The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
w .>3 : h fVl**. ft,.. W lM I Y t u Pvreliaro paifttoMk totiat pertri* tu lilt; toilet, yon want tk t beat and at a ira*»o*bfo prim You will fail tu abt# to com ply with tbit w»h alway*. WDOWAY * CO.,*)* Uratsteta, Of*. Opar* House. L o c a l a n d P e r s o n a l , I mm mow*** Gray’#, . Fred, * >■- —T im *. </ u M« and Cigars at W. L Clematm and aon wtroia Dayton, Monday. —Orica’* are now the heat plao# in Xenia for a lint claw 25c. meal. M n . Mary Oiilaugh ravishing with heegraml-dnuahtor, Mr#. C\ Kanim. ftpriagffeld, ~ —Will sell* bottle of Wine of Bar- •peril!* for the next live day for 75c. d l l . Bidgway. ' ■ ' ,¥ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Will Duffidd, of Dayton, spent Wednesday with friend* and relatives here. —We have just received a new line of Ladies S mpjpers and low cut S hoes a t Bird's Mammoth Store. —500 yards Colored Organdies was 25c yd; just 12Joyd. ", Alexander & Spahr. Mrs. William Haines left Tuesday for a month’s visit with her daughter. Mr*.Roht,J, Kyle, of Chicago, III. |lr . R. C, Watt J b in Springfield, 111 .-, this week looking after the inter, cats of the sheep association* to which he belongs, > • —T he N ew S ummer R eview con. tains 'the ’‘latest” ideas in Ladies ‘wear and how to .niake .it, price only 10ef a t Bird's. . t . Mm. Will Bradfutc and children, of Washington C. H ., are sr the week with her parents Mr, ami Mr#. Jacob Lott. . —Let me mention window and door screens, cmne around ' and see something fsnijy and, be surprised a t the low prices at Mitchells. D r. X O. S t e w a r t , Pliyscinn and Surgeon. Specialist in D y e a n d Mar. (H a sse s A c c u r a te ly A d - ju s t e d . S atisfaction G uaran - ,■¥KICI>« ;-■ ;s.- ■ ..-y : .v ■.;* Bear. T. C. Sprout, who for several f ears was pastor nf the Reformed resbyterjan church of this place, is hero shaking hands with friends and attending the Synod. Mr. Alvin On having completed his school work at the Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, has re turned to his homo iii this place, to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson at- teuded the funeral exercises of B. F.. Dunlap, of Cincinnati, last Monday. Mr. Dunlap was a popular broker on Third Street of that city, and was aiao well.known here. Mn, Nettie Blair and children, took their departure Wednesday for tb*lr home in Illinois. Mn. Blair was nailed here by the dangerous ill. •ess o fher mother, Mn, Nan Towns* ley, who is a t present mush better. —Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and all other accidental injuries may bo quickly cured by using Dewitt's WHch H au l Salve. I t is also a cer tain euro for piles and skin dissasss. Tak* no other, Bidgway A Co., draggists, —An opportunity to get a baauti- M SitK Wxiro P attkrxs “FREE.’* BaSorn ns MO in our premium tickets a e i you will receiri four (4) yds, of fla* silk In either plain or fancy pat tern as yon choose, A t Bird's Mammoth Store. Mias Edna M. Crawford, second •em it to Mr. Harvey Crawford o f this piece, has gained high honor* a t a fomoot New York Theatrical school. Min Crawford k a pretty Cincinnati riri, the daughter of A'liat, Chief of Defective, Bafph Crawford. Invitations have been iasned for the ararriage nf Dr. Joseph Kyle, one af the faculty of the V, P, Thaelegieal Seminary a t Xenia, and Mini Marion Uaaofn Brown at the tori*fr hem* in Alleghany, Pa Theiwdey evening, lane 7th. The adipaa came off last Monday marafeg an schedule lime, but owing to to* steady weatiwr which came on M n d (ha asm# lima, Note of the «Rpto annld b* witnemsd in this sac flhto. Several of the ritiaena had liras* afamokad gleet wady to get a Mnw af the aeUpaa, bnt the efoude •averad ft. I t beetme oaite 4nrik for a time caused by the dense d|H|A| nmi *ke ee|)gm|| m om m sgPrawe net only has the Measure g the Breed wMh an; Mae the ef the Ferris hrethiw. th e fondly have net iin ini tifea la at hand when the odfossn wflt take lids matter hi t eharga. Tha towrihip traslasa are nHpofedhl* far any hat wean In that hoses, and do net desire to here to eaU an M^rae^Woltoed teg iro his ramovsi them, an ad will to* seat to rsmovfl th* hats or their itnntt ceiled from the stage. Ladfes remove your hate a t tirnnsa o f the curtain and save an r further trouble. A t 2 o’clock p. m. a t the front door of the Probata Court, Xenia, Saturday, June 9,1900, the property of tha John B. Williamson estate wil he oftbrod for sale. Terms—One* third cost on day of sale; one-third in a year; onedbim in two years. De ferred jadgemeaia to hear interest a the legal rata* par annum fromday of sale, and fobs assured b y a mortgage ou the premise* sold. Sea smattJdUs for fortber particulars, Bav. A. D. Maddox returned from a two weeks visit to Chicaago, Mon day night, where he was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Albert Gowdv, whose husband is now manager of the great Virginia Hotel, and in attend- anceat the Annual Conference of the Methodist church. He expresses him self as entirely in accord with the great changes inaugurated by., that great body. Two mammouth log# were shipper through here, Tharway, to Cinciu- uati by Mr. Joe Van Horn, of South Charleston. The tree cut into two logs, the butt end being 12 teet Ion;; and 55jnches in diameter, the top 1J! feet long and 50 inches in diameter. The log contained something near 3500 feet of lumber. Mayor Wolford expects to take ad vantage of the cheap rates to Phila delphia during:, the Republican National convention to .tad held in that place June 19-20. He will go from there dpwn to hi# native state Maryland, among his. old friends am acquaintance. J , P. Wylie, of Denver, is visiting withhis,father and sisters of this place. Rev. B C. Wylie, pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian Church o ' Wilkinsburg, Pa., will preach in the TJ. P. Church . tomorrow morning. No services in the evening. Deputy Sheriff Tarbox, of Xenia, was in town, Thursday, issuing su- poenas for the Harry Davis trial, which Was held yesterday. I t will be ^remembered that Davis is the man Who broke into the depot here one night hut winter, . —The Chinese ask “ how is your liver?” instead of “ how do you do?” for when thediver Is active the health is good, Dewitt’s Little Early Risers pawfamouslittle pillsfor the liver and bowels. Bidgway A Co., druggists. Dr, P , R. Madden, Practice lim ited to EYE, BAR, NOSB AND THROAT- Glasses AccuratelyAd justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. Telephone.—Office No. 7*, Xettdence Ho. 17. Vegetarian. Baked Bean#. With Tomatoe Sauce. NoMeat. No Fat. At Gray's. Ameag Jamestown people here in attendance at the Decoration Day exercises wert Capt. J . R. Crain, Bay. Robb, Ex-Mayor Jesse Taylor imd.W. 8 , Galvin. This week finds the Pennsylvania railroad running on a schedule qi ite different from any of the previous ones than there has been for, a num- ber of years. -There k no better place la town to purchase a S uit of C eothe #, pair of Pawns, a new H at or a pair of fine B hoss than Bird's Mammoth Store., Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Smith enter tained Hon, 0 . Q. Hifdebrant ami wife and Mr. William Haines and wife, of Wilmington, at dinner Wed nesday. —500 yards Wool Dress Goods 35 to 40 in wide, was 50 to 05cts yd. now to dose, 25c yd. Alexander A Hpahr. Mr. Will Torrence, of South Cbariaston, was circulating among old friends and acquaintances on Decoration Day. —Paint your building#, your fences, your floors, your boggles with Mit chell’s Paint#. Gcod goods and ^ow prices, Calvin Morton and Leo Crawford entevad on thair work as conductors In Dayton, yeatarday. Mr, Riley Kyle, of Xenia, spent' Babbatit with Mr, and M m , Cha* \ \ n ■ rsn Many Nnflay is an the risk fot A alMMt draft bass D. if, Ervin. —HaauMok* fro*# #1.00 to 14.09 sack atBMis. —A ehofoy kn« nf all UnAtfli Oroaariaa, a t Umy'a. Mrs Com Trombo apaat Wadnaa- day with fHaads ia DonaidwnviUa, —New Crop California Anrieoto, Psacbae, Prumea, Grapes and Raiwns, a t Gray’*. Mr. Crawford ritormont, of Kparta, III., ia the guest of Dr. and Mrs, Morton. - Icc Cream ffo:la and Pine Apple Hnow at V. M. Bidgway’#. All fruit flavors. -Marshall can care for more rice than any other Livery 8 table in Xenia, Mrs- M. A, Creaswell baa made several improvements about her property. ■Oh, Ye#, Window and Door Screens and good ones and lowprice a tMitchells. Mr. Earle Bimonton, of Dayton. S ient Sunday, the guest of Mr. Geo. mith and-wife. Dr David McKinney and wife ar rived here last evening to attend, the college exercises, Mr and Mr# Tncpb Sieglcr attended the funeral of Mrs, Sieglcr’s uncle, at. Cincinnati, Sunday. Ellsworth Lowry and family and Mr. Willi# Stocky spent Wednesday at Dayton Soldiers’ Home. Mr. Charles Ervin and wife, of Xe»m, are attending the meetings nf the Synod Imre this week. The advance men for Buffalo Bill's show were here Thursday biUiug the the circus at Xenia in July. The census enumerators ,1 Oscar Sat- torfieid and Jamie McClellan started out on their work yesterday. —Prices redued on riding cultiva tors to reduce stock. Kerr A Hastings Bros. —Reduced prices on ail Trimmed Hats, for the next two weeks at Barr & Boyd. —You can save money by getting our prices on gasoline stoves before buying. Kerr A Hasting Bros. Postmaster Tom Tarbox and family have mflved into om of the new cottages built by Mrs.. Andrew Win- tor: Will Pollock of Pennsylvania, who has been attending college here, re turned to his home the first of this week. * Mr. Sam Anderson and family, of Springfield, spent Decoration Day with Mr. J. D. Williamson and family. Mr, Chas. Minser spent Saturday and Sabbath in Dayton, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Chas. BrothcrtOn and farpily. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Van Horn and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert, of South Charleston, attended our Deco ration Day exercises. Bobert Elder and wife, of Selma, attended Decoration Day exercises here, and spent the day with Mr- and Mn. W. J . Wildman. Mr. Raymond P, Garbold arrived last evening to give the addresi'before the Philosophic Literary socity Which will appear in our next issue. Bev. T. P. Stevenson, D. D., of Philadelphia, Pa., will preach in the B. P . church, (Dr. Morton a) tomor row a t 11 o'clock, sun time. Mrs, J . E. Manor and son, Edgar, of Jamestown, spent a few days in this place, the guest of Mm, Manor’s mother, Mrs. Mary Duffield* —For Portrait and Photographic work go to Ellis, successor to Ander son Bros., 14 N, Detroit St., next door to Hutchison A Gibney. The Misses McNeills of this place stream Jessups it was really a duty have tW r mother .n,l A b r . M b . D?, * L K ' l S S , r to *”**** •“ * » “ • COLONEL JESSUP rimrtag ___af th* lavei. ‘Ms*** Jmm> tmm * po titim rtuiim , sad ham- sr few seat to th* door ah* MM-bahstl fro h.- hfenfal lag froMi ha to ass sluntod her ey«a with has hands aad prrrad aaxlMMty sat up th* wiwliaf taith. A young man «a a Want "eaa* fefl* hy” trirroh* ponyi tairtad the bnahea vwt alighted without a word. “Writ, ‘Hlahr Interrogated MM. jenrtim; then as be shook his head da- jw tiJly, “abo'iy they ain't grin’™—**' ••Taia't any use wastin' yo' breath queatlwnln* Mam," Awariah tntemipt- a<], fluking Into the thair hi# motlwr Lad Just vacated, “they air grin' clear against ua!” “Wril!” ejaculated Mr#. Jessup with Indignation, a# sbe hung 'Klah'a hat on a nail lu the whitewashed wall, “Well, wril! an’ you ar ole Kneh Je*. sup’s own grau'ebfie by hi* second wife why ther ain’t no Jeatl* In MI*- aliMippl, if tlm llyera cau't see with one eye that It’s all yourn!" “I was kinder hoiiefwl at fust, tmt sixm I «aw tber wasn’t-any chant* for me: Judge Gary 1* all for Gunnel Jessup'# claim an I’m no whar!” «• ’Uiah, ryou bad a let-tie change ter slip biter the jury’s hands you’d git thar too,” insinuated Mrs, Jeaaup. “EaWey! how you sheered me!” aha shrieked, as Amarlah’a clinched fist came down on the table with a crush. "Don't say any mo’! I’ve got no money, an’ If I had ’twotild never go dishonestly! This little shanty Is mean enough.” looking sadly around at the dirty walls and wretched furniture, "but It'a come by honestly,” r. "You’re right, Ttinb, an* don* fret ’bout IJssy! Tiler’s ex good fish In the river ex ever was caught; If she's too fine for yo’ plow why the’# the Spin ner gals Is handy an'—well, I never it he ain't- gone off-in the heat O’ the day'.’’ ns Amavlnh Impatiently jerked Us gun from the rack, and pulling Ida tslonch hat down over Ills eyes, hur ried away from his miserable home, which resembled a chicken-coop sot up on .pegs to avoid high water. He pushed through the bending canebrnbe, crackling the fallen stalks .under his feet, roughly tearing aside the poisonous red and yellow vine# that clung to him, heedless of the gray moss that brushed ids check n-i he passed under the waler-rn!:s, nnl the wild ducks that, frightened i y hi s footsteps, flew up front the swamp with hoarse cries. The ripple and splash of the river lapping against the bank, roused him from -Ids abstraction ns a bend In the willows brought him close to the gold en Mississippi rushing down to its death In tlio great seas. Across this arm of the river lay the ,T<»omp plantation stretching far out Into the wnter like the finger of a great hand and half hid by the rank growth of moss-covered trees he could catch a glimpse of the- once -stately home of the Jessups—now grim and deserted, with its acres of unfilled land lying fallow the year round. Pausing a moment to look nt t' e spot where his brightest dreams had been centered and where now' lay tile grass grave of his dead hopes, the young man turned resolutely away. Following the narrow path on top (>f the high levee for some distance.-he then took a road to his right which wound Its way through a dense forest and was soon lost In the gathering gloom. . • • * * * * - * Cdlonri Jessup of the bill Jessups; so called because his neat white cot tage was built on a green mound, sat ou his gallery, from which a fine view could be obtained of the Jessup plan- J?-***| . J? 0 ("Whatl” ysttod th* colonel,) totlon, which he was now regarding With the indulgent aye of ownership, and as the colonel called his pretty daughter Uesy and asked for another glass of mint julep anyone couhl see at a glanc* that he was In an extraor dinary fine humor, “I am certainly glad,” Judge Gary m» saying, that we have succeeded In wresting that fine oW place from the grasp of those shiftless, down (Vtoiay ami wile, • ~n*nijr of Farm Gates, hart f ate* on the market, Low priee at (ffehalft. Mr. James Towns!#/ and dangfeter, af Fsamklia, wars horn visiting witk rfllstivaa. Mayor Wolford and J . H, Amir#* mm)* a basin#** triji to Dayton, o* John MflUaii, nr idavtito, lad., re- JM ayM naw km a —Gray heap* nothing bnt tha bast ia his fie* ot goods. McNeill ami daughter Martha, of Bell Center, O., with them during the* Synod, Mr. John G. Turner of this place and Miss Clara B. Lawrens, of Selma, were united in marriage Decoration Day, by Bev, A. C. Turrell, of Xenia. Mils Mary Little, of Connei*viH#i Ind., an ex-eollege ’graduate, arrived last evening to makea visit with her old College friends dnring Commute#* went week, JohnT. Norris and son, of Spring- iakl, were here looking tip property stolen from the Dallas bouaa soma tin# ago. John Blade, Robt. Thomp son and Chss. Spanoer were arrested and brought faaror# Squire Jackson and held under bond. R«fv H# 0 *f4h*w, of Clftmbtidgf, MMlag in opera bouts at 1<k30 a, m. and a t 7:80 p . » . J . M, Foster prtaaha*. At 9:00 «. m. In . W, M, lleorga, Iwool pranabaa In tbaU . ^smaetowa at 10:30 a. m. tV r i l k g lM V la often bidden by untight! klyn, New “ nl MrrtL mmsvm tm o t* against fiientF “Iiani’me, sah! you’ hand on that!” chcrgotitally from the colonel. “An’ you may be sho’, sab,-If I see him loatin ’’round Llssy any mo’ I’ll kick him off, so!” and the Irrasdble colonel administered a sharp - rap on tha judge’* august shin, “Softly, softly, colonel!” cried that gt-iiilNiian, rubbing his braised mem- ikt , "don’t do anything to arouse the young lady’s anger l am afraMf 1 have already offended har in some way.” “Hang it, no, sahf ttha’a jest like nit girls^dcvUisli skittish when a man’s ’round! FUe sbo’ly onght to vespact a gentleman that has rated a piece of proiierty like that for Her ri* dad, an* dain'me If i think aba caret a picay une! Anyhow, she's years by ts-wor- row evenin’ ns *o*n a* that glace la pat ptntedly In my pasatsatow.” and Colonel Jesanp. watvng a tlrenow* dlscnaslon, lraned hnrit with rioted eyes enjoying his aww-towid groper ty The jadte also indnlgad In gtoassnt medltotlons, occastonslly talkng a sip the glasa at his sine i s h t nraaad rod llga and Trilw me. Bnekton the upon Ussy’s tempting glowing eyes, “Kvcnlnv etituel, evenin’, Judge! * Both men started town their rover- lew and looking saw Aas*Hah stand Ing Itefore them. Tt e i-nlMu'i's face waa pntpto with to mm* a* ntr* nmt mwe ,tq u frart Jttoqa w.u oipnf « mim to •» rami *asn«*wi i n . . .,*«*« adpar t«n am git* naqi inafM ym aq s,w#pMn m i *n«M- “ » J**J* Jtiaftp by onriag all SrantlmM, also Cafe. Brataaa, u Metis, Fabm*. Uisaro, and form* of VHaa. Only I I afe • ftobTby Rhtg- n atg uy na»- ****** w amjn a nn Ervrioatoa ftolt g*MMNM ag ,/ | i n*ns .Wirarat set fm^wran, w ra^^rara i*aAraioa Salve ™ g n »» ■■■■ *»v... ■dgnjmad *** aw pan a*m ottwpsdmto ■«*» an* m**j pagaaf nswamr .......... i** *W a m m A X , wfeed away wMh s fenpa plaid hood ^TJtoaa t* Ihni-lf Mb ftmnt Uaap.’ ehnridad the aslanri, with a hnawfeg wink at ih* n half fefera.-----. . . , l ‘v» anto raid haK ttoday-’ AwsHah’R MadM war* . tired, bnt ht wonM»#t sit down onto vlted, and new «n angry gtoans aha* from hit dark ayes. . . . "laasyanalr v*#y ahri af my gran father’s ptoea, **nn*». an* mneh ja» way yen hav#-~tor whatarar to < by honaafiy to hanM.lM ha aaijsjrad. "if* grawtod tha eotonri yon to own* hero with yon» Iwimdent. kaowln’ tolil” "Avery, goto*/’ cfogtod fim Jndg*. The ywmg man law that h* was me pushing hi* salt with policy, bat hh blwtd was daridadly np. “You may sneer, jadga, an’ you, enk nri, may tongh, bnt as abtf aa thart a God in heaven that plantation tf mine! an’ bnt for kinks an’ law terms, that na folk* can’t under*Ua thar wouldn’t a* bean nay anlt 'twaac my father an’ yogi Aa far Lfey-I love her, an' she she kaaro for-me but so tong aa I bav* oaly a po* abri ter atob aa mint to offer har, I ain’t fit to klsa the groan* she walks on God will ' ' ” ' ‘ “ l ’Knniphr "who told 3 help nio through—I fool It- kru you, the Jessup plants lion’ll never be yoonf* "What!” yelled the-colonel, spring Ing from Ida chair and glaring amid ekmsly at th* two man. "What! % tall yon, yen Ijrln rasklll that I’m as rarfin of that phratatloa as I am at the—tha—the Jedge’s hon esty," laying a heavy hand threaten jngly on the judge’s shoulder. "An’ to show you bow aartln I am I promise you that If to-morrow even In’ that plantation ain’t In my posses alon you can have Ussy an’-—nn’-i half ray place to boot.” "Softly, colonel,’' expostulated the judge. .. . . ."Yes, I mean It,” cried tha exdteo colonel; “you know, Jcdge, I put my trust on yon; no half-way measure* suit me, an’ you ace l am mighty sho* of you, ’cause I never break my word,” "Well, I have yo word, cunnei; said Amarlnli, calmly, "an’ the jedga is my witness.” Then before either could speak he had vanished among the trees. The moon waa at its full when Am- arah shut and fastened the door of Ids little room In the old stable, and so bright and soft was the light she gave that he smothered the feeble flame oi Ids candle fill it flickered and went out; then groping around on Ids knees be found a plank, very loose at. one eml, and running Ida band along the edge drew out a small, leathern bag and emptied Its contents on the floor —gold eagles and a handful of silver the savings of bis life- It had seemed a great deal of money to ’Rtoli, lut now he realized .bow little it would buy, . V "It ain’t much,” lie muttered, "but It- might do a good deal, If somebody could get at them law papers—If they could he burnt—then—then—then—not no!” he cried, burying Ids face in Ids hands, "tldngi coma by dishonestly don’t do any good; it ain’t in me! can’t cheat and steal!” ’ Slowly he dropped the pieces one by one Into the bag and put them back In their hiding place; but bis’ sleep that night was disturbed by strange dreams, and e’er the sun was fairly up, he had left bis bed to breathe the cool morning air. Idly ahoutdering bli gun, as was his habit, he once more turned his footsteps, toward the Jes sup plantation, now gone from him forever. Colonel Jessup, ’also desirous of sea- Ing Idanewly acquired wealth by car ly sunrise, had taken his accustomed seat bn bis veraudnb, field-glass I d hand, and was surveying the ltcautl fid wilderness at hla leisure, Aa Amariali stood looking, It ’cemed to him that the tall willow* ’tent until tltelr heads almost touched .he river; a low, rumbling sound -mote Ids ears; the .willows bent low or, and with a crash, sank Into tli* river; the gray rid house tottered and trembled, and, with a hoarse rattle of wood aud stones, was devoured by the greedy waters, "My God, the plantation’* caving off!”'Amariah gasped as he dashed im to the woodland path to the hill Jes sups, shouting as he came nearer. "Bring raen-meu! the plantation's cavlngl" He rom-od the hands, wlw came running to the i*o>nt of land awl worked with all their might to save the rid cotton-gin and its valuable ma chinery. Amarish gave orders and lent himself willingly to the almost hopeless task, while Colonel Jeraup sat stock still in his chair, holding Ussy’s band tight in his own clumsy fingers. In an hour the Jenstip plan tation had vanished from eatth Uks a spectre, and nothing was left to tell of it but a mass of trees and plank* whirling down to tba #ea. " ’Wall," called the colonel,,fatally, "you’ve worked foe me till* mornln* like my own sou, but even natme was against me. I’m wore out with law suits! Take Ussy Jf yo* like an* he’p ten’ this place, Seems to me I’m get- tin’ ole alt of a sudden," with a tram- nlous smile, faking Ussy’s hand and placing it fn Amariah’* warm clasp. After a moment’s silence, dnring which be seemed almost asleep, Goto n<l Jessup half rose from his thair, gazed with startled cjo.*.at the aceth* Ing river, where ottce had l ecu l Is ev ery thought, then, with a low moan, fell back lifeless In Amariali’# arm?, The river had taken from him the hoim that made the old man’s l ean beat, and now It lay at rest forever. A woman once asked Budyard Kip ling whether Gerdt Rhodes was * mar ried i,;:in. “Yes" waa the reply aha TCCciv- ii "to 100 id square acres ot Bri’.h'.h territoi-y. Ihmland cannot nf. fud .o l. t * „ v, man as that marry Gathering Them In. "Yon’ro a nlc* Uttto hoy, to triag thro* new scholars to Vnnday school," said tha teacher. "Yaa’m," repttod conastenttoos Joha- - la. •‘Bat dey’vo promoniMd to whaeh op de candy what day gtta at the crta- •‘H* *** M«-"~niiiad*tpiito Korth AmMteaa, www* f™ IPMNb 3 #r* la t’w# of na," said th* tram* "Can’t yvnt epnro w anali ldaaatofav A Christmas proaaatt" JP* ***< *•» you think I look Mk*M flMkmr—Vhlt- sdelphta Horth Amartraa, (jMtriwo sa ra* ■ ron 'o j iw wviv twlfflPMnsPn iilMaan Thsro to so* grad amt a woman. U aay* a thtag aka non < «*t to taka M Cyrie**..Tj vrr soar m i .f. ‘Jin.LsJS(d*lL*J A it Endtoa* Variety of SCREW - HRCSl W e have on 4 ltp lay one of the l»rgc«t and most com. plete line of Straw H a tf in the State. W e are showit^ a t least ten styles to any other establishment ia Springfield and a t prices others will not attempt to reach. Oor Boys' Dress H at for 35c is the same is quality as others advertise as cheap a t 39c. Our 90c Hough Braid is equal to the average hat sold for $i.oo. Men’s H ats from ioc to $3.00. You must see for yourself to appreciate our line, and prices. SUlildVAH, THE HATTER 27 S. Limestone St,, Springfield, O. JUST RECEIVED A Fresh Car Load of best MICHIGAN SALT. W . R . BeautifulHaMDoYouWantIt? Remember, M adame C orilea CoEoffore One Hundred Dollare Reword for aojrroro of Gray Hair her Perfection Hair Restorer fail* to restore, eff any caseof Dandruff it fails to cure, when directions are properly followed. A + h a r r H n n ! We vvil1*#nd' >ecurs,y *ea,ed. to your nearest express office, her r v l l C G I I I U l i , eight ounce $1,50 bottle, for O** Dollar, if you mention this paper. One bottle in many cases being all needed. Address, ilodame Cflrilta Coe, a #7 Michigan S t., Toledo, Ohio. TO WHOM IT CONCERN:—I am penonklly aequainted with MadameCorilta Coa and the m s M i l d f e i d i m fstnctMU U*ia Rxatnxn*. It ta woadwftil, beyond Compariioa ia ito KfnU,aad at tha aama ttaw PwfeaUy Uarwlrii. I have known of wnny ogod persons w I iom thin and gray kwka have boan tally mstorad to yontbfol color and vigor. Rev, O. J . Bankt, Tolodo, Ohio; mwta.addnMa, Mosa, Ariaona. J . A, Uonaar, H. B. Indinnapolls, Indiana. LnetaJalian Martin, Frinolpat. TaladoFohool of XIoention. Frof. W. M, Windsor, tfSSMfeliAv#., Cfaloogo, L. L. B. Fa.D.;P'ilono{og[»t A Vffoiophf* WholBsalB Prices to Users. Our General Catalofue quotes them. Send 15 c to partly pay postage or expressxge and we’ll tend you one. I t has fxoo page#, 17,000 illustration# and quotes prices on nearly 70,000 thing# that yon eat and me and wear. We constantly carry in stock all article* quoted. £ < b £ N * IIIO iTMWWY jlgA|W>_fo CDo ■fciccii ftRdl AwtripWam WM*fofotalBtl ftiMRMMMtfRiMC toOMmi — \ ijWm rringWrao fWIM MMM Mnflvsctlflndfor atUea t eevwapmioe. ___ j a l i w l M n a T *3coew, a* R M N M i a l w M y sb inim ii Jmwrt, rie te n w ane a o o . ■ iffif ffiliim # mMMIIMriwroi V* V* Th* «*ae War, Dr. W. J . Leyda, tk* Mlatotor ot th* Sooth Afrfoeat BaeahMe in Moroga. ta Mtswar to a gowman a* to haw feog Ute Boar war wtft tost, aaya: "FrohaMy atx mir iha. tt ta tfeim (Dr, W. 9. h m m what tk* roarit aro ami 1 to say 1 IliMn avarythhsg n Tha two with la asissaty for'in* farther aaadaat ot ki a i l l l i s, Oatoto t^gripm u a U n m w * .qramgra wm mm wmPWWfos ^ J T k r i a r t Mhety to ha to* term* e* "I 000 ear aatofea im tmk 1 am a ts t^ l f r a m A m S S * £ £ ^ K B # sn^i^ng Bff^FvliftnintiCI#!ltij|j^mo gi at wmn upuiv aCtoaie emw BO YBAHB’ t x a c iM h o i ATENTS n«MfnmmiAe. woawgrovwna nmaoe NMlt ysx tfi 9 at,Wmamsiio.n. . --------- tomeKiwvtrest. , anyaynwn mera*eivt,a ta.rav«#vorrie* £ £ £ 3 0 2 2 2 ^ ***** u,*tt 1 m m Owdum A nBinm newM. ■ SB 3 K r 5 i lS k wws»ewinw, O .A .M O W A O O . Oraswra,w**i? wiSwtoi............ Kodol Pyipipiit Cur# tkaAMiaadalfo riat and trae** m m T i t S jtlyrawfl aarttoro. Na«»M| M |w a y A (V rmeais",«W4 •anr fee m M tl.Sui. mkm a, y«e to v*m , TW EHTY -TH IKD 13 GRADU. gacatori Kptomaa at thef Caawwecemeat rithel , Gritoga. The exemsee bf Cure Week were inaugurated day evening, May 31, uu<3 yoraide circUniBtauces. am time until too inter-nocietj lust Thumlny, they held ti attention of the public in tl Hie eutertaiument8 throuj Jieen interesting and verj ing. Several of the-foi tuer were here in attendance ciaee of the week and at Alumni meeting. EAOC4I.AUREAXE SI The lmcqalaureato sel preached by Dr. David Mi the B. P. church. The well enjoyed by the audit inspiring and helpful. Tlj faculty met at the college aj to the church in a body. r e c e p t io n . On Monday evening the! tertained the students and the ooltege iu honor of tj 1900 in a royal manner, tiou was held in the two j whidh werelieautifully .de flowers and plante. Ac tiiree-couroe dinner was #er af the lower rooms, whicl tute fully decorated for th Ii«es Bianclie Ervin sn<l jiresidcil at the cocoa ant!' The decorations were mil ribbon, throe being the At about 10 o’clock the first table waa given, and served until about two a. during the evening was f«l Misses Conner and Siiiitoi CLASS NIGHTJ The class night exerefc [ 'a tth e OjieraHouse Tue by lira members of the cl! Tlte exercises were nearly j and were full of many la first number on the proj s declamation by M ibb ‘•The Lecture Course eluded not only the selj tickets, but all the diffri on that course were gh lecture by Bev* Thomas' the opening of the play ] members of the coramitt »in railing Mr. James wife enek two tickets, trick* by Clarence Youa atingCari Germain wer and maty in' the audiet on aa to haw they were! brief history of the classl B. M. Paul, and the cl* by the different niembcrij “A. Page of the F< touted some o f the meij claaa a few years bene dirnce were ail gueraiug] would turn out, In ill Cora Anderson, the Clarence Young was foJ *«d thing* ltad a dismal] when Writer Condon pemonatiag John Alex] ibings baprn to bright/ fourae Cora was raised f] This waa perhaps, the evening, "T h * L a st Class Me toalwiifl. The aolos hi were well rendered. off Edmond Brussel ff e ih* last act and we facalty by retjai ™fnea to remain sea# *JCI% marohait o a t vhh a pantrij Wy Members of the heantift,!.
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