The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

At Prt • U k *'*>•» fciti m *!•' M m t Sh«.|t t1[ ' C r o u s e ’s \5*;vP - afcrwVftf- '.'.a s s a sw , ■ear * m ist, * C u r e d d e r s . ftl an<l Lti co to Locate? ,x>i£.iss£as) i the Tc;trHory .ci! t.y the. . . , Im lle . hilroad - T H E — - _ ,i ^oitlhoni Trunkline ~I*f ----------_ f T. TENNESSEE . &BAMA. ‘ * P PL 'FLO R ID A , IVHERE r .-■•-■ . ■ 7 Growers, sees, Manufacturers, '\ to.-s, fyectitasow (tnii Money Lenders r«*t dmi'fcs fn Ihc United ; wnnpy” hy reasonv»f the ijincHuof ■.■. '.■*■ ■• as. •' ; - HID STONE, rAijp com . . LfiEOjB-EVEBYTHIHGI ia! cha M iuico . an<Jfreetkm he jmimifituhirer. 1 at !?l.00 per acremu) up. .•teres ia West F'orid, (hat fs. under H.S. IfOniegtcad the (lulf Coast District nil) *. fiia, iarsion the Tlrtt asd aysoC«aohswath.. it you want, and wewill how io get it—but don’t y Is filling uprapidly, utnps end *11 infonnstion 38S, ..... 3. J. WEKT8S, -rationAndIniiustrinl Agl. ItouisviUe,iBatnckj. ‘TUE- • f o o to g r a B f c e r - f no s t ro lia lile ic tly l/p - tp * l’tis t in t h e iringfii'lil, Os 1 N o tic e . f;!E5tU«n residing ai Vv!3I take notice that vtUyit against her in- ?>ther£i» the Com* tot Greene county, Blair, ct id, ss truss* Inform Presbyterian vH’o, pfainfi/t*. The ;i/i! in wid action is to the following real irah? Green* Co, 0„ t of military survey name ot‘ Win, Tom* ‘{.'cl Ucuinird ns fill* ? nt r« stake in the «f the Clifton road ;:o alley north of J» i(L» to the town of v N\ 10 W, 10 poles c N. 74 K 15 poles .re S. 10'J5,10 pole* J&7-MV. 15 jmles i ’ rapurnl to snswer 'line 10th, i m II, h . GfJWltY, tOfHev for l ’lsiniilis. ItMl *? KArt'*; 1 k**w*M*whMA. .I —t»*a*f*Uwr. ■ .jrf ’ i ■ ; yfeu folk* taw a few ehltdrea, ^»poittherMt* t t t One advantage. lf a H U Mto* tod jpg^fhair cutting, H will grow out H*is. t t t Some people think because doctors gtedy the same book* they ought to gtttor tho jwwe. t t f A nmtt man’s children have «o dunce. Everybody thinks they are ttewmc, t t t Xnomany men who do a good deed to talk too much about it, t t t . A.good ninny folks think drunken atn never get hurt, but they do, t t t A smooth lie is as good aa the i t # , t :t t Jfo woman ever eeeBa new culinary tfoh without wanting to learn how to make it, ■ t t t Uoya do not always go to church like the girls do, but they go where their girls go. t t f If you don’t expect to pay a bill, don’t set the date when you agree to Iff*.. t f t Everybody, nearly, thinks he can write some things good enough for a book. t t t It seems funny that it takes a good deal of financiering to keep up a churchj in order to get to heaven. t t t ' When you Bee some men talking to* gather, you know one of them has an sk to grind. t t t Nobody criticises a woman for set* , fagflowers in a window, yet it isdone admw off. Al.EX.Mn.LEB. SpecialRates toMRwasfcee. .. Ticket agents of the Pennsylvania Isnet will famish information about reduced rate tickets to Milwaukee, which will be on sale over those linee /one 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th, account the meeting of General Federation of Woman's Chiba Apply to nearest agent of the lines mentioned. fxcwraisaa to Afcr—. The Sunday School Association o f Ohio will convene' June 5th a t Akron, Low rate Excursion Tickets will be mid June 4th and 6th via Pennayl* vmm Luma and O, A A C. Failway, valid returning not later than Friday, Jane flth. WariaaaCawlanta. Is anrwarto Mrs. 8 . X. Wear in ngard to "wartaon oow’a testa,” mb themwell twice a day with purs «m far oil, leaving then wall saturated with the oil. I have triad this a nura* i*r of lime* with comjdote tmcctm, I t awslly takes a week or two to com* riatc a cure. ,T. W. B askkb . ' Alfamont| Kan, Jane 19tli a t Philadelphia, Pa,, wilt assemble delegates from all sec* Mansof the Ifnited States to nominate a candidatefor President. Excursion fMtefa will he sold June 14 to lflik, kfaiaeive, via Pennsylvania Lines to Maiadelphia; valid returning Tnea* Jky, dune 26th. Wh«(« to Ho «nl Hew to dot 7 !rtr*. The Seashore, Mountain and Lak* •aaorts constitute the moat attractive Paaaure grounds for the summer idler, way are within easy reaeb via Penn* VLvaaia lanes, and agent* of tlmt •Sway system will furnish fall infer* •farm about rates, train service and "tough car comforts to any of fast Manner Havana. TTiey will mafatin Z t p X S i L +m < Apply to Jim wflnnMtPtoM* f n n l « lanm Pastonger and Tkkik Apatand he relisvwt «fM ll a f tw f i •topiag prelimioarke fee jw outing and vaeattoii' Agent, fjsdarrfll# U T K i, Owl, ^Waterloo, itoi, |to v .& P , MMtc ydfaii "1 hava bean MNietod over 13 nidi dyipiswht or annr «tomi«h. N«r« tried d i K t ramadiaa wltiwni henefli, A IRn htotleof Dr l'«HympPspsto gmsi m Hava tohon ' ^ ----- end heal Mm* M T l ta o aaltod “mmmrkg m m t ttou *r« am sew atripphtg fas toavaa feoji apple and aim ia many parts of 0 * ^ « « * * wmnp. *1(11 J r to ^ k ln i g h i p d i l thalr fr a | ap. IJfatoait tWy M * t hav* baao At* atroysd by aprayiog the tr «m with a Pf from 4 to six ounces of Makad Nm« in 50 gallona of water, the lima Wag raducsd to a milk of lime and strained-through a fine wire sieve, so as not to obstruct the nosxle of the spray pump* but when the canker worm has attained its full growth it is not stf easily killed a,ad Paris green is not effective. At this stage, however, it may be destroyed by spraying with Swift’# Arsenate of lead, llowker’s Arseqiclead or Bowkor’s Diipsrsne, using three ounces of the preparation to fifty gallona of water, These mix­ tures will not injure the foliage; when fully prepared they have a milky white appearance, and being nearly m tluu as water they spray readily, and they adhere for several weeks, thereby avoiding tbe necessity for more than n single application. They can be obtained.ofSwift &„Co.,or Bow- ker Chemical Co., both of Boston, Mass. These ate merely proprietary forms of the1standard 'chemical com­ pound, arsenate of lead. Recent experiments carried nut by the Entomological Department of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Bta* tion* have shown that within three days after application of thene vr'x- turee to trees seriously overrun by cauker worms fully ninety per cent of the.worms.were killed. I f treatment is neglected tbo worms will increase in numbers and by another season will probably kill the trees. A complete, illustrated description of the canker worm, with its life his­ tory, is given in Bulletin 68 of the Ohio Experiment Station. Hi*Comprdteasivs Prsye/. * Just ahead of me in the train thn other morning sat two men who were telling tbe stories that are never old about the .bright sayingsof their child- red, Bays the Boston Transcript. One of them, however, brand newone about his 4-year-old Georgia. This' young­ ster had been safely tucked in bed af­ ter a day of the most fatiguing play. He yawned while being undressed, cud was all but asleep by the time that he found himself between sheets. His mother, none the less, insisted ' upon him repeating his prayer of chilhood. He started sleepily, requiring prompt­ ing at the beginning of each line. JE3to«totoixtoii»^t«d:toito tery by the time that he had. obedi­ ently got as far as Mtake my soul,” "God bless”—prompted his moUieri Georgia has a long list of relatives* there was a flutter of his sleep-laden lid* a* he lumped them all together: "Cod bless tbe, whole shooting match.” And be was asleep.*t bet. , • ! -Calais feed ia difsati d ««kkly it wUl ferment and irritate the afemaek. Afterweek meal take a tamseeoatal of Kodol Dyspepsia Cur*. I t diawsU what you sat and will allow yon to sat all yen used of what you like. If ntver mil* to eurt the worat caaw of «I*MP*w* It fa idaasaut to take. EJdgwsy & Co., druggfata. •* S'Wi II'OiitWli |I l l . w p i J , If. Houser, of Roxabsll, 0 M fa here vfaiting hfa sou, J . L. Houser, %m grocer. ’—Exports show that over fifteen hundred lives have been saved through the use of Oue Minute Cough Cure. Moat of these were cases of grippe, croup, ^ asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents consumption. Ridgwar & Co,, druggist*, •Harness are only a trifle higher in prices than they were aeveral year* ago; so do not get frightened, hut come to my store, and get youmelf-a nice single Harness at reasonable pricoe, Dorn, the'Harness Man. WeakMen k s i m h . M Y m t i Georgia and Alabama have fine wheat crops. -—Last fall 1 sprained my left hip while handling. some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on told nt firstit was n slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. I t con­ tinued to grow worse and I'could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now to all my friends. F, A. Babcock, Erie, Pa. I t is for sale by C. M, Ri dgway. Since 1891 Colorado has produced over $76,000,000 in gold. Sabbath, June 3, 8 p., tu.—Baoca- lauraate Sermon in R, P« chui’cb^ - Timsday *vaaing,Jun«5, in Opera Houae^Cuaaa^Fight Exerciiei Ad- tofaflott 15 cents. fee. pupihr. test Societies. Con- ian nnoF-ouuteKi Any adult suffering from a cold settled on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung trouble*of any^nature, who will call at C. M. Ridgway’s, will be presented with a sample bottle of Bo#cWV German Syrup, free of charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and none to children without order from parent*. ' Ho throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale a* Soechto* German Syrup in all part* of the civilised world. Twenty yrare *go million* of bottles were given away," and your druggist* will tell you its success was marvelous. I t ps really the On y Throat and Lung Remedy generally endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent bottle will cure or prove it* value. Sold by dealer* in all civilised coun­ tries, te l* ITewr tosmuKBMrsseV**? Do yen here paint In the side, nausea, ewneUme* vomiting, distress after eating, belching, constipation, lost of appetite, ditfineae, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? Myo* have any of these *ymto«*. 75 o hate dyspepem or atomaeh disorder. These dW rS S ^ tiwtMto a topromp t^ re* lieved *M then cured hy Baltoys Hyspepri* Tablets. Pleassnfcto take. ■nSv w ll bring quick rriief to g e worfasram. V^ttoo sfaftotora of W, J . Bailey m eash P * ^ * J M e e S S y a g ir a y A O e .. - —Bamll to tone a n DaWHtf* LWto » « b ' f S eftss#** VnU got 8 if tr 8 * ix»!n For Fifty Tiw» Its Frlw* I awoke last night with severe pains in my Btoraach. I never felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morning,I felt so weak I could hardly work, I went to Miller dc McCurdy's drug store and they recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I t worked like magic and one dose fixed meall right. It certainly fa the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I ihsll not be without it in ray home hereafter, for I should not care to en­ dure the sufferings of last night again for fifty times itaprioe.—G. H. Wil­ son, Liveryman, Burgettston, Wash­ ington Co., Pa. Thai remedy is for •ale by C. M. Bidgway, Grasshoppers are playing bavoe With the cotton crop in .the Mississippi delta. • » - ' - __ AUGUST FLOWEK. “I t is a surprising fact,” saya Prof. Houton, "that in my travels in all part* of the world, for the last ten years, I have met more people having used Green'* August Flower^ than any other remedy, for dyspepsia, de­ ranged liver and stomach, and for constipation. I find tor tourist* and talesmen, or for person* filling office position*, Where headache* and gen- eral bad feelings from irregular habit* exist, that Green’* August h lower is a grand remedy. I t doe* not injure the system by frequent use, and is excellent for sour stomachs and indi* S stiofl.” Sample bottles free at C. , RidgWay’s, Sold by dealers in all civilized countries. More than 5,000,000 person* are being relieved in India. DEAF****OinrOTBB0Ut8D by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There fa only one way to cure deaf* nese, and that is by constitutional remedie*. Deafnetsiscaused hy an inflamed condition of the mucuous lining of theEustachian Tube. When thfa tube get* inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it fa entirely closed deafness fa the result, and unless the inflam­ mation can be taken eut sad this tube motored to Ue normal condition, tour­ ing will be destroyed forever; nine «*isi out often are autitod by catarrh, which fa nothing but an inflamed con­ dition of tea muoou* surfacee. We will gire one On* Hundred Dollars tor any rara e f Deafnem (eaueed by uatovrii) that cun net he oared by Half* Gatorr Guru. Brad * CO., Toledo. O. floMJtoSfcwHMfeUo. old.. sW iB s s ia a a a B ln D O uuse S i. U. FIRST, ■ H I M TIM. l a e P m « —Neglect is the short step so many take from a cough or cold to con* sumption, The early use of One Minute. Cough Cure prevents con­ sumption, I t is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate result*. I t cure* all throat and lung troubles. Children all like it and mothers en­ dorse it, Ridgway A Co.,, druggists, Xenia is today' having a soecial election on the question of sewerago for thecity. —Starvation never yet cured dys­ pepsia Persons with radigestion are already half starved. They need' plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the body can be nourished while' the worn out organs are being recou* Structed. I t is the only preparation known that will iiiBtiuitly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you nre suffering from indi­ gestion. I t will certainly do you good. Itidgway & Co. druggists. re*U mumffiSLst,i ^ srm PRIDE. W W W A pride there is of station, A pride of genteel birth, A pride of wonderous beauty, A pride of sterling worth, A pride of thorough learning, A pride of golden wealth; A pride of wife and children, A pride of sturdy health. If proud of your appearance. If proud to be well dressed, Try J , M. Knote’s good clothes, He keeps the very best. His pride it is to calf it, To fill your elothiug wants, The latest styles and fancies, In suits,.shirts, lints aud pnnts. We Have Received.... sea NERVITAHUS RsafaraVMfa.lfatVJfirtoWaaiitofl ,UMfl W t P ine and Oak Fencing A full lino of Dimensions, Biding, Mooring, Ceiling, Finished in White and Yellow Pine, Poplar and Hemlock. Farm Gates, Richmond Fences, Locust and Chestnut Posts (■pWnrtp Jj.iWnk1.1'iilrKw ' Bhinglea: White Pine, Bod Cedar and Hemlock. Doors, Bash, Blinds and Mouldings. Glass 8x10 to 40 x 40 . Largest stock in town American Window Screens Fly Proof Try them *A little hit crowded” for Room and Desire an Opportunity to Figure on Your Bilk. W e W a n t "Von** T r a d e . ftM* J. M. TARBOX ft SON >• 1 A new lot of those nobby Spring Suit* that all are taking so readily to this spring. Ourifirst lots we soon broke up for we - were offering best suit* that were sold in tho city for $5, $6.50, $7.50, $8, $10 and $12. And , we consider ourselves fortunate in being able to duplicate them. Have You a Boy Correct Prices. Up-to-date Styles. I F you’re thinking of purchasing a carpet you make a mistake by not seeing our designs and getting our prices before looking elsewhere. BED ROOM SUITES, SIDE BOARDS, BOOK OASES, COTJOEES, ftp. j . e l M c M i l l a n , Furniture Dealer. o $ d « x i r i R i s > O k i e - Funeral Director & EmbilWBr. I f so we are certain you want him to look as well as other boys. We are headquarters for boys’ good clothe* and low prices. We have suit* fox boys from 6 years up to 15 as low as 65c, $1,00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 $3.50 and finer if you want them. Bring the boys.try on and exam­ ine a few of our nobby Bpring Suits and if yon want a shirt like their papa wears we have them for boys 3 years of age and upward*, Come and see us. J. 1#. KflOTE, i i E. Main St,, Springfield, * - Ohio* VALUE Fair dealings fa the MerohanUte Magnet—it draw* the crowd' 23c 75c .$2.78 So $4.55 41c up lOou 8 i Pulley Belt* Clipper Ax with Handle Lawn Mower Childrens Bibs ’ ’ Garden Hoee, 50 ft, BedSpnad Ladies Ganaa Undenreats Spnng Veiling * Oak Picture Ea*el . . Featherstitch Braid 3c bd t I^uge rise can Crown Lye 9c White Wash Brushes 5c yd Leather Halter 89c 1 pr Lace Curtain*, 29 ia wide and 21 yds long $5o Brush Skirt Binding, pryd( ( 6c Empress Corduroy Skirt Binding 4e 24 in Torchon Lace pr yd 6o 21u " , “ 8c Corset* 20cap Bed Damask, pr yd »lc Infants caps 6 to 40c "In His Steps.” book 9c A complete line of Ladies Men’s and Childrens Shoes, all prices Chamber Sets, 6 pieces $2.15 Ladies Mnriin Gowns 50c Gtonille Table Cover 65c Churn 69o Fishing Poles, 16 feet long 6o Io* Cream Freesers $1.70 Whisk Broom So Horn Hair Pin* 7 tor 5c Dollies, 18x16 5c Tumblers perdos 20c Day Book 200 pages 6*xl5 29c Carpet 29c oJumbian In St. Cecelia Ms------ Oxford Teachers Bible 86c Riding Bridle Me Ladies Kid Gloves $7c Roam Water Proof Umbrella 70c Jute Rug 86x72 95c Ladies Solid Gold Ring $1.14 Eight Day Clock $1.90 GhldFilfad Watch $5.70 Men’s Boy's and Childrens Clothing Men's, Boy's and Children Hats Naur style tacked Skirt Waist 55c Black Spring Capet 60c 8 Blate Pencils 1 Carpenter Pencil 60 in, Tap* measure 2 doe Hooks f t Eyes Dimo Bank 6 doe. Shirt Battoas Pocket Comb with c— No. 2 Heroufac Safety Pia* Screw Drirsr Invisible Heir Fins, per box David's Black Ink 4 in. Kid Hair Ourlers No. 2 Curling Irons Padlocks ^ Wire Soap Dfah Brim Soap 8x6 Picture Frame Dross Shields 50 ft. Fishing Line Compass Pencil, Mops Stand Cover la lo le le Sc Se 9* 3c 9* 9* 9 e 9e 9a la 9a 5c cake fie per pair So 6* 8* lOe lfie Completeline of leather Belts Coup Ladies Beady made trimmed Drawers 47a EW YORK RACKET STORE JOISL ORANSKY, M T ilM sS ^ r* ftauawnaaNb) —■-*—- ' nwnttofa m tuM i rote t o U i i a O h i o , 9D#mvi aPitll Tto tmmmx* &*•&**%¥ Im’Ws# H o r n © I n s u r a n c e O o i w N © w Y o r k Emy Dnwi|rti»« *f T m M i F au haperty fem iri fa iln tH n , Ugtouiac t o tm u i a t«r 8*I« hf M. KWfevay. llniwht CiMlMriUe, Ohio. Farmers insuring in this Company do not thereby tooumW their tormtototoMUfalgflftHt W W '^1 w ir a v J CASTORIA IW M u M iM IM U M . toMY n I m Atoptote Near* MM loesto of others. Why tosurt ’iFar r o f p o » t k m ^ efeatotob^r fe* - --------- ,— protaettoncanbe tod in a eompaftylike Ylta Xoxa* o f Ifamr York. The XCMmt’i mm mm ijkm mto* (cy andriuple appUraUon fa verytokiagwiththefart^ftoMralty, Handrafe ofttosa aretew hwmtoglftlili relfableoldCompaay In Ohio. The $ 19 , 467 , 998,89 sent* and$ 4 , 854 , 791 . 6 ! «Mhaarjriwpat mty pern parte themtocarryyour fire policy, but **aW**rii#Mto protest tear property mpUatt fetetofeNMMfeMU Nte dreadedeycWe. Nooue knowswhen Hwill startoti far»faiieft e fieetiwatiea, m m wasteyear toielftrihwarns JHMDnjf wfwmtwWlliPWWraWOi nHKmWM *9WwW w j**^*&* todywHMtid mmOm ttottha MOMS P f tA j m » dhwe* tot fat year eesmt ee everydefter roerired foamto ritoras tor toseranee. For kMaraa eto tto HOMEapply to wrWeal sfwfa. W. L. OltlMMW, Cftdftrvilto.