The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
■rt. Id ’ »•*; . **!«•. J ™ , ' < j i ’.t- •idJio^riiJs g-jtKs s j fe '■I-.'..!* i ,*: § TTTS'^cy^Ta'T;:*' ‘ Vv i ■-* i Ji} t>;3, a:v;?!> 5 ,SEc;i)nt iM lr:: W<j«W ‘J p !:: f ['I90F 423 557101SA'i f .,1012 «sb*&mia35*i»3-' 1431; j .... ' i l 5311201*1#$ $! : i • | 5,1130 6 0S 73512051250 2 AM I’M! r.«;AM | 1>M I. X«nla, Oavloa. Richmond. H T T T .TTTaoiiliTS ’~i«“ am v.«f ; j AM|AM 1*735.- “ 7 5i. Jsm a |U 29*3St |i S 65 91V ■8 55 9 i; ,:922 ! I! 949 ..... 7,10101025 3145 lt 3 oAM PM. 5*455 5 «~jfgif I’M,8IS 81 10 fi w | am 1 ia?-jo ami ■ayjaocaMi'/'irp pm “| ra fp s i T m ;‘ vm ; (2504 23511) 3*53 .224....5f31 r 251 ififil I’l l TJf. 3155 333 23 M l 1» 3155 308 ^ 5 * 1 P ... 6.0 35, 3538 033 535 4510 .’J, B am S vm , pm ;? 01 pm r » I ; !7 21. II • 7 43; 1 }fefwgo-WKigara VwrfMii liail ■' l itMini?. _ f E mjpj ,tefluy, from12.00 noun to 12.09 sift. p.OiJaiHafhtto12,00toon. IhlM ir C a r* on V no, 2 ,5 , <5, lu ic i’ rim tliivHigli v im ' »luin* p i oe i-olinen I lliroiteti P tl«* Io n to am i iroin IftUtSmoro, BiuleliiliUi tvnl -Nc\v York. |2 I coim eel iit.TUctuiioiut for ; l u t. c a u ls: > ««. •;! u m l a | 3 (U for Lngansport. . k . A. ro:tn, ta-cr, CC33T5.1Pa®n£»rig35l, iB c n o ri, P ejtn ' a . W iteiof fiiro, tlu-ousli ilcfcet*. lu ll further InforniuUon re. Aim; of train s apjily to a n y isylvunln Lines, pie liorne to Koost it Novel of the Age. Jfl/ 8 . PUBLICATIONS, edition (20th tbnu* Inllv illustrated, of that Ivcfl, “Chickens *Come >t." by L B . HiJIcs. tie- Now. • York Turns as limit a single dull line, Vs? nice far stirpnwdttg Ijiliou awl thrilling in* fins chariot race in Re» Jngorgull said: “The- | hi of the year*” Bnkcmni) pays: ,lI f k fcvtl I have ever read.” }mv iuithor and critic most admirable, beau* IvM in style. A great imcrictui fiction.’' Iiooney of tbe Nev? tt m equal to the best Ithe horse race is even one in -B op Him* Knight of the Chicago iss is tiie most realistic to hook ol the age, A Jthan Unde Toni’s Cabin* |be realism of Defoe, the «m nml the pathog and css ofGoldsmith,” ive hundred letters have from dt lighted readers. «n sate everywhere or for $1.25 by* COMPANY, Publisher#, I*/.. I 7 cw York t ’ily. IT*PIUS (»sltEmfofcn*,to**#fMoat- lWastingdiimittt is of self o r *na ihdiiewticm , 12 bwlKlsr. ArlaM kk glow !o p I restores th* Ayi thmJ** *".*U ? t/:*, nborat lor 6 0 M U M HTUSTMBfTil ti’p f-M*mt Ktfipe.iet ,< ■ iffmhiHi ! • ? _ i, J»rtrgM ►af^K- f y..i^j,nw, m I d i c a i . cn >. ' iM*,. OHMUyML— [ $ i o i o g ? a D k i r - f ivm-'i ifdmltl#* in - fh - I 'kt'tfsi in tb*i * ‘p tiiiaH flil, O . ^ «•§iMtr 3 fMr# dww ft f*fl. WeakMen MiOESTMRB. flDHftWLT T1WI U M CPWI m P#' 1 6 Y # « r » . OUMNIMIN SSfcC*sAsaasft %«* » • *>«** Y0UN8 MEN . . . . . tliu llvo, Avi ja lim to t b S'lmtiUwou P.u) **>«■*-__ I'wancarretlirtnaUnaii f s p ir a ,.. a«e,liner<:fiT/A-fii’you»rr fut OM-ruath.u ir.t Daiwt lilt »F.( ' - - ' i s m m e ^ A MIDDLE ABED M EM .W f’. rM f f i e!J,a*nw:Id tcf O-X/wswnor vnutWwll.UiiOAah-Jttlijaro IrouWm hy -tnf> frpqncnt evacaationa of the MiuWer, citi-n OfW:aj:wil<yJ tr N tl!i:Ut ouiaitUig or hnnilns? • iliuiiialla r-.l wuni ,gnia clamjimf to » dark "andtorph) npwarance.pjio*. ire Bcrvouadebilityand loaa otvlUllty. remember, thteu the FcrnmlstageoflLOST MANHOOD. In nil eucl tasteajif-rfcctcure thatre. nmlnscuredlaguaranteed. FBEETRIAL‘,S a ‘f Cf2'c. (lifcliopo) for^poottiae ........ . andpacking. CDDSIlTATllNOAdquetUonlift FRKft WASHINGTON MEOIOAL INSTITUTC 5ft S la t* ftfe, Dhloago, III. B lood D iseases GF he tit* FIRST, «« ?NO and THIRD|t t |M JUhltas . 'Caveats, and Trade,Marke obtained and aUJCat- ’ lent business conducted for MODgRATC Fcca. i O ur omoktao«»poStrc.U.S.faTkNrOFfter 1and wc can secure patent in less time titan tnoye remote amWashington. ' • ; Send model, drawing or photo,, with, descrip.i 1don, \v e advise, if patentable pr nbt* free of1 cl,urge. Oirf fcenot duo till patent is secured. 1 «A PAMPHLcri(“ Jfcnj Obwin P*tent*^r,wth ; cost ot satna m the U*or*na fORH^rncoUD^iec scut free. Address, C.AnSNOWACO. OPM PATewr OFFICC f WASHINATOH, Da •wwf'' 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE T rade M arks D esigns C opyrights A c . jprctal notice,' without ehnrco, In the ScientificHinericon. Ahandsomely ilipetrnted weekly. T.arccat cir- culattan of any aclontlBo lounwt. 'i crms.43 a year; f()urmnntbt,$l, ftoidbyall nowsdeaiere. MUNN & NewYork "B ranch twice, & T St.. Washington, B . C. [-flTo PATENTGoodIdiM 11 | may bagecuredby our aid. Addresa, . THEPATENTRecORO, , -------------------------. _ , BaHtmore, MO, Daincrlptionq to The Patent BcoordRHOperannum. Dyspepsia Cure D igests w h a t you e a t . Itaftfficlally digeststuefoodaml aids Nature in strengthening and recon* strnctlng the exhausted digestive or* gans. I t Is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach i t in .cfttcioncy. I t in* stantly relieves and permanentlycures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour .Stomach, Nausea, SlckHeaflache,Gastralgia>Cramps.and all other results of lmperfectdigestion Prepared by E. C. OcWift'ACd.. Cbtcbff* Fo'r sale 1),v.Ithlgway <Jf Co. i.HIT DP ItRTTtRft. . , b'ttvw reuminiitg unoilhMi j lor hi th e <V iinw ilie pomtomee fo r th e I m o u th end ing A p u l 2*. 1UW». I JaWt No, 18. J Roliert. P. ; lb Hey, Hemy W, lbim>|;son, M rs. Id a . 1 T. N, T aiumix , I*. M, SmttM»r OAthHie, Win ro to Go And JInw to det Them. • The ^faehoto, Mouotnip and I^uke Resorts constitute the most attractive plenatiro grounds for the summer idler. They ure .within easy reach via Penn sylvania lane?, and agents of that railway system will furnish full infor mation about rates, train service and through car comforts to any of the summer havens. They will assist in arranging details for vacation tripe :iud give valuable information free of charge. Apply to the nearest Penn sylvania Lines Pussougei' and Ticket Agent and tm relieved of till bother In shaping_preiiminarits for your sum* wev outing and vacation trip. JO. ST Keyes, Agent, Oedarville. Ohio. Legal Notice. Hednssah HamiHou residing at Monmouth, HI. will take notice that suit has been brought against her in terpleaded with others, in the Gom- mon Pleas Court- ot Greene county, Ohio, by L. W. Biair, et id, ns trus tees of Tbe Reform Presbyterian Church of Cechn'vjlU*. phtiotills. The pray of the petition in p id action is to quiet the title to the following real estate, situated in said Greene Co. O., towit; Being part of military survey entered in the name of Wni. Tom* kins. No. 3745, and hounded as fol lows; Beginning at a stake in the easterly margin of the Clifton road I t poles Iron) the alley north of J. P it ’ s second addition to the town of Cednrville; thence N. 16 W. 10 poles to a stake; thence N, 7413,- 15 poleB to a stake; thentSe H. 16 33, 1 0 poles to a stake; theuce S. 74 W. 15 poles to the beginning, Said defendant is required to answer said petition by J line 16th, 1900. R : L . Gowr»Y, 'A tto rn e y for■PlniuUfis. npr28 6w * B R O K E N B R 1C -A -BRA C 5 Mr. Sfujt'ir. tlic faiiuuiB conninl man, of Now York, explains. soino Very interesting fuel* about Mnjnr’s Cement, 'I'ho multiluilcs wiio use this stmnJurd article know that it is tmtny. bundled per cent, better than other cement fur wbVeh similar claims are made, hut a great tunny do nut know why. The timl Mr Alnjor .uses the beat material over discovered and Other manufact urers do not use them, because they are too ex pensive and dir not-aliow large profits. Mr. Major tcils ns that him nf (ho elements of his cement cost* $.2 7,1 u pound, and nunther costs $10» a gallon, wliilo 1 large share of the so- called cements .-nul li(juid glue upon the mar ket are cr.thing uinro than sixteen-cent glue, dissolved in water or citric acid, and, in Some eases altered slightly in eoror or odor by the addition of cheap and useless matcrinU Major’s cemetit retails nt fifteen cents and twenty-eonts a bottle, and when a dealer tiics to sell a-subUitulo you can depend upon it that bioonly object is to mnko larger profits.: The profit on Major's (lament is ns inuoli ns any denier ought to make on any cement, And this in doubly true in view of the fact that each denier gets his share of the benefit of Mr, Ma jor’s advertising. which now amounts to over $ 5 ,Ui !0 a month, throughout the country. Es tablished in 1 H 70 . ~<r Insist on Iiaving Major’s. Don’t accept any aff-h«nd ndvice from a druggist. I f yen are at nil handy (and yon will he like ly to. find that yon are a good deal more so than yon imagine) you oan repair you; rubber boots and family shoes, and any other rubber nnd leather'article with Major’s Itubhor Cement and Major’s Leather Cement, And yon wilt ho surprised at how many dol lars a year you Will thus save. I f your druggist can’t supply you, it wilt be forwarded hymait;cifhcrkinu. Free ofpostage. I t makes nick women-well. I t makes weak womeu strong. J t makes the care worn fate of premature age youthful and handsome again. Health to woman means beauty, youth, happiness, and sweetness of disposition. Lack of it means homeliness, premature «g6, and lrritahdlity ot temper. With health she commands love, admiration, nnd esteem. Without it she btconies a burden to herself, a cross to her friends, a disconsolate being, long ing to die. p , . . X)o vou sniler with hcadacho, backache nervousness, weariness melari- c’lmly, painful menstruation, or k ucarrhen, aecom[Wnied by dizziness had taste iu the motitli, or sallow complexion?. ' - Few women mo wilimit these distressing symptoms of disease, and ikotijacds are tndav ou the verge of fatal collapse without suspecting it. LafliC'i; Ho not delav if you have nnyaf thes? symptoms. Ur. liaric- Hiiti, tlieditCiivercr of F em a lia C om pound , was the greatest physician and seiout’st of the i> 7 S Thousands ol women have been restored to health, h’iUitv, happiiif c?, vhwili nnd freedom from irritability through litis wonder- ini remedy, Write to m, whether you think you arc suffering from these t'ircirrs or t.nt \\V can advise yon, Delay may be fatal to you. , B id , 19 Weal i ....... M i t s e i t , New York C’iiy, u» Aletter to the Dr. i llcc.t.iyOoiAtAtiy, r»y*: . . , „ < j ’•ir'-a 0;, lv li.v i;a n a as. * liapiitsa Case. I tc;ak n trip to Europe- Mrs. llofteiiss t ora,------------ -- - . ... hi »a«i}i»f; t»Pt>y phyett-ians3Aft ho eless eas . - ;— *- ftViowtf liiofc untie? ‘treninsfet them. I was treated m r.u.n'tip. huevrfeivrd fcobdfc I tt turned to New Ycrk, a«U onoday I *awa Bt:f 3 adwrU-fft:.r. 6 to eno of jho new^spew, Ftsopg Haje!.JS Eh jnr,I4 t ■j’.JPtjrSD wo-J3<Ituros!l re;ns;e(ii«e*St». t (lecided u try Ihe **.««, and J nt.i t»T<3 in testify, tin! f- r my ewn sake, hat for th»t of my saifermg sib I cm IC; j *1 amunlay ft t/cii thanks toDt<Jlftrtdius. A ll A d v ic o F i ’eO. AH correspondence S t r i c t l y C o n fid e n tia l. .Villfithw dr: tr»Vf :1 to ii:?uif A b s o lu te S e c re cy . Woman longs for syinpathv in h:-r Si-tnss. No one could give you the »pf moKioafib Itindticiiawl ctisideration t m« our corps of «Meft^cmineftl plivrfpians. Write ns fully. Tell us Ml about your troubles. W e O ru H e lp Ytfd. ih iurmbtf tlmt ('onsuitatmu with these) eminent physicians, cither in peici.n or by mail, is A b s o l u t e l y f f t e . . =- A D D l t ! ^ ’ Dr IliirDli’ h\\\mk femlv .teriMii Tr.iff Fwirtf itniMmiC. M ®h- mtttwm •rmgrPH -W . W. » « k . - M r . ..... W fc,' WWttWa WM M t t ssj-f, *‘l c- <*** Min'd*'-*' "-jwu Ntdke is hereby given tnat Chn?. Caro a t::ifl«!i wnwhrfol imd-i ttii.’, . j A Hneneer h»s Iwn appointed and qiti. k ;it..lpifc.” It r* tb<■ .'<»!*»I' mihi qualiRed as administrator of the last h*srt'L..‘4y that give* im > '•■little to , will and tesiatnent t>f Clara B« **«Re* •ulfs It nncs tmiigh*’, c-ld*, crdip, gtraw, deceased, grippe, whiFHiingc'iHgh, hr .;, hit!*, < »p , p|if am ’mi* arvl a l l . th ro a t aw l h t a g . Itor-A rlr »*»c n f F r e a to r o n i ||ar<'HH , IJHfO, o l i i j L . lib * i f di .T, N. D r ax , R n d ia te J u d g e - sutupii'H t ’hiidraa and mr*theti#ti CV»„ Huhaarib# fcf th* fiftfftM. ......... always Hk» d ets d«rs* it- uW|f«sy * • f«r It#*. I hay* stvaral tMrou# forms for W . L . CMMAHfo ASSURANCE. Aag ths Vaunj Man Haft iftaaa Akaot •njoytnant He la » young man whose unbound** wmuranco baa ever baen fate chief cheracteriatic. When he proceeftW to talk to the practical old genUsnut* about marrying bln daughter he wa« evidently prepared for the usual ques tion; ‘‘Do you think you can aupport my daughter In the style in which she has been accustomed!” The parent spoke this phrase with the nir of a man who thinks he baa uttered a poser. The suitor looked him in the eye, „ I-et's talk this thing over,” he a»i«. Do you think your daughter la quail, fled to make a man a good wife?” ‘Tea sir. Her mother and I are both practical people, end we hare given hOr a practical education. Sho can not only read Oraek and play the Plano—sho practices three hours a day—but Bhe can cook a good dinner, end do the marketing as Intelligently as an experienced steward. More over. her abilities with the needle are not confined to fancy work. She’s a treasure and wo don’t propose to have any doubt about her future.” “You wore asking mo if I thought I could aupport her In style to which she had been accustomed?” “I was.” “Well, I could; but I don’t propose to. After she marries me she's not going to practice any three hours a day ou any piano, nor cook dinners, nor bandy words with market people. She’s going to .have all the sewing done outside the house, read what she enjoys, whether Jt Is Glreek or Choc taw, and go to the theatre twice s week, It's time that girl had some enjoyment oiit of life.—rExohaago. An Abusod Wife. Married Daughter—Oh, dear, such a time as I do have with that husband of mine. 1 don’t have a minute’s peacewhenhela in the house. He Is al ways calling me to help do something or othey.- ' Mother—What does he want now? Daughter—He wants me to tramp way upstairs just to thread a noedle for him so as lie can mend his clothes. ’ —New York Weekly. * ‘A Nasty-Crash. “Your failure was most, disastrous,” said the friend. - . "I should say so,” replied the dis tinguished banker, sympathetically, "I did my best for my creditors, but 1 could only puli out enough to save myself,”—Philadelphia North Ameri can. Working On His Pears. “I hear your son has reformed." “Yes; he says his prayers every ni. 7 ’ut now." "How on. earth did you convert him?” ‘Tin making him Bleep in a folding bed.”—Philadelphia Record. Circumstantial Evidence. “Yea don’t mean,” said Dolly, “that her color is not genuine?" “Oh, I wouldn't breathe a word -against her,” replied Madge. “But yu.t know her father la a painter aiid decorator."—Philo. North American. Saving Her Feelings. Mine A skit—Dooa your husband smoke those cigars you gave him for his Christmas? Mrs, Nuwed—He smoked one, and said he would keep the rest to remind him of my kindness.—Baltimore American. The L e tte r and the Spirit Asfeuffi—Do you approve of abbrevl- atiug “Christmas” to X-maa?” Tellum— wish 1 could. It usually costs me a “C” or an “L.” I'd be will ing to abbreviate it to “V”-mas If my wife would agree.—Baltimore Ameri can. A Severe One. " “It doesn't look as if we were going to get any Christmas -money this year,” replied the ilrst British officer. “Maybe the Boers will give us a chock;” suggested the other.—Phila delphia Press. What He la. Little Edgar—Pa, what’s a lineal de scendant? Pa—He is generally some one who is trying to get through the world on a reputation somebody made before ho was honi.—Chicago Times Herald. A Neighborly View. • Caller—Your nest door neighbors appear to bo very quiet people. Mrs. Spinks—Yea. the walls are very thin, and I suppose the mean things keep quiet to hear what wa say.— New York Weekly. —“No family can afford lobe with out Out) Minute Cough Cure- stop a cough and cure a cold quicker than any other medicine,” writes C. \V Williams, Sterling Run, Pa. It cures croup, bronchitis and alt throat and lung troubles and prevents con sumption. Pleasant and harmless. Ridgway <fcCo., Druggists. NOTICEOFAPPOWTMCNT, Notice is hereby given that Ed. L. Stormont has .been appointed and qualified ns Executor of the last will and testament of Hannah Reid, J . N. Dean, Probate Judge. April 12,1900. fk* B m Lis ik*Wenli* We believe Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is the best in the world. A few weeks ag> wc suffered with a severe cold and a troublesome cough, and having rea 1 their advertisements in our own and other papers we pnr* chased a lmttle to see if H ftrould effect us, I t cured ns before the lKittle was more than half used, I t is the best medicine out for colds and coughs.—The Herald, Andersonville, ImlV For sale by O. M. Ridgway* Druggist, NoW is hereby given that IL tt. Carry has been appointed and quali* fied ns administrator of the last will nod testament of IL B, Elder, de* censed - • J . N. D ean , Probate Judge, March 20,1000. • H« Clark, Chauneey, Ha,, saya lieWitt’s Witch Hand Halva eared him of {dies that had aflhted hint for twenty years, Ithaleo « speedy ear* for skin dleseest. Bewen of danger* earn ftMkntsrfofos. lUdgway A Co., wwwfgmm "*rL*!SgW?!!.1 liiMfo hht ( ftiPWWFW RaP# nuujf/M»«*■*» I shut m arrowtit Ifit sir, It fall tuth«ssrth; f Jcuuwnot wh*r«. ■^Loiigfsltow. It always look appropriate to see two real mean men bilking with each other, t t f - Borne men seem to think when they are trying to sell you a thing that it is an inducement to tell you that they have the same thing in their own home. t t t Sometimes thiugs go so badly that it becomes funny. t t t . ' When a man is sure tlmt nothing is as good as ft used to be, it is a sign be is getting old. t t t Why. is it that a baby nt»the table would always rather have a fork than a knife? t t t A fellow does not feel so -old when he hears men talk about things that happened'before he.was born. t t t Some people think if a man stands up for his eon -who goes wrong, he must be a bad man. t t t Saying you have been acquainted with a man a long time, but don’t know him, is a diplomatic way of say ing he doesn’t amount to. much. t t t ! A woman is not really happy unless she bus a lot of geraniums standing around that w^ii’t grow, t t t A boy's idea of milking is to "get away without more than about half milking the cow. ' t t t A constant whistler will set any body crazy. t t t An old widower is the greenest thing alive when hie gets to going with the girls.' t t t :-■■■ A widower- thinks everybody sus pects him of getting married, ' t f t . An old bachelor likes-to. hear about uuhappy homeB. t +‘t In case of Bickue&a, the neighbor women all go to stand around in the way* . A lkx . M illsb , . mtST or liic SEASON. Suaftoy Excsrsisa to CkiciMMtl, April 29 , via Fem yfvswls Ua— . Round trip $1.25 from Cedarville to Cincinnati, Sunday, April 29, on Special Excursion train a t 9:00 a. m. central time; returning, leave|Cincin- nati at 7:30 p. m.—all day in Ohio’s metropolis, see the Zoo with its iiiar* velous collection of animals and birds, visit Coney Islnnd and Lagoon. Base Ball: Cincinnati vs. Pittsburg, first Sunday game for National .League' championship. AUQ178TFLOWEk. • “I t is a surprising fact,” says Prof Houton, “ tb: t in my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, 1 have met mure people having nerd Green’s August Flower than auy other remedy, for dyspepsia, tip- ranged liver and-atomsehr a‘-A -S« p - constipstion. I find for fou i.w and salesmen, or for permit iiiiiug office positions, where ntM't.ichcs and gen eral bad feelinirt liurn irregular habits exist, that Green’s August Flower is a grand remedy. I t does not injure the system by frequent use, and is excellent for sour stomachs and indi- f estion.” Sample bottles free a t G« f> Iiidgway’s, Sold by dealers in all civilized countries. WANTEpI Reliable vman for Manager of Branch Office I wish te open In this vicinity. Good opening for an ener getic sober man. Kindly mention this paper when writing. A. T. M ohris , Cincinnati, O. Illustrated catalogue, 4cts. postage. MflifeksfiifMAwfty. I t is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern which m not afraid to he generous. The proprietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten mil lion tiisl bottles and have tbe satis faction of knowing it has cured thous ands of hopeless esses. Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe and all Throat, Chest and Lung diseases a rt surely cured hy it. Call on Ridgway A Co,, Druggists, and get a tree trial lmttle. Regular siasfiOc and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. --New Crop California Aprfoots, Peaches, Frame*, Grapes and Raisins, ■at Gray’*. ■ —A chafe* lifts of all kinds of Gnwwrfeft, «t Graf’a, m m M uti$w . Satan sat outside of Kdeu, On one melancholy day. Near the flaming sword was imngiug, Guarding Elen every way. In a spell of bitter musing Thus did he soliloquize: “Though I am an imp of darkness I was fond of Paradise.” And lii« feelings were revengeful, Every tone with malice rife; So he aaid “ I'll not be thwarted, I shall strike the tree of life, I shall not look like a serpent, Crawling on the grassy ground; I shall be a thin; I shall be a ru In the sparkles of tbe wine cup, In the ruby liquor's foam, I shall live and reign in power, Govern every life and home, I shall aim at people's reason, Nourish every brawl and strife, And when heart and brain I poison I shall strike the tree of life. Alcohol shall rule the people, . And the people crown me king. In my right hand for a scepter. 1 snail hold some noxious thing. I shall ubs a plant so poison, Taking richness from the ground. AILthe earth will soon grow barreu Where tobacco leaves are found* There’s a power in the poison ino g of beauty,, tier, crowned,” Of its sh wy, foliage green, mens pulse That will make ‘weaken They Bhall call it nicotine* Where tobacco fumes are rising, Where tny alcohol can shine,. I have power to rule and conquer And the tree of life is mine. With a grin of satisfaction, Hatan started on his tour, - Taking then two kinds of poison To augment his evil power. Alcohol, the c'urse of-ages, And the deadly nicotine. Sntnn’s choosing none refusing, Strike the tree of lifevun&een. J o s e p h in e L l e w e l l y n , Birkner, III. *A part of (he human brain iscalled the tree of life. Tobacco plants soon exhaust the richest soil. B«vu« of Oiatmeata for OtUrrh that Contain Heronry as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system..^when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, ub the dnmnge they will do is ten fold to the good you cau possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &Co., Toledo, O,, contains no mer curyj and is token internally, acting directly upon the blond ana mucous surfaces of the system. In ' buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cbenev & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. Hall’s Family Fills are tbe beBt. Does Your Stowach Distress You? Do you have painty in the side, nausea, sometimes vomiting, distress after eating, belching, constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? I f you have any of these symtoms, you have dyspepsia or stomach disorder. These distressing troubles are promptly re lieved and then cured hy Bailey’s Dyspepsia Tablets. Pleasant to take. They will bring quick relief to tho worst cases. Written signature of W. Bailey on each package. Price 20 cents. Sample free. t Druggists who don’t have them- will get them for you. Tw» kinds of tablets in each package. The latest discovery. Sold by Ridgway &Co For Sale. A nice dwelling located on Xenia Avenue. House in good condition. For further particulars call on M rs , J ohn A, B arber . StallionFor Service. Weinke pleasure in calling tbe at tention of all discriminating breeders of draft horses in this section to our Switch bred Clyde “That’s A’ Right,” 9058, believing that for fashionable breeding, together with individual merit of a high order, he is not ap proached by any Clyde horse in this county. He is a dark bay or brown, narrow stripe on face, three white feet, 7 years old aud weighs 2000 tt>a, He will make the season at Barney Foglo’s stable, Jamestown, O. $10 for standing colt. . , B. It. H arrison . n Good moi Cannot always lie procured in short time, but we arc able to gel up a first-elass meal on tbe Shortest notice. We handle a lino of cigars and fine candies un- equaled in tbe city. Fresh roasted peanuts every day. Try Our Lunch Counter. Williams Bros. Imty Bloek. SpringandSummerb«* We can show you the largest nnd best M*ortment ol Hats and Furnishings in Springfield, end et price* which cannot be beaten anywhere in the state. Men’s Working Hats, 35c, 35c, 48c, 75c, $!-oo Dress Hats, W e can show you a dress hat for $1, $1*50 and $3* equal in style to any $5 hat in the united States. If you have not dealt with us it will pay you to visit our store. It costs you nothing to look. Furnishing Goods. Anything you want in white, colored or working shirts. We have them from 25c to $1.00. - Neckwear. . We have the largest and most complete line of neck wear in Springfield from '5 to 50c. Underwear. In Balbriggah, merino, gauze, and light wool, from 50c to $2.00 a suit: Gloves. Protect your hands—it doesn’t cost much to do so* W e can furnish you gloves from xoc to $1.00. Trunks and Valises. We have one of the largest and best lines of trunks and valises east of Cincinnati at the most reasonable prices. Trunks from $2.25 to $8. Valises from 40c to$5. SDItblYAS, the flatter. 27 South Limestone St., . Springfield, £>. ..SAILOR HATS., The correct new shapes in Ladies and Misses* Sailors at 50 cents and up to the very best. W e have three special numbers that are extremely cheap in price. * At 50 cts. Each in Rough and Smooth Braids. At 85 cts. Fine Quality Rough Braid. At $1.50 Finest Grade of Split Braids. There is a saving for you of25 to 50 cents each on these numbers. Knit Underwear. Union Suits, light weight, all sizes, 25c. Ladies Vests, no sleeves, at 5,10,15 and 25c. Ladies’ Vests, long sleeves, at 15,25c and up. Children's Summer Underwear of all kinds. Hosiery. School Stocking, double knee, splendid quality« all sizes at 124c a pair—two for 25c. Ladies* Black Hose, two bargains at 15 and 25c a pair* These are at the former low prices before the advance* . Jobe Bros. & Co., XENIA, OHIO. T H E home Insurance €0. O F N E W Y O R K Is tlie strongest Fire Insurance^Company in the world, making a specialty of writing Fire, Light* Ping and Tornado Insurance on farm and village property. The company is worth over TWELVE MILLION DOLLABS, was organized in 1853 and paid losses since organi zation of over EIGHTY MILLION DOLLAR®. 9 W. L. CLEMANS, Agent, Cftdarvillft, Ohio. 0 T Having engaged HOMER G. WADE, m offoe mana ger; my office in Cedarville will hereafter be opened atery day in tbe week. eg”g Wtalmli M m tl u$lfS> Onf General Cafekfiaft qnoeaa them. Send 15 c to partly pay postage or txpreaeate trad e r a aend you one. Ith a s n o * p*f««, 17,000 illustration* and qnoMt price* ou nearly 70 , 06 * th fo f tha tyoa oat and aw awl wa*r- W« constantly cony hi Hooka® artkfet quoted* ft* .-M..* Ot IMI l . • tew eUnW^ra *te ^tetetetes ®V^te^WtelWte ftiMi as*tow^iSfoftiikiftftrft*- isiftftM*Avwiii*»ftii*a»,aai>ft«a« ssaeesitesimrsB6siw*i Herald aitPiliri 1 ]i $iiS JtftU L., a*•_» fi > . ’i , a,*.' •74. '? . . . 4 . T «1 juft
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