The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
4* T i l e H e r q l d , |U * t t l M C i*M*ff *f toWWoM*Win. MATURPAT, MAY 1*. 1W* Ajunawc. l l i U k f riMMic tW t l l g i In JL^ftAgw tkrere MNlttlMfol * Mw» r red reiliufc a re quaMfre* m u for popafortty ,. uuyhot# . H* u*v*r make* loaf apeecimB. J Bmakfont M*KinWy ia. aufifcriag, lire* &*?toflremp* Nrithar b« m t Mark Banna seem likely to lore their W0* , ■ ’ * 0 m - 9 0 0 m w 0 0 w p t o 0 . snare newspaper sreu' to responsible t^MltaiMMRilHWMif* HiKtllltYi ykjfji -wvapuammireaiirefi-reapreuie'—rep.* -rearere-nss shop* MslrefiMieadednre*. • ffl& ji' 0 k m tofpwJoee ajbug lW re u fc rlre 'A d fii^ |> bw ey*«t western trip, but if he tries to make that No member voyage be will find tbsni aivreywhere.' ^ t , *V f ."g||).',|»i" v a ^ T f< Wh*ri'-fooWtogr: *nmmd ifir • ^uti- Jting mete for Mr. Bryan the demo crats might communicate with e gen Uemsn whose present address » •>FriaM ottt N. J« • ‘ : ' ~' . Tim British seem to have become regular politicians on the American , gml* ■- |fd ir they are announcing f ia t depend Roberta* wife waa bom on *&•IW j^Ydayv-/ _ • ^j>, v , * ».. Admiral Dewey is being warmly welcomed personally, by the, people o f the West, but hie Prendential aspiration la atill, getting the cold shoulder everywhere. Robapteand Chirk bare both had ’ fcro|i|e*^Maie 1 't r c 0 0 f ‘0 o y wiles, UfiaMre o ||^ w»d|toi -mudi miarey. Thus, itw elly ia possible to have too ■much o f a g ^ d thing, „ , * , t - 1 *Wlt %WI^II' IM. I » 'r : C Qoogrtm wall adjourn i&n month, bnaweaa enengb oa . band M 'm m w M m * y re t,, B»! politics must be attended to, and the re*v*fttibre begin in six week*. . ____- * I t UwOk thu dbttuit n m wmt •aMwuse Ktumw omm 'prew^Tp^—w w^ppf*ww we have to reared the death of owe a f UrwM wmaty’s meat popular eiti- ^^Ug-g . SAW T^Vife A !BtoaaufoMuAjmm 40 #Ajia pMPVy ANY*'tpIQreN*** flff. iNP ^ firm of Matahall A Bevarklgt, edftora and proprietora o f tba JKn> • ^aA wK .pmPilflPVf VW IIPIPPMSI pit AWWMMPfr A t difihrant time, we have an* neapead Ma eoaditipa, he haAsg been1' -i aefiaear /<wa»" Bi^gbt'a dtaiain . At Ax o*eloA, "l,!t1iBiiiday morning May lOtb, he paaaed away. Mr. Beveridge haa for aevera) year* •afiered irom tbia terrible diaeaae, but th e ia»t apell came npon M m aome nine week* ago. During thi* rime be rallied and waa able to be about hie place of hurinoar, hut only figr a abort flaw when he wa» com pelled to return to h1a bed, which proved to be hia Atal iUaew John A. Beveridge waa the aon of Bav. Dr. Thomaa Beveridge, who for aevend prodkaor in the Gannonebarg and Yenia Theological aeminarieeend a leading man in the II* P. church, and waa alio paster o f the old Maarie’e Creek church, for aetanil yearn- Me hong a t Can* honiburg, Pa., duty 7tfii 1849. Mr.- Beveridge waa 'firet married to Miaa Gabrielle Holmes, who died a number of years ago/ leaving one son, Bruce, now married and living in the South. His second wife, Mrs Jennie Norton, always faithful and devoted, live* to mourn the' lorn of a :true husband. Beside, a widow and son Bruce, he » survived by two sisters, Mrs. Bruce, of Baltimore, hid., and May Itoberaton, of Sand* wich, Blinois. Funeral Services wilt be conducted ffora bis late residence to-morrow afternoon. Burial a t Woodland cemetery, where father, mother, brother and wife, rest, • Jwj»haflaaMfyWrnw WW o e a a a iA B e ^M ia iik n H liK r OnbimJContee imfHkKrai I w y M c o x i c . - AparfecrReraedyforCoiatipa- Iton.SourStoiMKiiDmrrboeei Wbrnm,Cofmd 8 ac>»,Feverish- neaaandAowa o r S u eep . TacSinaia Signahir* of B M Y W . Y y l a i M t t i s a d CM kbfABu * like Kind Y ob K bvb Always Bought B e a r s t h e -i. >.;• •■ S i g n a t u r e o f Use Fur Over Thirty Years PCACT COPYOFWRAPPER. tm * o « it * ub ow»»r. u n i BspaUioan harmony In the various Biato Convenriona held recently seems to have greatly disappointed the dmaocrata; butdisappointing dem- oevats ia awold republican specialty. T ia Bowse o f Bepreteotstives giia^drillt|»^Nris|bpwiaiwacHiIfflkiIrfMbiHaA 'two hours, the other ’•day**^ Itis u o v r k M d K i w t i w 6 . A A ( o | M | m ! ) . Mskwi e 6 ad ead b g <IOi|n*A fiir U< apathy In pension matter*. Millet^ the N«W York per •aut ewiadler, haa been aentenced to lew yaOra impriaonment. Yet It’a doBara to dongbnnta that the next max. who make* similar ofieiis, will •lao fiad plenty o f dnpea. A wsatcrn Congramman ;;.rlccntfy xaaalvad a letter from home telling bias that hk friend* stood aolidly with Mm hi hk attltnde on Porto.Bicor and rinm naively inquiring (iow h* stood M thesnlyeeti Thk k ~judging the aariow by the man with a vengsance* AGamtaakgoing to send a ship-load • f sera, to India Amina suflhran, 8be aright je st as wall sand gravel. On* awtak would rathsr starve than eat a fbad ta wkkh they are aoi acauatoaed. T lk ha* bean proved again and Farmanaa well aa manufacturer* a rt he*siting by the republican good thorn. Dariug tha kmt three years ear rnhw of W|prk«ttunil products to fcstigu maa triss wore 1500,000,000 gfsatar thaw dariag thu three years pasvkwK, industva. ’ ~ Oaly six years ago Senator Hoar arrets a pditiMl platform containing Wm- Awaking: 4,Alai*riaMukia aveiy* whaiaj rimf c f tmwie Atvarud or dk* hamssnA* Tha admifiktratiowk today Avkif up to that platform, but Mr. Shwf dtmu’t appear toaossridertha l idlhp kimambrasiii la “averyahere*’ ^ <V' ^ ^ p ^ w ^ f a j f Let tha psufd* of OsdarriNu and vkhrisy tu ra «ut on llhy'JO ib had PVPlPPr 4DHNKI4' JwAHF vOmlH have aaanrad. thy sarviecs of ......- O. MBdihraat, o f WWmlag' tow, f t , to aptok a* tha t day In thu * a^mnyMuff 1 rjny&ap. 'bshMA’ toMj, . IWW^^ffin 'WW^wAWw^ wihmwb 1 Aflwto -dAf to <■ - Bwmp w uwP fw mPWHW .•fitoPBWMp toJma’hanwAd^ WU w W^WMBmWIwBWpuu^^gIWBiJIWmvnM ajtogt ,|b . am iw^s pm* mnimmi^^wmwmn bm * U *T« .URYMM k P#WP##P *• Kt%} ^ ! IA. r’- \ W(r h , law BatesWCohwM. Friday, May U 8 tb for Ohio School Day ot the State University, excur sion tickets will be Bold to Columbus" vtoPtobsidyaumiMnm,;ipiO(l .totjarn* ng Saturday, May 19th. ■ Ji; Sedaaa AccMsui.''" On yesterday morning, n miriutts acciJent befell Mr. Wylie Kennon, an .employee of the J . Tarbox & Son lumber company. Mr; John Tarbox was engaged in filing the Urge circular aaw, and wbiieKennon was in the act of moving some lum- her. hy .”struck- the email saw that warkr dii^Uy dyer the large one. Thk being in motion caused Mr.' Kfonon to, be hurkd . to <me side vrith leirible force; .A|«:'t.was was thought tbafc be was killed, but it afterwards proved that he was knocked breathless. Nevertheless Mr. Kennon has three broken ribs and several painful brakes. JsfcuJettkrew. Mr* Harvey Homer Jobe and Miss Elsie Lee Pettigrew, were upited in marriage at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.* Elisabeth Pettigrew, a t Xenia, Wednesday. Mias Sarah Pettigrew, sister of the bride, was the maid of .honor, while Mr. Harry Whitmer attended the groom. The ceremony was conducted by Buy. T am il, pastor o f thu bride, being assisted by Ramsey, pastor o f the groom. The young couple were thu recipients of numerous and ele* gant gifts from relative*and friends, Mr. and Mr*. Jobe departed for thu east by thu nigkt train. While on their trip they will visit Rev. and Mr*, Montroa* Maxwell, at Bir mingham, Michigan. gm in■nrirn'ijiiwM—PA mb U —•Paint, pure, the vary best at Mitchell’s’, ^ - {AmkymtdiNl tAJW^awtogjatoufitoMkttoBtoto rBPrh’WrThVIAWThWrbWYnw7AW7XI m i noiloM lM ikksw nm B r | r t f A*j. a^aMmleLto amtotomaMto'WtoiniaAu i i n you tttf nw p rwM rin fw fti: \ A jk , aatotoWatoWiiA vdhftA AflaB^W*. 10 M 1 VBIIK R* IOil tlwMI m cM ’t m * s e e m EM 'JLSIONki h o tw o U w , bu t you con toko WoftWAB* * toCtomA'pp'' toto>aaiinJM.^Lig-aitowtoiAwBiitomi' tomr ^ XVH -fp' W* w H t IH wB fllnC r W- , m w iiiir . ft A AotMto th t ItoJiajLto L u B i JIJttwiuBW# .gaJA jla^Lljelk lm' MMn. CWWBpB* Cnp WIIICVI M ! a U n ltl« U k t* t( iw iiiM . „ M yoa m M t u IM i , I f to^wtoi' ftomlto j # aAtotoMmamt jr 0 m nr® jpivvnQ ■wim j ‘ SfifilfsEnutsiow $ u i im M Imtot Mfto fcofiy m i Mr*,. Elmer , L. Hundley and daughter, who have been spending a few weeks with her parents, "Rev. and Mrs.- Mfiddox, returned to her hohte at Dayton, Kv.. .Tuesday .night. —All kinds of lumber, also'custom sawing, 25c’pei-hundred at Mitchell'S. L ost —^Tuesday morning on the Cedarville and Clifton pike, aladies black leather shopping bag. Finder please leave at Bull & Spencer's grocery. —Wanted—Bacon & Lard. ' Will pay 8 c per lb ,. At Birds; The Hager Rtrawbcard and Paper Company resumed operations Monday after a short close down ou account of the scarcity of coat. ' —I have two unfurnished front rooms for rent. Anna M. Townsley. —Go to Grices when in Xenia for nice clean meal. , * —New crop canned Apples, Corn and Tomatoes, a t Grays. —18 lbs Granulated Suger for 81 cash: a t Bird's, —Fence picket and wire, at Mitch ell’s. , Personal Equation. Teacher—If one servant girl could clean two room* fn two hours, how tong would It take two servant (iris to do ft? Little Girl—Four hours. Teacher—Wrong. It would only take one hour.' Little Girl—Ob, 1 didn’t know you Were talking about servant girls that wasn’t on speaking term*.—*Collier's Weekly. T h e Savage'B achelor. "There are ever so many more good actresses than good actors,’’ said the Sweet Young Thing, ."and I think that shows the superiority of woman.” "It doesn’t," snorted the Savage Bachelor. "It Just shows the inferiority of the acting business, that’s all.’’— Indianapolis Press. Easily Explained. "Have you alwayn been fa auch poor circumstances, my teen?" "No, mum.* 1 waa once well off, but my wife deserted me."—Judy.. An Impending Disaster. Neil—Maude made a great hit with that Russian attache. She pro- iaeuaced hla name beautifully. Belle—Yea; she had a cold in her Mad, and now she’s afraid It will leave her,--^Philadelphia Record. the Meant Business* liaftd*>~Did Jack kiss you when you Mceptod him? Clara- Certainly. 1 wouldn’t con sider any but pealed proposals.- (Jhi> News, < •till in tha Bing. "Weil, did you have x satisfactory ftfcHatataaf’ "1 think so; J hui 88 cents left to s*#«d Hour Yoarx*'—JDottMt t m .oLiiu, JT-nNMI* a. uvtoriiiW<fhn#to»i'ktouikiU*»eitoi»*»*sirti,o<o, wuvVVB^VWMfi)l wMBowrWgFM**' Btwwho—la told dootopa aou *■ M figortodi*__ ' ye*. Why 1 sow him’ )Bt «M W Ml fhtkoP* MlMf.**-K«w esaeeewtoOaOSi r.iwniwi«(t(Sl#Minii»aw riFauutoAJKto fkmAftu* UM^aostos* fFMWWwIMI MWI wfWPI*' W wia V i The Big Haod—fky, tta 18 o'ekmk M i ^ jMmma wm ivwB« tor g a Cram attsiidinif to ytmt mcoaizlos almieDta. uar• tirlsbt sad nttarallr sifted |rcran«iiULn,ea. •nxltrlth eenho.tuie pennttted bleosee toran on MdoD, anuinmone rackedtaleIntellect,aadfloallr -------- 1 e*i an n tll deathclaimedi ..... ...,____ UnaUon U theThtrfaf T im ," il v on...... a lu rlctltt. ....___ .. ... Jreqnet •racaatlona of Uia biadder, often accompanied bjr a S nrlne, and particlesof aibnmeo,ttaa.cotair.flretof a tbln or. mlUdatThna and acem d ao ib f. to a dark andtorpidappearance,caa» S nervonadebuitrandkxa italltr, retaembervuiia m • r a ^ S ^ r r ^ m Maeaapempleni* tbatre- mainacnradUtnaranteed. FR EE TR IA L »T ^ k t r ^ T r f r t f l S S BLOOD D iseases OF l« the FIBST, SEOOND and THIRDBtagea MadePara BROKEN BR 1 C-A BRAC 5 Mr, Major, the famous cement man, or New York, explains some yery interesting facts ahoat Major'-s Cement. The aiultitadas w ho ase thi* standard article know that it is many hunjtcil per cent, better than other cement for Which similar claims are made, bat a great many do mot know why, Tba simple reseon is that Mr Major tics tha bast material erer discovered and other manufact urers do not use them, beeaase they are too ex* pehsire ku<l do not allow large nroflts. Mr. MsJor tells a* that one of the Aments of bis cement costs $3.75 a pannd, and another costs f 2.Wa gallen, while a large share of the So- Called cements and liqaid glue npon the mar ket are nothing mare than sixtcen-cent glue, dissolved in water or citric acid, and, In some eases altered slightly in color or odor by the addition of cheapand nseiors material, Major’s cemont retails ot fifteen' cents and twenty-cer.ts a battle, and when a dealer tiitx fa sell a substitute you can depend unon it that hid only object is to make larger profits. The profit On Major's content is a* much a* any rfcalervuglit to make on any cement. And this is doubly trufein viewof the fact that each dealer gets his share of theheuefit of Mr. Ma jor's advertising, which now amounts to over $5,000 a month, throughout tho country. Es tablished in-ltiJfi. , Insist on having Major’s. Don't accept any aif-haml advice from a druggist. If yon are at all handy (and yon will b6like ly to find that yss are a good deal more soiban yon imagine} you can repair your rubber boots and family shoes, and any other rubber aad leather article with MsjGf's Rubber CetaSnt and Major’s Leather Cement* And yon will he surprised at how many dol lars % year you will thus save. , If your druggist can't supnlytcii, It will be forwarded by msiljeither kind, Free ofpostage, —I consider it itof only a pleasure but n duty 2 owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected in my caso by the timely use of C’liAtaberlain’a Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was token very Imdlv with flux mid procured a bottle of tbla remedy, A few doses of U effected a permanent cur?. I fake pleasure fn recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful disease, J . W. lAKt ii, Dorr, W. V*. This remedy 1*sold by ( j . M. Rhlgway. J l l L O i ■Wli«r*toLocattf- Why, ia tba Tamtojy gixsaraai by th a ,.., Y h c 'c o n w t new thape* in I -a d i« and MiMea * Sailors a t 50 cen t! and up to the ve ry Dew. w e have th r e e special num ber! th a t are extrem ely cheap In price* A t ffo cts. E ach in Rough md Smooth B r t id l. A t cts. F in e Q ua lity Rough Braid* A t $1*50 F inest Grade of Sp lit B raids. There is a saving for you o f as to 50 cen ts each on these numbers* Lou isv ille Nas iiv ille -T H K - Knit Underwear. Union Suits, ligh t w eight, a ll si*e*. 35c. L ^ ie s V ests, no sleeves, a t 5 ,1 0 ,1 5 and u$c. iM itu Vests, long sleeves, a t 1 5 ,25c and up . Children s Summer underw ear o f a ll kinds* Hosiery. S ch o o l S to ck ing , d o u b le k n e e , sp le n d id q u a lity , a ll sizes at xa|c a pair—tw o for 35c. Lad ies B la ck Hose, two bargains a t 15 and 25c a pair. These are a t the former low prices before the advance. Jobe Bros. & Co., XEN IA , OHIO. WeakMen MADESTROM. CONSULT THEOLD DOCTORS. r '2 6 Y e a r s .. CURING urn VAIIUD a a r i i who an.auff.Hnr from tba TUunH RIUI .ffecta ot youttafut.*rrorB, among oiBeraebowlng aomaottbotollowln*eymp- toma: Ncrvonaarirf riiyaiejaLneblUt^Varl- tae Eye, Aversion to Society,pecpondeocy, traplea on the .Face, Coais of-Energy, and 'requeues o t Urinating. Youmaybelnthaare* firffitCostmlSestheniTruklia - *' - XJN?—- - KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. MISSIS^IFPL FLORIDA, WHSHK Farmer*, Frail Grower*, • Hloek frailer*, Manufacturer*, ' Inventor*, tit><emlmor* and Money Lender* will fad tbs greatest ebanew .{n (be Uaitsg States to a^ake ‘'big money’*by rpaeon of th* : abunilmee a n l elieap«e«> of LAID AID FABKB. . TIXSDS AID 8T0IE , ISO* AID 00AL. LAB0B~EVZBYTHHOI 1 True site*, financial auUtaaee. and freedow from taxation, for tha matipfactater. Land, aad farms at $1.60 -per acre and up. ; wards, andfiOO.OO# acres In west Florida that pan be taken gratis under U. S. lloaestesd laws. ' Stoekraising in the Gulf Coa*t District will make enorwoas profits, Eslf fsr* sxmrtioa U m First sad Third Tassdsys ef soek swath,. Let ns know wbnt yon want, and wewill -tell yon where and how io get it—bnt don’t delay, as the oountry it filling np rapidly. Printed matter, maps and all mformstion fireh. Address, 8. J, WEMT88, General Immigration and Industrial Agt, LoaiiTille, Xeataeky. J . H . W O L F O R D jjigyjfg PILLS & ttat*Av«w> MIDDLEABED M E N « « b S lS !% ----....... _andquestionlist*RCa WABHINHTtoN MEIHOAL IMBmHTB BBBtatoSto BMNHgsyIB, . $500 SEWA8D1 We will pay the -above reward for any cot* of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Siclt Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation or Cottivenes* we cannot care with Llverita. the Op-ta-Date Little Liver Fill,when the directions hi * strict ly complied with, They are purely Vcgeiahle and neverfall to give satisfaction. Sue boxes contain 100 Fills, 10cboxes contain40 Pills, St) boxes contain 15 Fills. Beware of snbstitu* tioai and Imitations, Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NBitVITA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Clinton and Jackson Sts,, Chicago. III. For sale by C. M. Itidgway, drnggUt, Ccdar- ville, Ohio. Imperial Ploms and Repairs. See T h a t New Corn Markdfr. ' Prices Riglit - - Prices Right a—-»v 3 vA*a>«qr ’Now (»*roi> (^lifiirMi* la. . . • a t Gray*#, , ..... ... Apricoli, Ptoehre, iV n m r e , Grni>e«anti Rakniw, MO -IJWAi«hfdi “ DoWitt'* Irittlo Early Rtrere. are the finret nllln I ureA* D. J . Moore* FllUwnok, Ala. Urey qaWtly oureatt liver ami towel iron* H b , RWr*ray k 0 ».« JnH jgkto, TVwfaUaal tto to* BnalM^maLI^ m Ka BwBfi BBwWN^IfB Mm* Wholesale Prises toUsers. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15 c to partly pay postage or expiemge and well send you one. Ithafi 1100 pages, 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70,000 things that you eat and use and wear. We constantly carry in stock all article* quotml. WARD * COq NKNVTOOMBRY i A v . * C E D A R -W IL K E S , By. READWOOD. Dam, PEARL WlLKEB. the above named flue bred Trotting Bullion wilt make the reaaoa of 1900 a t myplace. He m a rich seal brown, 10 hands high, fine action and style* There i* no better bred hone In Southern Ohio* Now ia the time to breed; good hone* are bringing good money. Call and see him. T krms : Ten Dollar* -o insure mare with foal* A. H. BR2DGEMAN, Cedarville, Ohio. AraYaaCiiwtl|iil*f f Do youihav# that tired feeling? Do you feel Mumriah, hillioua and out of •orta generally? Do you have aick headache? Do you have pimple*, eruptions, blotches, uioere, aorea or other results of constipation? Tire •ewer of the body must he kept in an active, healthy condition and nothing doea It no well aa Bailey’s Imitative Tablet*. Their use brings on a clear, way, beautiful complexion. A tab let or two taken a t night makes you feel fine in the morning, 10 c p*e‘ contain 20 tablet*, and 00 in packages. Tahtata chocolate ousted. The written sigtreiare of W. J , jfiailay on each package, Hamid# tm . They promptly reliava aad then cure eo •rijrewm iitd h y Itodgway A fn . Intense anfibring waa endured by witness T. L. Martin, of Dixie, Ky.. betore he gave this evldene*; *’I coughed every night until my threat was nearly raw, then tried Dr* King's New Discovery which gave Intoant rebel. I have used it in my finally for four yean and recommend It a* the greatest remedy for Cough*, Grid* *ttd all Throat, Cheat and Imng trouble*. I t will atop the worn eough. and not only prevent* but ah- tolutely euwa Oontumptiott. Priee ^ / “riJl.OO. Every tottfojrimren* tred. Trial tottlm fiat ntlQdgway A Co’s, D rag Btore. w f l i i j r ” ** "* * •* * p a , 0 gesfw*VHtiy, L n I Vlgsraa*Mialml CnraXmpotaner.NigbtXmliriont, Loaao tMem* * S lT iS iM S frSK S .mxetm and iadiwiwtiosi. A U M ' tSB lO M d ,blood tmlldar., Briaas ’ ' ‘ to > • ! • NenritiTaUets iw toM tha IMlk. f o MU r oofs 0 - I nmdm for onx benknbte awanm teetp oura -------A M M F f i t o SMd for similar I wofrfoi oar bonkaUisg u r u tM bond. EXTBASTBENOTH - (MmaMtoggmdm BtowmlJA ( ouunruwu .■.ampapais■.mans : liood p k > i K . '________ {taonlta oMExeaavive Coe ot i^QOor. S x in to l In jUai* . ________ . box, O for dO.00 w itb owv bnaknblo ganr* sa tso boad to mnw to SO days o r mfibad SBorpmd* Addna* NERV ITA MKD fCAL CO . CN (U ooA Jaoa«>nats^OH tCA aO ,4U . For Baft by i \ M XtdgWway, jDruggitt,, Ohio. to* U m of Powor, . . Or Skituken Oigos*. taxia, Nervoa. Prostnt- ta, Inianltf. P«raly«Uand tbo f Tobacco, Opinm o* l in t>ackace.U1.00 * ;Ca*aat*,andTk»fiaaSaTfciobtainedandaUP*t-i tattnuLMMcoodoctcdforwaaisavc tttw , j o m o m u laoracHMTCU.a.PsvciivOfrtcE and w«canMca»pot*atia tesattmatimathow motetTwwWaAmgtoc. ,. S*ndwmdri*drawtagor photo.,wok dmcrip- ttoiu W l K tiia ll M w ttM w iMifiw «<{ chanm. OarfMaotaaatlUaaWntiaaacwad.,; d SsamUT , “ Hoar toObufatFaliato.’*w»0> cost M h im In thalT.S. and SocvifwcoaalriM isaaSfifa*^ Addr***,. O.A.SNOWAOO. ■Oto nrrxrtrOrnav,WAaMiwarM*.o. h i m *- -nw v tw v taw W M iav t CASTOR IA IhF lafiusts and GhUfinm. Wl— w ^ i Ymm ** a t.------ n .,—1* IN U N IN K IN A m p M p t Boars the. togaatureef Legal Rotice. HxfasMh Hamilton residing at Monmouth, III. will take notice that •nit ha* been brought against her in terpleaded with others, in the Com mon Plrea Court ot Greene county, Ohio, by L. W, Blair, et al, ms trus tees of The Reform Presbyterian Church of Cwtiamlfe, plaintiff*. The pray of tlte petition in said action is toquiet Use title to the following real estate situated in said Greene Co. O., towit: Iking wato, of military survey entered in theTtooe of Wm. Tom kins. No. 5745, and bouuded as fol lows: Begiuuiug a t it stake in the easterly margin of the Clifton road 11 poles Irom the alley north of J. O rrs second addition to the town of Cedarville; thence N, 16 W. 10 pole* to d stake; thence N. 74 E , 15 poles to a stake; thence 8 , 16 E , 10 poles to a stake; thence 8 . 74 W, 15 poles to the beginning. Haid defendant is required to answer said petition by June 16th, 1900. R . L . Gowtot, Attorney for Plaintiffs* apr28 6 w , . YTttti wi^MABY MtM ihifFfi! Ymr dtxs|«*t, wlam ytw k««w to be reliable will tell yea that to is aattorited ie rtfor.d tb* mmm to arety r e wtoMer wtove F I80 OIHT* MXXTfall. m tm* «ay tot* of kfCIlUIO. BLIND, ttUHM lta/w FBOTBCDlJfU FILM!, m MtoUNf a fto # toagMoadiaf. C«t*f wdlHMyeaSMto Mx day*. On* ap/lintie* t o u ia u aadwat. BettolPMKebtogiaitoati** Tkhi to a a*# dleenvaiy as* to-*et4 «a a ' ; ttv«gwwaatw*. N« earn, Na fay , ha*, B,W, Fer aato by C«M. Bld|#ay. ...... td 4VA8A00LD1X OX 1 RAY* Take Laxative Bream Quinine Tablet*. Ait d ro j^ u t refund th* money if it foils to cure. E. We Grove’s Mgnatnre is on recti box* 25c. **-A uforire M m #f all kinds** mA to, wMiuNmnm^. w N fii NPO’.‘ ‘ 5 ; ■ .«wFoi Mr. t Trend *3 in b ia li Mr I college i res*. —Ice Bnow at flavors Quite at the h last nig! Mr. last Bat Ethel F Sam e moved propert •v -—Me .Boys Bi Thee § et jn ohn J dog* M«83 * nuoitier ner las- Ethel 1 from Cl —W« . o f . the taing a l1 8TYLI Sliss i\> - .elected ■ schools* place, * 1 ~ this con Messi - iMarsha ‘ rate* ............. spent T ., . seeing t Dr. I ited to ' T H R O A T . T i Justed, nl Tekption —o nn lir it !l At, L 'JO. Tlie si-niif11 lioiml D. Bo present to -Helix before t on Sabi —W ■ell C .. <\ ■ ■. i other f *• vinced. either a. - .... ... Won of the (• Dayton, day and : widow, reaideu - ’ —Li our V. SUITS. 25,50, 25 and and Co Ther the hnr- humbci call it t various Jess T horse, been ca —W saved t ing hei rins wa; only hi medial coughs, asthma way *■ Dm Blent < School fo the The a< Mvared Autioc ;|* ft <b rflfo’s d b torn H ighf S * f *f•’ M*! 1 . -T? wiiAiia re au riwum Mre h :Amhei :im kC< M hrma «re»Bi g re a t I to iv
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