The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

WANT ■TOO m o V IS IT our Store while In Springfield, if for n o th in more than to meet a friend or leave your package, and while you are there let us show you our stock of Spring and Summer ^ SHOES. A ll that is best in material and workmanship enters into the composition of this Stock, while the prices are so low that it w ill make it expensive for you to buy elsewhere. We in­ vite special attention to our men’s plow and work shoes, in Congress or buckle, $r.oo, $i> 35 * ntade of the best material these prices w ill buy. It w ill pay you to examine our men’s fine dress shoes at $1.50, $1.00, $2.50 and $3.00, W e have them in a ll leather and any style. Our ladies shoes and Oxford ties from 93c to $2.90, of superior quality and latest patterns, w ill please you. Ask to see our misses and children’s shoes, Oxford ties, and strap slippers, from 50c to $1.25. W e w ill not tire you with further description and prices, but feel sure that with our large assortmentwe can suit you. y I f goods are not satisfactory and are returned in good condition, your money jwill be cheerfully re­ funded, Respectfully, 7 E M a in S t . YOUNG & NISLEY, Springfield* O* AGOOD REASON why you should patronize ” dragSi line Drug' Store for u s, is that there yen wilt Grid sameone yho knows^ about drugs! I t fa their business to knowAbout One dsy last week we bad the pleasure of meeting an old friend and schoolmate whom we had not seen for several yearn. I t was in the person of JJGbarlie Rasor, who Is familiarly -known to many here. We happened into the telephone exchange in the Gem City and found CharHc at the cashier’s desk. Charlie baa been in wh&tyouwan&in Drugs, Other iDayton about two and one-half years, goods do not interest them, j two years of this time he has been as- Drug information fa obtainable jsoejated with this company as cashier. here and the Drugs you need, too, '.The Drags?are right and - m are the prices, RIDGWAY * CO., the Drutxists, Opp. Opera House. | Local aad Personal. Feiice picket and wire, nt Mitch- want anything good, go ell’s —I f you to Gray's. John Johnson is in Missouri looking after leail mining interests. —I have about 7*3 lbs of well sewed carpet rage for sale. A . O, H aoler . ■ Mi?» Mary Alien, of Enon, visited Cora and HattieMcMillan, Reel of the •week* —•/The New Idea Paper Patterns; you esu get them at Bird’s -Mammoth relief Store. Mrsdames McCollum, YVildawu, Ogietbee and Turnbull,were in Spring held. Wednesday. His many friends here will be glad to know of hissuccess. The citizens of Cedarville will cer­ tainly have their, share of entertain­ ments during the months of May and June: During the coming mouth we have the High School Commencement and the opening of the Synod of the Covenanter church. Foliowing (this in June we will have College Commencement week, with Class Night, Recital, Commencement and Contest.. -Sir. S. K. Mitchell took his rare collection of birds to Davten, last Wednesday for the purpose of selling them to a firm to he. used as an orna­ ment for advertising. Mr, Mitchell has one of the finest collections in the State, and h;is kept them already over 20 years. No doubt but that he will receive a large price for his birds. . —W. H. Shipman, Beardsley, Mintt., under oath, says he sntfered from dyspepsia for twenty-five year*. Doctors and dieting hut gave Finally he .used Kodol Mr, Frank Haller, of Xenia, sjient a few days here the first of tho- Week with his cousin, Geoj-gc Siegler. —There are others who sell Wall Paper, So H o W o . .Largest stock, lowest price?, all paper trimmed free, a t Bird’s Mammoth Store. Rob. Barber, a former citizen of this place« hut who for some time back ha* been a t tbe Dayton State Hos­ pital, is visiting among friends here this week. D r . JT. O S t e w a r t , Phyecian and Surgeon. Specialist idE y e a n d B a r . G lauaes A c c u r a te ly Ad- jvsttod , S atisfaction G uar . vn - tXKD, Mr. Howard Bratton, who leased the L tbssoto Republican some time heck and was conducting it as a Bimocnitie paj>cr, b*s given up his Mure to a company of Lei; italista who will make .Lebanon cap a Republican organ of this paper. Rev, Joseph Kyle. D. D., of the Hsurinsry, Xenia, delivered the bac­ calaureate sermon dwfore the grail actior class nt tho Second U* I ’, ehuren, last Sabbath sight. I t is stated that the setmen was a most *hit discourse and a large audience wu* in attendance. A. S. Anderson, who has" been mail eletk on tho Pennsylvania line through here for over 15 years, 1ms —In almost every neighborhood there issome one wheso life 1ms been saved by (ffiambcriaiirWCMie, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has Irerigetd on account of ill health fcsm cured of chrome diarrhoea by Ik* use of that medicine. Such per- •oue make a point of telling of it whenever uppirtuaity o3?re,. hoping that it may he tbe means of saving other live*. For ealo by 0 . M, Eiilg* way, Druggist, ■ little Dys­ pepsia Cure- and now cats ivbal he likes and ns much ss he wants, and he feels like a new man. It digests what you eat Ridgway & Co., Druggists. Mr. T. C. Stretcher, eon Of Uuele Tommy Stretcher, who was^ some time back appointed as guardian of his father, has been . removed, the reason being that Uncle Tommy is still capable of taking care of his has iuees, regardless of liis old ago. —“I tlduk DeWUt’s Little Early Risers are the best pills in the world,” says W. E Lake, Happy Greek,Wa. They remove ail obstructions of the liver and bowels, act quickly and never gripe. Ridgway f t Co., Drug* gists. Elsewhere in this paper will be found an advertisement for the Louis­ ville & Nashville Railway. This is one of the most complete routes in the South and any one taking; such a trip would do well to take this line.. Dr. P. R, Madden, Practice lim­ ited to e y e , e a r , n o s e and THROAT. Glasses AccuratelyAd­ justed. Allen Building. Xenia, 0 . Telephone.—Office Vo, 72 , V t t ’.ccce Jfo. 47 . —“There are others” ;hut sell Mat­ ting, So D o W e ; prices range from 12Jc to 35c per yd A choice line to select from, a t Bird’s Mammoth Store. Miss Floreneo Pendlum has been taking a course in tho art of hat trimming at Mrs. Condon’s millinery store. I ) f { ( £ S S ^NACB'A -■ •• fr JI ohi IstheBest Time' To Use I t « • Just after Shearing. Easy and safe, of application. For sale by PoultryPan-a-ce-a Is a Guaranteed Preventative and Cure for Gapes, Cholera and Roup. INSTANT LICE KILLER. Kills lice on poultry and stock, and liee, bugs and worms on plants and (lowers. F m SCAB, TICKS AND LICE. ' HAMurAcrimcD mt HE IEHTKKTT 9 UCC 8 PMHCT CMNIT, LOUISVILLE, ItV. W . R. STERRETT. C o rre c t P r ic e s , U p - to -d a te S ty le s . F you’re thinking of purchasing a carpet you make a mistake by not seeing our 'designs and getting our prices before looking elsewhere. BED ROOM SUITES, SIDE BOARDS, BOOS CASES, COUCHES, Ssc. J . H . M c M I L L A F , Furniture Dealer. FuneralOireeforAEmbalmer. Pine and Oak Fencing CW°VS3 Him. John P. Martin appeared be- h»ra the ( ,?:niu»i'*ioU€r* last Saturday j •ad amdc application for a franebise; h r an clfirtrie rood from Xenia to Tho franchise was ited over the Xenia and Sprisig- jak« t» It. S. Jacoby’s, thcHce iJacobyV laud. One of the that foe, company shall pay iftohi the county tremiiry, $15 par JtoMr per annum, the first two fwmi after th$ ro*d hi in eperalb:}. W* Mis* Zo la Dowuard and Mildred McCollum left Thursday for a visit with friend? and relative* a t f’laiks- villc, 0 , Mr*. James H. Milburn spent several days in Columbus this week, visiting relative*. “-Ice Cream Soda and Pine Apple Snow at C. M. Ridgway’*. All fruit flavor* Mr*. Anderson Collins 1ms just re­ covered from « severe case of the grippe. ---Marshall can care for more rig* thaw -any oilier Livery Stable in Xenia. Lew* your order a t this office to have yoor piano tooed. —Ganlen Seed?, oil kinds in Bulk, a t Bird’s, -Alonzo Stretcher and wife are the * proud possessore of twins ' —Fashion Sheets, free, ask For them at Bird’s Mammoth Store. —Grice’s are now the best place in Xenia for a first class 25c. meal. The old board walks around the M. E. parsonage has been replaced by new one* Miss Maud Thompson was the.guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Shoecraft, qi Xenia, this week. Several teachers from here attended the Greene County Te-achera Associa­ tion at Xenia, last Saturday; Mrs. J . H. Andrew and Mrs. J . C. Barber took dinner with Mrs. Lee Nash -of near Wilberforce, Wednes­ day. Mute Edith Grove has returned to her home in Dayton after a week’s visit with Mias Flora Marshall. Miss Marshall accompanied her home. Dr. E. C. Oglesbee who has been attending a course of medical lectures in Chicago, will return today, when he will bo pleased to see* his patron's. Mr. Ohas. Ridgway, Sr., of Yellow Springs, and Mr. and Mrs. E l. Fasten of Springfield, took dinner last Sab­ bath with Mr. and Mis. B. G. Ridg­ way. As the cold weather is over and your piano has been sliut up tor some time, get it out now and have it tuned by a reliable man. Leave all orders a t this office. A truth : :1editor in a neighboring town, in announcing a wedding, says: “They were married at the home of the bride’s parents, where they will remain until the groom gets a job,” Quite a edeial time was had at Mr. James Turners, Thursday evening, in honor of Mr. Willis Stuckey, of Wichita, Kan. Mr Stuckey is visit­ ing his uncle, Mr. E. G» Lowry, of this place and J. A Lowry, of Xenia, Where to Loeate? Why, in the Territory Travcr*c.1 .hy th e . . . . Louisville <SC . . Nashville Railroad A foil line of Dimensions Siding, Flooring, Ceilings Finished in White and Yellow . ’ .Pin'*. Poplar and Hemlock Farm Gate?, Richmond Fence?, ' Locust ami Ohesnut Posts, - t h b — GreatCentralMheruTrunkline -IH- Shingles: "White Pine, Red .Cedar and Hemlock. Doors, Sa>b, Blinds and ' Mouldings. (ilas KxlO to 10x40. Largest stock in-town. ’ American Window S c ieen s . TlyT^mofi Try them. “A little bit crowded” for Room and Desire an Opportunity , to Figure on Tour Bills. W e W an t Y o a r T r a d e . KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI, FLORIDA, W H E R I ‘ * Farmers, Fruit Growers, Stock Jtaisers, Manufacturers, Inventors, Speculators 'find Money Lenders will Aad the greeteit chencor in the United Sutei to make ‘’big money" by reaten of the abandanee and cheapnen Of LAID i l l ) F ittfS , TUBES AID ST01B, I&Ol AID OOAL. L A io x -m tT T x n a i Free sitei, fioacdal asaistance, and freedom from taxation, fer tbe inamifactcirer. Land and farms at f 1.09 per acre and ap- wards, and500.000 acres in West Flartda that can be taken gratis under U, S. Homestead laws. gtockrafsicg in the Gulf Coast District will make enermsu* profits. Halffar*txcirsji the First ami Tk'rd Tuesdays c! sack aoatli.. Let os know what yea want, and wo will tell you where and how To get tt-^hul don't delay, as tbe eoautry is filling ap rapidly. Printed matter, raops and all jnfermstion free. Address, I . J. WEMT88, General Itamigralitn and Industrial Agl. Lsiisefile, Xssticiy. J . M. TARBOX ft SON I Sewing- Machines We can sell the Princess Sewing Machsne. guaranteed for 5 years, with drop head, 5 drawer*, for $22.25; also, the Peerless, with cover, guaranteed for 5 years, $22.00. We believe, so will you, that they are just as good as the $45.00 ones. * Lorgnette Chain 35c Leather Hatter 39c Chain Bracelet warranted 5 vn 44c —Paint, Mitchell’s. pure, the very best nt Mi«s Lnaellft Hpenter, of Portland IMHb, led,, is visiting relative? here. J . M. Tarim* ft; Bon are building i Mr*. T. X# Tailinx had a had ate 1 ate under obligati.jns to Mr IW rB ^ itilh o f Kauws City, n eon, • f W. H. PfchflH, of this place, Tot fit Mtofanir 'hook, flaw afthw great W n» and after ] AVlVpifftAl Iptl ftito. A very iiBpir»»i#G « cue hi gtippe, this week, •(H whar* CWfeii'tkm Hall ia born | |> |i p d th i immenae croYid I S fW lg n w t aa«*s*Mid»e Anoth-r- llA Mav af the *»l* tfa*t< ‘■Irwing th*| s and resting t 'pafi*y. I tot1* f the «l l»5‘e‘a rj* ■r- in tl»* CnivNi Mtalea tohto h«<«n«4 hud thf4 i|^>f ' tbNto viawa row •»(! ‘There am others” that sell “Carnets” SO DO WE, and not hy sample either, but right off the roll. Our prices range from 25 to Coe per yd. Examination of our Carpets will prove that it pays to buy them at Bird’s Mammoth Store. Wc had the pleasure last Wedncs day of hearing the “Full Weight” Quartette in Xenia, This quartette travels around advertising the “ Full *’ cigar, and ring some very Weight” u s pretty negW) songs Each one is , dre?scd in a uniform, which is very becoming. Mrs. James Satterfield is able to be around after a sickness of a few weeks, I have the finest selection of WALL PAPER, All the latest designs. Ed. Nisfcet. —If your buggy needs painting leave it at Wolford’s where it will be carefully done. II. A. Barr exhumed tbe remains of Walter Mitcbcl), of Wilberforce, Wednesday. Ho had been buried ten years. Rev, F, 0 , Rose attended tho Com­ mencement exereisca ofthe graduating class o f the Xenia Seminary, Wed nesday night, Ladies Black Underskirts Childrens Bibs Whisk Broom Linen Collars Doilies Ladies Hose Novels Spectacles I gross Agate Button# Talcum Powder pr box 1 roll Baggy Washers Horn Hair Pins 7 for Doilies,18x18 No 5 Ribbons pr yd Pompadour Comb 1 pr Lace Curtains, 29 in wide and 2$ jds long Brush Skirt Binding, pr yd Empress Corduroy Skirt Binding 2J in Torchon Lade pr y<l 2 in u ii 46c 2c up 3c 3c 3c 4c up 4c 4c • 4c 4c 4c 5c 5c 7c 7c 65c Sc 4e 6c 0c Black Silk Muffler Ladies Spring Hats ^ St, Cecelia Medallion Toilet Sets Oxford Teachers Bible Riding Bridle Ladies Kid Gloves Rouss Water Proof Umbrella Jute Rug 36x72 Ladies Solid Gold Ring Eight Day Clock Gobi Filled Watch Harness Pad Doilies 23x24 Nose Glasses Chain PyelinfeDressing Combs Calf Buush Gents Pocket-pocket Tumblers per doz Leather Hitching Strap Day Book 200 pages 6Jxl5 Side Combs, with sets, per pr The,Dewey Childrens Waists Columbian Ingrain Carpet __ Towel Roller with mirror attarbed 03c 48c 55c up 59c UOe up 65c 66c 67c 70c 93c 81.14 81.90 85.70 8c i 9e 15a 17 g 20c 20 b 21c 22e 23e 2oc 29c yd 11x12 Turkish Bath Cloths Corsets Red Damask, pr yd Wire Bustles Towling, each Infants caps “In His Steps.” book Latest Gents Liuen Collar* Ladies Fancy Hare Chamber Sets, 6 pieces Black Spring Capes New style tudked Shirt Waists Lndies Muriin Gowns Muslin Skirts, embroidery ruffle 62c Jnnleniers from 10e to 11.25 Spring Veiling Chenille Table Cover Oak Picture Easels Bed Spreads Churn Ice Cream Freezers Fishing Poles, 16 feet long 3c 20c up 21c 18c up 4e 6 to 40e 9e 5e 8e $2 15 60e 50c 8c up 66e 32c 47e up C9e $1.70 03 Complete line of Ladies^ Men and Children’s Shoes, NEW YORK RACKET STORE •--^Beautiful White Fringed lied Quilts, $1,75 and $2.50each. Cheaper ones in plain hemmed Quilts at 85a and $1.23, at Bird’s Mammoth State. •wd«M O hms at»*r time. Janiwtowii eady to purctiasB for spring work. Ateo have targe stoekof liar*. ticKtjal popular prices, ^ , Dorn, T'hoHarnessMan, Mr, T. C, Htreieher, of Springfield 4 , J .win ! .wo, Tbnwdav. (>,i thy road betw.c« hero and tSpringfield eau tie found one of the AHkinds *J htmle'r, nle-Misstom ,fine-fit pieres of wheat in Clarke or; swing at MitehrHV, ifft-enie r uifities. It reo.vneil by theIrunaway of Mr. S, K. Witiiamson’s , n„ t n f,-,Haney Bros,, who live a few m;le»t Imree, During the loud reports of itoltec~totnI 5 h fwr-«.“r*l» of Clifton. The wheat had thundfraud rifarpflasks of* iighti- I m<v riran m^H. HprmgtWd fertiliaer *mtt with it, fing, the here* hA tm frightened and Mto ¥ I'nin fa visiting in wb»*h is rrrfsinly a great adverti«?-|jbroke ioj.wj from the buggy, fortuu* During tho severe rain storm la t 1 Saturday, quite a little exeiteme::t wa* caused ou Xenia Avenue by Urn 5 a* *.Jt ^ T. B e i l i n , -‘Blackberries, Gocreberriea,Rasp- j berries, Beans ntGrey’s. J • FarmGate, good asthe beat, with! or without paint, nt Mitchell’s. - j Bent ;u Barber and James Turner ’ are buying wool and will pay tbe I highest iiisiket price. ’ ■ Mayor Wolftml was a delegate to '• the C’onvcntion at Columbus, repre scuting tltisrdistrict. JOEL ORANSKY, Proprietor, O llio , Cleanse the liver, purify tbe blood* invigorate^ the body hy using DeWittaLittle $Mriy Risers. These —I have two unfurnished front rooms for reut. Anna M. ToWnsley, Wilberforce is laying off a new cemetery on the Joe Smith tdaee, on the Columbus pike, J. II, Kyle, ethe old and reliable Itvery man, of Xenia, will otter at public auction, ou Tuesday, hisentire livery outfit. % Our poetinssfer has reecivwi a ««p, j the Mrs. f hsrlcs D. Mitchell, of Day* ton, was here last week visiting her grandmother, Mrs John R om , who is |y»fig aeriousty ill at her daughter’s, Mrs, Henry Walker, of 8 . Main 8 t, J. M. Barlow, the veterau fisher­ man and < 5 , F, Marshall, shouldered theirfishing poles and wended their way to the river at Clifton, last Fri­ day. Now it has beensaid that J, M. could catch fishwhenwooneelse could catch bites; but on tillsoccasion J. M, got two small onea whileMarshall got ment fhr thia eompantVproduct, satcly doing hut lift!**damage, t ply of the books of stamps ftont r . O. Dejmrtment. They arca great#- ^ 7 .....~ r v - ™ -««■ Convcmcnee. and come in force aiiesi!*«««• ^ J. M. says: “I *• «C *ZS?** ’*t ** kw Je 8 #ire*w*yhr* f!>r it. twenty - thi We £ l t . e P R E S S tXHHTA [Th8 Porto Rico Teriff Oi towSb We had-arimrt vn i„g town for a tn trie* to avoid the un life. We do the 1 Bible, so we hunte. burlier shop in tow- mistake. D Wils town- Anybody would 1 ber shop than to loa ing for a .train, moke pMteh differen barber shop it is, eit \Ve engaged tbe < a shave, -not tbiakil able t*> give us p emnoniy- He was. of ji barber and h antly with bis enst shins- time enteriiiii CJiIgregated there, planes of business r wanted. ' Now, you would course mi the Porn [ you got shaved, I anmewliere orhean uuexpecte l that h foal were true of beats whose names The head barb the, one wbo worl chair, lathered his lie. looked out ou some imaginary ol side of the street, do this, for it 18 a f their business. He asked us i' Which was an in »ml tell ■him all would not have to been in tbe moud. mood, be cidu’t probably does not are uot an inhabit Especially since >< hundred inhnbitn *would not know When the oust - lathered the bu strop his razor ac While. He seem own shop and pleased in it. 1 he asked in a I cated that no s usel on a whit “ Doea the razor informed that it durance and lx out of the cor mouth, not lm for it. - The second I think that firya tn election this the man in his < oil. The hend McKinley c«m elected ns he water to tbe rii " I would li know about ii the second cli McKinley vot tariff?” And- silence, while of tlu> tazor. The bend lu liimSelf, and b dent had noth age of a bill oi hiseusto The barber UWBryan wc at least kuov the bead nia would stand. ” 1 won’t vr tbe Bryan n trrikihim be g vrally need bnnfole opitii tuft even nt Would lore hi And be i “BtjAit will a»4 V w iU ’t •but be Mb **-“ Tbeli *