The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
W#k*YftIMUhfeIknMUMMMMltil wUk * 1 - r? ^ w ,p * ^p ^ppp ^ u n s aW tw w li|kn»Sf«‘t** FM«KiM.',« * ||litt wfciefe w* mw tate Uw X«nlit m 4 filjrii* la «**Mhwrilwr* far ft.ZS, Or ft tmi Imv* «lr*Mifi*»i4yw»r wVwijkkni, tat M*s*«ii,c will tow t (uya« far j* cm U, She HedarvUle fterald. Tie 1**1 Kdr«rti«iiif k *A>* m , in O mwm Iv.Bsty, Its Job iinp-te Ms in *v*rjrprlicuJan Asjt'uis* frt* Wr.w*lto»t UUV to tbia Uigwt wle 141} p-ia*i »*** •rtiifjo ifi«nn«r. pKWrMtiMtiw** w O umkh * tori ip our bstiffui dMlisfi. An Independent Newspaper Devoted, to the Interest o f Cedarvitte and Vicinity tw en ty - t h u d y e a r . n o . 14. CEDARV1LLE, OHIO, MARCH 51. 1900. PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. Do You Know TH A T A SH ABBY UN BECOM ING HAT will mar th e^p^ aw n ce more than any other single article of wearing apparel. W e are showing a strong line of Stiff and Soft H ats, desirable shades at saleable prices. ««•« SPRING WOOLENS AND W 0 R 3 TEDS»~"Lcavc Your Order To-day l or a Suit or pair of Trousers that we will guarantee to be perfectly satisfactory in every respect. IRA C. DAVIS, M e rch an t T a ilo r, ]lRTTEt{ 0 FURNISHER. COURT HOUSE B I L L AFuU Tffxt i f RSffre— totivw AafcMMy’a Bill A«flwrfzk« « Now C«Wt H omw F st G tmm CstMt)-. The following is a copyof the bill, lecently .passed by the General As sembly of this State in regard to a new court house in this county. I t will be up to the voters next Monday. I f a miijority of the citizens of this county are iu favor of a new courthouse, we will have oue. I f a majority are'op* posed, we won’t, that’s all. Read the bill, come out to the election, vote your sentiments and let’s have the question settled. S ection !.■—The commissioners of Greene county iu conjunction with the freehold electors to be'appointed, as hereinafter provided, constituting together a building commission, be . and they .hereby are authorized to build a court house in said .county upon tl>e present cjurt house site, and to provide.for furnishing, heating, lighting, ventilating and for sewerage of the same a t a cost of not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars; pro* vided, the heating apparatus, or part thereof, for such court-house may be located in a proper building on the jail lot ofsaid county. S ection 2.—T o carry out the pto* visions of ibis act, said county com raissionere shall levy upon the taxable , property of fta|4 county sgob ;i i | g | as may be necessary, not exceeding the sum above named; aud io antic! potion of the revenue to be thus de rived, said county commissionersaba)) issue bonds of said, county, with in terest coupons attached, in denomi nations of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than One thousand dollars each, numbered consecutively, and to be signed by at least two of said county commissioners and coun tersigned by the county auditor, who shall also sign mid coupons and keep a record of the bonds issued, in his Office. Said bonds shall be payable to the bearer, and shall bear interest at the rate of not exceeding four per cent, per annum, payable semi-an nually, priucipaPknd interest payable in gold at such place as the county commiesioDsr* may designate. They shall be payable not exceeding thirty years after their date; but they may lie issued in,sums not exceeding eight thousand dollars, one such sum to be payable in each and every year after five years from the date of their issue They shall he sold by such, building commission at not less than, their par value and accrued interest. Provided, the county commissioners shall have authority to purchase and cancel any of Mid bonds whenever there are funds in the treasury applicable , for the purpose. SxdnoN 3—8aid county comraM Biorters shall, annually levy such taxes upon the duplicate of the county, as shall be neoessary to pay accruing interest, and such part of the principal falling due each yaar, Until Mid bonds are paid, Srerrox 4 ,—A t least ten days be fore any submission is hereinafter provided, the judge of the court o f common pleas of said county, shall appoint four ( 4 ) suitable and ootrt potent freehold electors o fsaid county, not more than two o f whom shall be o f the Mate political party, who shall In connection with the county com miarionerr, constitute the building commission as aforesaid, and who shall serve until the completion o said court house as contemplated herein Bnid persons so appointed shall receive for their services, the same compensation as the county commissioners, including mileage, but not exceeding two hundred dollars ( • 200 ) on the first year, nor one hun dred dollars fllOO) tor all the time cutployed thereafter,® to be paid monthly o«t of the eotmfy treasury upon &* aartHtento of *afct uommot pitas Jn lgs amt tin warrant o f the *. « * ..* _ ..A an fora I* 9t theirduties, as herein provided, each take *u oafh of office, and shall, sev erally. euter into boud for the faith ful and honest discharge of the duties of their office, in the same amount ns is required in cases of county com* missioners, and with sureties to the approval ofsaid judge of the court of common pleaB; said bonds to be de- ivered to and kept by the county treasurer. Iu case of the death, res ignation or removal of any of the members of Baid building commission so appointed, the vacancy shall be filled by said common pleas judge by appointment ashereinbefore provided, Said building commission shall, alter adopting plnus, specifications and ea timates,invite bids aud award contracts for said court house, and for furnishing heating, lighting! ventilating, and for sewerage of. the same, and to de termine ail questions connected there with until said court house ahalt have heen completed accordin'}* to the true intent and meaning of this act, and accepted hy said building commission, S ection 5 —Plans, druwiugs, repre sentations, bills of materials, specifi cations of work and estimates of cost thereof, when approved by said build* ing commission, shall be filed by the County auditor in hisoffice, and shall not lie altered, deviated from or added to, unless .the proposed alteration, deviation or addition shall first be drawn, specified and estimated for as required by law for the original plans,'! and approved by said building com-* mission; provided that such alteration, deviations, and additions shall not in crease the cost o f said court house and furnishing, heating, lighting, venti lating and sewerage of the same be yond the aggregate amount herein authorized to be expended therefor; and provided, further, no such changes shall be made until the price to be paid for the same shall have been agreed upon in writing between said building commission and the contractor. S ection ©—Resolutions for the adoption or alternation of plans or specifications, the awarding of con tracts, and the fixing, the compensa tion of the architect and superintend ent, the approval of bonds and the allowance of estimates shall be in writing, and require for their passage tbewotes of five members of said build ing commission, to be taken by yeas and nays, and recorded on thejournal of Mid county commissioners S ection 7—Full and accurate records of all the proceedings of snid building commission shall be kept by the county auditor upon the journal of the county commissioners, and he shall carefully preserve in his office all plans, drawings, representations, bills of material and specifications of work and estimates of cost in detail and in . the aggregate pertaining to Mid court house. The auditor shall i lie allowed the same compensation for recording the minutes of the building commission'as is allowed the county recorder for recording deeds. S ection 8 —Said building com mission shall advertise for proposals for the work and material, for the erection, furnishing, bentiug, lighting, ventilating and for sewerage of said court boute, in at least two news papers of general circulation in said county, and in one daily newspaper of Cincinnati and Columbus, respect* ivety for such periods as said com missioners shall direct. Btieh adver tisement may be lor proposals for the entire work and material as a single job, or for separate portions thereof, as said building commission may deem best, the commission retaining the right to reject any or all bids. Pro* poMhr must lie accompanied by a good and sufficient bond in such amount as said building commission shall pie scribe, conditioned that the bidder if awarded the contract will enter into contract and give bond for its faithful performance in fuch amountand with such sureties hi the mission ahall approve, ffmrnont ft-BiM building com* .mM m ahall imptey « rompatenr awd asliaMi aesMtont, as superintend «af mf ewMlrsHtiffW. wte* shall five bond to the county commissioners in the sum of twenty thousands dollars (• 20 , 000 ) with sureties to the ap proval of said building commission,, conditioned for the. honest and faith ful discharge of his duties ns such superintendent and that lie will pre vent all change^ aujd alterations in the plans and specifications without the consent of said building com mission as required by Section 6 of this act.. Aud said superintendent shall be subject to removal hy said commission and -shall at-least once iu thirty days,,or ofteuer if required by said building commission, report in writiug to said commission the progress of the work; .whether it is being done hb expeditiously as is reasonable and in all icsptcts in accordance with the.plans, specifica tions and- contract for material and workmanship which reports shall be examined by said building commission and its action thereon recorded on the journal and suit) report filed and pre served by the county auditor for the inspection of nil peieons desiring to examine them. S ection 10 -H o member of said ON THE FIRING LINE Sergeant SmithWrite*,fromManila of His First Experience te a Skirmish—Ad vice to Woatd-be Soldiers. Manila, P. I., Feb. 17. E ditors H ebam >;—I certainly np- PMtosopkic News. The meeting last' Monday evening was undoubtedly one of the best we have had *this year. The members had given a great deal of time and thought to their productions and this aiwayB means good performances.* The main feature of the eveuing was the debate: . Resolved, That man has had more predated the publication of my letter j,jfluence on the hnppiness and civiliza- of December 3, 189II. in your paper, 0f the world, than woman, and I now have the Ihottor, and take Misses Anna Orr and Faye Lackey great pleasure to *$te another from argu‘ed j„ favor of the men. Naturally my present situation, for the benefit of the renders of tile Herald. This letter is important ter those who like to be soldiers, and ip advice to those who want to eulist, We arrived in Bjfanila harbor on the 25th day of J^huary, 1900, and landed on the 2Gth. ] When we landed the subject was one that would in spire eloquence and the convincing logic of these young ladies only made the facts more apparent. Misses Ada Stormont and Echo Sterrett upheld the negative and by reference to many of the great and good women I f e ll» . tlmugh I rencheil o line P” ' ' '» convinced the judge. . ... i - i f . i of the worth and merit of the femnle of resistance, which -Was true, and up , i t * ____I. ........______ .1 i . L . . to this writing it has proved to be a case of fight or run# which I will ex plain further ou. m e lined- up in ' ‘column of fours” <&d started on our five mile trip to Caiip Caloocan, our present location, throwing out our advance' guard at |he head of the building commission shall directly be j coiHmn ,„ 7 d also 1 ‘fiaukei-s " pecuniarily interested in any contract; not marched over tjiree miles, when for work to begone or material to be ■ the advance guard 1 was fired on by furnished in aud about the erection,!al^ut sixty insurgeuts, one man re furnishing, heating, lighting, ventilu* | ceiving a slight wound. As I was ting or tor sewerage of said court “ right guide” of my^company; and by house, or in anything pertaining'making the formation of “advance thereto* under penalty of not exceed-guard,” I was the “ point” directly ing ten thousand dollars, nor .less in front, witli one ftutn in my front, than two. hundred dollars, to.he re* one on my right afc&left attd two in sox, that they voted in favor of the negative. ' Rev Benson, of Philadelphia, was present and gave, us a short spicy address, which was very much appre ciated by the members. John Bicket, of Xenia, was also We had IPresen^ an^ mttde a short talk. The. society is preparing to give an entertaioment, in the near future, consisting of a declamation contest, and music by a Mandolin and. Guitar club. An. excellent program has been pre pared for next Monday evening, to which all are cordially invited. One of the Machinery and Transportation buildings of the Pan- American Exposition, which will beheld at Buffalo, N. Y. covered in a civil action iu the name of the stnte of Ohio for the use of the' county; and such member nhall mote- over, forfeit nuy compensation he was to receive on sncli contract, anything in thceameto the contrary notwith standing. S ection 11 —Before any action shall he token under the provision of this net, other than the appointment ofsaid four members of said building commission the question of the policy of building such court house, furnish rear as “connecting file.” I was cer tainly (tomb-founded for awhile, but on nccouutof the poor ranrksmnuship of the insurgents, soon picked up soldier courage, We held our own for awhile, but I thought I could Traos-AUantlc Travelers. The bureau of attendants for trans- Atlantic. travelers established in Jersey City nnd New York City twenty years ago by the Pennsylvania System, has proven a great con venience to persons making European trips and to tourists arriving in America nt th a t' port. I t will be particularly convenient for visitors to the Puris Exposition because the de parture docks of most of the Atlautic Steamship Liues ore convenient to the new Jersey City PussengerStetion of the Pennsylvania Ruilroad Com pany. This bureau crusists of experienced agents whose duties are to meet pas Bengers arriving in Jersey City and New York over the Pennsylvania Liues and assist them iu arranging for trans*Atlautic trips via any of the steamship lines by conducting them to The hold it licttcr by retreating and get* , ting^re-enfnrmuenl, which I did and steamships and aiding them in prepa- found if to be a great help. Not rnUoi.s for a trip abroad. knowing the exact strength of the These *S eDt8 * ,n Pr°v,de. cab9 °P eueniy, the Major formed a line ol crated by the Pennsylvania System battle, and the enemy with about and aid passengers with their baggage, •twenty in number re.trcit,.! to the They are fully posted on matters per- V I U U II V II l l |^ O M V II V W U I V U -* H O O ) P M .M .* ... I . „ v » « > g w ( V * - - - » v > « , v w>*w ing, heating, lighting, ventilating and Iwoods from whence f?ioy came leaving teining to steamships leaving New thirty-five or fmi;, dn the field. This York»and arrangements can be made being my time in battle I was through them for procuring steam- somewhat scary for three days after- ®hip tickets in advance. Wards, but I now feel like an old pN*®? also meet incoming steam soldier of war. * ships to aid travelers in shaping de The insurgents have various ways tails for continuing journeys from of fighting, one way which I will New York over the Pennsylvania mention as being more barbarious, in Line0 % furnishing tickets, amng my estimation, than any. Sometimes in&A* thc transfer of baggage from you will be traveling along your way, steamship docks after It has been and yon meet a native Philippino, as paased by customs inspectors, and you will suppose, hut an insurgent having the same checked through to soldier, who will be armed with a destination. They will reserve sleep- Bolo, a large crooked knife, which is ing car accommodations and relieve used by the natives tor cutting grass persons of the foregoing details, mafe- and making their way through brush- ing themselves useful as attendants wood. This man will meet you with and guides free of charge a fine “good morning” and “how do Further information on the sub you do” until your back ia turned jeet may fie obtained by addressing and then the work of the big knife the nearest Pennsylvania Lines Ticket commences. Your head is off". Many Agent, or J . M. H arris , District a crime has been committed on our Paseenger Agent, Columbus, Ohio, out-posts in this manner. Four days ago two men of the 42nd Infantry B*»k«lest*AErtW. were found murdered on their post, J . It. Garrison, Cashier of the It was supposed that, they fell asleep bank of Thornvillo, Ohio, had been bn out*post duty during the night, robbed of health by ft serious tong iin*ii hinn'i Lmi, u.-ua wiiMrl ftnm r.rotihia iiufii ha tried D k Einv’sNfiiv providing sewerage for the same, and the issuing of bonds therefor, shall be by snid county commissioners sub mitted to a vote of the electors of said county at an amnia! spring or fall election or nt a special election, in accordance with the provlsious of Section 2825 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio (93 O. L,, 99) except for the first submission there need ho no petition, but notice of such special election of at least ten days shall be given; provided at any subsequent submission notice shall be given ns required by law, AreYea Ceastipateft? Do you Imve that tired feeling? Do you feel sluggish, billSous nnd out of sorts generally? Do you hnve sick headache? Do you have pimples, eruptions, blotches,, ulcers, sores or other results of constipation? The; sewer of the body must he kept in an ! active, healthy condition and nothing does it so well as Bailey’s Laxative Tablets. Their uso brings on a clear, rosy, beautiful complexion. A tab* let or two taken nt night makes you feel fine iu the morning.' 10 c packages contain 20 tablets, and CO in 25e packages. Tablets chocolate coated. The written signature of W. J , Bailey on each package. Sample free. They promptly relieve and then cure con itipatkm Bold by Ridgway A <V». Orton's are now the best place in Xento for « firfft claw 2 fc*. meal. E a s t e r O p e n i n g Of New and Stylish Spring and Sommer Jttillinery, ««« at ««« MRS. CONDON’S, Friday and Saturday, { '• . .: j! , ... . ■ April 13 and 14, 1900. Friends and Patrons are requested to call and inspect the Display. YES OR NO! Points of o Question Cioariy Pre sented for the Voters ofGreene County. Whatever the notions of the people outside of Xenia and inside, too, may have been about a new Court House, the question of building one is now presented under far different condi tions than at liny time heretofore. he Building Commission under the new law consists of seven free holders And tax payers as well distributed throughout the County as could pos sibly be done. One is in Xenia, one in Miami, one in Cedarville, one in New Jasper, one in Spring Valley and one in Beaver Creek Townships. There is no chance of favoritism to one ocality over another as to labor, ma terial or otherwise, if the character of the members were of itself not proof against it. The members are. farmers or owners of farms and some of them are considerable owners of town prop erty also, so that they have a com mon and strong interest with other tax payers of the County in keeping taxes down to the lowest limit, i f the people vote for a Court House every body knows that every dollar used will go into the building and to the best advantage. The present old building is really not habitable longer, I t has been condemned by the State authorities as unsafe and dangerous to health, who have directed its immediate ex tensive and expensive improvement I t is true that the Commissioners have secured-the opinion of the Attorney- general that the state inspector has probably no jurisdiction over Court Houses. But if he is right, the fact remains of the insecurity and danger to health of the building, and the re sponsibility under the law, rests upon the County Commissioners to make the needed repairs, This ' duty is recognized by them, however, much as they dislike to spend money on- it, If improvement is commenced there is no toiling when anti where it wf end. They can spend but 110,000 at a time. Bui when that is expended what if other repairs are developed as necessary? In short the people have this quee ably thrown away? I t must not he overlooked that under the law the » question of a new building may be submitted as often as petitioned for according to law. ‘ " ’ * It is understood that accommoda tions for out-of-town people, called to the Court House, will be made a fea ture in the new structure if ordered, and all things being equal, preference - will be given Greene County labor and material. Never in the history of the County could bonds be placed at so low a rate of interest as now. I t is thought that they can be sold at even less than the four per cent, authorized. I t is agreeable to know that .the sentiment is setting in strongly for the • new House, rather than repair the old with a new one in the back ground. Yet it is said that there are some people who are willing for repairs and—then a new House! AJADEDNORSL Tke WWp May Spur Itim on for a Sfcort Distance. S << u , Both me ’s heads was severed fro t ouble URHI ho tri h Ki g’s ew. their shoulders also their arms, A Discovery for Consumption, Then j tto° squarely presented to them to de- good soldier in the Philippines never lie wrote: ’’I t is the beat medicine I ‘ ’ ‘ ” " ‘“ rt ’* — sleeps, but is constantly on the alert, ever used for a severe cold or a bad As foradvice to the “soldier struck" case of lung trouble. I always keep boys at home, instruct them to join a bottle on band.” Don’t suffer with Ibe fklvfttion Army, jtTs preferable. Goughs, Golds, or any Throat. Chest We now hold a line of defense for tha] city of Manila, a distance of five miles in length. Bitterr. Louis IK1\ ftMJTff, Go. M. 4*th Inft, r . a V. or Lung trouble when you can lie cured ao easily, Only 50c, and $ 1,00 Trial botttoa free at RMgway A (to/* Drug fltore, dde next Monday. Bhall a new Court House be erected under the new Commission, or shall a course of repairs be entered upon by the County Commissioner* of the present build ing, with tha chance of a new build ing being erected in tha near Inter* -- a thing altogether likely to occur tnd When a horse becomes worn] and tired he may be urged on by the whip in the hands of a heartless driver, hut reason would My, let him rest and feed and give him time to recuperate, then he will renew hit journey with ease and without fatigue. When the stomach becomes tired and weak from impure blood a dose can bo takeu that will stimulate it ob to do the work of digestion, but it i* only a stimulant, and soon the stom ach becomes dependent on this assist ance. The proper and only way to have a healthy stomach is to make the blood pure and the liver healthy- Knox Stomach Tablets are a new combination of remedies tried and tested. They purify the blood, make the liver healthy, and cure nervous ness, dyspepsia, biliousness, lose of appetite, catarrh, and constipation, A single box will restore the bloom of health to the cheek and send pure blood coursing through the vein*. An immediate relief for indigestion and a positive cure for dyspepsia. I f unable to secure them of your local druggist, send fifty cents to th# Knox Chemical Co , Battle Creek, Mich., and a full sized box will b# sent postpaid. —“ I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cura in my family with wonderfkl reanhs, I t gives immediate relief, to plaasaat i# take and to truly the dyspeptic's tnwt friend,” says E, Hatrtgeriak, OvetM, Mich. Digest* what yon sat. Can* not ffiil to ears. RMgway A Cm,
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