The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

W k m yo« * # * ^R^WPEEREi MpINI^ ■ mum andMali «• VS^WPIPW wfw pertain to th* tofat, yon want th* feast and At a reasonable pries* You wUi find w# able to a m ­ ply with thiii with alwaya RIDOWAY 4k CO,,**# ( ta f tir tc . Opr. Opera Homo. C Local euwgftiftdMIf and Personal --Potato Plant# at Dobbin’s, Mr. and Mrs. It, F , Kerr spent Tuesday in Xenia. —Gray keep# nothing buji the beat j» his line ot good#. Mr Bos# McCown has been out of college this week, on account of sick­ ness. ' —Ice Cream Soda and Pine Apple Snow at C. M. Ridgway’s. All fruit flavors ’ . ■ ' -Quite# crowd enjoyed themselves at the home of the Misses Jacksons, last night. Mr. Fred Fields o f Xenia spent last Saturday with hi# sister, Miss Ethel Fields of this place, , Samuel McCollum and family have moved into their newly purchased property on Ohillocothe street * —Men's Work Pants 76c & #1 pair .Bov#Brownie Overalls 26 A 35o pair At Bird’s, 1 The dog poisoner etill continues to .of in his work. On Wednesday, fohn Johnson lost bis valuable bird dog. Miss Jennie Bratton entertained a Dumber ofladies a ta iiv e o’clock din­ ner last e/ening in honor Of Miss Ethel Fields, who lately returned fromChicago. —We have just received 60 copies of the SUMMER REVIEW con­ tain# all the newest PATTERNS and STYLES for summer wear.price 10c, At Bird’s Mammoth Store. Miss Fannie ToWnriey has been Sleeted as teacher a t tire Belle Center •drools; > taking Miss Della'G ilbert’s •plsoe, who will teach in our schools .tbitcoining y ear.. Messrs. Robert Gray and D. H , Mmhall took advantage of the cheap Mbs' to Cincinnati this week, ana ■pent Tuesday; and Wednesday eight •Being about the Queen City, D r. P . R . Madden, Practice lim ­ ited to EYE, BAR, NOSE AND THROAT. GlassesAccuratelyAd­ justed. A llen Building, Xenia, O. Xekpkonc.—Ofl«e No, 7 *, I m U omc N o . 37 . The school l>oard have selected L. D. Bonebrake, o f Columbus, the present State School Commissioner, to deliver the baccalaureate address before the graduating -class of 1900, on Sabbath, May 20. -W E CAN PROVE IT that we sell CARPETS cheaper than the either fellow. Try us and be con­ vinced. No waiting to send for them either as we have them in atock. A t Bird’s. Word was received here, Tuesday, of the death of H arry Wildcrson, of Bayton, who was taken sick on F ri­ day and died Monday evening. His widow, nee Mis# Pari#, was formerly » ttddeut of this piece. —Little Bovs’ C lo th in g is one of ear specialties. KNEE PANT Burrs, $1.00 to I5.00. Knee Pant# 25,60, and 76c per pair. WAISTS, 25 and 50c each. We have Shirt# andCollar* for them akw, a t Bird’s Mammoth Store, There seem# to be a malady among the horses of this vicinity, as quite a lumber are sick a t present. Some call it the “grippe/’ while other# have various names for the disease, Mr. Jess Townsley has had a very sick feme, Dr. Laborn of Xenia having keencalled here several times, —W, 8, Mnsser, Millheim, Fa,, saved the life of hie little girl by giv* % herOne Minute Cough Cnrewhen shewasdying fram croup, I t ia the •sly harmleas remedy that give# im­ mediate relief. I t quickly cure# ttaghe, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma and all throat troubles, Ring- **y*Co, The Twelfth Annual Commence- jasat of the Spring Valley High ftthool was held Wednesday evening ■ the Opera House at that place, The address of the evening wa# de- foewd by Prof, Bell, president of AntiochCollege, Five young people *w the school room to enter upon W* duties. Miss Mint* L. Hoover, » former student o f the Cedarville [*fk School, was one of the gradu- a ‘—Tie ancients believed thatrhew* **b#m was the work i f a demon YHimaman, Anyone wkohnaknd an attack of sciatic or inflammatory neatnatism will agtee dint ale* liflis- J* demonise enonnk t» wammt IthasMtsThaeneMmed Chembarinia’s Pain Sato' «*«M 5 # ant mmm, but It wlB mm JJJWi^Usas. awd hundred# bear tan* wfeafion rebars# rimptiu*and Mi qnisk relief wMafc H idfed# k ■^osAai^tkneiSiaisat, fkf f l MM V#JHIe vPRMpVW^Ta • h i# spearing« was taken qalt* dek laat wank, and ha* been ooafinatl to her Wd ever linos. On laat Sabbath her v Ms#, W» L . Mandiall, o f $ * £< **»*np to nurse her,but on the following day she was taken dowa, and has beat) bedfast ever since. Mother and deughtar arc now batter a t tfek writing. —-“After suffering from sever dys­ pepsia over twelve yean and using E remorse without permanent t flpeily took Kodol Hyspepeia I t did me #o much good I rec* oraamded it to everyone," writes J . Cterk ,ncI Recorder, vhilhootbe, Mo. I t digests what you eat. Ridgway AOo. The Palace Barber Shop now pre­ sents a very attractive appearauce, having received a new covering of wall paper, and new linoolum od the floor, this week, Messrs. Silvey A smith deeerve much credit forth# artistic manner in which they have decorated their place of business, A t a meeting o f the school hoard at Jamestown, last Monday night, prof; George P. Harmonut, of Osborn, was elected as superintendent of the pub- }io schools;. Prof. Harmount baa been; superintendent of the Osborn schools for eight years and is a t present one of the county examiners, —J . C- Kennedy, Roanoke, Teun, aays, “ I cannot say too much for De­ w itt’s Witch Hazel Salve. One box of it cared what the doctors called an incurable ulcer on my jaw " Cures piles and all akin diseases- Look rout for worthless imitations. Ridgwly A Co, druggists, The *Township schools will give a concert in the Opera House, Friday evening, May 18th. These meetings are gratefully enjoyed by the ■com- munity and are of much, benefit to the young folks.. Prof. Addison Strong will have charge of the ex­ ercises. ‘ —'•I had stomach trouble twenty years,and gave up hope ofbeiug cured till I began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I t has done me so much good I call it the savior of myiife,? writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany, Teun. It digests what you eat. Ridgway A .Co. The Bchool board ' have received word from Prof. R. Brown, of Gal* lipoiis. who was recently elected to th# sunerinteudency of the public schools here, that he will accept tli#ir oiler, and be here for Commencement exercises, Friday evening; May 25. -I have just-received a large stock of Collars of a ll. kinds and prices* call in and examine them when you are ready to purchase lo r spring work. Also have large Stock of Har­ ness a t popular prices. Dorn, The Harness Man. ' Joseph Brotherton had a serious ac* cident to "befall him this week in the nature of a kick from a home. The animal struck Mr. B. on the wrist. A t first it was thought that his arm was broken, but it later developed that it was only his wrist. —“ After suffering from pile# for 15 yean I was cured by using two boxes of DeWitt’is Witch Hazel Salve,” write# W. J . Baxter, North Brook, N, C. I t heals everything. Beware of couterfeita.'Ridgway A Co, The R. P. congregation, Rev. J . F , Morton’s, made a contribution last Sabbath for the famine sufleren in India. The amount collected by the congregation, was #34.19, and by the Christian Endeavor society, #11 60. In alt #45.69. Rev. F . O. Rose delivered the bac­ calaureate sermon before the gradu­ ating clas of 1900, at Jamestown High Schoolslast Sabbath. «-Da you intend btwing a new HAMMOCK this springrif m, don’t b u r until you sec ours. Prices from £1.00 to $4.00 each, a t Bird’s. During the severe storm last Tues­ day, two fishermen sitting along the river near Fort Ancient, were killed by lightning. The Opera House is receiving its annual meaning this week, prepara­ tory for Commencement and Synod weeks. Mrs. Wilber Rayper and son Bur­ nett, were the guests of of Xenia relative# and friends, the first of the week. —I f you need otiy WALL PAPFR remember they have it a t Bird's Mammoth Store. All paper trimmed free. Mr. Jacob Seigler is having the front of his place of business bright­ ened up by a fresh coat of paint. Several from here attended the Jamestown High School Commence- mencement, last Thursday night. Mies Carrie Cline returned to her school work a t the O. 8, A S. O, home, in Xenia, Thursday. Mrs. Minnie McElroy and son, Kenneth, returned to their home m Went Carrolton, Thursday. The Cedarville Collegrfwas presented with a fiariy bound Bible by its the Senior Class, ibis week. -—The New Idea Pattern for “June” are now in atock, price 10c •*eh a t Bird’s. Mr. Thomas Mechlin# and family havemoved intothe Andrewproperty #« fe a t -S traw Hat# in great variety, prfea# to w it tttfjrmm, a t Bird’s. —FarmGate, ^ ******* WU» nr wfehsMt jailat, to MftebeH*. , Utowbrrfe toitoT*. ;Tbe Store With Little Prices U V IN N E V , Succenor. A MassofMighty Saxgains. Made possible by our recent successful •buying tour in the Eastern markets. To the careful, economicalbuyer, to the “bargain hunter,” in fact, to all in present or future need of clothing and furnishings, these goods are confidently offered in the -firm belief that they will be readily appreciated and quickly purchased at the low prices they are-j offered, excelling in economy anything heretofore quoted by this store. MEN’S SUITS. * 110 Men’s( Suits, bought right, made especially for their wear-resisting qualities, good desirable styles, (union label attached), workmanship and. trimmings extra strong, edges double stitched, all po<keta stayed; worth at least 6 00. Special sale price, ’( 200 Men’s Suits; this range contains the greatest values ever shown, and we art&ertain they are unequaled; trim­ mings are perfect; 10 patterns to select from. See High street window display; an honest Baying of 3 00 or 4*00. Special price, 4 65 Big Boys’ Suits, sizes 15 to 19;.not b 6 dressy, but a big drive at our special sale prices, . 150 Men’s Suits, made by America’s foremost tailors, numerous patterns, few of a kind; many samples in this range, tailoring and style perfect, many of them the 15 00 kind. Special price, Men’s High Grade Suits; nearly 400 of this range, representing all the late importations; the latest fads in Bengats, fancy Cassimeres and Worsteds, single or doable breasted vest, some lined throughout with guaranteed satin, many worth 20 00. Special sale price, lOO SinaJl Men’s or Big Boys’ Suits, sizes 33, 34and 36, no two alike, till agents’samples; look the pile over, if you can be fitted you may save big money here; remember, not a cheap suit in the lot, only the finest, #3 48 |ST 43 #2 98 #3 48 #9 86 #12 86 #7 88 $9 88 MEN’S PANTS. * ' Men’s Pants; good strong, cottonade Working Pants, the 75c. kind. Sale price, v% ^ .# .* - Men’s Pants; ■ extra good working Pants, made for . durability, the 1 00 kind. Special sale price, Men’s Pants; we were fortunate in. picking a couple hundred pair in several patterns; in oil respects the 4 00 kind. We will divide with you Men’s pants in C'hoviota and Scotches blue black an& colors. A snap at Men’s Pants in fine drets trousers in excellent Worsteds1 and Cassimeres. Special sale price 39a 59c We Cannot too Strongly Impress the Wisdom of Buying the Boys’ Suits Now. 70 Pretty Little Vestee Suits, sizes 3 to 8, actual and honest 1 50 values; Special sale price 150 Vestee Suits, sizes 3 to 8, most entirety agents' samples; some very swell thing#, values up to 3 00. Special sale price, ' 90 Boys’ Suits, sizes 7 to ld , blue Cheviots and Scotch mixtures, worth 1 50. Special sale price,. 150 Boys’ D. B. Suita, sizes 8 to 15, Black Cheviot ma­ teria), neatly ail wool and worth easily 2 25. Special sate price, 250 Vestee Suits, size# 3 to 8, very apedal value#, representing over 25 styles; values up to 4 00. Special sale price, 180 Vestee Suits, sizes 3 to 8, the awellest and prettiest effects of the season, a beautiful line, no disappointment here; values up to 6 00. Special sale price, 800 Boys’ Suita, size# 8 to 16, blue and black all-wool Cheviots, fancy Scotches and Cassimeres; you will know they are good when you see them. 20 Dozen Boys’ Waists and Blouses broken sizes, some were formerly retailed at 1 00. Special sale price, 175 Boys’ D. B Suits, sizes 8. to 16; of this line too much cannot be said; they are simply beauties. 40 Dozen Boys’ Knee Pants, sizes 4 to 15, bought way under price, substantial; value 25c. Special sale price, Boys’ Knee Pauls, remnants, worth 1 00. Special sate price, 98c #1 48 #2 49 #3 97 $2 49 19e #4 79 A SPECIAL MENTION. Boys’ Sliirts, like men's, sizes 4 to 12, Boy’s Brownie Overalls, extra heavy material, not the 25 c kind, but actual worth 35c, ’or cine --June Fashion Sheets FREE, ask them at Bird’s, ' -All kinds of Spring Blood Medi­ ate!. M. Ridgway’s. -SH IR T WAISTS, entire new ine this season's purchase,. A t Birds, The Junior class of the collegetwill mnquet the Seniors *next Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. John Nash, of near Xenia, were the guests of Mrs. Dor* Royee, Wednesday. John Lott has secured a position in Dayton and will enter upon his duties Monday# Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ervin spent ilia first o f the w*ek with Mr. and Mrs, Jem Townriey i f ill Mary J«ck«on Kyle, o f Am­ sterdam, N. Y.. iakwe vkitiof among David Tatum, a quaker evangelist from Denver, Colorado, will deliver an instructive address on “ Intemper­ ance, The.Liquor Traffic, The Home and Saloon, and How to Save the Bays,”on Tuesday evening, May 15. All are invited to attend this meet­ ing# Dr. Spahr, of Clifton, fell from a step in that place last Thursday evening, breaking his fo*.just above the ankle. Dr, Marsh, of this place was called and act the fractured mem­ ber- —Lace Curtains 39c pair up. Window Shades 12|e each and up. Matting 12jro yd and up, Carpet 25c yd and up, A complete Carpet and Curtain atock, Alexander A Spahr. ^ I neve iflernttoeet aetetefc# if WAIL masmu*. *Mitm Mint deetea*, . . M . m+< t Mil Correct Priced- Up-to-date Styled. IF you’re thinking of purchasing a carpet you .make 1 a mistake by not seeing our designs and getting our prices before looking elsewhere. . T O T H " B n n i u r f l TTT T O ia JSTTMP T5A aktomU iCVWwJML Ne w A AmfiSfy mMuimaml iH y to U U M P ) ' BOOR OASES, OOHOSBS, Ac. J . H . M o M I L L A N , Furniture Dealer. Funeral Director t Enkilma O te d * C T iU « , O h i o . A full line of Dimensions, -Siding, Flooring, Ceiling, Finished in ' White and Yellow Pine, Poplar and Hemlock. Farm Gates, Richmond Fences, Locust and Chesnut Posts. Shingles;. White'Pine,. Red Cedar and Hemlock. Doors, >n Sash, Blinds and •’ Mouldings. . -1 Glass 8x10 to 40x40. Largest stock in town. American Window '. \ Scieens. F ly Proof. Try them- “A little hit crowded” for Room and Desire an Opportunity to Figure on Your Bills; #se§ W e ‘W a n t Y o u r T r a d e . ' M. TARBOX ft SQM. VALUE Fair dealings is the Merehantite Magnet—it draws the crowd. Pulley Belts Clipper Ax with Handle Lawn Mower Childrens Bibs Carden Hose, 50 ft. Bed Spread Ladies Gauze Undervests Spring Veiling 1 )ak Picture Easel Featherstitch Braid Large size can CroWn Lye White Wash Brushes Leather Halter 23c 76c #2.78 3c $4.55 41c up 10c up 8yd 30c 3c bolt 9c 5oyd 39c 1 pr Lace Curtains, 29 in wide and 24 yds long ooc Brush Skirt Binding, pr yd ( 6c Empress Corduroy Skirt Binding 4o 21 in Torchon Lace pr yd 6c 2iu “ <* «» 3c Oorsets 20oup Red Damask, pr yd 2Io Infants caps 6 to 40o “ In His Steps,” book 9c A complete line of Ladies Men's and Children# Shoes, all prices Chamber Sets, 6 piece# #2.15 Ladies Muslin Gowns - 50c Chenille Table Cover 65c Churn « ■69c Fishing Poles, 16 feet long 6c Ice Cream Freezers $1,70 Whisk Broom 3c Horn Hair Pins 7 for 5c Dollies, 18x18 5c Tumblers per dox 20c Day Book 200 pages 6 |x l5 22c Columbian Ingrain Carpet 29c yd S t Cecelia Medallion 59c Oxford Teachers Bible 65c Riding Bridle 66c Ladies Kid Gloves , 6?c Rouse Water Proof Umbrella 70c Jute Rug 36x72 95c Ladies ftolid Gold Ring #1.14 Eight Day Clock #1.90 Gold Filled Watch #5,70 Hen's Boy’s and Childrens Clothing Men's, Boy's and Children Hats New style tucked Shirt Waist 55c Black Spring Cape* 60c 8 Slate Pencils la 1 Carpenter Pencil la 60 in. Tape measure la 2 doz Hooks A Eye* 1* Dime Bank 3a 6 doz, Shirt Buttons 2a Pocket Comb with case So No. 2 Hercules Safety Fins 3a Screw Driver 2d Invisible HairPins, par box So David'sBlack Ink 2a 4 in. Kid Hair Curlers 3a No.' 2 Curling Irons 8a Padlocks 8a Wire Soap Dish 3a Palm Soap 5c caka 8x6 Picture Frame So Drees Shields per pair So 50 fit. Pishing Line 6o Compass Pencil 8o Mops 10a Stand Cover 18a Complete line of Leather Belts 5e«p Ladies Ready made trimmed Drawm# NEW YORK' RACKET STORE JOEL ORANSKY, Proprietor. X o i i i t t , O h io . araU I*Mi18JN8 TctiMc aF**)$Ariy l i t H o m e I nsur ance O o : of N e w Y o rk : bag Dascriptiaa of Townmi FarmPropertir Insurii tpiist Fin, Ughtatagml Tonob. Farmer* insuring in this Company do not thereby incumber their property, cr make thutm lvealiable for th# losses ofothers, Why insure in a corjroration without a dollar ofcapital, or la somavrsak oomjpaay, wltebMI protection can be bad in a company like Th* Homo of How York. The Horn*'* melt liberal G syabd simple application is very taking with the farmer#generally. Hundred* of them are nowiueariNgbi SS -liable old Company in Ohio. The Homw'w#13,457,928.52 asset# and #4,804,798.81 cashaurpiuiitet mfypit* pares them to carry your fir* policy, but enable#them to protect year property agaimt ka#or damagemat Am dreaded cyclone, Noon#knowswhew Hwill start on it#mission ofdmateetiea, laying waste year ImsMifMlMNMi Manyofour dtlasna and sturdy fltrmat*act awaking tha Homa’t proteetton agaitwt hotii liraamd temais. Kimy> body should remember that iha HOM1 pays a hug* direst tax in yenr oeiity «n wverydetiar leenHed fifwmflk ritisensfiH'imMraBce, For inmtenes in the HOMRapply tomr N km scent. > W. L. Clwmana, A^ant,