The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
^ " r r v j r ” T h e ^ c i 'q lc l . $1.00 A YEAR. Sf mk. tmJtkm * I f e jU a k — PB b J m APWRJw* ® JPPM sf *RWW ! "OSMMMI MWC*; SSitoHW«MdPlM*. ’<MTU*DAY, A i m 28, 1900. IMNRMHKMOTMBRPI S A L U T A T O R Y , With thi* issue of this HmM w* M*k* our initial Iww to the irietute mul patrons of this paper. We are • a t wholly iiMiiffereut to the grave re* qMSisibiiiti?* conferred ,by the position Jmt a r t encouraged in the hope that the cordial and subet»ntisl support given Jby the former management may he maintained in behalf of the prawnt one. With only a little Over a year*# ex perience, some time will possibly elapse ere we shall feel comfortable in the sanctum of the Herald office; but we will from the beginning endeavor to make the paper a news paper, re getting the best thought aud Senti ment of the community and county at large—a welcome visitor in the home and a medium through which the advertiser may best reach bis patrons aud secure thereby the largest and meet gratifying results. • Iu order to attain the highest pos sible excellence we shall need the hearty co-operation of all the friends and well wishers of the Herald. We waut every one as they may able, to Jend usjMtCtpiog hand, and we our njnrfwill give you the best service te able to render. .VVe will under, this new manage ' ment, make one deviation from the, old, and that is the discussing o f po litical questions VVe will as far as our ability and discernment will ad mit, stand for the truth, right, and ' best interests of .our patrons,, friends and the people of the vicinity, and in {his we will espouse the cause of Republican party, I f any thing of it publicMTture needs to be brought, to nottpufehanged, ed, or reptavUnTdo not hesi- late to faring ir to our notice; but things o f a private nature whether faaviug attained publicity or not, had better ' be well considered, before bringing . them before the public. While fearJefely discussing moral, social, educational - .and - economic question, we may seem to some to be harsh, but when subjects of hideous men are brought to light, we will bo under obligations to undertake the unpleasant task as a duty, to charac terise these wrong doings, and will handle them in a manner that will be just to the accused, and In no way re fect to the public. With these few words we come be fore the public and are at*your ser vice. The earnest support of the community is solicited in order that we may more complete our future f la m . K a m . it B ull . The Republican programme in* etudes the passage by the House of the Nicaraguan canal bill and by the Ssaate oi the shipping bill at tins •wttoi, hut whether that party will la able to carry out ita plan and yet mQostra early in June is a question. The Democrats will fight the shipping bill is the Senate to the last gasp and certain cranks belonging to both parties wilt oppose the Nicaraguan Mil ia the House. I t is a question how long and how vnrisdly Congress can defy the will of lb* country. The people demanded Inst trade for Porto Rko aud did not p i It; they demanded an Isthmian and have not gotten it, and they wded tha repeal of the stamp :tines wow that the revenue from them Is adariusd wot to be neceesary. Will Mwyp t h? We trow not. Tha chance for relief from the snap taxes at this session rtfCongress ’fll wsry slight, Neither partywares to Vfbrf wHfc the tariff iu a ptttidewtial Tha last time it was done, was ' lb* Democrat* in Cleveland’s time, lb* emsatry will remember lb* ’ defeat that befell that party lif t* . sUee UW. I f hie huaMW wamesebe would become •xtteot wo owe wouh grieve. ___ ' ■ That good lottuwe ia often harder to bear than misfortune waa again dem oastrated by the auWd* of a New York man who recently inherit* $300,000, Still, all of us would choose good fortune, if given a say Pemoual cowtesta iu Ksotucky are more dsngwoua thaw polittoal con testa, A man waa killed in Lexing ton for aaying “All men are bara, except the grocery man, to whom he probably owed money. ABostou girl has accepted a man who proposed twenty-one times. The Republicans should cheer up, Boose- velt has not declined more than eigb teeu times yet. How things are humming in this country may l*ejudged from the shut ting down of Iron mills because of in ability to get a sufficient, supply o ’ pig iron. When Mr, Clark again runs for the Senate, ip Montana, as he says he wil do. be will probably be more secretive in his fiaacial transactions. - - According to Senator Pettus,. the Bible, Shakespeare, and the poems o Robert Burns contain everything that a man needs to know. There are threehupdred-odd geu tleuieu who regard their re-election to Congress as the most important matter before the country. question of-whether the Kansas convention is to be stormy or ouly avlittle Dewey is perplexing some personsVnot a little. Can anyone imagine the Hero o: ‘ Manila asking Kichard Croker to give him tip New York delegation at Kansu/City? of the preachers are calling new creeds when what their con ^rogations most heed is new preachers A large number of American pa triots are anxious to serve Form Rico—for an official salary. Deo, Joe Wheeler seems to possess the valuable faculty of knowing when to be silent. - This is the season of love for the unmarried, and of bouse cleaning for the rest of us.. SyrwublUwWildTin,t When things are “ the best” they become “ the best selling.” .Abraham Hare, a leading druggist, of Belle ville, Q., writes: “Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have hsudlet in 20 years. You know why? Moe, diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood am nerves. Electric Bittern tones up the stomach, regulate* liver, kidney am bowels, purifies the blood, strength ens the nerves, hence cures mul titudes of maladies. I t builds up the entire system'. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, run-down man or woman. Price 50 oontt, Bold by Ridgway ds Co., druggists. Thirty bags of mail dispatched last October to Various points in the Trans vaal, aud held ever sinoe by the cea •or at Durban, have arrived in Preto ria. . Caress, like chickens, come bonne Be tfreretary l^oeg sorrow* ben fa* ffiwte the hi Ifaiybmi will AA m MdMhfellMfeftlAlfe BMP 44^- Vyu^ flPM wffw pwm s ^■a^suwAa a Xmaa^, W WT R JlffwWIWMI MP JM* aWaot lapsre tk* party ft* IsMear Is shunt l* h m m IMBM I* b tea p*p«l<r fee I aairiwttiO«i sftlnanHasi- K xkxa , Jackson Co. W. Va. About three yean ago my wife bad an attack of rheumatism which con fined her to her bed for over a month and rendered her unable to walk a step without assistsnee, her limbs being* wo U m to doubt* their normal sis*. Mr. 8 . Maddox insisted on my using Chamberlain"* Pain Balm, purchased a fifty-oeot bottle and used it Moording to ih« idirtotions aud the next morning she walked to breakfast without aseletauoe la any as*u*er« and she has tu t hud * similar attack since. “—A. B. I’ amoxs . For sale by Ridgway A Co., Druggist*. The Christian is the name of a Chicago restaurant conducted on BibleJjprtaeipkM. Its proprietor it a reformed drunkard, amt be Is making a tuecres of his novel enterprise. He ha* cteoorated hi* wall* with scriptural quotations, hold*Goepel meeting* on Sstttfritey levenings, and closes the p)a#* tm Rundaya. The Hill of fare beamJkmHlar text*. At p, iu. ataudard tiiie, you. beginand tak*aftertaeh meril i half teeepeonM nf Dr* Caidwattb Ryrup iir«|NPNigJr*nl wilt 99 gNfflMNHMMfjr JPp* jjr ggagfem UHM MiMnp wf w M W jiM fiii wmtm P l i Iw IRR Kt* JR* JRVR^ W atxxloo , I mp ., Feb. 11,1897, Pepsin Byrup Co., Htgttieetio,.III. Qwm x*** :-~ I bad been n great sufferer ftom Indigeutiou and atomarit trouble until about two years ago when I began using Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. I have fouud it 'the only remedy to give ine permanent relief and Xcheeriully recommend its use to anyone in need of such a remedy. Very respectfully yours, E dwabj >W akumaw . A dummy.ciook has been placed ou Independence ball, in Philadelphia, at the point where a real dock marked the time in other days. It* bands point to the hour when the Declara tion was signed. 9 «—J , I. Carson, Protliouotnry, Washington, Pa., says, “ I have found Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in esse of- stomach trouble, and have derived great benefit from its use,” I t digests what, you eat and cannot fail to cure. - Ridgway A Co., Druggists. . While a priest was administering the last sacrament to n dying man in the presence ofrelatives near Corunna,' Spain, the floor of the room collapsed and five persons were killed and four teen injured. Hot t Out Iron StomMli. Of course you haven’t. No one need have. Doctor Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsuris a remedy prepared fan pur pose for stomach troubles, weak stom ach, sour stomach, big Btomach or little' stomach, or auy irregularities caused from indigestion or constipa tion. They can be permanently and thoroughly cured by the use of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup' Pepsin, which is made in three sizes, lOcts, 50cts and $1.00 and is sold by O. fti. Ridgway Geu. Lew Wallace haejjst received a copy of his “Ben „Hur” translated into Persinn and published in Egypt. That ThrottlingHeadtcha Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King’s -New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick und Nervous Headaches.' They make pure blood nud build up your health. Oafy 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Ridgway & Go., Druggists. . I t is said that 400 acres of timber are destroyed iu the United States every day in the year. AHorribl*Oatbmk. “Of large sores on my little daug* ter’a head developed into a case of scald .head” writes; U. D, Isbill of Morgantop, Tenn., but Bucklen’s Ar nica Salve completely cured her. It’s a guaranteed cure for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only 25c. .at Ridgway & Co.’s druggists. Kansas has about 300 flour mills, with a capacity of about 10,000,000 barrels a year. I k get Tm. We cannot cure everything. We only cure Dysyepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Sick Headache and Stomach troubles. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin doe* the work and you can get it in 10c, 50e or $1.00 size of (1 M. Ridgway. The German coal famine is causing many factories to close. TOCURBAOOLSI f 0XS SAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund the money If it Ails to cure. E We Grove’s signature ie on each box. 25c. A native Eskimo has been ordained as a Swedish minister in Chicago. GRANDMA HAD CONSUMPTION and I sat afraid Xbar* in* bsritsd it. I do fiftt f«tl m&; 1 hm a ctm*h: my ixam aro tore; sxn Icatoa M u What ahull I do? YasflF iM iat *ey* niir* *f •• irw* * sskmiv wwaw was* MPW f WSF-•- w9r*s •fi* l i t fm C*»"t tak* It. Oaly l i t f l t e M r M ut mjwm t*)M £ M l tkurr cam’t take it ur* » i* ** tk k it M4M*ta th* ^ a v wf *p pww spwewsw • » wnwerw swswp ■MilA M**| m o o t t m nNNKLMHMt ^|gl m A U n ttli* KWMI Wfil it t o iliMNr' i f I N A id r* - l a i *** • 09 X 9 *8 fXHXiilQt imm H l MhMM ft| mrv Asulit ehattt aa^p mr * m% $ i i t i t i m tffei e OHU»OH OlggOTOWY X. f . Ckttrok—gov. J . V. Vaster. Mirvlooi »t n m *■ w. Hokool *t I t «. w. Comsutor qii»Kb-X«r. W. 9. frna«»os, utor. Xs*sl»r ww'iM**1 ll:W». »* »»*- UbSchool «t IQs. p. C, P. Ck«»b—Bsv, F, 0. Rots, p»*<;«•■Ber- vlsoost 1«;W s> w. aad7i*sp. iu, hsbUHth flohoolst V: 8 » s. n. ttsHtlsrU t(w«. A,It. F. Chare*—Kor, |tr. Msswoll, l’*»- (Mr Prssehiog st IJtOOs.* fijWp. no CUu ovorySsbhsth stl3;S0, Sohbsth feofcool otaVp.W. friend* end yiiitor* eordistly tsvltsd. It, X, Church—-Kev. A.D. Msddoz, P«*tor. Presehins at 11:00 a. iu. SshhsthSchool At S:4S s, l». Vouns People's meeting st S:4 j p, m . Prsyer Mseting Wedseedsy evening st T:!W. Bepilit Church—-Rev. llir. CoiemsB, psetor ofthe iBsntietchurch, rreuehiag stlloelocV sml 7:30p. ni. Rsbhsth Sohool’st 2?90p. m. Prsyer meeting every Wednesday night at 7:3*. Everyone invited. IIPILB8 CUBED WITHOUT THE MIFEI Yourdruggest, whomyou know to he reliehlo wilt tell you tbst he ia suthorlted to refund the money to every purchaser where PIZO OIK'f- MENT fetle to cure sny ceee of ITCHING, BLIND, BLEEDING, or PROTRUDING PILES, no matter of how long standing. Cures ordlnsry cases is six dsys. One epplication gives osse end rest. fieUsvesItohingmsUntly. Tble is s new discovery end if said on * posi tive guarantee, No .Cure, No Pay, Price, $1.00. For salo by 0. M. Ridgway. $500 REWARD! cafe lead- venose we cannot onro with Liverita, the Up*to-Dete Little Liver Pill,when the directions ore strict ly compliedwith. .They arc purely Vcgotablo and never fail to give satisfaction. 2oo boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills, 5e boxes contain 15 Pitts. Beware of substitu tions and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NEltVITA MEDICAL CO., Cof. Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, III. For sale by 0. M. Ridgway, druggist,, Codar- ville, Ohio. FRANK H; DEAN, A ttorney at L aw ; 41 E. Main St., Xenia, O. Adam’s Restaurant and DiningRooms Corner Higlt and Limestone street, - Springfield, Ohio. ‘ Blue Front Stable. Leave.your horses there and your rigs be kept ou the inside, out of the rain and storm. 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O. C harles * 2 . T odd , Prop Y OU can always find at the old reliable Meat Shop of C . W. Crouse’s Choice Beef» Pork Sausage, Veal, ’ Lard, Bologna, Wenerwust, Bacon, Hams, Sugar Cured Shoulders. Give us a trial an<4 be con vinced. CEDARVILLE, OHIO, A CCOUNTS of Merchants and In dividuate solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted, TkRAFTS on New York and Cia- ciunsti sold a t lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail. T OAN8 made on Ileal Estate, Pei* A* sonsl or Collateial Security. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., W, J . Wifdman, Cashier, $ 25.00 Per Week — TO™ ANY PERSON iu America of ordin- ary intelligence, male or female, can earn $25 weekly during their leisure hours by introducing our celebrated Art Tapestry Paintings, send stamp for illustrated circular, containing full information and reproductions of our tapestry paintings. Call or address, Parisian Tapestry Co., lit West Twenty-Fourth Street, New York. TRRB0T0HAM8. Any adult suffering from a cold settled ou the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any nature, who will call at C, M. Ridgway’*, wilt he presented with a sample bottle of Boechee’s German Syrup, free of charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and none to children without order from parents, No throat or lung remedy ever had iwch m sale a* Boseheea German Syrup in all parte of the civilised world. Twenty years ago millions of hotttes were given away, ami ytmr druggists will tell you its success was marvelous. I t ,i« really the only Throat anti Lung Remedy generally endorsed by physicians, One 75 cent hotel* will cure or prove it* value. H*Wby dealer* in all civilised conn- trie*. -Ntwerop e**ttdi Am*te*. Got* ~ MGray a SPRING ■ 1900. C n i ’p e t H . The designes and quality surpass any former season, Then!- vauce in raw material and general good times has made a great de mand, and the mills have advanced prices. To overcome i» part HUTCHISON A GIBNEY placed there orders at puces that can- not be duplicated by 5 or 10 per cent. - 10000 yds. Matting, joinlem and seamless twine chain in green, blue, brown and red at 12£ to 35c. Never better for the money* 10 Rolls of the Grande, per y d , —5 and ajte 15 Rolls of the Cotton Extra Sup8r.»<.»*«**.,..-.«..«-*..'-*’******,**"'*,,‘djm J 5 Rolls AU-wool Filiiug,.................................................. VK'oK'nr 25 Rolls All-wool both ways...,...... ....................... *....... **.*>0, oO, 75e « ■' r .T ■ ■ ' fi-f.i . Jj- • i ' i -| Velvet, Tapestry, Moquette, Axmlnster. Art Ingrain nil sizes $4.75, $5.75 $8.75. Large size, nil-wool Axminster, 3 yards wide, 14 yards long. Large size Moquette, Velvet, Tapestry. Aft Corner Remnants put down to 26c. ' Bruesel Remnants 19c, 25o, 50c, 75e. » * . I ^ t i c e C u i ' l i t i n s , 500 pair, excellent styles, never lower. Good style 3$ yards long $1.00. Three yards long per pair 50c. H u t c h i s o n & Q I B N E Y G O * X - 0 - H . W O L F O R D F O K Imperial Ploms and Repairs. See That New Corn Marker. Prices Right - - Prices Right You Way Ouin AGold Jiniiie! Or nt least no interest in one by subscribing to the first allotment of 100,000 shares of the Treasury Stock of the COLORADO GOLD KING MINING COMPANY, Which we are authorized to offer nt the ground floor price of $ SW5UOQ1 SPJfctikfe 5*j»©0@ @3$J&3E^35iS Shares, par value $1.00, full puid and non-assessable. Thisisa new compnuy forming to acquire and oijer.ife Gold properties in the Great Gold Camps of Cripple Creek and Eldora Colorado. OnJune 1 st unsoid treasury stockwill boadvanced to $ 100.00 per i,ooo Siuires And only enough stock sold to supply the treasurywith $15,000working cap ital. The greatest fortunes of all times arc being made today In Colorado Gold Stoek Note some of the enormous * , - PROFITS IN GOLD STOCKS; First price Gold Coin, $50 per 1,000 shares. Present price, $2,750 per 1,000 shares, dividends paid $420,000. First price Portland, $30 per 1,000. Today, $2,500 per 1000, dividends mud $2,799,080, A year ago Isabella sold nt $250 per 1,000. Today $1,300, and has puid $600,000 dividends. Stratton’s Independence sellj at $14 .50 p e r S h a r e and pays $2,000,000 annually. These were nit undevoh ped prospects once, like the properties of the Colorado Gold King Compauy. ACT QUICKLY! This firstaliotment will not last long. I f oversubscribed before your money tenches us, it will be returned to you. Subscriptions received for lots of 500 to 20,000 shares. Send money by P, (). Order, Draft or Express Order pay able to . “ o x a s . w. sm tAcrcra o o . XxekM** Cotorado Springs, Colo., F-iimueial Agents for the Company, Fat! tftt. rmstion fufni«b «4 on any prlppls t'rcck r,r EUlc.ra Golil Slock. Wfilo for we^VIyfennrket letter und^ ho I h U ods « Beautiful Hair! DoYou Vast It? *3f<m Q m m M m m m X iw . M adame Coatti .4 C o s oifem 0 » « Httndrcd Dollar* Reward forsny c * m ofGray Hair her Perfee-linnHair Restorer fails to restore, or sny t»eeofDandruff it fails tocure, when directions are properly followed. A t t e n t i n n ! Y'*'1£Cn<*>securely sealed, to your eeareit express office, her eight ounce $ ! .SO fcottte. for Oil* D o ttn f, if you mention this paper. One to ttle in man-/ beiog all needed, Aitfiess, Hwfettt* Corlfte Co*, my MteMg*wBt., T*Mfo, owio, TO WHOM I t PONCKBN; J *m pM-Mmatfar sr*Maist «4 with MaSaweOwlltarn« a«* the vuwjetfM eMVHK^hn Frer*r*ms Item BaSToeM, IU* weaSerfitl. twyeM la tte XSeHe, end et tke ww# time Fetfoeiiy ilwshH, There fee*** ef mtmj ex—l rerewee whjKWthis gr*f teeke her#W« Miy te yn th to M«r »e 4 vtgnr. * Mtt, O j , Henke, teMe. OhW,-yremit sSSteee, Nm , Artamea. f A. ItmiMer. M. D. tMtlmpSk I s 4 I« m , * ***«»•. TnWSeMet*| * MkmettM. * " * ' B W * r l 1W t|k * A ta ,fW e ^ e l I«. t>. B. Va.D.rfhrwalaflw * Vteeeeyhle * T7.-'tt-ra3 ■i'rtfursw tss A K r - . .. . V/.,' . . l/tii-iii, .wii, i ’u ,r 3‘.',1 o:; , f-Pna irviil;1 .......... W3if)irf-»vc'>........ X’iJn -... .. | H prtnxV elloy . itixauuu , W ayneevlUo .. d r x o n i a ............. F o rt Anoioiit. fitorrow .... . ROt,Ml JsClUhOt ixrvolatiU...... . Sillfo ra .......... . H em vluJo « J4-3cOAJ H< “ idti ;;*■ i=?; fi *i »?j t i « " ;as;iaj. 2ui ■ m >6j r ' f , rinelHemtl ... 03310-Ej‘i ba. C-IJ,! I .A-.tlr;11 i I ;io E astw a rd , e'lwclnnntl iv|:G4'j tln ln v iaJo ... “ Milford ...... •> Ixivclm ul.... “ Ho, I^ b iu to u “ M orrow ...... ** F t, A n cien t ** Oregonlii . ; ** W aynes viilo 41 ltoximnn„ .. * fivr’g V alley 14 Xenia... | }“. WiliK'rforce ••' C'erturvilo.... *' Hiilfrtrt....... ir South Wuu-ltilon " Xxindon... . “ W. Jelfereon “ A ito n ........... u (.'olninbiiN ftr. root o r03}00 70i 714 /2-j 722 741 .70110 01 7581012 802 <1 I •»’* ,!U | «<2S TvT i'M'.’ra 't'M1. '* 3CO*tE9c4S3;*36a::T it4i8. . . ,4:?, 375. 52C 812 821 f833 85010 57 90S .. 915^.... 9361130 AM AM Ia «!• rfm <tn?i - 1 '■ 420; 55 }»*? 7.10 IB am ^= ■^ab 101030 * 113 :-?^ 021639 ! . h 655 . 11201216 ; 605 ; 73512051258 . 2 I'M} pm ; AM I I'M I ? Between SprinnOeU, Xenia.Oaytoe,Rtciimond. ■ft- aoei■ it fUTisilttSr*• &\ :i~ WESTWARD. Sprlnofleld, Ydbw!friar«,7_| Xenln Deylou. Brookv'lla... Eldorado.... " Richmond. ..ur, AM »*00 EASTWARD Elilorado:** BrookTill*.'1 Dayton 4 a r ! Xenii - Ta!IowS[l|M.“ ysriugSa! 3 .« lit 1310 AM PM ♦560 .... re 13 .... 642 715 715 AM (AM *735 f 754 ' 8 16i 8 20*3 CC *30 865 9 IV *30j 855 91> 9 2 2 ... 9*9 . 5301010102 g AM 0(45 1130 AM I'M PM 1215 230 2 50- IM m 8 If I P ' S II p - “ -S!S 4l7j *tfl3l 4401 lints 3UI304 3I4! « 7 ~ 303 PMf PMj PM; I'. m ; J-. m i2lift*'235'10l 3*58 224!.....i5f.r 252 iorc 1110* 3155 306 25 Dlftll lft-3155 306 555*lf ' ...................... DS 555 ■■ I'M • Sunday clop, b Stops ta disoharga psaajgavs roceivtii tail • of loyelanu. * Daily. || Koala, f Eioopt Sunday, Dari, Faced Typeioaoloalimafrom12.00noonto!2.00 a.l- night; light t e d iron 12.GQIhidnight to 12.00 ocou, 1 'u llc n tm M leeiaiair C n ra im X iim . c , 7 ,I4 ,U U an a a i ,eltber ru u tln-oilgli vi;u'.>|iim- btis und I’lttsburffti o r comit-ci tiirotjult D ttn- bm-gl. U n io nH tu n o n ,o unit finm 1Sultliaoro, W iislsliigton, P titlnilclpbia a id- Now Vorlt. .Vos, 5 , 3 0 t n u ll 2 1 connect at, ftlcfi rricmd for tu d ia u a p o lisn iid Kt. txinls: V o s. 'JI i>u<l :i for eirlcugo: Bfo, 3 0 1 for L ogansport, I„ F. LiOUKE, B .A , FOUD, fioaorat iisa*g«r, Gae.-at.tejogor igul, 1-2-10-93.-P •PlTTSHtman, P e s ?<’ a . For Mine carets, rates of fare, th ro n g ’.i Mcktta, bngeage elic-eks, uiul fnrthor irtlbrinatlon re garding. th e ru n n in g o f tra in s a p p ly to any ag en t or r ~ ’ the Pennsylvania Linos. (Jhidciis teo Home to iioost The' G re a te st Novel of th e Age. WEI&HT & CO’S. PDBLICATIOKS. Jtdlmlr-ti second rdilioii (20tlt tlmu- swi d,) );ciititii'i)jiy iiluelnited, of that' cl.; rniing novel, ' ‘Ghickens' Gome Heine in Roost,” hy L B. sciihul 'liv ttic New Yotrk Tinusaa “ a book without a single dull line, - and with a horse nice fiir surpassing in ’vivid description and thrilling in terest the famous chariot race in Ben . Iiur.” Robert G. Jngersoil said: “Tltc bpldest and best of the year.” Hon. B T. Bnkemaii'mtys: ‘It is the greatest hovel I have ever rend.” W. L. Slone,, author and critic writes; “ It is most admirable, beau tiful anti vivid -iu style. A great accession to American fiction,” Judge John Rooney of the New York enys: “I t is equal to the best masters, nud the horse race is even better than the one in Ben Hur.” Hon. M. L. Knight of tlie Chicago bar says: “This is the most,realistic and remarkable hook of tlie ngc. A greater book than Undo Toni’s Cabin. Witten with the realism of Defoe, the grace of Addison and tlie pathos and gentle sweetness ofGoldsmith.” More than five hundred letters have been received from delighted readers, The book is on sale everywhere or sent post paid for $1.25 by ’ WRIGHT,* COMPANY, Publishers. 3 GS -70 Broadway. New York t’iiy, K E R V IT A P ILLS Rater* VlttJHy, Us* Vt**r uH Masks** Chtretmpoteney, Nitht Eml**)on*. Lo*s of Mess. - ^ orjr.xltwaitljwdliexxe*, an effects nt eelt.RbnSe or i excess and iftditcretion, A fttrv* ton ic sad Iwood byiktef, Bftojrs the tpink flow to p u le cheeks »M restores toe f ljg a f ronth. By wsii L j ?" &P* bot* 6 boxffs Bend for circular ■nd copyof our benksbfe guarantee bond. cure tor Loss of Porrcr, »?££??***• 4-**>syetoned or Wirnaken .Organs, eo PILLS 50 CTS our bankable tnsr- SO d*r* or refund box, „ a n te * ____ *w»WI»*MU Addtest IIE IIV ITA MED ICAL CO. OMntMn*4*oh*oil t*m OHtCAQO, ILL fo r i-sle by f 1. M, Hidgwasy. Uruggif-l Cedsrvillo, Ohio. 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