The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

T i\ e I fe t fq ld . $1.00 A YEAR. A B um -, Proprt. S. 1. if*«.«*,' R asm Rvu., JUitor, Bit*, Kp< 0»M?4(W O tm tl *8to<4W*U«Pla*e. SATURDAY, APRIL 21, I90Q. U Dewsy S» %Denwcro*rwb»t i» Jfcywif Of oouroe you haven’t. No o * m > need bavs. Doctor CUdvwll’a Bjrup Pepstu mi a reittody prepared on pur- poos for (itQjJMMjk-trouWM, w«ak stom­ ach, itour stomach, big stomach of little stomach, or any irregularities caused from indigestion or oo»Rtip»* tiou. They c ia be penmwsnUy and thoroughly cured by the use of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which is made in three rises, lOcte, 50cts and ♦1,00 and is sold by C. M, Ridgway Ob, yea; trust* reduce priees- whsd they buy, including labor, -of How would Agumaldo do aa a 4 4t**uud»gMa* te Jh r the head of. the ourti-expanalon party. Unless the apring signs are at fault there will tie ap unusually large crop of Presidential ticket* Ibis year. The Porto Bicnua differ from Gro* yet CleveUndin failing to find life down there “ oue grand, sweet song.” AflWrs have changed ip .South Africa. Bow lift the Boers who are on thf kopje and'the British who are on the kopje. /Although blarney is an Irish game, QueOn Victoria is showing herself to be thoroughly mistress of it. In fact, •He beats the Irish, Hiss Amanda Way is a candidate fb r. Congress from Idaho, which proves that there may be a will and a Way without success. -aHock moral crusades are profitable —>-tb!Some, New Yorkers can only obtain seats to see Sabo by ordering them four weeks in advance. Iu Manila Bay Dewey risked his lifej: iu matrimony, his peace of mind, and in politics his good name. I f he lank*judgment, he has nerve to spare. Mr , f t is reported that the ministers of all denominations will resist any at- ■ tempt at'coining half cents. They Urould be.too convenient to drop into tke plate. ' In advocating perpetual literary copyright, Murk Twain is ' showing that * man may be a hmorist without neglecting ’the financial interests of numberone. • Verily, the world moves, when a minister roads from Jhis pulpit a poem and describe* a picture, printed in the Sunday edition of a newspaper, and adds: “Few sermons preached today will be so powerful as this.*’ I t would be just as well for those who are clamoring for an immediate decision from tbe Supreme Court on Constitutional status o f our hew possesskmsto bear in mind that the Supreme Court is not run on the hair- t triggerprinciple. While the United States Senate wm discussing the question of hydro- phobia in the District of Columbia, it wassuggested that the climate there conduced to madness—not necessarily hydrophobia but just plain madness. Anyone who watched the performance e f tbe Republicans in regard to Porto Rico would naturally agree With this, The Seuate has decided that it can* Wot muster votes enough to ratify tbe Bay-Paunoefote treaty, -and- corue- qutoitly the Nicaraaguan canal is to he allowed to lie over until the next morion of Congress. I f this is the re* writ of Secretary Hay’s “splendid diplomacy” the country would be bet­ te r satisfied with less splendor and moot * results, W atxblqo , I*J>MFeb. 11,1807, Pepsin Syrup Co., IContioello, III. CljuiTLKHSJr;- ! had bos* a great suflbrer from indigestion and stomach trouble until about two years ago when I began using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Phare found it the ouly remedy to give me permanent relief and I cheerfully recommend its use to anyone in need of such a remedy. Very respectfully yours, E dward W akeram . The duty imposed on Porto Rican feeds by the bill just passed h bad OMOgh, but some of the civil govern* asset feature* are evehPwotse^ The executive council of the island, trill Be Controlled by men appointed by the Preskkut- tlist t* to say, by earpet badgers—will bays absolute eeatrol over alt the franchises of the Mead, valued at million*of dollars. Unless the very best men are selected, aaaadais will result which will wreck any administration that ever existed. •am* twwu d r i i By the refusal of the house to pass ft* Kobsrte game protection bill Wed. Mtelay of last week, the giiffleof the afeSIsk practically deprived of all pro* taariaa. The Roberts bill restored Iks system of deputy state game war Sunday's Commercial Tribune had photo engravings of the cars chartered by this paper, on the Dayton A Xenia line and the Dayton, Spring- field A Urban* electric lines, The papers arrive *rD*yton qveir'tK* CT H, A D. at 5:38 a, m.» where they are trensfered to the Dayton A Xenia car, and were delivered in Xenia," 17 miles, exactly 85 minutes after their arrival in Dayton. This is .probably the fastest time ever made by this line, The Dayton, Springfield A Urbanaroad oovered the distance of twenty-seven miles in just one hour, arriying,in Springfield ahead of all competitors. . -—Marshall can care for more rigs than. any other Liyery , Stable in Xenia. 8pn*ds I>tlc«WtMH*».l When things are “ the best” they become “ the bestselling,” Abraham Hare, a leadiug druggist, of Belle- tMNPastwrs’flfit. Jn tbe issue of the Yellow Springs News of several weeks ago, the editor took occasion to tell of a'trip over the D. 8 - A U. and Ins roast of the system Would lead one to believe that he was “sow” from somecause—but ofcourse no* one was cruel enough to believe that it WaBbecause there was no elec­ tric line in Yellow Springs- Satur­ day’s issue of the Osborn Local pays the country editor back in his' own coin as follows; “Editors, like other people, enjoy a vacation and many try to arrange their affairs so that they can have the pleasure once every twelve montliB. And when they return they are sup­ posed to, or rather they do inflict upon their renders descriptions of ville, O., writes: “Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have -handled* Mimes and scenes which they have ■—■> iO f\‘ AMM •«'fa M H. .H l...Q .BBAl«i A— -1■ •. mam .MM ft./.HA A'MM t..4nd *Wit #1 ft* in 20 years, You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidueyB, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stomacb. regulates liver, kidney and bowels, /purifies the blood, strength­ ens the nerves, hence cures mul­ titudes of maladies. I t builds up the entire system. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, run-down man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold by Ridgway A Co., druggists. A thousand packets of shamrock seed, the gift of a resident of Cork to the Duke of York, have been sent to South Africa. Their contents will be ■own upon the graves of Irish soldiers. That ThrobbingHeodoolio Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King’s New Life Fills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their mntohless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, Money back if not cured. Sold by Ridgway A Co., Druggists. * Every animal kept by man, except­ ing the cat, is taxed in Austria, and now there is a proposal to tax pussy in that country. It awewe, m n the stsw gams wavdsa, *l» «•$*«• them. Urn fowariiip# eoa- BRRHHNPP, WmJ wNRaOavw h MI jpinNI MIWSp of the p a t has km* that they Isa’t. .Tbs hflt fi> flHL:ggj^^jg JL9t muaemw mum a i Iwmttlv* All I f B ■ m m , A Etrrihl*Ostbresk. “Of large sores on my little daug- ter’s head developed into a case of scald head” writes: C.' D. IsbilL of Morgauton, Tenn., but Bucklen’s Ar­ nica Salve completely cured her. It’s a guaranteed cure for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimples,' Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only 25c. at Ridgway A Co.’s druggists. * A Fillipino market or washer woman, smoking a large cigar and wearing a low-necked gown, with flowing sleeves, and a handsomely em­ broidered silk scarf, is an i rdinary sight on the streets of Manilla. —I .—CarsonM—P rotbonoUrv. Washington, Pa.f says, “ I have tound Kodol Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in case of stomach trouble, and have derived great benefit from its use,” I t digests what you eat and cannot fail to cure. Ridgway A Co., Druggists', The Third Bi-Monthly Meeting of The Greens County Teachers’ Asso­ ciation for the year 1889-1900 will be (tin the High School Room, Xenia, visited, generally painted in TtTrkey red. This is the common practice of little fellows who occupy a space the size of a pocket stamp case; and whose weight is about thnt of the little case done in aluminum. The editor of the News a tiny, sheet worked oil on a screw press in Yellow Springs, took a vacation Saturday, March 31. In some manner he got to Dayton, and from there be took a*D. S. A U. elec­ tric car to Springfield, evidently bis first trip and greatest distance from home. Within the week he worked his way back to his little sanctum and then the mighty brain began to stir within its convolutions and grent thoughts were created which over­ flowed the cranium dropping clear down to his finger tips uud finding their way at last in the News, He says he thinks he will never take another ride on the D. S. & U. Such' a declaration is disastrous to the bus­ iness interests of the road, tor when tbe editor-of News won’t ride, every­ body else must walk. And because the News man refuses to Jet the Day- ton, Springfield, and Urbaua road transport hia little carcass, the com­ pany must go in the hands of. n re­ ceiver, and have its affairs wound up, its cars used for smoko house and its tracks sold for old iron. While we are sorry for the company we are glad that the News man got one little ride on a railroad in hie lifetime, even though be has determined ever after to walk. In bis Vermillion description of 'Our jikitial trip’ as he calls it, he attempt S fling at Osborn. That we did not erect a triumphal arch and line our streets with our pretty girls and lovely women when he passed through was no fault of ours, for we know not of the coming of tbe Duke de Tripod, of Yellow Water, whose habitation is in tbe unsurveyed and unknown lands of Greene. The ac quisition of territory has been so rapid of late that his royal ofienaiveness mast cultivate patience and bide bis time, for the world will com e to know him after awhile and then when lie comes from his seclusion for a trip from Dayton to Springfield, whether 'he walks or rides a brake, due honor will be done him. This all cornea about because the News man was long tm space and short on anything to say. “Brother Wike .must not criticise unjustly the finest electric railway line in tbe United States, and a town which does more business in a day thnn his own little burg does in a year,” tMMTkalt*Out it jOmMtiMi ’ K enka , Jackson Co. W. Va. About three years ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism which con­ fined her to her bed for over a month and rendered her unable to walk a step without assistance, her limbs being swollen to double their normal size, Mr, 8 . Maddox insisted on my using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I purchased a fifty-oent bottle and used it according to the^directions and the next morning she walked to breakfast without aeriatance in any manner, and scorn Thai game rawa#Wiiri,*Hrt»t-ihe»*- -«biJiat.iLLt had a similar attack since. *»=A» B» pAJiewifft T S F lS te “~by Ridgway A Go., Druggiate, At VJi'M p. at. ataudard time, you faliiHMid taka after each meal < half Byrig ya* wifi b* jparsamwatly r*» law * a f aay Mawasli a t Imint I d fa# WVIM EMULSION b a food medicine for (he baity that Is thin and not wei inourished and forthe mother whose mdh does not nourish the bebv. good forthe who Isthinend notwellnourished by their foods ebo for the enatmfo or consumptive adult tfiet k Mng lech enu strtngtn* In feet, foredcondHfom of westing, it Is the food H ill wwl IwWfflWi anif h id lJ lai tfis bnifir »*A am A mam WmJk msawLai' A-aa m - pvs iiiw inf mn tmqty OHUHOH DltgOTOftY )l. P. CfcwA—lU r. J. at JliOO *. M, Hatifcrtk IS * . M. CavtaanWr Ch»r«fc-|Uv. W. MHtor, X*SH,*r » t 11.W • . * . fcatfc8»* m Sat l« *.«, V, V. Church—Rov, V. 0, JUw, jpMtor. Sw- v tm a t 10^4 a, m. s*dT ;Mp. jo. SabtetS School at «:?• a.m . ,Cand«r4 tfm*> A ,« . £> Church—Kur, Hr. M*x**|I, Pus- tor Vruacbing a | lt;W) a, »> **4 ClM> »Tftjr BabUth ut 13:80, fiahhath 6chw,l at 3:00 p. iu. JFriunS, asd vlwtor* eotJMIjr iaviUd. i t . E. Church—R«V. A , D. Maddox, Fwtor. Pruacbiug a t 11:00 ft. * d . Sabbath fSebocl »t 0:45 «. ni. Xoang PaopU’i meeting at S:4S p. u . Prayer meeting WeduMday evenleg Sit7$3d* Daptiet Church—Her. Mr. CeJawM, PWUf of the BaptUt church.- Preaching a t 11o olock,. and 7:30 p. m, Hahljath ficboei at 2:30 P, n . Prayer meeting every Wedneiday night a t 7:30. Everyone invited. Qatherlng of the Priende of 2ion, at Ervin - WUHamwn'* Hall, every Sunday aft«rnwn,at 2:30 o’clock, itandard time. Everybody,!* in­ vited/* WSiw 4 t. jUyr«ieJlg|gO)Un Charge. ..MIU..Ty.... . a ... .ur- ap^licati1. give* ea*e and rest. Relieve* Itching inetantiy. M ■ - «.. __ Jlu a _.11 mam I i ] ill, ■.tirtai- lit ii a new diecovery and it cold on a port- tive guarantee. No Cure, No Pay, Price, $1.00. For *ate by Q. H , Ridgway. $600 REWARD! of ElVer Complaint, Dyepepeia, Sick Head acbe, Indigeetion, Canetipationor COitiveneee wecannot cure with Liverita. the Dp-td-Date Eittte Elver PHI,when the direction*are itrlot- ly compliedwith, T’hey *re purely Vegetable and neverfail to give tatlsfaction. 2Se boxe* contain 100Pills, l()oboxes contain40 Pill*, 6e boxes contain 15 Pill*. Beware of eubatitu. tiong and imitation*. Sent by mail. Stamp* taken. NERVITA MEDICAE CO., Cor. Clinton and Jackeon SU., Chicago. III. For sale byC.M. Ridgway, druggist, Cedar- ville, Ohio. . : FRANK H. DEAN. BlueFront Stable. C. W. Crouse's ChoiceBeef* Fork Sausage, Veal, ' Lard, Bologna, Wenerwust, Bacon, Hams* Sugar Cured Shoulders.' CEDARVILLE, OHIO, William Wildman, Pres., Seth W, Smith, Vice Pres., W, J. Wildman, Cashier, $ 26.00 Per Week -TO1- FREBOrOXAROB, Any adult suffering from a cold settled on the bresst, bronchitis SPRING ■ 1900 . C a r p c t M . The defigue* and quality surpass any former season. The ad­ vance In rowmaterial and-general good times has made a great de­ mand, and the mill* have advanced prices. To overcome in part HUTCHISON A GIBNEY placed there orders at prices that can­ not be duplicated by 5 or 10 per cent. ‘ PUBS CUBED WITHOUT ITH8 JUdFEI Your4ruggc«t, whomyou knew to bft reliable wilt UU you that he i* author! money to every purchager where Vl&Q OINT­ MENT Mil* to cure any cage of ITCliINO, BLIND, BLEEDING, or PROTRUDING PILES, no matter of bow long *tanding. Cure* ordinary page* i *in day*. One p on WoWillpay the above reward for any c#*e i ~ ' A t to rn ey a t - L aw . 41E. Main St., Xenia, O. Adam’s Restaurant : and DiningRooms Corner High and. Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. Leave your horses there and your rigs be kept on the inside, out of the rain and storm, » 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O. C ha r l e s E . T o d p , P ro p Exchange Bank TlRAFTS on New York and Cin* i cinnati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to. send money by mail. 1OANS made on Real Estate, Pei- *~sonal or Collateral Security. —— ANY PERSON in America of ordin­ ary intelligence, male or female, can earn $25 weekly during their leisure hours by introducing our celebrated Art Tapestry Paintings, send stamp for illustrated circular, containing full information and reproductions of our tapestry paintings. Call or address, Parisian Tapestry Co., 19 West Twenty-fourth Street, New York, M a t t i n g S 10000 yds. Matting, jobless and seamless twine chain in green, brown and red at 12J to 35c. Never better for tne money,. ^ 10 Rolls of tbe Grande,jper ™ l a Rolfroftbe HMUHM in t 15 Rolls All-wOol Filling.,.................. ....................... 25 Rolls All-wool both ways..... ........................ ..........50, w , <oo Velvet,.Tapegtry, Moquette, Axmlnster. Art Ingrain all sizes $4.75,15.75 $8.75, Large size, all-wool Axminster, 3 yards Wide, 14 yards Ipng- Large size Moquette, Velvet, Tapestry. Art Corner Remnants put down to 26c. Brussel Remnants 19c, 25o, 50c, 75o, X . a e e O u r m i n s . 500 pair, excellent styles, never lower. *IJO] Good style 3j yards long $1.00. Three yards long per pair 50e. H UTCHI5QN & (jlBN EY Beautiful flaM 'Do You Want It? ’STe’u S luk tr® X t . paper. rOU can always find a t tbe old reliable Meat Shop of Strange Mental Powers HOW PEOPLE ARE INFLUENCED, Startling Words from the Committee Appointed to Investigate Hypnotism for the Benefit of the New York Journal Readers. [From Naw York Journal.] Give us a trial find 'be con­ vinced. lljpnotlgm i« no longer a myth, a fanciful cnatlon of tha uind, but a reality, a moit potent power, capable of producing Infinite good. For the purpose of Hicertain-. ing the exact value of this much-talked-of power a committee, composed of a phygi- ciao, a well known jo riit, a prominent mintiUr and leading railroad map, wa* ap­ pointed to iuvegtigate Ilypnotiam, Tbe committee carried nn a gerie* of inveitigatlon* In regard to the power of hypnotiim to infiuenco tbe action* and deeds of people in tbe everyday walk* of life. Tbe first step taken by tbe member* of tb* Committee w«* to muter the science in every detail so that they might state from personal experience the good or evil this strange power might produce. They wrote tbe New York Institute of Science, of Rochester, N, Y., the greatest school of Hypnotism and Occult Science* in the world, and received fall and complete Instructions In regard to bow hypnotism may be used to influence people in business, how to use it in treating diseasee, etc., etc. In a few day* they mastered fbese instructions and were full-fledged hypnotists. A CCOUNTS of Merchants and In­ dividuals solicited, Collections promptly tirade and remitted. I t was clearly demonstrated that hypnotism may be employed so that the person operated upon is entirely anconscinas of tbe fact that he Is being influenced; and. all things considered, the committee regard it as the most valuable discovery of modern rVSs, 1 kaavlaMM of if Is SssanSami In linage kttaaaa* 1n Ufa ■«4 u.atAi« times. A knowledge of it is essential to one’s success in life and ell-being in society. Rev. Pan) Weller says that every minis­ ter and every mother should understand hypnotism for the benefit they can be to those with whoa they are brought in daily daily contact. ’ Dr. Lincoln says, after a thorough in­ vestigation, that ha consider* it the most marvelous therapeutic or curative agent of modem times. Judge Shafer, although a legal light, tamed b it utteution to healing the sick, end in a few treatment* he completely cured .Tnbn Myers, ef •feiewlaguM,1s TJ.fZt a strange malady that bad kept him bed- fast for nine years, and which doctors said must surely kill him, Judge. Ncbafer’s fame spread for miles around, and hundreds of people applied to him for treatment, f« Sterner performed the astonishing feat of hypnotising Mr. Canningbam, of j , Colo,, at a distance of several Pueblo, blocks. He aUto hypnotised an aged gen­ tleman and had him tanning through tbe streets shouting ’‘Red-hot peanuts for Sale/’ Mr. Btoufer say sjtis indispensab'e to one’s business success. In speaking of this marvelous power, President Eliot, ef Harvard College, said to the graduates: ••Yoang gentlemen# them . . , , . , . . . . 1* u subtle power lying latent in each of yon, which few of you have developed, but which when developed, might (nuke a man irresistible, Itfs called Personal Magnetismor Hypnotism. I advise you matter It.” The New York Institute of Science has just issned 10,004 copies of* book which ” ........... “ “ — ** * ' 114---------- 1--------- -- — 4 .......... U direction* without the REV. PAUL WELLER. Voak, N. Y, tfct“ ""J v»*v« ••■ejuutij vf»uivniiut kyuvbvsognfliuutvoui The book also contains a full report of tbe ir ember* of tbe committee. I t will be * ’ ‘ ‘ ' .. ................. A il " ■ ‘ ' " ‘ ‘ — ............. lent absolutely free toany one who i* interasted. A postal eatd will bring It. Write today. Address * to* YorkInstitueof Science, Beit, 325 ,Boctiester,H.I. throat or lung troubles of any nature, who will call at C. M. Ridgway’*, will be presented with a sample bottle of Boschee’s German Hyrup, free of charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and none to children without order from parent*. No throat or lung remedy ever had such a gale as Boechee* German a in all part* of the civilised . Twenty years ago million* of bottle* were given away, ifid^yotir druggist* will tell you it* success wa* marvelous. I t |i* really the only Throat and Lung Remedy generally •adovsed by pbyriri*#*, On# 75 oent bwttk will eur* or mrov* Its value, fc ldhy daalaw lasitS Mvittan! «#««• * 4 I, * IrVI WMmlibllsns. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15 c to partly pay postage or expittiage and well -dMawtyowenerTthiv iibopage^ jt. 7 ,doo illustration* and quotei priee* on nearly 70,000 thing* that you eat and um and wear, W* constantly carry in tttek all msj quoted. j* U h-iJ ' SihtlalaelfafS'BflirTrsIn?-! ■ •SMsuatlsiM -3* ,*7*\ Aitott........ *’ ■ I V’ i> W niidtitorw u-. *•1 - 1 . . . . 3»AVi !t J t-'u. fliui-ii-a on . ** . 0 ?-■' £1; i Wclma ...............Mi ; :30i ('•xturvtlk-..... .. “ 1 ; :Qi't WUberfoFPS....— “ ■r/, „ A ._ |. f BK 3 f- : D 40.J02-.- Xcmlm--------(jv. 4 U Cto 1 i~> Bprlng Vftllcy ... “ iH2?1 R'JP fcTiusuin* . ...... •* i I . >054 Waymsavtlt# 1JUC3 O r c u o n i a „ « If*43. U ’l Fort Azujuot .... “ i t •Morrow..............SOj- 0S3U£a BoutU Iasbanon. ” ;*... i tl<3 Lovabsad............ « 635WO. .201 auiford............. .;;! j ji5» BatavlaJe. ...... « i I . J)2‘3V. CTssnlmmstil 1390104a 1DS |A-«i AM W ) * & Bautwrard. C l u s l n a t l tv Bfttoiyw,J«.~ “ .Milford .....r.," Ijoyeland.... “ Ha. Lebanon “ Morrow....... « F t A n cien t’* Oragonln.... ” Wsyneuvllle KoxonnaA... ‘‘ Hyr’g VaUw “ Xcwla... | ^ Wlltierforoo »> CedarvUe..... “ Seiina.,...,..,., “ beta Oksriwtsa » 'London....... “ W. Jefferson “ A lton......... «- C s lum b n s ar. J54t *330j*j fH04 I* AM fill 635 654 705 r714 720 7 29 v 3LpSI AMI’M , 1 : ‘t, ota vt'V5* fj isia 5W,U83C | t’M I1•-! A tf’-tj a ji-i fit! t m l - 13 910 9 M 1007 1012 741 761 75® >805 812 821 1833^ 8501057 9051 to 91Sf...«, 935.11301 AMAM l*438i*3M‘T3w . a 7 a ‘Btfi g-& *» a* .... il*S .60S 153^8His? ... IJB. n ts iu i A” ,3 *11331.8 f Ml 120(216 7« y ‘66H6d( I’M [AM | PM Bstwsun WESTWARD. fS75& ;!S '| X en ia . Xnaiu.Oaijto^Bichmon-S. AM n a r ie n . BreokvtHt ” ! Etderafn .....| EASTWARD Elderadn“ BralliU*..' -j.■ fAW Dajden { fJ Xenli Tsltevkxf." IcrisjStW »r 815! . 82**8SC 855:917 855 917 922; .... ),1010W25) isiernr i%93! AM 10|-4S .711130 AM sssfrenr *425:-! SCO.1 !l§3) 1105* JU 1C 11110 SU35j 1AM *A)304 3t4j~a7 PM | pm [PM pm SO B l PM i 4511 : m : bSlow .tt ( ____ *Duty. |S m 1*. .Hsgunr«ur«J cut f Irapi Sunt,;. OarkFacedTypeSmotMtlsn 6m 13.00tuouto12.00mid. tdgUt; lagktVu*ttnw12.00 nidsigiit to12.00 unb . Remember, M adame C orilla C oe offers Oiie Hundred Do llars R eward % any case of Gray Hair iter P«rfeet!o»-HnlrRmwt«fJpla'in,*Mdorfe: or any cose of Dandruff it fails t° <^i»».^whffffV-ilft«riSfene are properly followed. A t + o n + i n n I We wi" senc1, secur®,y sea,ed<to y°ur express office, her M l l S n i l v G - eight ounce.$1.50 bottle, for Oil©Dollar* if you mention this One bottle in many cases being all. needed. Address, nadame COrilla Coe, a iy Michigan S t., Toledo, Ohio. P u llm a n Sleeplnir Cure on Won. 2 , 5 , n, -- - • ■ elihc ................... 7 , 14 , 20 nnd 21- it er ran through vlnOoluni- bae aod Pittsburgh or connect through pitts- * ” "■ ;Station to and from Haitimore,' burgli Union f ..................... , Washington, Philadelphia and -New York. N on . 5 ,3 0 1 and 21 connect at Richmond for Indianapolis and St. Lout*: Won, 21 amd a forChicago: BTa. 301 for Loganaport. L. F. LOREE, E. A . FORD. Otatnllhuagar# . Caanlhos^wigtst, I2-I0.fl9.-P PtTj^oaiiaH.PaxN’A. For ttmecarda,ratesofCare,tbronglt ticket*, bugguge checks,and farther Information re- TO WHOM IT CONCERN:—-I ui» personalty acq^uuiuted witli Mndemo Corilla Coe find the wonderful effects of her P kkviectio * IlAtu R rstokkk . f t is wonderful, beyond Comparison in its Effects, and at tbe same time Perfectly Harmless. I hnVc known of many aged persons whose thin and gray locks have been fully restored to yautblul cuter end .vigor. ' Iter, C. J . Banks, Toledo, Ohio,* present address, Mesa, Arizona. J . A. Houser, id.D .IndiunapoR s,Indiana. . Lucia Julian Martin, Principal, Toledo School of Elocution.. J’rof. W. M. Windsor, 1733 Mich Ave.y Chicago, L. L. B. Pu. D .; Pb cnofttgist & Vitosopbist gardlng tbe running of trains apply to any a g e n to rt' ~ _ ------ -- * ----- t f be Peansylvanla Line*. CltickeosCome Home to Boost The Greatest Novel -of the Age. WBI&HT & CO’S. PUBLICATIONS. Include n second edition (20th thou- boik I,) beautifully illustrated, of tint clmritting novels “Gbickens Gome Home to Roost,” by L. B. Hilles, de- scribed by (bo New York Times as IxHtk without a single dull line, nml with a horse race tar surpassing iu vivid description and thrilling in­ terest the famous chariot race in Ben Hur.” Robert G, Ingereoll said: “The boldest and best of the year.” Hon. B. T. Bakenmn says: “It is th e greateet novel I have ever read.” W. L. Bioue, author and critic. 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