The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
Fi*> , 1 . 1 + t* *Vi.V ■ i '•' t. ■'' V^SF l<- bf T ^ e I f e t f q ld , t i m a y e a r . H art ** A E lk ,, Piopra 1. 1 *liras*** K ama Iftttt* Kditer. ft**, M*r- - CMtfMBOrWCHS4»te*4W**frTkte*- JftATflitDAY, APRIL 7* liWO. CMbafO. m the city of big thing*. I * Merit for tta cowing fiscal y«*r yill sxccsd >3 000,000. I t in high time that Philadelphia •braid ante up. She fas# taea noti fied that she Is ’’•by" sevsral tf» » . I t is really pathetic to note Senator Haas*,« virtuous iodiguation at he- iagaraftsed o f a “deal” with the sugar ’ ***** >. „ The warst feature about being a eoetiauat candidate for office tail) acquirement of the . incurable tal habit. *. Why doesn't some one auggeet that Otis aball fight the Filipino* “outside the Constitution.” That might end the war. ‘ I t really begins to look as though, after all, there might be something in those Kentucky charges of « political conspiracy to murder Goebel, ■ Jo their anxiety to secure politics advantage some men Are pu ttin ; .stains upon the good name of Ken tucky that will never come off. The acme of absurdity would seem ■ to have been reached when a meefin,* in Hew York adopted a resolution condemning Queen Victoria's vieit to .Ireland. The layew and the stpol consumers are in a positon to exchange condo lences over the result of the Frick- ■Carnegie suit—a new $160,000,00* > steel trust. The number of hank burglaries, in various sections, indicates that the new Financial law isn’t putting money in circulation fast enough to please everybody. The Senato had lietter hurry and tote on Porto Rico. The country is getting more impatient every day and.further apologies tor delay wil not be well received. The Chicago coffinmakers demand that only union coffins shall be used. I f it were possible, they would form a Union in the isftt world and boycott all not buried in those with a union label. ChiefMoore, of the IT. 6. Weather Bureau, a t Washington, has found it necessary to issue- an order prohibit ing cigarette smoking by its employes. How, there should be fewer mimes in tbs predictions. The less money raised for political campaign funds the better off the country will be. Lavish expenditure of money in campaigns is an evil that 1* growing entirely too rapidly for the welfare of the country. I t is usually the Democratic party which can be relied upon to blunder when everything looks brightest for it. This is the first time for a good many years that the Republicans have at tempted to rival it in this respect. Although the country has been re peatedly fold that the seals were be coming scarcer all the time, it is now announced that the catch for this season is larger than any has been for twenty years. But seal skin gar- Meats will continue to come high, Anything i»better than uncertainty for Porto Rieo. Aa long as there is a possibility of the rates on its exports te the United Statss being abolished, tb« owners of the stocks of tobacco, sugar, etc., now stored in the island, wilt not move them to this country for cate. The consequence, of course, is stagnation of all trade. When the m a lt fo known, whatever it may be, hwiass* will at once revive. dfoyt j m don't want t* knew, ■ I f f ■ A* auetwtt sal* always wokas tea* want to buy tU c p h t would not buy otherwise. f f t ■ Crash* never aecowpjkh very much, t f f Thera are men who like to liecalled noisy, - - ■ 1 1 t . Lots of people think a reformer must bea crank to accomplish any thing. I t is a mistake. . . f f t. . . The smaller the town, the more the men drees up, when they go sway. t 1 1 Many men like to say that the Bi- ble is full of contradictions, but they can’t show any. ■? ■ t f t Lots of meu who do not go to church read the Bible a good deal. ’ + f t Every cold morning brings a lot of old clothes to light that haven't been seen for a long time. t t t Nobody likes a person who believe* everything he beam. . . t !f f ;A mean mail always hunts a mean man to loaf with. '■ t t f We have never seen a drunkard who did not claim he drinks or leaves it alone as he pleases. - t t t - I t is not the fellow with the biggest bat who- knowsmost; maybe bis bat is too big. ALEX. M ieeeb . BnuurkfolvOu* #fBbnuutSui. K enna , Jackson G o . VV. Va. About three years ago my wife had an attack .of rheumatism which con- Sued her to her bed for over a month and rendered her unable to walk step without assistance, her limbs being swollen to double their normal size. Mr. 6, Maddox insisted on my using Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, purchased a fifty-cent tattle and used It according to the ..directions and the next morning she walked to breakfast without assistance in any manner, and she has m t had a similarattack since. —A. B. P arsons . For sale by Ridgway A Go., Druggists. An exchange tells of a woman who taught a new-fangled coffee pot from a peddler. In the evening she showed it to her husband, a hardware dealer, who told her he kept the same thing in his store for ta lfthe price she paid. “Then,” raid she, “why don’t you ad vertise? Nobody knows what you have fnr-sale ” Thabnssaa of i tta r i n h for traaa* ftthwlif tmvstora satnhlMkad in Jersey City and New York City twenty yearsago by the Psaasylvaaia System, las prove* * graat eon* veaknee in peranaa maltiag European tripe and to tourists arriving ha America at that port I t wUl be particularly convenient for visitor* to the Paris Exposition because the de parture docks of most of the Atlantic Steamship lanes ,ape convenient to the new Jersey City PassengerStation of the Pennsylvania Railroad Coiu- P*ny. This bureau eenswts o f experienced agents whose duties ara to meet j>a*- sengers arriving in Jersey City and New York over the Pennsylvania Lines and assist them In arranging for trans-Atlantic trips via any of the steamship lines by conducting them to steamships and aiding them in prepa rations for a trip abroad. These agents will provide cabs op erated by the Pennsylvania System and aid passengers with their baggage. They are fully posted on matters per taining- to steamships leaving New York, and arrangements can be made through them for procuring steam ship tickets in advance. They also meet incoming steam ships to aid travelers in shaping de tails for continuing journeys from New York over the Pennsylvania Lines by furnishing tickets, arrang ing for the transfer of baggage from steamship docks after it has been pasted by customs inspectors, and having the same checked through to destination. They will reserve sleep ing car accommodations and relieve persons of the foregoing details, mak ing themselves useful as attendants and guides free of charge. Further information on the sub ject may be obtained by addressing the nearest Pennsylvania Lines Ticket Agent, or J . M. H arris , District Passenger Agent, Columbus, Ohio. BpiMdaM m WildFir*. When things are “ the best” they become “ the best selling.” Abraham Hare, a leading druggist, of Belle ville, O., writes: “Electric Bitten are the beet selling bitters I have handled in 2 0 years. You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and' nerves- Electric Bitten tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kidney and bowels, purifies tta blood, strength ens the nerves,- hence cures mul titudes of maladies. I t builds up the.entire system. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, run-down man or woman. Price 50 cents. Bold by Ridgway A Co., iiruggists- —J . I. Carson, Protbouotary, Washington,*Pa., rays, “ I have found. Kodol Dyspepsia Dure an excellent remedy in case of stomach trouble, and have derived great benefit from its use,” I t digests what you eat and cannot foil to cure. Ridgway A Co., Druggists. 1st aOsftlrmStMufo, Of course you haven’t. . No one need have. Doctor Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a remedy prepared on pur pose for stomach troubles, weak stom ach, sour stomach, big stomach or. little stomach, or any irregularities caused from indigestion or onstipa- tion. They can be permanently and -thoroughly cured by the use of Dr. Caldwell'* Syrup Pepsin, which it made in three sixes, lOcts, 50cts and $1.00 and is sold by C. M, Ridgway A sheepman of Rushviile, Neb., has been buying up all of the dogs that he could find for a car load ship ment to Dswson City. He has found any amount of the animals sod he ins averaged a price for them of $5 a lead. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers' have proved their matchless merit for Hick and Nervous Headaches. They make iure blood and build up your health )nly 25 cents, Money back if not cured. Bold by' Ridgway A Go., Druggists. The Mtstalw* Man. The man who thinks that women are angels. The man who thinks he can keep house tatter than his wife does. The roan who cannot remember his wife’s birthay. The man who forgets his manners as soon as he crosses his own threshold. The man who labors under the delusion that his wife’s money belongs to him. The man who thinks that nobody but an angel is good enough to be bis wife. The man who thinks that his wife exists for the comfort and convenience of his mother and sisters. The man who thinks there is “ no dace like home” for grumbliug and growling.-^-Palmyra Spectator. MiMMHMa m a a c r a i Y MrPIMBPWP* mmm * » ,y .OM*fo »w. jr, I tin* a. « . tfotat*#fo*i si ]#*.»« ■■Ha, ShjpdaiwrlbmiUtlsWs# *- 8*k»: .WfolA tS at I t a. m. *t#w«t JSste s, m. swtfsftfi. *« Nsktofo ffotedst MS».«, Nwtol I mm . A.M.Jf.CWfo-JUr. Mr. Hwwjl, Via- 'ter F wm M i i a* II;Sf ». T-*Lf:*; •t foMk to t vMteft- *m iWly JnlML If. * . C h M * fc - R ^ , A. P-N«4£*, V mm U k * at U:M*.». SaUaililfefeti at $,ii a. m. Xanax Jteaate'a aMWiiaf at S;S* ■,a, Vrajrar awli»| ViI>toi? avaaiaf h im . Baattrt Chart*—*»r. Jlr. CeJaaaa, aaiter •Oh*Rajti ttaiiareh. rfo,kiif»tU<r«Mi SaVhatb SchmUat t & f -»• r a m umtiif mqr Wa4a**4a/ aight at 7;M. Xraqroaa larltM. Qathwiag«CtheFrtead, * EnrinA Willteauoa'*H«ll, txtrj Saatey aR^aooa, at 2:M*'«fc*k,»tsa4M4Usc. *r<»oh«>4/,te in- ti U4. Job* U. 8ayrM, Pa wn ia ClUR. TOM OUBEDWITIOOTOT5 XWtTl B V<mrAraggtet,arhwatjoa taarr toharalxabla will tall jroa that b*Ua»lb*ri»*4tentaa4 Uw BlilWO, BLKEDIXO, Of, PROXa^PIXO PILES, aomtter ofhoa teagrtaadiag. Carat ordinaryeaM*ia aiz 4«y». Oaa aayliaatloa rlvMaa»<madr*«E Ealtera*Itetuaglartaatly. Ikti If a ntwdiwjororyaa4 it aoJ4o* a po*i- tira gaanataa. V* Cara, Ha Pay. Pries, S1.0S. Per Mia byC.M. Ri4garay. INOtEWASDI Waatll pay tha ahara raaat4 for Say eaua af Lifor Coaiplflat, DyrpapaU, Biel Sfaa4- aeba,ladlgMtloa, CoaatlpaUoDor Coftiraaaaa aaeaaaoteara with Livorita. tba Up-to-Data LittteUm Pilt,wbao tbaSlraetieaf ara.atrict- If eomptMwUb. Thayara partly Vagatable rod narar tell to gi»a aatUfaction. I5e boxaa eoataiaXSOPiUa, lOcbozaaooatamtOPiU«,5e bozaa eoataia 15 PiII«. Beware of eobatitn. iiaaaaa4 imiUtiooa. Sant by mil. Staaipa taban, NEHVITA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Cliatoa andJackwa 8ta„ Chicago,lit. Per aaia byC.M.Ridgway, dnggiat, Cedar- riUa, Ohio. , FRANK H. DEAN. A ttorney at L aw . 41 E. Main St., Blue Front Stable. Leave your bones there and your, rigs be kept on the inside, out of the rain and storm. 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O. C harles E. T odp , ^>rop ExchangeBank CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNTS of Merchants and In dividuals solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. TbRAFTS on New. York and Cin- AP cinnatt sold a t lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to send raqney by mail. . ^ m m m n A t foot as tm * ia »ht air, It Mf i« th*terth} t fcaowao*wtehre. -^-LoSgWlo#. When » tram rays too often that he Mfovrat* telling the truth, we begin m «BWpin!villWIr I I f , Psogd* m m t kept- *w*y fmm tk m m V bad wratlfor* when i MfMji Mfoiifor pm tdm , f f f , tkfttara, w I mw they | t i fogsthsr, to talk I I I Col, Hodges, of Perry County, Ga», says tha peach crop is all riget. The Elliertas and one or two other var ieties were damaged slightly by the recent fretm, but tbe damage done to the patches is hardly enough to re- ieve th* trees of the immense amount of peaches they would hate, A - y y L i^ L v m ffvn»wvmnnwiftr ■ “Of largo sores o* my little daug tor's head developed into * case of seaM head"1 writs#: t ‘. I). M ill of lotganton, Tsnn., hut Buckten’s Ar- afoa flalva eompfotsiy sarad her. It’s » awttuasaid e tra forEm— , Tetter, iK^bt Sifofoiftfttfi IpKaiigJLteii JE—foubfo- iFffsifoiMt ffVMRg mmwmi ifg. — f»w|IPir# w!E?$illi|i VffUWnl ifodMhw. 0»ly SI* i t Rid|gw«y A th a l ira hi . s c u t s EMUISWN b a food imtUdM for iht bfti^ tiuit b thin and ito€ !wtl nonriehtd and for th* mother who— mM& dots not novrith the baby, ft h ftottoKygoodPartha or nil wno it Himana : mm notwtl nourithftd thdr food) alto for tht amtmfc or conituktpifvt *didt Ihri la Isfote fcfo mfm VHfllUiii , In fed, for «NcondKkmt oI wanting, ft fo tin food modkfntlhftt wfN noariah ’mm M P R VB p i t DQmf mm >tMmXJUA MdujutMg- ■ H * , JPwP MPp d—m jyjt ttf tf t t ttttMfV r. ■ ** m m a m m i OANB made on Real Estate, Pci- 4 sonal or Collateral Security, William Wildman, Pres,, Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., W* J . Wildman, Chab'er, $26.00 Per Week “ ■TO"* ANY PERSON in America of ordin ary intelligence, male or female, can earn $25 weekly during their leisure hours by introdurin* our celebrated Art Tapestry Paintings, send stamp for illustrated circular, containing full information and reproductions Of our tapestry paintings. Call or address, Parisian Tapestry Co., 19 West Twenty-fourth Street, New York, n iB o rcm is * . Any adult suffering from a cold settled on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles o f any nature, Who wilt call at C, M, Ridgw«y’e, will be presented with a sample tattle of Bosches’* German Syrup, free of charge. Only one tattle given to one person, and none to children without order from parents, No throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale as Boschees German in alt parts o f the dvilhwd World. Twenty years ago millions * f tattlss ware given away, and yewr drngfhrts will toil you its sucessi was graffito—, I t m i l / -the rady Threat awd Iritag 1 — tn sMHuyUMMUi—'in— m I u J J ami d —X'P$—JyMUPNMPras * »<« mm « r raw— M i —m fVTPHK SPRING - 1900 . C t i r p P t f l . The draignes and quality surpass any former mamv, T ta a l- vanoe in raw material and general K' hs I times has msfle a great de mand, and the mill* have advanced price*. To overcome ia part HUTCHISON A GIBNEY pl»o«l there orders a t pm—thstcau- not be duplicated by 5 or IQper ceut. ^ 19000 yds. Matting, joinfoa* and m m lm iwioe chain ia green, blue, brown and red a t 12A to 95c. Never better for the money. lj) Rolls of the Grande, per yd.......~.2y and -wc 15 Rolls of the Cotton Extra Super.*. 25 Rolls All-wool both ways............................... t»0, 7ac ,■ ■___ *. • a . Velvet, Tapestry, Moquette, Axntoster. Art Ingrain all sizes $4.75, $5.75 $9.75, _ ' - Large size, all-wool Axminster, 3 yards wide, 14 yards long. Large size Moquette, Velvet, Tapestry. A rt Corner Remnants put down to 26c. Brussel Remnante 19c, 25c, 50c, 75c. w-nsmt* S4,IA1.”' : ~r-l 3 sf r«$af«ibat» -Ule 3XVV ' ' w y iz < r .u w > . 1 ‘ ttOkn'rsarJtTt on • “ 35-«%is,a • i)54-,,sS t . C:i <5 ' S i tYdartftte - - ** "'‘SU i&SSilZ Wribnamw..«,sw . , . ' 1 , 1 Xmm « rtu> Ss,-.* WatmatWa ig*5?4- Oraoai'a...... - Sin, « M « ^"3 WurtAo-riiWit , 0£.|3 “fLl-S M a rro w .. « SCO SS^Jliss 7 . toultl Jotrswu “ . 2Sfi . j 2”, «•, ’ UneUnM _____ “ . SSSOCl i f l l f t » ,? 1 /5 ? ^MUtont,---- -... **’ !.f .■3 ||I fJlsss. CtMteteU -...SJ-’ , 633»«i m t f t *20 i . ■ iS A -A lAW tSM : W Sl I 'A ft Maaterant. 1^ . 4M»CteMtlIv;!S< ftoU«tade~ “ ;*6i iFrsaTwpt^ii-t *33ft*I • i 9$» L a e e C i i r t i i i n s , styles, neve vw u . . , „ j-.d» long | 1.0( Three yards long per pair 50c. miturt 16r Lorelatid.... " j 6 tto. isebimnSHt Morrow. . “ 17.. Owgonto.... ?1 Wayorcvilte '♦172S*? I .Rozaana-.,. 1.....ft Bpr**Valter “ | | 4i}.. -J< f*r.:;7Eii0C7l;. • f " * - tJv.. 75310rig' WUberferce " rSQS...;f$ Cedarrlte....** |s i 2 ... S Selma..—.... * |S2U.. 1 twill CtoriwM "ifSW* -J Eon'lon..... "(8601057 W.Jeffewoo “ 1---- AttW (tolaa S a ;- . . lw.^3 - •j — sag £ l a | n i s IlfISIS 1*3 ■ ISs AMSgf ---- "IS5W09IJ I S i J warJsasUJH jamiam I £’ 4' i i , ___ "£* n u n « f ; r . r r r l 2 — 7*i2®Hra | pMlrMAwIral ? 500 pair, excellent styl r lower. Good style 34 yards Jong $1.00, H UTCH 150 N & QiBNEY wetrwAsa. tyririSrid-te. Xeala DajrtM. araakriS*'. -«• m^ransvssw•„«.* . BIHiaiad.^ar. A*| 3fir] cm ♦?§s ■rraeiii AHjAMUAM |tll*85^«ira P . |H SOBait 185g3ISAM] I s ra j 1? j-922S. ...I i i S f r s f ....1949”.„.4 | I » fill 530101010% M ft » ! Xenia, O. Madame Gorilla Coe’s ..... PERFECTION.... Gurntt KAaaaiir., tiKkrito.,-* 642 ....' - J Oajtoa{ d 7xsifiou Xenlr tozian*,to»aMFa, .f—■ I *Wf i ....... TaSswSpn.” 81621 S352i AHfnt M. Adam’s^ Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. : 0*TiVacadTwtte«tof»*ft^aW«nteI2,—Bi}. rWtoa.1Z.OOaafoeHl*tZ»«»»w. *jrawk€&ira , , ^ 7.14,20nnd St Wilier,ftmUirouzhvlaColnm- l!c«u>re5, preiicrrcFaryl bcriutific? tfmHatr. JiewprtssJUaudruB uas siod Pittshontlior coWM»MlJK>M*hFilU- Uroy lialr reitorctl l<, iis originul color and youthful btsuty. buigh Unlanf^Uon to^and fnrniJ^Umorr, flair grown on bald head?. Free fr^ui oil, color or rtnin and of. pleating odor. PRICE S’..10per (Jotlle. H li.M iis ittl For a thort time Cu r , Madame Corill# Coo oFers her flair Restorer f«r On* /lllrU tlU Ii • “'Dollar, if you mteiten thi* paper. Thi* Reetorer hs« to equal and i« perfectly free from all poiiont. On receipt of one dollar, Madame Coe rrill scud eeeurely ' icted. * full eirhtoaaee botile toy our nearest exprers office. Kemciiiher, l OUAItANFEE my Hair Re- •torer to do All l clanlm for it. Addiess at once, ~ .MADAME COllELLA COE,if17 . Michigan Sc, Toledo, 0. utuxu UIVUtruawwM *»,«.te«te Washington, IWiltedelphta and .Near York. ,Vo«. a. i l l jmm >SI oonneeLatfUclimondfor, 1ndianapalt*and St. Lonte: Sw. « arid 3 forChicago: JT*.MX for Logansport. X,. K LORES, E.A. FORD, SaKnlJbtoga, CcarailPaaMBprI jk J, PmsBraou,Pass’A. ' For timecard*, rate* of tore, througii tick et, bnegage check®,a n d ftirtber Information re- garding tlis runn ln r o r trains apply to any agentor theFennayfranla 14oea. Y OU can always find at the old reliable Meat Shop of C, W, Crouse's Choice Bee£ Fork Sausage, Veal, Lard, Bologna* Wenerwust, Bacon, Hams, Sugar Cured Shoulders. Give us a trial and be con vinced. C&kkfBS Come Home to Boost The Greatest Novel, of the Age. Save money WEIGHT &GO’S. PUBLICATIONS. W W W B y buying your G A R D EN S E E D in Bu lk . A fine assortment now open. W e also want to ca ll your special atten tion to our Canned Goods. P ie Peaches at ioc pr can and Tab le Peaches at 15c pr can. ««• Come in and see our hand some P R EM IUM S that we are giving aw ay to our Cash Customers. ««• You w ill find our stock ofj staple and fancy groceries complete in every department. J. L. Houser, One door south oflHerald Office. Include a eec«nd edition (20lh thou- eniid,) beautifully illustrated, of that cimriitun^ nqvel, “Gbickeus Come Home to Roost.” by L B. Hilles, de- scritaii by the New York Times as “si book without a single dull line, !ii,il with a horse race far . surpassing in'vivid description and thrilling in terest the famous chariot race in Ben Hur.” Robert G. lugersoll said: “The boldest and beet of the year.” ' Hou. B. T. Bakemnn says: *TtirVJ •the greatest novel I have ever read ” W L . Btoue, author and critic writes: “ I t is most admirable, beau tiful and vivid in style. A great accession to American fiction.” Judge John Rooney of the New York Bays: “I t ! b equal to the beet masters, and the horse race is even better than the one in Ben Hur.” Hon. M. L. Knight of the Chicago bar sayst “This is the most realistic and remarkable book of the age. A greater book than Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Witten with the realism of Defoe, the grace of Addison aud the pathos amt gentle sweetness ofGoldsmith.” More than five hundred letters have been received from delighted readers, The book is on sale everywhere or sent post paid for $1,25 by * WRIGHT * COMPANY, PafcBslters. 1263-70 Broadway. New York Ciiy. I t makes sick women well. I t makes weak women strong. It makes the care-worn face of premature age youthful ami handsome again. Health to woman means beauty, youth, happiness, and sweetness of disposition. Lack of it means homeliness, premature age, and irritability of temper. With health she commands love, admiration, and esteem. Without it she becomes a burden to herself, « cross to her friends, a disconsolate being, long ing to die. -Do you suffer with headache, backache nervousness, weariness melan choly, painful menstruation, or leiicOrrhea, accompanied by dizziness bud taste In the mouth, or sallow complexion? Few women are without these distressing symptoms of disease, and thousands nrc today on the verge of fata) collapse Without suspecting it. L ad le s : Do not delay if you have auy of these symptoms. Dr. Harte- lius, the discoverer of F em a lia C om pound , was the greatest physician and scientist of the age Thousands of women have been restored to health, beauty, happiness, youth and freedom from irritability through this wonder ful remedy. Write to ns, whether you think you are suffering from these diseases or not. Wecau advise you. Delay may he fatal to you, Mrs, E, Bird, ot 19 West .17street. New York City, Sda letter to the Dr. Herteliut Composite RemedyGompeuy, rays: *‘I WMgiven*J>by physicians i>»a hopples^€»««, I took* trip to Enroll* with a viewof being under treatment there, I was treated in Paris for sis nauiA fioaiucure nii icmniontscuses, i ueciaeq to try Uie eftme, *ftd I *»» gt*d to testify, not for »y otrh efcke,but for ihstofmy eolferingsisters that f amtoday»wellwoman, thanks toDri Harteliits.*’ AH AdT icft T r e e , AH corfcspondenw! S t r i c t l y d o n f id S h U a l., All lettlers destroyed to insure Atofcotato Etocrccy, Woman longs for sympathy in her distress. No ono could give you the necessary advice with more care, kindness and consideration than our corps of able and eminent I phyridans. Write ns folly. Tell us all a tau t your troubles. W * Own H # lp Y ou - Remember that Consultation with these eminent physicians, either in person or hy mail, is A b « o lu t« lff JhtWL A i m m m is’Gonpirite U y Cwpay, Jrli HERVITAPILS tssfsra VHalftir, LastYlp r —ftMaatrai OaM tm tteteoey, N k fo t M te M a a a , L o ts o fltite lA o», alljMWtlarSte*aM«,r —rSTl '.wifoomi aiail ifor k w a a n n tM to a te i ftft.SQ l1 ... ______________ w M M t t e a n M T H M . Bend for rirefor aad eojpyo f o a r b a n k A n tu n u tte s bonA N O T i t it iM it i s g ^ triLtowUHL) jitaatecd ears tor Loss of PeSfo iiadsyetepad or ShrunkenOrgan. NERV ITA MKDICAL CO. owmwiA*rairarai »ra^ omkiaco , m» Per Sale by <\ M. Ritlgwway, D/egjh*. Celerville,Ohio* . XI..M r„..i ■„ I — CWOMSIEirt EH6UM reNNYROYALnUS ^ 2. S a n S E B S r i S E ^ S ! ftjam tiSBra&gBfW —Gftoifo ara mraduig. out hi mmm A mi wtwr. Gfos tVm a ' €0611 rayfotf'TA Itam te fo l Otmeuponai A grant deal eJ bis ms. Man>i any rate, they where this wolj wolf grew up ashamed of h'uj habit among *4 haves notion tl it little the beet I If you will oil notice that is ilf day, Children! they want, 6ooj conclude th a t; twmmonplace. arrive at that si trouble but a gj and frequently! People who spo| know where to Sometimes evel mild aud a wet! . nearer doing till And it was a| fable. He gd ' didn’t like it iuj J>it. .Every me meals his mothtj not have quail ries in Jonuuryj the tavern foil bill charged to was an indicn swell. Wbeuever makes bills for . may conclude gladden his pu ing home u t children with r up iu the home This wolf g slow, prosaic li drum pap. I ciety. The fol .friends were ti who knew no debts and lea They made an what they cn they could til risk of their uf The young ture. He wool aud many tiinj the swell set, two o’clock, p| iiig cfimnpagul fathers. His father, | practical roa| against keepir did no good.! more a youil more he wantl can run wiill and still remaj uudefiled. So this yoij elded to lm| could shake got a sheep s| mask and nl was a sure eij warned him,I they story oj him who ne# And so ltj ■months. H He was a It The girls mj cause ho man,” ar.uj scarce in thj He seenifl tiuunlly do skeptical was a hyjl liberally vJ was passed! sisters in till on such inti 'This wof when he ss living vtrj invited to likely to eat, and were enoul except off clothing, for that, | away his So be society cl farmers 11 sheep, t| Ctnie of l one but which is ■H e was i ta pas was adml So tl,( hut one out to k | harvest! dinner, he. frntnl tad kill Moratl - <’le htood, DtWit Vi
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