The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

N S • • • • Extraordinary and ipcclal sale of Muslin and Knit Underwear, Hosiery, Notions, Ladies’ Neckwear, Jackets, Skirts, Wrappers and Taildr Made Suits; Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Floor Oil Cloth, I/ineoleum, Wall Papper and Window Shades opening this morning at 8 o’clock. Our stocks now are two to four times as large as are carried by other Springfield stores—and our prices range from jo to 33i per cent lower than the best prices obtainable elsewhere, qualities and styles considered. 19, ? i, 33, 35 Limestone, S t., Sprinfield, Ohio* J<)v*per yard, Granite Ingram Car* pets, regular price 30e, - 18cper yard, 10 roll* Extra Supe puiou Ingrain Carpet. regular price • 35iNchoicestyle*. S8c per yard, All-wool Extra Su­ per Fine Ingrain Carpet,' regular price 55c. 45e per yard, 25 roll* (AH-wool) Extra Super Fine Ingrain Carpet, choice new spring styles, regular price 65c. 55c per yard, 25 roll* fiuer grade All wool Extra Super Fine Ingrain Carpet, the newest styles and color* iuHP, regular price 696. G5o per yard, Lowell Extra Super Fine and Extra Heavy All-wool In ­ grain Carpet; more than 50 different patterns, in all the new spring de­ signs anil color* to select from; posi­ tively the hist Ingrain Carpet made, every1 yard guaranteed; color* abso­ lutely fast. Thin line is controlled exclusively by ua in U ub city. Look tor the stick when buying, none gen­ uine without it; 35c is the regular price everywhere. Brussels Carpets. 55c per yard, 10 rolls higb grade Brussels Ingrain Carpets, newest Brussels patterns, wearing qualities unsurphssed. These identical goods are sold elsewhere in this city for 1 00 per yard.. “Think of it.'” ,, * 50c per yard, 12 rolls good Tap­ estry Brussels Carpet, with or with­ out borders, this season’s styles: regu­ lar price 65c. 59c per yard, 15 rolts Smith AsSan­ ford's 9-wire Tapestry Brussels Car­ pets, with or without border, nil new goods; regular price 7.5c. 1 75c per yard, 50 different patterns ind every one a gem. "Smith, Sau- fod A Stinson’s 10 wire Tapestry Brussels Carpets,- borders Jo match. These are tlie best goods made; regu­ lar price 90c. , 98c per yard, 10 .rolls Bigelow, Lowell A Hartford Body Brussels Carpets, with or without borders; regular price 1 35, Wilton Velvet Carpets. 90c per yard, Dunlap's Smith* San­ ford A Stinson's high grade Wilton Velvet Carpets, ail this season's choicest styles, with border* to. match, nearly 50 patterns to select from; regular price 1 25. Art Squares. Best all-wool Druggets made, beau­ tiful assortment, Designs and color­ ings exclusive. Size 2J by 3 yards, the 6 00 kind; sale price 4 49. Size 3 by 3 yards, the 7 00 kind; sale price 5 49, Size 3 by 3£ yards, the 8 00 kind: sale price 6 25, Size 3 by 4 yards, the 9 00 kind; sale price 7 00 Size 2$ by 3 yards, sale price 2 98. , Size 3 by 3 yards, sale price 3 49. Size 3 by 3} yards^ sale price 3 98. Size 3 by 4 yards, sale price 4 49. All very choice patterns. Colors absolutely fast . Rugs ! Rugs! 65c each, Smith’s Mocjuette Mats, 18 by 36 inches; worth t 25. 1 90 ench, Smith’s Moquette Bugs, 27 by 63; worth 3 00. ■ 2 90 each, Smith’s Moquette Rugs, 36 by 72; worth 5 00. . Carpet Sizes in Rugs. This season’s newest designs and best makes. 19 90 each, Smith’s best Saxony Axminister .Rugs, size- 9 by 12 feet; regular price 25 0O 25 00'each, the celebrated Beauvais Axminster Rugs, extra heavy and extra quality;. Orieutal designs and colorings; regular price 35 00. size 9 bv 12 feet, 29 90 each, Lowell, Bagdad and Buodhar Wilton Rugs, choice designs and colorings; “ the best made.’’; size 9 by 12 feet; regular price every­ where 38 50.. . Mattings. 8£c per yard, 300 rolls China Mat­ ting, regular price. 12$c. 12£c per yard, jointless Chinn Mat ting, regular price 15c. „ 15c per yard, extra heavy jointless China Matting, regular price 19c. 15c per yard, lipen chain fancy Jap Matting, regular price 25c. 19c per yard,-150 rolls very choice liuen chain faucy Jap Matting, reg­ ular price 29c. Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums. Floor Oil Cloths, best makes, 19c to 59c per square yard. Linoleums, best makes ami exclus­ ive patterns,*39c to 85c pier square yard. _ Inlaid Linoleums, a very extensive collection, in Scotch, English and American makes, “ prices the lowest.” Wall Paper. 2.500 rolls new Wall Paper;ceilings and border^ to match, regular price 7c, sale price 3c. 3,000 rolls new white hack Wall Paper* ceilings ami borders to match, regular price 8e, sale price 5c, very choice; 3.500 .roll new white hack Wall Paper, borders aud ceilings to match, regular prices 10c itnd 124c, sale price 8c. 800 rolls new spring Wall Paper for parlor, libraries, , dens, dining rooms, halls and lied rooms, in stripes, florid effects; also set figures in greens, blues, reds, browns, white mid gold aud pink, borders aud ceilings to match, rCgular price 20c, price 124c. NOTE—Estimates given on all jobs and. workmanship guaranteed satisfactory. ‘ Window -Shades. 8c. each, felt Window Shades, 3 by 6 feet, mounted on spring rollers, all colors, regular price 35c. 25c each, linen ..Window Shades, 3 by 7 feet, mounted on best spring roller, ail colors, regular pride 50c. , 33c each, linen Window Shades, 3 by 7 feet, with fringe, mounted on best spring roller, all colors, worth55c. 49c. each, sun fast oifopaque Win-1115c today. dow Rhodes, 3 by 7 feet, mounted on best lieartshornspring roller, lace and inserting trimmed, regular price 1 00. SPECIALS—200 Inass trimmed Curtain Poles, *11colors, regular price 25c, sale price l2$c. 5 gross brassextension Sash Curtain Rods, 24 by 44 inches, regular price 25c, sale price 10c, Ladies’ Muslin Underwear Samples and odd lots of stock, all are slightly soiled. We. want to sell them quickly. These prices: Gowns, 34c, 44c, 50c, 62c, 69c, 79d, 84c and 94c.' wortUat least $ more. Skirts 36c, 48c, 63c, 70c, 79c, 85c, 98c aud 1 15. Drawers 19c, 23c, 29c, 35c, 39c, 48c. Corset Covers 7c, 15c, 18c, 25c, 89c. Corsets. 25c -for Breeze Summer 40c Cor­ sets.. 39c for Tailor-made 50c Corsets 50a for Genuine .J. B. French 1 00 Cjreeta. ■ ■ ' Ladies’ Summer Under­ wear. Today’s prices 5c, 10c, 12$c, 15c, 19c, 25c. Ladies’ Silk Vests, in pink, blue, white and cream, 39c each. Ladies* Summer Uniou Suits 25c, 50c 75c;. Uhildren’s Summer Underwear 3c to 25c according to size. Ladies’ and Children’s Hosiery. Ladies’ full seamless black cotton seamless Hose 5c, 10c, 15c. Ladies* full seamless fancy strap stitch, black Hosiery 15c per pair, 2 pairs for 25c. Children’s full seamless black cot­ ton Hose, 5c per pair. 10c per pair, another lot the 20c quality Boy’s and Girls’ School Hose full seamless. Men’s seam less Sox, 5ct 8c, 10c, Men’* Furnishings, j 25c each for Men’s white Shirts, fancy bosoms, 50ograde, 25c each for Men’s black duck white strip* and extra heavy cheviot Working Shirts,' the 35c. and 40o grades. 39c for Men’s fancy Bedford cord Dress Shirts, white neckband, also'all over percale Shirts,’ collars attached. 49c for Men's silk front Shirts, stiff bosomShirts and Madras bosomShirts, j mostly Gold and Silver brands, value; 1 00, 1 25 and 1 50. 59o for Men’s stiffbosombias stripes Gold and. Silver Shirts, value 1 09 and 1 50. Boys’-silk bosom Shirts, 47c each. Boys’ laundered ' percale Shirts, with 2 ('otacbed collars, 47c each. Boys' School Shirts 25c each. ’ 8c per pair. Men’s J5c Suspenders- 19o per pair, Men's 25c, 35c and- 50c Suspenders." each, Men’s light color Silk Scarfs. , . 39c each, Men’s cotton Sweaters. Men’s medium weight Underwear 25c. Men’s silk finished fancy Balbrig- gau’Underwear 29c Men’s extra quality Balbriggan Underwear 39c. j Men’s fine medium weight Merino Underwear 50c. Men’s wool gauze and medium weight Underwear 1 00. Notions. 4c per dozen, shell, amber and black waved Hair Pins. 5c per dozen, aUiminnra Hair Pins. 10c pair, Empire Side Combs. 10c " each, Ladies’ Pompadouri Combs. \ 5c each, large , size metal back,; aluminum nnd India rubber Dressing Combs. j 5c for 100 yards Spool. Silk, (til colors nud bluck and white, worth 8c. 2c tor 200 yards Spool of King’s Machine Thread. : . . • 2c for 2 dozen silver and japanned Hump Hook and Eyes. 5c set, Ever-ready Dress Stays; all colors, worth 10c. , 10c each, all-leather Shawl Straps. 25c eScb, 14-inch Feather Dusters, best quality, sold elsewhere for 79p, 10c each, Needle Books, worth 25c, 3c per dozen, all sizes white pearl Buttons. 10c per yard, all colors fancy frilled silk Garter Elastic. , 1c per yard, black and white Hat Elastic. 25c pair, black and color* Ladies’ Improved Marlowe Catchon Corset Hose Supporter, velvet post. 10c pair, Ladies’, Mieses and Chil­ drens Velvet Post HoseSupporters. , 10c each, single and double all­ leather Purees, large sizeB, worth 20c. 10c per pair, Derby Link and- Round Cuff Holders; 25c each for 35c aiul 50c .Pocket- books, all leather, plain and oxidized, black and colors. 25c each, satin Pu’lly Belts, colored and black, 50c vah#e. Fully Belt Buckles, latest styles, in silver, oxidized aud gold, 19c, 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c and 1 00. The Newest Neckwear. 25c each, Ladies’ fancy lace Barbs, value 50c. * 50c each, Ladies’ fancy Persian embroidered ends and lancy corded hemstitched Neckwear; “ swell eflects.” 20e each, The Queen. Hair Lock Retainer, in shell and amber. 25c each, Ladies’ patent leather Pulley Belts. Ribbons and Lace and All- overs. 5c per yard, all-silk taffeta Ribbons,, plain, fancy and hemstitched, thelQc grade, 15c per yard, silk taffeta Neck Ribbons, cord edge, all colors, JNo, 45 nnd 60, worth 25c. 19c per yard, all-silk corded and hemstitched taffeta Neck Riqbons, all colors, No. 60 and 80, worth29c. 25o per yard, very fine all-silk Glnsse taffeta Neck Ribbons, No. 60, plain, hemstitched and corded value 39c. ' 49c per yard finest quality aU-ailk satin Glssae Ribbons, No, 60, *11 tins newpastel shades, value 75c, 105sper bolt today, 500 holt new Val, Laces, value 15c. 3c and 5c per yard today, 2 very fine lots new Torchon Laces and In­ serting (wide ami narrow) value 5c to 15c, Cloak Room* 49c each; Ladies fancy Cambric Wrappers, well made and lined, value 75c 98c each, Ladies’ fancy Percale Wrappers, flounce and epaulet trim­ med, value 1 20. 50c each, Ladies and Mines’ fancy Percale Shirt Waist, latest styles and patterns, plnin and inserting trimmed These are special leadens. 98c each, Ladies accordcon plaited mercerdised Petticoats, black and color, value 1 20. 98c each, Ladies’ black, figured BrilUantine Dress Skirts, value 150, $2 98 each, Ladies add Mieses’ all- wool Venetian, doth .Man-tailored . new Spring Jackets, tan and castors full lined, value 5 00. f 5 98 each| Ladj^s’ Oxford Cloth, Man-tailored Suits, fly front and dou­ ble-breasted effects, latest style, value 860. 84 98 each; Ladies’. Mau-Tatored Rain Skirts, latest style, double faced cloth and box plaite back, the best - value in the city even a t $6 00. 9 90 each, Ladies Man-tailored new Spring Suite, Venetians, Homespun, Cheviots, Covert, all the newest and most desirable shades and styles, silk lined Jackets, value 12 00' and 15 00,; SPECIAL — 500 Manufacturers’ samples Nottingham Curtains Ends in lengths of 1£ to 2 yards; the prices are one third the regular, 15c, 19c 25c and 35c each, The new models of Her Majesty’s . Corset have caught the popular fancy. Prettier Corsets have never been pro­ duced—that’s certain, and more com­ fortable stays could n o tb e imagined. 10c each, large size Whist Brooms. Note—-WINK, the WIZARD, still at our store. See him in our north show .window, morning 7 to l l ; afternoon 2 to 5. Oil Paintings free with all Cash Purchases of $2.00 and over and $5,00 and over. Use our Quick Mail Order Department. ^ FEEPM*THESTOCK . ear the chorus in that tie up, runeb, gerrubcb, and ranch and ranch! lere’s a row of honest critters! Does m'e good to hear ’em munch, hen the barn is gattin’ dusky and bind the the sun’s beh drifts mchin* last the gable winder where the dancin’ hay-dust sifts, hen the coaxing* from the' t*e-np o’ hints it^s 6 o'clock, «], I ’ve got a job that sitifa me— that’s the chore of feedin’ stock. e’ve g ti patches down to ohr house —honest patches, though and neat, \l we’d rather have the patcheethan to skinch on what we eat. >tsof work, and grab to hack ye— that’s a mighty wholesome creed— ■itters fast, sis, that’s my m o tto - give the critters all they tteed, nd the way we do to owr house, marm and me take what ie left, nd—wal—we ain’t goto’ buagry, as you'll notice by our heft, am the man that’* ARROW SHOTS. 1 «M •&Stfowin th« sir, to tb«wrth; Xknownot where. —Longfellow. ______________ jealulatin* when te measure# out Ms hay, turnin'eve’ry time he pitches orkful out the ‘‘bay:” the man who feeds out ruff* I The . only time some men wear gloves is when they are pall heaters, t 1 1 When a person is very rick, folks like to get inside facts o f the case from thedoctor. 1 f t Every day one runs across people who cause him to wonder why they ever got married. t t t looking arouud over the opjtt house, one cun easily pick out the “solid” couples. t t t We wonder how people who ire oppoied to Sunday papers can eon- scienfiously read them on Monday. 1 1 t her husband doesu't throw away new tangled pillow shams. t t t A matt thinks everybody ought to know liis baby’s name. t t f . When a girl begins to get on the shady side, she likes to wear a man’s hat. t t t A man never kuows how much he Uses that side of his mouth till he gets a tooth filled, t ‘t t A habv forgets more Induing in a day that it is sick than you can tench it in a week, t 1' t If a fellow pays any attention, he can, have his feelings hurt everyday. ALEX. MlLpEB. What Next? Some seem to lie uneasy and a good deal of guess work is going the rounds as in what the Andrew Bros, would next engage. The report Is now cur­ rent that Jim will purchase tlio howl­ ing alley, as he is n groat admirer of thatgnme, and Bev will open a pea­ nut stand aud handle the" Gineimmli Enquirer, ns the old firm have ban died that puper for u good mail) years. We doubt very much the truth of the above TeporU, they doubtless be­ ing Btnrfed as «j„ke on the boys, We predict that, they will not veuture into any other business, as Jim’s time will be wholly occupied at the Green Carr A Co.'s wholesale hous» ’ m Dayton, O., of which he w prisi.mut, while for Bev, the s'* i ! >u of the year Ms near at hand nh.-u he will be called [on the road to attend the fairs with his herd of line'red polled cattle WeakMen MADESTR 6 H 6 . OONtULT THE OLD 26 Years 0 URIN 0 HEN trip *r» MUtefe*. boa-tb» « •iota .»rror», m toranoa j■ ■ **srw>mr MIBDUMEB M E N - tU S U S S «M, h «rtMltofnm m or il lir u miw hum . — j 5 tiff, wood and wirafrom the swam, [ . . , . . . . . • — ^ WjRtttk to press his herd’s; A woman is a good deal like* man, “ “ ‘ —when she can't think of any*! thing else rim cooks eggf. t t t The polite way to call a man a liar k to say that be has a “ vivid imagifl- atkm • t t t use ne want* so pre«* mm mi ;rass, send his ciovsroff fbr sale, , the dimold barn saems homelike, with its overhanging mows,. ith it* warm nod wttoned tie up. till of wril-fed rime? and cows, tn I abet the door behind me, drop he her and drive the pin, d, with Jeff »•wagging’ after, tog ithe foamin' milk pell* in. it's the styleOfthings to our house Htfmrai and me, wedon’t pnll up til every critter’s eating’ from the •ltle down to pup. ttt the biskita and the spare-nbs md plum prseervm taste fried, r we’re feriln* i» There i* one advantage in haviug ft hard spell of sickness, the victim never run# wit nf eomething to talk about .......... ............... ^ t t t me an* mother.' that] a lisr always gets m*d *f bis word WCIC iffHB wmmn ....... inn m e’re actin’ hoiit’a we rim«W. k <km1>t«d. b or iwf» ri*, after rapper mother j*™*™*. mmanoiher patch. . , d she says the dude hmk trampy» ansa rimain't got gomla to malnh. it of nil, though, m m the meal QMRltn um IMJIPfWVf ww* herria any extra daftam, mil, mn* 1 to rig h t, why Wm. v s , m o th e r, wttitmtimimmmrimdwm**" . •yatli i m find and pane* ***■ Ar f t t I t is fun tome a young doctor try­ ing to act like an old one. f f + ji Let* of mewdon’t rvali/e how much | J riser want* horn* till they want to gsXmarried the aeeowd time. t i t , A tWMH h mrify dtoffpetosed in i NO USE; iTRYINGi » I c i f tH i a k i i f lh ln e o d d N r j Doctor n w , t i y tt. H j, , m i^ i i • • wtM teHm« to m«*t U rdo rbo tU r Mrittiy ioUfto 'them , I t li too rich and] ; will uow t th e ttoou ch . Butt >yoo o n take milh or c i t i n g | »o yoa can taka iSMtTsEmaMsi ! It li Aka cmamt but toed atxlnouriih when ernam; 'w « not. Babtoa and ddt*! id rm whl thriva and irow i ► ta t on It v fam M e o rtim ry ] |to o d d o « in o 4 noMririt them ,; I 61661mHRtomPWWra i ^ j* j^Augi|| dhritolaMMl mm|J *ga .m vi^H^r > | jJk A ^ ana tn ^jdtoak 16 Legal Notice. \ Hada-sali Hamilton residing nil Monmouth, III. will take notice that suit has been brought against her in* , terpleaded with others, in the Com*! mon Picas Court ot Greene County, Ohio, by L. W. Biuir, et al, as trus­ tees of The Reform Presbyterian Church of Cwlarville, plaiittifls. The pray of the petition in said action is tuquiet the title to the following real estate situated in said Greene Co, O., towit: Beiug part of military survey entered in the name of Wni. Toru- kins, No. 3745/nnd tiounded as fid-i Hows: Beginning at a stake in th e1 Ieasterly margin of the Clifton road [ i l l poles from the alley north of J . I -Orrs second addition to the town of tf Cedarvillc; thence N. 16 W. 10 poles II to a stake; thence N. 74 E, 15 poles ■i to a stake; thence H. 16 E. 10 poles 11to k stake; thence 8. 74 W, 15 poles (to the beginning. j Raid defendent is required to answer ■ | said jietitioit by June 16th, 1990. R. L. ttowirt, Attorney for Plaintilft, apr28 flw itonuKMi inmUrtMi H s r i S BLOOD IM eise S R a i s B a r s . ......... ....... WAHNtwfnram m m m l u ram rim i •■•tarn sl , m. n 0 OW SOPfffi ~ mm T0 0D «A «L » n ra ii)A T . Taka Imxativc Bramo (fritainc Tablet*, All drngttos retond rim ‘mam* if U fail* to spr*. K W« Grave's rignatniw 1*onmwh hwt. Me. Cannot always be procured in short time, toil we are able to get up a first-clam meal on the shortest notice, We handle a line of cigars and fine candies un* equaled in the city. Fresh roasted penuuts every day, Try Our Lunch Counter. Williams Bros. 1 Lowry Block. Fence picket and wins, at MKeh* Beautiful flairt |DoYouWantIt? T o t a , C t o n 3Rm,xrm S tto ^ : Remember, M adame C oroxa C oe offers One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Gray Hair her Perfection Hair Restorer fails to restore; or any case of Dandruff it fails to cure, whsjiv directions are properly followed. * JX -. _ I We will send, securely sealed, to your nearest exprets office, her M l i s n i i o n . eight ounce $1.50 bottle, for One Dollar, if you mention this paper. One bottle in many esse* being all needed. Address, Jladam e Corilla Coe, a iy M ichigan S t., Toledo, OMo. TO VVJIOit IT CONCERN:—I *m ptr.onslly sequslnttd vUh MadsmeCorilfsCee ss4 the 'wonderfut effeeUofher Pnsrr.CTiox Hsl* R mtoss *. It wwonderful, beyondCompMiSoe 2 d its Effects, and at the eene timePerfectly Usnnlest. Xbate known of lesny aged v«n<*s ■whosethin end'«rsy lockshate beenfullyrestoredtoyomfhfel colof end vigor. % Ret. C, J, Banks, Toledo, Ohio/presenteddies*, Mese, Ansone, .T. A, Houser, M.D.IndienepolisiIediane. Lncie Juliea Merlin, Prineipel, ToledoSchool ofElocntlon. . .. Prof. W. M. Windsor, 173.1Sich Ave., Chicego, L. L. B.Ph.D./Phimotogfst k \ itosepkil NERVITAPILLS H ot OTWTj WBmJt U K f JSMV99 e a tssu e s - . __ isssmaMar ............ .. ceereeteeltoed. NsmtaTiUits I1VI VII m 1 b e i i u i (ntLow tutaatd -------- rs for Lowet Poem, or ftmVleOrnM, rli, Nerwwe R m M. rerebrtif esidm % % amMiaLk^ raSuni jN l R W A M K O I C A t . DO . ORnmnltdiwtoon I f c , qitWHIOO^Ufa For Sole by O. M Ridgwwey. Brngglst CeJerrille, Ohio, AUOOIT PLOWETt. . “ It is h surprising fact,” says Prof. Hottton, “ that in tuy travels in ail parts of the world, .for the last ten years, t have met more people having used Green’s August Flower than any other remedy, for dysjicpsm, de­ ranged liver and stomach, ami for constipation. I find for tourists and salesmen, or for persons filling office positions, where headaches r i f t ExchangeBank CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNTS of Merchants and In ­ dividuals solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. T OANB mads on Iteal Estate, D gong] or Collateral Security. D RAFTS on New York and Cin­ cinnati sold at lowest rates, Tba cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail, Pet* William Wildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vk* Pres., W. J. Wildman, Garidar, t FILBt CfUlKD WITIOOT ; f l l KSEHR Trwrdnisgwt, «h«Mye« knew to 1wntWHs Will tell yea that Vets sathwleeff t* r*fw*4 tto Miesey to e*ery MnliMer where F1XO OIKT- MENTWI* te eate esy «w.r «f itCRlIM, BLIND, BLERDINU, t«c FR0TRCD1HB FIliEff, mewstter ef hew ten* waaiiag. Catw erdissry m m Is >!.« d«y«, •fh*s i f .iHeattsa sices etse ««4Met. Reliefes itehlag Isitssehr. This is sse tr d|s«r,cety snd U m ii e» a jm n - tire gasnstee. Ns fate, Ns Fay, raw , |1 M , Fee sale by C, M, lldgway. twaiitAitM We Wilt wy thei ktm * a*»artl Awa ss saw ef U n i GeWytMat, Dysywile, fftek Mtai ache, Xadlgeettea, tVeMlfew—w Cwtiwoew . and gen etal Imd feelings from irregular habits exist, that Green’s August Flower is .................... .... a grand remedy. I t does not Injure hy wwyHeitwMi. They*r* tie avstsm bv freouent use. and iafsaa ewer rat ta stawSsS excellent for sour atomaclw and indl* * gcsUon.” ftample bottlei free a t U. M. lUdgway’a. Hold by dealers la all ririlbed e aatriee. aa raeaet wee with Llvarffa, A t TTa-ia | Lilli* Licet Fll!,wfc«* HwiMceWMMSrtaWrt* ;Anlw**wewrtala4f mtfe i4l«a. SA«hw«M «a»ni tt rat*, m MhM. NMtVtTA MRDTCAt 0O, irimnfcH