nt which elec­ tion the following officers will be chosen: ^ One Mayor. One Marshal. One Treasurer. One Clerk. , One Street Commissioner. Three Councilmen. Made at Cedarville this 16th day of March 1900. J . H. W olford , Mayor. ANNOUNCEMENTS. f'Ot'NTY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN W, SMITH, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Republican Primary election in April. We are authorized to announce JOHN W. HEDGES, who resides four miles south west of Xenia, ns a candidate for County Commissioner. Subject to the Republican Primary election in April. INFIRMARYDIREOIQR, We are authorized to announce JOHN B, LUCAS as candidate for re-election as Infirmary Director, sub» ject to the decision of the Republican primary. Whut'g Yoar F uck Woith? Sometimes a fortune* but never, if yon have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, all signs of Liver Trouble, But I)r. King’s New Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy cheeks, Rich Complexion. Only 25 cents at Ridway 4bCo.'s Drug Store. -M. B, Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, “Dp Witt's Little Early Risers Amator Knllivan introdum) n twu .j ' ' ' * *""*""* ..._ j«rc tho very best pills I ever used for Urn m j\* t that nn awluruthm ofj Begging letter* asking for an ag- coativciiw*. liver and bowel troubles.” 1» U m Philippines shoitld heigW.gtfonf were A ‘RMJWhte. lA white tlw war eoftttativd. [by M( m Helen Gould, in New York, 1 n>. , , - , . --------- ------ * tW w w t I 11 m fotal mimlicr of shrep hi the -G fW » •«« mm tfw h m p ta * * * * ' Httfo of WrH Virginia k Mb fcr a fraM dm tb». mm\ j Caffe* and Cigars at GrayV Mim'd at IH.HSM.Wio. This company consists of 18 young ladies and gentlemen, students of the Wooster Uni- niversity, who are touring the state. These young people are all well trained singers and will give a First-class Entertain­ ment. The Admission is only . 25 CENTS Flat open Monday at 2 p. m. standard time. Come and bring your Meuds. XemOateffkaMat There Is on time in the year when Dr Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is wot., n benefit to mankind. I t cures cons, [etipation ami indigestion nnd cures 1 * 1 * curwl by m M W dh rrbm caused by b d condition of ft. Every bedtla warranted, Price, Jtti<*digestive organs. Trial size bot* 9 fr asd 50 eta, j tics 10c, al- o in 50c and #1 size, ol IU. M. Ridgway. Spring Millinery. 77 IE are showing the largest and most complete line W of Fine Millinery in Southern Ohio. W e give you the correct styles at our usual low prices. Our Pattern Hats represent the very best styles shown in New York and Chicago markets. We would take pleasure in show­ ing you our Pattern Hats and Fine Millinery at your convenience. Ready Made Suits. A Ladies Tailor Made Suits in goqd material in Black, Navy, Brown and Gray at $5.00, the greatest bargain of the season. Better qualities at $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 and up. W e have hundreds of fine All Wool Tailored Suits at $10.00 and $12,00 in all the New Colors and Styles that are from $2.50 to $5.00 less than the same quality are sold elsewhere. W e more than please you in this department. Ladies' Fine Shoes. “The shoe that needs no breaking in." The shoe the ladies like, best of material, finest workmanship. Newest style all for $3.00. W e believe our $3.00 is the best in the world for the price, and that there is no better at any price. Cheaper shoes at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Every pair guaranteed represented. Jobe Bros. & XENIA, OHIO. ToaltMsEesn Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin adver* ’ tisod for months, but have you ever tried ill If imt, you do not know what an ideal stomach remedy it is. A 10c bottle 110 doses (10el will show you its great merits as a cure for con* stipfttion, indigestion and sick head­ ache. Regular size, 50e nnd $1, at <■, M. Ridgway. TOCMtEACOLT*I* MB BAY, Take Laxative Broun* Quiniii. Tablet*, All druggists refund the money if it foils to cure, K We Grove** signature is on each h»*x, 25e, FOX, mi; f Arcade Photographer4 Is the tmmt reliab le uiul S tv ietly l!p*to» ,«Lte A itis t in the e itv Sprtm ffleld. <1. Savemoney B y buying your GARDEN SE ED in Bulk. A fine assortment now open. W e also want to call your special atten­ tion to our Canned Goods. Pie Peaches at ioc pr can and Table Peaches at 15c pr can. *«* Come in and see our hand­ some PREM IUM S that we are giving away to our Cash Customers. *«« You will find our stock of staple and fancy groceries complete in every department. J. L. Houser, One door"south of Herald Office. ---,.y > < \ i r z W A N T everyone to see our line o^Spring Shoes. It is much the best we have ever shown. W e can fit you, in a Shoe that will be very stylish, and at the same time very comfortable. Our $3 Shoe for ladies and gentlemen is better than most people show you for $3-50* We have them in all the new toes and leathers, A to E widths. % FRAZER ’S SHOE STORE, Xenia, Ohio. Th*Tailnt Merctnttlt BuiMInf in thaWorri, 0 mm 4 i MOtc*»MExctafwfjBjlit. Wholesale Prices to Users. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15 c to partly pay postage or expressage and we’ll send you one. I t has 1100 pages, 1?,000 Illustrations and quotes prices on nearly' 70,000 things that you eat and use and Hrear. We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO., M1<U cmi Ait,A XoStM*M., . WOLFORD Imperial Ploois and Repairs. SeeThat NewCorn Marker. - - F l i o i t B ig h t COIR AT«M Tex BUI Autl The fol lecently Beniblv ol ’ court hoi up to th inujority are in la* will have posed, wi bill, con your sten question S ectio • Greene ■ the freeb as herein • together and the; build a tipou the to provi lighting, ot the sa ' two hui v ied, tl thereof, located jail lot c S kcti visions ( missiobe propert] as may the sum pntion 0 rived, si issue b> terest i nations dollars dollars and to said coi tersigui shall al m yecoi office, the her the ra " cent, iiti' nually. • in gohi commi shall b years s t I kj issu thousa payabl five ye They commi value the co authoi of 8.11 funds the pt S ec iioner taxes count accrui the pr until S ei fore provi cornu appoi peter, not i) of th in ci miesi comr shall Mid here* shall AMRU eotm I not (•at5 dred : *mp 1 won i m a t ' 1 pfea «nti 1 m e*« I luff JL& f