The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

-rt; - *>. to th«atr, Jtftftto tk tin rtlu I k***l VMtViMM. — 1 -WffalWw, I f a mau g<m into I*i» ofitoe to ro« t m *ditor the whole towu know* it, ' 11 f Nearly every day somebody comet •round withtomescheme upon which he «tyt he does not expect to collect «ny money till the food* are do- Uvered. f t t ; Lots of girl* who hardly ever had ft beau, get married toon when they move to a strange town t f t Tlie woryt thing school kids can call their teacher it “ old maid.” f t t When a man want* to nuike it ap* pear that he it real good and innocent* he says that he ‘bilnt no politician.” I f f The ouly consolation is that some people cannot stay forever, f t f Nobody isas much to be pitied as the fellow who imagines that the girls are all stuck on him. t t t Old abolitionists still patronise Negro barbers. ■ t t t Some trifling white people talk about Vworthless niggers.’' t t t You get tired of a woman wearing the same hat quicker tlmu you do of a man. t f t ■’ You can’t tell the size of a locomo tive by the .whistle. V . t t t We have never seen a barber with a full beard. t t t Why call n physician ‘'doctor” or a preacher “ reverend,” anymore than a farmer “ Agriculturist Jones”or a sex ton “Grave-digger Brown." t t + ’ Sometimes a fellow gets a good news item liecause folks don’t want it printed* t t t The man who cau' remember ihe size of the collar he wears hasn’t much else to do. t t t A shiftless mans always thinks be could do better elsewhere* t t t No people are too low nor too high for divorces. . t t t The women think it is a big joke on a man to tell him he can’t take care of his baby. t t t A women can never take out her pocket book to get a thing she wants without a lot of other things falling out first.J t t f I f a man talks foolish, people say every time, ‘‘he must have been drinking.”, A l ex . M il l e r * a m M a u a s a s a s s SMMUltl B lood D is u s e s ! or la Vhm FIRST, •CBfeNDMft , THIRD9f*|aaj I r i i Pwal " “ “ 't S i S J . S W K W E " ™ n flood meal Cannot always be procured in short time, but we are able to. get up a first-class meal on the shortest .notice. We handle a line of cigars and fine candies un- equaled in the city. Fresh ' roasted peanuts every day. Try Our Lunch Counter. W i l l ia m s B ro s . Low rv Block. NERVITA PILLS Sutter* Vitality, last Vigorsnd Mubosft M U * i to p a le _ and fMtomi the _ _ of youth. .By nail C T S . per bo*. O boxee for w m ut ana *'v uwvam." hh MfpMfMMf I?,withoarbankable yaarantaetoonra maxut tbamoneypeia. Sendfor circular i copyofcmrbankableyueranteebond. HOTitaTiMBts^MSB - trauuiw&**«,) ■■**«** Jfecwte I tfnV nw a iM ran for L om of Bower, ;Netroue r S loMaHr.Pariljril*andthe ute ofBiceeilte Useof Tobacco, Opium or aow. Bjr nyUl to plain Package, fl.O ff a - x>9 tor $ 6.00 with our bankable gaar- aatee Ixma to core in 80 daya or refu “ ■wnaypaia. Addrw* ■ NERVITA MEDICAL. CO. Clinton&Jackson Sts,, CHICAGO, ILL. ■Hot Sale by C, M. ltidgwway. Druggist Cedirvillc, Ohio. J Carnt*, andTTadeJUm-keobtainedandaUPat-' “ ■burinmecwductcd tor M odkratc Fees. ! iOrrtociaoei>oaiTcu.ft.FATCNTOrricE werauaeeewr.patent in toretime than thoee rmete fromWashington, ;. Sendmodel,drawing or photo.,with deecrip- luoa* We advise, it patentable or not, free ot “ *• ' -duef.......... * ‘ ...... O ut feenotduetill patent it secured seatfree. Address, O .A .SN OW d tCO . ^Oee, fat *nr Orncr.WAaniNaraN, o. C. SO YEARS’ 'EXPERIENCE P a t e n t s (knaait 8 Id Otd#r) mdatt, I :law rata ro vki Psuns; From star miles of U bag 5tb; bat follows: I Church Meath). ■, June •trip ticket* nia Line* a* ilocated within one faun len, June 3*1, 4th gud 5 tb; from nation* beyond on* hun 1 dred miles, May 31st, June 1st, 2d and 4lli —*11 tickets will be aocepted for return from Camden without vali­ dation to June 9 th. Extension of return limit: By de- posit of ticket and payment of 1 eents to joint agent of Central ! senger Association on or before Jane 8 th, an extension of return limit may be obtained to leave Camden pot later than July 5th. An old Bible was bought for a trifle at a London book stall. The pur- j abater, an elderly lady, found' pasted between the leaves four £5 notes, with a written statement to the effect | that the testator bad no heirs, and left the £20 to the .person who found them inthe Bible.” Reduced fares to Detroit. _May 22d and 23d forNational Bap-, tint Anniversaries, tickets will be sold to Detroit, Michigan, from Pennsyl­ vania Lines stations at reduced rates, valid for return trip, leaving Detroit j not later than Wednesday, May 30th For further particulars please speak to local ticket agent of Pennsylvania Lines, or. address,C C ,H aines , D. P, A g t, Dayton,O. •fit n ifloWer show recently held in London, a vine wob exhibited that, was said to have been grown from seed taken fro.m the tomb of an Egyptian mummy 2000' years old T R U T H ! In placing before the public the merits of bur goods w t are careful to say nothing but that which is absolutely truthful, believing that the man who misrepresents his wares undermines his business. When we say we give to the purchasing public the best SHOES for the money the country affords we know it to be the truth and invite the closest Investigation and comparison. We ask you to care­ fully note the following prices: Ladies’ Shoes and Oxford Ties, tan or black, kid or cloth tops, any style toe desired from H5c to $2.90. Misses’ and Children’s shoes, Oxford ties and strap slippers GOc to $1.50. Men’s Dress Shoes, tan or black, all the late style toes from $1.00 to $3X0. Boys’ and Youths' Dress Shoes $1.00 to $2.00. These are shoes for every occasion and all uses and are made of the most durable leathers by skilled workmen. We solicit your patronage. YODNG & NISLEY, U ^ . j S 1 . Excursions to Akron. The Sunday School Association of j Ohio will convene Junedth at Akron. Low rate Exeursiou Tickets will lie sold June 4th ami 5lh via Pennsyl­ vania Lines and O. A. &C Railway, I valid returning not later than Friday, June 8 th. The recent floods in Texas have not injured the cotton crop. The reason is. that the cotton season in the Lone Star State is very backward this year aud no extensive planting itas yet been done. —“After suffering from sever dys­ pepsia over twelve years and using I many remedies without -permanent | good I finally took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ■ f t did me so much' good I rec­ ommended it to everyone,” writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what you eat. Ridgway ft C’o. a M i n u s C o r r e c t P r ic e s . U p - t o -d a t e S t y l e s . I p you ’re th in k in g of p u rch a s in g a ca rp e t you m ak e * a m is ta k e by not see ing our d e s ig n s and ge tting ou r p rices before looking e lsew here . —Marshall can care for more rigs than any other Livery Stable in Xenia. FKEEOPGHAB0E.- Any adult suffering from a cold settled on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any nature, who will call at O. M. Bidgway’s, will be-presented with a sample bottle . of Boschee’s German Syrup, free of ] charge. Only one bottle given to one person, nnd none to children without order from parents. BED ROOM SUITES, SIDE BOARDS, BOOK CASES, DOUCHES, &c. No throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale as Boschee’s _____ German Syrup in all parts o f the civilized World. Twenty years ago miliious o f I bottles were given away, and your druggists will tell you its success was marvelous, f t ps realty the only Throat and Lung Remedy generally endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent L m AAI jv aaialt am m *.«.«** -1_* _J_I_ J . HE. M o M I L L A N , Furniture Dealer. Funeral Birector & Embalmer. „ O e d iL C Y rS lta ,, Q S s i t a . . bottle will cure or prove its value. Sold by dealers in all civilized coun­ tries. '3 U ,Fair dealings is the Merchanlite Maguet—it draws the crowd* At their entry into Bloemfontein the Welsh regiment was headed by the ................................. to hi regimental goat, which seems bave thriven on the liard fare necessitated by the campaign. ACRYFROMNATURE* TRADE MARKS OcatoN* COPYRMtita Ac. OTienm ,sv Wi if*nui/ enrawarainv* '.uinpsniai ■MrMlrecmSdetaiM. HMMHmofconPMMti tlWt «HMft ttm t. t«k«n M .m ft to , MMtri t mtin, wtttKwt mtrm to«» A u/*#a*. tl ** .*—i* l . TTEeM^ i i m REV Vy Evftry Saffarar. ifleJHnerkaiL J.ww• W lJIf r i i f gtsWE*i*mR i Kodol Dyspopsia Cure j w i i i w h A t y o a o u t — ww t me rxiisiiHtea uigesHva OW n l a the >ateatdf*oovlr«deiMst> MIAMI tonic. Noothet preparation ‘WwjM'h It in afflcleney. I t in­ lyrtiieves am! permanentlyanmi 9 *ia, Indlg^tl(*r)» Heartbutn, JwoPtJJour Stomach, m m m l Fnf sale by Ridgway A ( 4n. CASTOR IA 9m tnJkMA^ Wkm S U 1 1 tom SSMNi $fkH —O d s rvtm kwiadqsartors wkUa is iMa Is at flrlse’i r R m n r i . Nature Soon rebelswhen the human machinery is out of order# Her ap­ peals for halp should be quickly an­ swered, Life ia too abort and dear to us to neglect nnr hsftlth. Wheti thesystembecomes run down the blood impure, the liver torpid, nerves on a quiver and the stomach refuses to do Its work, and nature ut­ ters a warning note* It may be a sick headache, nervousness, dyspepsia, catarrh, loss of appetite, insomnia, languor, constipation,but ft is nature’s signal of distress. The humanmachine should be at­ tended to without delay. The system needs building up, the impurities must he driven from the Mood, the liver todo its work ami the stomach placed in ftnatural, healthy condition. Knox Stomach Tablets are a new combination of vegetable remedies compounded by one of the best chem­ ists in the world; and are guaranteed to build up the whole system. They do not act as a stimulant, but are a sarsaparilla in a tablet form, contain ing twice the medicinal properties of mi ; other combination of remedies Lnorm. They give healthnndstrength to the entire bodyand immediately re­ lieve indlgtslon and positively cure "A singlebox will prov* their power to cure chritnk? invalid* sod make themstrong* healthy men ami women. Ifwaslde toseears Knox Htomach Tablet* of your druggets, sead 50a to iha Knox <3»a*a>sal tk».» Batthi Crash, Mkth.1 *m( a fhU alasd pusk afftwtKlwil DaaaYoar Stoaiach DtotreacY m ? Do you have pains in the side, nausea, Sometimes vomiting, distress after eating^ belching, constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples aud a repulsive complexion? I f you have any of these symtoms, you have dyspepsia or stomach disorder. These distressing troubles are promptly re­ lieved and then cured hy Bailey’s Dyspepsia Tablets. Pleasant to take. They will bring quick relief to the worst eases. Written signature of W. J. Bailey on each package. Price 25 cents. Sample free. Druggists who don’t have them will get them for you. Two kinds of tablets in each package. The latest discovery. Sold by Ridgway A Co Pulley Belts Clipper Ax with Handle Lawn Mower Childrens Bibs Garden Hose, 50 ft. Bed Spread Ladies Gauze Undervests Spring Veiling Oak Picture Easel Featherstitch Braid Large size can Crown Lye White Wash Brushes Leather Halter 1 pr Lace Curtains, 29 in wide and 2 £yds tong Brush Skirt Binding, pr yd^ 5c Empress Corduroy Skirt Binding 4c 2 J in Torchon Lace pr yd 6 c 2 in « “ “ 3c Corsets 20 c up Red Damask, pr yd 21c Infants caps 6 to 40c “In His Steps,” book 9c A complete line of Ladies Men’s and Childrens Shoes, allpriccu 23c ■ 75c $2 78 3c $4.55 41c up 10 c up 8 yd 30c 3c bolt 9c; 5c yd | 39c | Chamber Sets, 6 pieces Ladies Muslin G owiib Chenille Table Cover Churn Fishing Poles, 16 feet long Ice Cream Freezers Whisk Broom Horn Hair Pins 7 for Dollies, 18x18 Tnmblers perdoz Day Book 200 pages 6£xl5 ~ Ju $215 50c 65c 69c 6 c $1.70 3c 5c 5c 20 c 65c 22 c Col mbian Ing'rain Carpet 29c yd St. Cecelia Medallion 59c Oxford Teachers Bible 65c Itidiug Bridie 66 c Ladies Kid Gloves 67c Itouss Water Praof Umbrella 70c Jute Rug 36x72 95c Ladies Solid Gold Ring $1.14 Eight Day Clock $1,90 Gold Filled Watch $5.70 Men’s Boy’s and Childrens Clothing Men’s, Boy’s and Children Hats New style tucked Shirt Waist 55c Black Spring Capes 60c 8 Slate Pencils 1 Carpenter Pencil 60 in. Tape measure 2 doz Hooks & Eyes Dime Bank 6 doz. Shirt Buttons Pocket Comb with case No. 2 Hercules Safety Pins Screw Driver Invisible HairPins, per box David’s Black Ink 4 in. Kid Hair Curlers No. 2 Curling Irons Padlocks , Wire Soap Dish Palm Soap 8 x 6 Picture Frame Dress Shields 50 ft. Fishing Line Compass Pencil Mops Stand Cover Complete line of Leather Belts 5c up Ladies Ready made trimmed Drawers 47c per pair 5c 6 c 8 c 10 c 15c Since 1868 the corn production of this country has increased more than 122 per cent, while the production of wheat has increased nearly 35 per cent. NEW YORK RACKET STORE JOEL ORANSKY, Proprietor. X . O U i l l , AF*H JHayaklifer Will often receive painfult cuts, sprains or bruises from accidents. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, will kill the o i i i o . PATENTS GUARANTEED IfUAMlO tCCll* Only 25c. Try U. Hold hy Ridg- way ft Co., Druggists. Onrff«r«at»*d if-wefull, AftyMewmUitg ................... (laa of ftay Iftvetttioa fill sketcMand ____.................... ..... tttowijHIy tet«lv£ our Opinion free cancetrutaar ihe pVttnUMlliy ot txme. *new la Obtain« ratent" asm upon tMtwW. rat*«t* amtred IhrMiftHnsftdtotitfeedtoraaleat aur«xjpen«e. rateutatakrn out tHroMWMva r*P*iv« rpetlat *Wf^wMlHrt*chftrge.toTHnl'AtXM¥ftkCOKb, . A KoxOiMr Strftlw, Your best feelings, your social )>osi- tion or business successdepend largely on the perfect action ot your Stomach and Liver. Dr, King’s New Life Pills gives increased strength, a keen clear brain, high ambition. A 25 cer.t box will make you feel like a aaw being. Hold by Ridgway ft <V>, Druggists raMMWHk«,iuaai |iil a n«Asnns stawnlH «n lltustralrd *nd widely rlreutsied JoutaM, cPiisuMed byMSuufdfiutersuad Inreators, Head tor samplecopy FIlKK, AddieW* VICTOR xlt ftVANft A DO, ItkitfM tAtHmf*,) gVMS iNUffeSft, WAUHlN&TON, p t 6. i i U H J W U H U m wWR*IRMis . Prim (M ian . Ilb* Our General Catalogue quote* them. Send *50 to partly pay postage or cxprtxsage and well tend you one* Ithsi txoo page*, 17,000 illustration* and quod** prices on nearly 70,000 things that you eat and use and wear. We constantly carry In stock all article* quoted. / StIIjiL €M**#lfii*i»ti D i v i n g fenn8Ulwnia"~ ~ i 7 T ™ D u ^ <yjplfew ■aa tlSfi. WESTWARD. SlrlngHM*...I y . T<lbv lyriigi,.*’ Xeuii... ,lv. Dayton. nr. iv. BraokviH*.. 4» Eld»rIda... <> Richmond..-ar. ---- - 4, ....... }g£l t/tmdw. ... “ 1 30* 7£e Xii 3 re : )»<,. . **, .... (!81£, 9£5 Kflinft...... ......... ,f 1 .... i00i T r a u fftraSSA 8-iCiQ3S; * ”■**........ lift.! ♦Iff 1037 *torln«Vftltoy...:. •• U432S.... »o» ItoXHBtt* .......*'; - t ':G54 Wri»yiMWT)U« ..... “ <437131011 eff (im soiito.,.....,.“ T1 43 : n 14 Fort ARelent . « , nfig M arrow Houtli IA. liovelujtd. Milford.-.,..... ,... -- * j *izw 1 7 1 H«UivtoJe........ •». ijij, V *****] CiHftliMiMtt....« r;<3310401 IBS SCff 83ft *, iAU!A!I}p&i; n j1j.Jji S _ i 619 j 235 • .. 6301311)! 25? 503 tue£»i'.V'' T« ‘ j lid, -■ S0^03011364»}»g-1 •*<»........ ” ,533I00IWil4a(fi5«i f c ..... ’ '1 1 Xftstwftrd. C in e l u M f l lv liutaviuJe,.. “ Milford.... “ (jovetond.... -* Bo. Ijahanon " Morrow-.....“ F t. Aifolcot** Oregoatw.... •• AV*yne*vllIe “ lio su n n a -.., “ Bpr’g Valley »* X r n l a . . | f * Wllberforce Cedurvlle.,... " S elm a ** bitk Ckuintot " Ixtm lon........ “ W, Jefferson “ A lton .. “ Columbus ar. <714/ za 7m 6*i4 70S 330* 741 ... 7511007 758*191? •'80S-. 81ft 82? fS33}» 8501057 3"" 935.---- AM | AM ME 859 f 529*917' sj ? 79461 [ i B I t f c s l : ! ill 20!2iep* {7*512051251 I'MtAMI I'M Between SprleeXU, Xeate, PeUw. Blehniwi. ................ 'Roi) a» raiijar ’ **~ ESSTWSRD RiAwaiJr. Eldorado irMknll*..-' Dayton Xenlr I»hajMii er AM (•5501 1613 642 715 AM AM{AM *735 75<t 815! MOff 820*85CIOf4Sj 430 855- 917" 430 855 917 922 949 63010101025; 17 »i.-io;taranr AU I’ m ‘I’M;nr t215 I f U3ff A511 ( km J j I 3To PM AM ia*iojr 2 | 563(11 llH li *48 ilSii laoaj an;3043T4TaT~ lUO 7 15|ttt011 iff 7501 451135 7551 5$Alt 816211 8352% PM f PMj PM l*i|’ i m 2504*205*10 3*5S ;Sf31 On 25 .J95>: Of255‘i p i ? _____ 9.6 555 4510» P«j pmi 7 PMj rw 1 I? 40 I we u iistlug* puwago, r««Tsl cut illj. | Xuir. f Ii»fi Dirk FacedTypedeootuUai fam 13.00uea Isl2.00 aij. eight; UgktfwH mu 12.00 oUnighl to13.00 bms . I'lilimnu Sleeping Cnrteon.Vnc.a,5,c, Id. Iftnnrl <11. a IBI oai -onn4 limiml.«Un..1nu. 1 , 14,so u n d 3 either r through‘vlaOxliim- ........ * ’ fith‘ ----- bus ;tnd I’lttsbiirKh or comicet lltrcinsli IMU. burgh Union Station to nnd from Ilnltltnoro, Washington, Philadelphia mid New Yuri.-. *<>*. 3 , n o t a n d 21 connect a t Itlchmond fur ludfanaiiolisnnd St. Louis: Vn-. Al im tl 3 for Chicago: No. 301 for Ijogansport. L. I*. LOBES, K A. POUD, Ceatral Haragtr, Goenl Punitgir igt^ 12-10-99.-1? PlTTSIlURan, PESN'A. For timecards, rates of fore, throngli tickets. bng'x.igo chcclcs, und furttier Information re- gardlng the running o f train s apply to any 4gentof th e Pennsylvania Lines. OUR6L0R10US0DDNTRY. Have you watched; it* marvelous growth ? If not, The Weekly En­ quirer wants to study the. strides it has made. The first census of the United . States was taken in x 8 io. Since then every succeeding ten years. The re­ sult has been as follows: Year. Popolathm., Yaar. , 1810 ..... 7,239481 1890 . . . .31.443,321 1820 .. . .9,833,822 1879 .. ,38458,371 1 to—»,»«»—wear;-.50,155,148 1840.. ..17 .089.453.1890.. .82.022,250 1880.. . .28.191,876 Here you have the figures of a basis of calculation, The problem now is: What will be the population of the United States, excluding recent acquisitions. The result is usually announced in jfuly of the census year. T he W eekly E nquirer is anxious to engage all in a study of their coun­ try. To this end i t will distribute cash amounting to $ 25 , 000 , for solu­ tions received of the population of the United States Census, as follows: 1 fothfintBMnitwrradtp m rtetirai.f& 000.00 TottiMMBd... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800.00 Toth*third......... 750.00 Ibtfcafxrtli....,......,.,. . . . . . . 800.00 TothaflfUl...................... 250.00 fotha s ix t h ........... . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 '[OthaMTtnth.............................. 150.00 1 '0 thaMxt 10, itch$100, um tiag to. 1.000.00 TothaoaxiSO, MchfC^SMUtiocla. 2400.00 Tothaout 100,taskf25, uoiMiMti. 2400.00 1 to thaB«xi500.wok flO, utoutiiig to . 8,000.00 To U n atxt 1,630, itch fS, UbMxtug to. 7,050,00 2197 cathprutfitt amuntififtt 1 28,000.00 In case of a tie, money equally di­ vided. Every guess on the above proposi­ tion must be accompanied by a year’s subscription to theW eekly E nquirer . You can guess as often as you care to inclose subscription price to the W e e k l y E n q u ir e r , This contest will close a month be- bre the result of the census will be mown and officially certified by the Director of the United States Ccnsu* at Washington, D. C, Subscription price for the W eekly E n q u ir e r (including guess) is only $ 1.00 a year. Eleven copies and eleven 'guesses for $ 10 . 00 . For full particulars see W e e k l y E nq u irer . Send atl orders to E nquirer Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crown BAK ING POWDER AWROLUtaLV PURE*! •NO a a a t maok . « g o t o BY A l l Fjps£ CLAioiV «IBOCSRS..».j» CMttKSTEM CMLISfl PENNYROYALPILLS *S5S^ S i K K R . - - r & rwi a*^ MMiMjimiiaa oftaaiteAl. «). w ftita i > ii 5> ihm i » i 3 iiw )» i . mni*A« *•* 4$NMN$Nk$$$$ i f y o S h a d e s , 1 this editi Ing 19c per }* thread Gran! 23c per j Union Ingr*i 39c per yi extra Super (fast colors i 45c per y< Super fine l ions choices! 65c per Super Fine on earth, ev itively guan extensive, genuine wit for this inal 55c per y. When You RIDOWi Loc —Potai —New and Tonu Warm s u b s titu te . —Grai in his iim ’Mr* W block of —Gof Jersey S MiasB her posit Home, a with her We n transfers Tarbox in Cedar —500 35 to 40 now to Spahr. Rev. anee at Chicago night. Rev. M * - M i can’t m getting M awh the rol YARt» 4 compet 8tore. The vras m the he share a and ni the lab ing. t h a t p * eetim.i — 1 bat a tellab in mj Dkrr! M ly of th! eAftcte m m