The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
1*'. Jit' : qft w * 4 * ' ■*» O *,**•■ ■'; 1 * --A'' ^eY^^WrNW^ •#*K 4 - tW K t * t * t * * < * m Age, rrrrra POB1I04TIO8S, A G O O D migh| ul ei Jrotv. ;uest fs be procured in ut we ere able to t ‘--class meal on the ver ke, We handle a tee cmd fine candies un- y ca the city. Fresh Amts every day. . Shr___ : tli ____ ,n> (inch Counter. placi i bra f is Bros. \ug< ^ Gre 1 Block, itli !• nnatl Division. ivanisLineal >W -P • liflni•***# itmnjy . en h 3 thi . a *M JT AM" tr-*710185&*225*4SfflS^ rles •e n ^p«b *095 ikes I'M | ? 911. . 924f s:- 9 i ac 953 1003! .1013 Vel,<{5^8401023 350 B|1C 437H) jo }? 03 ! » s / « i M • r iaj,505j 9301131 43G) f e mx m i i con . su ... | qr , . IDKSdtoC I AM ! AM | PM | I’M I 1 -M • * 8 351001:15 u a ( r>3010 ~ - ■ . I sc itu » i aa i is'>r w AprAM I'Mil’U IM . *, *a?ni*na *4 111 l& n S f S f i S n r V Bi sr; = P AM l M PM ; 19 ( J. as ml ine uch otli pii*B 35 * 3 »: 9 ftt<- m 31'rllM 1 1910£5l I ill l*J, r g o a i j ^ r i i y r i r r TMi 1 -M!‘M: ilvi at n Mi m m ; Cl M It rs. th < ,}M , \ wa 13 IK tAtagtfwmutn tmtiui uii ■**. fK* hifcy, S«Hfra* It.Hm m k li.O O s l- >r<*r»m Htm, a,a. *. * rnntbrottjtfcvlhUotam- r ronnecMhr#Mt*h I’ltt*- fa and ttnm mntfmort, s’phtA And K#WYorK. roftnjMtMMkmwmdfof J-OilfSI XM.*t*wU 1 tot hogumpm, A, 100*1*, *4 aii^JL WWW oar^ftwrrjb lofforp, thirAsh fiirttw lafoftSMlmi t*> ot tmm Affiy to *«f MHUtmT 51 III1 ni to tin ter tv w CW (if id. kw £le. «s there and your i inside, out of th# tiihi Avenue, O. XL T 0 l)P# Prof mum r i m yxs x m tr y««ima«r«»I* Asthftrtisei *• j w iritevt PltO ,t jHt* ms My Mi* tfWHJW hU ----- . IfiM dt •**#» thJlMdt* R E A S O N iiould b for. s n k f tiiWi^Oth thou. Of tint ranti Com* not * " • . d|. rmafir . ork Times «• bo X>a wngie dulUine, Druj»ce r*r »urpas 8 in« price ^od thrilling h* ihnriut race iu Ben X».,t 1 termt '1.5011 « id : “The the year.” rr— *nmm y* : -‘I t i , *«***«I have ever read," author ami critic ,CL Jtt admirable, beau, etylp. A great lean hetwu.’- J . acy of the New r ’n r t 90al to the best ^ florae race is even ....■in BenHhr.” igbt of the Chicago the most realistic aV ipok of the age. A edue ^ acIe Tom’s Cabin. alism of Defoe, the der, md the pathos and tidgiiColdsimth.” uudred letters have ' hnson delighted readers, tg 'j’ 6 ale everywhere or , ^-25 by ieadq fr e’s re >ANY, Publishers. NowYork City. , irer ’’’ burnt in c r L why you should patronise the Drugstore fo r-d ru tt is there you will Sad aomeous who knows about drugs, I t is their business to know about what you wantin Drugs. Other B ods do not interest them. rug information is obtainable here and the Drugs you need, too, The Drugs are right and so are th* prices, RUMUV'AY * CO., the Druggists, Opp, OperaHouse, ‘JAM I U 0 * , d^<r»MiW4»C i Local and Personal jfoiyMt^.i».»,ww»(wlww(ia«wiwiwiiawwiiwnlw ««AHww»l Vote for J. W, Smith for County Commissioner. —If you want anything good, go to Gray's. O. M. Ridgway made a bumileBS trip to Xenia, Wednesday. —Tidcum powder, ail kinds and all .prices. C. M. Ridgway. Col. James Johnson, of Xenia, was seen on our streets, Tuesday. * —Cedarville headquarters while in Xenia is at Grice’s restaurant. County Treasurer John A.. Nishet was in town on business, Wednesday. —Marshall can care for more rigs than any other Livery Stable in Xenia. The fast through /trains on the Pennsylvania will soon be equipped with two powerful engines. Prof. R. A. Brown, of Gallipolis, O., will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Houser, over Sabbath. —We guarantee our prices'ou bug gies against any catalogue -house in America. Andrew Bros. & Co.' Mr. George Shroades and family spent the week the guests of Mr. and Mm, Watson, of MaiuviHe, O, ‘ —The only place in tdwn where you can find 25 brands of Cigars and a complete stock. C; M. Ridgway, "*Miss Emma Augelb&ur, the artistic -hat trimmer of Greenville, O., is at her. old,place, with Mesdames Barr & Boyd. . ” 'l: j£fot:ce of iOeu hive been at work ; ^hte<Jur«tt® 8 t 8 this .week;, and our ^ ^rougbfaroa how present s neit and aj^pfeswnce. ^ „Vt0eneral Charles H. Grosvenor was J Tuesday re nom»nate*d “for con- v •gre 88 by the republicans of his dis* f triefe This makes the eighth nomin ation Mr. Grosvenor has received. ; D r . J . O S tew a r t, Physcian and Surgeon. Specialist in E y e an d E a r . G lasses A c c u ra te ly Ad* ju s te d , S atisfaction G uaban * .TEED, Mias H. Anna Quinby will give an elocutionary recital in . this place, Fri day evening, April 13. She comes well recommended. Further particu lars next week. ' ^ —■Rev. W. E» Sitzer, W. Catou. N. Y., writes, “ I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without bedefit. I was pursuaded to use Kodol Dys* pepsia Cure and it helped mg from the start. I believe it to be a pana cea for all forms of indigestion,” I t digests what you eat. Ridgway A Co., druggists. Rev. W. J . Buchanan, formally of Xenia, but a t present pastor of the Neil Avenue Preebytenau Church, Columbus, has offered his resignation, to take place, June 30. Iu 1696 Mr. Buchanan Was called to Columbus from Xenia and ,i uring l is pastorate the work has. greatly prospered^ the membership increasing front I 2 u to 170. Mr. Buchanan resigns that he may enter another field of labor, —■-Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Miles- httrg. P a , says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, cold*, croup and eore throat One Minnte Cough Cure is unequalled, I t is- pleasant for chil dren Intake, I heartily recommend it to mothers,” I t is the only harm less remedy that produces immediate results, I t cures bronchitis, pneu monia, grippe and throat and lung diseases, I t will prevent consump tion, Ridgway A Co-* druggists. The announcement of Hon. Charles F. Howard appears in this issue as candidate for nomination lor prose- cutiug attorney, Mr. Howard has the race all to himself, no one caring to clash swords with him. lie has served two terms in the Obic^ state senate ami never were the citizens O f this senatorial district Itettef repre seated, Xenians will tell you that he was one of the best Mayor* that city ever had. The county may feel honored to hate such a man in the oillee of Prosecuting Attorney. Ha i« the wily man on th* B*k*t for that tM m M l d*a*t mahaihat aiwmww for#*ty*tlwf 1 * Mm- H*1* ^**1* IHfpv A foshion nut* say* that belt*, gfovaa and u^ktiea of lattlnnake akin will be worn by women this spring. \V* knew the poor rattle snake* would have to come to it sootier or later I t was about the only varmint left that the woman didn’t wear* Think of a woman being ar rayed in a silk worm dress, sealskin $acque, ostrich feather hat, goatskin shoes, whale boue stays, torfois shell comb, fish scale trimming, stuffed’ canary birds* clam shell buttons, 8 pits dog muff, mink tail collarette, alligator hide purse and now a rattle snake uecktie, Bolo:uon in all his glory was not such a- menagerie as one of these—aud yet we love them no matter what they wear, The merchants of'Smth Charleston gave a Carnival in the Opera House last Tuesday evening, The proceeds will be turned over to ther citizens’ band for the purohase of uniform*. London aud Springfield merchants were also represented in the carnival. The event in every particular was a decided success, the attendance being about the largest that the House has ever had, - Mr. Robert Elder, an old aud re spected citizen of Clifton, who has been sick for several months, passed away last Friday night at the Inme of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Corpy. He was 75 years of age and for about two years has lived with bis daughter. The funeral .was held Monday, March 26. Services by his pastor, Rev. Browlee. —If “Two Married Men” was coh strutted for laughing -purposes only, it is a success, for the audience -that greeted it at the Prowers’ Gratid last night laughed, from the time the cur tain went up until the show was over. A numlier of clever specialties were given.—Decatur Bulletin, Decatur, 111., Thursday, September 7. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes.“ I -never fail to relieve my children from croup at mice by using. One Minute Gough Cure. I would not feel safe without it.” Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat/and lung diseases, Ridgway A Qo:, druggists;; I t is reported that Hon. John P. Martin', of Xenia, has struck a nice thing in the sale of a half inter- eat iu bis copper mine in Arizona. The purchase'price was 1175,000 and John P, Martin Jr., has gouc east to Sail for -London, where the transfer is to be made. —Lewis Ackerman, Goshen. Iud., siys, “DeWitt’s Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe.” They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver.. Ridgway A Co., druggists. Tiie semi-annual meeting of the Greene County W. C T, U. will incet in the M. E. church, Thursday, April 12. It will he an all day and evening meeting. 'Mis. Annie W, Clark, state president/ is to be at the meeting. —Garden Seeds iii bulk. —Early Rose (seed) Potatoes. —Early Ohio (seed) Potatoes, —Onion Sets, both red and white. At Bint’s. Dr. F . R. Madden, Practice lim ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. i’elephoue.—Office Ho, ya, Residence N o . 37 . The Greene County Fair board was in session Tuesday, to decide ns to wliat premiums would be given on articles exhibited this year. More women voted last year than at any oilier election in this place. I t is becoming fashionable. Let the rest fall in line this year, The K, P .’s had a most interesting communion' season last Sabbath. Twelve were added to the member ship of the cougregation, Women who have not yet learned the art of voting can receive instrnc tion in Ervin and Williamson’s hall, Mouday afternoon. The place of voting for the Repub lican primary in the south precinct will be held-in Ted Richard’s shoe shop. Master Woodbridgo Ustick went lip to Columbus, last Friday, to visit his brother, Earle, returning Monday. Wlmt ever you want in the drug Hue and have not got will get at once. 0. M, Ridgway. William Torrence and wife, of South Charleston, spent the first of the week here. Grice’s are sending out lmttcr cream than ever. Give them a call, Xenia, Ohio* Governor Nash has designated April 20 as Arbor Day. Ladle*’ tw* atyle pocket hooka at e .M . HdgwayV kfowday. IW t foil to —Blackberries, Gi-oaeberrie#,Rasp berries, Beans a t Gray’s. '■Western teed oate at Andrew Bros, A Co. Homer Wade spent last Sabbath with his parents in Springfield. —Right style* and right price* iu wall paper. Ed II. NUbet. Mrs. J . H. Andrew entertained her uncle* and aunts a t dinner, Thursday. —I f you’ve a sick cow use “Kow Kure.” Andrew Bros. A Co. Wallace Iliffe and Tom Tarbox were among the passengers to Xenie, Thursday. Mrs* Jesse Townsley entertained a few of her laily friends at dinner yes- erday. 1 —Weaving done a t the same old place, Mrs Conley’s, by her daughter, Nannie Deck. Miss Mary Templeton spent a few days the first of this week with her sister, at Dayton. Miss Adda Wylie went to Cincin nati last evening, to spend a few days with her sister, Lizzie, . . Mesdames C. M. Crouse and J. H. Andrew took dinner.yesterday with Mrs. Florence Townsley. Mr. Milton Williams, ofGreeufield, O , has been spending the week with his brothers, John and Ben. The Y. P. C. TJ. of the U. P. church held a social at the home, of Mrs. C. M. Crouse, last night. Mesdames .J, -C. Barber and Will McMillan spent Wednesday with Mrs. Stella Moore, of Jamestown. Mr, H H. McMillan has been suf- feriny from an attack uf the hi grippe, for the past, week, but is slowly im proving. Mr. Will M. Hundley, foreman of the Herald, was called to his home in Plaiuville, Wednesday evening, liy the sickness of his father and younger biother. —A pot of gold can be . earned by the man who farms on business prin ciple* and plows his land with the Oliver. • Andrew Bros A Co. InvitatiqnB are out announcing the marriage of Mies Edith Hutchison, of Goes, to Rev. Montrose Brownlee Maxwell., of Michigan, at the home of the bride’s mother, Thursday, •April 12, at 5:30 o’clock. .N otice ,—Having engaged;- Mr. t Homer G. Wade as office manager, ray office in Cedarville will hereafter be open every day in the week. W. L. C lbhans , Agt. Home Ins. Co. of New York. , Mr. J. W. Smith, candidate for County Commissioner, is -personally conducting bis own campaign. He is in no ring or clique and under no po litical bees. When you vote for him, you vote for a free and independent man. The Ladies’ Missionary society of the TJ. P, church held their annual thank offering meeting last Saturday afternoon. A good program was ren dered by the juniors, a good offering taken, and a very pleasant social time enjoyed, —To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Be ware of worthless counterfeits. They are dangerous. Ridgway A Co*, druggists. T. B. Andrew desires to state that as a candidate for delegate to the con gressional convention for Horace L. Smith, he intends if elected, to per sonally attend the convention as n delegate during the entire session of the same Mr. B, G. Ridgway has been mak ing some quite extensive improve ments this week. He has torn out the partition between his store and the room formerly occupied by Mrs. Condon’s millinery store, and is fit ting that room up for a parlor in which to serve ice cream, soda water and other hot Breather delicacies. Harry and Walter Iliffe arrived home, yesterday morning from Ha vana, Cuba, where they have been engaged in cement work. They have done well in their work down there, but there is no place to them like Ce darville. Harry gays this is the first time he has Seen any snow for over two years, having spent the last two winters in Cuba. —•“Two Married Men” is not a play without a plot like the average farce comedy of the day, but is a well written comedy full of the laughable situations ami humorous complica tions that keep an audience iu a con tinual roar of laughter. High class specialties are introduced conswtently, and the incidental songs and music are of the popular order andjust what ♦terybody nan enjoy. The company will appear at the Opera Ilona*, Xenia, Thwradar evening, April 5, Facts and Fancies, j Live for something, live in earnest, Though thy work may humble lie, By rite world ofmen unnoticed, ’Known alone to God and thee. Every aet has priceless value To the architect of fate; Tis the spirit of thy doing— Tide alone—that makes it great* *** The movement has been started of haviug the slates of school children, washed with a disinfecting fluid. This is a move in the right direction, for of all dirty things the school child has about, a elate rag or sponge is surely the dirtiest, aqd yet a dirty slate rag beats spitting, on the slate and rubbing it off with the sleeve ns some children do. Did you ever notice the fact that every deed, which a person performs, has a rebounding force and effects the actor more than the one against whom it is directed. For example, a man tells, a malicious lie about some per son* I t may injure that person for a while, but soon the truth is found out and be regains his former reputa tion untarnished, and the one who told the He sinks in the estimation of every one. ' *** ■ Due of my old teachers: used to say tiiat a man used himself as a thermometer tojudge the temperature of the whole world. Whenever he heard a man complaining about the condition of things and declaring. that everything is going to the dogs, he said that the trouble was that the man himself was getting worse and uot the world. On the other hand whenever he ‘found u bright and happy man, who was an optimist in every sense of the word,, he was wont to say that that man was growing better, if the world iu general was not Some how or other I have forgotten a great deal of the teachings of that instructor, but that old maxim has stuck to me and I am afraid to com- ip i plain about things, for feur the trouble is in myself. ' *** I t isn’t bard to frighten the average person, by threatening them with the law, no matter whether guilty of any crime or not.» Last Tuesday evening a party of young people were down at the ^tile kiln|,'eiigLged ih^^What they called 0 “egg roisl,” although the eggs were -boiled, not roasted. While the bucket containing the eggs was simmering over.a small fire, and the merriment was at its highest, John Rose appeared upon the scene and de manded by what right they had thus taken possessionof the premises. > Of course they couldn’t give a reas onable excuse and John told them they would have to come #out and give their names and he .would have them appear before some court, the next day. They came out, as directed and- all began to beg for mercy, im ploring John that if he would only let them off 1 this time they would never do'so again, and in additjop would give him all the pickles and eggs he could eat. But when they turned around to get the eggs, they found that they hud mysteriously disap peared from off the fire. After John had enjoyed the farce as long as he chose, he told them that e was only in fun, and the yell of delight that sprang from their throats, awakened all the inhabitants of llmt end of town. John now left them nud came up to Ervin’s lime kiln, where he found the eggs cooking <uul another parly pre pared for an egg feast. ACard. To the voters of Southern Precihct, Cedarville Township: I want it pos itively understood that I am for Greene county and a Greene county man. Have not been brought out by any ring. Am not under any politics! bosses or gang, and am not ior sale providing I am elected ns delegate to the congressional -convention at the coming April election, and therefore solicit your votes, and I waut it dis tinctly understood that I am not op posed to Judge Smith. W. E. D ean . Fruit aad Shade Tree*. “ Aye, keep plantin' a tree, jock, It will be growin’ when ye’re sleepin’ !” TnM tfcat (Icow and Umr. (A Small Fruits, Vinesand Roses. Get them at Tecumseh Nurseries, CEDARVILLE, OHIO. . S h ru b s and Evergreens. SPR ING M ILLINERY We are selling elegaDt styles of Ladies, Misses apd Children's Trimmed Hats, right along. The only trouble with them is, they are to Cheap in Price. But you should realize 4he fact that the price does uot always make the hat,’but that sometimes the article should bejudged, without the price. No 6 Torchon Lace pr yd...... J.....I 0 Shoe Strings 2 pr Childrens Bibs....... ............2c up Whisk Broom......... .3c Linen C o l l a r s , 3 c Doilies.. ..3c Neecle book, containing 5 papers...3c Ladies Hose........... ...................4c up Novels......... ........ 4c Spectacles ............................. 4c 1 gross Agate Buttons....................4c Tulcum Powder pr- box....... ;........ 4c 1 roll Buggy Washers*.......... 4c Horn Hair Pins 7 for............... .....5c Doilies,. 18x18......................... ...5c No 5 Ribbons pr yd........... ..........7c Pompadour Comb.................. 7c Ladies Fancy Hose...... ............... 8 c Harness Pad............... ............. 8 c Doilies 23x24.,........ ...9c Nose Glasses Chain................... ...15c Pyeline Dressing Combs............... 17c Dog Collar Belts*.......................19c Calf Finish.GentsPocket-poeket...20c Tumblers per doz........................20c Leather'£Litching Strap....... . 21 c Day Book 200 pages 6 |x l5 ........ *-22o Side Combs, with sets, per pr...... .23c .The Dewey Childrens Waists...... 25c Ladies Shirt Waist..... ............28c up Columbian Ingrain Carpet..-..29c yd Towel Roller with mirror attnched..33c Lorgnette Chain.......... ...............35c Leather Hatter.......................... .39c Chain Bracelet warranted 5 yrs... 44c Ladies Black Underskirts.............46c Black Silk Muffler . .......... .....,.48c Ladies Muslin Night Gowns........ .50e Ladies Spring H a t s . . ' . 5 5 c tip St. Cecelia Medallion.................59ft Toilet Sets.*........*...........*.,*..flOc up Oxford Teachers B i b l e . . . . 6 5 c » Riding Bridle........... .......... ........ 66 c Ladies Kid Gloves 67c ‘Rouss Water Proof Umbrella......70c Stiff Hnt, worte 89c..... . *•#•1 77c Jute Rug 36x72...................*..,950 Stiff Hats, worth 880 ......... ... 68 c Ladies Tan Shoes............. ....,...$1.07 Ladies Solid Gold Ring....... ...$1.14 One pair shoes, Milwaukee grain 11.46 Eight Day Clock........... ...,,...,$1,88 Suit ot Clothes...................$2.29 up Gold Filled Watch..... .............. $5.70 NEW YORK RACKET STORE, JOEL ORANSKY, Proprietor. X e i l i a , - — O h i o . Thursday, April 5th. The Laughing Success of Last Season riothtr O o s m In New Drei« RhymesandJinsles-JinxesMdRhymes TWO HARRIED HEN. A Grand Company of Comedians. SPECIAL SCENERY, NOVEL SPECIALTIES, SPARKLING WIT, PRETTY GIRLS. . PRICES 26, 35 and 50c. ACard* To the Republican Voters ofCedarville Township, South Precinct! T. B. Andrew for delegate and Charles Ridgway for alternate, ate candidates in my interest. W. E. Dean is against me. If you tavor my candidacy vote for Andrew and Ridgway- H orace L. 8 .wmr, —Gray keeps nothing but Ihc best in his line of goods* —Wtrekas planters sold by Andrew Bros. A Co, —New crop canned Apples, Corn and Tomatoes, at Gray’a. •-'••’W anted : Bewing of all kinds, ritltdrens clothing a specialty, by lira, Anna Hw*» North Main Straet in A sm propirty* w»17* WMSter Cbaristera* In spite of the fact that it was a rainy evening quite a good crowd gathered at the opera house, Wed nesday evening, to listen to the Wooster Choristers, and as they list ened to the fine choruses and solos, all felt that they were well paid for their trouble. The company are all well trained singers and their voices blend together in perfect harmony. The only ad verse criticism that we have heard is that their music was too classical for our people, hnt the close attention of the audience is proof of the fact that it was not too high toned for the ma jority and a number of our best slug* em say that the company are the best artists in the musical line that wo have had in town this season, The company are making quite an exten sive tour through the state, being at Dayton, Tuesday evening, Xenia, Thursday evening, and at Columbus, Friday evening. Prof. J. ByronOliver, profs#*#of must#InRwooHng* ** Wooster, k with*>»wwpaay thrirdirector. Tiiis is a large quarto book with thirty-two pages of Music and Orig inal Drawings of Mother Goose Rhymes, adapted for the little folks, and especially for kindergarten work. The marches and songs are sweet and simple, the music easy and most me lodious. The children are delighted. This hook has been endorsed by the f reatest women in the world: Her lajesty, the Queen of England; by Mrs. President McKinley; by that most gentle and noble mother, Mrs. Grover Cleveland; all of whom have introduced it to their little friends. Etta MVWilson, Director of Kin dergarten in Public School No. 43, Brooklyn, New .York, writes: “We have been using Rhymes and Jingles in our kindergarten for the past month and find it invaluable in our work. I t indeed fills a long felt want in kindergarten songs and music. I wish every kindergarten and primary school in the world might have it.” The work Is beautifully printed on expensive deckle edge paper, iu strik ing blue.cover. For Sale everywhere, or sent to any address, postpaid, for $ 100 * WRIGHT «t Co., Publishers, 1368 Iiras-Jssy, * 1 KowYorkCity. Dees Your StMMthMstresfeYou? Do you have pains In the side, nausea, sometimes vomiting, distress after eating^ belching, constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? If yon have any of these symtoms, you have dyspepsia or stomach disorder. These distressing troubles are promptly re lieved ami then cured by Bailey’s OCRGLORIOUSCOUNTRY. Have you watched its marrelou* growth? If not, The Weekly^ En quirer wants to study the strides it k u made, The first census of the United States was taken in 18 x 0 . Since then a every Succeeding ten years. Th# Y#» suit has been as follows: iMT« rVpVNRIVRt 1810 ....... 7,23t,8tl 1 8 2 0 8 8 8 Jtt* 1830.. ..12.808.920 1840.. ..17.088.488 1850.. ..28.181.818 Here you have tfie figure* o f * basis of calculation. The problem now is: What will be the population of the United States, excluding recent acquisitions. The result is untftliy announced in July Of the cehtUS year. T he W eekly E nqoikmi is murious to engage all in a study of their coun try. To this end it will distribute cash amounting to $ 35 , 000 , for * 6 ht- tions received of the populationof fib# United States Census, asfolknrfct T5tfesSrtifi«*!«t»rreri|*mr»(*Tri.$#.###.#• Yaw. 1820.. ..31.4*8*21 1878.. .88*88*11 1880.. , ,88.188*88 1880...88*88*88 1 * 88.08 188.80 888.08 888.08 888.88 180.98 1 , 008.80 8 * 08.00 8JU8.80 iRiVWiW 8,000,00 1 , 000*0 TO ihftWCOWl*» TothStllltdav Td u && bt U s « # ««»* «* « * * ##•#**##* # To tli*) fifth* m •»<««< #*####•### To thff fciilh««»«•* # '$#»€#** a*#♦##* To th* *-•■#*'*##**#>####»#*# To tU fcextlO, t& h f iM * ftm e n ilt * * To ihsae*159, iieh$5<^ ti« To M m i f t t , iuifttiibf to# To & e w ii 50 O, mb | t 0 < w & » % !» .■ To’ i t e x i 1 _______ 2f§f ttehpr*HnistumvrtUfy f# In case of a tie, money equally di vided. Every guess on the above propor tion must be accompanied by * ytiF# .subscriptiontothew in tu f EatjOflU*. You can guess as often a t yon car# to inclose subscription price to th# WfiEtiY E nquire *, " This contest will dote * month be fore the result of the teniu# vritib» known and officially eettifled h r flu Director of the United State* €•*•#• . v . a t W a s h in g to n , I X C . Dyspepsia Tahlets. Pleasant to take. Subscription price for the W irkly They will bring quick relief to the! P^NQmfciR (induding gum ) k m b worst caeca. Written signature of W, I $ 1.00 a year, Eleven c o p * mm J Bailey on each package* Price! eleven gome* for $(#.«•. 9m fo i- 23 cent#, Sample free. Druggists} particulaf* «e# W evkiy R ik ------ who don't haw them will get them j Send all ordkra to l*qvfM for yon. Two kind* of tahfot* in] CinciRMti, DM#, each package, The hrteri dbwm ry . | *iwii«i«^ awM»iMiiwwi.w* * » a a * H«4d wy Ittajgif TA ! —Heherrib# for the Ht wW. S- m ±
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