The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

• ( £i f* ftfa . A 0000 ’MASON patioqist tha Drugstore fcr drug* » that there you will l» a someone who k»ow« about drug#. I t i« their business (o know «bout what you want in Drug*. OU mk mo * i do out interest them, thrwg information it obtainable bee# andth# Drug* you need, too. T ta Drugs are right and so are tha priest. ' RtOOWAY « CO., tha Dm ctfet* Ofp.OpomtiotiM. Loulani Personal Riant# * t Dobbin’#. —Wall Paper, l o w P ric e * , at Stewart’s. The railroad people are putting on a nowdate roofou the depit. —VVall Paper, 5c per bolt up, All piper trimmed free, At Bird’s. „ Min Echo Sterrett entertained a few of her friend# la*t Friday night. Mr, Frank Reid, of Muncie, Iud., S t Monday with L. 6 , Bull and ly*. .-~-jr*W«*fc Pattern® in Wail Paper, away under Regular Pneea, at Stewart’#. Dr; SlbKinney was up from Cinein- U»ti, Monday, lookiugafter the inter- esta of thecollege. _ Mrs. dames Barber, o f Springfield, sp e n ta tew days with her daughter, Mrs.D iosmora Collins, ‘| have the finest aelection of WALL PAPER. All the latest designs. Ed. Nlsbet Miss -Zola Dowmird and Mildred "McCollum have returned From Clarke ' ville, Were they visited fo ra iew d a v s. —500 yards Wool Dress Goods 35 to 40 in wide, was 50 to 65cls yd, now* to (dose, 25o yd. Alexander A ' Spahr., Mrs, W. L. Marshall and children, ofXenia, were the guests of Martin ■- Barber and _family, the first of the week. ' Mr. John McElroy and wife, oi West Carrolton, are here this week, owing to the defth of Mfs McElroy’s mother,' Mrs. Cline. 0 , Bradfute & Son, on Wednesday . shipped .. a . yearling calf, weighing about 1000 pounds,' to B. W. String- Allow and brother, of Elkwood, Cut pepper county, Va. —-“ DeWitt's Little Edrly Risers are the finest pills I ever used.” —D. i. J . Moore, AJillbrbok, Ala. They wtiekly cure all liver and bowel trou- Hea. Ridgway & Co., druggists. Elmer L. Hundley, who with his family, has been visiting Rev. and Mrs. *A. 0 . Maddox, returned to his home in 0ayton, Ky,. Tuesday. He was accompanied by Rev. Maddox. Dr. J . O Stewart, Pbyscian and Surgeon. Specialist inBye and Bar. QI m m s Accurately Ad­ justed , S atisfaction G uaran ­ teed , ' Rev. Stoddard, of Washington, 0 . 0 ., stopped off here a few' days, this weak. The Rev. is on his way to Chfcfgo, where he will .attend a con­ tention of anti-secret society leaders, *—B«auliful Fringed White Bed Quilts, 91 75 and 92.50 each. Hem- mad Pillow Case* only 121c each. Pined HEMMED SHEETS, large alas, 40c each, worth 50c. fi At Bird’a Mammoth Store* ThomasWyat, wife and little child, •TTennessee, were the goestaof Dr. Morten and family a few daya this week. Mr. and Mis. Wyat ere mem­ bers of tha R. P* church and as they imte no preacher now at their place, tiunr brought their baby here to have it baptised by Dr, Morton. —W» 8 . Mtuner, Millheira, Pa., >tared the life of bit little girl by gif. herOneMinuta Cough Cure when Nta+wae dying fram croup. I t is the nafybamlees remedy that gives itn- MNNnate relief. I t quickly cures sis sold*, bronchitic, grippe, l&V .and all throat troubles. ACo. H a Hager Btrawboard and Paper hnapany aw at preecnt buying up all ■mmw they can get their hands on, respect* for wheat tfiHt year ks* i very poor, Will Korthnp is <Madison county, while Henry, ira to iL . G. Bull are buying WNr near Bowarsville and Washing' m , a u. —J . Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace “ ' ft Him., (takas the following art: *’I can certify that One iCeugk Care will do all that Jit (far ft, My wife oould not get atk and tiie I n t dost of it re* ;htf. I t hae also hansited' the ! tmMtJ* ItactiMwediatflly and . eoins, am # , gnppe, rasthma and alt throat and Ridgway ACo. 1W analenta beHevad^ that rhea* ■W f m wm tire arerit of a demon > '«M«a a man. Aay mm whobaa had wlllagws that the MM** rotare eneagh' to warrant HlnWh Bdn Rain# wniild ICMW, ha t It wflt anre ’ In truth •fthfa S t a l l • n t per Mr, Joseph 8. Turnbull, a respect* aide and well knows ritiaso, died at hi* bom#near this place. Wednesday morning. Mr. Turnbull euShred a paralytw stroke last October, and never tally recovered. He wa* a farmer and stock buyer aud had eon- ooneiderable of this world* goods about him. Halaaveea widow and six chiWreu. Tha funeral took place from the residence, Thursday after­ noon, service# being conducted by Dr. Robb, of Jamestown. —I consider it not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my naighbora to tel) about the wonderful cure effected in my case by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle of this remedy, A few doses of it effected a permanent curs. I take pleasure iu recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful disease. —J . W. L ynch , Dorr, W. Va, This remedy resold by 0 . M. Ridgway, —♦‘After suffering from sever dys­ pepsia over twelve years and using many remedies without permanent good I finally took Kodol .Dyspepsia Cure. I t did me so mucb good! rec­ ommended it to everyone,” writes J. E, Watkins, Clerk and Recorder, Ckillieothe, Mo. I t digests wbat you eat, Ridgway A C'o. Mrs, 8. Ii. Ewing, of Louisville, ■- * ----- 1................ S‘L her . . . . . . nu ex-member of the Ohio legislature, was the guest of bis sister, Miss Lulu Smith, over Sunday, He is on his way to Alaska, where he expects to practice law. The Xenia Paper. Mil) was closed down Inst Saturday night. We un­ derstand the cause is that owing to the poor prospects for wheat this year, and straw already somewhat scarce, and coal being so high, it was thought best to close it down. —“ After suffering from piles for 15 years I w«s cured by. using two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Huzel Salve," writes W. J Baxter, North Brook, N- .C, I t heals everything. Beware of conterfeits, Ridgway & Co. Messrs, Jas. J. McClellau and Os­ car Satterfield have been recommended for appointment as census enumera tors for this place, by 'Edward Q. Crain, ot Batavia, the supervisor of the census for the Sixth 0'oiigressionul district to which we belong. WANTED— Families in which there are several boys-and girls over 15 years of age who are witling to work in factories, to remove toGreen­ field, Ohio. R eference R equired . Address, E. L. McClain M’f ’g Co., Greenfield, Ohio. R. P. evening of the »y Crawford. The 0 . E society church held n social Tttesda; at the home of Thompson The evening was spent in lively con venation and test games. Refresh­ ments consisting of ice cream, cake and lemonade were served. • —Y ea , we sell C a rp e ts a n d U a t t i n g s too. Our Carpets range from 25c to 65e per yard. * Mattings 12Icto 35c a yard. Come and see ns before you make any purchase iu this line. At Bird’s Mammoth Store. The Rapid Transit Company are now running cars every even hour be­ tween Xenia and/ Dayton. .This will be a more convenient change, as be­ fore, persons were always getting the schedule confused. Dr. P. R. Madden, Practice lim­ ited to RYE, BAR, NOSE AND THROAT. (Hasses Accurately Ad­ justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. Telephone.—Office No. yj, Residence No. 37 . J , H. Stormont this week delivered three fine Red Polled heifers, to Messrs. Lowry & Staf)W<l, of Clark county, Ohio. These o u le were se­ lected after a visit to most of the prominent herds of the state. .. —Lace.- Curtains 39c _ pair—up. Window Shades 12p? each and up. Matting 12$C yd and up. Carpet 25c yd and up. A complete Carpet and Curtain stock. Alexander A Spahr, Mrs. J . Q McMillan and daughter, Mi a , Audetson Collins, expect to leave Monday for Monmouth, III., where they will visit Prof. John Mc­ Millan, ..SAILOB U T I L The correct new shape* in Ladies, and Mifie* Sailors at 50 cent* and up to the very best, We have three special numbers that are extremely cheap in price, At 50 cts. Each m Hough and Smooth Braids. At 85 cts. Fine Quality Rough Braid. At $1.50 Finest Grade oi Split Braids. There is a saving for you of 25 to 50 cents each on these numbers. Knit Underwear. Union Suits, light weight, all sizes, 25c, Ladies Vests, no sleeves, at 5,10,15 and 25c. Ladies’ Vests, long sleeves, at 15,25c and up. Children’s Summer Underwear of all kinds. Hosiery. School Stocking, double knee, splendid quality, all sizes at w ic a pair-two for 25c. Ladies’ Black Hose, two bargains at 15 and 25c a pair. These are at the former low prices before the advance. Jobe Bros. XENIA, OHIO. ralapse will likely develop in malaria. 500 yards Colored Organdies was 25c yd; jtwt 12ic yd. Alexander A Spahr. The Philosophic Literary Society is the recipient of a handsome Bible, the gift of Mr. J . C. Stormont. Mr, ami Mrs. Aifkene, of Colorado Springs, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Pollock. MissAlma Dobbins has been elected teacher of the primary room at Goes Station, -New Crop California Apricots, Peaches, Prumes, Grapes and Raisins, at Gray’*. ‘ _ , llm. Tom Gibson, of Sidney, was (wiled here on account of the death of Mra Anna Cline. Ice ( ream Soda and Pine Apple Snow at C, M, RsigwayV All wait favors Mias Clara Towaaley has been quite atek, hat at present is soma better. Deputy sheriff Tartar wae la town, Tflwwsdsy* Baggteapahrted let. 99a t Wei- tar the BereM. BROKEN BRIC-A-BRACS . Hr, Major, the famous cement m*n, of New York, explains eome very iuteresting foota^ about Mnjor’s Cement. The multitudes whousethis »tunu«rdortiole. knowtbnt it is iosny hundred per cent, belter* thttuother cement for whichsimilor cUiio* arc mntle,but a grunt ninnydonot knowwhy. The simple rcaeon i*tlmt Mr M.jur uses the best ■onterUl ewr discovered nnd other iminufacU urers donot use them, beenuse tbey ore toovs. pensive anddonot allow Isrge prnflts. Mr, Major tells us tlmt oneof the elements or bis cement costs$:i 7.'>upound, nnd nin.Civr costs a gallon, while <lIsrge shore of tbo so. colled cements mid -liquid'glue ujom the utor ■ket tirocotbingmore tlimi sixteco-eont gluo, -'dissolved inwateror citrioueid, oml, in sumo casesuttered slightly iu color or odor by the additionof cbospand ueetoss moterinl. Major's cement retuile at fifltvn cents ond tweoty-centsa buttlo, nnd when a denier t its tosell asubititute youcon dependupon it that bisonlyobject is tomaketorpor pmflls. Theprofit on Alajor’s cement is as much as any dealer.ought tomokeon any cement. And this is doubly tnioin-viawof tlie fact that caoh dealer gets his shareof thebenefit of ’Hr. Ma­ jor's advertising, which now amounts to over $5,000amonth, throughout tbocountry. Es- tablished in 1070. Insist onhavingMajor's. Don’t accept any afi’-band advice froma druggist. If youareat all handy(andyouwill holike­ ly to find that youareAgooddeal moresothan youimagine) you can repairyour rubber boots and family Shoes, and any Other rubber and leather article with Major’s Rubber Cement andMajor’s Leather Cement, Audyou wilt besurprisedat bowmany do] Iars s year youwill thus saye. If your druggist can’t supply you,it will ba forwardedbymatl;eltherkina. Free ofpostage. COMFORT FOR WOflFN We have line of just received. «»uf Correct P rices. U p -to -da te S ty le s . F you’re thinking of purchasing a carpet you make - a mistake by not seeing our designs and getting our prices before, looking elsewhere. BED BOOM SUITES, SIDE BOARDS, BOOS CASES, COUCHES, &c. • )!"■»..'i - -;1 "■ '<■" u'"-’ ^ j . h . M c M i l l a n , Furniture Dealer. Funeral Director & Embalmer. Pine and Oak Fencing- Comfort Shoes... —Teas, Coffee and Cigars at Gray’s —I f you want anytbiug good, go to Gray's. —Farm Gate, good as the best, with or without paint, at Mitchell’s. Mr, and Mrs. John Ross and Master Cameron, Sundayed in Xenia. —SHIRT WAISTS, entire new line this season’s purchase, At Bird’s. The carpenters are again at work on the dwelling of Mr. Janies An­ drew. —Grice’s are sending out better cream than ever. Give them a call, Xenia, Ohio. —Marshall can care lor more ri£a than any other Livery Stable in Xenia. Andrew Bros. A Co, are through ' Invoicing and the new firm now have possession. —Will sell a bottle of Wine of Sar­ saparilla for the next five day for 75c a M, Ridgway, Mr. John Lott retnrned Monday, after a few weeks visit with friends and relatives in Adams County. WilberDys, of Highland County, spent the first of the week with Hervey Crawford and family. Mr. Alex Turnbull holds the record so far for the lamest fleece of wool, Mr. Turnbull had a ewe shorn lately its first fleece weighing 241b*. Messrs, Bert and Earl Dsttck, of Columbus, were here Sahlwth, and S ent the day with their grandmother rs. James Stewart and family. ■ I f you are wanting a tnir of fine dress Bhodi, something nice aud stylish, cither Men’s Women’s or Children’s, you will find them at Bird’s Mammoth Store, The court has ordered another ap­ praisement of the Williamson estate, and Messrs. J , H. Andrew, David Bradfute and Will Tarimx were ap­ pointed as appraisers of same, which was done Inst Wednesday. *- -I hate just received a large stock of Collars of alt kinds and ptkea call in and examine them when you are ready to purchase for spring work. Also have large stock of Har­ dest at popular prices. Dorn, The Hants** Man, - ’“ I had stomach tmuhJc twenty y**m and gave »p hop* of bring cured tiHI began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cara. If haa fan* tua m Mtiah mmd la a lt H tha savior of my-Hta,” writs* W. R WUkin**, Albany, Tm». Hdigaata what yna aaf. m ga ray ta For women, ; If you waut the moBt comfortable sh>>e you ever wore, call and get a pHir of our liaudturn, heavy sole J ulietts. These shoes are made especially for comfort and service, and once you wear one pair you will never be without them for the house. We have also a special line for ladies who have bunious, and can find no comfort in any shoe that they have. These shoes are made especi­ ally for such feet, and after wealing a pair of these shoes, you will praise us forever. We have them in button and lace.. I f you want comfort, buy these shoes. Sold only by. 11S. Market St., Springfield. VfOU can always iind at the * old reliable Meat Shop of C* W. Crouse's Choice Beef, Fork Sausage, Veal, Lard, Bologna, Wenerwust, Bacon, SugarCured Shoulders. tr i a l and: b e e o n - Uive us a rinced. At >filefed»efWkefeflayOught la s t winter during an epidemic of Imoping cough my children ©on* tractad the diMMac, having atvara coughing ioells. Wa had used Cham- riaina Cough Remedy very ana- ©aiatally for croup and naturally tnrnad to it at that time and fbttnd it relieved tha cough and effected a com­ plete cur*--J ohn E. Gurroan , Fro* rictor Norwood Hou«% Norwood, r. \ . This remedy is for salt by II. Ridgway, . fartali. A nii< dwelling loeatad an Xania AventM. Hi*** b goad amrifafon. For tarthar prtioaifeniran on -W * r t s p K 3 1 ird. ■ j m ■ pay iiparfe, AtRMk A full line of Dinicnmoiua, Siding, Flooring, Online:. . ■ -dt -- -■C3 Finislied iu Wliite and Yellow Piny, Poplar and Tlnnlock. Farm Gato1, Kicliniond F cik - ob , Locirst and Chosmit Po.-ts. Jli Shingles: White Pine, Red Cedar aud Hemlock. Doors, I’adi, Blinds and Mouldings. Gl.isf 8x10 to 40x40. I.argf'i t .-tockin town. Aini rican Window Svi eens. My Pn of. Try them. **A little bit crowded” for Room and Desire, an Opportunity to Figure ou Your Bills. — W e W a n t Y o « r T r n d o . J . M. TARBOX & SON, Sewing: Machines We can sell the Princess Sewing Mnchsue, guaranteed for 5 years, with drop head, 5 drawers, for $22.25; also, the Peerless, with cover, guaranteed for 5.years, 822.00. We believe, so will you, that they arc just as good as the $45.00 ones. Lorgnette Chain. 35c Leather Hatter 39c Chain Bracelet warranted 5 vrs 44c Ladies Black Underskirts ' 46c Childrens Bibs 2c up Whisk Broom ' 3c Linen Collars 3c Doilies 3c Ladies Hose 4c up Novels 4c Spectacles 4c 1 gross Agate Buttons 4c Talcum Powder pr box 4c 1 roll Buggy Washers 4c Horn Hair Pins 7 for 5c Doilies, 18x18 5c No 5 Ribbons pr yd ?c Pompadour Comb 7c 1 pr Lace Curtains, 29 in wide and 2 | yds long • 65c Brush Skirt Binding, pr vd 5c Emprow CorduroV Skirt Binding 4c 21 in Torchou Lace' pr yd 6c 2 in 1 “ « 3 c Black Silk Muffler Ladies Spring Hats St. Cecelia Medallion Toilet Sets Oxford Teachers Bible Riding Bridle Ladies Kid Gloves Roues Water Proof Umbrella Juto Rug 36x72 Ladies Solid Gold Ring Eight Day Clock Gold Filled Watcli Harness Pad Doilies 23x24 Nose Glasses Chain Pyclinc Drcssiug Combs Calf Finish Gents Pocket-pocket Tumblers perdox ■tu n r Leather Hitching Strap Da> Book 200 pages 6 |x l5 Side Combs, with sets, per pr The Dewey Childrens Waists Columbian Ingrain Carpet TowelRoller with mirror attached 48c 55c up * 59c 60c up 65c 66c 67c 70c 95c 91.14 91.90 95.70 8c 9c 15e 17c 20c 20c 21c 22c 23c 25c 29e vd 11x12 Turkish Bath Cloths 8c Corsets 20c Up Red Damask, pr yd 21c Wire Bustles 18cup Towlitig, each 4c Infants caps 6 to 40c “In His Steps,” book 9c Latest Gents Linen Collars 5c Ladies Fancy Hose 8c Chamber Sets, 6 pieces $215 Black Spring Capes 60c Now style tudked Shirt Waists 55c Lndics Muslin Gowns 50c Muslin Skirts, embroidery ruffle 62c *# . . . * M -^.1 Jardentets from Spring Veiling Oheiiillo Table Cover Oak Picture Easels Bed Spreads Churn Ice Cream Freexefs 10c to 91.25 8c up 66c 82c 47c up 69e - _______ $1.70 Fishing Poles, 16 feet long 6c Complete line of Ladies, Men and Children's Shoes. NEW YORK RACKET STORE JOEL ORANSKY, Proprietor. O l i i o . Znmmm T *v> x l& m p m k y im H o m o I n s u r a n c e C o : of N e w Y o r k EmyDssfiritfmtf TownaidFinnPriinty lasurKAgaisstFin, UtfiMaf (MlTmMli. • Faimieri insuring In Urn Company do not thereby incumlier tin ir protwrlv. or mska iWnM»W ifabfa far the 1^ ^ « f0th#nlL hmm »»wcorporation without * dnlfar o f S r K nrotectom can bu had in a company tike T h * Horn© o f H «w & S irAti-iLu » o » t i 912,457,928.52 assets and 94,804,793.81 «wahrorpla*not only nro- raadafeclm ia .^HooH a^rj^^L^ IT * against kiss ©rdamagaftomtha m# • a ■ ■,* itIIOWStfWMI It Will JWNlrt flit lift llAVillftMi t t s a a a & r t * n y r ^ ^ W. L. Ci«m*n», A**nt Co^arvilk. L- ‘k