The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
WL t l 'jf/; ¥V! * W A T J j P A P E R W e show the mo*t complete ftock in town price* 5c * 2' p r holt up, A ll Paper Trimmed free of charge. W in d ow Von can get A L L CO LOR S and A L L S IZES ! of us. earpes matting* W e now have a special Department for these good*, and a larger line to select from than ever before. W e invite you to come and see our Carpett and Mattings before making your purchases, Carpets M A D E and L A ID if desired. Clothing for (Den and Boys. . 00 , M en 's Suits from $5.00 to $12,50. Boy* Su its from $3,£0 to $xo.oo. Boys Knee Pant Suits $1,00 to $5.1 H a l s , C a p a , fcllioeau The newest shapes and La test S ty les is our motto. tostmmaf''Ya vMrikVm i« autid1 wOMwecaHe TWJ5I A QOOD R EA SO N —W. W. Mayhew, Merton, Wit., taya. “ I conaider One Minute Cough Cure a iuoat wonderful medicine, quick and safe,” I t is the only harm* leanremedy that gives immediate re- why you should psttonUe the Drug Store for drugs w .that there you will find someone who knows about drugs. I t is their business to kqow.ahout diseases, whatyou want inDrugs, Other sumptioi goods do not interest them, and mothers endorse it. Ridgway & Drug information is obtainable Co., Druggists, here and the Drugs you need, too. The Drugs are right and so are the prices. lung Its early use prevents con n- Children' always like it H RKKJWAY & CO., the Druggists, opp. Opera House, Ideal ana Personal. Mw* Bessie Milhuru has returned to Dayton, ■—Ladies’ newstyle pocket books at C.ALRidgway’s, Tuesday being sale day at London, , several from here attended, - Mr. John McLean has a number of Soldier^ head-stones at the G. A. R. Hall, which will be furnished free of ’charge for the graves of old soldiers, . if; their friends will come and get . •them. —Ifyou want anything good, go -- i^rGrayw. >< ' Mr, John JVlcCorkell is again be- ‘bind the counter at Bird’s store. ' ' —Ladies and gentlemen try a bot- ' . tie of Qrbdentiue Dentifrice. C, M. . Ridgway. ’ „ • The Western College for Women has sept home .a number ot its girl 1 students because the faculty caught ’ .thirteen goiug through'the-rites ofa secret society. —Talcum powder, all kinds and all prices,. C, JV1. Ridgwny. MissH, Auna Qoirtby, of Dentil son, Iowa, .will give an Elocution Recital in the opera house, Friday . evening, April 13, aReserved seats lfie,. general admission 10c. Good music,wilt be part of the program, D r , J . O.- S tew a r t, Physcinn and Surgeon. Specialist inH y l a n d Mar. G la s s e s A c c u r a te ly A d ju s t e d , S atisfaction GUARAN TEED, Several from here are at Wilming ton this week in attendance at the . congressional convention. —W. H. Shipman, Beardsley. Minn#, under oath, says he suffered from dyspepsia for twenty-live years. Doctors and dieting gave but little relief. Finally he used Kodol Dys* pepria Cure and now eats what he likes and as much as he wants, and he feels like a new man. I t digests what you eat. Ridgway & Co., Druggists —The only place in town where you can find 25 brands of Cigars and i. complete stock, C. M. Ridgway. The state president, Mrs. Clark, of Columbus, is a wide awake women, and her presence wilt no doubt add much to the interest of the county w . C, T. XT. convention next Thurs day. —Cedarville headquarters while in Xenia is at Grice’s restaurant. Mrs. Hester Trombo, of Bellefon- taine, is spending some time with her S tents; Mr. and Mrs* David roades. —We cordially iHvite the L.dics to our Easter Display oi Pattern Hats, Bonnets and Millinery Novel ties, Thursday, Friday apd Saturday, April I2tb, 13th and 14th. Respectively, Barr & Boyd. John Lott was over at Dayton a few days the first of the week. —“No family can afford to be with* outOne Minute Ooiigh Curs, It will stop a cough and cure a cold quicker Atomany other medicine,” writes 0 . W Williams, Sterling Run, Pa. It cars* emup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles and prevents con* samptioa, Pleasant and harmless, Ridgway A Co, Druggists. Mr. Ben Williams has sold out his interest in the restaurant to hie Mather, John, and will go in the restaurant business with another brwtber at Greenfield. Mia. AnnieW. Clark, ofColumbus, ■lataW. U T. 15, president, will give a lecture the evening of the •M a ty convention in the M, b , a t m . ' Miss Eva Wade, of HprfngHeld, has he** visitiai friends here this wRPpPbe —Otto Kerb, Grand diancrifor, 5 , BoMiviile, lad., says* “Do- rfM's Wktob B m MHelve smithes the (MmMfcmte Ala »ml beek the amet wkl Come out to the county W. C. T. XJ. meeting in the M, E. church, Thursday, April 12, and see and hear for yourselves what these women are doing. Good music will be one of the attractions, Mr. Chas. Hew, of Buffalo, N. Y., was the guest, for a few days, of bis friend, Mr. Chas. Cooley. He left here enroute for Chattanooga,' Tenn. Mr, G. W. Harper was in Spring Valley, Tuesday. -Grice’s are now the best place in Xenia fora first class 25c. meal.. Will McLean has rented James Martin's property and removed there Monday, —If your buggy needs painting leave it at Wolford’s where it will be carefully done. —H, Clark, Chuuucey, Ga., sayB DeWitt’s Witch Hazal 8alve cured him of piles that bad afflicted bint’For twenty years. I t isalso a speedy cure for skin diseases. Beware of danger ous counterfeits, Ridgway & Co., Druggists. Al Barr spent several days in Col untbus, this week, on business. ' Dr. P. R. Madden, Practice lim ited to BYE, BAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses AccuratelyAd Rusted. Allen Building, Xenia, O i’etephonfr.—Office Wo, 73 , Keiidence No. 37 . . Mrs. Ebeu Archer will leave this mqntfi for Asheville, N. C., for'the benefit of her health# Mr. aud Mrs. Tom Tarhox were Xenia visitors, Thursday. —In almost every neighborhood there iBsome one whoseJite has been saved by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such per sons make a point o f telling of it whenever opportunity offers, hoping that it may be the means of saving Other lives, For sale by C. M. Ridg way, Druggist. « The famous FerriB Wheel is to be taken to Paris. —Blackberries, Gooseberries,Rasp berries, Beans a t Gray’s. Rees Barber has been on the sick list, —I have just received a large stock of Collars of all kinds ana prices call in and examine them when you are ready to purchase for spring work. Also have large stock of Har ness at popular prices, Dorn, The Harness Man. Mri. Charles Nesbit aud children, of Loveland, are visitingMrs. Andrew Winter and family* e —Go to Grices when in Xenia for nice clean meal. DECLAMATION C o n t e s t Thursday Evening, April 12, *oo. W ill be given in the College Chapel by members of the Ph il osophic L iterary So ciety. Music furnished by the Mandolin and Guitar Club of Anti- V. ■m och College* * Come one Come ail* —Teas. Coffee and Cigara a t Gray's Mrs* Angie Gamble, of Alexandria, Ind., was called here .by the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hannah Reid. Mrs. Hannah Reid died at her resi dence last Saturday, from pneumonia. Funeral services were held from the residence, Monday, Dr. Morton, her pastor, officiating. —Gray keeps nothing but the best in his line of goods. Mr. Robert.Bird, this week, pur chased a gas plant for the purpose of lighting his store* This with the many improvements he has made will improve the appeatance of the store to no small extent. Bradfute A Son, this week, sold two fine Pole Angus cattle, to parties in Southern Ohio,, and Northern Indiana. —New crop canned Apples, Corn and Tomatoes, at Gray's. There is some talk of a factory be ing located at Xenia to manufacture plug tobacco. John Harbison sold a fine1blooded mare at the Foiter sale in Springfield last week. H. M Barber, together with the County Commissioners - and Court House committee, are on a trip to Findlay, Wnpakoneta, Lima, tipper Sandusky and Marion to visit court bouses in these cities with a -view of gaining information as to building the new court house for Greene rouuty. Mr* C. E. Wright, of Lebanon, O., is assisting L C. Davis in ids tailor ing business. M. M. KAUFMAN Hauftnan’s Corner. Best place in Springfield to buy your H A T S K U R T S I B U I I S G l G O O D S , COLORED SOCIETY. Mrs.' F. 8, Alexander ((pent last Saturday, at Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of Hamilton, ore visiting the latters parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Batts, thiB week. Mrs J . D. Silvey spent n part of the week at the Gem City, the guest of friends. Mi« Mamie Wilson spent Sabbath in Yellow Springs; L IST O P LETTER S List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Cedarville postofnee for the month ending April 7,1900. List No. 15. Bradford, Mattie Eyer, Anrehous WillianjB,Harry - . ...... T. N. T arhox , P* M. Parts ‘tf , Uw for thu, ,?8t ^eu ■■. For Sale. ■ I have’ several desirous farms for •ale. , W. L. G usmans . AOSTJST F10WE1 . “I t is a surprising fact,” says Prof. Houton, “ that; in my travels in all Tkt Bait to ‘WW m M. We believe Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is the best in the world, A few weeks ngj • we suffered with a severe cold and a troublesome cough, and having read their advertisements in onr own and other' papers we pur chased a bottle to see if it would effect us.’ I t cured us before the bottle was more than half used.. It is the best medicine•'out for colds and coughs.—The Herald, Andenonville, Ind. For sale by C. M. Ridgway, Druggist. years, I have met more people having used Green’s August Flower than any other remedy; for dyspepsia, de ranged liver and stomach, and for constipation.^ I find for tourista and salesmen, or for persons filling office positions, where neadaches and gen eral bad feelings from irregular habits exist, that Green's August Flower is a grand remedy, I t does not injure the system by frequent use, and is excellent for sour stomachs and indi- r ion.” Sample bottles free at 0 . Ridgway’s. r . _ . Sold by dealer* in all civilised Fumittire Dealer, countries. Correct Prices. Up-to-date Styles. IP you’re thinking of purchasing a carpet you make 1 a mistake by not seeing our designs and getting our prices before looking elsewhere. BED ROOK SUITES, SIDE BOARDS, BOOKCASES, COUCHES, &c. j . u . M c M i l l a n , O tdM tm * , Obi.o. Funeral Director & Embalmer. Strange Menial Pootera SPR ING M ILL INERY HOW PEOPLE ARE INFLUENCED. S ta r tling Words from th e Committee Appointed to Investigate Hypnotism for the Benefit of th e New York Journal Readers* We are selling elegant styles of Ladies, Mines and Children’s Trimmed Hats, right along. Tbe only trouble with them is, they are to Cheap in Price. But you should realise the fact that the price does not always make the hat, but that sometimes the article should bejudged, without the price. [Front New York Jowntel.] Hypnotism is no longer a mytii, a fanciful creation of tke mind, but « reality, u mott potent power, capable of producing inflnite good. For the parpose of Mseertaln* ing the exact Valueof this mueb-talked-of power a committee, composedof a physi cian, well-known jurist, a prominent minister and leading railroad man, was ap pointed to Investigate Hypnotism* , Tbe committee carried oa a series of investigations to regard to tha power of hypnotism to InSnence the action* and deeds of people la the everyday walks of Ilfs. The Irst step token by the members of the Committee was to master the science In every detail so that they might state from persona! exptriehee tha good or evil this .u imi.tuui |n*u|<i. u muiHi,, bow w um is ia ireaung uiseasee, ere., < days they mastered these instructions and were fall-fledged hypnotists. It was clearly demonstrated that hypnotism may be employed so that the person Operated upon is entirely unconscious of the fact that he is M ag Influenced} and. alt things considered, the eommittoe regard it as the most valsable discovery of modere times, Aknowledge of it is essential to one’s success in lire and well-being in society: B*v. Pant Weller says that every minis ter and every another should understand hypnotism for tha benelt they een be to those with whom,they are brought in daily daily contact, Dr. Lincoln lays, after a thorough in- VMttgatieh, that he eonilders it ih l totftt marvaloes tberapentleor curative agent ef til#### * Judge flhsfer, although u legal light, turned ht* attention to healing the sick,end I t * few treatments he eompietsiy cured John S« Myers, nf FiemingtoU, 9 . JT,, of a strange malady that had kept him bed fast for aiaeyaars, and which Sectors Said *» \ / j R V must sutuly kill kim* Judge HefaatW’s fame spread tor miles around, and kundreds of peopi# applied to him for treatment. Mr, Steefsr performed the asienishlng feat of hypnotising Mr. Cunningham, of Pueblo, Cst#., ni a dlsianee o f several bleeke* He aieo aged ’gen*> tieman end had him rnnetug through the streets shentifg ‘'Red-hot peanuts tor site.1'1' Mr. ateefersays H it iudispenenb'e Um |R•FWnPlIWWDwVMWRPa In speaking of this ntarroleut power, President Xilot, of Harvard Coltoge. said to the graduates; “ Young genttessen, there . . . . , * , . . Is a subtle pewer lylug lateut iu each of you, which few of ymt have derebmed, but which wheu>vetoped, might make a man irresistible, tt Is MaguetUwicr Hypwittsm. I advise Vonmaster U.” The New Ymklnsittuto^Mwaeihas Jdstlssned ll/Mieoplesofn beck which tolly eaptolns all the eem tsef this toatveleus pewer, and gtsse a«td(«<t directlens IWMorning a preetknt hyanmltt m that yon oat emptey the tom without the kn**tod|»w**peu*. daykody eao learn. Hemet guaranteed* ..... »t** **toi»»a torf iepert of tbe member* ef tbe summlttee. Xdwill tow cent nbeatotely free toany mm whale Uwsrsutsd. A postal eaad wRt brhkf U. Write No 6 Torcbou Lace pr yd..... .,1c Shoe String* 2 pr for..... ...... .lc Childreba Bibs......... .................2c up Whtsk Broom.... ...3c Liaed Collar*............................ .....3c Doilim.............. ..3c Needle book, containing 5 papers...8c Ladies Hose t»ee»e*eeu**iu«eduoooeuo'* 4c up Novels #*«•**eeueoea#*oaeeooeooauesoeoeeaocTC* Spectacles 1 gross Agate Buttons.................4c Talcum Powder pr box;............ ...4c 1 roll Bu£gr Washers................,4c Horn Hair 1*itlS i fOfiimsfttiiasitteilSC <D0l]l6B| lSxlB(SIMSI|>ISllMtllVttSsHS«i«5C No 5 Ribbons pr y d * * . . .*<*70 Pompadour Comb >e*Mee*iete«ehea«eu»44 7c Ladies Fancy H o s e . , * . * 8c Harness Pad........... ........... ...,8c Doilies 23x24.................. ,.,...9c Nose Glasses Chain............ ........15c PyelineDressing Combs 17c Dog Collar Belts.,.....................lf c Calf Pintah GentsPocket-pocket,..20c Tumblers per do*.......................;,.20c Leather Hitching Strap...............21c Day Book 200 pages 6 |x l5 ...........22c Side Comb*, with sets, per pr.......23c TheDeweyChildrens Wawts.,....25c LadiesShirt Waist................28c Up Columbian Ingrain Carpet,....29c yd Towel Roller with,mirror attached. .33c Lorgnette Cham.*■•*,.,.«,.*»«b*,,*»#*35c Leather Hatter...*..,................... ,39c Chain Bracelet warranted 5 yrs.., 44c Ladies Black Underskirts............4pe Black Silk Muffler... ..................48c Ladies Muslin Night Gowns.........50c Ladies Spring Hats..... ......... ..55c up St, Ceoefia Medallion............ ,.....59c Toilet Sets......... . .................60c tip Oxford Teachers Bible............. ,.fi5e Riding Bridle............... 66c Ledws Rid G l o v e s . . . . . . O i c * Rouse Water Proof Umbrella...... 70c Stiff Hat, wort® 89c..............,. ...77c Jute Rug 3 6 x 7 2 , , . , . , , , . 95c Still Hate, worth 88c......... 88fr Ladies Tan Shoes#••****••««naanele*#1.07 Ladies Solid Gold Ring.,........11.14 One pair rimes, Milwaukee grain 11.46 Eight Day Clock,...... .............. 61.88 Sait ol Clothes....................|2.29 on Gold Filled Watch*..... *...,.,....65.76 HKV, PA I’I, WRLLRR. Y#*kr H, Y. MEW YORK BACKET STORE X g i i I i i , JOBL ORANSKY* P ro p rie to r. O hi o * WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office I wish to open in this vicinity* Good opening for an ener getic sober man* Kindly mention this paper when writing, A. T , M o rris, C trichutotl, 0 . Illustrated catalogue 4 cte. postage. to titrit AOOU) 1* OK*DAt. Take laixative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E We Grove’s signature ia Aneach box. 25c. I wflUHn«anAuimatom«toMieiimaif - -A choice line of all kinds of Gmctries, atGray1*. -o WiWtoitolaiVf’.i.air < —What ever yew want I* tha dry* Nit aad kata mot mot. wMt fit *t.____ , _ mm . € . M.MMgwuv. m tttnyV Our General Catalogne quote* them. Send 15 c to partly pay portage or exprtssage and we’ll tend you owe. Itka« ttoo pages, 17,000 illuxtratioas and quote*- prices 0 * nearly 70,000 things that you eat and use and wear, we comtOMtly canty ha stockall atdclea qnotod. vwsiy .Mwg .w/wea ««*, - X w < In f O M U n h . IHvIVf flUVUi i Hew to Act the I There ml boys read we ebdll drol quette qlUi barber ehopi These fac great care u will beioun nil who wisl: • aion. The when you nj to cuter, convenient cessiou on customer \v| guard of \vh| chin 10 be r*, You can til bunt you <1 force. * It is him to do nj Go in at public migh] new kind probabilities! fire escape fj ments. I t is also barber as yc not necessal him unless; previous ehit him off for get. . Barbers a| » just as soot shake hands I f you' li barber on) Should drop •like, ns if three shops | in removing whiskers. Talk plea ing ahead ol towait, for f impress foil business, nlj had a thin^ Joke clil hers, which! do not feel 1 they won’t j you get inti a haircut at the sun to -urday or those are can have nj telligent rc| When y< wittily aboj tion perfotj good hold] highly orif has only lu since the f>| ated on ole I t ii just «.< This is 01 •very barb You eti< • iaiioti wlv •retl, and [ full of h about not | The barbo laughs at day thirty! o f the fac/ your thro I f a bat oonversatij alighted* None of tl very taci Mate this) trtblictLi!i aeqtiftwcc tarn, ev< the word t I f wheil done, th« yon fori *0 atteniil of levity, W.KothiJ MtotkaU Wl yo«,j , k*M ahr.
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