The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
Ml ■w'MJb tMt MHkAflfef ifett MaHtttttotoAIMimaitm* KlfWJRr fr* ’’"r* * U^WN^^U^WIPVl^pfm teewprtwlfcw* *w WJ*. i» If jnmi tov. sira^y f all yam mhstapUis, Uw «iii iwtmt■*»yeslar H auto, N^JL 4^arag— JLjWv9B^faM^'AwtSk4 "JHrWjF ’—•'!■ *'F ij|0 jMif' MjjA^gg Jinggg srtMMWNMnsr.- XinisiUsiiUir :— ~‘—**• ^Hl^| %dMift9044MkllVtypU a we les. 'ou make getting ®S, ctor £ Embalmer. r h in g le s: lte P in e , lie d [and H em lo ck . ■ D oo rs, ., -Blinds and M ouliilnsrs. •■:■" 'O’■ ■ .'• [K x IO to 40x40, i t rtoelc in tow n . |rk*an W indow Sci eens. |r< of. T ry th em . our Bills. s | 5 drawers, sieve, so will |)Bath Cloths 3c 20c up ly d 21c 18c up 4c , Gto 40c r book Oc Iren Collars 5c lore 8c 1pieces $216 IpCi 00c nl Shirt Waists 55c iowns 80c «nbroidc-rv ruffle 62c 10e to $1.25 8c up Oliver < 66c efe 82c 47e up 60c _n» - |1 .70 | ‘ feet long 6c f i#*dire, U fa aw! s. TORE Y o r k >nnd Y if ittif t, rlre* Ik h k h r tiro leowpsaj, when Aril liberal hrm m b [now insuring to w * trplu* wet W I T e damemi MW to* tormad*. twenty - thud year , no . zo . CEDARVILLE, OHIO. MAY 12. 1900, PUCE *1.00 A YEAS. Sell The PRESIDENTSUSPENDERS, wearing qualties guaranteed by manufacturer, at 50 c. STRAWHATS, rough or smooth, correct shapes, 25 c to $ 1 . ■ O r d e r ' 5 T « y u u r S I P X C E n r O - W C T X * X * T P o « * M . y . C 3 . D A V I S , T a i l o r , M a t t e r a n d P i COGITATIONS Tb»faWe#ftlmlarnOrotur,ar Urn Mm whoTheaghtHimselfvery Clever! , Once upon Atime, in the ’dim and distant paet, when folks believed in fairy tale* and almost everything else they heard, and when people were mostly good and hadn't heard of the fail of Adam, or if they had,' they did not know where be foil from, there was a man who thought he waa a born orator. This man who was a born*orator had a voice like a fire whistle and when the wind was right he. could he heard four mile*. He made speeches and enjoyed himself. He enjoyed him* self better than the folks did who bad to liaten. Indeed, jnany did not have to listen, an they Went to sleep like the propheta of old. - This born orator talked on any sub* ject and usually it was the same speech. And it wasn’t hard. He changed gesture* with bis subject and frequently he would havehis audience iu tears. B u tte was happy. . His specialty was fighting the rum power. And he fought him without mercy. Sometimes he would give the rum power such a lambasting .that he (the ram power) would not sleep a wink for a week. He had to keep dodging so as to avoid the horn orator's eloquence. * First he belonged to one political party, then he joined another be* cause the first one was too corrupt. Presently he could find no party good enough and he left them to flock by himself and there was no sorrow. He continued to fire off W speeches at the demon mm. He had it figured ant in neatsho* much was spent annually for rum. I f any spent money fbr beer, be never spoke of it, for ram sounded lots better and could be heard fcrtoer. He deplored the feet that our gov ernment was in partnership with such a monster by granting the license. His team fell with a kerplunk like hail on a clapboard roof. H eciicd a big bandana handkerchief full over the ain* of ram every time he thought .oflt# So along about the second begirt with a load o f hogs to the city Of Chi cago, be got away by himself and he thought unto himself, “ I will taste of this demon mm and I will he able to denounce it more intelligently and alio move etroouowdy.* And it waa so. The boro orator entered a “gilded palace of tin,* (he had wad thateic pteatioa much), down on Clark street aad he said under unto the dialer la "liquid damnation,* (another pet phrase), “Give me a whisky straight,” And be got It. Iteo happened that ae he drained the lest dregs, a eertohi man who bad many timw aataptit to n n l»ml** the hem orator's Mai lm an entsrod tin piece sad baught a ti p r . . #|M»sg tmmk pun gsmJtgfce 'dfij JthJL foal well and tom # * a 4 M if f whiskymightdomegeed#* Thai said: “ I am not M a g very well myself; let’*her# unalhmv* hut tint horn orator fcetof a man whunonU drink or leave it akme, woald drink naaMre. He wsut home and toand hiseratory tg ih ii t the deatewram na- Yei>gNi^m^wimJimumdit 1dlgghjk ■4IWg^mHPwwIBm JWUPRp eonldhe hemd to r atHe* And does. *o ante tide day. I f emit ifym iah em orator, don’t wP^NHvu JalWI flMyy w rit In Imt weekh el l tit a eftito rid* B mu M, tbtedtoorroeem Pro- ftMeerflayietoafiidih.' •aym W y triitoa lea i a f H a CetowriMe TwMh •AmWWWtorHBPI WPiWPWmtoPr w^tou M d M and «ton*to9^tuUtii jdyig ^ygmfie^yd^, m^n wRI^U whose pure blindness prevents bis see* lag eitherChristianity orChristiansout- tide of the lofiuitely small number with whom he now amociates. The Herald would have saved trouble had it consigned the Powleite notices to the wasto baaket as we did,—James town Journal. The Editor ofthe OedarvilleHerald gave Prof. Bayer, superintendent of Cedarville schools a • roasting last week, which, from the evidence pro duced was as well deserved as well done. The Professor is a Dowieite and as such has been “ working* the Herald for long publications in the interesta of his faith. Bro, Bull eventually got tired of the professors methods and gave him a free write-up of his own composition. The -only fault we find with Brother Bull is iu his moderation. Newspaper men not only can but must stand a great .deal of imposition, however, there is a limit.-—Osborn Local. COLOREDSOCIETY. The General Conference of the A. Sf. E . church will convene at Colum bus, this month. The talented Halite Q. Brown of Wilberforce, is an nounced as-a candidate for secretary o f the educational department of the church. This is the first time a woman has tried for an Office, and it promises to develop into an interest ing contest. The G. U r O. of O. F . will bold their annual service*, Sunday, May 27, a t Zion Baptist church. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jones, who reside on the W. B . Stevenson farm, died Saturday, and was buried a t Jamestown, Monday. ag troubles of any nature, sit a t 0 . M. Ridgway’e, taSBOYOIWB. Any adult suffering from a cold settled On the preset,, bronchitis, throat or Inn who will cal „ _ r will be presented with a sample bottle o f Boscnee’s German Syrup, free of charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and none to childreu without Order from parents. No throat or lung remedy ever bad such a sals as Boschee s German Syrup* fin a lt parts of the civilised world; ~Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away, and ypur druggists wilt tell you its success was marvelous. I t ps really the only Throat and Lung Remedy generally endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent Bottle will care or prove its value, told by dealers in all civilised coun tries. * NEWBOOKS, by ratty Vetwaes ef Late ffctlwtWes Adtod| to 0«r PsMcUferery, tMsWssfc. Little Sister to tbo Wilderness Lillian Bell. Pearly Bought, by Louise Burnham. Boys and brook, . In Old Virginia, by Thomas Not “Reading maketh a full man,” wasIton Page, the declaration of Bacon, I f there MisaNumeof Japan, by Iuto Wa- was “an age When,this declaration!tautna. might be proved, it certainly is the A New England Nun, by Mary E . present. In view of this fact, the IWilkios, library committee are sparing no Ae life Were Saying, by Oherlee pains, in order that they may provide IDudley Warner, for the reading public of Cedarville. Mr. Dooley in Peace and War, by Just this week they have added forty Ipeter F. Dunne, new bopks of the latest and most I Patsy, *by Rate ponglaat Wiggins, popular fiction, as a perusal of the I His Sombre Rivals, by E> P . Hoe. following list will show. There are | A Minister of lheWorld, by 0 . A. now iu the library 95Svolumes. We | Mason. understand that there is a standing! For the Sake, o f the Duchess, by 8. offer of a liberal donation whenever! Walkey. the number shall reach 1,000, As! Helen’s Babies; by Jobs Habber- there is now but forty-two volumes! ton. lacking to reach this number, it cer-1 The Gadfly, by E. L. Voyaiek. tainly is the time for all tbe friends ofI The First Violin, by Fotheigilf the hbrary to rally to its support. I Loveliness, by Elisabeth Stewart Let tbe teachers in our public schools, IPhelps. the professors and students in the lt a___ college, the ministers and business! ’AEwtoafftooti," men of the village take a deeper in-L Whenever properly lUtrodueed Hr. . Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin, as a care for terost in the l.bniry by purcl.asmg conatipat;on; hJ toe^ pbeBom. tickets and encouraging their friends onal sale, Many druggists cannot say to become , patrons. I t is useless, to Ienough in praise of its merits, as well expect strangers to our town to take las its great popularity with the peo- any interest in anything in which we pie tiro andalao in 50c show indifference. To our mind there «zea, of O, M. Ridgway. is not enough enthusiasm, for the A cen8Ug o fih e Klondike district library m the community to warrantU ves » total population of 8306, of any .effort to aolicit aid from non-1whom 5536 are citizens of the United residents. IStatCa, Were we to measure the interest WbtrvtoQoudHwir MW Tktr*. The Seashore, Mountain and Lake Resorts constitute the mostattractive ptoasure grounds fox the summeridler. They are within east roach via Penn sylvania Lines, ana agents o f that railway system will furnish full infor mation about rates, tw in service and [ thipugh oar comforts to any of the summer havens. They will assist in I arranging details fbr vacation trips | and give valuable information free.of I charge. Apply to tbe nearest Penn-1 •ylvania Line* Passenger and Ticket j Agent nnd be relieved of all.bother in I shaping preliminaries for your sum-] mer outing and vacation tnp . E . 8, f Keyes, Agent, Cedarville, Ohio. EjncarslSai to WssMaatss, D.C. May 19th, 20th and 21st for Meet-] ing Imperial Conncit, Order Mystic! Shrine, Excursion tickets non-trans- | feiabie form will be sold to Washing ton, D. C., via Pennsylvania Lines, valid for return trip leaving Washing-1 ton not later than May 28th—offer* i ing Excursionists many days to see tkia beauties of the National Capital in Springtime; visit the President, go to toeNational Museum, the Capitol, Arlington Heights, the homestead of General Robert E. Lee, and observe the broad Potomac flowing quietly to theses. CoSupply Vour Ulant$! YOUR WASH GOODS WAISTS—Never in hatter shape to supply them- A* * matter Of fact, we’ve never before been in snch good shape as right now, all owing to someexcellent opportunities token advantage s . Real Zephyr Ginghams only 10c. Percales and Dimitiea 7c to 12jc. Covert Suitings, plain and fancy, 12ie and 16Jb. White French Organdie, 68 iucMSi wide 40c to $1.26 yard. White French Nainsook, 48 inches iride, 75o to 11.25. White Persian Lawn, 33 inches wide, 25e, 30e, 35c, 40c, 50c, 00c. Plain India Linen, 8e, 10c, 12c, 15e, 18c, 20c, 25c up, White Indin Cheeks mid Stripes 19c, 25c, 35c, 37Jc. White Piques, 15e2fio, 25c. , We promise you every buying aatiefao- - tion that you could reasonably tietiro.' Samples by mail on request. Cbemurphy$ fire. ' " , T®* “ ' c 48 ,SO, 62,54 M 56 linwstmtSt-,SsiigfMi, 8 by. the attendance o f the public meet- AtWDBff FLOWB*. tucarelaa Rates ts C itortsi Prohibition State Convention will| aasemble a t Columbus, May 24th, amt low rate round trip non-trans- ferable excursion tickets will be sold| Wednesday, May 23d and Thursday, May 24th, from Pennsylvania lanes] ticket stations in Ohio to the capital city, valid for tbe return trip until| Saturday, May 26th, tAm By LOWE BBOTS High 5tandard U < i u l d P a Coven more apace, looks better end laats longer thiui any other. Price* VERY. Ri roymaMo, m *MMI- „ a . f “It is a aurprking fact,” saya Prof. 1 EacaraieataClaclaaatl, WayUtt. mgs called in behalf of the library Houton “that in my trovefa in all $1.25 round trip fromCedarvilleon ire safe m savincr that Inarts of the world, for the last ten I I Barn Paint, Boggy Paint, Wagon Paint, Enamel Furniture Paint, Var nishes, Oils, Turpentines, Brashes, etc., etc. list winter, we a in yi g p a O f | gpecijj train a t 9 a. ro. central time; it reflects no credit on the literary Iyears, I have met more jpeople having lreturning leave Cincinnsti 7 30 p. m. toate or spirit o f the comrannity, i f uied Greens August Flower than Sunday attractions s t Cincinnati wi ther* were a deeper interest feit *»y other remedy, for dyspepsia, d e -d u fo 'th e Zoo, the Lagoon, Coney there were a deeper m m ^ ten liver j to bf d for Wand , nd virfoua ponuUr 1 WOU1U USImnilinitifin. T find inr tAnrwi AnnI___. ^ “‘100*1 Leige Base I e champion I a t home, encouragement lent to efforts to interest the friend* of Isalesmen, or for pbrsohs filling officeIjjd l: Cincinnati vs. th our village, in the enterprise. positions, where headaches and gen- Brooklyn*. n r. I nmmr Ieral bad feelings from irregular habittl --------------- Wc feel that now is the proper 1 ^ **i, feeli s fr irre lar .. _____ __ W;f. lexiit, that Green’s Auguit Flower is time to arouse new interest. , ^ Ia grand remedy. I t does not 'injure tolaw Ithe system by frequent nae, and. ir two months, many of them of the {excellent for sour stomachs and indi ■test and most popular books in the jgestion.** Sample bottle* free a t C. St. Luts, Ms^ ExcsraUsi . market, and the number so “oarto 0*13 J_v that which insures an added donation, | ^ ^ jd e sT no heaitancy ought to be felt by any one in purchasing a ticket and patron izing the library. Two rivers up Yukon wayhave the names ofMcKinley end Bryan, res pectively. AW mhs A i A s M XML “Them is only on* chance to save your life and that is through an Oper- tion* were the surtiiNf iTOsdt heard by Mrs, I . B. Hunt otlhm* EUge, I t is proposed to bnild a 13,000,000 Below we give tbe {international dam above E l Paso, title* and authors oi the books just Tex., to ,redeem tbe Rio Grand* purchased. Please preserve this list IValley. ‘or future reference. J A? m *Sii 7 «i*Xilw To'H ave 'and To Hold, by Mary „ T - {Bucklen’a Arnica Salve, will kiUthe Tbe Gentleman from .Indiana^ by I . . tnd M lhe inj ury> It,§ tba toothTarkingtoi, / | cyc I h V s friend. Cures Chafing. l If n r m War., from her doctor aflsefis had vainly tried to cure her u f a frightfal case of stomach trouble and ro lsw jaundice# Gall stone* had rortsad aad the constantly grew won*. Thaw aha fatten to uw Eisotric Bitters wfckk wholly cured hrir. It’i a won- derfal Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Caros Dysprosia, Loro of Appetite. TW Jfc , 9>® . 60 effc Guaranteed. For sale by Ridgway A Co., Draggisto. According to Salt ta k e City figures Dmnumber o f Momoos now iu ex* Ist snes Is 360,000. AnSfttiMatfWfcM|iit.0rt*L Lutt winter during » epidemic whooping cough my jtirfwren eon- troriud the 43U se r haviu* *mre lUghlugepeil*. We hud need Cham- A h 'i $ u g h Bamady very raa ttmfrilly h r muup and naturolly tomed to it at timt time mid feund it roHmmd therough aud *»eted xcom* TOR t** u-Mto-'mimirt . Ptrii C, M. RWgway. rate v tlU f tto fL M . Siam h * r ito rS u f mm*** ExchangeBank CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A C00UN I8 of Merchants and In- >dividual* solicited. Collections overfortynew b o o k s * d d e d m b ' f r e q ^ n ^ uk , Y « |bX ia ? c U re ^M lS Jin°roSfere^|PromPU7 mwle^ rem itted . dealers in all civilised 17th to 31st at St. Louis, Mo., excurrion tickets, a t low rate* will on 16th. not later than Jane li t . TlRAFTS on New York and M cinnati sold a t loweat rotes, Gn Tbe COMPORT FOR WOrtEN We have line of : received our : : L I J",,:ss.jto/ss'iE.T 10 0 h, 21at and m i valid returning wnd money ** Escsrslitt to CWcsge* Via the Fennaylvania tinea. L OANS made on Real Estate, Per sonal or Collators! Security. Gomfort Shoes... tiia Methodist! Church Gan EpMoopal en l Conference, daring the month of] Will often receive painful cuts, 1May low rale uou-lransferahle round *— accident!. | trip tickets will be sold to Chicago on For] William Wildman, Pres., 8eth W, Smith, Vice Pros., W . J . Wildman, Cmhier.l May 1st, 2d, 7tb, I4tn *nd 2.1rt;l valid tor return trip leaving Chicago] not later than Jane l f t Williams. Prisoners of Hope, by Mary John son The Bos* o f Taroomba, by E . W. H e tttu if. , Red Pottage, by Mary Choi monde The Christian, by Hall Caine. The Bondman, by Hall Caine Rupert of Hentoau, by Anthony Hope. Tiie Prisoner of Zends, by An thoay Hope. Ulcers and Piles. Caro guaranteed. |Only 25c. Try it. Sola by Jtidg-| way A Co., Druggists. May 21at and 22d fbr National | Convention Luther League of Cm f*r idle. Imnuati, Excursion tickets sou-ttans- k • j n« - i -VmmU IfcraU# form will he add toCinein- A nice dwelling located on j nati via Pennsylvania lines, valid Avenue. House in good oonditiou. m trip Friday, May 25th, In- For further particulars call on Idfurive. Mm. J ohn A, B arshl AX*mOUM>nia. I I m i Yaw ttMHd B UM iiy id Your best feelings, Do you have pataa in the side,! l.w ) l i r a . Dr. Kiu^a N«» U t , I I *Pills gives increased strength, a keen. !* V sluttish looks, Mmnle* kMSn. kml, arakSti^n A OK|mOtu p«toM«, »«»», PIMpMSI Gol, Garterof Carterorills, by new being. Hopkineon Smith. {Druggist* Their Wedding Journey, by W, D. Howell*. I you n r n iH S |t.i « « m Sold by Ridgway A Co.,|*]*ve “ 3 or atowi sh disorder. Them dlstreariag troubisa are promptly re- , * <,» , . , , , , « 4lifted and theui cured * Rmteyi DyttmpriaTaMett. PlsUaMt totake.i Their Silver Wedding, by W. I). i ^ aooomodate# 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 will bring quick relief to toe r t 5 S L °g‘ r A,‘ | borne, in toe country. | worst CttM. Wfltton sifUatnre of W. Howell*. | Ij , Bailey ud ttto paeltog*. Price' rOU crii always find a t the! old reliable Meat Shop of] C . W . C r o u s e ^ Choke 8ee£ Fork Sausage, Veal, f o r d , Bologna, Wenerwust, B aoqe * : D ) S U , - SogirCursd Shouldiri, G ite ua a trial and be con~| vinced. For women# I f you want ton moat comfortable shoe you ever won, call and ge t a fufc of our handturn, heavy aoto Julietta. These show are wad* especially for comfort aad service, and once you wear ou* pair you will never he without them for the boose. Wa have also a special torn for ladies who have Imaleac, and eaafludue comforthi any shoe Unit they hare. Them thorn are mad* especi ally for such feat, and attar weaaiafiaimir of toast shoes, you will praise ns forsTtr. W# have them k b itten ami lace; I f yon want oemfott, buy tome shoee. Sold only by Rudder Stockton. Grange, by Frank xotm T in t We oflbrOne Hundred Dollar* Re- 25 cents. Sample Druggists] mroair u ni rv*-l Am’t have them trill ant them Whsrofhe Battle wsi Fought, b y |« * d f * j S ? Two ktods of tobleto in The latest dhfcotery, ipaokage, 1 _ iBoMbyRWgwayAOo Astfassat siltifti lymf. OhRtlM£(fa«rt Cnddwk. |«» .o t b. c.rrf bj Hdf. In the Tennfsss Mounteius. byj|(>,i. chkmrya <K)., Props.,Toledo, 0 CharlesEgbert Craddock. Ws, the undersigned, have known The Hon. Pater Stirling, by Paul P, J# Cheney for toe last 15 years, tt.Kt «nd believ* him perfectly honorable ’* a . . i - or m N t o M v » l & j S L d T & L S f S S S , S t _____________________________ The Market Haas, by Harold friterA^oixlwhoieeideDruggiateI *»***>> „ i^ % u A tiA M A tm u Whoto - m l f i p Old < M « t k p , by Otorga W. j » ’ I HaKsCatorrii Cura to taken ht*l *T*Sr Chtidron af tiro Ghetto, by I*rariU«mdly. acting dhtotiy upon i i t ? Oi ltiitwaT laufmn. t.*— prie.75e perhettto. I I S . Market S i, SpriugjMi. A t^M tfttii^TwU lM . MMomra, Iix., Not* H UK* Atommtm^yuf ivtoJuma WHIPHlMEm' WlWm +Amai ntopaUhn. 4 M » ^ ^ « t - K B S t a S i T i«a. |VHRg flnnMMnwlHI^VIQdRI^MIWapEnn ™ J ^ ^ a ‘lllStWWfcti^WlSfcSiMhWlkWlfc 1NM CbiKkiUoi'«ni: lidM IrtH i l*lM wURiminsuj^toiHmrom ttttjiimi'^|^tt|yg| BEmjlLiJHBk Cable. I« lh « ittofit » H « b l« Mtd Stoiotty dab* A rtto t in th e eity-—MpYiAgfinld, 0 . to* ays-! BeHhy] tor INI*. ggjulggi ▼wBBnPRnjt M» and iL H [ . JMI* ,1 i .M I r a , Mjm, k , ‘‘Li 2 havt ' jc # Y*
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