The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
T l j e I f e r q l d , Jl.OOAYKAE. Ml PUUU * *Ww«**w«**!r. tiau'*sa Ome*: #§to*1W*14o ■ r rtATURDAY, MAY ft, 1900. tsrnssHemimmimssmmsmmitPmtsimim I f lhw»y g*t» tit at »Hi it wiil l* avar hi* bridge and «ot on lit* plat form. Wouldn't Bulfer enjoy the iitun- tfon if '♦Rob*' received « set l*ek from the Boer*? Turkey would be willing to put up w«re it not for the laid example she would thereby *et to her other cred itor* Dr. Tslitisge end hie family are traveling in Europe, but in the American pres* hi* sermon?, like the brook, go on forever. After fending General Roberts' first attempt? at criticism, General Miles must have laid down bis paper and smiled aud wondered. Of course, it is a mere coincidence that the demand op Turkey was al lowed to lie dormant ibr three or four years before, aud was revived shortly beforaejectiop. >Quay lost by “Strickland’? plu rality,” Strickland, you will remem her, declared that bis electit>n was no .,<1— -d unanimous thing, but that he. hid a plurality of one. Debating societies wishing to be down to .the minute will tackle the question of whether the President' or Congress bus supreme authority over Cuba, wbtle it is under military co >- trol. RepresentativePayne ofNew York, Says Rut the Porto Rican bill is the proudest act oFbis life. As be in trodueed a free trade bill a month ago, it is in order to ask of which end of the bill he is proud. The new Cuban census gives more Valuable information about the island and paye3 the way for a better future than anything Spain did in her 400 . years o f supremacy. The United Gt*ti<a policy is justified by- the re* tails, ' AWoJM»'iAwf«lP«Il. “ There is only one'chance to save your life and that is. through au oper- tiou” were the startliug words heard by Mrs. I, B. Hunt of Lime Ri Igc, Wis., from her doctor after he had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case of- stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electric Bitters which wholly cured lier. It's a won derful Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only -50 cts. Guaranteed. For sale by Ridgway &: Co., Druggists. MayMusicFestival Excursions.* May 8th to 12th. inclusive, non* transferable excursion tickets will tie "sold to Cincinnati vin Pennsylvania Lines for the May Music Festival; valid returning Sunday. May 13th. '* The Kansas youth who set fire to a house in order that he might play the hem by rescuing the family, got an eighteen year sentence, which will give him ample time to think’over the difference between a vicious fool and a hero. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson •ays that Porto Rico hr the richest spot of land in the world, and that he is going to send men down there to teach the natives how to get three times the profit out of their land that they do nowadays. That is what the franchise hunters hope to do. Editor Stead’s latest sensation is a warning to the English that too much irmtion of Prance may lead to war Sudan invasion of England and the capture of London. Mr, Stead for* gala that the French are eugaged, and will be for some months, in ridding tha pockets o f visitors to the Fans Exposition, Tba House has almost unanimously paassd a Senate joint resolution, amended so as throw some restrictions around the granting of franchises in Port# Rico, The Senate refute* to neespt the amendments, The country should make itself heard promptly on this Subject, and insist that the Sen* ate yidkl and thus remove a very dangerous source of scandal, I f parly politics could be kept out • f it, it might be * good thing for the government to have its own armor, isakisg plant; but a study of existing touhtiona in our navy yards isn't en- '•MMragiiig. Although private ship* bhi d ers make large profits by con* ■trusting ship* for the government, Miff build them much cheaper than the government does in its own navy ynsfoi* Gun. Lew Wallace, ooo* minister to tm/kryf hr out la an interview in Width ha gives the Sultan or Turkey jfiM highlit sort of a character, Ha sags the Sultan waseducated in Park, j a l though a My i nlman has Christ ian id#as and eantimants. Maybe ffon. Wallaua k right about the AMtun, hut isn’t it a little unusual for man tr Imbibe Christian ideas and wntlsHeuta through a Paris education? t f h u s w s such things in that town, Mwy am not vMbie to the average Dr C*14w*ihi Byrnp > fof font ksiigawfon. Jr yaw ' V. M. jldgsmy Thay wflT td l tor they dm to- rmC, A Km dletr Brtin. Your best feelings, your social posi tion or business successdepend largely .on the perfect action ot your Stomach and Liver. Dr. King’s New Life Pills gives increased strength, a keen clear brain, high ambition. A 2ft cent box wiil make you feel like a new befog. Sold by Ridgway A Co , Druggists ' . The United States Supreme}Court decided that the shipper, not the car rier, must pay the stamp tax on ex* press packages. Summer Outbid*. Where toGoendHow to Get There. ' The Seashore, Mountain and Lake Resorts constitute the most attractive pleasure grounds for the summer idler. They are within easy reach via Penn sylvania Lines, and agents of that railway system will furnish full infor mation about rates, -train service aud through car. comforts to any of the summer havens. They will assist in arranging details for vacation trips and give valuable information free of charge. Apply to the nearest Penn sylvania Lines Passenger and Ticket Agent and be relieved of all bother in shaping preliminaries for' your sum mer outing and vacation trip. E. S. Keyes, Agent, Cedarville, Ohio. During the siege of Ladysmith 4000 horsea of the cavalry brigade were converted into soup or mu- sages in a single month, la k m l WfMM* Intense suffering was <udured by witness T, L. Martin, of Dixie, Ky., before he /gave this evidence: “ I coughed every night until my throat was nearly raw, then tried Dr. King’* New Discovery which gave instant relief. I have used it to my family for four years and recommend it as the greatest remedy for Coughs, Colds and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. I t wilt atop the worst oough, and not only prevents but ab solutely cures Consumption, Price ftOeand $1.00. Every bottle guaran teed. Trial bottles free a t Ridgway A Vo's. Drug Store, The easiest and most effective method of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to taka IfoWitt’s lattle Early Risers, the fa mous little pill for cleansing the liver and bowels. Ridgway A Co, frUWrV.Wii^ lifrr-nt—1>1*X-.W Itt Seven counties in Southern Mis souri rich fields of minerals have been found, and there is great activity tbare this spring. Land filled with lead and nine » too valuable for forming, iow * n o n We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cura, * v. t. ru x sR ts to ., Props*, Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known F, »T. Cheney, for the last 1ft years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially aide to carry out any obli gation made by their firm. Wnat AT rpax , Wholesale Druggists Toledo, Ohio, W auhx , KtttWA*A If Attviw, Whole* tog*lasts, tts* Lwswtaaa. The Gansral Assembly of the Pres* bytoriaa Church wilt ha ia conference May 17th to 31st at Ht. Louis, Me., amt excuntion tickets at low rat. a will be sold via Pennsylvania Lima on the following dates; May lftth, Jfith, 21#t end ite&i; valid returning not later than June 1st. A dog iH'longing to the Koval Eng lish Engineers found his wav up to Madder River from Cape Town, a distance of 023 miles, and appeared most unexpectedly among the men of his company. i ATMtih/lkAifor „Will often receive painful cute, sprains or bruise* from accidcnte, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, will kill the pain and heal the injury. It’s the cyclist* friend. Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, Bore Lips, Burns. Ulcer*, and Piles.' Cure guaranteed. Only 85c. Try it. Sold by Ridg- way A Co,-, Druggist*. ____ ... ;Prepataik»f6rA*- aM & W NwRodtudBefitJhL- M$«W 9 MiMi$*aHlBowMscr 1\ • \ s * ( Mi i*ft i N PromotesDrgeationUheerful- , nesaandlfestContaUwneither Opium,Morphine norMfaeraL IN O IN a h c o t i c . '•*t»#»f#wa(swwmmtot#f«to|toaa»*»m*#*i|r<» jsm^feuMrSMXumma ■ Am tm im l- ' c m o i u The KindYouHave Always Bought DOLLARS A . C H A N C E Bears the Excuraioo to Ctteaha Next Sasday. May 0th, $1,00 round trip from Cedarvilie on Special Train at 9:00 a. m , central time; good returning same day 8 p. m. via Pennsylvania Lines. , AperiledRemedyforCoiailpa- Bon,Sour Stotnach.Duuxhoea WormsConvulsions,Fcverish- | ness andL oss OF SKJEEP. ’■M«MMatoWaMWto**f*' Facsimile Signature of ^ ^ ® S 5 T N EW YORK . . r>< 1 n ! s EXACT copy OP WRAPPER. For Over Thirty Years C U M w e emrtm ii-w ir , enrnee onr. sale Dnsatgisto, Tolado, O. Half* Catarrh (’uru ia dirnctiy taken in- totwaily, acting ae l upon tit* bfoaditad muooM Mrfiuw of tha ay*- Pries 7fte_ par hotthi, fish) fey SpringandSummerfiats We can show you the largest and best assortment of Hats and Furnishings in Springfield, and at .prices which cannot be beaten anywhere in the state. , Men’s Working Hats, 25c, 35c, 48c, 75c, $i;00 Dress Hats. We can show you a dress hat for $1, $1.50 and $2, equal in style to any $5 hat in the United States. It you have not dealt with us it will pay you to visit our store. It costs you nothing to look. Furnishing Goods. Anything you want in. white, colored, or working shirts. We have them from 25c to $1.00. Neckwear. . ' . .. i We have the largest and most complete line of neck wear in Springfield from 5 to 50c. Underwear. In Balbriggan, merino, gauze, and light wool, from 50c to $2.00 a suit. Gloves. Protect your hands—it doesn’t cost much to do so. We can furnish you gloves from 10c to $1.00. Trunks and Valises. *"■ We have one of the largest and best lines of trunks and valises east of Cincinnati at the most reasonable prices. Trunks from'$2.25 to $8. Valises from 40c to$5* SWiliIVAH, the Hatter, You will never fully appreciate the wonderful purchasing powers of the “Almighty Dollar” until you have given m j , H . K N O T E * * * An opportunity to show you. We have never been able to offer a more complete stock nor greater price inducements, The store fairly teems with rare bargains in every department. 27 South Limestone St., Springfield, O. J . H . W O L F O R D Imperial Homs and Repairs. See That New Corn Marker. Prices Right m m Prices Right •11lAragaitos. Twiiusmiab fm . IfotoMyM r a rt tin I m *. FOX, * Titi; • f Afcade PhotograTriior I h till* m«*t I v H a I j I p ftti'l Strictly Up-to- d a te A rtiu t in tlu* Hity—Springfield, O, CWCHESTEirS EMUSM PENNYROYALP U S f O ^ mi * 14 #. tuM i PBBMf Bi I m p ! «rn»l»WAfc«m. mm r a . Men’s Handsome Spring Suits, In the popular 3 or 4 button- sack style*. Oxford niixed, Cheviot, Fancy Worsted, Sfoel Gray, Fancy Checks or Stripe*. Fine serge or Batin linings, in prices ranging from $5 to $lo. Neckwear. / Finest in the great variety yet shown. They are English Square, the Imperial Teck, Puff, Bat- Wingand.Bows, iu the greatest variety and colors. • Men’s Colored Shirts. Fancy Madras, Negligee, and .Garner’s Best Percales. We will show you the best assortment that is to I ks found in the city. • Boy’s Natty Vestee SuitSi Serviceably stylish. Some lapels are faced with a combination doth and soutache while other* have satin facings. Vests open fronts. Ages 3 to 8 years. Prices $1.50, $2, $250, $3 and $3.50. Boy’s Stylish Double Breasted Suits. Made of Cheviots, Caesimere6 and Worsteds, cut and trimmed ia good stjde. Stripes, Check* and Plaids, or plain black, blues or grays, for $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50. $3, $4 and $5. Boy’s White and Colored Shirts. The same styles the men wear. In sizes to fit boys from 5 year* up to 14, with all styles of collar +4 J I A U I II EAST MAIN STREET, Springfield, O. 4 SPRING -1900. The desigues and quality surpass any former season. The ad vance in rawmaterial and general good times has made a great de mand, and the mills have advanced prices. To overcome in part HJTCHISON & GIBNEY placed there orders at prices that can not lie duplicated by 5 or 10 per cent. --- - - -- “ 3 WCa,ttfilg,. 10000 yd*. Matting, joinlem and seamless twine chain in green, blue, brown and red at 12$ to 85c. Never better for the money. 10 Roll* of the Grande, per yd .,..,.................................... 25-and 30c 15 Rolls of the Cotton Extra Super.................... .................. .......35c 15 Roll* All-wool Filling........... ........................... ........................ 50c 25 Rolls All-wool both way*........................... .................. 50, GO, 75c Velvet, Tapestry, Moquette, Axminater, Artlugrain all size* $4.75, $5.75 $8.75. Large size, all-wool Axttiinstcr, 3 yards wide,*14 yard* long. Large size Moquette, Velvet, Tapestry. • Art Corner Remnant* put down to 2w. Brussel Remnant* 19e, 25c, 50c, 75c. I-4 1CC } O t n * t i l l H im , 600 pair, excellent styles, never lower. Good style 3$ yard* long $1.00. . Three yards long per pair 60& H u t c h is o n & ( j i b n e y |«tk t o . , Our General Catalogue quote* them. Send t«;c to partly pay postage or expretMge and well send you one, It ha* noo page*, * 7,000 illustration* and quote* price* on nearly 70,000 thing! thutyou m and uie and wear, W« constantly carry in stock Ml arffriti quoted. WIPV . mt Where to Locate? Why, in the TeiTlUry Traveraed by the. . .. Louisville Nashville Bailroad -T H U — first Cutial SntkenTnitliw IN- KHNTUCKY, TENNESSEE. ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI, FLORIDA, VVMBRIt farm er*, f r u i t drovers, Slock Jiaistrs, Manufacturers, inventors, S t cculasors anti Money Lenders «k*a«to ia the United *■» « th in aid Tkixa, 7n«i» m mat, AID 0 # 4 X. . , lASM totfsmm ioi r J i ef *»•*»•*** kr AfrMdcm from txxxtipa.fur Ui»MMaStHater. *rre and «p> U x i am* I* Watt ri*rtd* that law*. <‘,<** gwtl* to to r& .A c~ ‘ ^^StSSSM *. "«• AMtm, General Im » tfrttt« A*t, ItoknrtoffXMtWlty. ^*n^r--iiimfi1nl-rr!nm»ir f c a s t o r 1A IbtlhiwMtMtMiriK, ItoKMY*uBantonesI n |M «*!■ ■ --Tiiaa. Orifoa and Oifum at Clrsv'a B x tm o n U n o o k w n * - |X0 to 33 ^ / I n g r a i 19c per yard, [pet*, regular pri ] l$c per yard, | Union Ingrain i \ 35c. choicestyle 38c per yard, 1 per Fine I»g i price 55c- ; 45c per yarc i Extra Super I* !choice new*prin 65e. 55c per yarc All Wool Extra Carpet, the ne fogs, regular pr 65c per yard, Fine and Extra grail) Carpet: n pattern*, in «1 signs and coloi lively the 1»st- every .yard gi luteiy fo*t* exclusively by for the stick wl uine without price everywhe. B r u s s 55c per yni Brussels Ingr Brussels patte unsurphssed. ar&soid elsewfa per yard. * “T 50c per ya estry Brussels oiit borders, t l , for price 65c. 59c per yarc fold’* 9-wire pets, with or \ goods; regulai 7 5 c p e r y a n . and every one ford & Stint Brussels Carp These arc the lar price-90c. 98c per y* Lowell & H Carpets, wit regular price Nob Use our Q\ FEE Hear the cho gerrutoch, There’s a rov me good tc When the bo the sun’s b< Touchin* Iasi the dancin When the c o’ hints it’t Wal, I ’ve { that’s the We’ve got p ■ • —honest 1 Bnt we’d rni to ekinch Lot* of worl that’s a n Critter* fus give the t And the v mam am And—WaT- yott'U no Darn the u he fneosu Groanin’ e\ forkful c. Darn the scuff, wo ’Cause he grain, se Oh, the dii with Use With its full of a Than I she the bar And, With the the for That’s the —•torn Until eve) tottlc d Than the *idpSf Fur we’re .we’re a- likem r i) MW1 nti Aniaher 'm am s F to to f e .„hh*« an I f there's m i am jpaSH W m m H a a A * * ' iimii difeiiilf J 1
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