The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

'■ V *1.00 A YEAH. HAfUYRA B r u , Prapr?* f. K, BUxm, K mih Bn ?.( Editor, Bos. Mgr. Owes* C’4C->Cl WaJdfo Place. # * $ \ tW A Y i MARCH 31, 1000. CWNTYCOMMISSWiifg- J . W. Smith* l i itjWftsiWe that Congress is in ta vor of reciprocity only in the ami is opposed to it in the concrete? How was Admiral Dewey’s rank reduced when be married? Why, ho became Mrs, Dowry’s second mate. •She Topeka Capital is finding a big shrinkage in the box office re eeipta, now that Rev.. Sheldon’s experiment is over. The Queen of Hollond is a good conk. This should be a recommen­ dation in these days of republics. If sheshould ever get out of a job, her husband would’nt have to hiVo a girl. evident, that the Boston police are not impressed liy a name, since they arrested Francis Truth for con­ ducting a fraudulent “divine heal­ ing business. The Boer War seems likely to do for England and Ireland what the war with Spniu did for our own •North niid South—tnake them forget past enmities in fighting a common enemy. . - [Seceetary Root admits that lie granted exclusive franchises to gold -miners along the beach nt Cape Nome. ■When this fact was asserted in the £tenctte, ids course was denounced by Republican senators ns scaisdahis. ,A novelist in Berlin stole a ■clonk i i order to bo able te- describe accu­ rately the feeling ofa secret thief. The -judge, in sentencing lum, said that he Would give him n chance to experi­ ence the feeling of a convicted due. Mr. Rhodes has spoken right out in meeting.t He decinres that tne Brit­ ish generals made serious mistakes, that Buller gave foolsh orders and’ that the Boers are ouly 30,000 strong at- the best.. How his interview got past the censor is a wonder. ■ The executive and legislative branches of the government have de­ cided that the Constitution does not follow the flag into acquired territory, but the judicial branch of the goveru- vnient has not yet passed on the ques­ tion.' Now that national banks may ho established in small towns with a cap­ ital of only ’825,000, every couutry newspaper should have a national bank attachment, not for profit, but merely ns an accommodation for sub. i?eribers« Senator McCumber, of North Dakota, frankly admits that he is willing to put a tariff on Porto Rico if the cereal products of his state are excepted from it. General Hancock seems to have been right, after all, when he eaid that the tariff was a loext issue. Why did not President McKinley answer the cable of Consul General Stowe, sent at the request of Presi­ dent Steyn and Kruger, HKtoim tub war began asking him to mediate to prevent bloodshed? Why ’ did he ignoe such a “ plain duty” without even the courtesy of an answer? The country would like to know this. The Pan-Auericau Conference, started by Secretary Blaine, is to *M«t again, this time in the City of -Mtjticn, where it will endeavor to bra«den the scope of the agreements •alfcfed into nt its first meeting. Thwgathering should bo productive mt good results* Tlio American repub- ft* have grown more mid more to recognize the beneficence, of United States primacy in the affairs of tlio three continents and to rely on jt for protection against European aggres­ sion, The Monroe Doctrine was ac­ cepted by the Hague conferences and if row pr« stVitlfy a p trt of the law of jMtioniMand it is *o, because the United Htates has urged $t for three quartern of* century. ##t«»OatefdeiftV' There » no time in the year when Dr C*Mwel!V8yrti}} Pepsin !s not * h w i t (o mankind, I t mrr* em»- MipftUou mid indigestion and enre* ilwrtiw* bv l<*d condition of tW ihsstl** organ*. Trint *ta* hot* Mr, ibn in and f t «*», of O. M. SUfcvap. ^ ... -* •MlfiMY. Jd in 1 alvin House departed this life near Zimiiuimcn, t). nt- 7:1b jp. 'ui.s March 1 U, I960. He whs b in m ar Xenia, O., September 13, makiug him 10 years, 6 month# and 9 day* old. He was tho eldest son of Mr#, Mary House wlundied just four years previous to the burial of her son., Death has again cast a shadow over their home, hut they mourn not as those without hope. Mr- House united with the M. E. church under the pastorate of Rev. J . G. Black in 1885. He also at' that time made n public confession of his faith in his Lord and Saviour, and lived according to his profession, but not without temptations. His was a faithful Saviour aud ever ready to lend an ear unto those that come to him in trust and faith. Mr- House was naturally of a cheerful disposition; even in sorrow and trouble he was ever the same: cheerful, loving* and kind, always thinking of the welfare of others before bis own.' He was a kind and loving- father, husband, brother and son. In 1891 he took his letter from Ce­ derville to Moorefield Chapel, O.', where he has since been a member,' until he was moved from the church militant to the church triumphant. Mr. House’s first wife was Mrs. Sarah Alexander, daughter of the late Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson. To them was born one ‘child, a son, Cecil House, who still. survives. After­ ward lie 1 again married. ITis wife being Miss Lucinda Pnyiie, of Sandy Hook, Maryland.. To them was born two song,-Calvin, who died in infancy and Charles, who with his mother still survives him. Besides his. wife and two sons, he leaves to mourn his loss, four sisters and one brother, Mrs, Lizzie Shroadcs and Mbs Ella Hutson* of Cedarville. Mrs. Marv Beenier, of KossviUe, O., Mrs. Kate Kizer, of near New Moore­ field, O., and Mr. George Hutson, of Urbana, 0 ., and also a step-father, Mr. Wesley Hutson, of Cedarville, besides other relatives and friends Mr. House’s health has not been good for some tiittfe but lie was not thought to be in immediate danger, never-the-less death came in- an hour when he knew not. He was taken seriously sick with pneumonia on the 17lh and after one week of intense suffering he was called to his eternal home. AH was done tlmt physical aid and loving bunds could do. but the Great Reaper had claimed his own mid God knew best. Instantly Killed', Scott Reynolds, a brakeinau on the Little Miami railroad, was instantly killed nt Xenia, Monday ’ night, hy being, caught between two cars. No one saw him killed and'the exact cir* cumstances of his death are not known. It is thought that )n the darkness he miscalculated the distance between the two cars and was caught between the Jemmy draw bars. The marks can. be seen for several car length, where the body was dragged along tfifc- ground. He died almost as soon as the care stopped and some of the other trainmen got to him, He leaves a wife and onechild. filWS IN BRIEF. ' Thirty-two- British -peers are fight­ ing in MouthAfrica. Patent Office Work this y ■ ,r prom­ ises to beat the record. George Ruth, a negro, was lynched near Carthage, N« 0., hy moon­ shiners. Seven hundred and fifty men who were besieged in Ladysmith are writing histories of the siege. Administration officials are advis­ ing Gen. Wheeler to withhold his res­ ignation in order that lie and Gen Lee may retire with the rank of Brigadier General. «■- “Good-by, Tam*, if yo thrash the Boots ns weel as ye ha’ thrashed me, they’ll want no inuir o’ war,’’ said a British volunteer’s wifi* to her depart­ ing husband. Kansas is to haven cucumber farm on a large scale. The project is to secure 1100 acres near Lawrence, on the line of the proposed electric mil- road. ' The cucumber crop'matures just as the school term ends, when pickers can easily ho secured I)r, I). H, Morgan, of jhc United States’ mvy, has sent to flic Navy Department a report, in which he strongly recommends that the* terms of office of officers and men in the Philippines shall he made two instead of throe*years, on account of tho ener­ vating climate l»iont. Hobson has offioed tinsState of Alabina a relic of the Mjmnbh- American war. It is a fl ag pole, com- fin!!nl of part of masts from Urn Don Juan do An iiia jui I tho Ahmianfo * Oqtiftwdo, nod the flag he )i-*i«te-*! o n ’, the Maria D-ros* when ah* %«§' fi'otfc-d fhiVk hna am-pUd thft gift, and it wilt ha *ra«tad no the sspitni frnaada e m m * MCKTY. Mia* Mamie Wilaon spent Saturday in Xenia* Fred Payne, of Xenia, circulated among friends here, Tuesday. Edwurd Banks, of Jamestown, ha» accepted n position with 0 . M. ltidg- way,. Miss Jndia Broadfce spent a few days visiting relatives and friend* in Xenia and Dayton. Rev, J . G, Mitehel, dean of Payne Bemiitary, Wilberforce, died, last Friday, and was buried Tuesday. Rev. Zeno Roberta, of Greenfield, visited his friends here this week-.and preached at the A. M. E. church, Sunday evening. » A Card. To the Republican voters of Cedarville Township, South Precinct: T.B. Andrew fbrdelegate and Cliss. Ridgway for alternate, are candidates in my interest. W. E. Dean is against me. I f yon favor my candi­ dacy, vote for Andrew and Ridgway. H orace S mith . —Ladies and gentlemen try a bot­ tle of Orodentiue Dentifrice,. C, M. Ridgway. SEEDPOTATOES. I have Northern grown of the fol­ lowing varieties: Early Ohio, Early Acme, Early Market, Early Michigan, Early Rose, Early Pride, Honeoye Rose, World’s Fair, Cunmuis No. 1 and 3, Living­ ston aud Sir Walter Raleigh. * I also have some home grown Car­ mans N o il and 3, Livingston Ban­ ner, and S. W. Raleigh, l 6 t and 2 nd size, which I will sell at very low prices considering quality. These are all pure seed and true to name. Call on or address, > R M. R oberts , South Charleston,’ O. S tate of O hio ; C ity of >„ T oledo , L vcas C ounty . ) B8‘ , F rank <1..C iieney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. C heney & Co., doing business ui the. City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN­ DRED DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of H all ’ s C atarrh C ure . * FRANK J . CHENEY Sworn-to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6 th ‘day of December, A. D., 1886,* . A. VV. GLEASON, SEAL Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in­ ternally and- acts directly on the blood and mueuous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free F. J . Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by nil Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. ANNOUNCEMENTS. PROSECUTING- ATTORNEY. Wears authorized to announce the name of CHARLES F. HOWARD as a candidate for Prosecuting At­ torney, subject to the Republican primary election. Thin, pale, aiuemic girls need a fatty food to enrich ! their blood, give color to | their cheeks and restore their \ : health am) strength. It is !safe to say that they nearly ; all reject fat with their food. COD LIVER OIL wmtttypopmspt//rEs»FtiHEdSQM is exactly what they requires it not only gives them the im­ portant element (cod-liver oil) Iin a palatable and easily di­ gested form,but also the hypo- phosphiteswhich are so valua­ ble in nervous disorders that usually accompany anxmia. SCOTT'S EMULSION l*a fatty food that Is more easily digested than any other form of fat. A certain amount of flesh is necessity for health* You can get it (n this way. W* kmwit ##f*» * m * t& m jlM j » p o u n d * d*y whim taking fa m .MMMt ra aM w .1 OHGHVOH DHKOTOHY J, r . Umm.VM^r. writ*** at U:W> ». m . b*Vo«l at !•» .* . Uiiv«»a»t*i: CKaireh^Kff. W. J.raaJtarwB, at H;iO». **• bathlkliwtat IQa,« , V. V. Church-Rev, j . 0. R«*» vim at 10:9# i,-» , ia-I ViMp. p, BabUth gcboolut 1:3* *.«. *tara*ri liw*. A.M, X. CbuwWEev, Mr. U**w*ll, I'ag- tor Praachiag at ll »#0 a. i a . and7:3#p, m, £! m » *rarySabbath atl2:30, gabbatUSebocI at 3:09p.m« Friend* and vititor* cordially favitod. II.M. Church—Rev, A, IEMaddox, Pactor. preaching at 11:00 a- ni. SabhatbSchool at 9:49 a. i». Young People'* meeting at 8:45 p, a*. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Baptiit Church—Rev.Mr, Coleman, paetor ofthe Baptiat church. Preaching at Uo'clorlt and 7:30p«m. Sabbath School at 2:30p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at 7:S0. Everyone'invited, Qathning of the Friandsof Jtion, at ErvitVA Williamson’*Hall, every Sunday afternoon, at 2:30o'clock, standard time. Everybody.!*. in­ vited. John U. Sayres, Beacon in Charge. UTANTED—Several Bright and Honest per­ il sons to represent u* as Manager* in -this and dosebycounties. Salary$90# a yearand expenses. Straight, honi-flds, nomore, noless salary. Position permanent. Our references, any bank in any town. It is mainly offic* work condncled at heme'. Reference. E»» close self-addressedstampedenvelope, las D ominion Conrans, Dept. 3, Chicago* FRANK H. DEAN. A* A t t o r n e y at L aw . 41 E. Main St., Xenia, O. Adam's Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High ant) Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. Y OU can always find at the old reliable Meat Shop of C. W. Crouse's Choice Beef, Fork Sausage, Veal, Lard, ' . Bologna, Werierwust, Bacon, Hams, Sugar Cured Shoulders. fc. >■ 4 * Give us a.tyud and be eon- *inced. CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNTS of Merchants and In­ dividuals solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. . TVRAFTlS on New York and Cin* U cinnnti sold at lowest rates, 'jThe cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail. L OANS made on Real Estate, Per­ sonal or Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W, Smith, Vice Pres., W, J . Wildman, Cashier. $25.00 Per Week TO— ANY PERSON in America of ordin­ ary intelligence, male or female, can earn $25 weekly during their leisure hours by introducing our celebrated Art Tapestry Paintings, send stamp for illustrated circular, containing fall information and reproductions of our tapestry paintings. Call or address, Parisian Fapestry Co., 19 West Twenty-fourth Street, New York. ________ FREEOPCHARGE. Any adult suffering from a cold settled on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any nature, who will call at 0, M. Ridgway’#, will be presented with a sample bottle of Boschet’s German Syrup, free of charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and. none to children without order from parents. No throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale as Boscliee’s German Syrup in all parts of tho civilized world. Twouty years ago millions of bottles were given away, aud your druggists will tell you its success was marvelous. I t |is really the only Throat and Lung Remedy generally endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent bottle will cure or prove its value. Sold hy dealers in all civilized coun­ tries. APisiiithAttack. An attack was lately made on C. F, Collier ofOhSrokce. Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. I t came through his kidneys, His hack got eo lame lie couM not stoop without great paiu, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him un­ til he tried Electric Bitters which ef­ fected such a wonderful change that he writes ho feels like a new man. This marvelous medicine cures back­ ache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 60e at ltidgway A Uo.’« Drug Store, < ‘ —Now Crop Chdtfbtrttla AprieoM, fta einw, Pramw, Orapaaand RaWna. •I U f ty \ SPRING - 1900 . C a r p e t s . The deeignes and quality surpaw any former season. The ad­ vance in raw material and general good times has made a great de­ mand, and the mills have advanced prices. To.overcome in part HUTCHISON & GIBNEY placed there orders at prices that can­ not be duplicated by 5 or 10 per cent. M t i t t i i i g - . . r 10000 yds. Matting, joinleea and seamless twine chain in green, blue, brown and red at 12 i to 35c. Never better for the money, 10Rolls of the Grande, per yd,,..... *........ ............ ..2b and 30c 15 Rolls of the Cotton Extra Super........ ........ .........................,...35c 15 Rolls AH-wool Filling............................................... . ......-50c 2 t>Rolls All-wool both ways... ........... .........................oO , 60, 7d$ Velvet, Tapestry, Moquette, Axmlnster^. Art Ingrain all sizes $4.75, $5.75 $8175, Large size, nil-wool Axminster, 3 yards wide, 14 yards long. Large size Moquette, Velvet, Tapestry. Art Corner Remnants piit down to 26c. Brussel Remnants !9c, 25o, 50c, 75c. L a c e C t i r i i i i i i s , 500 pair, excellent styles, never loWer. Good style 34 yards long $1.00. Three yards long per pair 50c. . J-JUTCHISON & Q lB N E Y Madame Corilla Coe’s ’.... PERFECTION... Restores, )ircaervc-s ond beiiutifios th« ilqir. ReraorSa Dandruff. Gray ba r restored to its original eolor nnd youthful besoty- llftir grown on bald.bonds. Free from oil. color or Htuin .and o f pleasing odor. PRICE Si.&() per Dottle. ’ *: 1 U®15ONI.Y, Mndamo Corilla Coe offers tier Jlsir Restorer 'for One Al l I 111 lu ll • Pollnr, if you mcelion this paper. This Re'storer lias no equal and is perfectly’ free from nil poisons. On receipt of one dollar, Mndnme Coe will send securely packed, a full eight ounce bottle to your nrnFuH express office. Remeuiber,l GUARANTEE toy Hair .Re­ storer to do All T claim for it. Addless nt Once, " ' , MADAME'COREl,LA COE, 217 Michigan St., Toledo, O. ■Mta.-i'ts.-r/sa iA :' ★ flSVE YOUR STAR TIH TARS “ S t a r " t i n ta g s (sh ow in g sm a ll Btars p r in te d o n u n d e r aid e Of ta g ), “ H o rs e S h o e ," “ G ood L u c k ,’’ “ C ro ss B ow ,” a n d “ D rum m o n d " N a tu r a l L e a f T in T ag s a r e Of eq u a l v a lu e in se c u rin g p re s e n ts m e n tio n e d below , a n d m ay h e a sso rte d . E v e ry m an , w om an a n d c h ild o an fin d ' som e th in g o n th e lis t th a t th e y w ou ld lik e to h av e , a n d ca n h a v e ' TAOS. 1 Match Box......... ............................... a > Knife, one blade, good steel......... . St S 8cls*or»,4finches............................. St 4 Child’s Set, Knife, Fork and Spoon St t Balt and Pepper Set,one each, quad­ ruple plate on white m etal............ SO • French Briar Wood Pipe...... ............ St 7 Barer, hollow ground. Sue English * t e n l ................. ■ to 5 B utter Knife, triple plate, beat quality...... . ....................... M S Sugar Shell, triple pl*-e, boss q ua!, to 10 Stamp Box, sterling .silver.. .. .. .. .. 70 11 Knife, "Keen Kutter," two blade*.. 7t 13 Butcher Knife, "KeenJCUtter,” t-ln b l a d e . ,, 7t IS Shears, "Keen Kutter." 8-ineh.......... 7t If Nut Set. Ciacker »nd 4 Picks, silver JWt$d«l»»»» ,/« « *«**•« ( U t l M I f l M O i t (W I t Base Call, "Aseoctstton," best qual .100 I t Alarm Clock, nickel ,..,............. 110 17 Bix Genuine Rogers’Tesipocns, b#*f _ listed good*. ....................................1W IS Watch, nickel, stem wind and se t.. SOU is carvers, good steel, huckhom ^ handles .,,, ,*««..,,,,„,,,S*0 50 Six Genuine Rogers’ Table Spoons, best plated goods..,.......... -,StO 51 Six each, Knives and Forks, buck- hom handie*,................ .. ste SS Bix each, Genuine Rogers’ Knives and Fork*, best platedgood*..... ..tOO xaos. St Clock.M a y , Oklecdar, Tharmom- eter. Barometer..................... too M Gun case, leather, no better made. M0 St Revolver, automatic, double action, xsorMcallbor...............................sot St Tool Set, not playthings, but real tools. • * • M ttk a i <«•**# se*a UO 97 Toilet Set. deoo-ated porcelain, very liandsome................................. 800 SB Remington Rifle No.*, l i or U r a l. 8W S* Watch, sterling stiver,foU jeweled 10UO W Lresa su it Case, leather, handsome and durable........... ................... 1000 11 Bowing Machine, Orat elaaa, with all attachments................................ UW Si Revolver, Colt’s, St-callbar, blued 13 Btfle. Colt’s, It4hot, S7-cialil>er.......ltw M Guitar (Washburn), roeawood, ln- l a t d .............. 9*0* -St Mandolin, very handaome... .. .. .. . SOM St Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, 13 g a u g e . . , , . S 0 0 S 17 Remington, donble-barrei. ham* mer Shot Gun,i t or IS gauge..... .WO* S Bicycle, standard mak*, ladiea or gente,* SOBhot Gun, Remington, double b a r­ rel, hammertoes,...,. » . ,.,,,.**** 40 Regina Mualo Box, UX Inch IH m „M 00 THEMOVEOFFEREXPIRES NOVEMBER3QTH. 1000. Special Notice! E » a ! ' 1 ^receivedby OTBEAR. IN MIND tknt n aime’n wertli nf STAR PLUG TOBACCO - willlSMlMcar to * a fa rf aaere pleasure than m. *■«*• warth ( f asp •the*brand. M A K E T H E T E S T i I t r i tm f i COSTISEXTAL TOBACCO CO., fl, LMH, Mo. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ •A I t ninkt’s sick women well, I t makes weak women Btrong, I t makes the care worn face of premature age youthful and handsome again. Health to womnn munnft ltfnut.v. vAllfit (iat\ninr^>a ttvidl s^rmitiAab ................V V ....V GUU -covcviu. vTltUUUIr 11 Btlr becomes a burden to herself, a cross to her friends, a disconsolate being, long mg to die. ° B Do yon suffer with headache, backache nervousness, weariness mclan clioly, pmnlul menstruation, or leucarrhea, accompanied by dizziness bad taste in the mouth, or sallow complexion? Few women are without these distressing symptoms of disease* and thousands are today on the verge of fatal collapse without suspecting it, L ad ie s : Do not delay if you have any of these symptoms. Dr.IIarte* bus, the discoverer of F em a l i a C o inpound , was the greatest physician md scientist of tho age Thousands of women have been restored to health, beauty, happiness, youth and freedom from irritability through this wonder- iul remedy. Write to us, whether you think you are suffering from -these diseases or not. We can adviso you. Delay may be fatal to you. « . nir.d' 19 J Ve*137 Vork City, in« letter tothe Dr. llnficmi* I omptwiie RemedyOoinpuay, ssys: ,,. “i w*»,S;ven up by pliysidans s» a hopeless rase. I took* trip to Europe mill a vjow of being under trealiueni there. I was treated in Pads for kiv motitbs. but received nohelp, I returned to New York, and ene day I- mw is MVfTiVpn«W.Mf,J ‘,l 8 n^newepaiters, stating that Dr. ttarelin»>fg, MAI.IACOMPOT.-NJ)wouldcure ail female diseases. I derided to try the same, and I sm glad to testify, net for toyown sake, bat for that ofmySufferingsisters that I amtodaya well woman, thanks toDr, Ifartelins." ... A ll AdvlCD F r e e . All correspondence S t r i c t l y C o n f td tn tU l , All lettlers destroyed to insure A b s o lu te S e c re cy , Woman longs for sympathy in her distress. No one could give yon the ncccsmfy advice with more care, kimhicss and cotisiderntion than our corps of able and eminent Dhvsicians. Write ns fully. Tell us alt about your troubles. W # O an ^ f lR .Y c u , Remember that Consultation with these eminent physicians, either in pcremi or hy mini, is A b s o l u t e l y F r e e . 1 .. — --ADDIIE 8 S.— $ M ian Cm hmt to |$g TfM OnMtost Novri of the A*. IE1GHI it Cfl'i. FUBLICAT1DH Iselutles second edition (20th tk*. s sn d j besutifuliy illustrated, of charming novel, “Ghickem, ( w Home to Roost," by L. B. Hilleg.%. scribed by the New York Time** “a book , without a-single dull fig* and with a horn race far hu rDaub* in vivid description and thrilliDgSJ terest the famous chariot race in Bs* Hur." Robert G, Ingersoli said: “lie boldest and beet o f the year. 'Hon. B. T. Bakeman says: “Rk the greatest novel I have ever read,* W. L. Stone, author and critic writes: “ I t is most admirable, beig. itiful and vivid in style, A great accession to American fiction,” Judge John Rooney of the New York says; ‘Tt is equal to the be* masters, and the'horse race is eves better than the one in Ben Hur.” ' • Hon. M. L . Knight of the Chicago bar says: “This is the most realistic and remarkable book of the age. A, greater book th$n Uncle Tom's Cubit, Witten with the realism of Defoe, the grace of Addisoo and ’ the pathos and -gentle sweetness ofGoldsmith,” More than fiye hundred letters have been received from delighted readen, The book is on sale everywhere or sent post paid for $1.25 by * WRIGHT &COMPANY, Publishers. 13G8-70 Broadway. Now York City, Jt flood meal Cannot always be procured in short; time, but we are able to get lip ,a. first-class meal on the shortest notice. We handle a line of cigars and fine candies an- equaled in the city. Fresh roasted-peanuts every day. Try Our Lunch Counter. Williams Bros. Lowry Block. C incinnati Division. flg|BnnsmvaniaLineal . . BJU-Stik*dwi»M/p**9saiatliHiiiH48»nt^/z^1 Westward. Colnaabn* „lv .'*2 H Alton.. ........ . WestJcUbrsoii.-, London.,,..... . So. Charles on . Neltna.... . .... *< t Cedarville.......... •« Wllberforoe_.... “ Xenia.... SpringValley Itoxanna . .... Waytiwiviilo Orexonla.... Fort/ ‘ i nr. Hi- ITT v AW AM VM ‘7101855*J25| 915f 924 80S 753 9;-9>3C 350410 (422 31") 95! 10<H . ;10 ia 10120 8 401028 350s 86 a103 10E (437(8101103 1114 !inr 3 IS 1*443 .....Aiiciotil .......•• I505 930ll35i 435| Bouthi Lebnno i , *•,a... 1143f ” Loveland..... Milford,.... ..... •• IlaUvlaJo.,...... •• i Clnclnwntt ar | Eastward. C i a e la a a il tv RataviaJo ...1 Milford....... •• Loveland.... •• Bp. Lebanon " Morrow......“ Ft. Ancient “ Oregonla... Waynesville•* Roxanna«.. •* Bpr-gVail*: X safaL . Wilberforce "*• (Tedarvlle_“ Selma....... «• talk CkarMsa . “ London........ <» W. Jeflbnon M Alton..... . * I 'a liM k a a ar. 535l00ljl I 8331345 AM | AM 4fa ruja? ■iihz 5Cl,3 52*Sr •T“ Jar. Ur- 7iA _ 76111007 7&1012) 8 la J7R - (83Kt SWlOSTj 90S SIS 935U30 AM)AM 12(31 ,b 1(»5^ 950 FM I’M I’M' i an I’M »*♦» 505 530 ” H„- * 000^1 ’gr? 850gS. - 917- b p J am fi l i i bw'iaosHs. PM I I’M |AM ; FM { ^ ■r ,gM ffti»aa5» WESTWARD. Spriaf 8 * TfUsw*fri«|I." Xeala Daytau. SfMiort#*. ZM«r*d4. EASTWAROjl* liekan ilr. *550 EM*rada“ ( 813 OrstktiU*..*1 " At Wkv*sr..« AMj AM!AM •738}754 l hi<y NOO! R90.*0K4»t4tj 430 855'9lUl 30 430j 855 91? A m -.n92Z ... . 1444 : I 5 30101010jsl USOSI PM IAM | liWlI am ; pm ' pm hi Hi M |1 8 t PM J 642 .... I rj*jwnwi«i«~si i pm ipm I fm pit Tit •‘imt'DK'W jrss I f JEr 5*miw S4SP“ !FIS rM , r u .V . S V i J f f l J i M t i m t t M t M * | M M h i . I n M 9 b b JtK'fBPfiSSSST'- • 4 m M 8 m ftwlt.M*teabl2.00iri' MfR;writ tmthm it.M suW|M mhmms 3 _ SMMlat e*r*«n R im . 2 . 3 , 4 , 7,t4,»a*nd ai either rnn throothvlaOnit!*- bus an* RUMwirghor oonneet sfirouRti P.ttP burghUnionHtatkm to and from Raitlmor*, Washington, Philadelphia aad New York, *.*•» wad a t tvmnertatRichmond** Mae,s i and 0 forChicago: *•. ME tat Logansport. L, F. EOREfc, E.A.FOHD, •NMriilltgW,. - IsMnlZManprJglA tt-I(M0.-X> Pmi*WMiW,r«5lR*A. ^{BBSM sessu r’ - " film f r n t stable. Leave your horses there ami yofff rigs be kept on the inside, out ot’tln rain and storm. 20 N» Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O, G kabug * U T odd , Fnf nm stmt d wertow m sxirtt w k ft* ym know to ho will tenyea that heis gstherited to tefarJdf *****P»tohM*fwhewPIZO OljJJ- **y «aw of XtCllIJ» e» PROTIUDIt* P lb ti, as statist ofhawtost steadies. CM* srdlMtyftMMla «ix Ihtfs, rim tatMaadiMM. MHerMlMitolinmuii ‘ fMsl«aitow Ummmyrn |* * m * ’ “