The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

fr *'*y* ftl th* ♦• M« at H|x*|Mtf dun* sand lift to ; tite mahto Uml us] with this ;ro u s e 's Bcel, irasage, ia, rwust, Croft , ^ Jfters. J«! jo L h r biixttbiL . , fingers .U rn lit/ CDU- the paf & |to Locate? i here ; exercia &■'. o f P ate j handeol Or tun, f •d ’0 M a r [ e d u c a t[ m eetiu f e d bein ; th e folk Alice ; N o , 3 , | m m e r g j m a ry - Tead; C a rr ie ; No. 91 ranumuT —M a ttie | im endaij recb ram l H, CoH i. Stewe Specinlitj BSA cc j NSF'ACTlI me tab] sorrow tliis pi he chan; inedy, isay tool lazel Sa t the do| on ray in diseai (litatiom McMilj hurch (lx; Territory tc<) by t h e , , ; . sville [iviUe -ilroad -TH E—- ISouthernTrunkline IN - , TENNESSEE, [ABAMA. PPL, FLORIDA, ' H E R E of P ani re up-l rig h t, ti iird’s M | ig etude 8 passed an u willf e given | O p era 3 A lai iry H o i Growers, Manvfacfurers !(<»■;:, *V) eenlii&ars and Money Lenders |fc*t eltai ccs ill llio United money" by reason of the wpnes* of : IS, J and STONE, |Jf AND COAL. LABOE-EVEEYTHINOI ; Mnl assistance. and freedom Jtheinnnaf'actuier. In. ut i? 1.(10 per core anA nji- I acres in West Florida that pi? under tf. S. Homestead the Uulf Coast District Will fonts. Ireuraiou the.-first and - •■■■* Inlay* of each»««&., - ■fiat you want, and w* wilt II how h get it—hut don^ tr y is filling liprapidly. I mops and alt information fress, . R. J, WEMI 88 , Jigration anil Industrial Agt. RouiswUs, ffratwky. -THE- » uThS J^oiograBher + use K| done mL , . vior 0f B n,0i*‘- w im b le iuson, I t i - i c t l y U p - t o - ill t h e sold ?f Notice. tones sued ai ft S e t I P rie s lird’s ng of ylast,. nod to icst nnj iirify in j th e syf tie E a r ill fo r I lid g i is i n t d > gravd ic O d (l f«taiH| “B y o r lufferiij twelvt lies wl r to b k f I mei to ei , O l d Mo. the ah pit a ll byPi rairal ktnmt Dayt *ofl [Hamilton residing at B. virill take notk» that brought against her in* jib others, in the Com- lint a t (ireone coiiaty, t . Biair, et al, as tma* Reform Presbyterian aryillo, plaintiffs. The tition in said action k Ip to the following neat |:» said Greene Co. <1., lirfc of military survey b name of Wh». Tom* I, Rtul hounded m tot- |i»fr nt n stake in the Jfi of the Clifton w a d the alley north of J . lldiiim) to the town of jifee N. ill \Y, 10 poles I hc N. 74 E, lfi pole* knee 8." lfi J5, 10 noie* k e a / n v . 15 poles |nf id ro iu ired to a n sw e r :June Ifith, 1900. R. R, Gowi>r, iUntiwv for lla in tifih . iwitkoot n « j a m H-wyen kM* im tp*iwdtekte |*t» anthstiieAHitefMtf tie *h»>?r #?•?**Ft*n eint- f* as# casa at IfORlgih at PHOtMttPtn» '•fcr.wfciigrtsakHW*. Com M dsys. low mjtkttfm ttiii d -,(( HMSaaWy. »ry and « mU m • kw** a f.tire, it * fat* rrt«*. Hv Kidgwaj’. tve |tK>t. 91 »e«ttAT. Bronio <^nlatiie g is ts tw hm i ffc# w eatw . M. W e ■ is tin tpdk IMk Mi. sT-w.i'a?**** . m* w* k r You Purchase perfamas, toilet **p* and «neh artielee «e {lertoin to the toilet, yen want the best end at a tesacmaU* price, Yon will find aa able to eotn* ply with this wish always * RUX1WAY a CO„tbe Orwttiets, Opy, <hwa Hewee, Local and Personal ^-Sliii't Waists »t Bird's. Riy McFarland had auite an sklent befall hint this week in that r caught his fingers between the freeze roles at the paper mill. -Before buying a cultivator toe Young Buckeye. Kerr & Has* lings Bros. Several from here attended the Eommeucement exercises at Clifton, fonday eveuing, -1' -For a pair of P atent L eathers a pair of handsome Vici Kid Shoes, in black or tan, in the latbest Lfyjeftfry at Bird’s Mammoth Store, The board of education of Kenia uwuship held a meeting,last Saturday Lnd recommended being equivalent to [ id election of the folloing teachers: Mstrict No. 1, Alice Yoej No, 2, jaura MarshallpNo, 3, Nellie K.Bar- liet; No. 4, grammer grade— Mamie J3, Barrows, primary—Alma Dobbins; 10. 5, Mae Wead: No. 6, Aletha Jay; No. 7, Carrie Bull; No,. 8,. SlaudPeterspp;. ,’No. 9, -Mary M*x? veil; No, 10, grammar grade—Stella Babb, primary—-Mattie Johnson; No. 11, no, recommendation; No. 12, grammar—no reiSoramendatibn,' pri- nary—Anna H. Coleman; No. 13, fear) Hutchison. Dr. J . O. Stewart, Pbyecian qdBurgeon. Specialist in B y e and’ ir. G-lftBBeeAccurately Ad- lusted, S atisfactiok G uaran ­ teed , The new time 'table which goes koto effect tomorrow will be. found plaewhere in this paper. Read it bVerand note the changes. 1 —J. C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Teun. m, “I cannot say too much for De- vitt’s Witch.Hazel Salve. One box fit cured what the doctors called .an acarable nicer-on my jaw." Cares “ m and all akin diseases Look put rworthless imitations Ridgway & !o.druggists. JRev. Homer McMillan will preach lathe R. P* Church tomorrow at 11 . nj. I -For a pair of P ants or a suit of CtaoTBS that- are up-to-date and at |prices that are right, try at Bird’s Mammoth Store. The following students from the [district schools passer' the Boxwell jexaminations,'and will be entitled to la diploma to be given June 9, 1900, 1st the Xenia Opera house: Stewart [Arthur,. M«e Matthews, Stella. [Matthews, Mary Hdlton, and Deeta [Cummins, -‘T had stomach, trouble twenty Iyears and gave up hope of being cured till I began to use Kodot Dyspepsia [Cure. I t has done me so much good I call it the savior of mylife/’ writs* jW. R, Wilkinson, Alnanr, Tenn. lit digesta what you eat. Ridgway A *Co, Mr. Robert Tindall, of near Srima, Ion Tuesday, sold to Snyder, tbw hone buyer of Springfield, a fine [team of hay horses for $350, —Just opened a number of brand Inew D ihwx A S rts in B eautiful | D ecoration . Prices $5 to $15 per set at Bird's Mainaioth Store , At a meeting of the Ohio Presby­ tery, Thursday last, ProfessorMeChss- aey was ordained to the office of the [ministry. -The easiest and most effective ;method of purifying the blood and invigorating the* system is to take BeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the fa­ mous little pill for cleansing the liver and bowels, Ridgway A Co, - All persons interested in the deco­ ration of the graves, will have their towers at the (kid Fellows hall by 8 o'clock a. m, (standard time), Dtoo* rationDay.—By order of the Societies. “After safikriag from sever dy#« PT*is over twelve years and usnig many remedies without permanent good! finally took Kodot Dyspepsia Cure. I t did me so much good! rec­ ommended it to everyone," writes J . & Watkins, Clerk and Recorder, ChillicotKe, Me. I t rigeets what you eat. Ridgway A Co. Owing to the absence of Rev. Mad* oox, the imipit a t the M. E, ehtireh will he filled by Prof. MeChmmf to­ morrow. - 481hs Granulated Bagar for $1 *t Bird's Mammoth B tm , Mr, RttyBromsgen hasssesirsd Mb pktymest in iMytow, and left tor Ms work toe first of tomweek. RoywW set attendant in the Dayton Hfate Hospital, uAft#r aaHriafftwiai yrisf dto 1$ ' » hMM Mvw,’* ■* ***»# w awnsanay, • |J n h»»* jast mwslved ten (10) »*w CbiAMHaa May* (waring In price ■t huiwa peep a; firom$3.50 to $10 set years I was enved iw fislng'twe henist *dDaWkfs WMt sSnit writ««W .J , J L P . ^ I t h as onr window dkplay^of these goodk Mr. EJanr fthlgley has returned h» visit to the West and win J kely locate in this vicinity. Mr. Shigley wm looking a t Gedarville property thw week, Dr. P-B-Madden, Practice lim ­ ited to EYB, BAR, NOBB AND THROAT. OUuMieaAccuratelyAd­ justed. Allen Building, Bento, <), TelephpM.—OBec V*. it, RciriUkww jta, 37. MMs Jennie Ervin was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Will Torrence, of South Charleatou, last Friday and Saturday. ■Will sell a bottle of Wine of Ser- aparilla for the next five day for 75c, C. M. Ridgway, . ■Ifyou want anything gom1,go to Gray's, The Reformed Presbyterian con­ gregation, Rev. Morton’s, during the past year contributed tor church work $2528,80, . —New Idea Paper Patterns only lOc eacli, at Bird’s, A call has been sent out by the street railways of Dayton tor con­ ductors. Several fromhere were over and put in application. I t is stated that Calvin Morton and Cecil George were successful. -Kerr A Hastings Bros, are pay?: ing highest prices forgrain and woo), L. P, Dorn is visiting in the northern part ot the state,’ about his old home. Marshall can care for more rigs than any other Livery. Stable in Xenia. Clyde Sproul, of F a ir Grove, Michigan, arrived here last Thursday morning to visit among his old iriends and school mates. I t has been over three years Since he left here, and his appearance in that time shows ? [Uite a change,, Very few of his riends now recognizing him. His father, T. C. Sproul is expected here next week. ■ -Ice Cream Soda and Pine Apple; Snow at C. M. Ridgway’s. All fruit flavors. The residence of J , H. Milburn is being refreshened by a coat of paintl -—LadieS Crash Dress Skirts at $ r,00 ,1.25 ane l.50 each, at Bird’s. The council at Waynesville have passed nn ordinance for water works. The great damage caused by the re­ cent fire has stirred the citizens to take Borne action tor fire protection, —A choice line of all kinds of Groceries, a t Gray’s. Mr. and Mrs/ Thomas Spencer, of Jamestown, spent Tuesday with rela­ tives. —-Grice’s are now the best place in Xenia for a first class 25c. meal; Although the Bringing apparatus ot a bee is less than a quarter of an iueh in length, it leaves a red-hot impres­ sion about a quarter of a mile long. -Bring us your B utter and Eoon we pay in G ash 10 c doz. fpr Eggs and r i j c per lb. for Choice Butter a t Bird’s. -—500 yards Colored Organdies was 25c yd; just £—12fio yd. Alexander A Spahr. On Thursday of this week, Alvin Orr, a former student and graduate ofCedarville College, received the degree of A. M. from the University of Pennsylvania, —New Crop California Apricots, Peaches, Prumes, Grapes and Raisins, a t Gray’s. A western farmer made a bet that be could eat three docen hard boiled eggs In two hours. I t is said that he won the* bet, and the funeral was largely attended. —Buggies painted tor $5 a t Wol­ ford’s. Borne men can’t find words for their thoughts and some women can’t fiud thought* for their Hords. —I consider it not onlya pleasure bat a duty I owe to my neighbors io tell about the wonderful cure effected in my case by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I wee taken very badly with flu* and procured a bottle of ibt* remedy, A few doses of it affected a permanent cure, I take pleasure in recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful disease -*J, W. L ynch , Dorr. W. V». This remedy is sold by U. M» Ridgway, Carl MinSer and tuolher were in Xante* Monday. Miss Grace Wade, of Bpringfield, formerly a junior of the High school of thk ptaee, vWtod friends here this week, and attended Commeucement Rxetvises, —690 yards Waol Dress Good* Ifitofiftln wida, was 50 to66ete yd. now to rices, 25e yd> Alexander A Bpriir Mr. Ira Townsfey *«d wife, of Thamday with Mr. W Xeria,apMt «M« J . HmHhand fiuafiy —G rie ^ are eending out bettor srvani than aver. Give them a cell Xante, OM*. i m O m etedaat, f e r im lenwe nt i S n F** -Hammoek’s, a toll line at Bird's. | Mr. J>» Osborn hastoen uotifivd , , - , [thatbis pension baa inm-esied -W anted : Achwp draft h m , . f o n 9 fi(o$ ig .Wr month, D . H. E r v in , i , »r - lit.-. « , 1 ' limit your buildings, your feneis, . . f " .. Id bite, of Heuton*;yf,iir floor?, your buggies with Mit* <>-. « the guest of Mm. A. diell’s. RainU. Gcod goods and ^low Winter, Miss Mary Kyle, of Amsterdam, N. Y-, is being enteruioed by Miss Isabelle Winter, this week. When you want harness go to Kerr A Hastings Bros, Mr. and Mrs. Elwortli Price, of Ju thb town?h5l’ South Solon, were the gueets of their ■ vh |, a vc| fv*s»Mvs* ihiii uncle, W. H. Esttidge, the first Of Screens »rul good ones and low price ,lia umalr ... . the week. Ladies W rappers and Must, in U n derwkar at Bird’s. The Turkish Government has issued an irade, prohibiting the importation of ail apparatus connected with elec, tricity. -Gray keeps nothing but Ihe best in his line of goods, Chas. Gillaugh made a busiucss trip to Cincinnati, yeBterday,. AH kinds-of Spring Blood Medi­ cine at C. M, Ridgway’s. Several ladies from here, were over at Beaty, near Yellow Springs, last Thursday, investing in house flowers. Go to R. W* Kenuon’s for pure Jersey Sweet Potatoes Plants. George and Andrew Winter were among Cedarvillians at Springfield, Wednesday.. > ' —Straw Hats, all styles at Bird’s. Dr. Marsh 1ms a very sick horse, it having au attack of pneumonia. A Springfield doctor was down Thurs- day. , . Mr. Homer McMillan, who has a charge in a German Reformed church in the state of New York; is here, visiting his parents, James McMilUiu and wife. A party of Clifton people are in Washington, D C., on a ten day’s trip. Among them are Misses Mabel Knott, Bertha Stewart and Mr. Elmer Elder. Vegetarian. BakedBeans . With Tomatoe Sauce. No Meat. No Fat, At Gray’s. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Andorson. of Cincinnati, nre the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson. Edward holds a responsible position with the Chat- field, Wood & Co. of that city. Misses Flo Crain and Nellie Me Creight, of Janlestown. were the guests of Miss Mabel Crain, this week. «. -Teas. Coffee and Cigars at Gray’s. A collection of 39 44 was made here for the India famine sufferers and- remitted to the proper author­ ities. The call is just as deserving as ever. Leave donations at Bull. & Spencer. —Plenty of Farm Cates, best. f ates on the .market. Low price at litchell’s. The Cedarville and Wilberforco hall teams crossed hats last Monday on the grounds of the latter, Score 22-15 in favor of Wilberforce. Mrs. Nettie Blnir and children, of Illinois, are here owing to' the illness of Mrs. Nan Towneley. Found—A door key. Enquire at Herald office. —Lot me mention window and door screens, come around and seo something fancy and be surprised at the low prices at Mitchells. The great newsgathering syndicate, the Associated Press, has secured J . Robb Harper, to report the proceed­ ings of the Synod convening here next week. The- Philadelphian Literary So* ciety, for certain reasons, will hold its diploma exercises on Thursday evening, May 31st, a t the United Presbyterian church, instead of Fri­ day evening as was previously an­ nounced. Wo promise a good pro­ gram of a literary aud musical char­ acter in addition to the presentation of diplomas to tixof the class o f1900. Tho following is the program for the Philosophic Diploma Night Ex­ ercises to be held in the Reformed Presbyterian church, Friday, June 1st: Invocation, Rev. Prof. McChes* ney; music; declamation, Miss Faye Lackey; declamation, Mr, Horner Henderson; music; address, Mr. Ray­ mond P. Oarbald; music; presenta­ tion of diplomas, by president; reply on behalf of cfais, Mr. Wallace Iliffe; music. Tho following graduates will receive diplomas: J . Robb Harper, W. Wallace Iliffc, Bertha L. Knott, Mary B. Kubtt, Nolle B. Lewis, Anna M. Orr, and Clarence A. Young.—Committee. prices, Miss Rena Hmall, of Springfield at­ tended tho graduating exercises last evening. John Klein and Charles Bowers, of Xenia, have token a ditch contract -O . Yes, Window and Door at Mitchells. The fourth annual banquet of the Clifton High BchooJ Alumni washeld Inst Thursday evt, in the school hall of that place. A four course supper, was served to over one hundred guests. Uev, Hutchison of Yellow Springs made an interesting address. Mrs. J . II. Nisbet and daughter, Stella McClellan have-returned from Bellfbnfaine. where they were at the bedside of Mrs. Nisbct’s ueice. Word has been received since their arrival announcing the death of their relative., , Among the number from this vicinity who Attended the Gerlougli sale of Short Hern cnttle near Osborn, were, Beveridge Andrew, Will Stev- euson, 11. F . Kerr, J . R. Orr, J . S. Brown, David end Oscar Bradlute. The sale was one of the largest ever held in this vicinily, and attended by a large crowd, the auctioneer stating timt every’ state iu the union was represented. The 38 head averaged $57°. . 0. S. U. Students' Visit, Lost Tuesday Professors Hunt ami Lazenby accompanied by fifteen stu­ dents from the agricultural depart­ ment of the Ohio ,State University, made a visit to some of the most prominent stock farms iu this vicinity. Upon their arrival here they were taken to Mr. J. Ii. Orr’s farm to examine the Prim«3 Herd of Polled Jersey Cattle; thence to Andrew Brother’s farm, the home of their famous Red Polled Cattle, and on to visit Cedarvale farm, owned by R. C. Watt, where they saw Mr. Watt’s South Down Sheep, and prize win­ ning Duroc Jersey Swine, After dinner they visited the farm ol J . W. Pollock, and on to the Mea­ dow Brook, farm of D. Bradfnte & Son, the home of the world famous Polled Aherdeen-Angns Cattle. Their next stoppiug place was Bry­ son’s stock farm, which has become noted for its fine horses, A visit was made to Riverside, a beautiful, park on the hanks of the Miami, where Hon, John Bryan has so many fine cattle. The next day the claES and its pro­ fessors attended the Uerlough sale, where the students had the pleasure of inspecting the finest herd of Short Horn Cattle in the United States. ' Both professors and students were well pleased with their trip to this pl’aco, and passed many words of praise for the breeders of such fine stock. . Decoration Day Program. 8:30 a, m., assemble at I. 0 . O. F, Hall to form parade. 9:00 a. m.. Order of March:—1, G. A. R,; 2, I, O. O. F.; 3; K. of P.; 4, J r. O. U. A. M,; Citizens, Hon. Andrew Jackson, Field Marshal. George H. Irvine, Asst. Field Marshiil. Line of march—West on Chilli- cotho Street to Bridge Street; south on Bridge Strret to Xenia Ave.; eastoir Xenia Ave. to Main Street to ceme­ tery. ’ 9:30 a. m.—Short services 'by societies and decoration, of graves. Persons going to cemeteries will assemble at Hall on return of parade. a ft ernoon , 2 p. m.} Assembly of Veterans nt Hall to march to Opera House, 2:30 p, m., music; prayer by Rev. A. D. Maddox; music; selection by Miss Una Zeiner. of Jamestown, O.: music; address by Hon. 0 . Q» Hil- debrant, of Wilmington, 0 .; Flag drill by pupils of room No. 6; music; benediction. KEWTIME TABLE. The following schedule goes into effect on the Pennsylvania Line, Sun­ day, May 27. westward . No. 33—10:17 a. ra. No. 9-3:28 p. m. No. 8-9:00 p, in. EASTWARD No. 10.-7:09 a. m. No. 32-4:41 p, m. No’s. 10 and 3 run only between Columbus and Richmond. No, 19 is ii flag slop at Cedarville.- The above trains are daily throughout the week, j 12. 8. K eyes , Agent. i far Sate ATRent. ! A Four room cottage, second <loo» feast of Opera House, Xenia avenue. 1 n»l9-2t M. A. CutttwJiM,. WeakMen ~ HADE STROIfi, 2 6 H m m GURIN8 MIN m i -VM*Awmrtuurr| uu « j , bami «PU(ORCDliUf uA MMb iNiDOt l i l t H I U l l UO t l Mt F OB l f e V MIDDLE ABED MEN •neuaUem* ot Ui«bSt!lil«r* often, accqmpam»d by • «U«btcinirUnK<ir butuln* Mnjwtlon, doMNta ot rouf •Mineni In &• urine, end •omeUuuw.emafliwruetee ot flbtunen,tbeoojorflr»tot u Uiln ort mllklia bue »ii3 «g«m ebanfruw to a dark matorpidappMnance.cane- Inknerroutdebilityandton* ofTltallty,remember, thl*l« W E H A V E A tine »t n r# that for style fceeaiy i* anrv»9;*-*«t bntjtiSe «,f!Ur|e ettie*. We ere meHiiig jirifsH extrc’iiely low on nil qttftlme*. COME AND S E E US Ifyotinie w«ki»f ar*;le*tihg fitesrntr, Nolelili.»ts«tl'na «ir vtry low prleut, we'll give nn extra discount of ft per eeni, on present* IwigU 1m« <l«r- ing ilie nest M Seye, Kserjrtlilna merkeS In pleln B*nr«s. S AM M c C O LLUM , T h e Je w e le r . B l o o d D is e a s es OR In tho FIRST, SECOND and THIRDStagM Hide Pure »»■•»».«mi. endquestionlistF a a i WAOHINQTpN MEDICAL INSTITIITR OSStats St., Chicago, III. PRIDE. » * » A pride there is of station, A pride of genteel birth, A pride of wonderouB bmuity, A pride of sterling worth. 'A pride of thorough learning, A pride of golden wealth, A pride of wife and children, A pride of sturdy health. ■ If proud of your appearance, If proud to be well dressed, Try J . M. ivnote’s good clothes, He keeps the very best. Hrs pride it is to cali it, To fill your clothing wants, Tho latest styles nnc fancies, In suits, shirts; lints and pants. ^ ^ ’ We Have Received.,... A new lot of those nobby Spring Suits thn.t all are taking so readily to this spring. Ou^first lots we soon broke up for we Wore offering best suits that were sold in the city for 85, $6.50, §7.50, 88, §10 and §12. And we consider ourselves fortunate in being able to duplicate them. $ $ «jp: Have You a Boy I f so we are certain you want him to look as well as other boys. \Ve arc headquarters for hoys’ good clothes and low prices. We have suits fo.i boys from 6 years up to 15 as low as 65o, $1,00, $1.25, §1.50, §2.00, $2.50, 83,00 §3.50 and finer if yon want them, Briug the boys,try on ami exam ine a few of our nobby Spring Suits and if you want a shirt like their papa wears we have them for hoys 3 years *of age and upwards. Come and see us. ♦ » ftP J, % KNOTE, * i i E. Main St., Springfield, - - Ohio. An Endless Variety of S C R A W - M A C S Special Cut Price Sale. • • • • IO O Lad ies and M isses Ta ilo r-M ade S u its 0 0 “ “ “ “ Ja c k e ts ^ onim{>n(:tog Monday, May 28, we place on sale at great cut in prices, ioo Tailor-made Suits and ioo Jackets, all of this Springs iroductions. We do this to make room for Summer N ash-Suits,- Skirts, etc., now coming in. HERVITA PILLS Rttter* Vitality#Lest Vfpr a il Mirtiwl CaraImpofener.NlglitKml^lons, tioraotIt mo - 8 0 PILL* S O flrn ot youth. .Ry mail C T C , — _SPc pox . <1.boxes tori SS. 00 ,withonrbankahlbgmuranttratoetim ov r«ftma th a monsy palfl. Sena for Hreahw ana eopi otout bxukabloeuaranteebona, EXTRASTRKKOTK Irxeesx ana Indiscretion. IA nirtri ton ic »nd NervitaTablets (IZIIOW IiADEtil Itnmelltfi Rusks Fwltltely com for I j MH ot.Vomt, yurieocel*. Undotelor1! <r Wtrunkeh P»*e«iri Ijoeomotor .Ataxia, Nrrtous Prmtm. tlon, Hysteria, iii«, inssnifr, rsraljfjfs ana ttM |l«5il(s of RxfrsUtn l>n of Tohncro, <*ninm ot ante* bend to mm ia SOdays or xoAmd wo m jf saiMb AOarara MKIKVITA M ID ICA L CO . ttlnton A JsofWtoi Iks^fMIICACOb MA. ■for Sat# by V, M. lildgaway# llsuggtih (ji*Awvillr, Ohio. srtswiitostoMsiss'* CASTOR IA } s t AAi CaaHtlB. t i l U n TY n Dm Ateoyt ta(M WiOfg thff We have on display one of the largest and most com­ plete line of Straw Hats in the State. We are showing at least ten styles to any other establishment in Springfield and at prices others will not attempt to reach. Our Boys* Dress Hat for 25c is the same, in » . T ■% 4 quality as others advertise as cheap at 39c. Our 50c Rough Braid is equal to the average hat sold for $1.00. Men’s Hats from 10c to $2.00. You must see for yourself to appreciate our line and prices. SBItWiMfl, TflE HATTER, 27 S. Limestone St., Springfield, O. Tailor.made Suits $ 4 .5 0 tc>$ 3 5 - Former price $8 to $60. Jackets $ 2 . 9 0 to $ 9 . 0 0 - Former price $4.50 to $16. This means some most exceptional Bargain Giving Every suit and Jacket fresh, new and seasonable. • • • D c ffiurpby $ Bro. Co., 1 48, 50, 52, 54, 56 Limestone St., Springfield. JUST RECEIVED A Fresh Car Load of best MICHIGAN SALT. W. E. STERRETT’S. asm Wholesale U s to t lm Gut General Cxulogue quote* them. Send 15c to portly p*r postage or exprasrage nad no il send yon one. It ha* 1 100 pagts* 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70,000 thisga that you cat and use and wear. We constantly cany to stock a i articles quoted. ^ J C S M e t t C l S 1* r f t I FRT ; . uuAP-N .. . TMimV’ <tfm raw * _ . KacutolOiL iamk**i^hMRtW,lwwiewiwif. ■*C Beautiful Jiaifi BoYoaWantIt? T o u IKcktrci Remember, M adame O orirra C oe offers Obe Hundred Dollars Reward for any osseofGray Hair her Perfection Hair Restorer fails to restore, or any case of Dandruff it fails to cure, when directions arc properly followed. A ’H 'm i'l'H firl f We will^end, securely-seated, to your nearest express office, her MLL t o l l l l U I I . eightoullco $1.50 bottle, for One Dollar, if you mention thia paper, One bcttle-in many cases being all needed. Address, fladame Corllla Coe, 2 17 Michigan S t., Toledo, CM*. TO WHOM IT COXCERNi—I am personally acquainted with Madame CorilU C m m * the wonderfal effects of tier T eartcno s Uaia Br.STOeea. I t is srcisderfal, beyond CoMparieeft in its Effects, and at the sama time Perfectly Harmless. I have known of io*»jr aged peteeM whoso thin and gray lacks have been fully restored to youthful color and vigor. Her, C. J . Hanks, Toledo^ Ohio/ present address, Jlcsa, Arircna. J . A. Houser, M. II, Indianapolis, Indiana. Rueia Julian Martin, Principal, Toledo Hchool of Elocution. Prof. W. M. Windsor, 17J3Mich AVe„ Chicago, R. I,. n.Pb.H ./Phrenokgist A VitoSopWe June 19th at Htiladflphia, 1’*., will- Mitmbto delrgatwi from aft tee­ th am of the t ’liitetl Htates to imminato a esiididnto for 1’tteideiit. xeuratott t 1 l m th-keto ttiil ho mU Jm.« 141« 18th, * ionlnrive, via IVniiaylvatiM Linro to ‘ PtiiMwtpkia; valid mnm lng T mss -J m t m +, * * * * * m* d a y , J h m *30tl». h m m f ta M M a T ^ ' ' "M toM M itefe t i fe J