The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
r r~ -—- .... . —■ i1” , We'tarewad* am»i*»Mrt» *«k tat ytta i;,l.?f*11‘*T«« *«w« i m ’*»* #1 ji # *0 s’** >■*'* 111 * Htr»l<l *Hi EMgriiu 4upew ci O ict H hm i«*r Or if y»a L av * tn-J S,,ur wti«**»rMM»» th* wtf«*in« *;;l |(B« t'.' }'e* f-f**s f‘***t«. 'Cedarville Jterald. Tfi* tart *lr*rti*isf wsh U mk I n U imm Cwatjr. It* Jefc PspsrtiMa t im jtto Art* I n »v»jry jaurtienlw, Aaytbiiig from ta t ***«M«#t UM io lb* Ur{«tt «»!• foil ibmji srtiptic PmrMtisstiuBsu hb N m ** word in tmt fowls***d**l>uz*. TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. no . 15. ! 5 , >u make 1 getting T*®® 2 ^.an 3rt*1 ,n 8 >» this world can only be estimated by comparison. W e invite comparison of our goods and prices with any of Our competitors. 0 There are No Uood Suits so Cheap as Ours, and No Cheap Suits so Good as Ours 0 W e sell the Best 50 and 7 5 cent Shirts on the market, collars attached and detached; s attached and detached. 0 Deservedly popular Shapes and Shades in our Neckwear line. 0 Styles and Qualities in Hats that'cannot be matched at the price.. . . . ------- ......................................... .C. 'DAVIS, Tailor, Hatter and Furnisher, Cedarville, Ohio, cuffs m nr £Embaltner. 33 mgr ingles: Pine, Red id Hemlock, Doors, Blinds and •Hidings. • :10 to 40x40. ’ stock in town, an Window •1 eens: ’ of. Try them. nr Bills. S drnwere, e, so will 1»Cloths ok Collars CC3 Cow# rid, A with ft cough, lesaenfo w« p»r Would sr* the . I t if ids and wivilfe, (4gwfty» i f * SAYRS JOfflPS IfiTOPRINT. The Tile Manufacturer, School Teacher, Doctor, Min ister and Divine Healer, Airs Himself Through the Leaves of Healing, in an Article Under the Heading: LIES OF COUNTRY PAPERS NAILED DOWN He Attacks the Herald Because of Its Caustic Account of the Meeting of the Dowieites Here Last February. TNeCMckemKnowa GoodTMiiy. A curious spectacle is aHorded trav elers on the Monon every day at Mo tion, Ind„ the junction of the main line and the Indiauapolis division. There two of the through trains, car 1 tying diners, meet, and the dining care are- set out. The cooks clean up their kitchens, throwing the refuse overboard, and the chickens in the -neighborhood are wont to cqme there and reed upon the scraps. It is- said that there is not a fowl within half a mile that has not come to recognize the whistles of the engines, pulling the passenger trains, and when -jAy are sounded for the station it is the; signal for the chickens to come run ning, flying o/er fences alid. hustling pellmell to get on the grounds for the feast. .. While it has not been our custom samples to the graduating class, who 20 c up 21c 18c lip 4c 8 to 40c Oe Sc .8c $215 ! 00 c hiit Waist* 55c iis 60c oidcrv ruffle 62c 10c to $1.25 He up cr 60c 02c 47c up HOc $1.70 at long . 6 c Indict, Men and chose onaof our samples. But the Pro feasor enme to our office got the num ber of the sample and.then went |o Xenia and placed the order with a printer of that place, clcnriy proving that ho would not give us a bit of work if he could possibly help it, and that his stories of last winter about wanting, to give us the work Were only told with the view of getting hie articles in print. / We have given him considerable space in our paper, iu fact more than to any churchin the village, and are willing to devote a little more to him and liis work. - Hfejlaims to be-a member Of the only orthodox church and that they are folhwere of Christ who belong to that church. II that be true, the less of such religion we have the better; for a religion which allows the prac. tice of such deception and abuse can bring only ruin to the world. Last week’s ‘‘Leaves of Healing!’ comes out with an nrticle, beaded, “Lies of Country Newspapers Nailed Down,” concerning our write-up of the services conducted by Rev. A. F. Fence. Bui under that heading the only criticism is that it is “an illogical and badly spelled editorial,” and in uo way trying to deny its truth. The “Leaves of Healing” and the sect which it represents, are bo ac customed to apply, abusive epithets to those whom they attack, that they use them without proof .or reason. Prof, Sayre in his services and articles lias been unsparing in his use of vile epithets against the churches, minis ters and best people of this -town. tosay anything derogatory of any our "citizens, yet there is a point beyond which forbearance censes to be a vir tue, luui although the . editor feels many times that lie is beyond this point, it is Seldom he is so far -beyond' hb to feel justified in giving- one a real gcod •'roasting.” But when the epithetsof “liar” and “stinkpot,” are applied indiscriminately to our citi zens, we feel that it is our duty to cometo their defense, and show that ■tWe who apply.such epithets deserve tohave them applied to themselves. One day laat winter Prof. J . H. Sayre came into our'office and asked if we could print some hand bills- to advertise a meeting iu the Opera House, to be conducted by some of Bowie’s followers. Being in the printing business We told them that we could. He then said that he would have ,us get them out in a week or two, and a t the same time pulled an article from his pocket- which he -wished us to print iu the Herald. Of course, we consented to do so. The next week he came in with another notice and another promise for the job of printing the bills as soon as the copy came from Chicago. ' A t least four or five times did lie enter our office with a notice and a promise that we wonliHvithout doubt get the work. Finally the bills came from*Chicago and the Professor came to us with the excuse that the head managers of his religion had had them printed in Chicago without his knowledge. Of course the job was a small one and the losing it bothered us very little, but what we are trying to .kick ourselves for, is that we swallowed nil the lies j And, yet, ouly last week he asked for which the learned gentlemen with the signatures of these same people tlbk tongue and placid countenance | whom he has abused, to a paper stat- fold'us. But if we ever credited him fog that he was a man of moral char- with lieing a truthful man that delu- tcter. . wiint excites our amazement wST f°r eV<;'r l0St 17 h,S *Ct,°U th" is that he wants a recommendation As a competitor for printing the (endorsed by “ liars, “stinkpots' and cjrameitcement invitations, we sent ^ apostates.” A scheme has been suggested for advertising the Pan-American Ex position. The plan is for a series of competitive essays by school children span the progress of the Pan-Amer ican countries during the nineteenth century, The prizes will be hand* tomemedals to lie issued by the Ex position. . ^ Ofto Korb, Grand Chancellor, K. P„ Boonville, lnd., says, “ De witt's Witch Hazel Salve soothes the »wt delicate skin and heals the most stuLbom uieer with certain and good results. “Cures piles and skin disease. ILn’l buy an imitation, Bidgway A <•)., Druggists, Ehi#Bhustef, of Springfield, a ten Year old school girl, who disappeared miw home last Tuesday, a week ago, "fs been located. She is at her un ties at Winchester, Va. She traveled jw entire distance alone, She took •10 from her saving bank to procure her ticket. D. E. Utadfute forwarded ftpetition y W ' . O. Department, this week, fjr s litirel Mart Route No, 2, Route Ao.l was referred by the Department t *the Mail Route Inspector for this nislnci. who will be here soon to look ovtr the route. *, H. Ervin and wife attended the ^ ' hlhmiuilly wealing at Cincinnati, ^Tuesday. Emm them they waft* Springfield, where they itho fM »f*eepti'in given “ M o th er tllew urt. J . II. McMillan had the funeral of Mr. Samuel McCullock, of Yellow Springs, Thursday, Mr. McCullock has been in the undertaking business almut 48 years, and it fs( stated that lie buried more people in his time than are living in Yellow Springs at the present time. Faust at the Opera House last night was very well played and was witnessed by a fair audience, lhm company carries their own scenery, which, with the electrical effects-only added to the grandeur of the play. Ou Monday a load of fine cattle will be started for Texas, for Joseph Green, who was here last winter. The load will bo made up as followsj Mr. tt. F, Kerr, 8 ; J- W. Pollock, 4; Andrew Bros. 1, Mr. Lem Blair has gone to Illinois to make his future home. Hus daughter, Eva, will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. George Oreswell until school isout, Miss Carrie ttief, of California, and sister, Mrs, Ed Barrett, of Dayton, were the guests of Hon. Andrew Jackson and wife, Thursday. Messrs. Andrew Bros, this week shipped to Beftton, Homes County, Ohio, two fine Red Polled cows and calves-. - Will sell n J h o uM Wine of Bar- aaparilk for the next five d*y ft* TO* C. M. BMjway. COGITATIONS “Mother” Stewart’s Birthday. “ Mother” Stewart, of Springfield, who took an active p.irf in the tein- pemnee crusades, celebrated ber eighty-fourth birthday, Wednesday. A reception -was--held from 7 til! 10 o'clock that night and each g.ive her n rosebud. She also received letters of congratulations, loving messages und flowers from friends in all parts of this country and England. Several from here attended the day meeting. The life of Homaf—lifeM s oa Poatarity. —Ancfeat Poetry saEatfewted To-DSy. Homer wrote poetry for the papers iu Greece, Jong before Ballard, the ■Red Oak bard, evekTstuck a pen in ink. His poetry about “Spring*! seemed to make a jjreat hit around thHt country, but it feouldidt amount to shucks if written today. He came the nearest, however fill ing the bill when' it came to writing Stuff that nobody could understand of anybody prior to the days of Robt, Browning, This is merely our persona! opinion, hence doesn’t cut much ice, but we think that hull the folk* who rave over Homer don’t know poetry from string beans. He was n shiftless oUsa and put iu his time inventing things for posterity to read. Posterity didn’t know it in time and bus to take its medicine. About all that we Itavo been able /to find that Homer ever did was to write books for our colleges where boys go to learn foothill, smoke cigarettes and acquire long hair, What a world of trouble it would have’Saved if every thing lie had ever written hud been thrown into the waste basket. could pot find room for the “Iliad.” Homer was disappointed, but not crushed. You can’t crush a poet. Borne folks would,like to, but it can’t be doue. So be laughed a hoarse laugh. He said, “Ha, ha. I know what I will do.” He should have said “shall.” “I will write for posterity.” And posterity has been trying ever since to find out what he meant, Therefore, when you make up your mind to write poetry, don’t. Found Dead a t His Horn. William Brown, a retired merchant and prominent citizen o f Charleston, was found dead at 9 o’clock, Wednes day, pt his home in that place. He was found dead on the floor, and it ib said his death has been caused by heart failure: His wife has been away for a few days visiting at Greenville, he living alone during her absence. The doors were found locked, but an entrance was soon gained. The dead man was 66 years of age and leaves a widow and two daughters. Miss Myrtle Lowry, of Xenia, who has been visiting for a few days past with relatives of this place, will return to her home the first of the week accompanied by her cousin, • Mr. Stuckey. W,. &TM. SSCS The above cut illustrates the largest amphitheatre the world lias ever seen, being many hundred square feet larger than the historic Colloseum at Rome. It will be one of the attraction nt the Pan- American Exposition at Buffalo, next year. LowRates to Cincinnati. May 7tb and 8 th for People’s Party National Convention, low rate round trip non-transfcrable excursion tickets Will be sold to Cincinnati via Penn sylvania Lines; valid returning May 12 th, inclusive. Excursions to Chicago. Via the Pennsylvania lines. For the iMcthodist Episcopal Church Gen eral Conference during the month of May low rale non-lransferahle round trip tickets will-lie sold to Chicago on May 1st* 2d, 7th, I4tu and 21st; valid lor return trip leaving Chicago not later thau June 1st, —Gray keeps nothing but fhe best in Ids line of goods. —All kinds of Spring Blood Medi cine at C. M. Ridgway’s. Will McMillan, of Jeffersonville, visited here, one day this week Miss Bees Milburn returned home Monday after quite an extended visit with friends nt Piqua, I f the wind ttud dry weather con tinues, the citizens will be compelled to get out the street sprinkler. Roy Jefferies, of Jamestown, was over yesterday and took pictures of th£ College and each of the classes, 8 . McKelvie, of Fairfield, Neb,* was here, this week, bisecting An drew Bros.’ herd of Red Polled Cattle. Hon. James D. Rankin* o f South Charleston, is a member ofthe present State Normal and Industrial Board of Wilbcrfbrde, having bien named by Gov. Nash some time ago. Mrs. Blair, mother of Editor Blair, fell on the sidewalk ami received ft baht fall, as she Wasgoing from the depot in Morrow to her home, Mrs, Blair is well up in years which Will no doubt, binder a speedy recovery. Veterinary Burgeon Turner, of Xenia, has been making daily visits here in attendance on the valuable mare belonging to John Johnson, which was strlekentd with lung fever lire first of the week, 8 h« Si now im proving nicely. I t wouldn’t be given space in the papers now. Ho grow digsatiisfied with his life in the little town where he lived. He did this about the time that boys grow sour and haughty and talk ili a deep, hoarse voice. At about the same time he began to patrouize the barber shop, where ho read the “Police Gazette,” !the “Standard’ and “Town Topics.” His parents were pluin people and he got ashamed of them ns hogrew ii- ami his name appeared frequent i.i the county papers. His failm- was a plain mail and wore pints in his boots, Ho also n: pie with bis knife. But he was honest. He paid his debts and" was a good neighbor. He helped the neighbors thresh every fall and at butchering old innii Homer was much in demand. Little TIomcr got ashamed of his folks, though, and the best they could do, lie would sit up till eleven o’clock some nights to bemoan bis fate. He was a boy who longed to soar. He should have been made sore with a barrel stove. Excuse the little joke. So when the papers nt the county seat printed his poetry it turned his lieai] and one evening while his father was doing the chores, little Homer rode the blind baggage out of town. He went to the next town and soon found himself Up against the real thing. Ilia money soon plityed out and he had to go it ou the bum. He would go front house to bouso and offer to ring for bread. When the folks heard him they immediately gave hbu the bread, I t was all they could do. I t was not streuge, therefore, that lie felt inspired. Many a fellow mis takes a gnawing stomach for an in spiration. He wrote the “ Iliad’* and sent it to the leading psper with the request for a check at once. His father wasn’t taking the paper, so the child of bis inspiration was re turned to him with the suggestion that he wrote a beautiful hand, but awing to a rwrii of plate matter they Valedictory. As I. have severed my connections with the management of the Cedar ville H erald it is only right and proper that I take this means of thanking the Cedarville people and patrons of this paper for the kind encouragement nud loyal support which they have given this paper dur ing the Inst year. And I sincerely hope that this support will continue, knowing that the standing of the H erald will change only for the better,- The year’s work has been of im meuso .benefit to me both financially and in the experience gained, and 1 feel that I am Under great obli gations to the patrons of this paper. * Very Truly Yours, J. R obb H arper . REPUBLICANTIGRETRAgED Columbus Convention Extreinely Interesting and De cidedly Presidential in Its Whole Tendency, —Blackburn Nominated For a Third Term Against Strong Opposition. m c k in l e y a n d ms p o l ic y e n d o r s e d . The tOhio Republicans Perforated Their Appointed Work, Without Halt or Wavering* in Three Short Hours. THE TICKET. ■ ! Secretary of State—-Lewie O. Lay- Supreme Judge—Johu A. Sbauck. Board of Public Works—-Charles A. Goddard. , / State School Commissioner, L. D. Bonebrake. Dairy^od-Food Commissioner—J . E. Blackburn. Presidential Electore-at-Large—Col onel Myron T. Herrick, General W. P, Orr. Delegatea-at-Large — Senator Jo seph B. Foraker, Governor. George K, Nash, General Charles Dick, Gen eral Charles Grosvenor. Alternates-at-Large—Hon. Charles Foster. .Hon. Myron O. Norris, Hon. W. C. Brown, George A. Myers. The Republican State |Convention, held at Columbus, this week, was presidential, in its character, and swiftly, and surely, without wavering, the Republicans performed their ap pointed work in three hours. Ohio’s president was endorsed in a scholarly resume *of his , official achievements and all representation at the National Convention. The dominant tone of the conven tion was aggressiveness, and this quality, which tiuged every bit of the proceedings, merged into defiance of Democracy, as is shown by Mark •' WiareMIfeit 18 lb Granulated Sugar fofr $1.00 ID lb Coffee A Sugar for |1.00 Potatoes (choice ones) per bu 55c At Bird’s Mammoth Store, The stores of Robert Bird and James H. McMillan, are at present the finest lighted stores in town. This week these progressive business men had plants put in their store by a Cincinnati firm, which more light and a less expense then any machine on the market, The closing exercising of the Xenia Seminary were heldWednesday night. Sixteen young men graduated this year, among whom was J . W, Bkkett, n former student of Oedsr- ville College, who has accepted a call to Greenfield, 0* David Bradfnte, who some time back was kicked by a koras, but thought it only a slight brtdss, has been compelled to use a oane, Attorneys Snodgrass and Solvely of Xema were here Tuesday looking after some legal matters. The Field CoritagsOo., nf Xenia, will havesample#of its product at tire Paris Exposition. —Subscribe for the HereM. Hanna’s statement: “ Whnt'do I care w!fat the Democratic party, thinks of your action.” The feeling which permeated the delegates was of being part of a mighty organization, which had built up national prosperity, and was itself built on tbat prosperity. and that this, organization irresistibly would sweep all before it and again place McKin- ey a synonym for prosperity at home and extension of American trade abroad, in power. An effort-was made to substitute Hftnna for Grosvenor, in the Big Four, but failed as Hanna positively declined. •The Big Four stands as follows: Foraker, Nash, Grosvenor and Dick, There seemed to be less factional ismat this convention than there has been for fifteen .years, aud was un usually harmonious, with the ex ception of the personal fight made on Grosveaor and Blackburn, both of whom won. The platform is just as it came from Washington with the addition of the anti-trust resolution and fhe omission of tho Porto Rican resolu tion, - Blackburn, for food commissioner, achieved a third nomination against the fiercest-kind of personal opposi tion. The following invitation has been issued: “Mrs. Elizabeth Pettigrew invites you to be present at the mar riage of her daughter, Elsie Lee, to Mr. Harvey Homer Jobe, on Wed nesday evening,. May 9th, at half pest seven o’cllock, in the jeer nine teen hundred, 21 East Church street, Xenia, O.” Mr. Jobe is one of the progressing young farmers of this vi cinity and is well known here. Mire Pettigrew is one ot Xenia’s most charming ladies, and this^ young couple will have the best wishes of their many friends. * H. V. Cottrell, who last spring opened a dental office in the Lowry block, but finding that competition was going to be strong, returned to Columhui, where he graduated from the Ohio Medioid University, Tues day, April 24, a t the Great Southern Theatre, Columbus. This je a r th e University has 104 graduate*, 54 of whom are from the Medical Depart ment, 42 from the Dental Depart ment end eight cf whom are Phar macists. )f r, Cottrel had the honor of lieing president of the class. The school board at Jamestown elected teachers to all the departments except the A and B grammar, last Monday. All the old teachers were retains:), except M m Maggie Harper, who does not intend to teach thie year and was not an applicant. She » a eifcfer to Robb Harper, the Herald a fonaer editor. Prof, H. L» Lawyer was not an applicant. The old Masrie’s Creek church, four miles west of ibie place, and now owned by James Anderson, is being torn down, the stone to be used for a barn fonndathm. This church was built in 1829, aud waa abandoned for church purposes about twenty years ago. Min Lillian Hawver, who has been spending the winter with her unde aud aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hood, has been called to (he death bed o f her grandfather, a t Hudson, N. Y, --Tsai. CfoffiMt aud d p i n a t Gray* COLORED SOCIETY. Dame Rumor Las announced another wedding for tomorrow. Geo. Steele is making some repairs on his residence and when completed, will present a very neat appearance. Jno. Silvey attended the State Con vention at Columbus, this week. Rev. J . R. Luckey, of British Guiana, S. A., who recently arrived a t Wilberforce, preached at the A» M. E . church, laat Sabbath. Teachers Elected. The school board were iu session last night and elected all the old teachers except Miss Emma Blair. Miss Mattie Bromagem takes Miss Blair’s room, and Miss Della Gilbert gets Mias Bromagem’s. Mr* R. A. Brown, A. B., principal and teacher of classics, English and history, of Gallia Academy, at Gallipolis, 0 ., was elected as superintendent a t a salary of $90 per month . 1 Mr. Joe Turnbull suffered a revere stroke of paralysis, last night. AreYaaCaariftfetsd? ,Do youhave that tired feelingt Do you feel sluggish, billions and out of sorts generally? Do you have sick headache? Do you have pimples, eruptions, blotches, ulcers, sores or other results of constipation? The sewer of the body must be kept in an active, healthy condition and nothing does it so well ae Bailey’s Laxative Tablets. Their use twinge on ft clear, rosy, beautiful complexion. A tab let or two taken at night makes you fieri fine in the morning. Iftepaeleagse contain 90 tablets, and 00 in 95c packages. Tablets chocolate cofttcd. H e written riguature «f W. J . fetter ftae. B u y •cure emu- fX The wri si n o w , . 1 SHWMNlJTM ltV t Mrel tSNNI 4MM# f f c f e i j# .-
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