The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

T l \ e I f e r q l d . * t .w 4 y i i B . •VMVMIlltIUU ' O n m i : W t a l i WehtoFtos*. HATURDAY, MAY 19, 1 m K -1 w, t “Do y«u want n hum who, living raked tho Stare » 0 <l Stripe* on our sew pjjesflffliottp, will uinintum tbemwith uiguityi or a man who will cutdowii *01(1 Glory” am? make, us the laoghiug stock of the world?” I Dewey is wondering whether he is being welcomed ns a political hero or ,« naval candidate. The Kentycky democrats seem to be afraid to play their game against ; ; Gov, Taylor, although they know the cards are “stacked.” Ex Laaik siBka* A^mmA wswteP® w ^ m W® Jj^Kr that the Seam must I*. rts%M aa mrm. i t f a M t l i l tiiit t jriwidhil g]*# uasd ownami wimm , and ffg|VkB fjtom byinaananf hk ovsrwWnrtnf Mice, instead of ramnuaf his bead against a 8tQMwall in Irontal attack*, Lord Robert* k hdlowing tbs vary same tactics that enabled General Mile* to drive the Spaniards back, back, back, in Porto Rise, without giving tbem a ebsuco to tight, .Unfortunately for Miles, no Duller bad preceded, hint to oiler contrast to his methods- Nfew Yorkr-Kew York, we suy -is / horrified talenjrn that the police force / of Havana is corrupt and hns been engaged in “ protection” work. ‘ , Congressman Lnwjlis, of Indiana, " #yS the Porto .'Rican agitation will not like the republican party a single Vote hi his. district, and he knows. , > Rev. P, A. Raker, of Columbus, ■*, Ohio, has found out what was well- ktwwtt'to all who have tried the trick, that Senator Foraker is not n safe man to abuse \ ‘ ^ / Bid any Spanish Governor ever make finer promises to the Porto Rieans tbau Governor Allen has done? But. the proo^.of the pudding is in' the eating, after «H;x .# .. » ; Ritgehe Deiw says ihe trusts will bring, the conditions •feVed by him and his'fejlyjr^ialists. Then, .why doesn’t 'Gene quit tllking Aral wall for those conditions? , ‘ r , . Emperor William has declared that Dreiljand .wiU keep the peace of * Aa world, Unfortunately/the, world/ Os William understands it, is a very •mall territory, Witness the Byers and the Filipino*. / ' Rockefeller declares that ho holds Ml bis wealth iu tfutt for his fellow men. Thanks, very much, Mri Rockefeller, hut wa are of age now and would be pleased to receive our proportion by return mail. , I f the Lacey bill for protecting birds hikdbeen adopted yearn ago. the peach and apple orchards of the east would not be in their present state. The birds that have been exterminated would have, destroyed the trees aud fruit. . t 50 cts. tidgway & A young Eskimo woman who, is vigitiug Chicago was gtaatly disturbed at first by the electric cars. She thought that they were run by devils. _ I ■ • ■'■'* n-'fp-" -r-7T'-it^'•nr it/—mat ’ •- /•’ S i Bpldta&ofWkMpisgCfaogl*. Last winter during aU epidemic of ^W.htK>|iingN.cou|h ,iny hildren con* traded th^ disease, uaving severe coughing spell*. We bad used Chain* berlsin’s Cough/r Remedy very suc­ cessfully. for croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and effected a com* plete cure—Joint E. C lifford , Pro­ prietor Norwood House, Norwood, N, Y. This remedy is for sale by C, M. Rldgway, I* -tr,’«■’ '•*'*** *"r'’r*‘ AXiifht ol theGripTaalMw. • M omesoe , I I I ,, N ov . 14, 1898. I was troubled with a disagrtvable feeling in my stomach caused by dys* bejtai*, and one dose o f Dr. Caldwell's Pepsin relieved the, I will never be without it as it is the best remedy for Constipation and Indigestion I have ever used.' P. R. C lark , ' Traveling Salesman for Pearson & Weytel, Importers of Qpeensware, Indianadolis, Ipdk In 10c., 50c and $1.00 bottles at C, M. Ridgway’s. About 700 Icelanders are coming this snriug, to take' up farming in British America, in the neighborly of the Doukhobor settlements. Democrats kick because this gov­ ernment has acquired interests in foreign territory, and then do some more kicking because this govern* meat does not get itself involved iu the South African war. That's demo* •ratio consistency. Last TaeadayV u The Day to begin taking Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin for that indigestion. I f you didn't you better ask 0. M. Ridgway at their Drug Store. They will tell S ou just what's what lor they are re* able and on the square. la seeking a man who can beat Gov. Roosevelt, the New York demo* erats have taken a task that is as hard as that of preventing the re-election of President McKinley. With rare ex­ ceptions the people know a good of­ ficial when they have him. Dewey was put down for eight re* esptfons and eight speeches a t Mem* P&*» the other day, hut hnc to cry off a id ask for mercy/That*# the bother with these amateur politicians. Bryan wm M have attended eighteen recep* ftens and not turned a hair. In a short time the Japanese pop­ ulation of San Francisco will reach 20,000. , —J . Q* Hood, Justice ol the Peace Crosby, Mias., makes the following statement: “I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it. My wife could not get her breath and the first dose of it re­ lieved her. I t has also benefited the whole family/ I t act immediately and cures coughs, colds, crfnp, grippe, bronchitis, asthma and all throat and lung troubles. Ridgway A Co. Now it seems that Eurojieiiti goods Hat to Porto Rico via this country, aw * pay 115 per cent of the Dingfey n a n . We don't know whether this was ktsfi'led or whether it just hap awed!, but we do know that it is good lastwfW for those who want to con- fiwi tbs Porto Rkwn markets--what- amrHtmiy hs for the Porto Ricans attmnus!vs^s. Hi* who Ufor (Miyiog n o r to the itcel makers for m mw piate, bare had two staggering Mann this week, One was contained k a awmlar report Mating that the ttrapp f m m was neither areret nor SMawtad, and the second we*set forth M tfc* dbqawry that the 1'oiled Ratw pwamweii a sfiell which want Hwtgb Krapp armor like a j>*a>p fbusw^t ttm m . Uad*r them dream- #MMW a fnwMM«t armor fornwry 1 In 1800 there were 200 horses in Australia; in 1900 there are two million. —IV. 8, Musser, Millheim, Pa., saved the life of his little girl by giv­ ing her Cue Minute Cough Cure when aimwas dying fmm croup. I t is the only harmless remedy that gives ini mediate relief. I t quickly cares coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma and nil throat troubles, Kidg* way a Co, COLOR!# 80CKIY. Ilev. J . P, Maxwell has4been ap­ pointed iKtstmaster at Willierforce, to succeed Harry Johnson, P. C City. Bruce Bnndaycd at the Gem J , h . Haggard, ex-night police, has jimmied a jm»Uhn in the furher simpof Mr. Kimhro, of Xenia, Hhelt is a graduate of the Palace of this place and is well qualified for his new berth, .Rev. excellent Washington preached an ent sermon ftunday nlgnton “ Horn* am) Its RMathmafcip/ I t was appendsted by alt his Merer*. Tbs amattnaltv is fo rte* fo k sd a i mwm ysateg ftetfowan Otafo essfii WharetoXiocattf Winy, I* W mi Twilwry 1i*«r**S t'jfWw.,., . AMeeta t f C—vmtlea*. . While our own General .Assembly meets in St, Louis on Thursday, May 17. the Southern Presbyterian As­ sembly meet* on the same day a t At­ lanta, and the Cumberland Presby­ terian Assembly at Chattanooga, The United Presbyterian A**embly meets on May 23 In Chicago. The General Synod of the Reformed Cfiqrch meets June 6, in Asbury Park, N. J ., and the "Synod of the Reformed Presby­ terian church on May 30, at Cedar- ville, O. May is the great month of religious conventions and assemblies, . —The Herald and Presbyter. Lest, Strayed, dr Stolen. A spotted, black and white male hog. Return and receive reward, M rs . A. G. M illek , AW omii ’*Awfol Ptril. “There is only one chance to save your life and that is through an oper- tion” were the startling words beard by Mrs. I. B. Hunt of Lime' Ridge, .Wis., from her doctor : after he had vainly tried to’cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and .yellow jaundice, Gall, stones, had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she ‘began to use Electric ‘ Bitters. Which wholly cured her, . It's a.won­ derful Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Try it. Duly Guaranteed.' For sale byR Co,, Druggists.' _______ BredacdUodJifA»- i R « S 3 » \ ! t \ 1 •» i ><i ; !)Ki \ PromolesDigentionJCheerM- **andResM!ontidteneHMr (kium,Miarpfone norMnexaL N o r X M t c Q T i c . Apeifecl Remedy forConsfipa- TLon.Sour Stonach.Diarrhoea Wbrimi.Convulsions,Feverish­ ness andL o s s o f S leep . rocSimie Signature of N EW Y O R K . • 1) “ ' s J ITfcrKM JfN Nm Atanyt I n * ( Beamthe Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years Thi* week we tell Printed Swiss Drew Good* in mil the new coiors and figures at i2 ic, Last •eason a similar goods sold for aoc, and at la i-ac Wts a argiit*. *^ r jfu i n jm ttv In more than fifty patterns to select USSiSSSH: from at 15c a yard. It is just as good m every way as the English Dimities that sell w>r 250. Blues, Pinks, Grays, Lavenders and Black | $ £ t$* andWhite, price r i ia i in a r n jm | t i a c At 8*c for a good quality and t n e a p e r WW lffles fine patterns. Cheap Lawn at 5c a yard. 8 1 p A r r A | p F u l l 36 inches wide, choice patterns ■ 3 1 r e i bd ie for Waists and Shirts, splen­ did quality at Sic a yard, is worth rafe today. 5 c Dress Ginghams ^ lengths, at 5c a yard. This goods sells in the full piece at xoc and at half price is great value. Better Ginghams at 10, is*” 15 and up to 37ic for THE VERY BEST, in large assortments. L o u i s v i l l e N a s h v i l l e R a i lr o a d - T H E - - EXACTcopyOFWRAPPER, *3fcyrv.........,............................. Jobe Bros. & Co., BEAT THE DEAL BOX. How a Young Gambler Quit While He Was a Winner. “I see gambling is running wide open tn Colorado again/ said Walter Harris, a cattleman of Tojieka. “I don't suppose, though, it is as wide open now as it was in the late ’80s. 1 was in Manitoba every summer at that time, and the high games that; used to run at some of the clubs would he an eye-opener to tho gamblers of the present day. Cattlemen were making mom then,'as were the min­ ers, and they usd fo meet in Manitoba and try for each other’s pocketbooks, with the result that the professional gamblers got the money, "I remember how one young fellow was made to quit a winner against his will. His name was Rich. He was a nephew of one of the big reaper men,; and hi# folks kept him supplied with money, a regular allowance. He had been gambling every cent of It, let* ting bills pile up for hotel and livery and everything else, .His people sent word that they* wouldn’t send any more money, and said it he got Into trouble he’d have to get out hlrdself. Ills creditors were. Just about ready' •to 3urap'ontoBrm;"whefi;6lie mgHttle* made a big winning. He was playing taro in the club that’s torn down nbw. It used to stand over from the depot, and was the place tor high play, “1 suppose be had 84,000 or 88.000 In front of him when his friend* began trying to persuade him to quit. Ho was just like all the rest of jhetn,. go­ ing to break the hank, and all that sort of thing, and he wouldn’t quit "It was a red-hot night for Manltou, and with tho excitement and all Rich had pulled off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. There was a doctor among his friends, and, though he hadn't said any thing to Rich, I sup­ pose he felt a responsibility, because the young fellow had come out here for bis health, and had been' referred to the Manltou doctor by the doctor he had at home. "I was watching the play, though 1 didn't know any of the people. I saw the doctor turn his back to the crowd for a few minutes and fiddle with something; he had taken from his poc­ ket Then he walked over to Rich and put his hand on’his bare arm. 'You need a sedative,’ he said. Quick as a flash he took the hypodermic syringe he had in his pocket and fired a charge into Rich’s arm, “Rich said ‘ouch,’ and grabbed at the place where he had been pricked, hut the deal was going on and he turned to that again. Before half the cards were out his head settled on the table, he commenced to draw good, long breaths and was asleep, "The doctor took the chips, cashed them in, then he took and wrote a receipt for the money and gave It to another friend of Rich’s to keep. Then he took Rich, loaded him Into a car­ riage, took him up to his office and watched over him until he camo around the next day. Rich paid his bills, but he did no more-gambling at Manltou. They wouldn't let him play again.”—Denver Republican. THECKMTAU.InlMli " « »**WW, CHUROH DIRECTORY H. P. Iiurch—Rev. J . F. Motton, Paitor. een iocs ut ■ a. in. Sabbath School at ■toa, iu. . ■ Covenanter Church—Rev. W. J . SanUcreon, paetor, Regular aeryieea at U:p0 a. tn. Sab­ bath School at 10 a. nf. - U. P. Church—Rev. F/O. Ro»«, pattor. Ser­ vice* at. tO.-yi) a. in, snd 7:00 p. in. Sabbath School a | 9:30 a. m. standard time. A.M. K. Church—Rev, Mr. Maxwell, l'aa- tor Preaching a t 11:00 a. m, and 7:30 p, tn. Class’ every Sabbath at 12:30, Sabbath School at 8:00 p. m. Friends and vliitora oordially invited. ■-■•. ■ *■■. M.E. Church—Rev. A. D. Maddox, Pastor. Preaching at 11:00 u. m. Sabbath School at 0:40 a. m. Young People’s mealing at 6:45‘ n. m. Prayer; meeting Wednesday svening at 7:80, Baptist Church—Rev, George Washington; pastorofthe JBaptiit church. Preaching at 11. >. in, and 7:90 p. as. Sabbath School at 2:30 p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30. Everyone invited, FRANK H. DEAN. A ttorney at L aw . XENIA, OHIO. 41E. Main 8L, Xcuis, O. Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Comer High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. Bine Front Stable. Leave your horses there and your rigs be kept on the inside, out or the rain and storm. > 20 N. Fouutuiu Avenue, Springfield, O. , C harle s , E . T odd , P ro p BUGGYS - AT - Altlt - Buggy Repairs of All Kinds. Imperial floats and Repairs. Consumption is robbed of Hs tenors by the fact that the best med­ ical authorities state that it is a curable diseaset and one of the happy things !about it is, that its victims rarely ever lose hope. You knew there m all sorts of s # * t MriruMi orfmtiMd to tm causuuiptiow, Soma imkt abuud idaiiM, Weonly » y fort if token in time and the I kwi of health are preptny odwy I* soorrs EMULSION vriff heal the InflammatlMt of the throat and fang* andnourldt and thajUdy sothatHem priw vr mmmm* %biv« thauoimdi of tsstfc whoa poopie data th^ wmwm fwimmmmt pnw or iBOOBEWAUi Vtt will pay the above rewerd for any com of Liver Complaint, Dytpepii*, Sick Head­ ache, Indication, Conatipetfon or Coativeneai we cennot cure with Liverlta. the Up-to-D»t* Little Liver Pill,when the dirMtiona nre atrlet- ly compliedwith. They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give Mtiilhetieu. 25c boxee contain 100 Pilia, lOcbexae oobUlnd* Piile, Sc boxca contain 15 Pilla. Bawara of aabatUa- .iiooaaad Imitationi, Seat by mail, Stamp* taken. NERVITA MEDICAL CO., Cot. Clinton and Jackaen 8 ti., Chicago, III. For aale by O, M. Ridgway, dragglit, Ccdar- ville, Ohio. ’ Tertar*AVttaeee Intense suffering was endured by witness T. L. Martin, of Dixie, Ky., before be gave this evidence: ”1 coughed every night until my throat was nearly raw, then tried Dr. King's New Discovery which gave instant relief. I have used it in my family for four years and recommend it as the greatest remedy for Coughs, Colds and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. I t will stop the worst cough, and not only prevents but ab­ solutely cures Consumption. Price 50c aud $1.00. Every bottle guaran­ teed. Trial Imttlcs free at Ridgway & Go's, Drug Store. AreYMiCMctlpatoU? Do you have that tired feeling? Do you feel sluggish, billions and out of sorts generally? Do you have sick headache? Do. you have pimples, eruptions, blotches, ulcers, sores or other results of constipation? The sewer of the body must fie kept in an active, healthy condition and nothing does it so welt as Bailey's Laxative Tablets. Their use brings on a clear, rosy, beautiful complexion, A tab­ let or two takeu at night makes you feel fine in the morning. 10c packages contain 20 tablets, and CO in 25c packages, Tablets chocolate coated, The written signature of W. J , Bailey on each package, Hnmplc free. They promptly relieve and then cure con­ stipation Bold by Ridgway A Co. . For Sale. 1 have several desirous farms for sale. \V. L. C lema **, —-Lace Curtains 00c pair up. Window Bhades 12|e each and up. Matting 12Je yd and up. Carpet 25c yd aud up, A complete Carpet and Curtain stock. Alexander A Hpahr. CEDAR--WILKF.S, By REDWOOD. Dam, PEARL WILKES. The above named fine bred Trotting Stallion will make the season of 1900 at my place. , He ia a rich seal brown, 16 hands high, fine action and style. Them is no better brad hone in Southern Ohio. Now is the time to breed; good horaca are bringing good money. Call and see him. T erms : Ten Dollars -o insure mare with foal. A. O. BRIDGEMAN, Cedarvitlc, Ohio. OPENING Summer Wash Fabric. 8ILKS-»Figured, for a Bummer Dress, just right price and very popular. COR8ET8—AH the new shape. Excellent Summer Corsets 50c. KIDB—All the pretty shade for $1.00 and $1,50. CARPET KOOM -Full Velvet Body Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry, Art Sguaroa, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Bortierrra, Window Shades, Grill, Linoleum, (Ml Cloth, Rag Carpets. You will he pleated with the pi icesaa many have visited other cities and we have aecured the sales, 8WT Finely stocked. Tailor Made Suits, Waists, Petticoats, •Jackets, Separate Skirts, Muslin Underwear meeting large sales, Knit Underwear 25c to 50c, H utchison & Q ibney M l Btltl. C M M i l Sfiitkeni T riik liit —- I H —— '• KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. ALABAMA. M lSSISSim. FLORIDA, . WHERE ■’ ■■■ Farmer s, Fruit Growers, JStopk Salter*, Manufacturert, Inventors, Speeulasors and Money Lenders will find the gr<t»te,t cIieii(W* in the Unite* State* to meke **big nipneyv by j ’eeeon of tL« ahnndanoe anlohenpneu of laid a m TONS, TIMBER AID BTOIB, nOR AID GOAL. - LABOR-EVEBITHIIQI Free *ite«, jOneaeie) ***i*tanee. end freedom from taxation, for the mennfnotuier, 1 Lnnd and form* at SI.00 per' acre end op.. wards, nndAOO.OQOaere* In West Florida that een be taken p U ii under U.S. Uomestcd lew*. Stockraieing In the Gulf Coast District will make enormous profit*. Halfhr• excankmthe First and Third TOMtley*efewh month.. Let ne know what yon want, and we will tell you where end. how io get it—but don’t delay, a* the country 1* Oiling up rapidly. Printed matter, map* and all informBtioh free; ■ Address, - R. J. WEMYBB, General Immigration and Industrial Agt. Lonisville, Xentnoky, —THE- + Arcade PhotograBber > Is the most reliable and trictly Up-to- date Artist iu the city—pringfield, O. Legal Notice. Hadassah Hamilton residing at Monmouth, III., twill Dike notice timt 8 uit n'Bem f fm c ^ n f *gsitiBt her ln- torpUaded with others, in the Com­ mon Pleas Court of Gfoene county, Ohio, byL. W. Blair, e ta l, as trus­ tees of Tho Reform Presbyterian Church of Cedarvilte, plaintiffs. The pray of the petition in said action ii to quiet the title to the following real estate situated in said Greene Co. O., towit: Being part of military survey entered in the name of.Wm. Torn- kiiis. No. 3745, and bounded as fol­ lows: Beginning at a stake in the easterly margin of the Clifton toad 11 poles from the alley north, of J. Orris second additiou to the town of Cedarville; thence N., 16 W. 10 poles to a stake; thence N, 74 E. 15 poles to a stake; thence 8. 16 E, 10 poles to a stake; thence 8,. 74 W, 15 pi'lea to tlie beginning. Raid defendent is required to answer said petition by June 16th,.1900. R. L. G owdy , - Attornev for PlaintiiTs. apr28 6w BROKEN BRIC-A-BRACS Mr. Major, the famous cement man, ef New York, explains tome very iatsresting fsets abonl Major’s Csment,, The mululudes who use this tUaderd article know that if it many hundred per cent, better than othegeemaaf for which similar claim* ar» Made, hub a greet many do wot know why. Tht simple reason is that Mr Major use* the beet Material ever discovered and other mseufset- srera do not nee them, because they are too ex­ pensive and do not allow large proftts. Mr. Major tell* a* that oite of the element* of bit cement costa 83.75 a pound, and another costs X2.GT a gallon, while a large share of the ea- celled cement* and liqnid glne upon the mat- k«t are nothing more than-eixteen-eent glae, dissolved lb waterorcUricacid, end, In *oart easeg sKered slightly in color or odor by tk# addition of cheap and airless material. Major’s cement retails at fifteen cents sad twenty-cents a hottle, and when a dealer tiles to sell a substitute you can depend upon it that hi* only object i* to snake larger profits. The profit on Major'* cement is as much it any dealer ought to make on any Cement. And this i* doubly true in viewof the feet that **eh denier get* his share of the benefit of Mr. Me- jor’sadreTtlsifig, which now amounts to over $3,000 amonth, throughout the country. Ft- tabifshed tn 1H7K. . Ineiit on haring Major's. Don’t accept »*f an-hand advice from a druggist. I f you are at aUhandy (and yon will helike­ ly to dud that yen are a good deal moresotbs* yon Imagine) yon can repair your"rubber beetJ and family ski**, and any other rubber *»• leather article with Major’s Rubber Ceiseel and Major’s Leather Cement, And yon will he surprised at howmany dm* law a year yon will that save. If pour druggist eaii’t supply you, U will h* ftnrwarded kymail;e(thet kind. Free ofpostt**' ■dnwafc-dMe*yMmsauSi«wmjnd. t f o l l 0C1XR TTWIOUTOUT XXIftf Yeurdruggeet, whomyou know to be »•*»% will Ml you that he is authorised to refund NW awry pureheeer where j f M t n fiUlft to ear* any *«ee of ITCHINO- RLJtND, BLXRDINU/ w FROTRL'DIW FILMS, no Matter of tow tetig steading. C*rt# •rdlusry ease* to eta days. One drives eatNi end ra*i Raiiores Itching lastssW. This is a new discovery mud 1*eold on a J***’ tivajguhrantoe, Mo Ours. H* Fay, MR ft-H . Foe Mfehy <?. M,Ridgway. TOOCTABAODLDHOIK DAT, Takw LaxaUvt Bromi* Tabkrta. All Avugginfo rafttml w» RjteW If H Iklia to taw, E, Wd DWrfi rirtatoraIk on iarii box* vTa«a.(MWiTO40ltnrast he rout Wifcy Didn’t Exactly | gestion aa to -■ "My wife hs* been .for the pant three w | I would like for Chr' "Well, I auppoae "Yes. The first tb was att umbrella, be » distance from my . tmd I have to walk it] la would come in hut Then there are con like very much. <1 them as nearly as Ei pud have been addin| u i happened to tl else in that line. Ii tabs and studs for fu| and I gave her to she did not feel lik^ over the matter, I B take the money *hc| me and buy myself i sight I had occaaid closet we, don’t use | .found my present placed before me ox lag.'’ . 1 Of course, then,| adopted your aug cigars." '‘No. I'm goingl with a beautifully —Chicago Timee-H| What "Papl A party of druii bled at a railroad i village to wait for | drammer* were v other was guying . ."Well,” said thl wasn’t room tor f hair, and,the bral^ eroua pushed the, A sallow cout ■ standing near by, What pep told mel "What did he tl of the drummer*. I “Pap," respond! "alius ’lowed aa 1 didn’t peed no kl| ’The bald-head* the drinks.—Meml The _ The great die. Rubicon faltering borne a t last to th. stream be hesitat "How different I a college gradi with emotion. This Incident , toons Roman ad( advantage of eve lata a liberal edu ^hat, Rfoalbuf totoXUfia re Perriime . Rlwfouf to hay yot 9mm t Penlm* Rtoslhm ftohame d « the man’* , Rrarim* fahef.—,pi Na 1*4 A thltWhe* Toiift When thing priced 'tom HW.^Rai New „ l don’t! hahtt wt i-aliiwi had ntef at Itoitee*.««I ’