The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
■v *ftr K*sSr~' P -«;-;^' -«Tv Sk TV* #/»;■ ^ ^ 5 /*^; ¥ M H m M . feT. JAXUASY «, folk li fM t ri—V Dates* m sterofi, tlivMsf w# fell, GmwfsPswuy was#* y—i t y—i*f flrirtm -fie ir May'**’—-1— fo In i VMttMrMeil iMftUlT* Bmsas* ***y. X f*X —*refotwro« tfw t a— tes i r ip t fo no m m for ft » iM N ]r tb te f to lure orer A m v i « i t i - n p***—fo* *p*i»% *f fos yum?’foe <**«>H t fi—tfo *—pia* fesfe-h ' • IfcuJurs who weal 4p»—ife “ re—* m -a tiy Jmv* *ro d—bts ifotowlirot «a«bt tolro**wpt»«ir by ifepoiitore — IfowY—r* ' ft li : fcigfc r n m im 4UMTfWbta* JftPPreWwwTW^^* *®^^ippw JllrJWPfji —f trtM sfofif* W»«|« Bryan m outtog foal wilt re—k to. —j*fo m—rim—t, i f o fefogsi—. . ^ « i |« r i H M i l i i A a—pfo,*#, big nstriohcswltichha •M—ftm*rovwft ywmw ugjl* ••***■—wpu* —l—fi -fos Hat. o f kavtogft n e e 1 a * teres* Mi* Btpmm&MmmMm fo—• • * M m . I t teMated foot both I n n foam a ttreqit—g to rids ilis —trick— I n :.A1-wtrok -part,. As aooa — tiroy g—f sufitefontir « ip « t they will fo n t tiro— , .......- JTO— lW f« ClmAaMS A p .*»!;-*•: m—iy p i t might bate h m , b u t'h e l i Imffeig firogt—t hippi———rfy in I m a— v year*. ■ ;• Tiro brakgsd British have to J*; t 4K*ptHtHAsvltlfli^r to fro$J—»Hb* tiro h—rert ofApr- b ite coroe home Farm*r B toMwt Oolc, o f the ■ Olsba Harisail Bask « f Bcrtoo, who tor omlrminnunt • 'l»—■ -^I—P— t V s —RU^——W——t“fl> a f o - p im i^ 1 * ow s Whs* niult* stomdoA fo*,top Al to fo rir Christmas —for m i toUsrosM# nsfrotot for ftim toMfowaw o f iAiUtim ■ wto» take ‘f a it to wtwiafofcMits, ttoroe will be Mr. Aa**w 'Cmmtptio • aitf-iX1 JLaaiSiaMa‘I mv Htkp' i'TOPW*will Mi'fpfj^TWi.pFy-IfMl. eapeafotolile wHtar .tbe waronwavMewWP. ■ito f iP t/t tiro. C anppe F^^U k ' ■■Bb^h -1 p jn fito^^Sajjtfk' r»MMf WpMI .MPMBWsMl. .tofftoBtoMro*Ctofoieroi^llt. ^ i l toaeapealeil lin t AgaiuMo baa ;h| Mi slainc tbe! tro bopas to fie k tola govenueeebAetetfiwrot lh e X sv Jie roy cw rte bet* bab kWtol abwMk aebaettotMMM roefe oai / £ # » eat Maftof* I t ■ » * bare 'foW ii»*ae»arorotbet ftlaf to m b b Aa— to k w o tJ a a .lt. Meaic, tbe Sro ^roeato^ .atottoi tba rarotea wbieb .tbe n aae t steak peak tMPMwfWMMro IVSVVCI mf 9mfm aararal roillkba to tiVV^jV VlKIV ^1 I mm tMtoank tW letiBr 'i^^aroro rorowie rowwww mtoto o f tbe w y a n »»ro iiatog M r to eoeftet tbe rceeljr OMIWMil ro*> aklfe ^^^^weroi' *w* eew1 B l^ro^a b ^U^MBPfbffoV (•MlW^pViJr MVJpWfPIp P lV * to eeto^to^^^f jl^to W * " k eroy abase fO IH B OHIO 8 tA T £ PJKEBB. T k SftoM Coeety P iesi Asaoda* |k a le e ^ itto g ' 'tbe foot tha t for' toitblolana, loyalty, to Its constit* tteeqr eito eronrerriog fMelitjr to tbe eaiweft tepfeaeeto tbe row tiy Bnac o f tbe State o f Qbfo m ar be relied epee a* otrtaiely p to an olfonaire warfare for Ita own exiatence. Wheeeirer Ita own. citadel k at* tacked, -foe law, of sel%reeerration ami mutual protection obtains, and It not infrequently becronea neceasary for tbe County Freer to challenge tbe opporftkm seeking to destroy ire pres* tigo by fkb ing its patronage. Ib e Aaiociation has ba t recently acquired tiro Infonrottion tha t n cot * e rt attempt k to be to pasta bill during foe present seariwt of foe legial*turer providing that all county printing be placed a t the dkpoaal of tbe County.CbmutacioRets wbo shall contract for tbe aatne, and fofnkh aupplica to foe various County Offi cial! as tbelr needs seem to require. Tbk is n ahrewd acberoe, conceived for fo* purpose o f depriving tbe eonuty neirepapera of a fair share o f tiro public pontiug and despoiling foair pditical influence I t meantA 1 pernicious centralisation o f power, holds out a tempting bait to the board o f COramkriouere, place# fo n t Aader moat rigMant wquona^, pats a premium (with added royalty apoa wbotessle political jobbery, aw paves tbe way for colluaion to which tbe pariktjotosd, are encoumg<4 by tiro opportunity ofllred to share to a 4*rake ofT a t tbe expenae o f the pub* lie fande. - I t also strips tiro other county oflefole o f a |l offirial patronage, an foment o f streagfo. taking from them metiers pertaining directly to their own offcea, and creates a lucrative atoecart to tiro ofoce o f Couuty Com miawonrr. ,Tba work when dbpoaro o f by foe County Coramiefionets, would bajobbed off to a favored few, thus creating and perpetuating* huge ^ibAssaroiar- JWSOpOl^ As tirokw nowstands, escb county ofoeial can diatributo bk work among tbe various papers puMkbed through m it tbe county* thereby patting it where Of right iLbdouflS, furnishing ecsployaroat to citkesw o f hk own ereaty , kssptog thousands o f dollars o f tiro people’s money drenktiag among foe people contributing tiro e, and in a substantial a id per foetlf legitimate way, eneouragrog a brfurob o f the puhtie prem whose fonlty to tiro eronsomi weal k aa un« esiiproroktog and potent as tbe tows nfgravitetioi tiro kw as i t now steads, is a rnfe* guard for tbe county newspaper* but i f repealed by tiro enactment into a tew, of tiro proposed measure, foe eenatyprem would be largely shorn of te>prestige and its power, and tiro snronruro bonnm o f all politkal life would become extinct, Therefore tiro 0reen# f-rronty From Aseotriatiou requeete tbe - fm< totally etetywhete throughout tiro State to join it to a laudable, open a lb rt to prevent foie attempt a t pro t l t o l jobbety In the interest o f mon speiy. If* eaggeet that you organ fm tiro newspaper men to your oonnty for hum iliate action, and In tiro worfd to iro f f t W o lm roo tmm i foal it <kas not amasa Ire ammLaw« a fioar droB^kSHre a *-***--*- ** wMjvivjr* w j w pbwh m jcnpvi$ f t be is a boy who k mSfe^r^d^tpsd ts* work . t f t ■■ A 'm jui -always weeds to«mqfo tiro waret when foe baby k ssierp. ... :.......... ' f t f Wo probably never wQl nader- ataiMl why tiro ttra atorta m eaailyoaa awrm aroratog. " - i f f * f t seems a strange thing that the show troupes that come along are usually oa their way to the Pacific coart, ' . •• ‘ / ’ t . t t ■ ■':': . :■ '• ••■■•. . .. «si- •Even men who haven’t a thing eke to do pretend to try to avoid jury d u ty ■ t f t l i » remarkable bow little one knows about a thing that be has never tried before. • f i t lt»rei£s a waste of material t o buy a. b«t several rims too big aod then fill It ip with paper. r f f tiome women like to tell that they do not follow foe cook book* and, slab* we find that they can’t cook. , T f l Lots ol young men get info bad desk becauaefoeir fathers have money to help them tutu them. ’* ' ' f t * C>WJ W * - a mdf *VlBBRVi 4m wWMfinMIMBf API ■MV mmA m mBresmu^to’ |H m foyJj^af 4]^» ant, A^J wa^ma smm^nm BlMiMaure^ ■wjm'fomM *w rePWHfVPo■ ww Ims^P arokred the A k mmm Skutit to in t * o . smwarewi waaw s ^^ ibs ^ www saw* HfiMlifMS bb |A■ 'SwAsaip ^sgMte^CwtBrWwlK boaty. 4m- -tiro January ?fo and 6fo--4ow retenott franaforabtc excurtion tidteta will tro sold to Columbus for tiroaeccmed* tiou c f Penanylvaaia l i a s patrons who detire to visit the capital city and participate in the inaugural exercises o f Ctev. Hash} all titikete gaud re* turning anti! Tuesday January fob. Special -Tmia service; Exeuwioo- kts who desire to return home Mon* day after foe inauguration will be ac commodated by * Bpecial Train .ieav- rag Columbus a t «45 p. m. for Xenia and intermediate ticket sta tions; connection will be made a t Xenia with train I k . 3 for Dayton and other stations on the Dayton and Western Divkkra o f foePen.oaylvsuia .Lines; I t k a remarkable thing how long a bad lot ofbutter lasts, j f e cannot* see wbatgood it does fo put a thing in a book for safe keeping and then forget which book it was. r r r pmma illy rerofor wkk #r write yoar itetire a id tiemtota a t -one#, upon tiroawlfoet, and follow fok with m^ygLa^U^iremAAdljya IBB Bwi^wsm^glWPy ”AwflB W^UIMh BanFl^wa J h IBn^w - b f rea r reprewBtet im I t bn Inrelahbk for future itfor* a Ynwre for a fob foal by tiro Greens Const? to lamina i t k , Dan ST, Itfii. 0 . C . Wooamrer. Okakaron, MMter Janrostowa Journal. O .C Wm Ul n : . After a maogets pretty Welt up in yean he doesn’t tell bk age. He tells foe year fie was born. It has beendemonstrated repeatedly to everr state in the Union and in mauy foreign countries that Cham berlain’s Cough ftemedy is a certain preventitive and cure for croup. I t has become tbe universal remedy for that dkeaae. M. V. Fkher o f Lib* erty, W* Va,, only repeats what bus Iwen ssnl around the globe when be writes: ‘‘I have used Chamberlain’s Cough itemedy in my family for sev eral years and always with perfect success We believe that it is not only tbe best cough remedy, but th a t it~ ir a sureenre fo r croup. I t has asm l the lives of our children a number-ot times.” Tbk remedy is for sale by C. M; Bidgway, druggist ofMim lew Ik y - ton. tiro gnert o f Miss Kris Lsgre iwH IKtp4i* Mr* and Mra. J , D ftilrey, give M jgggiygj, w .» -WArok. a t their beam in aunt ( 's h n ilk A lter vvmvvkiiw jviiivr ^ mvb w »* wp hjvwb ^^ m man mmJI aaa fodasawrowarnInroremaaiaforeaU a mo lire wVImtiVVWwplw V® fo^Vp westers Ironscm* foe gaarts dspartsd* witiuag Mr. and Mrs. S lw r a happy Maw-•Taar; •-- -Arooog' fow 'pm rom t" were: Meawa. G. WI Gaiare aad Marion WAeOf, F . B. Alexander and wifo, Mrs. Hutriroraft, o f Morth Middletown, Ky., aad Mrs, Harriet ftoter*' H u t c h is o n a# Q ib n e v Were fori«BSie m sf*eui<i.g «**ro good things at- tiro Fire JNife a t G e i r i n d , ^ . ' s ;• • i s.-s __ m ■UVAiaMnlton. My irilfe’a goodadrioeasred my fib writes F M Bom ;yf Wiofidd, Teas, for I k id anek a bad eough I could hardly breathe. I steadily grew worse under doctors treataroat, ba t my wife urged aae t o are D r King’s New Dk* covery for Coiuuatption, whidk com* plefoly eared me. Coughs, Colfo Brooehitia, f o Grippe, PneuaaoaiSi Aafoma, Hay Fever and all makdies ot Chest* Throat and Lung* are poai lively cared bv this marvellous medi cine, 50c. and i).0 0 Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles „f«e a t Bidgwar AOo., dtnggkte. $ 1 / f O I n d i f /O 'B lu e W r a p p e r T r i m m e d . — . . . . . 7 3 c O u iiu p H o m e J a c k e t* . C h ild r e n 's j^ B le r d c m n C io a lc s iW O jtd s . B i U a l i m e , p e r p d . ..... c t r l C o rn e rs* d t t t W o o l. 10O T a p e s lty M a ts ............ 'M a p s , d l l W o o .................... J a p r a in flr u p p e tls * d l l W o o l: fa r p e e n o u g h , f o r r o o m s 5 7 , 67", 7 7 c -75c ...... 60c $1.50 up ------------ :2 $C UP . . . . . . '. . . - I S © $1.00 to $2.50 v r y A menu card may have misspelled words on it and still contain mighty good eating. * -» . ■ j - J»M ••A . . , *-.: ^ . • Probably a man wouldn’t mind a runawav so much if tro didn’t have to stop and explain how it happmed. Y -f :T Every lime a fellow not In tiro habit of it takes a bath, he jokea about taking a bath Once a year, whether he needs it or not. t i i We bava heard of paopk who didn’t pay their honest debts haviag "ebofing dish” parties when thay haven’t enough to eat cooked In com mon frying pans. i f f (real .A 10,000,000 cubic-foot gas well was struck about four miles east of Findley last Wednesday, to new ter ritory. All the took, eating and tub ing were blown out of foe well. It is claimed to be foekigeet strike since the famous Kaig well, 10 years ago. A man doesn’t always go on that side of the street because hs>wants to; ho may be avoiding somebody. - i f f A dog with a tin CIA attedtod to its tail attracts more a ttsatka than a Sundayschool. r r f A man might about as wall go to church tin Sunday, htoMtelif he tils down to read, hk wife goes to sweep ing where he wants to tit. - i f f florae womtoh “I am indebted’ to Gae Minute Cough Cure for my health and life* I t cured we o f long trouble following grippe” Thousandsowe their lives to tiro prompt notion of this never foil ing remedy. I t cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and threat and lung troubles. Its early use preveals coasumpiion. I t is the only barmlee remedy that giver immediate results. Bidgway f t Co., druggist*. mom • INHn Andrew Canrogie presented to «fcf GoOperlnstitatea neat gilt o f $900,* 000, which supplemented by1200,000 contributed by the members of tbe Cooper fomily, will serre to found a g n a t polyteciiaic school. L . T. Travis, Agsat Southern B. B., Helise, Ga„ writes, I can not say Mo much to prams of One Minute Qtogh Curs, la my case it worked lilted a charm” Tim only harmless remedy that gives immediate remits, Cures nought, adds, croup, brrm ehitia, and nil throat and lung troubles Bidgway A Co., drugghfe. cu rrm notes . Several spent New Year’s day with Mr. and Mi*. Harry Corry. Mr. Ben Anderson entertained a few friend* a t dinner New Year’s day, Mr. A, If. B ilk and family had for, their guests tart week. Sir. Frank Coe and wife, o f Springfield, Mr. Harry Tavender is erecting a -largo—ire house, and will store away contiderable ie-r if 'the weather only permit*. Mr*. Jane Shaffer*, who lias been at.tiie trodtide of her daughter, Mr* Hufinau, of Springfield, has re turned home. l)r, Spabr, while driving out in tbe country last Sabbath morning, found a valise in the road. I t contained h picture wlfo lhe runic of Spenser Walker, o f Springfield. They have not been able to find the owner as yafc- Mrs. Rebecca Pitcher, of Hutted, died a t the residence of her son-in- law, Mr. Chat. Martin, of this place, on last Sabbath, after an extended illness o f foe rtomachand liver caused by a cancer. A husband and several children are left to mourn the loro. I t la with pleasure that we an nounce to tiro people o f this vicinity that tiro Apollo M ile Quartette Com pany will give an evening’s enter* taiameat a t tbe Opera House, Jan - nary lfifo. Mi« Mary Anna Cost, n reader and reciter o f orach fame will assist. All should come out and hear these famous entertainers. 2TewSystem Denial Dffice J.'ftjm#10AKfVpsiMiqv, * sissfA, nnio. «cs. I \-, oc» m e s s ; Popular Plato $$.00 Gold Filling,..........fl.tiO np Gold .and R itio a ,.......... . .50 up .-S’ m ■■•Jf»..<3wqpi. ist- BSinSefs tfoSnrttei wticn teclli sr« ordered. -Birfwe^t jrr*dew^KriiiJneedo»l*r. C o « i c i n a n d See i l l CEDARYILLE, OHIO. And we will t rentyou right, We*. ACCOUNTS of Merchants and In- wish tti call yoar attention tof*** dtvidnals s dicited. CoHectioas o«r newline of Candies, Oigargipromptly mndennd remitted, and Tobacco. ' Hot nod Cold | —— Lunch »t all hours. Meals 25c, j JJBAFTS on New York and Cin- baeiiroe the women with era! skis jackets esoadt wesr tiron 1 1 f A woMitt om% work na Ifeiadsy for few ttta! he? baslsad aslght make It an excuse to;««Ht oa flawky, too, I f f WI toa « aiMt hays a broiiroai, he always estpwte to iMpmve i t A tax , M f»te> .Maasger Martin, of tiro .Piefsoa drag stott, tofenae as that he k hav* tag a great run on €hamhMkin*s Cough Bsroedy* Henrik fivahottlre « f thatnrodieiueto one o f aiy'etlror Mad, end it gives great sutisfestka, !» fores ley* of k grippe fore* k Aofoleg like Chemhwkkk Ckagh Isree ly to stop foe reagh, jronl ap tiro sore threat and laags ead gbre reltef wifoto a very short thus. Tim ayfcly are graving, awl afi who try k —red vM> k> prompt notion.— Chisago DoNy Cakmost fm t C. W. 1 U» k ^afogi li,f o r t tWm * h•/ While coming down Main street Haturtky nijfot one of onr-askasd brethren had hk heads badly burned. A t tiro comer of Elm aad Mala be came aerate about a doses ladies, snd without any forethought (but a great deal of after feeling) he hogged the “ warmest baby” to the hunch. «L I . Beery, Logsnton, Pa., writs*, “ I am willing lotahs my oath that I was cared of pneumonia entirely hy tiro use of One Minute Cough Care after doctors tailed, Itakoeu redm y childrenof whooping cough.” Quickly reitaves retd cured coughs, efok, croup, grippe and threat aad laag troubire Children all JikoiL Mothers eudoree it, Bidgway fo Go,, driiggktet Maximumtempsrattire^^ee«-<)aee'eee m* Mlaimaa sso&a aoisuefc&u I® Aeeraft* *• lit* Kaiumlt, iafore J A l Greatest rehtfoti m fkrowfolt,<-db9* 0 oa & e s « s » o e K H» 4 6 Awis!sB?«isafca0ii^sa3*(,«(i-ses««®-*i3 4 ^^^Wwy«a*stiesioi<d'©Boa. j|tP IftiH . fo Prevallk gwtads........................ JLW. Tssal retefoi for tM . . ...... ...... SB.79 ereregft..... .......44 f» f t - I M .......... ......... 64.fi6 Vkr tfiBB, B4$Bkfkre kmjfoaro IBM. hmmommmmrn V Office of C, K. Slonneger. L ibkxtv , lad ,, Jan , 10,1896, Pepsin Syrup Co., Monticrilo. 111. C n srrtiaau : For about 10 years I wasaffected with Conttipatiou, In* digestion and Stomach and Bowel trouble. I tried Dr. CalweH’a Syrup Pepsin and soon found relief. A fttr using one fifty-ecut bottle I am now well and can eat anything that com— on tiro table without suffering pain and distress to my stomach and I ran cheerfully recommend it to anyone that has any hswcl orsfeomsch trouble. I f you are afflicted try it and you will be convinced. Very truly yours. NSTIflf. 1 will hold my role o f Thorough Bred Poland China Brood flows a t asy tetidmee, two mites east o f town, known as tiro Roland Kyle form, January 18, 1900, 46. head of hogs will he offered. Bale under cover. J , II, I ln u r ,, foiM srtfetetM Bald heads, hard work, love, warts on the no—, bftieyle face, war era—, swell head, (Miriam tremens, unhappy «ankgs% in—nit? and punctured tires b u tt trover been cured by Dr, Otidwtifa Byxap Papain to our know- kfiga, hat for a ante and' pi— a t remedy for todigntkm, eomfopatteu, tick k—dafoi aad -alt stomach trenfcfe, Dr* GaMwrifa Syrup Papula k tiMMreat, —feat and «a—t pkasant remedy* I t k —id in lOo <trial aim) 60a and I t M t i - hy l \ I t . Bldg* aray* druggist, =--Whan in Xante with Or— to foair lift. ltG re c a Strast. take diaa—. "‘Hew if— ’ Tha •» liver m B riN fo K ite— f o e boarding #3.00 per week. C a t l ^ cioDati £6ld a t kwc«t The P r i c e s «u peauuts for School!cheapest aad nitst convenient wav lo Teachers" and Sabbath School | read money by -mail. .. Teachers for holidays. You will I “ * dowell to see us ijefore buying ITOAISS made «n Ileal Estate, Poi- «» we always have a fine line on M sonal or Collateral fleeurify. bands and keep fresh roasted] - —- everyday. Oranges and Apples, f Willbm Wihlman, Pres., Brazil Buts, Almonds, California 8 Seth W. flmitb, Vice Pres., Walnutswild p ton r place. | W. J . Wihlman* Cashier. Yours t o please, ' t ,^ . 1 .- .Miin n ; Mil I, .......... .Il l iMiimi. m., y.Ni i „. i ..fWini , - ir in •.’• W l l l i a n w B r o w / * Lowry Block, Gedarvilfe, * * Ohio. j’Y ^O U can uhvny s fin d a t tin CHURCH DIRKCTORY A. P. Chardi—Her. J . t?. Mottov, Pastor, wnriees at 11;00 m. m, Sabbath Sthoo! at J 8 s . a . C am ilttr Clmtli-Xw* W.J.Si#dcr«a, pastor. RrgaUr envies* at 11:00a. m. Sab. hathSthootat 10a. *« ’ U.P.Chanh—Her. F. O.Rws,{»aitor. Ser- sleetat 10:—a. « . a»4T;—p. ai. Sabbath Sehsolat S.', ttoaSMAtim*. A.M.K.Chareh Ker. Mr. UtxweU. r*»-1 tut PiMKhiag at Us—a. ffl.«*47:3S|»,».| C'la*s everySabbath at 12:30, f?*bb»thSeboclj at3.0Sp<M. FriesJs ar.d visiters ecrJiaHy.] iaviteC. ' . | M.E. Gfetreh Rsv.A.D. Matlilox, Peeler.| Prmehiax at 11:H«. *» Sabbath Srhoci at I 1:11 a, m. V—ag Peefts’* aeetlBg a t6 .|j| f, at. Frsyer tseellag Wedaedsy sveaiast etJc—. I " Itistist GhsKh—Ear. Mr. CdeaaB, psstorf oftheEmtist ehsreh. PreStlssB*at 11e'doeh } a»4V:S0f.s». Sabbath Reieelat 2;>3p. Prayer meetlax every WeSeeiJay Sign! 7:31. Xferyeat Estitw at] G iv e b s a tr i a l *I vinf »*L (latherisl of lhePrieal* t f Zion, at EtsJti Aj WilliMtssi”! Hall,emy Sanity *!t«cscB,*tt i.’:—*’ebek,#Us«tr!l rites. Jcl t t >* as . ^|A!tJEtN=<eTejfal Bright, jaai Bcneit ye»* aewtareprasattiB at Mastgere in this • s i elewi feyematies. Salaryfit# * yeti * si •(sestet, ittsightj fee*l-Iie, m mote,at less nutty, vetwtuwat. Oar tefeteaett, •ay—sk is sty tswa. It is raaiiily cSto srerk sosiartei at hswse. Eefereste. B.» I rises relfaliW(.«M.Setn—eStafeioyc, . 1 to s lieamw Cesrast, to|:t.0,€fek*ge.| A t i f tm m At L aw * 4 1E , Slain f lt , Xenta, O. fkomjOuomfjK ftlns— fo—[-M arm—-ft Alins mstiifiit trom^ BMldlttlik INnflliw OKIN6EM ttU f im r , {Conror High and Llm— iro street, Under a new schedule in effect] Springfield, Ohio* November 19, p— nger trains overt 1 ,,' e OK < k . . a r v i > x f „ For the east: 8:12 ». m.; 4:41 p, m, I II akw r fo €o*s BAixiats, FoHhe wests 19:13 p*iu,Uh59p^«n. Fro parlroutar inft;r«mt!i>!i on the suideet amnly tft E. fl, Kayes, agent, Cedarvilfo. 9 . EesyestibsOty # itt3S—JS, til* W, | —t.;Vlai!«M.8sjj«r, rieepres. to m m h ooth ik oks m u "I I I ! F ro it S ttM t, Tabfete ^AIt*^drei mritf* *r! fimd^tllsI . Iwova jto ir fo*r*re there *nd year money If it fofe to cure, E, Wa r a l u ^ r i o r 'm ^ ^ 1^ * wl ^ tto OrovFi rignstnre k on each bos, 25c. j VmnMh k im m , flpriugfield, ft- ’Giro ol i k King’s New U fe Pills —eh i% ht tor two weeks hss pu t me in my ’— s’ «gtia“’ writ— II l i Tartror of Damp—vtown, Pa, Tbet’re the h—I in the world for VJvsr, Htomaeh and f t—ale pure ve*e- teMt* Kever gripa. Oslv ?5r a t Ridgwsy fo 4H»»/s dreg ro*»rr, f**“ -Gri—’s. of Xente, era I fkaam D k y titip tw Ml f jusntin K, Toon, Prop ■. T r rt t ^ i.Ni • • i *1r n . i * : f (MrWar m ai sm i * * '0 T «r»o< writ teaiftw ly-TlMM ^xtste *M— n king Martiso rtemtItewt U tlm jure ' ‘ .bade ,—i to * ksproikiu would to followtoe rk-h sua “■jy .a y—Me. wcl [(hiecommuot invitation , «• bis ac ferttlvato. tetten anil d iro{Mwu form ' Mi bis shirt « Jsnket i ftou enterlufi >tedby our« i box ef 4‘lia hand. *bU rigbr. lie gwwicls ; trere mine sv riU-fturiforev u whktli it share with ► arrived. „„ table, hea SUnese fans, o ras supi>ose4 vening; and i| be occasion. . I stippoeed tv hunt op ir and paj .Ushfriends expected J ere In the will do. ext thins. Oh re didn’t tab rtthi4* So -we tiled i oixe table stoo rith heaping “ttbs. of cirunil ykles of ever jttle* of'win i generous sup) nib whisky. \ The room wa f uiHegated s iriwyed in on Bock Jackets kite flapping ill were eatini flriv, consider is end grot .<atuing teeth nr entry wo cordiality, t the table ai ^ ‘’taking to siting a t this struck me as ;|—St, but I ha<' ■Iro. the nntui -foried in the Jrt couiment. ft had been rgulfttkm dre 1sotorismi » tlfnary whitsi 'i. oltl r e lia b le Me a t S?Iu»p o f C. W, Crouse’s Choice Beef; Fork Sausage, Veal, Lard, Bologna, Wenerwust, Bac:n, Hams, Sugar Cured Shoulders. an ti b e eo n - ji’ilipino Shie Kt up «ml w ilaue Waistc find the resu cat-apoplcx; aol evening Most of r in sea Kto to do the Hon that fori ■eceamry; re. f t “Just say Htioea your i Khe will be | Bliiacc with *sr. 1 I was s till ■neglected do tk\iM ■toVet my m ■lows took o 1 very brown • or for a FI native costv Idack silk oi *tfflty stave, cred ambtlli . made in ti:r . and smiled *sM a few did not unr (* r,;e with a : r;tiii toward | . tefibjf in li , brigs O f gp 11 'bH‘, hnt I IwYSr-Ewf tl (after tnnkis i-sM what . ''Kesry cost |in»win<'-r, Si »edbiing nit, IlorSiig si w found my (tils the te, .o my life, bare with * #■» «!v MB', pie liftbtuos, itriovri won __ *ii«8l t r—te oj, * fact « tirfst dr ■w?roao«| (T to waits', ewhat i —riy Fl . w**e fi «— s ‘»<•—d « tort* M •trosl^ ■ tw I I si * ilwto i—teifi ta «V«j l a a r i i i t s' m vi 'SLS <r J : l&.*0
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