The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

the hew idea patterns garptfc * mattings * Oil 000 ) For Sale at Our Store. Price Only 10 Cents Each. •SAPRIL - FASHION - SHEETS • NOW- HEADY- W e now have a special Department for these goods. W E W IL L MAKE AND LAY CARPETS AT T H E LOW E S T PR ICES . Come in and see our line of these goods.. W k M Fa th e r S ign* a Chech. They’ve lately served poor father up l a quite sarcastic truck, 4*Wbea father sings a lullaby," •‘When father carves the auok,” And when he monkeys this or that r’s I k To any rbymsU abeck. Rut no one vet has sung ,abou When father signs a check. The old man isn’t up to date In table manners p’rhaps, And doesnt talk, or walk or dress ' Like modern college .chaps, g u t on his business habits sirs, There’s neither flaw nor fleck, You’ve got a paper good as gold ck, When father signs a che lie uses the colonial quill, The letters of his name D o n 't Answer hnpartiaent Questions. Impertinent questions are to he met with firm and dignified polite* ness. Any question about another’s personal affairs, about the price of one’s clothing, the amount of one's earnings, the-reasons one has lor en­ tirely private conduct, is impertinent Would I answer such questions? Not at all. Usually, by a. little tact, one can settle such questioners. I f there is no other way, I counsel a plain but courteous sincerity—a simple refusal to answer. One may just say: “Pardon me, I prefer not togive any information whatever on this matter.”—Margaret E. gangster in the April Ladies’ Home Journal. Ape rugged as, the hand that writes ' Unevenly the same. But you can bet the jewels all 3 pat kingly crowns bedeck, The banks hand out the requisite . When father signs a check. ARROW SHO TS. I allot an arrow in the air, I t felt to .the earth;. I know not whore. —Longfellow. Some people think all it take 8 an auctioneer is lots'of “gab."V? t t t Yon cau’t tell the size of a town by the noise the brakeman makes when he announces it ' Every party to a quarrel thinks it . Could have been settled if only the other fellow had done right. t t t - When some people can get into nothing else they become Shake­ spearean renders, t t t Most of the good jokeB are old ones if you only knew it. t t t Some people are never interested in the paper you are running, untess you abuse somebody. t t t Meet,men object only to the things that cost too much. t t t When people, curse their relations do not make up your mind till you have heard the other side. ' t t t “ There is probably not an editor in the business who has not been told that ho was really too big for the town. t t t More people have missed getting rich by selling their land too quick than any other way. t t t Some men never think to buy their wives any dainties to cat till they Hrc sick. t t t Nobody admits that he is n toady. f t t The trouble with whisky killers is, they smell worse than the whisky. T f t I t dies not always denote literary ability if h book Sells well. Look at interest figuring books. t t t When a man makes an enemy, lie concludes that he could not have made an enemy who would dm him less barm, t t t . When some men have nothing else to do, they write for the paper. . t f t Ho man looks or feels decent in •Uppers, 1 1 i Lots o f people would be a good deal better ofTpoor, because then they could not buy so many fool things. f f f One: cannot help, somewhat judg­ ing folks’ business by the kind of riothes they Wear. A mix , MriAKfi. Pointed Paragraphs. An act of charity usually discounts an act of heroism. It never hurts the value of gold to call it filthy lucre. Usually the harder a man works the more he earns for others. When a baby cries it never sheds sufficient tears to drown the noise. I t sometimes happens that homely woman doubts the accuracy of mirrors. The average mail has more money back of him than he can see ahead oi him. It’s always difficult for,a man to understand why a woman doesnlt like him. YonH ut #Soon Dr. Caidwell’s Syrup Pepsin adver­ tised for months, but have you ever tried it! If not, you do uot know what au ideal stomach > remedy it is. A 10 c bottle (10 doses ( 10 c) will show you its great merits as a cure for con­ stipation, indigestion and sick head­ ache. Regular size, 50c and $1, at C, M. Ridgway. Cupid’s pictures resemble him about as much aB courtship resembles mar riage. The world may owe a man a living, but he has to collect it on the install­ ment plan. H. M. Barber, of Cedarville, paid a short visit to our office, Thursday morning. Heury is the “ whole thing” at the Hager Straw Board and Paper Co. nud had been sent to Spring Valley on business connected with, that institution. . By the way, Judge Scroggy has just appointed him on his Court House commission, an honor that is conferred upon the right person —Spring Valley Blade. i ItL » » d *. Wherever it has been, introduced. Dr Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin leads al other remedies in curing constipation, indigestion atid sick headuch. It only cost 10 c for trial size (10 doses (10c. Large size 50c and $1. ■ C. M. Ridgway. The difference between Maesa- cluisett and Kentncky, according to the Washington Star, is that Massa­ chusetts produces boots and shoes, while Kentucky produces shoots ant booze. —It is very hard to stand idly by and see our dear ones suffer while awaiting the arrival of the doctor. An Albany N. Y. dairyman called at: a drug store there for a doctor to come and see his child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, he left word for him' to come at once on bis return. He also bought a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, which he hoped would give some re­ lief until the doctor should arrive. In a few hours he returned, saying the doctor need not come, as the child was much better. - The druggist, Mr. Otto Bcholz, says the family has since recommended Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to their neighbors aud friends until he has a constant demand . for it from that part of the country. For sale by C. M. Ridgway. An exchange tells of a farmer who has kept a flock of sheep for fourteen years, and has. not had them attacked by dogs even once, though flockBon adjoining farms -have been ruined. The flock always wears between five and eight bells of different sizes and tones. I t is said there is it a dog in the world with sufficient courage to attack a flock of sheep well supplied with hells. ■ M. B. Hniith, Butternut, Mich,, t ip , “D* Witt’s jfJltln Early Btsers «r§ the very heat pill# t ever tiaed for Hvar ami bowel troubW ’ dgmy i t Cn„ —Wra. Orr, Nowarty 0.» says, We never feel safe without One Minute Cough Cure iu the house. I t saved my little boy’s life when he bad the pneumonia, We think the heat medicine made.” It cures coughs and alt lungdiseascs. Pleasant to take, harmless'and gives iinme­ diate results. Ridgway & Co,, druggists. There is is a roan at Ptilaskiville, Ind., bearing the name of Smith, who has imported from Iowa a herd of goats, and intends to go into the goat butter business. Ho is slow catching on. Yellow Springs was in the goat butter business years since. I t had two goat butters. They served the double purpose of calling a halt on the street urchin and of destroying the trees on the sidewalk.—Yellow Springs News. * - Aa O u M e f f n m t l n Is worth a pound of cure. Try a bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Pepsin, and if properly taken, it will positively prevent rheumatism or any other —We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Clmmberluiu’s Cough Remedy in our borne We keep a bottle, open all the time am whenever any of my family or mysel begin to catch cold we begin to use the Cough Remedy, and as a result we never have (o send away for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chnmberhiiu’s -Cough Remedy never fails to cure. It is certainly1^a medi­ cine of great merit and worth:—D. 8 . M k A rkle , General Merchant and Farmer, Bedford county, Pa. For sale by C. M. Ridgway, druggist; Every young woman who becomes,*a wife at 18 to 25 years of age, says a noted author, has a right to expect 40 years of housekeeping. For 365 days every year, three times a day, there are hungry stomachs to be filled and capricious palates to be gratified. The blushing bride at the altar has before her the practical proposition of preparing 40,000 meals. Add to this the bringing up of children, the varied daily duties of the house, such demands of society as she may meet, and it is easy to see that the “ bride- elect” has a heiculean task with no chance'of going on a strike. . _ —I f troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial I t will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One applicatiou will relieve the pain. I t also cures sprains and bruises in one-third the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swell ings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 and 50 cts, Beware of using the personal pro­ noun “ I” too freely in vourtalk when you are talking in a room full of people. Egotists arc often amusing and entertaining, but as often they are very much out of order —April Ladies’ Home Journal. TOOUJRBA GOLDII ONEDAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinin. Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. We Grove’s signatnre is on each box. 25e. A ttO U ftf F L O W E R , “ It is a Surprising fact,” says Prof. Houton, “ that in my travels in all ower dc- ^ _........... .. .......„„„ f<)f kindred trouble arising from a torpid Iconstipation. I find for tourists and condition ot the bowels, liver and Isalesmen, or for persons filling office lie * • parts of the world, for the last ten years, 1 have met more people having used Green’s August Fl than any other remedy, for dyspepsia, ranged liver and stomach, aud kidneys. Trial sizes 10c. other sizes 50e. and 11,00 of O. M. Ridgway. - I hAvo just received a large stock of Collars of all kinds and prices; call in and examine them when you are ready to purchase for spring work. Also have large stock of Har­ ness at popular prices, Tv**, TV Hamm Man, positions, where h adaches and gen era! had feelings from irregular habits exist, that Green’s August Flower is a grand remedy. I t does not injure the system by frequent use, and is excellent for sour stomachs aud fmlt- E stion.” 8atuple trollies free at C, . Ridgway’s, Hold by dealers in all civilized countries, E W A N T everyone to see our line of Spring Shoes, It is much the best we have ever shown. W e can fit you in a Shoe that will be very stylish, and at the same time very comfortable. • Our $3 Shoe for ladies and gentlemen is better than most people .show you for $3.50. W e have them in all the new toes and leathers,/ A to E widths. FRAZER’S SHOE STORE, Xenia, Ohio. Ready Made Suits. Ladies’ Fine Shoes. Jobe Bros. & X E N IA , O H IO . ANNOUNCEMENTS. COUNTY COMMIS9IONKR. We arc authorized to announce the name of J. HARVEY NASH as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Republican Primary election in April. We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN W. SMITH, as a candidate for Connty Commissioner, subject to the Republican Primary election in April. Wo arc authorized to announce JOHN W. HEDGES, who resides four miles south-west of Xenia, asa candidate for County Commissioner. Subject “to the Republican Primary election in April. INFIRMARY DIRECTOR. We are authorized to announce JOHN B. LUCAS as candidate for re-election as Infirmary Director, sub ; ecfc to the decision of the Republican primary. HeTesledTheBurgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, 0 ., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, h< would dio unless a costly operation was performed; but lie cured himself with Btickieu’s Arnica Halve, the best in the World. Surest Pile euro on Eartli, 25c a tmx, at Ridgway & (V«. Drue? 8 torc. FOX, -THE- “f Arcade Photographer -f Is the most reliable and Strictly Up-to- date A rtist in the city—Springfield, O, M r , PATENT m M m mfcybsMearadtif oar aid. AddnM, THC PATKWT RECORD, BftMtm**,Md, bttriptlonetoThePatentRecord•l.mytruMin. W A N T E D ! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office 1 wish to open in this vicinity. Good opening for an ener­ getic sober man. Kindly mention this paper when writing. A. T. Morris, Cincinnati, 0. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. postage. Whet'*Year Y»c»VTouM Sometimes a fortune, hut never, if yon have a sallow complexion, 0 jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches 011 the skin, all signs of Liver Trouble. But I)r. King’s New Pills give Clear ftkin, Rosy Cheeks. Rich Complexion. Only 23 cents at Ridway A Co.’s Drug Htore. --T om , I and Cjgar* a t Gmy'a *- Knhscri!* for the Herald, •-.-A choice line of all kinds of Groceries, al Gray’s, Wall Paper i WindowShades! Are you going1to need any WALL PAFEE this Spring? Then some to us for it. We sell it ior 5c per holt up. ALL PAPEE TRIMMED ready to put on the wall, B y buying your G ARD EN SEED in Bulk. A fine assortment now open. We also want to call your special-atten­ tion to our Canned Goods; Pie Peaches at ioc pr can and Table Peaches at 15c pr can. •«« Come in and see our hand­ some PR EM IUM S that we are giving away to our Cash Customers. ««« You will find our stock of staple and fancy groceries complete in every department. II J. L. Houser, Spring Millinery. One c oor south of Herald Office. 7 T |E are showing the largest and most complete line V V of Fine Millinery in Southern Ohio. We give you the correct styles at our usual low prices: Our Pattern Hats represent^the very best styles shown in New York and Chicago markets. W e would take pleasure in show­ ing you our Pattern Hats and Fine Millinery at your convenience. ] o a-u r v i £ w ^ ' < > i t k A Ladies Tailor Made Suits in good' material in Black, Navy, Brown and Gray , at $5.00, the greatest bargain of the season. Better qualities at $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 and up. W e have hundreds of fine All Wool Tailored Suits at $10.00 and $12.00 in all the New Colors and Styles that are from $2.50 to $5.00 less than the same quality are sold elsewhere. W e more than please you in this department. property. The company is worth over TW E L V E M IL L IO N DOLLARS , Was organized in 185,'} and paid losses since organi­ zation of over E I G H T Y M I L L I O N D O L L A R S . W. L. CLEMANS, Agent, Cedarville, Ohio. “The shoe that needs no breaking in.” The shoe the ladies like, best of material, finest workmanship. Newest style all for $3.00. W e believe our $3.00 is the best in the world for the price, and that there is no better at any price. Cheaper shoes at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Every pair guaranteed represented. ' 1 0 “ Having engnged HOMER G, WADE, as office mana­ ger, my office iu Cedarville will hereafter be opened everv dav in the Week. Wholesale Prices toUsers. m ,a»s*«*g?3ss CiBa#«Mrr.:inn: isjy iSf— 7T The Tallest Mercantile Building In the Wend, Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Us. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15 c to partly pay postage or expressage and we’ll send you one. Ithas 1100 pagi 9 , 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70,000 things that you eat and use and wear. We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. MONTGOMERY WARD * CO., HidilfftRAvadkH a SI mr iL (iletMi J. imperial Plows and Repairs. Sec T h a t New Com Marker. Brices Bight - * Prices Bight iishmti wfofct* w< &« g sewa-.i- | i'.» wslJ be 6<- p TWJ a ^<3 n A p heard; Mondi of moi year il much but lit all wa to lieu citizei, clarini all' if fifty ^ tlieliu far It than Many point ceivet ■ that t the e amotg inone; believ the p will eiioup candi A who disqu date 'ndgh doub end t Al a vea nuiuii Iierti laboi u p p r riin i all o we W i n ;ing I us, i sure man igtm pi 11 ing ma k safe T feat We com oil edit sub- vi*.; and met A i.ev Wt tin tba du­ ple ven l b 1110 h> 1 ol! nil. cot in: .til­ th . th vs« fill la-, 81 *u U u> \\ r . i‘V nr 3a nlr .i tti V lb al m m