The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
tir* • *01 J-ftr , *kt£Xt, •,%s. '•\ i“-A. * A O O O f e h b a s o n A jgkM|d|Wi^lukMBJ ,ityVMMPjf^i^Mi% JU jj 1 t* «* lAtf %ui ilMUklii *W tePJf D ^ l i i i p * %• tofito^RW^ n ftftw^te -. —. -,..... wire mm >«« »kwit 4ra§K» II i t tW r hurinres tft kre>» *bo#l ftrlMi*yw*tesu*ti».Drii§ft. Oikftr Tfett* btfiurttai&ai* ill l u n s i r i t)teDr««*yMs ft**!, too. tl»X>r«9» !iifti^ lUN l In fttft ifc# |Hfift*f, i t wm ft** ijyftt wiftH ' not UttltelUlfc "fat |Jb* sntpBtifr|<®r j iM f ATiii BtlUklduolt, QMyfllllt woftcwr wb*ro v t **«Id f i t appttre* How tb* oimtwft own**, «fcm 1 mt » all U m apjMMfttMiiMt come from? riore* sixty-five or a*v#Htj haviag al ready appLed, with recommendation* i Wauptaft Urmmg w to I 1 ft* **-| l i n k Mildred MeUrilftto gw* ft jteWi*h*d ifttoUattonMi Aretrelfe. :birthday party yesterday* te***mb*r ~ ■„ ... tU W k*r «fciSd fttewte* it b«» f &•* 1 tov .,F O. Mm wUt deliver ^ f o u r t h birthday bacatettrate »»*»*>*. before the -elami. ftf 1800 at Jamestown, ririahath, M*j ; Mis*Jean Ervin** oat oftba eompo*- 6th. ,Storeof titw office, k u been quit# tack v. * * » r. iwith the grippe th* week.but * now* -.Newcrop ea&iied Apples, Corn • * r - from teat* senator* to po*tn*a*ter». Tk« qaaatto* nor arise*who will be tb* lucky dm , Thi* matter wilt be retried, Friday, April 27, win* torture for the ereuiag year will be •riretod, ■ and Tomatom, a t Gray*. wbnt batter to day. _ . , . v v . ., , - Beiae;aber the Labadie Faust Twui boya « ?,ew York o« the day | ^n it* aittheir uwa epeckl * t»nnal * - 1-™ elect,**! rffecu. fthto their own music. Opera Rouse, Flri- WHOWAV It CO.»the brac^eia, —We make «od lay carpets. 5. H.McMillan, L o c a l a n d P e r s o n a l HP^P^VwftMm- P»-PP'WWWWW' - ~>4 m . Owes IM k < a kL B% - wqr- . . ' H r, £,;W . .Bsgeriioft a ^rmnem trip le tb* E k t. Ben. lo h a Iatdft ha* beea ap ftoJated' % G o t. Hash to aerre ftftethftt Mrm in the Stole Board Arbitratwo. of H , M. Berber, with the remaluios buUdSftftCQmmMHOft for the sew court house, le ft Tuesday for a tour o f in* spceltoo in the northern pert o f the State. They will visit Upper Safi’ ducky and Bowling Gieen f a the lurpgse o f inspecting the court louseswith a view to getting pointers end will the* pay * visit to some of the stose quarries se«r Clevekud, to look after the building atooe. —Go to Grices when in Xenia 'for nice;dean meal. -We hftfce Carpet Riper, cheap. J . H« J»cMi"tilton. Me, G, ’T . Winters* our oewcen- tnd totondttoMifttt f a the Forth $*$-, eiftet,. was in Xento laat Baturttoy. Iw ■itoftftiaee m the , meeting o f the^ 'mMimtocommittee, they otgeniang on Actm ir. The School Board met last Monday evening and organised. The follow ing officers were elected: Frealdent, Mm Will Barber; derfc, d . H . Wol ford; • treasurer, Dave McFarland. Mr. McFarland docs no t take his office until {September, Mr, C. W. Grouse remaining, until that time. Commencement this year, will he held Friday, May 25, the u el was started have been massed Hubert itepid Transit and William BapidTransit. • —Dr. Mile’s Wiae of Harsapwrilift. Spring Blood Purifier. (*. M. Kidg- ^wfty. •. . Mr. and Mnu Joseph Brothertou Snd Mary Tswpleton spent Sunday ■inSpriagfidd, ■ Mr. John Lott is o* a burinsa trip to Feeble*, Adams county. MamAnna Paris arrived here last Thnrsdtreveaing; from Indianapolis, where she ha* been employed this winter, to spend a few weeks with Mr* Frank Spencer aad family. Mr. Frank Alden, of Delaware, spent a few days here this week. want anything goodjgq —I f you toG ray's. ^ is entertaining a case of la grippe this. week. —Oftd Korit, Grand Chancellor, K. F ., Boodvilto, Ind., says. “De- W s Witeh Hkzel fklve soothe*,the most dtlkftter a»n; and heak the most stubborn ulcer with certain and good seavdls. “ Cure*pile*and skin disease. Don’t buy an imitation. Rkfgway & lk,,DrtNBgisto.. : • W e,'’this, week, hive ju st issued the annual directory and .financial; ■tetewent of the United Presbyterian ckureh. ' - —We are headquarters for Carpet and Matting J - H. McMillan, County Commiaasioaer John. B. Stevenson quietly dipped awav last Monday to Franklin, where he met Mrs, Bertha Gentry, of Carlisle- A license having been procured, they were roarriedTby Rev. Wilson, of the Mrs,’ Margaret Randall, who has been sick at. the home o f her son, David,, is improving. Mrs. John Williamson and Mrs. H. H« McMillan spent Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Duncan Williamson of Spring Valley. Rev, Chestnut, of Illinois stopped here Wednesday evening on hk home fromPhiladelphia. —Gray keeps nothing but the beat in his line oi goods. Presbyterian church. They repaired to Mr. Ste reason's beautiful home. . •Supt. Fulton, o f the O. f i. 4 S. O. '.Bbase having resigned some time Iftek* has been succeeded by Gen. Cfcas* L . Young, of Tdedo. Gen. Y«wft^ was. superintendent o f the Home for fbur or five years, having Si eved 'Uftdif Guv, Campbell. and kkvw JfieKinfef.'giving generel satis laiUoii: to thapuMiCi. Gen. iand Mrs. Yiftftg ta lk emuge May 1st. *~Thes best line o f Carpets can be h ada t McMiltea’ib where they Witt reside. The wedding was quite a surpiee to John's friends. —Our Matting, as, to style, quality and price, is the talk of the town.. J . H. MeMillan. —See Mr. Hubert L&badie as Me- phisto in Faust a t the Opera House, Friday, April 27. Mr, James Mitchell has somewhat of a freak of nature at bis place, a J t r . J ., W* Smith Viw in town Tlrtnaday^ feokiBg after the wool toft hum,, being * partner of the wool iA u i f JEJiftk ftrim itb. -ikftr'Gtop CkBfi»tok Apricots, ~ ’ ^ tand Rairins, • i Gray’s. .Gtapeai The United Bute* Supreme Court h i* derided thft'suif n f Mrs. Mean* wwi daughter, ftan«i<ee‘ o f Wm. IfiMM«fYeBnwSbetnw agatoet the, u’s tether, f f iM h t aometMng like «300i«00. I H i m BfMMter were the head at- iHftaytiifttheaHe.' , Cat tenders in Lincoln County, Ore,, have obtained the consent of the Post OfficeDepartment to the christ ening of their poet office^bj the name of Angora, Tne first postmaster Of Angora bears the. surname of Tom." —Have you seen the devil in Faust? Opera House, Friday, April 27.. in Few England the abandoned farms ere being planted with nut .trees, and the worked-out ground is fbund to furnish'nourishment enough to cause the walnut, butternut and chestnut to flourish, abundantly. D r. P . R . Madden, Ftocfice lim ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses AccuratelyAd- lusted . Allen BuEdirig, Xenia, 0 . Telethon*.—Office Ko-. .73, Kcndcsce' Ko. 27. 1Mite Retta Hoyt, of West-Salem, O., spent a few days here last week, withMr. and Mrs. Dinamore Collins. ewe giving birth, ta an eight-legged' Iamb. I t has a perfect head, but from its shoulders back is a double, animal.. Each of its feet are perfectly firmed. Ifc. lived but a few hours, Another strange feature was that the ewe gave hirth to three lambs, ■ the freak one being the second. —Pine Apple Snow »t C. M. Ritlg- wayT. Mrs. Dick Fitzgerald and daughter, -of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. Alexander Gaines. Mrs. Fitzgerald aod daughter stopped here on their way from Hot Springs. I have the finest selectkn of WALL. PAPER. Allthe latest designs. EANisbeL, D r . OT. Q* .a u w a rt* Bperialiitia] Phyacian ~ r» » u d __ iSftneon. S eci list nB y e i D r ir.'^Olftnfte* Atw;itur«tftiy Ad- ‘SaxuranztOft GveBAW- Ckrk Coliia* . left Monday fur £#•«•, Iud., after a pkeesut virit m tk k k betoker, Diaeaor* Cotluw, •fftftfeteftown. •■■■-. —W. H. Shipman, Beardsley, Minn., Under oath, says he auffered from dyepepeia for twenty-five years. Doctors and dieting gave but little relief.. Finally be used Kodol Dys- S Mia Cure and now eate what he to end as much a* he wants, and he feels like a new man. I t digests what you eat. Ridgway & Co.»Druggists. The question: What will he doue with the old Court House clock? seems, to be agitating the minds of a good many people. Several have suggested that a nurse be raised, and offered for the old timepiece, and. that it beplaced here in. a suitable location, 1 as the. town has no public clock.. We think, this ia a noble idea, as Cedar- ville 'deserve* something as a relic from the old temple ofjustice. What is the matter with the Council some action and try to clock. < taking get the old The township clerk’s office has r ceived a new coveting of wall paper, and now presents a very neat and at tractive appearance, > La-iff Standfng Error Correstedv “TJaeie,'' said one o£ t’ae children,. . “what is the difference between, a cat and an .elephant?” “I know what is In your mind, c'itld,” replied the professor, “yet th e cid answer, to tile effect that an ele phant can't climb a tree,, is no t alto gether correct. An elephant may not be able t a climb to. the branches, but he can get as high as the trunJc." The professor, it may he observed, fs'loaded with, all kinds of game.—Chi- cc ' to Tribune, All His Own Way. T understand, th a t Cochington in tends to run for Congress In thla die- trick again.” ‘“Yea, and he’l l have- i t all his own way, too.” ' . “What makes you think, so?” “Why, lust look a t th e record he has made. Been in two terms now without offering a resolution or mak ing a speech. How can such a man's, opponent find an issue to fight him on?”—Chicago: Thnes-Herald. —For Easter Dye of all kinds go to C. M. Ridgway. Ignorance <• Blias, New Wife—I wish to get some uut- ter, please. . ’ Dealer—Roll butter, ma'am? New Wife—No*, we wish It on biscuits.—Chicago News. —De«’t forgetto see Faust at lit* Gpen House,Friday, April27. %ftk« Beck, a* old aad jteepected •Mbe* edXMHtcity, was laid to rest la tke eel story eorth o f tow«, Han* dnr. Mr, B um : for assay jmt* re- fi®Jlfti^Wp —A ll o»r Csrpete are ent aad :wttkoatwaste. J . H. McMillan Tke rerideftee «T Dr. C, M.UftUo- vray e* west Maw street, Xenia, kse by rite C b u t y Com tb s officers of th e Com am* Fltoe CearL tke rierk Ofeonrt, « * i psawMyGmekurife —I -tiiBkft away teama»y riffiaa ** MM* Twseiey r n d m ^ M m y f a t J \ * liT TWtfAte D r if. IT. D ixon , , u f <t TkftMBaimed fci tka I t s * eonre rime karitiir tkeOkio Cs*tea»i*l at k £MVIN^a' WW mmmm MW m> t i t «MaaaeafTaMo w«re tvty aaxknie Mat tkie ga threegk, aStd «an*e x* a trile sore over tbe tk e aulaftf tkeH—aek Reid eetate flHKiVVIiWMm^ WaalWWWWHWWQWWjb •■C* "eemytkieg breegkt * foodpfke. ■Mnr« F , 0 . Bose preecbed Itt the ■Ml Ava*ae, Celntakai^ tJ. P» M*fai LauftA.WtAjUkMLABft Mtut mesi, WBMIWHI m vimjNMW-a3MiWffilW|;VflMwSWEMB■* (.tee fib* Mpatvier of tin ki tke abmaae e l laetor W. Ift, te le I* at 'preeent tm same e f Ike vacaerie* of B u t also gave • Iretare ««■t,p etrisisift*1* Bto U . P, ekvrcfe VRJVJIWWW^w WMwMnMfaJp fTvVIEly «^9*Mtft«eftate tie lest wtoee ia " »» test riiet 3fic. iweab ■W JMW V» teVp ■ lle s tMee isy* T ie Jaaveel iteiftjref t ie oesakm; **1H1 IPWW aMPVPVPRPm Vj^HRVrer Wlrmlw mm » A teif Jeriwow, and pro- ttvftijffitsy e Atoftd teltl owe o f asV asiftiwwIiteBW o f wotde. iOfa/ k f t i FraelHe, m IdM f ■^WwRI^tetePfilM' wrMVfiMNl tee i apinniem■mareweeae*. . Mist Kate Nitbet has been quite sick for at few days, but is able to be around a t this time. —I d . almost every neighborhood there wsooie one whose life hen been saved by Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera tud Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has been cubed of chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such per son*meke m point o f telling of it whenever opportunity ofikrs, hoping that it may bn the menn^ of saving other live*. For sale by € . M. Ridg way, Dnlggiet. Dry Goods, j Groceries. Word has been received here that Mrs, Chftris* Ervin, of Xenia, is ly ing risk with tonailitie, but i* some what better at this time. Messrs. Marcus Sharp and Olie Dodds have leased the liftcae Grove Park from the liepid TransitCo., and thev will make i t one o f the finest paries in this section o f the State. - -You will want Ream Moulding to set oF that pretty watt . paper. J . H . McMillaa’s got it. CARPETS—We show a handsomo Hue o fALL WOOL Carpet* at 50. 80 aod 65c per yd, I k the | Wool Grade, 37£« 40 and 45c. Cotton- Ingram at 25 and 35c per vd. MATTINCS—We have alt grades. Price* are 12J, 15,18,25 and 35c *per yd. - WALL PAPER -O u r line of Wall Paper » complete. Prices range i from 5c per Bolt up. ALL PA-1 PER TRIMMED FREE. i 81.00 11.00 60c 25c WE ARE SELLING Iffib'Granulated Sugar for 18|te A^dgar for Choice Eating Potatoes p r bu Lion Coffee per lb, 13c, 2tt> for Onion Seta (Red) per qt, 10c, 3 qte for 25c Fancy Evaporated Peaches perlbl2ic Maple Molasses (new) pergat 95c WE PAY Bcdox for Eggs—18c. prlb for Butler 8c per lb for Lard—8c pr lb for Bscob Frank 2. Nagtey, of JMtirow, (>., was the guest at hi* tether, 8 . W. Nagleyaml temily, Bahkatk. Bird’sIBdumitB6mrdi store. - -*‘I think DeWitt’s Little Early Rieers ane tbe beat pilb in the world, my*W* $* Lake, Happy Creek, Va. They remove all obstruction* of the liver and bowel*, act quickly and never gripe. Ridgway A Co,, Drug- gM*. . —Cedarvilte headquarter* white in Xenia » at Grice’*rridanrant, Dr. tkieshee i* away oil ft tea dftys’ trip to Chicago, where he is attending ft count* ofmedicat lecture*. The Dr. hat left hi* practice in the hand* of D r Walker, of Jamestown, ami any (M m wishing hi* service can call hint by telephone a t Dr. Oglcsbee’s ex- penee, and the charge* will be the mme a* if the Dr. was here, * 1 liftvejust receiv«l a larg* stock of Writer* of all kind* and prices mil inand examine them whenyou are ready to purchase for spring work, Altohave largestockofHir- aea*at popularprices. Dow, The Harness Man, Snmuet MoCoilum la* pur- tl# hmm of Mr. Thomas -Mr.MiihKwg ha* rented: loft** n#T- m Andrew, -ftkfttel' mmHMf ■ViV VMPI WJ9 p WF www wiVfw D c K bss Poultry Pai-a-co-a Is a Gual’antecd Preventative and Onfe for Gapes, Cholera and Koup. A-CE'A fioat isthe Best Time INSTANT LtCIE KILLER. Kills lice on poultry and stock, and lice* hugs and worms on plants and flowers. T o G s e - I t. & £ * THE V B E S T j * ^ PiPiikteCP wr J u , t n f t r r S liia liliir. ' B X X B P D I P ! Basy safe of application, m HA^ M l a lay, April 27. The bid* for tearing down the Court Houm were let m»t Tuesday. Mr. John McGarey. of Xenia, being the successful one, bia contract calling for $1675, The Hastings Brothers will occupy the George Smith and the late Han nah Reid house*. But few went from here last Sab bath on the excursion to Columbus. The time i* drawing near and the school children are looking forward to the close of school. Cal. Morton, who has been teaching at Oak Grove, dismissed his school yesterday, they having but eight month* ot school. Misa Fannie Jackson returned* Thursday evening after-a six weeks* visit with friends in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Andrew Jackson, who has been in Columbus for. a few days, accom. ponied her home from that. city. ' Mrs. Elmer L. Hundley and daughter NeUe, of Dayton, K .,y are the guests at the M. E. parsonage. , prof. Addison Strong has been em ployed as teacher of music, in the township school*. —The Labadie' company in pro ducing Faust at the Opera House, next Friday. April 27, clear the en tire stage or everything and .use only their own special eceuery and electrical effects. Don't fail to see this grand electrical, spectacular pro duction*. Price, 25, 35, 50c. [ iipits t Mffliia Correct Prices. Up-to-date Styles. J F y o u 'r e t h in k in g o f p u r c h a s in g a c a rp e t y o u mak* ft m is ta k e h y n o t s e e in g o u r d e s ig n s a n d getting] o u r p r ic e s b e fore lo ok in g e ls ew h e r e . BED ROOM SUITES, SIDE BOARDS, BOOK CASES, COUCHES, &c. J . F I. M o M IL L A N , ' Furniture Dealer.r __ FuneralBirectur k Embalmer, Q tedSA tevrsHev O l x l o . and Oak Fencing SJ0 3 - A full line of . Dimensions, Biding, Flooring, Ceiling, * Finisbed in White and Yellow P ine ,1 Poplar and Hemlock. Farm Gates, . Richmond Fences, Locust a^d Cliesnut Posts. & Shingles: White Pine, Red Cedar and Hemlock. Doors,, Bash,- B lind s and M ouldings. Glass 8x10 to 40x40. Largest stock in town. American Window Bcieens: F ly Proof. T ry them. “A little bit crowded” for Room and Desire an Opportunity to Figure on Your fifty, W e W a n t Y o u r T r a d e , fee J. M. TARBOX f t SON, Sewing Machines We cau sell the Princes* Sewing Machsne, guaranteed for 5 years, with drop head,. 5 drawer*, for $22.25; also, the Peerless, with cover, guaranteed for 5 years, $22.00. We believe, *> will you, that they ere just as good ** the $45.00 ones. Lorgnette Chain Leather Hatter Chain Bracelet warranted 5 vrs Ladies Black Underskirt* Children* Bib* Whisk Broom Liaea Collera Doilies Ladies Hose Hovel* Spectacles 1 gross Agate Buttons Talcum Powder pr box 1 roll Buggy Washers Horn Hair j ’ins 7 for DoiHee, 18x18 'Ho 5 Ribbons pr yd Pompadour Comb ;1 p r Lac* Curtains, 20 in wide and 21 yds Ioag Brush Skirt Binding, pr vd Empress Corduroy Skirt Binding 2| in Torchon JLace pr yd 2 in “ " " 7c Black Silk Muffler Ladies Spring Hata St. Cecelia Medallion Toilet Sets Oxford Teachers Bible Riding Bridle Ladies Kid Gloves Rous* WaterProof Umbrella Jute Rug 36x72 Ladies Solid Gold Ring Eight Itey Clock Gold Filled Watch Harness Pad Doilies 23x24 ’ Hose Glasses Chain Pyeline Dressing Comb* Calf Finish Gents Pocket-pocket Tumblers per do* e: Leather Hitching Strap Day Book 200 page* 8Jxl5 Side Combs, with sets, per pr The Dewey Childrens Waist! 48c 55c tip 59c 60c up 65c 06c 67e 70e 95c $1.14 $1.90 $5.70 8c 9c I5e 17e 20e 20c 11x12 Turkish Bath Cloth* Corsets Red Damask, pr vd Wire Bustles Totaling, each 3c 20c up 21c 18c up 4e 6 to 40e 9c 8c 8215 GOe 55c 50 c ti’ Columbian Ingrain Carpet 21c 22c 23c 25c 29c Vd Towel Roller withmirror attached 33c Infants cap* **In His Steps." book Latest Gents Linen Collars Ladies Fancy Hose Chamber Sets, 6 pieces Black Spring (Ape* Hew style tudked Shirt Waists Ladies Muslin Goteftg Muslin Skirts, embroidery ruffle 6‘2e Jartleniers from 10c to $1.23 Spring Veiling 8c up Chenille Tabie Cover 66c Oak Picture Easels 32c Bed Spreads 47e up Churn m Ice Cream Freetera $1.70 Fishing Poles, 16 feet long 6c Complete line ot Ladies, Men and Children's Shoe*. NEW YORK RACKET STORE X c i t i a , JOEL OftANSKY, Proprietor. C > h i o . —I f your buggy need* painting kave it at Wolford's where it will lftjft. JlsLkmik, ha carefully done. ., the liver, purify the Mood, mvig*>rate the toxly by using DeWitts Little Early Ewers, These "OTIC* m AteteOUttHHUtT Hotice is hereby given that H, R. Carry has been appointed and quali fied as administrator of the test will and testament o f R, B. Elder, de- ceased, • J. H. Dgajf, w* ProkleJ«J*'- F o r figltt Lv ftUg 'WPPWI^MPinHRPHII’ WNRrelng ktttofttoyjc, *tv. DeWitts Witeh H***l Salvt cured him of pite* that had afflicted him for tereftff m m Ithrete* t speedy c a rt R. STERRETI ^SSfliJS m R! fttotcfftf AWtetefttesr. Hotutei* hereby given that Ed, L, Htomrmt ha* been appointed m A qualified *• Exeentor ot the lust will tore teriawaftt o f Hsnaah Rrid. *yL * * * * * April 11 }$$•. i tl* A m te *tete»*H, I We believe Chamberlain's Coug* •Remedy i* the best in the world, A ifete weeks agj we suffered rith* jsevere cold and ft troublesome! cough, and having rea l their advertisement* 1in owr ow* ami other papers wo p»r Chased* bottle to see if ifc t ? ch M 1effect us. I t cured us before 9* | bottle was more than half used. I t» I the best ntediritie out for colds aril f*0*8Hr-3'b* Htriild, AndertonvHk- lad. For ml* k? U. M, Ridgitef* Dtnggiuft -BaAIwretea, OM*absrri*ftIbsr W»taw«w*ft« a itft—-**‘T*s f*. y*i«h ** *** ts. wrwrotoftiters t w e s t y I f t ) i J itjt SftYR: The T ile I tb LIES OF He Attack! o f While it has to say anything citizens, yet tlx which forbear.! iue, aod altin many times t point, it isseld as to feeljustifi good "roastiu epithets of “ liu applied iii'lisct zens, we feel come to their d those who appl to have them ; One day la Sayre came inti if we could prii advertise 1 in House, to be' Dowie'a follow printing businc we could. He 1 have us get t two, nnd at the article from 1 wished us to pr course, we' com next week he notice and ai job of printing copy came froi four or five l office with a m we would with Finally the and the Profes excuse that th religion had Chicago witbo course the job losing it bollie what tee are tt for, is that we which the le: slick tongue c tdd'us.^ B«t withlieing a t- slon is for evei week. As a conq emimt-neemen A scheme aJvenising I position. ^ Tin competitive es upon the prog loan countries century, Tb somemedals b ]Kftition. ‘ “Otto IOi R* P., Bmm Witt's Witch final delicate stubborn nice rwults, *eCur Don't buy nn c oMDruggist Rldd 8 !jiir.t tear old sclmr from home l»; »** Iwen 1o?a . cksatWSn.V I the entire dl# $19 fromher herticket, , <>. K .B tat * the P, o . i f** n Rural J f was ref *’**he Mail I drerirt, tehu fiver the roU{ ^ ‘d.Dwiftall *mT*rnhv, , k»Bpriftgiltlr Iwi t» (9 *
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