The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

*T' f f t j i k MATUSDAY, JUKE 9, MM. Is* jam* TtoriMi Mtw ' ^NRA^i fcOH, m i tJMt IMWt> dwCtOMaaaW gto* «» to fe ;to it aoxr tor tonttfa It «*• m B mk ." IShelJ* Mittw* k toe best Mood purifier km **. It’* tto an- It**#* nmmiytormwim, Utter* unit rtoeus, uhaea, boti# uk S running sore*. It atuiMiatw liver, kidneys and bowris cxps]* mmmt* helps digestion, build* up Urn strength. Oeily 8*1 eta, tfold fay BMgwsv A (V>, Druggist, O i»r- « < M r iv.., ■ / ‘Do you went a man, who having wdaeel toe Blare and Stripe* on our Kefir Possessions, will msintsiu them with digaRy; or % man who will cut dote ’Old Glory* aud make us the laughing stock o f the World?* H a t plague o f the middle ages, the black death, hamtaken root in Hydney, Austral*, Sanitary condition# i« that city are said to be very bad. scarcelyonebouse in ten connecting with the sewage system, The visita­ tion o f the however, which is simply nature*# penalty on filth, has aroused the authorities to action, ami eoon Sydney will he one of the dennest cities in the world. Hot finding either the wealth or the notoriety he expected as an editor, Jerry Simpson has sold hispaper and gone hack to his farm, A m ? * * With Drt " v Bo you feel justfiuerthan anybody «li the time? * It you fake Br. Cald­ well’#Syrup Pepsin you may feel good the year round, I t is guaranteed to cutfe constipation, indigestion and nil Stomach and bowel troubles. #1,50c or.lOe size. 0 . M. liidgway •will tell you all about it. . o , ,<d It doe#not seem to have occured to the Bryanitea to put Jim Corbett on . the Bryan^ticket. .He would certainly .make a striking candidate. i t has been planned to establish a service o f traction en *--------J *- across thedesertof'Chinn to compete with the carryinglbusinesa now done by means of camels, and it is stated Republican rascals never get any ■favor shown them by the. republican party, so the thieves in Cuba may ub well prepare to be punished. that within a year there will be fifty engines and 3000 wagons engaged in this work. Goy. Roosevelt is making things warm for the Tammany ice trust, am . Some o f their contemplated profits - w ill m elt before the, figh t ends. Abdul ueedu’t think that he can gain any more time by circulating that old story about Senator Hanna taking four years to pay off his debts. A G«4 of Thank*? ' I'wish to say that I feel under last­ ing obligations for what Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has done for our family.’ We baVe' usedit in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly.indebted to the manti Af fliitf va ' yi D i I v nntl wittl facturers of this remedy a d ish them to please accept our hearty QpkmMotlNrv jmrMtoMOi- K o t B A x c o f i c . nsim Tli KMY m Navi Always lesgta Bears the ApetfsdRemexiyrorConslhm- tion,SourStoaiach,Diant»ea Worn^.Convulsions.Fevrrislih. ness andL o s s OF SDEEP. ToeSimile Signature of & A 0 8 & 5 Z N E W '‘YORK '. __ Signature of } ~y I ) II S 1 S } y l J i S n EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. M m to u * w u m w . » om » err*. -Subscribe fo r the H erald . thanke.-r-Respectfully, Mrs. S. Doty, fines,. Iowa. For sale by v . Des Mo M, Ridgway, A Preacher o f W aterloo, Incl. "Rev. S. P . Koltjs writes: “ I have been afflicted over 20 years w ith dyspepsia or sour stomach. H a v e tried different remedies without much benefit, A 10c bottle o f D r, Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin ga ve m e great benefit. H a v e taken nearly one large bottle and heel lik e a different person” F o r sale b y O. M , R id gw a v. ?” - Boor Boers! They made a good ' fight, but theodds were too heavy and they may be excused for snrrender- Ihg.rather than dyiugin a game blit fabpeleSastruggle. . ' This a'hard, year on the pu­ gilists, as the politicians wilt monopo­ lize most o f the space in the news­ papers, and therefore no one can blame Corbett fop wishing to get into' politics. , . Out of 17,000,000 pieces of regis­ tered mail handled annually in the United States, the loss 1ms been one- thousandth of 1 percent and in the transmission o f ordinary letters the loss is but seven-thousandths o f 1 per cent. Bhenrs in a steel’ mill in GW.-vHle, Pa., cut a slab of iron four feet wide and two feet thick at one stroke. The Country must remember that Cuba is a warn country, and that the peat office there baa not yet adopted the little stamp hooka used in this country. Hence, it Is not surprising that stamps .should stick to fingers down there. A. Noted Dedto i Once said umost womeu lose their freshness and good looks earlier in life than necessary because of inattention to natures requirements. Because of their peculiar habits all should make a practice o f using some sinple laxa­ tive.” There ia no laxative so simple; so pleasant to take and yef so potent as Dr. Caldwell*# Syrup PepBtn. Get a 10c bottle (10 doses lOcts.) of C. M, Ridgiiay. Would Kot Sniffer So Again For Fifty Timer Itr . ‘ . price. I awoke last night with severe pains in my stomach. I uever felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morning I fell so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & McCurdy’s, druS store and they recommended ' Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It, worked likemagic and ode dose fixed meall right. It certainly is the finest: thing I ever usedfor stonwch.trouble. I shall not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to en­ dure the suflerings o f lost night again for fifty tiines its price.—G. H. Wil- h r 6*1.., • I*,., The missionaries should not get iut- patient because the Sultan takes lima to pay up. Every year, dozens o f churches in the southcollect bills from Uncle Sain for debts incurred during the civil war—debts which are just about as jost as that against Abdul Hamid. The orange expert estimates Flor­ ida's orangecrOp for the season 1900- 1901 at 1,000,000 boxes. The average sou, Liveryman, Burgettaton, Wash­ ington Co., Fa. Thss remedy is for sale by C. M. liidgway, price for the coming season is np proximate# at |2 per bo Those people who are storming at the Sultsn because he doesn’t pay five year old Jbills, should remember that Unde Bam is not the best debtor in the world himself. In fact, some of l^s debts bat* been hanging on for ovsr a eeotury and stand little chance • f ever being paid. A ICtufor Devil F i»i Destroying its victim, is a type of Constipation. The power,o f title mal­ ady is felt on otgaus, nerves, muscles and brain. But Dr. King’sHew Life Bills are a safe and certain cure. Best in tbe world for Stomach. Liver, Kid­ neysand Bowels, Only 25 cents, at Ridgway A Co’s,Drug Store. A Chicago professor predicts that X onthe trees. *» 1*;500yearn Chicago, will be inun- dated by Lake Mtchigan. The city it eiukiug at the rate o f nine inches every hundred years, j CH U R C H D IR E C TO R Y R, 1’ , Imrtli—Rev., J. F. Morion, Fa^lpr. tsorviees at lliflO a, in, SubTueOi School nt 10 a. in. Oovtinanler Clinreh—Rev. V,\ J, cjindusuti, pastor, licgulnr servieeit et a* iti. Hah- W h tfobool »t 10 ar jo , ' JJ. 1‘. Cliureh—Rev.. F. O. Hors, pastor- Ser- rifles at 10:110 a.- in. and 7;00 p, m, Sahhalb School Kt0 :110u.ui . sfrmdarj time. ;A. M. K. Church—llov, Mr, Maxwell, pas­ tor Preaching at 11:00 it, in. rind “ alOp. m. Class every Sabbath at .12:30, Aahboth School at 3:00 p. ui» Friends .and visitors cordially fpvited. / M. E, Church—Rev. A-1>. Mmldiis, Pastor- Preaching at 11:0(1 n. in; Sahhath School at 0:45 a. in. Young People’s mcoling at 0:15 ii. m. Prayer.'meeting. Wednesday evening ut J:30. r Baptist Church—Rev. Oeorgc Washington, pastorot'ihe Baptist ehureh. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Rahhath School at 2d>0 . Prayer meeting every Wednesday night :lt^7:3ti. Everyone invited. (500 REWARD! Wo will pay the tthove reward for any case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Ifcud- aehc, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness rto eannotenro with Livtrita. the Uji-to-Jt.'tto Little Liver Pill,when the directions nrestiiet* !y tompliedwith. They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. 23c boxes contain 100 PHis, 10chexes contain40 Pills, 5c hexes contain 15 Pills.' Beware of substitu­ tions and imitations, gent by mail. Stamps taken. NER.Vr.EA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago. 111. For salo by C, Mi Ridgway, druggist, Cedar- viilc, Ohio. . PILES CURED WITHOUT 1TPB. XHIFEf Your dragget, whomyou,know to he reliable will tell you that ho is authorized to refund the money to every purchaser where PIZO OINT­ MENT fails to cure any ease of ITCHING, BLIND, BLEEDING, or PROTRUDING PILES, no matter of how long stnnding. Cures ordinary cases ia six days. Ono application gives case and rest. Relieves Itching instantly. This is a new discovery and is Sold on » posi­ tive casrantce. - No Cure, .No Pay, Pries, (1.00. For sale by O. M. Ridgway. The Presidentand members o f his Uabinet went to Antietam lmttle-field to take part iu the dedication o f the Maryland monument. The last Agricultural appropriation bill gars the Secretary o f Agriculture authority to examine foreign food prodset* sad to exclude any that be esMfckred unwholesome. I f tbe Kaker doesn’t watch oat he wilt be Mtrprised to kern how unwholesome m m o f his exports are. Aldfs.MeDsktk Fight, Mr. \y. A Hines, o f Manchester, la., writing o f his almost miraculous escape from death, says: “ Exposure alter measles induced serious lung trouble, whichended iu Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. A ll my doctors said I must soon die. Then I Dr* Madison O. Peters, of H. Y ., eatd a t * big Baptistfifisrionarf meet­ ing In Detroit: “ We found ourselves ’ Dtwiy’s victory where we never to be, and didn’t want to be, to t God helping ut, we’ll never re- tswat from the duties thus laid Upon DEAFNESS CAXH0T BECURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only <mc way to cure deaf­ ness, and that is by .constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition o f the mucuous lining o f theEustachian Tube, When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflam­ mation can lie taken out and this tube restored to its normal Condition, hear­ ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten arc caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con­ dition of the mucoussurfaces. We will give one One Hundred Dollars for any case o f Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall’s Oatarr Cure* Bend for circulars free. F . J. CHENEY & CO„ Toledo. O. TOCUREA COLDIB ONEDAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets^ A ll druggists refund the money i f it fails to cure. E, Wo Grove’s signature is on each box, 25c. Excursions 1 a DesMoines, fowa. June.. 17tb to 21 st, inclusive, ac­ count Annual Convention Music Teachers’ Association, tickets at re­ duced rates will lie sold to Des Moines, Iowa, from Pennsylvania Lines ticket stations; valid returning Saturday, June 23d, inclusive. began to useDr. King’s New Diseov ery which wholly cured me. Hun­ dreds have used it on my advice and e . , . . . . _r ■ all aay it never fails to cure Throat, « J w Chest and Lung troubles.” Regular Halls Family I ills are the best. size 59c and $ 1 , 00 , Trial bottles free at Ridgway A Co’*. Drug Btore, ltl* 8 tnag» that some people who say they never read patent medicine advertisements will do found lugging home every now and thena bottleo f some favorite rem­ edy of theirs. We don’t lmther you with much reading but just ask you lo try a 10c trial bottle o f Dr. Celd» well’s Syrup Pepsin for constipation, indigestion and stomach troubles. 50c and $1.00 sizesat C. M. Ridgway#, ■w W‘ Chicago News; The bow-legged man baa an open gait o f his own. HOME NEWTIME TARE. The following schedule goes into D * «ty k stated on good authority to to r* said that to will accept the ;w to Presidency on the Bryan ticket -M to Is asked to do »o. Whether this irwe er no, the Admiral has not dtoried it, though to has .been ;nuaieroue etonoee to do so.' I f idem mmpt, the only thing the Be* i«an da into conscript Boost- laMerni}, s The love of a good woman is the best protection any man can have. A lfa fair in love ami war. Even in the din battle there is an engage* ment ring. ofNewYork t When * woman wants the earth it m because #he knows a nice man she would like to give it to* j'W$PINe NHsvwnriWSw t BIK txf le the 1ml of United Btaies ■ouMiiiaHMiw >%,i^*tr MMiaalsifi iL’M PRPI f WK?y J^OTVcIM 9HIJ i i IWWf II llflFy PHI Biffli idler w ay Is Unto. We ire f jBrw^WTelff|B^r fIWi' earvtse, -Gome tome hyall todi|#^A dir MrHa#v ■ Hm^^nnn IMc^ nlffiw wwp P* : t AlMMtok• It s tbe easiest thing in the world to extract a promisefroma manwho finds himetlf in a tight place. muiMwaiaeiaiamfef e t e ^arvarwnw, even Don’t Stop’ t a t o i f ScotFa Hmutocn he-, I « M t m m um wtattor* FjKeawtafctoffe wztfi yotf*rc i It wWiMuriyourtongaaol gttw f t t f nidi Mmi to mm * . j j w t o t o w t o iif c W S i t o l i Is thesafestInatirattca Company to insure your property itf, Baoauaa it is the largest company in the world making a speciallyo f insuring F a rm and V i l l i a g e properly against F ir e , L ig h t n in g and Torna- doea. Its agents do not have to apologize to its policy holders when theirproperty is destroyed, because tlm C om pany B a y * the C a »h immediately and without delay. Write to me or tall at my office lor testimonials from my own customers throughout Gieeiior Clark, Madison and Fsyetlti counties, Office open i vory day an the week. effect on the Pennsylvania Line, Sun day. May 27. WESTWARD, No. 33—10:17 a. m. No. 19-3:28 p. m. No. 3—9:00 p. m. EASTWARD• No. 10.-7:09 a. m< No. 32—4:41 p. m. 10 and 3 run only between Columbus and Richmond, No. 19 is a flag stop at Gedarville. The above Rains are daily throughout the week. E, 8 . K eyes * Agent, V M M S t a tn F lr o t o m t o m C a $ remom, fsk, i, mn > la 4M, fitotoa W, L. CLEMANS, A Q K N T , C^taiVille, ; Ohio. M j S K S & H S «7rs r t •tiNfiwiS’tf 1 $*mm t v i s a t o r B i t o * * m * _ i).*»#*« ■< i i aw*w**» .. . .T;. -am,m*a - — ii , 1 1 .*.* ftoafrS mmrwmw j m ^w*^**’ jpww'wfl wt *itoD$to Homer J , Wadts Dfito Mawigfr, 5** ^ •as( ife i i )•,• i i « r IM |NHkr m mm* f — ‘Stoat,,M ul . i A j * ’ ZEytoi ' 1 l t o iii« 5 S . ,,WI ** A a , fm m t tot•# ■* ik. .u, 0 . ~'vr‘ 'x '^r ,y’ - M <Mda|, T h i t w e e k w e $ e l! in nil the new emor# md to r e * U m •eftpona stmliflrgoodf sold for aoo, *od At isi x~*c b it * » a r g a in . PS m a flSm ltv In more than fifty patterns to *ekx* WH*H*.y fwm I;gC A yard, I t is fust as good in every way ns the English Dimities that sell ior « 5 C. J t an d B l a c k I IS u n u i iCT in i w n -sr" Blues, Pinhs, Grays, lavenders and Black | jj ctS * and White, price P I, iiifflitto c At 8|c for a good quality and j u m p e r w im w s finc “attwnR, &Cheap I>awnat 5 c a yard. ft P a r r a t o Full 36 inches wide,choice patterns ?, * ^ iQr shirt Waists and Shirts, splen­ did quality at Sle^V-ardJs worth rg-je foday* 5c Dress Ginghams lengths, at 5 c a yard. This goods seUsin the full piece at roc and at half price is great value. Better Ginghams at 10 . ia}, 15 and up to 37 ; C for THE VERY BEST, in large assortments. Jobe Bros. & Co., XENIA, OHIO. M f f £1 • c * o W O " J.H. WOLFORD C. W. Crouse’* u t t l m f * * * [ w * a^fpe p r 9* #r C 3 i d c e B o e t V o tk S a t t s a p , T i l l , t o a , BolDgsa* W f i i e m u s t , Ba 09 S, B ms, S u g a r Cu red S lio u id ^ rs , Givt*. us n trial ami he m Tyaeetl, ‘WheretoZdocal llie TetTUorj- Twmcd I « r ' L o u i s v i l l e H a s h v i l l e B a i l r o a d <tn‘iitCmlmlKoniluriTruklise - I N - K E N T U C K Y , 1 ENNESSEE, ALABAMA; M JSS iSS IfP l, FLO 8 IDA. ■WlHERE , Fiii'mtr*, Fruit G>rowe*% ■fitwk M u n e rn , M n w f a e t u r e r ^ In v e n to r*., JU feculoaore * m ill M o n e y & m v !e rt 8 U G G Y S - A T - A l t h - P R I C E S B uggy Repairs o f A l l K in d s . -vrill fmd tlio g m iz it hliaueoB Is ibc Fnitei , Klatcn io mnku-big; anotwy'” L j tewon*.f tiit' iiiiutidrini'e im4 .i:hpiijim‘£st)f LAND AND FINNS. TIMBER AND STONE, ’ IRON AND COAL. LABOR-EVEiFTHUai F tpo jm L w , financial agtsistance, and frccla*1 from -taxsiioa. for tlic mnnufaciutet'. Limtl .and fame i t filtOO tW arre xadoa. Cfl in west FJorid* Ilia iraHlfi, ^tndfiitKl,110acres *u n mixje joi tu tjan lw tnkcu grail* tmdta-'U.'S. llohiefrieat law*. Stonkrotajng in tlio Gulf Cox*t DtFlricI win itmFo entumoufi jirofits.. NaiffHW«KC*tii<atbs Firitaad ■ Third TtKBdajaof euk aunUt., Lotus 3mow yritat ,you Mutt, and wewiti toll you ythne and Row 3a get it—hut don’t delay, * * lite-country ia filling.npi-apidly, . Frlntcd jpatter, nsajiR And all fnforrostio* free. Address,, % S. WEMTSS, -<3cncntl Immigration and Industrial Agi, Lonf»trill», Ktaitscky. Im p e r i a l P lo r n s a n d R e p a i r s . E x c h a n g e B an k GEDARVILLE* OHIO* BeautifulHaiti DoVouWantIt? X o i a . Q u a * 'W m rtrm X t « CCOUN IS o f Merchants and In* ■riivldmils solicited. Collectiong promptly made and remitted. A Remember, M adame C okilla C o e offers One H u n d red Dollars Reward for any c«Beo f Grey Hair her Perfection Hair Restorer falls to restore, or any case of Dandruff it fails to cure, when directions are properly followed. D jRAFTS on New York and -Cin­ cinnati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail. FI'H o H I Wc vvill ccnd, securelyscaled, to your nearest express office, her ML tO l l L IU I r , eight ounce $LEO bo.tie, for One Dollar, if you mention this 1 CANS* made on Real Estate, Pei- J aonal or Collateral Security, paper. Ono bottle in many cases being ait needed. Address, Hadame Corilla Coc, 2 1 7 Mlchlgaa St., Toledo, Ohio, TO tVliOM IT CONCERN:—-1 am jitrsotmlly acquainted with Madame Corilla t t e usd the wonderful cficris c f It? Frr.vr.cjsos D aik RrsTOm.K. I t i i wonderful, beyond Compkilsen in i?s Effects, aed afitlio eacic time Perfectly Harmless. I have known of many aged persons wheso thin and gray leeks have been fully restored to youthful color and rigor. Soy. €. J* Basks, Toledo, Ohio,- presentaddreis* Mesa* Arizen*. A. Heurcr, 31,1), Indianajhiiis.Ind ca. Lur-ia Julian Marlin, FrincijiSl, Toledo School of Elocution. Prof. IV. M. V.’in lEc,r*J*r-jMi:h AVo., Chicago* L . L.B.l*iJ.D.,,FHl«jidcgint A Vitosoj.h:* William Wildman, Free., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., W. <T. Wildman* Gaehicr, FOX, OPENING -TftE - - f A r c a d e P 2 io to g ra TD lie r+ Summer Wash Fabric. I s tlus most re liab le and S t r ic tly ITp-to- riatc A r tib t lit tlic c it y - Spring fie ld , O. ; ._r j ..nth., iv,. ,,, gniiune, mwin tired bwiss, Linens, Jacomtts (excellent for the girl graduate.'} BILKS—Figured* for a Bummer Dress, jitst right price and very popular. OOR b KTB -All the new shape. Excellent Bummer Comets SOe. K IDB - All tlm pretty shade for f 1.00 and #1.50. PR AN K 11. DEAN. A t t o b n x t a t .L aw . i l E . Main Bt. Xenix, O* Mm's iMHrwt aai todag 8 m r s r ; ..... . m , wi n no picasea w iu i tl pn «s as ninny havu visited other cities and we have secured the aaka. BU1T Finely amc-ked. Tailor Made Hulls, Waists, PetticmitK. t S ! K S c I ^ S £ ? S . rli,, Mu!,15n x:niht1lim M»^ring Urge Mire. KnU I-mestone street, % ri«ffirid , Otoa. H utchison & Q ibnev N k fiaatwai. there and y/to rm to kept m UreMik* out of th# 'HKiN mrt Mmm* ; t o If, Fmmiafn Avenne< % riNgisto* o* ftoANKM E, T odd , j L | L reyg IM w m M ja i E lo iaW’.-. .iJStja ,'d A'lff' ■ ry -r 5 at • to, 1 W ». i sswsstbwmi LwtoaiicaNt m e, < * * , Dr. ritoW* **?"!* 1 t a s iW WtP k S T S l m n i :§ t!m Iw l ’ 3 h * dawft o f - ^XsS ItortiUeH to raped to ^ .p re v iew * m jfeyri to* evidCNj **ma at Headquai t ^uary amount ofj publUbers o f r Prof. BNyre « * a day « r * appeared, and uw as t* who was the! fitly denied tovj withit whatever, I «as be the « lU8e °| Upon close xjMeetkf tion, after »ome; 1 tween botb parrie pHted in *he pt jgirce, that be waul viz:, to Bent a cop] Ray, F. A- Fen] nrfiple which we cit \fe do not can tended discussion this time, as space] valuable, but possj we wifi place bea .different ways the! tossal fraud, Ou time (o state tbe i| public determine Philosophic I Th e attendance] N igh t exercises wa by the bad weathej quite a crowd g a ll rimrch lust F r id a y ] to hear the fixer/ was decked w it l flowers m ak in g a \] lion. M r. R a ym o n d ante o f the Ph ilc dteseed the assembl tod a most e ic e lle j vnts n o t 1as fam ill ' xnght h a ve been. ” Mr* C a lv in W r| jsf d ie society, p re ] a few w e ll chi low in g gradual R o b b .H a r r ► Bertha K n o tt, Lew is* A n n a OrrJ T h e music dn rit furnished b y tb e fay MisecB L ou is Fields, The to Mr* Hamlin Ga Work is a vigorot life, entitled The] brilliant story be < strong picture o f I in cowtowns and and shows'every; rive existence oft cowboy. An at akiltfnlly woven W and adventure. The Eagles I I ] tiatftl by Mr, Ha] gin in The Bate for June 16,and t »»er inimlicre of 1 toguyJLiSsrjaWi 1 Wv|mVntiNII I June 19th at Till assemble tiows of the Unit a candidate for I i tickets will be inclusive, via FJ Ffailadelphia; vi % » dune 26tb.| Memory T i Owing to the •to book o f I "Memory Talks. ••* meet thfTilem l o f tbe Ref on sale a l i t o office, at | itokwring dippij ■ A h u *1.,.tr » ■ ^ al letter^ Ptoory* Uo a friend _ “ f wirii to 1 U * . the treat! indeed, i •tite m i* ft xml ■•ry way, '•led I « i on the 1 I f and tffJ . iho pnbll f(N4.« V. 1 The wilier . 1 ••own here, an] |J*»wn«itv sbJ valuable J 'H*Mnmry .Wist - l t T mm ul«! i v I m Choi£ P o r k 7 e a l , t o d , B o lo ( Wea Pace-] E a r n Sugo S h ou |o us :i ti hlfiFll. ’her Why, i Travel iom \i Cfiiiiiil feNTUCKI ElSSlSSfi rw r,s ‘. F n u I N(n?!;’Hut fitreti llitiil Ur6 great p to Irinka ‘-) ji Rdtthco ailrJ die HD) AKD FAB TIMBEB . IB01 jto aiU‘.«f finum rtaxatian. for I 1 * 1*1 and farms p. amlSOO.OOft p taken grat lakraiiiiiijr in f ctmrmouV jiroj . Half fare exi Third To«*d It us know tv { i lou rvlion- anj f , as tlic count:) |iite<f mutter,. Addrc IJcneral Iiniuig CEDARV COUNTB Sividunls i ]ptly made jUETS on (immti soh: cst mul m Inioncy by IVNB* mad pnal or Co am Wildn teth W ,!: W* < foadcK t i l l 1 lilt tml Nti-K [lutf- Art c ity— % r , |K ir, DK* Auotiytk' Nam Bb [s A n t ic i i J tteh and CeW, UhK Ntitft! ft yonr hows Ito p t oh tho I k storm; m N, Ftjuni Pi-ringftl*L 1 HAW |T