The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
tit V*'' JOMK JMKJWXJMWJrfT, Ox « rock by tbe i i e B in «f Nm i* or tree, Stood» bird with hislrroift hS»hand, Aad b« w*tek«i tbe iwu rise TMit ofrenoHl tbe *ki*f, And divided the nm and tb« Hud, The# he poured forth ft *>ng That grew ever nu*w»tro )jf, And that thrilled through the land and the lea With the power of it* theme,. hikeft musical dream t O f tlm Wonderful Mystery. The wave* tuned their roar into the chime* on the shore And the shore hummed Sri chords to their iwell, And thetky poured around A sweet-answer of sound hike the totiea of an infinite bell. All space found • tongue With the song that he mlng; *Twai ft melody grander than Man, * For the tale that it told Was eternally old Ere time and creation began. TheCeases end Persons Away Prom Home DuringJune. The count of the people in the United States will begiu in all parts of the, country June 1, and end in the cities two weeks later and in the rest ofthe country before the close of the month. The people are to be counted at their places of residence, but as many persons and families will he away from their homes during June there is some danger that such per sons will not be counted. I f they are not counted, the locality iu which ■• they live will be misrepresented to that extent, and in some -cases this misrepresentation may be. enough to ‘ > 'it -/X-' affect the representation in Congress, 'of.the State from which they come. Local pride and state pride, therefore, should influence all such absentees to take reasonable precautions against being omitted from enumeration in their places of residence. Such omis sion* are most likely to occur iu the large cities where families close their homes and go elsewhere for the sum- mer. The occurrence of the Paris exposition this year is likely to in crease the -number absent front the country. . In all cases of contemplated absence the head of the family is reqnested by the Census Office to communicate with the supervisor of the district in which , hq lives lie is iflso requested to leave iMdbftnintion regarding his answers to Tiftquestions which are to be asked With some responsible neighbor who will agree to see that it reaches the enumerato r on his rounds. Such in formation miglit better be left as a memorandum in Writing, as in that ease it i&less likely to be overlooked. The questions to which answers are desired apply primarily to the popula tion, but also to farms and manufac turing establishments. They are being published from time to time in the pres* ot the country By taking this trouble the absent citizen will do justice to his locality and his state, and materially aid the Census Office in the performance of its duties. ' v The name and address of the Super* visor for this district is Edward Q. Crane, Batavia, 0 . Cfcribtlaft Eadstvorer*' CMveafiM. Christian Endeavorers of Ohio will take advantage of the fact that the Convention is held abroad this year to make the State meeting in a mea- sftrs take the place of the Interna tional Convention. Thousands of En- deavorers cannot attend the London meeting, so it is designed to have the aansal State Convention a t Toledo assume a more important aspect than usual. President Miller hud the heal Committee directed by Ilcv, O. W. Belwy have arranged for features that will make the meeting an in- teBectaal, social and spiritual triumph. The sessions will be held In the T in t Congregational Church, Toledo, © , June 26 28. Special rates on ffttirouds, ample accommodations and ft program replete with sparkling ser- sW«s imm I aide addresses will all be by the Christian En- hosts who wilt assemble in MlsMa this year. B is planned to . have no meetings simultaneous, thus Ksdeavoren to attend all The fey»o<f of tbs Brimmed Pina- byteriaa church ofNorth Assarts* will coMYStift in Cedarvile, May 90th,at 7:90,aud #ill continue in session* one wa*k* The mornings and after* uncus will be taken up with the reg ular buriuw* of Synod; the evening* will be given to the diacuuiou of vsr oua phase* of the church's work, On Tuesday evening, May 29th Dr. I). B, Willson, Allegheny; Dr. X. P - Steveuson, Philadelphia; and Key, X, If, Acheron, Denver, wi apeak iu the Ervia&WiHiamsou Hal On Wednesday, morning and after noon. them wilt beheld, in the church a Conference on missions,' and in the Hall above mentioned an Institute for National Reform workers. Snake Epidemic* Logan county is afflicted with an epidemic o f blacksnakes, Countless reptiles are being slaughtered iu - the yards and streets of county towns. The snakes are shedding, and bun dreds of skins are found. Women and children are terrorised and mea sures may be taken by the county kill off the superabundance of black snakes. BaccalaureateAddress. The baccalaureate address wob made to the graduating class, in the Opera House, Snbbftth afternoon, by Hon Lewis D, Bouebruke, state, commis sioner of common schools. Mr. Bone brake is a very interesting talker uni held the attention of the audience throughout his address. His subject was *"Preparation for Leadership! He first impressed upon the audience that it was natural that there woiffr be leaders among meu and then gave some very explicit directions how this “Leadership” could bo obtained. The music of the afternoon was fur nished by a choir of some of the best singers of the town, led by Rev. W J. Sanderson. , Chicago MuttonI Chicago mutton-eaters, who have been suddenly possessed with an un accountable (desire to go mountain- climbing for the summer,'whose up petites lihve become voracious for bock beer, canned goods aqd forbid den comestibles, may feel relieved to know that they may Imve been buy jug amt eating goat’s meat instead of mutton. Nearly 100,000 bewbiskcrec billies and horned nannies are sold annually to the butchers in and near Chicago. The meat is n little darker and somewhat sweeter than that o sheep or Jamb, and as it is called “mutton” by the butchers the con Burner doesn’t know the difference. Afree Scholarship to Each County. The Carnegie College, a newly in corporated institution at. Rogers, O., in order to introduce its methods of teaching by correspondence, will give one Free Scholarship to each county iu ottr State. The Free Scholarship grants to the student free tuition in the Normal and Academic Courses, and also in the Business Courses, in cluding Book-keeping and Short hand, All the instruction is given by mail at the student’s home. Stu dents making application for Free Scholarships should write at once to the College and mention this paper, and also the county and state.' ihouses will be graced with ifton colors of green and gold, M m flowers in the City Parks « welcome in O'. E, designs and ft Owr ham and out buildings were la with rats, Tried wire, water iri traps- all to no purpose; would jioison do the business 1Mtkfxetioii' At last, catching a ieat she was promptly tarred with tee; after that released to have h « way* Well, she must, hava 1 tb* toiler roiUrnt* of how ah* had ted., W»d* red as* or hear i»f themstore, -Herman Orh#J#, Fata) Accident. John Gorman, a trackman on the Spring Valley branch of the Dayton and Xenia traction line, was instantly tilled by a company car about 9:30 Saturday night, Gorman had been in Dayton until about 8 o’clock that evening, when he boarded a car for lis home. I t i f said that he was considerably under the influence of iquor when he entered the car. When near his home the car was stopped and Gorman wss.nssisted off. About au hour later this same car was mak ing its return trip to Dayton, ami when near the spot where Gorman was put of! there was seen the form of a man, but owing to the steepness of the curve, it was impossible to slacken the speed of the car, and in almost a second the car wheels were crushing the body of the victim into a shapeless mass. His skull was crushed, ami the left leg was almost tom from his Iwdy, Death was in stantaneous. Gorman bus been with this company as trackman for some time. He was 45 years old and single, A Kan Clear Brain, a Your best feelings, your social posi tion or business successdepend largely ou the perfect action of your Stomach and Liver, Dr, King’s New Lift Pills gives increased strength, a keen clear brain, high ambition. A 35 cent box wifi make you feel like a new being. Hold by ltidgwiv A Go., Druggists “DeWittV Little Early IUs'fs the finest pH!* I «yer u*ntw D, M«mre, hfillbrook, Ala. They kly earssJ] Jiv*r and bowel trots* . Bldgway A 0>-, drvggiate. . WWw*l* 1L» m * JMr i * U#t f her*. • ’Ilia Seashore, Mountain and Lsk# ResortscoaetitMto the *K*t attraotir* ubttsor* groundsfor tbe turnpier idler. They am within easy rroeh via Penu- sytvania IJnes, and agent* of that railway system will furnish full infor mation about rate*, .train awvice and through car comfort* to any of tbs summer haven*. They will awnst in arranging details for vacation trips and give valuable information free of charge, Apply to the nearest Peuu aylvaniti Lines Passenger and Ticket Aigent and lie relieved of all bother in anaping preliminaries for your sum mer outing and vacation trip. E. 8, Keyes, Agent, Cedarville, Ohio. Dr. Bimeon Carey, physician of Spring Vi Saturday "afternoon, after an hour’s a well known alley, died last illness, ’ He had not been well for about two years but was able to be about, Dr, Carey was seventy years ot agej having practiced medicine in Spring Valley for n period of 33 years. The funeral services were held from his late residence, Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock- Rev. White iu charge of the services. „ ■ AUGUSTFLOWER. “ It is u surprising fact,” says,Prof, that in iiiv travels in all HoUtOrt, parts of ffte world, for the lank ten years, I have met more people having used Green’s August Flower than any other remedy, tor dyspepsia, tie- ranged liver and stomach, and for constipation. I find (or tourists and salesmeu, or for persons filling office, positions, where headaches and gen eral bad feelings from irregular hubite exist, that Green’s August Flower is it grand remedy. It does not injure the system by frequent use, and is excellent/for sour stomachs and indi gestion.” Sample bottles free at C. M. Ridgwav’s. . Sold by dealers in all civilizer countries. Arrangements are being made for great time at Lucas Grove, next Thursday, which will be the opening day. There will be u band concert nil day and all evening, and a vail deville show will be oil hand. large tent with n twenty-foot stage has been erected, which will affori amusement throughout the coming summer. A Dayton orchestra bus been engaged to furnish tire music. FEEBOFOEARGE. Any. adult suffering from a colt settled on the breast, bronchitis throat or lung troubles of any nature who will call at C. M. Ridgwuy’S, will be presented with a sample bottle of Boschee’s German Syrup, free o charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and none to children without order front parents. No throat or lung remedy ever hat such a sale as Boschee’s German Syrup in all parts->of the civilizet world. Twenty years ago millions o ‘ bottles were given away, and your druggists-will tell you its success was marvelous. . I t ps really the only Throat and Lung Remedy generally endorsed by physicians, One 75 cen : bottle will cure or prove its value. Sold by dealers in -all civilized coun tries. The school board at Osborn elected N. H. Stull, formerly ofGerm&utown to fill the postion of superintendent in the public schools caused by the resignation of Prof. Harraount to ac cept a similar position at Jamestown. Does YourStomach Distress You? Do you have pains in tlie side, nausea, sometimes vomiting, distress after eating^ belching, constipation, foes of appetite, dharness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? I f you have any of these symtoms, you have dyspepsia or stomach disorder. These distressing troubles are promptly re lieved and then cured by Bailey’s Dyspepsia Tablets. Pleasant to take. They' will bring quick relief to the worst cases, Written signature of W. T Bailey pn each package. Price cents. Sample free. Druggists who don’t have them will get them for you. Two kinds of tablets in each package. The latest discovery, Sold by Ridgway A Co Dscsratiwt DayTrips. For the accommodation of persons who may desire to spend Decoration . ) ty away from home, reduced fare tickets will be sold at ticket stations on the Pennsylvania Lines May 29th and BOtfi. The return limit will in clude May 31st. For particulars Bee nearest Pennsylvania Line ticket agent. HOW'Sn u t We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure, J. CHENEY* co., Props., Toledo, 0 We, the undersigned, have known F, J . Cheney( for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in nil busiucss transactions, and iunueially able to carry out any obli* f tion made by their firm. B* * *“ ' “ “ ' ‘ 'iTAT iu ’A x , Wholesale Druggists 'olcilff, Ohio. W alwn , K ixnan A M arvin , Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- pftally, acting directly upon the ■ fcrod and mucous surface of the sys tem 75e per Iwttle, Sold by all druggists. _Testimonials free, Hall’s Family Pills me the best. I AM *s ttrvw Is Iks sir, It MI l* tk«Mrtfc; I k»e* wo wkers. All men ssetn to like tospit around a stove. -Harm-are only a trifle higher in prices than they were several years age; so do not get frightened, hut come to my store, and get yourself a niea single Ilarne** a t rearonabi* price*. Ihitn, the Hanwaa Man, 1 1 1 Home girl* go to a show in • the atrs party and pretend they wouldn’t want fellows. t t t A sure way to attract people who want to talk is to have a book you want to read. I I t What we call real nerve is, for a man to talk about hi* first wife iu the presence of the second. t f t A girl who has time to change dresses two or three times a day doesn’t amount to much. f t + ■ - . You often hear of a niau who can’t accumulate anything because bis with is too' extravagaut, but never of one who doesn’t prosper because he is too extravagant himself. t t t When we see a girl walking'with a fellow smoking a cigarette, we know she has no taste and not much self respect. t f t A woman think's a flower pot is bol ter made out of sonic old battered in can. I I I ; Few men (if any account die that there are not sv.cnd looking lor their jobs. i t t If we were a woman, tve would wear u seat akin ami then every ollier woman would rtibberueck, P ine and O ak 'c^KKSaT ■witli* t f t Nobody ever sees new paint out trying to sec if it is dry. t t t No one knows how badly bi3 house needed puiuting till it is partly painted. • t t . t Lots of men never take any inter est in lodge affairs till they want to go to a new town. A full line of Dimensions, Biding, Floorings Selling, Finished in White and Yellow Pine, Poplar and Hemlock. Farm Gates, Richmond I'ences, Locust and Chesnut Posts f t & .isssai Bhingles; "White Pine, Ret! Getlnr and Hemlock. Doors, Bash, Blinds ami Mouldings. Glnss 8x10 to 40x40, Largest stock in town American Window Scieens F ly Proof Try. them “A little hit crowded” for Room and Desire an Opportunity tb Figure on Your Bills. * W e W a u l Y o i i r T r a d e . M. TARBOX ft SON, m m Correct Prices. Up-to-date Styles. - . • y• :< 8 ., .. - . I P you ’re th in k in g o f pu rcha s ing a carpet you make I a m is tak e by not s e e in g our desighs, and g e tt in g our prices before looking e lsewhere . t t t Lots of men have Bchemcs to get rich if it were not for about one draw back. t f t The candidate who. is defeated at the election always attributed it to the fact-that so many lied to him, A lex . M iller . fifty pflT STOKE... Can sell yoir n straw hat, but must o f ’em will ask you 35c for our quarter ones; 75c for our half dollar kind, and 31.50 for the very handsome list* we sell at a dollar. AU these prices apply to soft or stiff brims and to rough and fine braids. We sim ply have too many kinds for men, boys and children to fry to de scribe them here. Rest assured we couldn’t sell more hats right along than any other two stores in town, if we didn’t give more style and better value. Ag»l*w#iavlte yo*to make our store year hM*<insrt«r« when yoa'rs{■8prlngi«!4-»yoa’re wel comewhetheryoa want hay any thing or not, ’'AHteliSgttvSMM** Whenever properly introduced Dr. taldwell’s Hyrtip Fejisin, as a cure for constipation, has met with phenom enal Ml* Many druggists cannot say in pratse of its merits, as wall enough as ill great popularity with the peo ple In 10r. trial sis* and aim* in 50e ami 11.00 Mae#, o ff’, M. Ktdfttay, BED ROOM SUITES, SIDE BOARDS, B00E CASES, COUCHES, &c. Furniture Dealer. J . L I . M c M I L L A N , Funeral Director k Embaimer. VALUE Fair dealings is the Merchanlilo Magnet-—it draws the crowd. Pulley Belts Clipper Ax with Handle Lawn Mower Childrens Bibs Garden Hose, 50 ft. Bed Spread Ladies Gauze Undervests Spring Veiling Oak Picture Easel Featherstitch Braid Large size can Crown Lye White Wash Brushes Leather Halter 1 pr Lace Curtains, 29 in wide 23c 75c $2 78 3c $4.55 41c up 10c up 8 yd 30c 3c bolt 9c Chamber Sets, 6 pieces Ladies Muslin Gowns Chenille Tabic Cover Churn Fishing Poles, 16 feet long Ice Cream Freezers Whisk Broom , Horn Hair Pins 7 for Dollies, 18x18 Tumblers perdoz Day Book 200 pages 6£xl5 $215 50c 65c 69c 6c $1-70 3c 5c 5c 20e 22c 5c yd Columbian Ingrain Carpet 29c yd 39c ■8f. Cecelia Medallion ‘ 59c and 2 i yds long Brush Skirt Binding, pryd 65c 5c Empress Corduroy Skirt Binding _4c 2J in Torchon Luce pr yd Gc 2 in " ** “ 3c Oorscts 20c up Red Damask, pr yd 21c Infants caps 6 to 40c “In His Steps,” book 9e A complete Hue of Ladies Men's and Childrens Shoes, all prices Oxford Teachers Bible Riding Bridle Ladies Kid Gloves R oum Water Proof Umbrella Jute ltug 36*72 Ladies Solid Gold Ring Eight Day Clock Gold Filled Watch Men’s Boy’s and Childrens Clothing Men’s, Boy’s and Children Hats New style tucked Shirt Waist 53c Black Spring Capes 60c 65c 66c 67c 70c 95c 11.14 $1.90 15.70 8 Slate Pencils 1 Carpenter Pencil 60 in. Tape measure 2 dot Hooks A Eyes Dime Bank 6 doz. Shirt Buttons Pocket Comb with case No. 2 Hercules Safety Pin* Screw Driver Invisible HairPins, per ho* David’s Black Ink 4 in. Kid Hair Curlers No. 2 Curling IroAs Padlocks Wire Soap Dish Palm Soap 8x6 Picture Frame Dress Shields 50 ft. Pishing Line Compass Pencil S6 Mops 10c Stand Cover 15c Complete liuc of Leather Belts 5c up. Ladies Ready made trimmed Drawers 47c NEW YORK RACKET STORE JOIU, ORANSKY, Proprietor. X o i l i t l , O l i i o . Ixxmvt-rm lift iflfts E tom © I n s u r a n c e O o : o? TSI © w E»ery Description of Town and Fnm Property Insured Againtt Fire, U |liM ii(u d Tsmde. Farmers insnriug in ibis Company do not thereby inc-umlier their property, or make themaelviw Ikhle for tiro losses of others. Why insure iu a corporation without a dollar of capital, or i**™*1*#* lor m protection can be had in a company like T hd R om o o f H ow Y o rk . ihaonee weak company, when fall t »«* •ifljl® application is veVv taking with'the f«m e ^V n c t^ ly r^ R ’n d ^ !ht diabie old Company in Ohio The H om t’t $ 12 , 457 , 928:52 asseta a»d # 4 m ? 9 S 8 1 i S parrs them to carry your fire policy, but enables them to protect vour - ‘ w r$!«akot only pre jssffks&sssf sr m m a i S E T M * w y Mht " * * * ^ W, L. Ciomana, A g ttit, C edarvillt •A* > imm ifiUiB I" m # m «ter ( m ; mi j HI»Ii t , lit© I t w o t m , v am I h S K B Moti 8xlj ;(*8t st te n e a SeiJ Prooi A N N U A L _ NX tto Rcfsrimii P< ftsWteft toe Se*si i k e - Many visitors been welcomed t it the last few dayt were, is wholly a clergy. Cedarvil honor of having nual synod of th teriau church » which held its i Opera House, 1 I The services wert jug of the 102nd Came- the Berrac Moderator, Rev. :Wyman, Iowa. J election of office I until Thursday u TIU A t,the openi : the ejection of c and ;the result i erator, Rev. F. York; Clerk, i . ] [bridge, Mass.; VOI , Sproull, Fair Cr * Next came the f fC l mittee on unfinis over from last } | usual routine ol j | tion therewith. Several years r. fto have the chuu .jm tv j ’'Scotland to mo I in this country -oommitteee hav. iftiggested that ii ftS Out of 75 h pressed ihemeelv - The commits Copied and they I t was ,decic half hour spent each session for instead of at the custom. Adjourned fo. AFTEUIi The remaind' husineM.of tho f and the report , special psalmod; piper was read Of Pittsburg, I committee, con resolution; •’Resolved. T pose and sing j worship, is on t [right to write a A motion wo; be Stricken out, lasting about tv ^vote of 60 to 5 \ ml ’encil Sssure fcEyes uttons witli ca »Safetvi Pins, in Ink * (farh’p Irofis -f Lathy tisde trii EVEN (!l The evening !for conference n,n ’ wroprosulctUn U m ; Edgar, Olathe, \ | THompeon, of 1 address on * Rev. F. M City made tb evening on the [Foreign. Mia Church,” fE II) The Synod with the usual txevcisei, folio ' Boftfde. The dteste of The rsftd by J . W. ____ H txt«ame“S! Xroetiow by F A i of the Board. ’•Ftetrigti M r % R. M. Somme Th* followh g | | ^ 1 Wl over to . •tel 'dhteossctl emselve Chmltsr, hmd kcoMpei W.-Jf.ikjJema ^ % m c a * . , e 0 <»wto m m m ’“1teordo $» moretime mm im -, Toadten ^ . 4 bliar , Tit*after0.0 >. ■ fhsismriagani i ----- .— Osatesl 1 m * S. ___
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