The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
p w r - N J > • iV-v / T h e H e y q l d . $1,00 A YEAE, B axter & B ull , Fropre. »W** X4itor, ilu. N(f, • Deficit; W to M Waldo Pl»*«, tTUBDAY, APRIL U , 1 900, ^'Hiiliy iiil I ........... . MU ViHiirwnmif (* V«H» Bull*/ might wait till next •f^uHiitfMWf- '■ Witt Porto Rico incorporate “ tariff [;>. 4 kj * amongst its holiday#? Now Queen Viotorisis holding pro* Irish mooting*. The Irish are good people lorconciliate id war times. , '* r r - ........... . I t every scribbler could write aa ■well as he thinks he can, this would, indeed, be thegolden age of literature. Massachusetts G* A, B, men and Virgiuia Confederate Veterans have 1 >wo fraternizing on .the battle fields near Petersburg. ' , ( rri. ,i'f. if - / j — t ~ ' *• v •How that it is proposed to coin half cents, the department stores are get* Bug-ready to mark down their goods one-quarter of a cent. An attempt is being made in the Indiana courts to break up the glass trust, which has so far proved lew easy to break than its products, The president and Congrew cannot please ■ the country better than by a reduction oi war taxes, it the reduc tion . be made without favoring any particular interests.,,. Djr. Expediency finally succeeded not only in quieting the Senatorial patieutbut iu making it look pleasant as it Bwatlowed that dose of Porto Rico licihe. , , -Although ex*Speaker Reed’s daugh- R . ter was recently graduated from h ^ Hew York'law school, we hazard the opinion that she will not become a j member of papa’s law firm, -' < Pugilism is on the increase,, in re- |° spectable quarters. An Indiana Con- greMraau engaged iu,a scrap with a constituent,' the other day, and there was another, on the Hour of the Mary* land legislature, I t 1 « dollars to brass buttons that the author of “ The Domestic Blum deft ofWbmeu,” a new book, is not a married man. Married men know better than to write about the blun- . data of women; they bavo too many of their own to. answer for. Brave men are always appreciative of 4tbe merits of their opponents. Lord Roberts, in a dispatch to Presi dent Kruger, Baid that the late Gen. Joubert’s personal gallantry was only surpassed by his humane conduct and ehivalroU* bearing under all circum* staoces. 'Accordiugbrtbenaval-sxpftrts, ihc. new battleship Kearsarge is the strongest warship in tne world. One of them says: “There is no shadow of « doubt as to her capability to over* whelm with her fire any battle ship afloat this day.5' How will the world begoedf The 'submarine torpedo boat Hoi* land, which bus been at Washington lor several months, appears to be diviag iu wsy into the good graces of Congress I f it could be utilized to get t good view o f the undercurrents • f politics, it would be a boon tosome mm in both branches of Congress. There is no doubt that the sugar trust did pay most of the duty col* lesfted on.PortoJEtican sugar. But it should he understood that this sugar Is bought by the trust at the New York price less the duty. The men who realty paid it, therefore, are those trom whose selling price it was doriwcUd. This) statement is made without argument, in the interest of Ihir play. Dr, Jordan, of the Lelaud Stan* fbrd university, quotes Governor Roosevelt as Saying that he “ wished to God we were out of the fbiilip* fhtos* and that “McKinley had no mors backbone than a toy chocolate asaa.* I t seems almost incredible Bast the Governor should have said B mss things for publication, though it 1 i »ot a ta ll iMprobable that he really saM thaw. That k the sort of raau keht. w ***** t , . jtmAM mj A ' ■ wTmfw* fw f mm F6|P* Ox# aveaiag t*ye»r*o?dNsllli failad to assitimi h«v fkthor ib her prayer hasasaa ha had saahtad her. '“ Yaw awasf $tasjt fbv jxsuns , too, Hol»o,M m M “Bat I dswT sraat to,* aW W w DsagjAag^ apaa TW 8 Rb annual oacaarpaat, Da* partmaat of Ohio, Grand Army e l tha Republic, will h i hrid this year at Findlay, Ohio. A rate of on* mart per mite has bees fixed for all rail* roads* Findlay is a small but very thriving city of 25,000 psopl* in the center of the oil and gas belt, I t is mid that exteoriv* preparations have bean made to entertain the survivors ofth* Union Army in a war worthy of tbelr merits. The city ^will be handsomely decorated. Speakers and soldi*!* of national repute" will be present; the parade will be a grand feature and it is aaid that for the en tertainment of the soldiers and visitor* arrangements have been made to have an oil well shot very near the city; that the “go-devil” will be dropped by some daughter o f a veteran. This Will be no mean display for those who have never seen such a thing. We hope the patriotic people throughout .the Btato will encourage 1 the old boys by attending the encamp^ ment. When things "are “ the best” they become “ the best retting.” ' Abraham Hare, a leading druggist, of Belle ville, O,, writes: “Electric Bitters are the beet Belliug bitters 1 have handled in 20 years. - Yon know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach* liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves, Electric Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kidney and bowels; purifies the blood, strength ens the nerves, hence cures mul titudes ot maladieB. I t builds up the entire system, Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, ruu-dowii man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold by Ridgwuy & Co., «ruggists. Questionof Licenses. “This idea of making you take out a license for a dog is all wrong,” said the dog owner. “ I t is unjust, dis crimination.” “Ob, I don’t know,” answered the man who had just come from the County Clerk’s office. “In most places you have to take out a license for a wife too.’’ “But you don’t have to renew it every year,” returned the dog owner, in an ag grieved tone.—Chicago Post. Mots OmtI»» Stoiuwli. Of course you haven’t. Ho one need have. Doctor Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a remedy prepared on pur pose for stomach troubles, peak stom ach, sour stomach, big stomach or little Btomach, or any irregularities' caused from indigestion or constipa tion. They can be permanently and thoroughly cured by the use of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, which is made in three sizes, lOcts, 50cts and $1.00 and is sold by C. M. Kidgway The marriage of John and Henry Paine, twin brothers, of Claiborne, Tenn., to Misses Mary and Hannah Youcum, twinaiateis, of Lee County, Va., took place at Middleaboio, Ky„ last week, in the presence of 2000 sp?5tAtbrt.’" ,~’ ’ * * - — •— „ Tt*tIkttWagHrttoebS Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King’s Hew Life Pills, Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. Tb- y make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, Money back if not cured. Sold by Ridgway A Go,,* Druggists, Dr, J , O. Culbertson, a member of the Cincinnati School Board, believes the schools should be moved out in the country and the pupils supplied with car rides and lunches by the munici pality. AMonlfcWOstbnok, “Of large sore* on my little daug* tor’s head developed into a case of scald head” writes; C. I). Isbill of Morganton, TeOb., but Bucklen’s Ar nica Salve completely cured her. It’s a guaranteed cure forEczema; Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and Piles* Only 25c. at Ridgway A Co/s druggists, S ' Wtr'lr"T,frn' -V'"'rr— I t is estimated that of the 555,000,* 000 feet cut of bigs in the Maine forests the present season, 225,000,* 000 feet will be sent to the pulp mills instead.ofthe sawmills. -*J» 1. Carton, Protbonoiary, Washington, Pa., says, “ I have found Kodbt Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in case of stomach trouble, and have derived great benefit from its nee * I t digests what you eat and eannot fait to cure. Ridgway A Co„ Druggist#. Between the ticks of a watch a ray o f light, it is avurrwf, could move *%ht itm* around k b wtrilk Chicago Foot; An Evanston man who**with earns* th* pock*tbook and managss to b* iu dabt every Baturday night ha* fixed up a neat sign, whish ha always haug* downstairs in the hall before he gam to bad. His wife, by the way, is terribly afraid of burglar* and never retires a t uigbt witbout ex pecting a visit from them before morniug. The sign iu the bail is: e r *a» v m * * * * M **•**»♦* ; ■ '• ' . : | Mr. Burglar: if you find any : ■ money in this bouse please :* j don’t go away without waking \ • me up. I want to see it. * *••»** i»#f t**•*»■•.*♦a W aterloo , I jm >., Feb. 11, 1897. Pepsin Syrup €o.t Monticello, III. G entlemen ;—I bad been a great sufferer from indigestion aud stomach trouble until about two years ago when I began using Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. I have’found it the only remedy to give me permanent relief and I cheeriully recommend its use to anyone in need of such a remedy. Very respectfully yours, E dward W akeham . Since May 15 last the township clerk- at Hoily, Mich., lias issued orders for bounty on 1109 sparrows. . • . .. * 'TiiNotTm. We cannot cure everything. We only cure Dysyepsia, Iudigeetion, Constipation, Sick 'Headache and Stomach troubles. Dr, Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin does the work aud you cau get it iu 10c, 50c or $1.00 size of C. M. Ridgway. Among Colorado’s ' relics of Cliff Dwellers is one building that sheltered probably 6000 people. ‘ Hast Ta««d*y. At 12,-45 p. in. standard time, you begin and take after (neb meat a half teaspo'otiful of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, you will be permanently re lieved of any. stomach or bowel iir regularities and we will gain your friendship by this timely advice which we give in all sincerity, C. M. Ridg way. The French statistician. Dr. Liv- rier, says that half oi all human be ings die before they are 17. —If you want* anything good, go to Grays. ■ Btnulnbh (htrpofBIwaiBitlim. K enna , Jackson Co. W. Va. * About three years ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism which con fined her to her bed for over n month and rendered her unable to. walk a step without assistance, her limbs being swollen to double their normal size. Mr, 8 . Maddox iusisted ou uiy using Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. I purchased a fifty-cent bottle aud used it according to the ^directions and the next morning she walked to breakfast without assistance iu any manner, and she has uot had a similar attack since, *—A R Piospy^ For sale by Ridgway & Go., Druggists. At the Tkkefth* Clock. Every minute, every rainul a Has the whole of hviug in it. Some one’s crying, Borne one’s born, Some one’s dying Old and worn. Soma one’s laughing, Some one’s fed. Some one’s chaffing, Some one’s dead. Some one’s hearing Love confessed. Bone one’s jeering Some one’s jest. Some one’s sorry, Some-one’s glad. Some one’s worry Drives him mad. Every minute, every minute Has the whole of living in it. •—T " at •tttMKHt DUtAOTOftV ft. f .O tw rtk -lU r . J . f . M M tsm lM * Wriwi at IIiOO». ». iWAalk M Cev«umf«r Cfaur*S-K*r. W. PMtor- JUamUr wuv ' im * »t U:W *• * • «**'' U tb Rckwl at 10 ». ir « V. t . Cb«re)»-E«r. F . O. ftM*, f8*r- «U)M*t 10:» ■. M. sa 4 7 ;« t|i. M. SabUth thtoel at •:## «, w. *t*ad » ti tlw*. A , U . ft- Ckw.kT K.T, Mr. l ’M- tor FrtMkisX at U:W«,*.**# Ckui» *y*tj Bsbkatk a t 13;*0,, Bskbath $ » « ) atSOMp^w. FricttO* as* vwltor* w a ia lly invite#, M. ft. Qhurek-tUv. A, D. Mf'4 # « , F»»tW. Fmokiag a t 11:M «>a». g*bb»tk Bolwol « #;<5 k, in. Voan* Poopl*’* mMUn* •* M » p, w. Pmy«r niM tinf' Y ftim fk J *V**l*f • tr a o . SaptUt Churrk—Rev. Mr, toteewn, ***t<w of the JBnptiet cknreh, 1'rMchirj a t I t « stow an d 7:30p. n . Bnbbath Bckoolnt * * > * •» • Pmytr meeting every Wedpeidny^lHg** ** 7:30, Everyone invited. .. •.«, Qatherinr of the Friend* of Zion, «t ftrvin ft WillUmeon'l Hell, every 8and*y aftertSW, *t 2:36 o'clock, *Und»d time. Everybody.)* In vited. John It. Beyre*, Deecpli in Cberge. MIES CUBED WITHOUT ITHE XEIFEl Yourdruggeit, who» yon know to be relieble will tell you tbnthe is entborired to Mfund the money to every purehuer where F IZ J UiN i - MENTfeU* to eure any often of ITCHING, BLIND, BLEEDING, or PROTRUDING PILES, no metier of bow long standing. Curse ordinary ceres ia six deys, .One application givfii wio Rod m t* ftelitv©# Itching (nsUtitWt This is a new discovery and i» Hold on a J>wi* tive guarantee.' No Cure, No Pay, Price, fi.00. For sale by C. M. Ridgway. $000 REWARD! We will p»y the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache, Indigestion, Constipationor Costiveness » ^ .*«e .we-.^.:.r.'a«. .***— XT•, S^'. This wo cannot cure with LiveriU. the TJp-to-Date Little Liver Pili,when the directions are strict ly complied with. They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. 25o boxes contain 10OPills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills, So boxes contain t o .Pills. Beware of Bubatitu- tions and imitations. Bent by mail, stamps taken. NKRVITA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Clinton and Jackson Sts,, Chicago. HI. " For sale by C, M. Bidgway, druggist, Ccdar- ville, Ohio. FRAHK H. DEAN. A ttornby at L aw . 41 E. MaiiV'St., Xenia, O. Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. Blue Front Stable. Leave your horses there and your rigs be kept on the inside, out of the rain and Btorm. 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O. C h a r l e s E . T o d d , P ro p Y OU can always find at the old reliably Meat Shop of C , W . C r o u s e ’s .ChoiceJBeet Fork Sausage, Veal, Lerdf Bologna, Wenerwust, Bacon, ° Hams, Sugar Cured Shoulders. Give us n frial and be con- ...............— . . . _ *omHall. HowTo GainFlesh Person* hive been known to MinajMMMMf mtfmy byidling in ounce of SCOTT’S EMUU SION. UHstrange, but Koften JL- —■ nappens* Somehowthe ounce produce* the pound; It teems tostart the digestive machinery goingprop* anyTso that the patient it awt eagmano astornmsoramary food, which he couldnot dobe* lore, andthat isthewaythe gain Ismade. - - ■ A certain amount of Reth is RlaAua^ykdklkftMtf'BiAtofia ix AJfafaxot* a - n « c « g i « y i v r m i R n t n j w i w i asi gat R ymi can get R by tflMflg x p m i y M W I i ExchangeBank CEDARVILLE, OHIO, A CCOUNTS of 'Merchants and In dividuals solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. TJRAFT 8 on New York and cinnati sold at lowest rates, cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail, T OAN 8 made on Real Estate, Pei sonal or Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., W. J . Wildman, Cashier, Ciu The $25.00 Per Weak —TO— ANY PERSON in America of ordin ary intelligence, male or. female, can earn $25 weekly during -their leisure hours by introducing our celebrated Art Tapestry Paintings, send stamp for illustrated circular, containing full information and reproductions of our tapestry paintings. Call or address, Parisian Tapestry Co., 19 West Twenty-fourth Street, New York; Any adult suffering from a settled on the breast, FREEOFERAROE. cold bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any nature, who will cau at M. Ridgway’*. Will be presented with a sample bottle of Boschee’s German Syrup, free of charge, Only one bottle given to one person, and none to children without order from parents. No throat or lung remedy ever had such - a sate a t fioschee’s German Syrup in all parts of the civilized world. Twenty years,ago millions of bottles were given away, and your druggist will tell you its success waa marvrkiu#, I t pa really th* only Threat and Lua, ~ w k /ware a t is ng Kefiwdf gremretty phyriakaa. Out 76 emt M R illts vslts*. SPRING * 1900 . C a r p e t s . The decignes and quality ewpaai any former season. The ad vance in raw material and general good times has made a great de mand, and the mills have advanced prices, To overcome hi part HUTCHISON * GIBNEY placed there orders a t prices that can not be duplicated by 5 or 10 per ceut. M f t t t i n g , 10000 yds, Matting, joinless and seamless twine chain in green, ‘blue, brown and red at 12 ^ to 35c. Never better for the money. __ 10Rolls of the Grande, per y d . f , » » » . 2 5 and 30c -------- .... „ - -■jEfxf » A V JL k U lM M l VftAsSAB>IVl l / v l W-*v » , *X »* vq-v-r * m w rn*-w i— ? t 15 Rolls of tbe Cotton Extra 8 uper.. . . . . . . . . . j . . . ,«....-».,35c 15 Rolls All-wool Filling. 25 Rolls All-wool both ways...,....*.*-.-...... .............. „.„.50, 60, 7oc V e lv e t, T a p r e tr y , M o q u e tte , A xm ln ster. Art Ingrain all sizes $4,75, $5.75 $8.76. Large size, all-wool Axminster, 3 yards w»de, Id yard# long. Large size Moquette, Velvet, Tapestry. Art Corner Remnants put down to 26c. Brussel Remnants 19c, 25c, 50c, 75c. ’ i"' . r L a c e O i i i ' t a l n H , . 500 pair, excellent styles, never lower. . _ Good style 31 yards long $1.00. ■ “ Three yards long per p i r 60c. H u t c h i s o n & Q I g N E V 1 ‘ '■r ° 1 ' •*,r" A s m ipoikv By buying your GARDEN SEED in Bulk. A fine assortment now open. W e also want to call your special atten- tion to our Canned Goods. P ie Peaches at ibe pr can and Table Peache. at 15c pr can. «w« Come in and see our hand some PREM IUMS that we are giving away to our Cash Customers. ««• You w ill find our stock of staple and fancy «• groceries complete in every department. , »■ ■* - 4 J. L. Houser, One door south|of]Herald'Office. fieastifaHlaiPl-DoYoo-tfattt It? T o i s t O m & S t a r * Z i . R em em b e r, M adame C orilla C oe offers One H u n d r e d D o lla r s R ew a r d for any case ofGrey Hair her Perfection Hair Restorer fails to restore, or any case of Dandruff it fails to cure, when directions are properly followed, A t f p h t i n n t We will send, securely «e*!ed, to your nairest express office, her rM lC i l l l lU I l . eight Ounce $1.50 bottle, for One Dollar, if you mention this paper. One bottle in many eases being all needed. Address, rtadam* Corilla Coe, 217 Michigan St., T 0 M 0 , Ohio. TO WHOMIT-CONCERN*—I *mpersoMlIlyeequeietod with MedaneCorfu. Coe and theWonderful effect! ofIter PMvjtcriox Hxi. R mtoku . It it Wofedorfal, beyosdCteeperiiMi in Us Effect!, and at the stwe time Perfectly Hunlcsi. I knew, of eujr aged feme* whose, tbin and gray lockrbave been fatlyreetored toyoathfal color aad vigor. Rev.tJ, J. Banks, Toledo, Okiofpresentaddress, Mesa, Arlsoaa. J, A. Houssr, M. D, Indianapolis, Indiana. Lucia Julian Martin, Principal, ToledoSchool ofElocation. Prof. W. M, Windsor, 1‘MMIehAve., Chicago, h. L, B.Pu.D./PhieaologSat AVitesopbist WholesalePrim toUsers. Our General Catalogue quote* them. Send 15 c to partly pay postage o r expressage and we’ll send you one. I t has 1 x 00 pages, 17,000 illustration* and quote* prices on nearly 70,000 things that you eat and us# and wear. We constantly cany in stock all articles quoted. ^ im g v f g v xm .* S o t e W. R. STERRETT’S Black tn f Skwp Dp, lr . Hiss’ stool Fort Pasttiy P u k m Sml Instaat U«si KHitr. Prluows Plows, II Barr Low, Om an; At BuigAih Price*. for • « • • t D k i c l n tm i D iv is ion . j»/eiirffiijlvanicl,inEsl II sksdatoefyaaessiirTreiet-CsetrelTwii, T T r r im » r F T a i= i OwltassiiHse - *HOIS..... „ 'astj*#erau„„. Wiiberluro#,,,.., far,; ........ tivJ ..iv. t i ' r i c 2 :* . . ** 1 jam ■ . « ; I }0£4i -t ___ B*. CbariM Pit „ ; • 3 8M M i m ............... . *M - WW (Marrtlto........“ < . lOli 60:8«;102i^lQ6i3,J-3 at i s Morrow ........*• { s s w m - SlfeuT.;'::::: «td*lMWSfl »Sjt4S7f913UC3. B«5i W r B k a r c S ^ . t M J f i * r ' ar ftaatvard. a f ta te iiiia ^ lv RatavUtJo.„ “ Milford...... Loyatond,.., “ Bo. Lebtmon “ Morrow........« Ft, Ancient •• Oragoata .... *• Wayneavilte Roxanna—. “ Bpfg Valley <• 3K>ielW~ {fy Wilberforce ", Oedarvile.,... “ Selma........... #' Itatk CkirMa •• .London___ " W. Jeflbrson " A lton ...... ...« CslawSai ar. AM J540|*$30i few . eie 63! 6 W 70S ! f714 730 . 729> 741 __ 75110W 7661013 f805 S 12 21 |fS33 850] 90S are „ 9£U 3fl AM1AM 67 « i 4nw w : S«835 I I'MI I’Mj 1 5 05; 9 DO1135 4 535100 , ■® 5301045 AM| AM I'M u !£»* BOO I f t t l ' i-llA AM *J1S9| Ml 31nnPg i*13«5t2'lj0 PMfAMIPM Between' Ii WESTWARD. tprta| Xenta HOC D a y te a Braakvltla, EMoradie... BMuaead...-ar. EASTWARD UU shb IJ v . EMarad*” SnekrUle .*1 Dtyttn Xante { t f teUav 8 wxH Spnigtelt u (• AM .... feu 642 716 715 760 7® eifr 835 AM 430 490 AM AM *738 7W - 815 8^ 1 r* J® 9X7] 63010X0X026 itftt 71X30 " AM BlehmenS. SHF ni 14j*<§ttTffti643te AM 10*101 me 1110 u®j A m PM PM PM i451' i - m ; 8*53 I'M «t«. *bStopsw dieebtree Maurers roeeirMeat of lArelSM, * Bally. | Ketle. f Inept Scaiey. DarkFacedType4moteeUao from 12.00noonto12.00mid- aifU; UpMI M neat 12.00eddiUglit to1X00aoos. P a l l n i a a A le e a la r C a rs on Noe. 9 , 3 ,0 , 7 , t 4 ,tlOand a t either ran through vlaUnluiu- bus and Pittsburgh or connect Ilirougli PiUs- burgti Union Station to and fmtn Itaitimoro, Washington, Phtindelphla and New York. N on . 5 , SOI s n d S l connect atRIclimond for Indianapolis and St. Louis: ai«oe, a i eand a .for Chicago: No. SOI for Logansport. L. P. LOREE, E .A . POltD^. fieatral Ibaagw, : Ooaaral(aiaiapr 4f«sx w-i<W».rP PnTSBPiioH, Pztrrf'A. For timecards, rate*of fore, through tickets, baggage checks, and further information re garding the running o f trains apply to any agent o f the TVnnaylvanla L lnen,. CMeta dome Home to Boost , The Greatest Novel ot the Age. Vfil&BT » GO'S. PUBLICATIONS. U rn h i t . ' i 0 S tN rtrt PriM, h n H M , h h , TapariM , Inciucien second edilion /20th tbou- Bnud,) beautifully illustreted, of that ciiariuing novel, “Ghickeufc Come Home to Roost,” by L . B. Hilleo, de scribed by the .NfeW York Times as “ a book Without a single dull line, find with n horse race far surpassing in vivid description and thrilling in terest tbe famous chariot race in Ben Hur.” Roliert G. Ingertoll said: “The / boldest and best of the year.” Hon. B. T. Bakeman says: -'It is tbi' gientpet novel I have ever read.” ^ \V \ j . nutbor and critic ’ wrius: “ U is most admirable, beau tiful and vivid in style. A great accession to American fiction.” Judge John Rooney of the New York says: “I t is Equal to the best masters, and tbe horse race is even better than the one in Ben Hur,” Hon. M. L. Knight of the Chicago bar says:- - ‘‘Thisds.tbe j»ostJre*Iietuu.j and remarkable book of the age. A reater book than Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Vitten with the realUm of Defoe, the grace of Addison and tbe pathos and gentle sweetness ofGoldamith,” More than five hundred letters have been received from delighted readers. The book Is on sale everywhere or sent poet paid for $1.25 by WRIGHT A COMPANY, PtibUshars. 1I68-7# Broadway. NewYorkCity* NERVITAPILLS ftNtoreVitality, bwtVl|sffBBSMatiMrt C«rsIm>»4s**TtNiikt ftssl—tows.Loe*offtc* IOC *»»«I* 60 . PILLS 60 CTSi -------------------------------- EMnatMtOCfo* ------- — iSMS W M li. 8 m >0 for dreutot Mpy «t <mr MMc*bH gMnutte* bond. NwitiTiWits—^ tot Vcm otJPoiMi 1 ftkr ' a J i H K S ® M D t G A t . CO. . OftntonAtowtoHrt Mfo, OMOAOO, ML For. D t by (*. Jt. ft(4fww*y, DroffffW* C,«dMtlUe, Okto, FOX, THE" + A w * is K io to gm lie r+ I« t h e tnoftt yelihWd and Hiridily lTp*to* dftte Arti«t in tlit; out « ox fSWWml w
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