The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
T'V*' AOOOD REASON why you should p*t»oni»* the B rig S tm for drug* m that iter* you will 8*1 someon* who kmw» »bf«t drug#, f t ia tte ir businOn to know about wtet you want in Drug*. Otter good* do sot intercut Item, Drug iuformatiou k obtainable* here uml tte Drug# you need, too. The Drug* are right and m or* the price*. RttWWAY It CO., th* Ordfgkt** 0pp.,Opera JH< h i*»,......... . 1 liooal and Personal .—.Ice Oreatn Sods. 0. M, Ilidg- way* • ’ » Master John Ridgway returned Minduy after several weeks visit with relatives in Covington, Ky, —New Crop CaHforpia Apricots, Peaches, Brumes, Grapes and Raisins, ' i t Gray’*- .' Several from here went over .to Springfield last Monday, evening to see Joseph Jefferson in ’‘Two Rivals” At the Grand, The great dam that broke last Sat urday near Austin, Texas, is believed to be the cause of great loss of life and danger. I t is reported that' at least foity people lost their lives in this ■ great catastrophe. The official vote in the contest* for Mayor in Xenia, gives -Liukhnrt a - majority of 570 votes. D r . J . O S tew a r t, Physcian ' and Surgeon. Specialist in E y e a n d E a r , G la ss e s A c c u r a te ly Ad- jttS te d , S atisfaction G uahan - Tttmf “ —W. H; Shipman, Bearddey, Minn., under oath, says he suffered from dyspepsia for twenty-five years. ‘ Doctors and dieting gave blit little relief. Finally he used Kodol Dys pepsia Cure and now eats* what he "likes and-as inuch as be wants, and he ■ feels like a new man. I t digests what Jrqneat- Ridgway & Co., Druggists. For a few days last week the sun was warm and bright, and everybody seemed to enjoy a little of the sun- , sblfie after the hng cold winter. .Mt- Frank Turnbull, promotor of the local telephone system reports'that everything is going along smoothly, and that the'supplies have been or dered and'the constructor will lie here ’ in a.short time/- - — - - —Cedurville headquarters while in Xenia is at Grice’s restaurant. —In almost every neighborhood there issome one whose life has been SAVed by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such per sons make a point of telling., of it whenever opportunity offers, hoping that it may be the means of saving other lives. For sale by C. M. Ridg way* Druggist. —Blackberries, Gooseberries,Rasp berries’*Beans nt Gray’s. Mr, H. M. Stormont entered upon his duties last Monday as land ap praiser. Hugh reports that it wil . take some time to complete this work and that it is a greater job than he an tieipatod# tetmero-irt -thiVrfclfiifjr'are '^'harrowing their wheat fields and sow tag them in oats. The wheat having; frozen out or ruined by the fly last fell. —I f your buggy needs painting leave It at Wolford’s where it wil be carefully done/ <» Several new awniiigs have been placed on the business houses this spring which add much to the ap psarance of the streets. 0 James Barr.had the misfortune to gat his ankle and foot sprained last week, causing him to use a cane. Mr. Barr will find this very annoying at present as it will keep him from his work. —II. Clark, C-haitncey* Ga„ says DaWittV Witch Hazel Halve cured him of piles that had afflicted him for twenty yearn, I t isalso a speedy cure for skin diseases. Beware of danger- aws counterfeits. Ridgway A Co., t k w a n t a * 0 ^ & -e Mr. BeV. Andrews our delegate Awns the south precinct to thecouven fern at Wilmington, last week* had aoapewkat of a peculiar accident to be- A m bias. While coming down the - ifywst to gatlik rig to start home some aaa threw a large cannon fire cracker, fc fighting near Bet's foot. When fewwj^kmkmoccurred* Bev thought Mmsrif shot and dropped in his tracks, Ow examination it was found that amt feet ted been bruised and his ate* tone by the explosion. Bev evb ‘ can’t stand me. Bar, A. P . Maddox tbk comtwmid Mr. Aiwa { U w g r i U p . ( ‘tec. Weiiwer to Christ's BespltaJ, at ('iuciaiwti, where both want to re- wife treatment Mr. Hatter returned Thursday, being advisM by tbs boa pita! physicians to heap as muchs* possible iu tte ope* air and steugw dimat*, that medialsal treatment was unavailable in his osse, Mrs. W riter it to bare an operation per formed. —Newcrop canned Apples, Com and Tomatoes, a t Gray’s. a The building oominteiou- for the new court house returned last Satur dayJrom an inspection tour, visiting T *’RMUaw l.luaw 'l'TKnp|» bey ob London,* Sidney, Wtoa* Uppe: dusky and Wapakopeta. Th tained plans and specifications of the T te Declamation Contest which mas to te given in the college chapel tm AmPWlcsopfitc Literary Society, tee* postponed until Thursday. a Iweant meeting of the stock* i wf tte Ommarrial T«» D Ov Edwards, Passttgyra Mansgwr of tte C. H .BaBroed trill te a member of the AfeSeah 0 . Mfeitty wW tevw m >wffewMl>*r, amt Murat at tte tend as various court houses and their trip has been one of benefit to them ‘in their work. —Marshall can rare for more rigs than any other Livery Stable in Xenia. The many friends of Mr. Matthew Corry, who for many years resided a t Yellow Springs, but is at present at the home of his nephew, Lee Corry, *o Springfield, willbe sorry to learn ofms serious illness. —“No family can afford to be with out One Minute Cough Cure,. I t will stop a cough nndreure a cold quicker than any otfter'medicine,” writes C, W Williams, Sterling Run, Pa. It cures croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles and prevents con sumption. Pleasant and harmless, Ridgway & Co, Druggists. The new south terminal station has added abouc 135,000,000 to Boston laud values, . —Dr. Mile’s Wine of Sarsaparilla. Spring Blood Purifier. C. M. Ridg way. Rev. D. G. Shepard, o f ’Frisco, de nounces kissing games and forfeits at church socials, * . . . Mr. Robert Bird, accompanied by his wife, was iu Cincinnati, Wednes day, on business. / . Mr. John A. Beveridge, of the Xenia Republican, after a protracted illness for several weeks, is able to be out again. I t will be some time be fore! Mi*. Beveridge will assume his role at the office. —Otto Korn, Grand Chancellor, K„ P., Boonville, lud., rays. “De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve soothes the most delicate skin and heals the most stubborn ulcer With certain and good results. “Cures piles and skin disease. Don’t buy an imitation. Ridgway & Co., Druggists. —A choice line of nj[l kinds of Groceries, at Gray’s. Ben Johusou uu old resident of this lace, died Monday night at Spring- eld* where he has resided for some time. The funeral was held at Corta ville, Wednesday afternoon a t 1:30, The deceased was 63 years of age and died of spinal trouble. Services were conducted by Rev. Johnson, o f Selma* burial'at Blockson’s Bridge, —For Easter Dye of all kinds go to C: M. Ridgway, The State Convention of the W. C. T. U. was in session here, Thurs day, at the M. E. CburCb. Mrs, Clark, the president, delivered an address. The meeting was well at tended and some excellent addresses were given. Dr, P, R. Madden, Practice lim ite d tot EY£,. EARr NOSB AND THROAT.. Glasses AccuratelyAd justed. Allen Building, Xenia *O. Telephone.—Office No. 73 * Residence No, 37 , The funeral of Mias Ethel Shears was held from her late residence; Monday afternoon. The deceased passed away Saturday night* of brain fever, aged 16 years. Tio services were conducted by Rev. Sanderson. —“I think DeWittfs Little Enrly Risers are the best pills in the world,” says.W. E Lake, Happy Greek, Va. They remove alt obstructions of the liver and bowels, act quickly and never gripe. Ridgway A Co., Drug gists. * The senior elate ol the college have received their cape and gowns, and will he seen in full drees in a fewdays, —I have just received a large stock of Collars of all kinds and prices call in and examine them when you are ready to purchase for spring work. Also have large stock of Har ness at popular prices. Dorn* The Harness Man. The advertisement for ihe bids for taking down the old court house appears in this week’s issue. The tecifications require that the work ail tegin not later than May first and everything shall be torn down by the first day of July. All the ma terial such as stone and brick must te cleaned and handled carefully so that it may te used in the new structure ■W. W. Mayhew* Merton* Wi* Mys, “ I consider One Minute Congo Cure a most wonderful medicine, quick and safe.* I t is tte only harm less remedy that gives immediate it nulls It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe* whooping cough, pneumonia and all throat and lung diseases, Its early use prevents con sumption- Children always like it and mother# endows it, Ridgway A Co., Druggfct#. There will te a convention of the Republicans of this township At the Mayor's oik** Thursday, April 19* at “ 80, fbr tte purpose of selecting tas a«d Alternates to tte •MveattM. to te teM' At April tu im. J . D . f l f e m r i . t L l t m WeakMon MUESTMM. MAM mjK MIDDLE ABED M E N . ^ ? r% & & B ind D iseases e a r a m (Nth* FIRST, SECOND an4 THIRDStags* tsUMrandiigXnu»te*ifT n a yN jA ttfr Hide Pun sssissss^sm WASHINCTON raaqiwnoanA f r c i . . . . . HEDfOAL INSTITUTE BSStafo St., OMujt, III. -—Pine Apple Snow at C. M. Itidg- way*s. ■" • I.'. Mr, James Tamer,' north of town has enlarged his barm to some extent. Miss Lida Elder, a former student and graduate of the 'musical depart ment of this college, . has returned fronrOberlin college, where she took an advanced course in music, —Grice’s nre now the best place in Xenia for a first class; 25c.*meal, Messrs. Kerr & Pollock, breeders of Pole Durham cattle shipped on Thursday, a fine male an'iimtl eight months old to John Eiek A Son of Carrol county, this state. The report is current that one of our young business men is to we< soon. The .will of the late Hannah Reid, of this place has been filed in the Probate Court. To her two grand daughters, Eva Blair, and Imz Sbep herd, the one half of her entire estate and the fourth of. the'remaiuiiij: half, The residue of .her estate is given to her two grandsons Frank and Charles Shepherd. The will mimes Ed .1* Stormont ns executor. —Go to Grices when in Xenia for nice clean meal; .Mr; W, J . Smith this week, sold $600 monument to the Stewart heirs of Springfield, O , The Exchange Bank room- lias new covering of wall paper, having been put on by Ed. Nisbet. The room now has a very attractive ap pearauce. ~fGray keeps nothing but the best in his line of goods. The railroad company have placed some new improved switches along the line. They are somewhat different from the old style, and are said to te far superior, Frank White, of Jamestown, paper- hanger and painter, is assisting Ed Nisbet during the busy season. Quite a good number from here took the teachers’ examination at Xenia laBt Saturday. They report that a large number went through the Dying ordeal*.‘ " ................ The dog poisoner is again in our midst. Mr. J . W. Smith and Mar shal John Grindie are the ones who have lost their canines in this vil lainous manner. Mr. J . C. Barber was in the Queen City on business a few days’this week, —Cleanse the liver, purify the blood, invigorate tlic body by using DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. These famouslittle pillsalwaysact promptly, Ridgway A Co., Druggists. This week being millliners’ week, we find most of the ladies about the millinary stores, where the latest and most fashionable head-gear 19 being exhibited. For fashion .you can find it here* as the proprietors of the millinery Store* make regular visits to the cities to keep in touch with the styles, Mrs. W L Clematis* our popular insurance agent was in the state Capi tol, one day this week. Mr. 0 . Wf Crouse, the butcher,* has torn put his cooler that stood in the rear of his meat store and move 1 it to a vacant room to the left, Iu the space occupied by the cooler he will have Ids cold storage, moving it from its present location. In this change Mr, Crouse will-1 m vc-not only, one of the most convenient, hut one of the test equipped meat establish ments in the county. Mrs. Gertie Fields is assisting in ihe work at the post office, this week. The case of George White vs. the Corporation of Ccdarvillc. which was carried from the Common Plans Court to the Circuit Court, was de cided in favor of the village. This court affirming the decision of Judge Scroggy. Word has teen received here that Mins liizrie Wylie, of Cincinnati, was married to Mr, H.tjnuci Petty, of that city, Miss Wylie has been employed, in the Queen city fur eeveud years. Mr. Petty is a promim-nt business fttsir, The couple will. immediately, go to housekeeping in one of the suburb*. Best place in Springfield to buy Your M. M. KAUFMAN K au fm an ’s Corner, H A T S c u r r a e . t » I T O R N 1 S T * I i N T C T G O O D S ; Mr. D. S. Erviu is able to be up and around after a short illness. Joseph Boyd, of Dayton, gave a sample of 9 O’clock Washing Tea to each family in Cedurville, last weik. This excellent washing powder is for sale at all our grocers, Mr. Boyd found 325 families iu Oedarville. Mr, and Mrs, James C. McMillan, of Soutli Charleston, spent Sabbath here, the guest'of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Turnbull, .■.■■„■■•■:■■■■ Mr, Ohas. Peudlum, who purchased the 8, K. Mitchell property on the Wilmington road, moved his family to their new home, Inst Tuesday, Mr. Caliway B. Huffman and Miss Mary Kennon were united in marriage Thursday, :it the home of the bride, south of town. Rev.''A. D. Maddox officiated.. Word has been received here that Mrs. Jennie Aikens nee Pollock, ol Colorado Spriims, will he here the middle of this month. Members of the Covenanter church, of this place, are making extensive preparations for entertaining the dele gates to the Synod which meets here in May. Miss Quinby gave an elocution re cital nt the Opera House last evening to a fair sized audience. Miss Quinby shows considerable talent iu this line and her readings were greatly en joyed by the audience. Wilberforce commencement will lie held earlier this, year than usual. Preparations are being made for the iaigest and best commencement they have ever had.. The team of Mr. Robert Cooper’s, who resides south of town, became frightened one day this week and at tempted to run off. They were in the lot, their excited edndition ran into the fence, the tongue of the wagon striking the fence post. One of the horses was badly injured. Correct Prices. Up-to-date S ty les. IF you’re thinking of purchasing a carpet you make * a mistake by not seeing our designs and gettin our prices before looking elsewhere. BED BOOM SUITES, SIDE BOABDS, BOOKCASES, COUCHES,Ase. J . F I . m o M I L i i A J S T i Furniture'Dealer. Funeral Director&Embalmer. There was ,n small blaze near Mitellers' saw ’mill the first of the week. The dry grass along the rail road caught fire from a passing en gine and was burning lively* but was easily., extinguished without any damage. Miss Della Gilbert was the guest of her brother, Ghas. Gilbert and wife, of South Charleston, last Satur day and Sabbath. Frank Hill, of South Charleston, spent Saturday and Sabbath with his mother. The following invitations have teen received by a number of citizens of this place. Mr, John M. Donnolly requests you to be present at the mar riage of his daughter, Alma, to Addi son Young Reid, Tuesday evening, April 24, 1000, at eight o’clock, 4307 Hamilton Avenue. North side At home niter May 10, Williams Avenue, Norwood, ■ Charleston has 62 representatives on the independent telephone line. in SPRING MILLINERY ' We are selling elegant styles of Ladies .Misses and Children’s Trimmed Hats, right along.- The only trouble with them is, they are to Cheap in Price, But you should realize the fact , that the. price does not always make the lint, but that sometimes the article should bejudged, 1 without the price. ' ■* No 6 Torchon Lace pr yd lc Shoe Strings 2 pr for lc Childrens Bibs 2c up Whisk Broom 3e Linen Collars 3c Doilies 3c Neecle book, containing 5 papers 3c Ladies Hose 4c up Novels 4c Spectacles 4c I gross Agate Buttons 4c Talcum Powder pr box 4c 1 roll Buggy Washers 4c Horn Hair Pins 7 for 5c Doilies, 18x18 5c No 5 Ribbons pr yd 7c Pompadour Comb 7c Ladies Fancy Hose 8c Harness Pad Doilies 23x24 Nose Glasses Chain Pyeliue Dressing Comte Dog Collar Belts Calf Finish Gents Pocket-pocket Tumblers per doz Leather Hitching Strap Day Book 200 pages 64x15 Side Comte, with sets, per pr The Dewey Childrens Waists Ladies Shirt Waist Columbian Ingrain Carpet Towel Roller with mirror attached Lorgnette Chain Leather Hatter Chain Bracelet warranted 5 vrs Ladies Black Underskirts 8c Oc 15c 17c 19c 20c 20c 21c 22c 23o 25c 28c up 29c yd ‘ 33c 35c 39c 44c 46c Black Silk Muffler 48c Ladies Muslin Night Gowns 50c Ladies Spring Hats 55a lip St. Cecelia Medallion 59c Toilet Sets . 60c up Oxford Teachers Bible « 65c Riding Bridle 6Go Ladies Kid Gloves 67c Rouse Water Proof Umbrella 70c Stiff Hat, worto 89c 77c Jute Rug 36x72 95c Stiff Hats, worth 88c 88c Ladies Tan Shoes 81.07 Ladies Solid Gold Ring , 11.14 One pair shoes, Milwaukee grain $1.46 Eight Day Clock $1.88 Suit ot Clothes Gold Filled Watch $2.29 up $5.70 MEW YORK RACKET STORE JOEL ORANSKY, Proprietor. X e n i a , O h i o . The Sixth District’s Candidate for representative, is Charles I Hilde- brnndt, a young man, 35 years of age. He was horn and always lived Clinton county, Mr. Hildebrand 'a graduate of the public sAoo, Wilmington, and studied at Ohio State University at Oolumbt A? Forsoveral years he has 1 -ierk of Clinton county and filh it office most creditably. Mr. Hihlebrandt is one of the most promising young men in . tte«district,-ami-will- makc-the district a most creditable congress man, For years this office has teen held by older men and now is the time for the young men to show them selves. Mr, W. E. Niciiol, of Mihdcn* Nebraska, was ft visitor iu our village yesterday. He is a member of the General Committee ol the Y. P. C U. of the U. P, Church, which is in session in Xenia this week. MisrMinnie Oweu and Mrs. Frank- - Turnbull attended the dinner-party given hy Miss Ella Collins last Satur day, Miss Lulu Smith entertained OJif- >n friends, Saturday evening. Stallion For Service ^ Mrs. Alex Townsley is again quite poorly. We take pleasurejn calling the at tention of all discriminating breeders of draft horses in this section to our Scotch bred Clyde “That’s A* Right,” 9058, believing that for fashionable breeding, together with individual merit of a high order, he is not ap proached by any Clyde horse in this county. He is a dark tey or brown, narrow stripe on face, three white At the Council meeting last Mon day evening ihe uew members. An drews. Irvine and Dean were sworn r. . . ^ ___ - . , ^ - in,~*W: 'A*Spencer offerfil his"rcsig- WKfite. nation as a member of the Board of Health, which was accepted and I)r, J . 0. Stewart chosen in his place. The usual bills were allowed and re cess taken till last night when Mayor Wolford announced the committees. The following are the chairman of the „ — *- •—->v is-” -* wmt different committees: Finance* J . II. teett appointed and quali- Foglo’s stable* Jamestown, O. $1'0 for standing colt, B. R. H arrison . NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that It, R. i Itu . a 1*a . m .ui. a .* 4 -a* Andrews; street, Chas. Dean; pump. Jacob Loft: fire, Geo, Irvine; light, Geo. Hhrondes; claims, W, II. Biff. Milo Randall has teen on the sick list for a iewdays. W, A. Conners* of Sabina, shipped two car loads of cattle from this place yesterday, Mte Lena Gilbert, principle of the Alpha aohodl, spent Bsfateth with her pntoRta* Mr. mm Mrs. L#wh UiRbrt. We nr under obligations to Mr. T. C. Hirst, Traveling Passenger agent of the Union Pacific* with head quar tots in ihe Carew building, Cincin nati, for a unique device illustrating the scenic points along this great rail way. Mr. Hirst has many friends in his community having lived in Yel* ow Springs for several years. Mr,......................... Hirst represents one of the finrat rail-] suffered a stroke of paralysis, ways In the West. He was in Xenia 1 In conference with tte Y, V, if. U. ’ Ham Hatter has remnvM from tte convention nMrinte to britehf In Dsn- T. B. Andrew property to W, ft, vet in July, IIHf# profwrty on tte North DM*. Mrs, J , H, Wolford was called to Springfield, yesterday* on account of the serious illness ofher mother, who fied as administrator of the test will and testament of R. B, Elder, de ceased. J . N. D raw * Much 20,1900. m m m m m m m * Notice k hereby given thatifhai. L . Spencer has teen appoirttetl and qualified aaadmiRMtnttor of the last will and testament of Clara II. Rake- straw, deceased. J . N. D raw , m . * i , » , m o _ - I h i l f e r i l t i i t t t e B t e t a M . * AJJ0D6Tnowss, “ I t is a surprising"fact,” says Prof. Houtoa, “ that iu my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, I have met more people having used Green’s August Flower than any other remedy* for dyspepsia, de ranged liver and stomach* and for constipation. I find for tourists and salesmen, or for persons filling office positions, where headaches and gen eral ted feelings from irregular habits exist, that Green’s August Flower is a gHhd re'niedy. I t does not injurs the system by frequent use, and is excellent for sour stomachs and indi- f tion.” Sample bottle* free at C. Ridgway’s. Sold by dealers in all civilized countries* proposals Asian for Tafct e l i i w i C— r t Name* Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor of Greens C<unty, Ohio, up to Noon of April 17th, 1900, for taking down tte Greene (Aunty Court House, clean ing brick aud stone for re-use, etc, according to the specification* on fils in raid office. By order of tte BulMtef Com* mtedoti* - <1.H. Mcftmtioit, AlfWiDiD %
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