The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

Springfield, If you read it in our ad. you’ll find it at our store. t A word to the reader of this paper: If your shopping is goverened by the doctrine of real economy you’ll examine the Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Shades, Wall Paper and Lace Curtains during this sale, commencing today and continuing.until Tuesday next. The items quoted are fair representatives of the grade of others that are crowded out of $ris edition. We hope the keenest sticker for economy will investigate. Ingrain Carpets, 19c per yard for the beBt quality 3 Granite Ingrains value 30c. 23 c per yard for 40o Extra Super UnionIngrain Carpets. 39c per yard for 55c all wool C. C, . wtra Super Union Ingrain Carpets (fiat colors and newest styles.) 45 c per yard for 55c all wool Extra {superfine Ingrain Carpets this sea- ionschoicest styles, 95 c per yard for Lowell Extra gaper Fine Ingrain Carpets the beBt bnearth, every yard aud color pos­ itively guaranteed. Assortment very extensive. Ours have the stock none genuine without it. 85c is fair value jbr this make. . 55 c per yard forhigh grade Brussels Ingrain Carpet, newest patterns, Newest patterns, Weaviug qualities | unsurpassed, $1 00 eleswheve. Brussels Carpet. 50q per yard for 65c Tapestry Brussels Carpet with or without borders. 59c per yard for Smith & Sanford's 9 wire Tapestry Brussels Carpets with or without Borders, the 75c grade. 75c pm yard, 50 select patterns Smith, Sanfords & Stinson’s 10 Wire Tapestry Brussels Carpets, Borders to match, the best goods made. 90c is the regular price. 98c per yard Bigelow, Lowell & Hartford Body Brussels Carpels with and without Borders, regular . price $1.35; Wilton Velvet Carpet. 90c pci- yard Smiths, Sanforda & Stinson’s ■High Grade -Wiltons the very choicest styles, borders to match regular price $1.25. SPECIAL—Several lots Smith’s best Axminster Carpets with and without Borders. Sold everywhere at $1 25. Our price during this sale, 75c. per yard. Art Squares (all wool), $4 49 for the 6 00 kind 2^x3 yds. $5 49 for the 7 00 kind 3x3 yds. r 86 25 for the 8 00 kind 3x3J yds.; $7 00 for the 9 00 kind 3x4 yds. * Granite Art Squares. Size 24 by-3 yds, sale price 82 98 each. Size 3x3 yds, sale price 3 49 each. Size 3x3^ yds. sale price, 3 98. Size 3x4 yds, sale price, 4 49. Rugs! Rugs!! 05c each, Smith’s Moquette Malts, 18x36 inches, value 1 25. 81 90each, Smith’s Moquette -Bugs, 27x63 inches,, value 3 00. $2 90 each Smith’sMoquette Bugs, 36x72 inches, value 5 00. Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums. One,Third less than regular prices. Floor -Oil Cloths, 19c to 50c per square yard. Linoleums, 39c to 75c per square yard. Mattings Almost Given Away! 8 o per yard.for 12 ^cChina Mat­ tings. 121c per yard for 15c jointless China Mattings, 15c per yard for 19cjointless China Mattings, extra heavy. 15c per yard for 25c. Linen Chain Fancy Jap Mattings. 25c per yard for 35c Linen Chain Fancy Jap Mattings. Wall Paper Borders and Ceilngs to Match. 3c for 7c wall papers. 5c for 8 c wall papers, very choice. 8 o for 10c‘and 124c wall papers, very choice. Window Shades and Curtain Poles. 8 c each for -15c shades, spring roller. 25c each for 50c linen shades, spring roller, 3x,7 feet. 33c each for 55c linen shade, spring roller, 3x7 feet, face trimmed. 124c each for 25c brass trimmed Curtaiu Poles. 10c .each for 25c brass extension Curtain Bods, 22x44 inches. Ruffled Swiss Curtains. 49c. 98c, 81 25, 1 50, per pair, former prices, 81 00, 1 50, 1 65. Nottingham Lace Curtains. 49c, 69c, 98c, 81 25, 1 50, 1 98, 2 25. 2 50, 2 98 and 3 50 perr pair. Former prices, 75, 8100, 1 25, 1 75, 200,2 50,3 00, 3 50 and 4 00. Ruffled Net Curtains. $1 49, 2 49, 2 98, 3 50, 3 98, 4 50 per pair. Former prices, 82 00,.3 00, 3 50, 4 25, 4 75. 5 00 and 6 00. Hand Made Brussels Curtains. 83 98, 4 50, 5 00, 6 00, .6 50. 6 98, 7 50, 8 90 aud 9 90 per pair. Former prices, $4 50, 5 50, 6 00, 7 00, 7 50, 800 ,9 00,10 50,11 75. Irish Point Lace Curtains. . 85 00, 6 50, 8 50, 9 50 per pair. Former prices. 86 00, 7 75, 10 00 and Tambour Lace Curtains. $3 98, 5 00, 6 50, 6 98, 8 50 and 9 90 per pair. Former prices, 85 00, 6 50, 8 00, 8 50, 10 00 and $12 50. Note—This special and extraordinary sale opens tomorrow, continuing one week. Note 2 —Make use of our Quick Mail Service. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Limestone Street, Springfield, Ohio. When You Purchase perfumes, toilet soaps aud such articles as pertain to the toilet, you want the best and a t a reasonable price, You wilt find ua able to com* „ ply with this wish always RIIX1WAY & CO., the Druggists. Opp. Opera House. I Local and Personal —Potato Plants at Dobbin’s. —New crop canned Apples, Corn and Tomatoes, a t Grays. Warm weather is about the beet substitute for coal. , —Gray keeps nothing but ihe best in his line of goods. Mr. W. P. Townsley is having his block of business rooms painted. *» —Go to R. W. Kennon's for pure Jersey Sweet Potatoes Plants. Mias Bernice Northup has resigned her position at the O. 8 . A S. O. Home, and has come home to stay with her parents. We notice among the real estate transfers the following: Then. H. Tarbox et at to Lida O. Tarbox, land in Ccdarvilie tp., $ 1 . 00 , —500 yards Wool Dress Goods 35 to 40 in wide, was 50 to 65ct» yd. now to dose. 250 yd. Alexander A Bpahr. Rev. A. I). Maddox ia in attend­ ance at the Methodist Conference, Chicago. I l f will be absent a fort- night. The pulpit will be Silled by Rev, McCabe tomorrow. —Mistakes are often made, but you can’t make one by taking a look and getting our prices on C arpet * and M at - tiros , we sell them right off the roil and will save you So YAitn on Carpets over any of our competitors, at Bird’s Mammoth store. The will of the late Matthew Carry waswad Monday in the presence of the heirs. He gave his property, ware and share alike, to his nephews « d nieces, excepting the children of the late M, C, Allison, who get noth­ ing. There are some eighteen heirs that partake of the property which is estimated at $75,000. H t consider it not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbor* to tell about the wonderful cure effected « my case by the timely use of f hamberlam's Colic, Cfcoiei* end pierrhoe* Remedy. I wee token very with flux and procured a bottle " t h i s remedy, A few does# of R •Jested a permanent <mr». I toke r*ewtw f# rm n u nm ib g ft to otber* fttm» that drmdfirfaiemew W» t o n e * , D o tt, W . V i , fW i ^ w d y k i f t o h y a ii.tU p m r - •—The ancients believed that rheu­ matism was the work of u demon within a man. Any one >vh’o has had an attack of sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism will agree that the inflic­ tion is demoniac enough to warrant the belief. I t has never been claimed that Chamberlain's Pniu Balm would cast out denious, but it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds bear tes­ timony to the truth of this statement. One application relieves the pain, and this quick relief which it affords is alone worth, many times its cost. For sale by C. M. Bidgway. Bev, David Tatum, a Quaker evangelist from Denver, Col., de­ livered a lecture on “Intemperance and How to Save the-Boys,” in Ervip A Williamson’s hall last Tuesday evening. Mr. Tatum has had a large experience in this work, and was greeted with n fair sized audience. —Harness are only a trifle higher in prices than they were several years ago; so do not get frightened, but come to my Store, and get yourself a nice single Harness at reasonable prices. Dorn, the Harness Man. Dr. P, B. Madden, Practice lim­ ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. Telephone.—Office No. 72, Residence No. 37. Parties having contributed money to pay expenses of library committee to Pittsburg can get same by calling on R. F. Kerr. Auy money uncalled for will be turned over to library. —“ DeWitt's Little Early Risers sre the finest pills I ever used.” —D. J . Moore, Miltbrook, Ala, They quickly cure all liver and bowel trou­ bles. IUdgway & Co,, druggists. lu last week's issue under the library article, in regard to the ad­ dition of new books, we stated that forty volumes were lately added when it should have been sixty. —T hu N ew I dea P atterns , also the new S ummer R eview , containing the “L atest ” in Women’s wear. Pattern’s any size or kind only, 10c each at Bird's. The many friends of Mr. Ton: Smith wilt be glad to learn that lie has returned to his homo nt .Xenia after S'few weeks* stay at the Dayton Hospital. C’fms. Gilbert and wife, of Smith Charlestown, spent Sabbath with Mr. G.’s parents. Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Gilbert, ± 500 yards Colored Organdie:: was 25e yd; just 4—1 21 c yd. . Alexander A Bpahr. Several from here attended a party last Tuesday, given by Miss Dorcas Brickie, of near Jamestown. ‘—New Crop California Apricots, Peaches, Prnmes, Grapes and Raisins, i t Gray’s, Go to Orircs when in Xenia for nice clean meat. Hav* you paid your road fax yet? I f not, why not? —Ifyoi want anything fomlfo t o G r a r * ■All kinds of fence wire at Mit­ chell’s. —Strawberries, F resii E very D ay , at Bird’s. Most all of the township schools dosed yesterday. —Blackberries, Gooseberries, Rasp­ berries, Beans at Gray’s. The biggest thing un=icq this sum­ mer will probably lie the price of it. ■For newest things in S traw H ats , try at Bird’s Mammoth Store. The city council met last Tuesday evening and allowed the usual bills. —You can get 10c doz. far Eggs and 12c lb for choice Butter, At Bird’s. College avenue is being graded add improved, much to the appearance of the street. •Before buying a cultivator see the Young Buckeye. Kerr & Has­ tings Bros. Professor McCheaney will preach ia the Reformed Presbyterian -church, tomorrow at I I a. m. Mr. D, S. Ervin is making some improvements about his office, in that another room is being added, Miss Lee Johnson, who is employed at the O. S. & 8 . O, Home at Xenia, spent Sabbath with her parents. Ben Williams, who recently sold bis interest in the restaurant to his brother, John, spent a few days here bis week. Last week Mr. 8 If. Turnbull bought three threc-ycnr-old calves from B. C. Watt, which averaged 1090 lbs, —Don’t forget we can screen your windows and doors from flies. Most anything in stock, but we can make anything at Mitchell's. Die. J . O S tew a r t, Pliyscian and Surgeon. Specialist in E y e a n d E a r . G la s s e s A c c u r a te ly A d ­ ju s t e d , S atisfaction G uaran ­ t e e d , —In order to be prepared to handle the immense wheat crop of the season, we would like all grain sacks hearing the brand “Andrews &Co.”, returned at once. Ifcrr & Hastings Bros. \ The Clifton High School Alumni Association will hold their fourth an­ imal banquet at the Old School House, Clifton, 0 „ Thursday even­ ing, May 24, to which all members of tins Association are cordially invited to bo present. —We are showingsome very pretty Lawns, Dimities, Ginghams and White Goods, from 04c to 16c per yard. Also a choice lino o f L aces , Ar.t, OVEiis and E mbroideries for trimmings at reasonable prices, at Bird’s. J . C, Kennedy, Roanoke, Tomi, says, “ I cannot say too much for De< Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. One box of it cured what the doctors called ati incurable ulcer on my jaw,” Cures pile# and all skin diseases Look out for worthl«* imitation* Rklgway A Co. drajwkd*. -‘•I had. stomach trouble twenty! —18 lb Granulated Sugar for 81 ’ ;at Bird’s. —A choice line of all kinds of Groceries, at Gray’s. I call it the-savior of my•life,'.’ writes W .. B. Wilkinson, Albany, Tenn. It digests what you cat. Bidgway & Co. ■' -Our Hue of , S hirt W aists em­ braces some very pretty effects in P ercales nt 75c and 81 00 each. Also W hite W aists with fancy yokes at $1 00 and $1 25 each at Bird’s. All should make preparations to hear Mr. L. D. Boneurake tomorrow afternoon in the Opera House, who will deliver the Baccalaureate sermon before the class of “ 1900.” One hundred dollars subscribed and sent to the Gazette office for starving India,_ has been forwarded to the Christian Herald, which cables nil remittances direct to the sufferers. Quite a jolly crowd from here went over to Miss Fay Lacky’s- country home near Jamestown, last Thursday night and spent a most evening, Senator Kyle, from South Dakota, a former Greene county boy, is visit­ ing among his old friends nud^ic- quaintauces in this county. The unfortunate ones to loose horses this week, were Mr. Jesse Townsley and Ervin Kyle, while Mr. Will Northup lost a mule. Quite a number of the citizens of the town are having their houses freshened up with a fresh coat of paint Miss Ella^ Laudaker, of South Charleston, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Crouse, J r , this week. The only reason why some people marry is because the woman wants a home and the man wants a servant. I have the finest selection of WALL PAPER. All the latest designs. Ed, Nlsbet. It’s wrong to talk about a ( man behind his back; talk About him in front of his back, —Grice’s are sending out bettor cream than ever. Give them a call, Xenia, Ohio. —Go to Kerr A Hasting Bros, for farm implements, buggies, wagons ;1 etc. —For a S uit of C lothes from 85 to $12.50, try Bird’s Mammoth Store. You can see the effect of some one's road tax on Xenia avenue. —When you want harness go to Kerr A Hastings Bros, Kirt Randall furnished his school work at Selma, yesterday, —W anted : A cheap draft horse. ih B. Ervin. —Wanted—Bacon and Lard; will pay 8e $ lb for either at Bird’*, mu School Commencement a | week from last night, -Paints, varnish stain*; all kinds at Mitchell’s. —All kinds of Spring Blood Medi­ cine nt C. M. Bidgway-s. —Grice’s are now the belt place in Xenia for a first class 25c. meal. ---Kerr & Hastings Bros, arc pay­ ing highest prices for grain and wool. —Go to Mitchell’s when in need of any kind of lumber, sash, doors, blinds, etc. Homer Wade and Wilber Collet attended the baccalaureate sermon nt Charleston, last Sabbath. John Moorman, o f South Charles ton, shipped one of the largest loads of sheep of the senson from here, yesterday, Help for India Famine Sufferers, It is no doubt known to most peo­ ple thnta fearlul famine is again rage- ing in India. It is said to be the greatest o f the century. Urgent calls for help are coming from all quarters, and unless these are heeded multitudes must die from hunger and exposure. Some o f the churches have already responded, Believing however, that there are a number of people in town who would gladly help in this work of humanity, the W. C. T. U . at its meeting Thursday decided to open up n way for such to contribute. There is an urgent call for both money and clothing. As their mode of dres3 is so different from ours, sec­ ond-hand clothing will not be very suitable, so that those acquainted witli the situation ask that wc send prints, ginghams or such like goods, 5 yards of either beiug sufficient to make a skirt, also muslins, cheese cloth or goods of that texture for the indispensiblo vail, 3 yards of such goods being enough for that ptupose. i t was thought it might be more convenient for our merchants to con­ tribute of these things, while others might give money to buy food. Blankets, quilts aud sheets are also much needed. . * Mr, Mack Bull has kindly con­ sented to take charge o f any such articles as may bo left at his place of business, also to keep account of all money that may be given for this cause. I t is hoped the matter will immediate attention and by Wednes­ day o f next week all who can will have sent in their donation, Committee, R A P E S E E D . flangamn and JHillet Seed. W. R. STERREtfT’S. Facts and Fancies. Beginning with the first of June and running through the ' mouth, the citizens of this county will be visited by Uncle Sum's enumerators. As the time is not far distant, you had better commence to gather all the informa­ tion that will be necessary to answer the enumerator’s questions- There will be some twenty-five questions to answer. The following is a brief out­ line: Your name, sex. color or race, age, when and where born. Whether married, single, widowed or divorced. The birth place of each of your parents, occupation, trade or profes­ sion* Whether you can read or write. Whether you own or rent property, and if owned, whether free from mortgage. Questions will be asked the farmers in regard to the crops last year. Tin's work must be completed with­ in two weeks after beginning and within four weeks, reports from every Btato and territory in the union must be at headquarters in Washington, Aid*# Baggie* printed for $.1nt Woh LIST 01* L ttTCR i- List of letters remaining uncalled | for in the Uedarville postofllec for the! month ending May 19,1900, List No, 21. Wilaon, W. IL T, N, T arho * , F, *1/ In this poor, poverty stricken world there is all kinds of money. The first and hardest to get is cash money. The next is easy to get and hard to handle—matrimony, which is some­ times—too often, in fact—connected with alimony. Then there is patri­ mony, which falls to some of us. Then there is pin money which the Indies claim as a special perogative, and finally harmony, the guiding star aud spirit of existence of families, church choirs, labor unions and po­ litical parties. Now we have cash money, matrimony, alimony, patri mony, pin money, but the greatest of these is harmony. Brethren let us *eck harmony aud pursue it, for Solo or Rent. A Four room cottage, second door east of Opera House, Xenia avenue, mll)*2t M, A. C reswell , HSubtoribo for the Herald, Philosophic Notes. The diploma exercises of the Philo­ sophic Literary Society will be held in the R, P.-church. Friday night# June.l. The society will be addressed on that occasion by Raymond P. Garbold. a graduate of tlie college and a former member of the Philo- sohic society, and now a 3d year stu­ dent of the same seminary of Cincin­ nati. In addition to the address there will interesting declamations, good music and presentation of diplomas to the members graduating this year. Everybody is invited to these‘"exer­ cises which will he free of charge. The last meeting of the Philosophic Literary Society will be held next Monday evening. On last Monday evening the So* Iciety elected the following officers: President, Calvin Wright; Vice- President, Elkana Finney; Secratary, Echo D. Sterrett; Marshal, Samuel McMillan. The following members will receive diplomas from the society this year; Anna M. Orr, Mary Knott, Bertha Knott, Nellie Lewis, Clarence Young, Wallace Ilifle and J , Itobb Harper, Without a doubt this 1 ms been the best year in the history of the So­ ciety. While the meetings have been held every week instead of every other week, this has only served to increase the interest, and the meetings have been better than ever liefore. Homer’s First Lessee In Swimming. Homer Henderson had quite a scare at Ciiftofl, Thursday afternoon, while in swimming with 12d McOmvn aud Cecil George, Homer has never acquired the art of swimming and it was his inteutio:-. to keep close to the shore. The bank, however, was very steep and ho had only taken one or two steps when he found himself floundering in deep water. E l McGowan was the first to rcsdi him, but Homer was so badly seared that he clutched Ed around the neck nearly choking him, and it needed the assistance of Cecil to help extri­ cate thchi both, limner say* tha|ho will take his bath after this a with tu b .