The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
T t i e t j e t ' q l d . f l M A YJt»B. - InNwH 9 teBPwji$p*wi^^ MnN: #**»«4WahlsWas*. NATUNDAY, MAY 9$, JWO. ‘‘Do you. want a man who, having * t e d t e Star# and Stripes on’ «nr Now Possessions, wiH mniutain llim with dignity; Or » roan who will out down *OM Glory” and make us the laughing stuck of the world?” Admiral Dewey is finding out the ^-jgtflbrsooe between burrrali aud Presi daotial support. ‘ The pops figured that if one ticket would make things lively, two would tuake them livelier. The missionaries have given up figuring on how they are going to *Spend that Turkish indemnity fund. The only civilized country in which there are no labor strikes, is . New Eealand, which has a compulsory ar hitration law. One of the most encouraging signs o f the, season is Jerry Simpson’s an nooncement that he is disgusted with ‘■'.the political outlook. ^Tbe press of Germany do not like Senator Lodge’s Monroe doctrine .4$secbr h u t it meets the approval of ' tins American press aud people. We have given the Cuban an illus tration of our ability in the line of eorruptfon. We should now com- : ydets the process by showiug them how W*can punish. The coming eclipse of the sun will he only partial in the greater portion of the United States, hut the eclipse v t the democratic party next No willbe complete. Notwithstanding the space devoted I if the newspaper* to President Me* Kialey’a choice forsecond place on the ticket, we do not believe that he has eacpreaked * choice, or that he will, walsei it becomes necessary to head efiseme objectionable man. The Treasury Department recently dadared that the per capita circuit' Son o f the United States was about ,$NC» Now Secretary Gage says that geld stock is some $400,000,(MO less rlhau had bean estimated. This will ledas* the circulation to about $20 par capita—a dangerously low figure. If Senator J obss ’ plans of having fiatigates to Kansas City from Porto Nftso, Hawaii, and the Philippines is asr risil oat, that gathering will be Worth going miles to see. Senator JssMS oaght aot to stop with the Fili jmrn, howsTer, Why shouldn’t she ‘ riiawwf Sain come and bring along wot or fbur wives ? Saeratary Wilson is inaugurating Mi important improvement in the leeched e f displaying storm signals a t flbriaa ports. Under the new system mWeh wiSW adopted at one balf of t e $90 display stations of the Weather aaa daring the coming fiscal year, signals will be shown from high Wan towers, by lamps a t night and iia the day time. The Nicaraguan canal treaty has . t e a most unexpectedly reported fa te the Senate, and Senator says that he will get it that body before adjourn* I t’* chances still look (due, ryaaisa wonderful man, and ha has succeeded ia getting the • a t « f sea»mltt»a in the face of he encountered, it is In ant a limit to what he can fiauj * ftl* Sfifi wlflnl fnMfi IfA 1 m ■MU|J fite tftkia . j | l N ■fcnH, Ml I^NPw fan ka Washington la ' ft# JhMfelNNN' iHf || mi Vk#4*> dtete ntenuilte m m the In*, hi Cabs, ami -has pat been fhr* l i t naif Hem santhi for the : Mr iauieMt, Isa tna»pmint AM Agte ! j WKT • M l t e a t ! an* he. l a t e 1 T h adn lifu rte flU n itlfn t e w »t Xnata has hem fixed for July $4. Xtmia la esrtainly very fbrtnnsU in securing this great te w , as it will bn the means of attracting people fur many miles around, and if the weather ia favorable, she wilt b* visited by on* of the greatest crowds that has ever been in the city. (.sat, Strayed*r fiteMs, A spotted, black and white male hog. Return and receive reward, M«», A. G. M iller , A huslwnd waiting for his wife at a bargain tale is about the cheapest thing in sight. AW mua ’ j A w M Faril, “There is only one chance to save your life and that is through an open* tiou” were the startling words beard by Mrs, I. B. Hunt of Dime Ridge, Wi*., from her doctor after he had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electric Bitters which, wholly cured her. I t’s a won derful Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only 50 ets. Guaranteed. For sale by Ridgway & Co., Druggists, A fool spends his money in disci* { istion and n wise man speuds hit br recreation. / ' AaBplfaaloofWhoopingCough. Last winter during an epidemic of whoopiug' cough my children con* traded the disease, having severe coughing spells.. We had used Cham- berlaiu’s Cough Remedy very sue ceesfully for croup and naturally turned, to it at that time and found it relieved/ the cough and effected a com* plete cure—J oust E. C lifford , Pro prietor Norwood Houss, Norwood, N. Y , . This remedy iB for eale by C, M, Ridgway, Every man is either a hero or a coward, hut the majority are never unveiled —The nncieuts believed that rheu matism was the work of a demon within a man. Any one who has had an attack of sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism will agree that the inflic tion is demoniac enough to warrant the belief. I t has never been claimed that Chamberlain’s Pain Balm would cast out demons, but it will, cure rheumatism, and hundreds bear tes timony to the truth of this statement. One application relieves the pain, and this/quick relief which it affords is atone worth many times ita cost. For sale by C. M. Ridgway. Pride makes some people ridiculous and prevents others from becoming so. Lut TwtdxyW m Th#Day . to begin taking Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin for that indigestion. I f you didn’t you better ask C, M, Ridgway a t their Drug Store. They will tell ? ’OUjust what’s what for they are re- iable and on the square. Life's sincerest pleasure is found in doing your duty and doing it good. —J . Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace Crosby, Miss,, makes the following statement: “I can certify that One Minute Cough Gure will do all that is claimed for it. My wife could not get her breath and the first dose of it re lieved her. I t has also benefited the whole family.” I t act immediately and cure* coughB,.colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis, asthma and all throat and lung troubles, Ridgway & Co. A true.genius imagines that people misunderstand him. ■ —W. 8. Musser, Millheiro, Pa., saved the life of his little girl by giv ing herOneMinute Cough Cure when she was dying frani croup. I t is the only harmless remedy that gives im mediate relief, I t quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma and all throat troubles, Kidg way »t Co. The total receipts of the Porto Rican Treasury for March were $126, 622, ^Should you wish to improve the quality of your bread, use the Cele brated Yeast Foam, Nothing like it for producing a light, sweet, nutri tious loaf of bread. I t wilt retain its moisture and nutty flavor longer than any other yeast put upon the market. Try it, TliWMii'TlfriT"^— r - TNCMFViTAMf. 1 like the man who faces what he must With step triumphant, and a heart of cheer; Who fights the daily battles with* out fear; Sees his hope fail, yet keeps unfalter ing trust That God is God; that somehow, true and just, t t k poms work out for mortals; wet* tear * Is t e d when fortune, which the world holds desr, Falls from his grsep; better with love Thaa living ia dMiwior; envies not. Nor loam AHh la sms ; bat doss hi* InNiSt * Nor ewer asarwiam a t hie hamhlo kit, Ned wish A s a t e aad wmnds of Liovery wNsri he a^ae h great Hit e K. » t e » PromotesDigcntkinCheerful- nSO TARU UAMUm ft Apofecl Remedy forContlipi- Bon, Sour Stomach.Diarrtwca WormsConvulsionsJevensh- nesawndlioss o r S u b r FocSimie Signature of MEW YORK . r o r l n f l tm t i a n d C hU teep . TheKindYonHave . AlwaysBought Bears the Signature For Over EXACT COPYOFWRAPPER. at TMK eCPTAUPBINMNYt «*WVOIWCITY. CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNfS of Merchants and In- flividuals solicited. - Collections promptly made and remitted. D RAFTS on New York and Cin cinnati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient yray to send money by mail. T OANS made on Real Estate,. Pei- • 4 eonal or Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice PrcB., W. J . Wildman; Cashier, AXniglt of tks Grip T«tlflw. - M omenck , Ihh., Nov. 14,1898. I was troubled with a disagreeable feeling in my stomach caused by dys pepsia, and ou# dose of Dr. Caldwell’s Pepsin relieved iue. I will never be without it as it is the best remedy for Constipation and Indigestion I have ever used. P. R. C lark , Traveling Salesman for Pearson & Weytel, Importers of Queensware, Indmoadolis, Ind. In 10c., 50c and $1.00 bottles at C. M. RidgWay’s. Mr. Joe Osborn, who has been in Cincinnati for some time past, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer -Keyes. AFwt Bkyot* BM«r Will often receive painful cuts, sprains or braises from accidents, fiucklen’s Arnica Salve, will kill the pain and heal the injury. It’s the cyclist’s friend. Cures Chafing. Chapped Hands, Sore Lips, Burns. Ulcers and Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Try it. Sold by Ridg way & Co., Druggists. liPlMMit u Xifk I j n p Must remedies have something un upleasant to the taste and in consc' quenee many people, especially chil dren, dread the dose and put off en tirely or delay the taking of the medi cine that can do them good. Not so with Dr, Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin— everybody likes its taste and when taken it will cure constipation and ail kinds “of stomach troubles.” In 10c. 50c and $1.00 sizes of C. M. Ridgway. Canada proposed to reduce news- daper postage ny half* ’’ CHURCH DIRECTORY R, P. hurob—Rev. J , EV Moiton, Pastor, tervicoB at ' U;)K) a , m. Sabbath School at 10 a. an. Coveuanter Cbbrch—ltov. W, J . Siuujerson, pastor, llegular services at 11:00 a. m. Sab bath School at 10 a. m. U. P. Church-—Rev. P, O. Ross, pastor. Sor- vicesat a. u . 7:00 p, in. Sabbath School at 9;30 a.m Lstandard tiine. t - A. M, E. Church—Kev, Mr, Maxwell, Ras ter Preaching at' 11:00 a. w. and 7:30.p. in. Class every Sabbath at 12:80, Sabbath School at3;<Kl p. w. Friends and visitors cimiinliy invited. M. E.,Churoh---llev, A. 0 . Maddox, Pastor, Prescbini' at 11:00 a. ni. Sabbath School at 9:4& a, iH. Young;, People’s meeting at fi:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Baptist Church—Itev. (ieorgo Washington, pastor of the Baptist church. Preaching at 11 a. in. ahd‘7;30 p. m. Sabbnlb School at 2:30 p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night Ht 7:30, Everyone invited. FRANK H. DEAN. A t to r n ey a t .L aw . 41E. Main St. > -Xenia, O. Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. : Doesthe : BabyThrive If not, something must b« ; wrong with Hs food. If the ! m o th e rs mOk docm^i nour* • ish it, sho needs SCOTT’S ’ EMULSION. ItlUppOetthe , elements o f fot K j o t e i for ’ th e baby. If baby Is not : nourished by Hs erHOdel »food, then It reqtdrts ScotfgEmulsion Half « teMfKMHtfol three o r four times * day In tot bottle wH! have the t e t t e d ; e tfoc i It stem s to have i mtefoal effect noon b«bks vnPWteFi* n u p w i * h r p r v r te m p i m tm i Of Vmt MnfWVliVVVSt ► j dig ecotrTlOMHrKSittlB^vwfc. iii»nit«i i$^i$»>ifo$iiifii»i$i Blue Front Stable. Leave your horses there nnd your rigs be kept on the iusitle, out of the rain and storm. ‘ 26 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O. C harles E , T o » i >, Prop $500REWARD! We will pay the above reward for any case of LiV*r Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costivoness ire cannot cure with i.irerita. the Up-to-Dato L ittli L irtr Pill,when the directions tire strict ly compliad with. They are purely Vegetable and nertr fall to give satisfaction, 23c boxes contain ISO Pills, lOuboxes contain 40 Pills, So boxes contain IS Pills. Beware of substitu- tloas and imitations.. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NERVITA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, III. For sale by C. M, Ridgway, druggist, Ccdsr- vllle, Ohio, TsrtttreAWibisis Intense sufiering was endured by witness T. L. Martin, of Dixie, Ky., before he gave this evidence: “ I coughed every night until my throat was nearly raw, then tried Dr, King’s New Discovery which gave instant relief. I have used it in my family for four years and recommend it as the greatest remedy for Coughs, Colds and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. I t will stop the worst cough, and not only prevents hat alj* eolutely cures Consumption. Price 50c and $1,00. Every bottle guuran* teed. Trial bottles free at Ridgway A Go’s. Drug Store. AreY m aI)o you have that tired feeling? Do you feel sluggish, billions mk ! out of sorts generally? Do you have sick headache? Do you have pimples, eruptions, blotches, ulcers, sores or other results of constipation? The sewer of the body must tie kept in an Active, healthy condition and nothing does if so well as Bailey’s Laxative Tablet*. Their use brings ou a dear, rosy, beautiful complexion. A tab* let or two taken at night make* yon fifd fine in the morning. 10c packages contain 20 tablets, and 60 in 25c ickages. Tablets chocolate coated, he written signature of VV, J . Bailey oft each package, Sample free. They promptly relieve and then cure con stipation ; Hold by Ridgway A Co. ■ Luce Curtain* 39e pair up. Window Shades I2jc cadi and np. Matting ISjjc yd and up. Carpet fifio yd and np. * A complete Carpet and Curtain stock, Alexander dr. Hptthr. Ttw JMM* wat tbs heat selling l«mk s fte yw s t year. Tks American Ni- Un N a tey pnt out 1,$W1. aoi mphw math esotk Special I This week wc sell Printed Swiss Dress Goods in all the new coiors and figures at ia*.*c. Last season a similar goods sold for 2QC, and at 12 x-stc bitt a argain. FSaux f iim itv In more than fifty patterns to select r in “ . from at 15c a yard. It is just as good in every way as the English Dimities that sell for 250* Blues, Pinks, Grays, Lavenders and Black |5 c tS * andWhite, price f hpanp r D im ities At 8^c for a 8 °°d <luality and L n e p e r m m g j-ne patterns. Cheap Lawn at 5c a yard. 8 1 P a r r ^ f o Fulf 36 inches wide, choice patterns .... 1 r e , lyC,, ~ for shirt Waists and Shirts, splen did quality at Sic a yard, is worth 12Jc today. 5 c P re s s G ingham s ^ g ingS“ 1 ong lengths, at 5c a yard. This goods sells in the full piece at ioc andat half price is great value. Better Ginghams at 10,13^, 15 and up to 37AC for TH E V E R Y B E ST , in large assortments. * Jobe Bros. & Co., XENIA, OHIO. C ^ O T O - J.H. WOLFORD BUGGYS- AT- Mill ■PRICES C ' , Buggy Repairs of All Kinds, Imperial Moms and Repairs. CEDAR-WILKES, By. BEDWOOD. Dam, FEABL WILKES. The above named fine bred Trolling Stallion will make the season of 1900 at my place. He is a rich seal brown, 16 bunds high, fine action and style. There is no better bred horse in Southern Ohio. Now is the time to breed; good horses are bringing good money. Call and see him. *T eems : Ten Dollars *0insure mare with foal. A. O. BRIDGEMAN, Cedarville, Ohio. OPENING Summer Wash Fabric. . quality ami pattern ol impi tired Swiss, Linens, Jaconetts (excellent for the girl graduate,') SJLKS- Figiued, for a Summer Dress, just right price and very |Htptthir, CORSETS--All the new shape. Excellent Hummer Corsets 50c. KIDH All the pretty shade tar $1.00 and 8L50, CARPET ROOM*-Fill] Velvet Body Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry, Art s Squares, Rug*, I^aee Curtains, Porliems, Window Shades, Grill, Linoleum, Oil Cloth, R ig Carpets. Yon will lie plmeed with the prices a* many have visited other cities and we have, aecuml the *al**.< SUIT R(K)M- Finely stocked. Tailor Made Suits, Waist*, PetticoAfe, Jacket*, Separate Skirls, Muslin Underwear meeting large wile*. Knit Underwear 25e to 50e, H utchison & Q ibney I m A , MW. ’O l 1 Rlwiiyct find a t the o h ! r-dwhb* Mimt of C, W* Grousers Choice B:ef, Pork Sausage, Teal, Lard, Bologna, Wenerwnst, Bacon, Hams, Sugar Cured Shoulders. . _ w Giv<^ us n triii! anil be con- vinced. Where to Locate? Why, in th« Territory XrnvcrMd l»y t h e , , . , Louisville Faskville Hailroad -— T H R - - ' OratCenlriil SouthernTrunkline . 1 N ------- KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI, FLORIDA, .. WH E R E Farmer#, F ru it Growers, Stork Jiaisers, Manvfaeiurcrs , Inventors, S j ecttliisors and Money Lenders will find the grcntciR dial ecs in tlio United States to iuake“ liig rn(mey’' hy renKnn of the aliunilnuco mil cliciipiicf» o f. LAND AND FARMS. TIMBER AND STONE, IRON AND 00AL. LABOR-EVERYTHING! Free sites, financial nssjSlaneo. anil freedom from taxation, for the inamifitdiper. ' Land and. fnriim nt ij-'l.<10 iter- acre anti tip* wards, and iiOO.GOOnerds In west Florida that can he taken gratis under U. 8.. Ifoniestead laws. Stackraising in tlio Gulf Const District will make enormous profits. • Halffaro cxcaraioa ths First aad - Th!rd Tdssdaya of eaekrnonth..' Lottia know what you want, and wowill tell you where and how io get it—but don’t delay, as tho country fa filling up rapidly. Printed matter, maps and ail information free. Address, - R. J. WEMY88, General Immigration and Industrial Agt. Lonfsvillo, Rentnoky. F O X , -THE- “f Arcade Bhotograuker-+ , la tlio moat reliable and Strictly’ Up-to- date Artist in the city—Springfield, O. Legal Notice. Ilwln-s.ih . Hiimilton rceiding Mnnmouth, III. will take notice t suit has liecn brought *g«inet her torpktulcil with other*, in the (J< mon PI pas Court «t Grtene couc Ohio, by L, W. Blair, et at, a* ti tee* of The Reform Presbyter Church of Ctxlarville, plaiutifl*. *i pray ot the {letition in *nul action to quiet the title to the following t estate situated In said Greene Co.1 towitt Being part of military sur entered in the name of Win. T< kin?;. No, >>745, ami bounded as low*: Beginning at a stake in easterly margin of the Clifton r< 11 pole* from the alley north of Orr * second addition to the town Cedarvilh; them e N, 1C \V. 10 pf to a stake; thence N. 74 E. 15 pc to a stake; tlieuecS,' 16 E, 10 pc to h .stake; thence. 8. 74 W, 15 p. to the beginning. Saidd«;fendeiif !*requiredtoansi saidpetitionby June 10 th, 1000 . it. L . G owdy , , Attorney forPlainti apt 28 6w ..........................'l nr rniminr . imurii... ........ . n.- —. film odrrd wmotrr tie inifxi Ymir dtuggsat, wham *w k*bw ta ho wliaMo Will Irli yia* that heiranlhorire.l to rclund lie t» pawhawr wh«e PIZO OINf* HR NT fails m o aw* of ITOilING. Ht.IMTlJ, BLEEDING, d * PROTRVD’NG PILK*, ao Matter of how ton* standing. Gores wdUiarye*#** fa #j* day*. One apRirsti,* i l m jmti and m l. Roliat ra Itching Snstanil*. This la a n«w dlaeotary and I* sold on a i**i- |w* Mo Unit, N* Pay. l’de*j H J # . For *aln hy t’. M. Ridgway. a n OVER A DDLSIN#*ft UT< Take Laxative' Bro’mo Quiniite Tabwt*. All druggist* refund the ronwey if it ftlkt to cure, B. W* ypovta «%natai» I* or each box. 25c, H»ftMwiJN£r3u
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