The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
T l \ e l l e r u l d . f W i T I O . 'A hmuju ^A mmmu AH4 a £4 ffiU§ IH maa . vma^U^RPW^W 9 *W^S®V S^^n^to* ft * t v * d a y . m m % i m . MDfl you mitt * man who, having raised tbe 8 l*» am) BtrijM* on wtr New Fmweww, will maintain tfcamwHIi Uppity ;or a man who wilt cut down * Old Glory” and make us the laughing stock o fthe world?" 71 m Chinese Minister hi! tb» nail fight whan he christened the drew shirts* ^pnenmoaia* shirt. One thing thia Cuban burine* has done, *nd that m to push the Porto Rican bill well into the background. "Great Britain baa forgotten of coorat, hoar shocked she was at our Victory over such a little fellow sb •ffjpeln# Money won’t do everfthing. Mr. Cbtrk.has three times bought a seat in the United States Senate, and still is not in possession of it. Rev. Sheldon, late of the Topeka Capital, b u taken ship for Europe and tbeLondonjournals are profanely inquiring Whybe does not walk across m Jews would do. Faying United States bonds is a re publican specialty. The Treasury Department hxacalled for $25,000,000 is. o)d 2 per dent bonds and given notice (hat interest on them will cease Sept. 1 . Gen. Weyler is reading tbe Cuban laews with rage and despair in bin | heart. He thinks how much better ] he would have done if he bad only a few American carpet beg politicians | tohdpbira. I K tw IWswwtsr Coasti actina Co., which h a il A s Dayton and Jaaia lias. IW^^I yijr. m A $4^ 1 JRfV|a#Aip#liPW» IHlPppPWwP AJwiPi Mpfe H« 4 d Waldorf, »n liaw York, Apri 4 and was auppoesd to have gone to IBsytoa, Upon leaving New York he had a huge amount of Money aad ssysral dfewond and nags aad a itad, whieh is valued at ssreral tbouseiK Idellaw. It has been but a few weeks whereby the Worcester Construction [Comps* y deposed o f its interests in the Dayton and Xenia line to Dayton capitalist*. It is stated that this is the | second time be himdisappeared. . . Am»tmtiomkftAu Mr, W, A Hines, of Manchester, Is., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says: “Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption, I had frequent hemorrhages am coughed night and day. All »; ’ doctors asks I must soon die. Then, began to useDr. King’s New Discov erjr which Wholly cored me, Hun dreda have used it on my advice ant all say >t never fails to care .Throat, Chest and Lung trouble*,” Regular rise 50c and # 1 , 00 . Trial bottles free at RidgwayA Co's. Drug Store. The town trustees o f Benton, Ky., have granted a license to a citizen to open a saloon on an agreement that he shall keep his doors open all the time, use no screens whatever, am that no one shall be allowed to “ treat” or “set ’em up” in his place of bus! ness. Every man who takes a drink must pay*for his own liquor. OloriouV«v* Comes froiu Dr, D. B. CargiJe. of Washita, I. T. He Writes: “Electric Bitters has cored Mrs. Brewer o ’ scrofula, which had caused her greai suffering for years. Terrible sorei would break out on her head am face, and the best doctors could give no help; but now her health is ex cellent.” Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It’s the su preme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boilsand running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cts. Sole by Ridgway & Co, Druggist. Guar anteed. Now it’s tbe War Department that; it involved in Cuba. Secretary. Root it.trying to explain why his prede cessor spent #862,000 for building i railway six miles long. Laying tbe isilt alone cost about #32,000 per mil*. Fine and hemlock stumps and oh logs that were supposed to have be come worthless years ago are being gathered in Northern Michigan, to'be manufactured into lath. AreTo* Witk Drt Do you feel just finer than anybody alt the time? If you take Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin you may feel goot .the year round, f t is guaranteed to cure constipation, indigestion'and al stomach and bowel troubles. # 1 ,50c or 10c size. O. M. Ridgway will tel yon all about it, » Jiss Keene, the Wall Street specu lator, will pay $7,500 a* the result of! ft bluff. He offered to bet ibatamonnt •gainst $10,000 that Bryan would be aleotod Fraaident, .and republicans fUlovar eachotbsr in their anxiety to take up the b e t Desa auiyeMreally propose that w e ; ahauhl go to war with Great Britain ew behalf o f the Boon? I f not, what j lathe usa of aneonragingthe latter to eewthue ft baptism fight? They hate I peered th— sires to i>e men indeed, hut the end k inevitable. A murderer at Juneau, Alaska, named Martin Sirvert, asked to be hanged without a trial, and his re quest was complied with. XtltSttaagt that aome people who say they never read patent medicine advertisements will be found lugging home every now and then a bottle of some favoriterem edy of theirs. We don’t bother you With much reading but just ask you to try a 10c trial bottle o f Dr. Geld* well’s Syrup Pepsin for constipation, indigestion ana stomach troubles. 60c and $1,00 rites at C, M. Ridgways. Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Virginia hare made Jefferson Davis* birthday, June 3, a legal holi day. AW m IU i *t BtMty jm. * story written for boys, Gov, Reeeevslt gives the following rule for suesees, which he hat himeelf closely Mewed: “la life, a* in a foot ball game, the principle to followis, hit the Bn* hard; don’t find and don’t ririrk, but Ml the line hard,” It’s a f* « i rate for anybody. Gmraany atabout to make another atoMttpt to injure our trade by adopt ing a method of repriralitnporing higher duties on article* from the Untied States, I f the Kaker isn't aafcrik), made in-Germany articles wBt eeato to be sold in this country. Reprisal hi a two handed game and Unriu Sam bolds the winners. The country has absolute eonfidence ftu tha admiaistratioef, and knows that them are ifeaswi^goodl one*-* why the President awl his advisers dnsnik Wise for the Senate to defer • arise e* the Nicaragua ( ‘anal hill •arill the neat srariott. That three era liplsaiatto la probable, as the hD), if khiiMsea a law ia advance o f the toetrtugeflroi-ried agreenietthi with tfee two Oattnri Am^feea countrlet riaNMgh whfeh the Niesrague Canal mgym. torigiilif ajjgm'Lfi 'riili’iii frf*w 'Pr^fwusRR enlhtos eftteridseNttn^ientaah^e, # llwrtwr I n i WA lit tirtim, h n tym itf Th* power ofthi* mal*: « l». e^MraHHMUfe 1 m wnrwfVffVpimtl v«P« • a t Dr, Xfwi’aNew Life into a enffrand eertoineura, Kali U m , Kid- (M j U r n m w i Is often hidden by unsightly Pirn* E U$, Eczema, Tetter, Eryripefas, Salt beam, etc. Backin'* Arnica Salve will glorify the face by curing all Skin Eruptions, also Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Ulcers, and worst forms of Piles. Only 25 cts a box, Cure guaranteed. Sold by Bidg way A Co., druggist, Divine beaters hate come Under the ban of tbe Poet OfficeDepartment, A (kri t i tkaUm, 1 wish to say that I feel under last ing obligations forwhat Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has done for our family. Wo' have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and Iwhooping cough, and it has always j given the most perfect satisfaction, Iwe feel greatly indebted to the manu- !facturers of this remedy and wish M, Ridgway, The Chicago city architect has made plans for ft mansion for stray dogs. . giw m m raatf. The following schedule goes into effect on the Pennsylvania Line, Bun* ih«y, M*y 2 ?, WJMfcWAitO, No. 83-10:17 «, m. No. 19—3:28 p, m. No, 3--9:00 p. m. ^ , t -' JBASUWAftU ■ No, 10.- -7}09 ft. in. No. 32—4:41 p. m. No’s, 10 and 3 run only between LVdnmbus and Richmond. No 111 in * lag stop a t Cedarvitle, The above traiM are daily thmoghont the week, K. B. K m m , Agent. —GriaaV am nauding out britof erMMtbMsvm-, Gfv»rimmft «*& tririfeRkfe- 1 AkgfltaUefbMcaliaftfiN’AB *!: , ;;Ki \ PnnitoleslfegeitKM^ nensandHtotjCouiaiasndfeer OniuaU4otpte^t»rMiii«aL N o t M a m c o t ic . ApuieriBeniedy forf^iefips- fton,SourSkmach.Diaaiioes ^VbrnmDxtvirifiioRsTemirih nr—endL o s s OFS lriEP. T k S m I s Sifnstsr* ef HEW-YORK. ■__ } ' , ( »%• s EXACTCOPVor WRAPPER, MSTORU £jrJUW«JI«MW lift ns Im Haw JUmys Bacsht Bears the Signature of In tm For Over Thirty Years M s n n u "■ :THferiEMTaUfteOMMMr, fgCfeV-‘fMiJfe- A» YenConstipated? Do youhave that tired feeliug? Do you feel sluggish, billioiis and out of sort* generally? Do you have sick headache? Do you "have pimples, eruptions, blotches, ulcers, sores or other results of constipation? The sewer, of the body must be kept in an active, healthy condition.ami nothing does it so well as Bailey’s Laxative Tablets. Their use brings on a clear, rosy, beautiful complexion, A tab let nr two taken at night makes you feel fine in the morning, , 10 c packages contain 20 tablets, and 60 in 25c packages. Tablets chocolate coated. The written signature of W.' J. Bailey on each package, Sample free. They promptly relieve and then cure con stipation. Sold by Ridgway & Co. £ Excwatoaa toCamden, fed. German Baptist Church Brethren Did Older) 1000 Meeting will be. at mden, Indiana, J tine 3d to 5th; and low rate round trip ticketswill be sold via Pennsylvania Lines as fellows: From stations located within one hun- milesot Camden, June 3d, 4 th and 5th; from stations beyond one hun dred miles, May 31«t, June 1 st, 2d and 4th—all tickets will be .accepted for return from Camden wjtliout vali dation to June Dili. Extension of return limit; By de posit of ticket and payment of fifty cents*to joint agent of Central Pas senger Association on or before Juno 8 th, an extension of return limit may be obtained to leave Camden not later than July 5th. A new Bible has been published in London in which tho New Testament precede the Old. AVsMIMtw Once raid “most women lose their freshness and good looks earlier in life than necessary because of inattantion to natures requirements, Because of their peculiar habits all should make a practice o f using some rinple laxa tire.” There is no laxative so simple, so pleasant to take and yet so potent as Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. Get a 10c bottle (10 doses lOets.) of G. M. Etdgttay, ANEARNESf SEEKER. “Man proposeri’—begsn the parson, Bat a spinster wavedner fan, And the congregation giggled when She inquired: “Where* tne man?” —Chicago Daily News. CHURCH DIRECTORY II. P. borch—Rev. J. F. Moiton, Pastor. *erviccR at ll:;i 0 a. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. to.- ■■■■■■■■■*■' ■Covenanter CiinrcU— Itov, W. J, Sand«;rw;n, (ia*tor. Ufgulor tervicos at m. Sab bathSchool at 10a. tn. 1 . V. P. Church—Itev. P. 0, llo 8 f, paetor. Ser vice**t 10:30 a. tn. -ml 7;(J0 |*( m. Sabbath Scboolat 9:39a,;n, stanilar.l time. A. M. E. Church—ltev,rMr. Knvwelt, I’a»- tor Preaching at Ihot) a. us. and 7:30p. ra. Claw every Sabbath at 12:30, SabbatltSchuol at3:00p. tu. Prscnds ami viiitora cordially invited. , M. E, Church—Hev, A.b. Maddox, pantor. Preaching at U;(I0 ». in, Sabbath Scbdai at 9:45 a. in. Voting'Pcoplo’a meeting at 0:45 p, m. Prayer meeting Wednenday et entng at 7:80. Baptist Church—Bur. Oeorgo Washington, tsastorofthe-Baptist church. Preaching at II «. to, and7:30p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p.m. Prayermeeting every Wednesday night at.7:39. Everyone iuvited. $B00 REWARD! We will pay the ulatre reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache, Indigestion, Constipationor Costivencs* wecannot euro with Livcrita, tho Cp-to-Bate Little LiverPill,when the directionsurnstrict ly compliedwith. 'l’hcyarc purely Vegetable andnever fail to give satisfaction. 23e boxes contain 100Pills, 10cboxes contain40 Pills, 5c boxes contain 15 Pills. .Beware of s'uhstitu- lions and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NEBVITA MEDICAL CO., Cor. ClintonandJacksonSts., Chicago. lit, Portals byC. M.Uidgway, druggist, Ccdar- vllle, Ohio. FRANK H. DEAN. A ttobxky at L aw . 41 E. Main St. Xenia, O. scorn OFCOD-LIVEROILWITH HYPOFHOSPHITES S h o u ld t h N i y i b o k o p t In t h o h o u s o f o r t h o Af o l - l o w l n g r o o t o n s : ^ Beoause, if inj^membir of th« family has ft hard cold. It will cur# ft, C M M I—Beeftuto, if the chil dren are delicate and sickly, It will make them strong and welt. 3ftNHtt~"B*eAuto, if the father or mother is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated, ft will build them up and give them flesh, and strength, m u n m i m » u m standard remedy In All throat and lung affections. No houeehoW should be without t t h can be taken tn summer as well antas fts^feisAM^I Mi 1*1 wHnvii iwiim>fti. ^ .. •BSRTft •ORtofttaftnli^ftewVnft, Adam’s Restaurant and DiningRooms Corner High sind Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio, Blua Front Stable. Leave your horses there and your rigs be kept on the inside, out of the n ib end storm, 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O. C uab ies E . T odd , **rop Exchange Rank CEDARVILLE, OHIO, A CCOUNIS of Merchants and In- dividunls solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. D RAFTS on New York and Cin cinnati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail. 1 0ANS made on Real Estate, Pei- sonal or Collateral Security. William Wildmsn, Pres,, Seth W, Smith, Vice Pres., W. J. Wildmsn, Cashier* facersIsas to ries Welsss, lews, June 17th to 21 st, iadurive, ac count Annual Convention Music Teachers’ Association, tickets at re duced rates will- lie sold to Des Moines, Iowa, from Pennsylvania Lines ticket stations; valid returning Saturday, June 2 &I, inclusive. CMCHCSTEirS EMUSH fENNYROYALPULS 1 * 8 ' m a th eood s Special! ¥ <H’ «•« lij '4 at fe j <*l»t r* ;4 51i<„n | t . : . > £X W . C r o u s e 's ' This week we s tli Printed Swiss Dress Goods in all the new colors and iigares a t i2;’c. Last season a sim ilar goods sold for 20c, and a t xz i-ac hits a argain. * c c j n o nSm ifv In more than fifty patterns to select r , n e ' ,m , lX from a t 15c a yard. I t is just as good m every way as the English Dimities th a t sell for 35c, Blues, Pinks, Grays, Lavenders and Black | 5 ( ^ § , and White, price £&C IT: rf r rS V « 1 , Lard, ■ 1 » S , Sugar Cured Cheaper Dimities {*«**££ ! SbssUn.: fine patterns. Cheap 5c a yard. 8 t q r p A r r a l a Pull 36 inches wide, choice patterns I d c r e r c a i e for sifirt W aists and Shirts, splen- G jvimjs si tria l and I k * cob ' sjucim I. did quality at 3 f;c a yard, is worth take today. 5 c Press Ginghams lengths, a t 5c a yard. This goods sells in the full piece j a t ioc and a t half price is great value. B e t^ r^ n g h am s a t 10, i2?<, 15 and up to 37|c for TH E VERY BEST, in large assortments. i W k s r e t o L o c a t e ? ■ Wby, m the Teiriteiy Yiawweft foythe.. *, J o b e ,*ros . / X E N IA , O H IO . Louigm lle 1 VO-*» Bt-ilroad -THE---- -css-o *:%?&- j . H . W O L F O R D Dreat CViiira! 'Sontbent Trunkline -IN . F O M BOGGYS - AT - Aid: - PRIGES B u g g y R e p a i r s o f A ll K i n d s . \ f Imperial Plouis and Repairs. KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI, FLORIDA, WHERE ' Farmers, Fru it Ormrerg, Hiorh Itawers, Manufacturers, In vrntor?, Kfeculazor# tou t Money Lenders vriil 2nd tbe g»eat«#t cba^cc? in the United Stgtt-s 19malic"-big i!!f.ney” by rca«innf (lie abut-iaEtceani ehrajinifs nf,. ' LANDAHD TABUS, TIHBE3 AWD ST0HE, 1E0N £SH COAL. LAEOB-EVEBTIHllfGI T rc site,, Ecniieial iSsi»!cnco. nr..! freedeft Ja ir. saxaliun. for (henjan&ffwiatcr. Land nml forms nt£!.0D for acreandap» wc.rdvi, and.sVa.^ill awe* in wci-t F'oridathst rtj) l.o Infccn grot:, underTVS. nemo,teed laws. 1' Slockraiiiug in tbe Half CoastDistrict will maheenormous j.rf.£rs. HxlTfxrsjxcarsioxth«rir«tard ThirdTo:,d»y*cf etchmoath., Let «s ki.ow what you w*nt, nr.dwcwill toll you w|:cro and how io got it—:butdon’t delay, as thoooantry is filling;uprapidly, , i’rihUdmatter, map# and all lnfonnsiio* free. Address, • * U. J. WEMTSS, (itceral liutn^rationand Industrini Agt, Lsaisriile, Kestnclcy. FOX, —THE- C E M R - W I L K E S , By REDWOOD. Dam, PEARL WILKEB. The above named flue bred Trotting Stallion will make the season o f 1000 at my place. He is ft rich seal brown, 16 hands high, fiae action and style. There is no better bred horse in Southern Ohio. Now is the time to breed; good horses are bringing good money. Call and eeeliim. T erms : Ten Dollars *0 insure mare with fail. A. O. BEIDGEMAN, Cednrville, Ohio. OPENING Summer Wash Fabric. ,1WMMV "U,MI AAtjjVy IVJIIUIJ* Al«v>AUUIjUdtK'J JIIU Vl«fU worth 2&C* mijility M& oi imported Orgftiulto, Mmlfi tired 8wi«, Linens, Jaconetts (excelleut for' the girl graduate.) SILKS—Figured, for a Summer Dress, just ri|f»it price mid very-popular. CORSETS—All tho new shape. Excellent Summer Corsets 50e, KIDS—All the pretty shade-tor 61.00 and $1.50, 4*Arcade Photographer ^ . 5- ' • • Is tlu* most ivliahle ,an<l Strictly Up-to- date Artist in tlie city—Springfield, O. Art Grill, the IMMIIg r wHh MftyftvigMiw I .itoft. swft la . . fo'i rntmutuu m . ****** wa * prices as many have visited other dries and wo have secured the sales. SUIT R(K)M—Finely stocked. Tailor Made Suits, Waists, Petticoat*, Jackets, Separate Skirls, Muslin Undent! ar meeting large rales, Knit ’ Underwear 25e to 5(k*. H utchison & Q ibney L d U flUfe Legal Notice. Hnda=;nl( IIoRiilton residing *t Monmouth, 111 . will take notice tint suit has been brought against her in terpleaded with others1, in the Com mon Pleas Grimt ot Greene count*, Ohio, by I>. W. Blair, e t «!, as troV tees of The Reform Presbyterian Church of Cednrville, plaintiffs. The pray cf the petition in said action is toquiet t!te title to the following rest estate situated in said Greene Co. 0„ towit: Being part of military survey enteral in (lie name of Wm. Tern- kins. No. 07-15, nt'id Ijoutsded as fid- lows: Beginning at a stake in tb* easterly mart»in of the (*lift»n fo#4 11 jades from the alley north of J« Orrs seennd addition to the town of Cedarvilk; theneo N, 16 W. 10 pfil« to a Stake; thence N. 74 E. 15 pel« to a stake; thence 8 , 16*E. 10 polr* to a stake; thence B. 74 W. 15 pel# to the beginning. Said defendant is required to aosnrr raid petition by June 30th, 1000. Ii. L . GmvDV, Attorney for Piaintife* a|>r28 Ow ......... ......... . 11,1.."..............raw wlwi oo * e » wmetjT xftE u n a iVt-atdlwjrgeit,wis-a yea t:r.s»W ia tovett-stoe Will teny:-ft that he5saolhotisel io*tlsa4JJ» toeverx pB.-tkastf#";«!>£>IK 0 f l ’ ;* f»>ls « me *a* c*so ft itottllto I5WND, PROlTAlf’W rM # , as smtteref hr,# loo*oluiJIu:?. C*JJ eidiB-vryesifsi* fj* r»co .tiresessema4w*L ttslierenIlcbSfigIsUSMjf• ThisI*«M«rte f t t j r ssT to tM es *Jgj tWetpISMBtee. ytn Vine, No Psy, »"** ll.Wi ■ Wet setsbyC. It. Kitgwsy. to (mft« A0OL9 Iff ME UW. Take Laxative Br*«m» Tablet*. All druggists refufld v* money if it M \i to cure, R JJ* GroteV rignatnre i« on cr «! i Iwx. IT, M t U I M f t * mrtii- mtum tftSftMfefti# i r *—**• ***** to 1 L«* m I t u mmrntikj Ikw, feiks l««e * tperi A* tost, f f t 0 ***dv*ftto#e,if* jdbefkftir cutting, it *#*»•• ■ f f f 5 pd $« people think •tody tbe ratne Ixmks ^ctor tho seme. t t f A mean man’s childj rixtncc. Everybody tl tkettito0* t t f To 0 many men wbo dj want to talk 'ton mnch 1 1 1 A good many folks men neve*' get hart, butj t t t A smooth lie is as truth. t ‘t t Ho woman ever sees a l dish without wanting tof make it* t t Boys do not always j like the girls do, but th their girls go, t t t . t f you don’t expect don’t set the date when pay. t i t Everybody, nearly, tl write some things good Book. t t t It seems funny that if deal of financiering to] church, in order to get t t . t When you see some i . getber. you know .one of » to grind. t t t Nobody criticises a wt ting flowers in a windowl loahow off. Af Special Rates to I Ticket agents of the Lines will furnish infoi| reduced rate tickets which will be on sale ov June 1st, 2d, 3d and 4t meeting of General Woman’s Clubs Apf agent o f the lines mentil Eacuralmsto i The Sunday School Ohio will convene Jut Low rate Excursion sold June 4th and 5th Vania Linpa And C. A .| valid returning notlat June 8 th. Worts m 1 IiiftnswertoMrs. regard to ,'wart*on them well twice a daj tor eil, leeving ther with the oil. I have' her o f times with comj usually take* ft week plete « Cure. J . Altamont, Kan. June 19th at P4 will assemble dcle^ fionsofiheUnitedl ft candidate for l ’rcsid tickets Will lie soldi inclusive, via Penns Philadelphia; valid, day, June 26th. Whets m (So and H«] The Seashore, Me RjMorie constitute G pbaewra grounds fbi, They ara within eai tylvanift Lines, aft railway system Willi Mfttion about rates.l ranragh car comfd Rumssor havens, rtetoili w»d free vahsebto Apjdy ♦flvftttieUnos Ps A^iwtimdbe relh * *ph g pralimis jwvftitiftgatidv * * y * , Agent, 15* «# Wateribe, Imh] ***** ” 1 have S*rawhh4, HeraWWA & » * £ * % * * * * Hava ts 1 h and had M l • f e k y C . MJ i..- JV,
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