The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
•maei W R % % % % % % . iw , M h am , am w w i H m • * « —* . *w « tw » it» i * . Q h u . /% v w w w »A> *<- m mP 80 i cijvr mi <btr * i«f -:-<i m m Ex traord inary and Special Sales are now in fa ll force in every departm en t o f our sto re a n aw e e x se n a a Special Inv itation to th e people o f Oedarville to v isit our store, th is week. The P o in t We W ish to Im press Forcibly upon all readers of th is paper and th e ir friends is th a t yon w ill g e t m ore goods and b e tte r goods a t W ren’s, and for less money than anywhere else in Ohio. T h e N ew W a sh p re ss Goods, fiu iS r yard. 1 let 1800 yards fimcy DUtotfes, in length* of two to ton . yard*, foil plow price, 10c per yard. do per yard, 1 lot 0400 yard* new choice La'wn, in length* of two to twelve yard*, foil piece price, 10c per **&£. / **' ■JpWS'iSfV ■* _it 9* per yard, 6t»s Sheer Dimities in fojtoiy stripe* and figure*.. Abo a handsome collection of fine Organdies swifo dainty stripes. These ate the IScgooda. - Jv 1 , 10c per yard, Lyons Batistes, beau tiful figures on light and dark grounds (34 inches .wide), regular price 15c, ^ • •’ I2$c peryard, Jacquard Swisaee, a very rich fabric in light and dark grounds with fancy stripe* and fig ures. Sold everywhere a t 19c. - ISOper yard, corded Zephyrs. A new weave, “ very stylish,” all the new coloring* fully represented, 25c would not be much for this, select fabric. • - 1 , I5c per yard, real Irish Dimities, Beetle finish, one of this season’s richest fabrics. * These are Our own exclusive importations, real value25c. S ilk G ingham s and Madras. .f t*. . , \ ' 4 25cper yard, the handsomest fabric manufactured. More than 50 styles, patterns,and colorings to select from, including the new Pastel shades, These goods are absolutely fast odors, and really improve in washing, wear; ing qualities unsurpassed. 40c would he fair value, French Organdies. Just received, a new importation, the most beautiful French Organdies ever brought to this country. The styles ere exclusive and patterns; these will be included in this sale at 35c per yard. Dress Ginghams. 7c per yard, Renfrew drew Ging hams, excellent styles, 10c gride. ' 10c per yard, Taille Du-Nord A. F. C. A Johnson’s fine, drees Ging hams, hundreds of beautiful styles and colorings. These are high grade good* and fully worth 15c to day. 16c par yard, fine English Madras, a rich, handsome fabric. Very de sirable for shirt waists, colors guaran teed, value 20c. Skirting L inens and ..Covert Cloths. 12$c per yard, heavy grass linen, full yard wide; 15c the usual price. 15c, 19c and 25c per yard. These are sale price* for the better grades, all linen Skirtings, regular prices, 20c, 25c and 35c. ■ l2Jc per yard, 42 pieces best qual ity Cotton Coverts, all colors, 15c value. * 25c per yard, "Something New,” for skirls, and lull suits. Blue, red and pink Irish linens, full yard wide (very swell.) Ind ia L inens. 6c per yd for lOcIndis linens. 80, ** “ “ 12Jc “ “ IQc «* *‘ 16c « “ 1 % “ “ ** 18c ■«' “ 15c, “ “ “ 20c “ “ 20c “ “ “ 25c “ “ Persian Law n s. 25c p e ta r d for 35cPersian Lawns. 35c « •* *• 44c “ 45 c «* •< ♦* 50c and- 60c Per sian Lawns. - W h ite Freneh Organdies. All imported French Organdies are made 68 inches wide. These -are special prices for this sale only, and are 20 percent under the regular 45c, 50, 60, 75c, 89c and 41.00 per yard. Sw isses, Nainsooks and - D im ities. Checked Nainsook*, sate prices, 7c, 10c and 12|c per yard. .Swisses, both plain and dotted, sale price, 10c, 12icandl5cpcr yard. Dimities (real Irish), sale prices, 12$c, 10c and 18c per yard; P iques. White Piques, narrow and wide welt, sale prices, 15c, 20c and 25c per yard. Pink, blue and red Piques, sale price, 10c per yard. Special 500 yards finest quality. fancy printed imported Piques, 85c to 50c.. Sab price 15c per. jmt] Apron Law ns. 40 inch White Apron Lawns «jg satin stripes mid. open work borfai, Sale prices, 10c, 12pc and 15c.‘W<*5 20c. P erca les and Domestics. 6c per yard for folk yard wide 16*! Percales. 10c per yard for best quality 8«*| Island Percales, worth 12£c. 4c per yard for best Light D im ] Prints I 5c per yard for heat Aiuerien] Dress Prints in fancies, indigo biuesl and black and white. 5c peryard for 8c Fancy Printed] Chillies. Note—When unable to v isit our store, personally, we inv ite you to take advantage of our Mail Service1 ■ ■ « ■ tfm £S» ■»» E D W A R D SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. AMtOWSHOTS. ' I skot *nr n v IS tb*sir, . . • . Itf»IUotfa*MTth; % knownotwhere. i ' —EongCsIlow. - * •A fellow might aswell not tell whst be dream*. Nobody believes him anyvay;' t t t ' I t isltwaya easy tu deny anything ttifiivorabla said of you in the paper a*, h r apllbqc>t “on®of foe editor’s lies."j •, ’ t t t ' '' j The bestdentist hurts. t f t Even barber Shops hav* loafers. . . t t t AhighgidfcSpecollaririaj hide a homely face. * . t t t A min from a small town, walking with giri, always takes the ou&r edge of the walk. ' f f t When a yonng fellow gets married and goes to loafing, we don’t expect =■much. t +1 l All white dm*** look alike to a J aaaa, 3 f f t A big necktie may cover a multi- r istfe of sins. - t t t Tbi first thing* country girl does ; wbsa she moves to town is to buy* arakiaote board. 4 t t t A preacher said that alt who did not vote against a bad measure were wotChristian*. And there are sons * who did vote against it that are not. ;* t t t \ A * * • is always handicapped by Mbs Saying his wife is smarter than ...j h * i* * ' ^ . t t t Bows friksgstths idea that an edn- ‘ aatiawjhp i no Vila* nnlsrn acquired * |{y 4 bsy wbo hm no money. ■■• i f i About one half the people stand around is the way o f the Other half, t t t Sometime*folks leave the blinds op «• folk* <va ass what they are read-' fog* t t t Tanohdly Is*#.* ebtfi yell sound astillyaa U foes* who gtaduated • jWm i f iWir mmm**' t t t A jm . a L ju iEPHWi IW rfagttm t t t l l l i t r i p a l a lasWqf bahy lf ft purpose as a raanV pockets, a place to ] put her hands. j ' t t f I t is funny how the same story differs when told from different stand-1 points, t t t The worst fraud we know says he values his honor, t t t ' Somemen pretend towish that they had not sucb heavy beards. - t t t Even a woman enjoya her huahand’a quarrel if hacomes .out ahead. Aube. M iixee . Beaatifal Hairf DoYouWant It? ’X b h -'Q g a SSSikvai S b* S em em b e r, SI adake Comixa C oe offers O ne H u n d re d D o lla rs R ew a rd fornny case of Gmy Hair her Perfection Hair Restorer re8tore._ or any case of Dandruff it fails to cure, when direction* are properly followed, A + t o n t i n n I 'Ve send, securely sealed, to your nearest express office, her M l l S n i l U f l . eight ounce $1.50 bottle, for One Dollar, if you mention this paper. One bottle in.many case* being all heeded. Address, riadame CorlHa Coe, 317 Michigan S t., Toledo, Ohio. TOWHOM IT CONCEBNWi *m persoaaliy acquainUd with KadamkCerllfaCe*and thewonderfiil exacts ofher PskriCTlox H air E mrorkk . It I*wondtiful, beyondComparison In Its Effects, and at the same timePerfectlyHaraleu. I haveknownofmany aged persons whosethlufjuid gray lockshave been fullyrestored toyouthfulSolorand vigor. Rev,C. J. Banks, Toledo, Ohio,*presentaddict*; Mesa, Arizona. J* An Houser, M.J), Indianapolis,Indiana* . T Lucia Julian Martin. Principal, ToledoSchoolef Elocution, ■ Prof.W. M.Windsor,1733MichAye., Chicago,L. L, B.Pu.D.;Phrenologist AVitotophix TOUR A . C H A N G E local aM Personal. Summ er W ash Fabric. —Subecribo for the HertM, -Buggies painted for $5 a t Wol ford’s, Mr. Tote Bpeocer, of Jameriown, waaiu town, Tuesday. Miss Edna Wolfordhss been some what indisposed this week. Mr. Amos Mental was the guest of Mrs. Frank Sherman this week. —Grice’s are sending out better cream than ever. Give them a call, Xenia, Ohio. Will sell a bottle of Wine of Sar- saparilla for the next five day for 75cfoARPET ROOM—Full Velvet Body Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry, Art C* M* Ridgway. Squares, Rugs, Laca Curtains, Portierree, Window Shades, Grill, Linoleum, (hi Cloth, Rag Carpets, You will be pleased with the pikes as many have visited other cities and we have sc dITIES—First to show, beat to wear, last to fade, designs pretty. The 8Jc quality worth 12^c, sell redidljr. The 15c quality you would thiuk worth 25c, quality and pattern ol imported. Organdies, Madras, Fig ured Swiss, Linens, Jaconetta (excellent for the giri graduate.} SILKS—Figured, for a Sommer Dress,just right price and very popular. CORSETS—All the new shape. Excellent Summer Corsets 60c. KIDS—All the pretty shade for 91.00 and 91.50, You w ill never fu lly appreciate the wonderful purchasing powers of the “ A lm ighty D o lla r" un til you have given «««J. I*!. K N O T E « « « ■ ’• ■' HtiU ' •. . ••■ ‘ An opportunity to show ' you . W e have never been able to offer a more complete stock nor greater price inducements. T h e store fa ir ly teems w ith rare bargains in every department. Mrs, George Ross and family, of Xenia, spent Sabbath with fitends and relatives, here. Mies Bernice Wolford, of Spring- field, spent Sabbath with her parents, Mr. im Mrs. J . H , Wolford. Mrs. Mary McAfes and son, Ralph, ofXenia, visited the first of the week with Mr. J . D. George aud family. —500 yards Wool Drees Goods 8 5 1*>40 in wide, was 50 to 65ctS yd, now! to dose, 25c yd. Alexander A Spahr. Miss Maud Satterfield, of Xenia, was the guest of her grand parents, Mr, and Mrs. J , P . Satterfield, Sab bath, —The eeriest and most effective method of purifying the blood and iuvifforatisff the ayirtom is to take DeWitt’s Little EOrly Risers, the fa- mods liUiepill for cleansing the liver and bowels. Ridgway A Co. There has come to onr office a com bination match box and striker isdiied from the office of E , G, Btegcw, one „ , lawyei Washington, D. <S, I t is an house hold andcifitt! necessity, and we are informed that inventors can procure sample*of the same by writing him a t PoafMMtsr, Hairy Johnson, of WHhsrfhres, isritertllDfiO ia hi* no- asnai wfth thegevasaaseiif, aooordlag I t laewsstst hWrihe*, o f ImliaiiopolM, Bid,Meases. Dr. F. T. liaed a / and |Jt Miaas'JfiML. UPVvT JsWMflflPMftwvv*l MtlvV'*P9 H A .*£- * l —m . jkA fM | i m» M lV m ii WOTNfD^PPVI * a MVv OTV MW* fVwmHMPH 1Mlftft IMI ft» mmm nmW aari mere, and lm e T A.I i *1A*t« D> m ftewnala v«„ «.:ii lease it t *' i ecured the sales. SUIT ROOM—Finely stocked. Tailor Made Suits, Waists, Petticoats, Jackets, Separate Skirts, Muslin Underwear meeting large sales. Koit Underwear 25c to 50c, Hen’s Handsome Spring Suits. In the popular 3 or 4 button sack styles. Oxford mixed, Cheviot, Fancy Worsted, Steel Gray, Fancy Checks or Stripes, Fine serge or satin linings, in prices ranging from 95 to 915. ITeckwear. Finest in the great variety yet shown. They are Engliah Square, the Imperial TeCk, Puff, Bet- Wing and Bows, in the greatest variety and colors, Hen’s Colored Fancy Madras, Negligee, and Gamer’s Best Percale*, We will show you the best assortment that is to be found in the city, H UTCHISON & f i lBNEV Xenia, Ohio. Boy’s Natty Vestee Suits, Serviceably stylish. Some lapeta aw faced with a combination cloth and Sontacba white other* have satin facings. Vesta open fronts. Ages 8 to 8 years. Price* 91.50,92, 92 50, 93 and 98.50. —Bhsokberries,Gooseberries,Rasp berries, Beana atG ray’a. ilia . J . ff. Nlsbet Was called to Beltefontains, Mondaymorningowing to thericknees o f a relative. —500 yarda Colored .Organdies was 25c yd iju tt 4—12Jcyd. . Alexander A Bpahr. Mr, Henry Barber was in Cincin- , r™ • « etonatl the first of the week, being WJ l ^ treated by a siiecialiit for hay fever. D r, J , O Staw arfc, Physcian and Burgeon. Bpecialiet in E y a a n a M a r . ; Glaaaaa A iwm raW iy A d » ju a ta d , 8 AT»fACTlOX' OllARAlt* TKSD, . —-J, q Hood, Justice ol the Peace Crosby, Miss., makes the following statement; “ I can esrtifv that One Minute Cough Caw will do alt that ft eftimel for Vh My wife ow»Mnot .get her hwatii and the first d w o f it rt- ftmwilwir. I t lee eft* baasfited foe whole lsiaiiH«,.*% ItaethnwHafoitriy amt « A . n 0 oo 4 i YtUdl Cannot always be'procured in short time, but we aw able to get up a first-class mesl on the shortest notice. We handle a line of clgsrs and fine candies un- equalcd in the city. Fresh roasted peanuts every day. Boy’s Stylish Double Breasted Suits. ^ a,*imcre* *h<1Worsteds, cut snd trimmed in good style. Htripes, Checks and Plaids, or plain black, blues or grays, for 91,91.25,91.50,92, $2,50,93, $4 and $5. Boy’s White and Colored Shirts. The same style* the men wear. In rises to fit hoys from 6 years up to 14. wifo all styles of collar -4 J, Try Our Lunch Counter. m o m * Williams Bras. Lowry Steel, . . 1 1 E A S T MAIN S T R E E T , Springfield, O . ♦ The Herald and Pilgrim, One Year, $i. I r c *%% ■ e*«»«*«»•«»*» *««* In « young iKjen y< have lie an arcl ^urri-d. . *»ccar ii A n nrruugl E gliul liuiMiiij without would I Then (own 1 fine I* m - the ton . I f tli Mahon: inountt town t»v‘ . tioiis ai . He seems i ufiitir, would S-.I llilf) sdsu.ii-i his jmi ' ■ luily lv the lu even i> n r . C. " Wlicilu - s*r n.#t. ‘inf III* c InVt* 1 • l i e, out (ill iilslriH ill iin I he we pftrtieli !.• good f ctencei studiei for bu . of the but w’ man i plans pjDts, A r with | the tu witho break bad ei out l)i a t nil. Wl the .i lie g< that I and h l’hey but t that plille that I t bun^ ture alone to be Some coat . the i. > i not 1 sons rate; pant H fob! tO & M to, > ; -IV /. , sati ;Wld II Wbit «*M' »i f.M«> ru.i . t t the * tore dray, l that • fitefvs ksasM oriter .I iv I> 1»*‘
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