The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
T H i : B ohk Iwwante € 0 . O F K U B I W Y O R K Is the strongest Fire Insurance Company in tlie world, in * Bpecialty o f writing Fire, Light- mng and Tornado Insurance on fawn and village property. The company is worth over TWRLVBMILLION DOLLARS, was organized in 1833 and. paid losses mnee-organi* nation of over EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS, W, L. CLEMANS, Agent, Cedarville, Ohio, g 0 T Having engaged HOMER G. WADE, as office man*- ger, my ofcce m Cedarville will hereafter be opened every day m,tha *r$$k« VfPNylwl*' VA /. El WANT everyone to see our line of Spring Shoes. It is much the best we have ever shown. W e can fit you in a Shoe that w ill be very stylish , and at the same time very comfortable. Our $3 Shoe for ladies and gentlemen is better than most -people show you for $3.50. W e. have them in a ll the new toes and leathers, A to E widths. FRAZER’S SHOE STORE, Xenia, Ohio. ...Gamine... bat Baraaiits! For ten days we w ill put on sa le 100 dozens of those $2.00 Hats and give you * CHOICE for the littie price of $1.48. These hats are much finer than the average $a.oo hats. There is nothing wrong about them. Noth- « ing cheap' about them—ex cept the price. All new Spring Styles. 0 0 0 0 0 t- * * ■ • ' • * • • • SULLIVAN, hatter * 27 South Limestone S t , Springfield, O. 0m fmwY u rHwMdi t b i n m Ytn? 'Do you have pain* io the ride, nausea, •ometimw vomiting, distress after eating, bekbing, constipation, fosa of appetite, dizziness, flatulence, {noth patches, sluggish look*, pimple* and a repulsive complexion? If you bave any of these symtoms, you have dyspepsia or etomach disorder, These distressing trouble* are promptly re lieved and then cured by Bailey* Dyspepsia I ablets. Pleasant to fake. They aril! bring quick relief to the {font cate*. Written signature of W. J Bailey on each package. Price 25 cents. Sample free. Druggist* who don’t have them will get them for you. Two kind* of tablets in each package. The latest discovery. Sold by RWgway &Co LltT OP LETTERS List of letter* remaining uncalled for. In the Cedarville poetomce for the month ending April 14, 1600. Lfcfc No. 16. Herl, James. Johnson, Harry, CA1U, Dean, Samuel Edgar, T. N. T awhox , P. M. . XOfaMtHvwt Aw»|. It i* certainly gratifying to **»• public to knowof one concern whkh m not afraid to be genermi*. The proprietor* of Dr, King* New Dis covery flapOmaamptl^i, iViugh* and Cold#, havegiven away over toe mtl- lion trial bottk* §»■ baveUmied** fitrtto*of Ineithig it baneM^ibena- and* of lepelett mm> Bronchitis, L* Ortgmaed ^T h ro a t, iSteM le!! k JABU)HOUSE. I »Unl « m amw i* tb»*jr, ItMI to Ik*tmrtk; I k*owpel -nket*. ^Loogfollow. Nearly everbody kicks on paying a fine for keeping a library book over dote, 1 1 1 . Hardly any man get* along fora single day without a little lying. Some people’s interest in others is only what they owe them. ........... ... • t t-1 ................... ... When a man has been on a drunk and gets sober, he makes up his tuiud (ogive his wife all the money he makes . 1 , r . . t t t Borne men think folks will imagine they are oppressed with weighty thoughts if they walk around in the opera house, between acts. . 1 t 1 • When a man makes a change in his business, folks like to say it is on account of'trouble with his wife; t t t Hardly any man is satisfied if he' is taken up at his own proposition; t f t An old maid’s feet seem to look bigger as she gets older. • f t t It is worth all it comes to, to be as homely as some bankers. + t t When n man is real hungry at meal, time, he always makes it l.rte enough when Ids wife asks him the time of day. f T f When folks patronize a doctor,, they want, others lu do so too. •M’ t . No day too stormy for a loafer + t t People areas impatient about noth* iug as ulx,lit something they are ex pecting by mail, . t t . t Lots of people are bored every day by people who want to talk about their own affairs. ■ f t t Mist dead beats.are h I so liars. t t + Every man ’has some money in vested in clothes he can’t wear. ■ f t t A man who lias'fo read while get ting his hair cut must be pretty busy. A lex , M iller . i'hMt *ml Lwijt *M etttwl byIt. Gwm, lbig|tot*.««d i * t * i 'iKBW ffw Whig May Spar M m m tor « Stmrt Pktaace. When a horse become* worn and tired he may be urged ou by the whip in the hand* of a heartless driver, but reason would say, let him m t And feed* and give bint time to recuperate, then he wilj renew his journey with ease and without fatigue. When the stomach become* tired and weak fioni impure blood a dose can be takeu that will stimulate it on to do the work of digestion, but it is only a stimulant, and soon the stom ach becomes dependent on this assist” ance. The proper and only way to have a healthy stomach i* tp make the blood pure and the liver healthy. Knox Btomach Tablet* are a new combinatijn of remedies tried aud tested. They purify the blood, make the liver healthy, and cure nervous* near, dyspepsia: blllousnsss, ld*s of appetite, .catarrh, and constipation. A single bo* will restore the bloom of health to the check aud send pure Wood coursing through the veins. An immediate relief for indigestion ami « positive cure for dyspepsia. I f unable to secure thetri of your local druggist, send fifty cent* to the Knox tJbemteal (Jo, Battle Creek, Utah., and a full *>«*» bo* will be Mat postpaid. far ia ia . m suveasl iwdr— i Aease toe ftLOMuP*. I IfjMlK- •M s J f Easter Sunday ExcarahMto Cotumbu*. April 15th, One Dollar round trip nou-trausferable excursion tickets will be sold from Cedarville to* Columbus via Pennsylvania Lines Easter Bun- day Excursion train at 9 a. m.. cen tral, time; returning, leave ColumbuB 8 p m . - «— KiyseaWt’sHre. Waynesville was visitedTy ’a most disastrous fire last Saturday morning. The ‘fire originated in the business portion burning out nn entire block, tnen reaching some dwelling bouses, which were entirely consumed. The fire caught iu fne property i f Cliarle* Reed, and both his grocery and reai dence burned. The Waynesville Gazette office over Print*’*grocery is a. total loss, as well as the grocery stock. I t Isstated that Mr. Brown, editor of the Gazette carried no insurance on his plant, which means quite a heavy low. Haveysburg, Loveland and Morrow were ealleil upon for aid and each responded. There was several big explosions of gnsoli'ue in the groceries which only added fuel for the raging flames. «f OlatMBti h t (fourth that (total* V anity as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces" Bach articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, a* the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F , J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O., contains no mer* cury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure lie sure yon get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J , Cheney A Co. Testimonial* free Bold by Druggists, price 75e per bottle, Hall’*Family Pill* are the heat, farlata* A ata* dwelling located on Xenia Avaatw. Howw in good condition, Far flarthar parttoalan call on Mm. Jo** A. iAKMft. CHE MAN WICH THE HOE Says that it is economy to buy the best Shoe lor the money in whatever grade you may desire. Quantity, Opportunity and Cash h a t a great deal to do with Qual ity, and a personal examination w ill reveal to you the truth. W e want to call your attention to a few Shoes and prices in our immense line which w e want you to see. Good, Solid Work Shoes, for men . 75c 11,00 and L25 Nice,-Fine Dress Shoes, foremen $1.00,1.25,1.50 and 1.95 Fine Welt Dress Shoes, patten leather Russia calf, box C$f, Vici kid, black • — tan $2.50, 3.00 and 3,50 Oxfords in Vici kid, black or tan, for men $1.00,1.23,1.50,1,95 Oxfords for men, welt, Russia, patten calf, Vici kid, in black, or tan $2.50 and 3.00 Bicycle Shoes, tan or black Qanvaa Shoe* for men Baseball Shoe* Tennis, rubber bottom Youths’, 25c; boys’, School Shpes, for .boys and girlg. Working Shoea, for ladies, heavy Drees Shoes, for ladies, kid or tan or black Our writ or turns, kid or cloth black $1.25 to 2.50 $ 1.00 to 1,25 75c 40c; men’s, 45c 75c to $150^ 75c to $1.50 cloth toil, $1.25 to 1,95 top tan or $2.50 Our Columbia, Miller, Mizpah, for ladies at $3, lead the trade at the price. The Wonder of the Country, for Quality, Fit, and Price, is the For Gentlemen, and the For Ladies, at $3.50. They Are the Leaders at That Price. Carpet Slippers, for ladies 20c Serge or Cloth, Slippers, for iadies 25c to 75e Oxfords andHouse Slippers, in tan or black kid or cloth top, for ladles 50, 75c. $1.25, 1.50,2.00 Moccasins, for infants' - Soft Soles, for infants Button or Lace, for children Button or Lace, for misses 10c and 40c . 20c, 25c and 40c 15c, 25c, 45c, 65c 75c, $1.00 and 1.25 You w ill no doubt find small concerns duplicating our prices. They have to, or dry up. But do not be deceived with the stuff they offer you. W e are the only house that can give you wholesale prices; the only house that buys in quantities and can give-you quality. M E H A S H S H E S j p r i n g f i e l d , O h i o . WOLFORD Spring Millinery. /<E Imperial Plows and Repairs. See That New Corn Marker. Prices R ig h t - - Prices R ig h t Tk« im l* <1* Watlh Wo believe Chamberlain’* Gough Remedy is the best in the world. A few week* agj we suffered .vith a severe eold and a troublesome cough, and having real their advertisement* in onr own and other papers we pur chased a .bottle to see if it. would 1 effect us. I t cured us before the buttle was more than hftlf used. I t is the best medicine nut for colds and coughs#'—1The Herald, Aiulersonville, ind. For sale by O, M, Ridgway, Druggist. * «Nd Itttai Cannot always be procured in short time, but we are able to get up a first-class theal on the shortest notice. We handle a line of cigars and fine candies nn equaled in the city* Fresh roasted peanut* every day. WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office 1 wish to open in this vicinity. Good opening foran«ner«j geHe sober man. Kiudly mention th is» paper when writing. A. T, Mwrvto. CtadaMMtl, O, Blastrated eatotogn* 4 eta. pwtof *. Try Our Lunch Counter. Williams Bros. * ----- U W T J O T H U 7 7 |E are showing the largest and most complete line I V of Fine Millinery in Southern Ohio. W e give you the correct styles at our usual low prices. Our Pattern Hats represent the very best styles shown in New York and Chicago markets. W e would take pleasure in show ing you our Pattern Hats and Fine .Millinery at your convenience. Ready Made Su its. A Ladies Tailor Made Suits in good material in Black, Navy, Brown and Gray at $5*00, the bargain of the season. Better qualities at $8.00, $xo.o»l $12.00 and $15.00 and up. W e have hundreds of fine A ll W ool Tailored Suits at $10.00 and $12.00 in a ll the N ew Colors and Styles that are from $2.5010 $5.00 less than the same quality are sold elsewhere. W e more than please you in this department. Ladies’ Fine Shoes. “The shoe that needs no breaking in.” The shoe the ladies like, best of material, finest workmanship. Newest style a ll for $3.00. W e totianr* our $3.00 is the best in the world for the price, and that there is no better at any price. Cheaper shoes a t$ 2 je* $2.00 and $2.50. Every pair guaranteed represented. Jobe Bros. St Co.f ,V -1
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