The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
*5V•rea** th lt Crouse’i :e I n i nf i W^PP4 n | Swssg*. r n a , Auluyc^i^jL SPW llS t, % S, rCuawd lc lers . ifri anti ba toLocal n tlic Territory m l hy t h e ..,. S c - T H E - ,, S o n t a i T n in k l i r — I N ’— — x j ^ T E N N E S S E E . \ b a m a : PPI* F L O R ID A , WHERE 7 Growers, *ers, Manufacturers, tors, Mf.eeitlmors and Money Lenders est clmnccg in tho United ? Money” by reason or tlw npnecs of US. &NB STORE, r a k b coal , . iaboe - e v er y th ug i i'll orsifltancc. and freedo*’1 bo manufacturer.. • at $1.00 iier ioreniulnih') seres in Wcflt Florid* tliU , is under If. $. Homestead1 j heGulf C om I Diatriet wit}■ j iis. mtaionthe Jlrst tod iyaof eachmonth.. at you want, *Md wetriH how b got it—Imt don’t . Y M filling np rapidly, - j asps and nil informationj •K. J. WEICYSB, ration and InduUriat Agt, Lonlwlll*, Keatacky. - iaeSaak ILLE , OHIO. tf Merchants and In* licited., Collections ml remitted. . Tew York and Cin- it lowest rates. The it convenient way to mil. hi Ileal Estate, Pei* item! Security. n, Pres., ifh, Vice Pres., Wildman, Cashier, lotograttoar + wt rcliablo f l y Up-to* iHt in the iiigfielil, O. •ssieaiiieeisasaemse m l i b w s k m m m vvvvwp ^ pi Umswtona street « thera mm I yn«f ofth# inohle, oat otn Avretne, G* - w M, Tha l o I l ^ M t iM m w t d M iM i Hr. « . a Ib is , tha aoaatv «Wk a rnm iaM vw u rM H i, « • * * * * ! * i * * t w J Z T * . . * T * %i * r * O U.V M . « • * , M r w l M b , j g y g ! r * . . ‘ ” > • * !* .* * ,* * . i v p v v i t a . IM r <<*k.|aMM ir i . r f ! ? ? ^ <V mu I , IV m . K H M 2 r X ' i S w ™ / ? ! ! k A , ? T " ' I W r U k B m M . I g j g . ” " * wu* ° f * » » “ ■ W * sriwre * “ IA » of P mwb A . .rUeJ.witk.1 tobr r ° * « ¥ April 2#, 12^* « » » w * v m n i — — * . « ^ . . . - ' —" sensational hwuUag, and tibal- lu - l * *** iW d hwspaak __ _ _ __ niM*u»Uk 1 * ******* *tttur* tor kin* ia bit saw snot iuwguiflesut, pieay ubh matter, nUsekiug & W * Deaeoa in Csdar* work. S^TiE*3* naaVtz&JSii T"«CH w aothtaa to T t i t h * ili» g d o * . « f H . pn.lou. IK, - " 5 ^ Tn rawanl to the nbova nntmar ta T * ° f tb® WUrt, CpdarviHo pomes In regard to ti e abova answsr to h ^ },* to the front. Let it still oou- onrprevious artKle, "would say that 1 ifmlAflir . . . . ’ . 1 00,1 f t y i 1,3, cvid.utlv m t o t to .| t,“M f f l: . l‘ » “ ? •'m.n »t licd<|U«rt«ti" wiH til. on - \ ,h„ Muarwnniount of information bafnrail .. . X ffices., Jflje people o f eswiry amo t Bf i f r ti efore L i , b Ihe publishers o f the report. __ / J are acting wisely in Uwtri* bating the offices to men in different Prof. Sayrs came into the Herald, . , , . , office a day or so before our article K ? n° * lh®C 0 HutJr‘ and we *V * ^ appeared, and Upon being questioned' m cont,nue‘ at to who was the author oi the article Untly denied having auything to do with it whatever, and in no respect ’was he the cause of it being published. Upon close questioning and examina tion, after some little discussion be tween both parties, the Professor ad mitted in the presence of the office force, that he wasthe cause indirectly, viz,, lie Bent a copy o f tho Herald to JRev, F. A. Pence, who wrote the ' article which we criticized. < We do uot cure to take up an ex tended discussion o f .this subject at this time, ns space and time are too valuable, but possibly at a later date we will place before the public, iii different ways the work of,this co lossal fraud. Our object is At this tirue to state the matter and let the public determine “ Who’s the Liar?” Robbed M d Fired. The residence of Dr, Carson, pastor o f the U. P, Church* Xenia, was.rob bed and then set on!fire Sunday morn ing, The fire company was very prompt and the hbme was saved from total destruction Dr. Carson hasbeen abroad for some time, consequently the house was Closed. Tjie burglars effected nu en trance through the kitchen window by breaking a slat off the shutter, un fastening it then removing “ a glass! They took their time in ransacking the house, hut got away with but little plunder, tho doctor having re* movedlail silverware and other.,valu ables to a place of safety before his departure. After u thorough search of the house the robbers set fire to the house and escape!, threat damage was sus- PhUosopfiic Diploma Night. The attendance at the Diploma “ *“ *? ^ Awl water. There ; , • • ' i WYltt mir Xfillll inaitwtnnn' my fhA Night exercises was somewhat injured hy the had weather, but nevertheless quitea crowd gathered at the R. P. church lust Friday evening,- June 1, to hear the exercises. Tho rostum decked with palms and pot KBS flowers making a very pretty decora- fion. >Mr. Raymond P, Garbold, a grad-! uate of the Philosophic society, ad dressed the assembly.. Mr. Garbold was but $500 i sura ce on t e con tents. Late Monday n man giving his name as WiUiau-Johuson, an ex con vict, was arrested' by Marehal Loe, o f Yellow Spriiigs. Towels and oth&r articles taken from- the Carson resi dence wefefomid in his possession,' also a gold' headed cairn belonging to the doctor. He is now iu -jail at Xenia. f lwda most excellent production, but j __Last fftn I sprained my left hip W»s not as familiar with - it as he Jwhile handling some heavy boxes, wight have been. ’ I The doctor I called on iafd at first it Mr, Calvin Wright, the president I wus a alight strain and would soon be the society, presented the diplomas h'wifta few well cboBen words, to the Allowing graduates o f tire society: d. Robb .Harper, Wallace Ilifte, Bertha Knott* Mary Knott* Nellie Lewis, Anna Orr, Clarence Young. The music during the evening was furnished by the.Mandolin Club and by Misses Louise Smith and Ethel Fields,. Ihe Eagle’* Heart. Mr. Hamlin Garland's most recent work is a vigorous Story o f Western fife, entitled TheEagle’s Heart, In this brilliant story he draws a remarkably strong picture o f the adventurous Ufe in cowtowns and mining settlements* and shows every phase o f the aggres sive existence o fminer, plainsman and cowboy. An absorbing love story is skillfully woven into the fabric o f peril awl adventure. The Eagles Heart, superbly illus tratedby Mr. Ilni rieoa Fisher, will be gin iu The Saturday Evening Post fat June Iff,and run through thesum- swr numbers of the magazine. nwr^wOTi*WMVnwwvwwitvvwiswww%wwwa June 19lh at Pbiisidetphis, Pa., wilt assemble delegates from all see- twos of the United States to nominate acandidate for President. Excursion tickets will be sold June 14 to 18th* Muiivc, via Pennsylvania Lines to Fbiladclphi*? valid returning T«es- flsy*June 28th» Memory Talks on Spiritual Power, Owing to the lack o fsupply o f the **w hook o f Rev. A . Hutchison— “Usmory Talks on Spiritual Power*** tiMset the demands during the ses- I dta« of the Reformed Synod, we will ■ ""gbfcceon sale a number o f copies at ■Afc office, at $ 1,00 per copy,' Tho 1 Mbwing clipping was taken from a [fwwmsl litter o f I)r. W. G. Moore- to a friend: “ I wish to say with all frankness dM* the treatment o f the subject is indeed* and timely, Tke at* itive methml is helpful to the [Atowwy, njid something out o f the “ try way. With the doctrine tat 1 i-ordislly agree. The iftstk on tlte great topic treated kf |.*Wy and strongly presented. Am ***v the puidjcatlon will do much The writer o f this hook k well ■•win here, and every home in the ••ewuiiity should have a copy o f *w valuable work. **R*mmork>, a fell Uweat INriPe well, but it grew worse and the doctor 'then said I had rheumatism. Jfc con tinued to . grow, worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the. druggist recommended me to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. I tried it aud one-half of a 50-cent bottle' cured me entirely, I now‘recommend it Jo all my .friends. F. .A.- Babcock, Erie, Pa. I t is for sale by C. M, Ridgway. COLORED SOCMEIY. , John Silyey left last Monday for Columbus, to enter upon his dutiesas guard at the Ohio Penitentiary, Rev. Gault* o f the R. P. Synod, preached at Zion Church, lost Sun- day. . William Baldwin arrived home, last Friday. Wilbertorce Commencement next Thursday, The clamnumbers thirty members from the different depart ments. Miss Myrtle Badger, of this place,Jwing one of tbs number. M. W. Silvey and Henry Baldwin attended the stock sale* at London Tuesday, where Main disposed of Patsy K . T. H , Mitchell went to Springfield, Tuesday. John Lewis* an old resident, who resides with his dstighter* Minnie Hamilton, is lying very low. Are Yea CimthitW? Do you have that tired feeling? Do you fw l sluggish, billious and out of sorts geuerally? Do you have sick JL*> w tex headache? Do you have pimples* eruptions, blotches, ulcers, sores or other results o f constipation? Tho sewer o f the body must be kept in an active, healthy condition and nothing does it so well as Bsiley’s Laxative Tablets, Their use brings on ft clear, rosy* beftutifhl complexion. A tab let or two taken at night makes you feel fine in the morning. 10 c packages contain 20 tablets* and off in 25c packages. Tablets chocolate coated. The written signature of W. J, Bailey on a*ck package. Bample free. They promptly reliever and then cure eon- rtipatton. Bold byC. M. Ridgway. Mr. John A. Beveridge woe a lion* member o f the National Uni , which carried insurance on his life to the amount o f $W 00 ,which was paid within twenty day* fro * date of death. pepsift Already Starvation never yet cured dy* *» Famous with indigestion are half starved. They need p)*nty o f wholesome food. Kodol Dysnepsii tyspepaUUnre digests what you eat dm hedy van be nourished while the wow out organs are being reenn. «*ructed. It la the only prfpetalioit known that will instantly relieve and •mupletoly cure an stomach treuhire, Try R i f you are suHriug trwm lndl* M*toH. It win certobdy do you 5 * 3 7 Ridgway A On. druggists. M , u WHMi tke Rtwk S HK Is our line of Women’s Dress Shoes at $a,oo and $ 3 , 50 . These shoes have all the marks of High Grade Shoes. They facil itate walking, lend naturalness and dig- w. mty to the pose, and put the wearers on A good terms with herself. ^ They are the Best Fitters for the money* They are the Best Wearers for the money. They are the Best Lookers ,for the money in the city, and an examination of the same will prove to you the same. Routzahn $ Rirkffit n S. Market St., Springfield, Does Your Stomach Distress You? Do you have pains iu the aide, nuugea, sometimes vomiting, distress niter .eating, belching, constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, flatulence, ninth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? I f you have any of these symtoms, you "have dyspepsia or stomach disorder. These distressing troubles are promptly re lieved and then cured by Bailey’s Dy pepsin Tablets. Pleasant to take.' They will bring quick relieF to the worst eases. Written signature of W. «T Bailey on each package. Price 25 cents. Sample free. Druggists who don’t have them will get them for you. Two kinds of tablets in each package. The.latest discovery. " by C. JI. Sold M Ridgway. on In twenty-four hours close up 700 trairis pas 8 in and out of the New Street Railway Station, Birmingham, England.' Does it Pay to Buy Cheap, A cheap remedy for coughsand colds is all' right, but you want something that will relieve,nml euro the more se vere and dangerous results of thront and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more reg ular climate? Yes, if possible; it not .possible for you, then in either case take the only remedy that hasbeen in troduced in all civiized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, “ Boschee’s German Syrup.” I t not only heals and stimulates the tissue to destroy the germ disease, hut allays ipfiamation, causes, easy expectoration, gives a good night’s rest, and cures the patient. Try one 06' m bottle. Recommendedmany yearshy all druggists in the world. For sale by 0. M. Ridgway, A coloredman who gave his home m as Sturgeon, Mo., and was arrested last January for breaking into, the depot, had his trial last Friday in the Common Pleas Court on the charge o f burglary. Upon gaining his en trance into the waiting room, he pro needed to pry open the ticket office window when Agent Keyes came along* lie stated that he broke in to get warm as Ihe weather was very cold at that time. Tlie jury seemed to think that Davis bad had punish ment enough,. having been in the county jail for nearly five months* and gave him his freedom. - “Neglect is the short step so many take from a cough or cold to con sninption. Tho early use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents con sumption. I t is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results, I t cures all throat and lung troubles. Children all like it and mothers en dorse it, Ridgway & Co., druggists. —YOUNG MEN WANTED, with fair education and good character to LEARN TELEGRAPHY, Railroad accounting, And typewriting. This is endorsed by amending railway com panies as the only perfect and reliable jnstitution of its kind. _A ll our grad uates are assisted to positions, Ladies also admitted. Write for free‘ cata logue. (Fall, term opens August 15th.) .Globe Telegraph College, Lexington, Kentucky. j n !» Ate -Hmall in size and great in results DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little, pills that cleanse the Is* liver and bowel . They alb not gripe. ists, Ridgway A Co., druggl Vegetarian. Baked Beans. With Tomntoe Himcc, No Meat. No Fat, A t Ofay’s. • -Unless food i* digested quickly it will ferment and irritate the stomach. After Citehmeal take, a Uasjmontul of Kodnl Dye|X‘P»in Cure. It digests what you cat mid will allow ymi to eat all you nerel « l what y«u like. It never mils to nure the worst cases of dyapetwls. It is pleasant to take 8 Mgw*X A Co„ 4r«|K*4*- NERVITAPILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor sod Msshood Cnrelmpotency. Night Sminloiu, Lost ofHem* ^grereh orr, Ml waiting dl*ea*e»,.... ■» .. J * H * * n U oSeoti of seTf-abttseor ^excoai and indiicrotion “ i n ? t o n io s a d Hblood builder, Brloga rthe pink glow to p a le ' eheeki and roetore* the fcflre o f south. .By mail SSOo per box. S .bon » for 60 PILLS 60 C TS $2.60,withaurbankablesnnatHtOostt WSWSUW* SWSHOiSSl— w k< ____ . , or refund the money paid. Send for circular andCopyOfoar bankable guarantee bind* Pin© and Oak ^ *w- A full line of DimenBionn, Hiding, Flooring. Ceiling, Finished in White and Yellow Fine* Poplar and Hemlock, Farm Gates, Richmond Fences, Locnst and Chestnut Posts wnww,: Hhiogioa: White PUto* Sad Cedar and Haodoek, D oom , Hash, Blinda oaui Mouldinga. G1# m xlO to 40x40. Largeststockia town AmericanWindow Scieens Fly Proof Try thorn ■■'rl “A little Lit crowded” for Room aod Desire an Opportunity to Figure on Tour Bills, W e W a n t Y o R i ’ T p i i d ^ . J. M. TARBOX & NemtaTablets^S ( telpow pabsp ) woieatste Ktsults Positively anaranteed cure for E akb of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organ*, Paresis, Locomotor.Ataxia, Nervous JPnwtra- gon, Hysteria, Pits, Insanity* Paralysis aud the uvu ujtuuc B cjw x so iy.r i m au s liesults t>fExcessive Use o f Tobacco, Opium or --_ ™ IS ,.. ----- --------- ------- wuteo bond to cure In 80 day* or refUnd Liquor, „ box, O for Bx. a T i ^O a i our tmnknbls wuar- money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. ClintonA Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. For Sale by Q- M. lUdgwway. Druggist, Coilarvillc, Ohio, * TICKETS VIA WASHINGTON to PbiladelphUa ovtr Peanpylvania Lhis for Es- publiosn Jfstionsl Oonvsutlsn, Two foembof exciireiou tickets to Piiilatlcl|t|iia will be sold via Pennsyl vania Lines for tho Republican Nn- tirnai Couveutiou. Oue form will bo f od over direct route* the other via ushiugtou. Fare will be the Baiqe citherway, aud tickets;via Washington will be good to stop-over at the Na tional Capital, June 14th to I 8 th, inclusive, are dates oD which tickets will bo sold,’ Ask Pennsylvania Lines Ticket Agent about them* Summer Outings. Whore to Qo ftml How to Uot There. The Seashore, Mountain and Lake Resorts constitute the most attractive pleasure grounds for the summer idler, They are within cssv reach via Penn sylvania Lines, and agents of that railway syBtetn will furnish full infor mation about rates, train service and •through car comforts to any of the summer havens. They Will assist in arranging details for vacation trips and give valuable information free of charge. Apply to the nearest Penn sylvania Lines Pamsnger and Ticket Agent and be relieved of all bother in soaping preliminaries for your Bum mer outing and vacation trim ’ E. £* Keyes, Agent, Ccdarville, Ohio. ExcorsiMSt* Tototo. June 20th and 27th tor Convention Ohio Christian Endeavor Union low rate non-transferablc excursion tickets will be sold to Toledo via Pennsyl vania Lines; good returning until Fri day, June 29th* Juno 18th and 19th low rate non- transferable tickets will tie sold to To ledo for Convention o f Wholesale aud Retailed Coal Dealers’ Association of Ohio, good returning Monday, June 23th. Q u m U m Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale o f any medicine in tho ....................... Y i civilised world, our mothers’ and grandmothers’ never thought o f using anything else tor Indigestion or Bil iousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard o f Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermen- tstiou of undigested food* regulate ac tion o f the liver* stimulate the ner vous aud orgsuic action o f the system* and that is all they took when feeling dull and t>adwith headaches ami other ...............l s g aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower* in liquid form to make you ssthfie) there is nothing serious the matter with you, For sale hy U M. Ridgway, CASTOR IA wRIIIf am RMNMM p M n M m IM MM lM M il MMB1 M p i * ■ .....Z z l JM mwi The Correct Prices. ¥ • * ^ Up-to-date Styles. IF you’re thinking of purchasing a carpet you make * a mistake by not seeing our designs and getting our prices before looking elsewhere. BEDBOOMSUITES, SIDE BOARDS, BOOKCASES* COUCHES,&c. J . I I . !M!c!M!ILLA_3Nr, Furniture Dealer. Funeral Director & Embalmer. O R d M V t t l t r O S & io . V A L U E Fair dealings is the Merehantite Magnet—it draws the crowd. Pulley Belts Clipper Ax with Handle Lawn Mower. Childrens Bibs Garden Hose* 50 ft. Bed Spread Ladies Gauze Undervests Veiling Oak Picture E mc I Featherstitch Braid Large size can Crown Lye White Wash Brushes Leather Halter 1 pr Lace Curtains, 29 in wide 23c 75c $2.78 3c $4.55 41c up 10 c an 8 yd 30c 3c bolt 9o 5cyd 39c and 21 yds long BrushSkirt Binding, pr yd Empress Corduroy Skirt Binding 21 in Torchon Lace pr yd 2 iu « ** Corsets Red Damask, pr yd Infants caps “ In His Steps,” book 65c 5c 4e 6 c Sc 20 c up 21 c 6 to 40 c 9o A complete fine o f i*adiet Men’s and Childrens Shoes, allprices Chamber Sets* 6 pieces Ladies Maslin Gowns Chenille Table Cover Churn Fishing Foies* 16 feet long Ice Cream Freezers WhiskBroom Horn Hair Pins 7 for Dollies, 18x18 Tumblers per doz Day Book 200 pages 6^x15 Ingrain Carpet or Columbian m St. Cecelia Mradlton Oxford Teackers Bible Riding Bridle Ladles Kid Gloves R oom Water Proof Umbrella Jute Rug 36x72 Ladies Solid Gold Ring Eight Bay Clock Gold Filled Watch Men’s Boy’s and Children* Clothing Men’s, Boy’sand Children Hats New style tucked Shirt Waist 55c Black Spring Capes 60c $2.15 50c 65c 69c 6 c $1.70 3c 50 5c 20 c 22 c 29c yd 59c 65c 66 c 67c 70c 95e $1.14 $1,90 $5*70 BBUte Pencils 1 Carpenter Pencil 60 in. Tape measure 2 doz Hooks & Eyes Dime Bank 6 doz. Shirt Buttons Pocket Comb with case No. 2 Hercules Safety Pins ScrewDriver Invisible Hair Pins, per box David’s Black Ink 4 in. Kid Hair Cnriers No. 2 Curling Irons POdlock* Wire Soap Dish JftdmSoap 8 x 6 Picture Frame Dress Shields 50 ft* Fishing Lino Compass Pencil Be Mops 10a Stand Cover 15e Complete line o f Leather Belts 5e up Ladies Ready made trimmed Dmware 47a NEW YORK RACKET JOEL ORANSKY,IPrepriator. X o u l l l y Oh io . re- s i a WMiOt «r >«M^r worst form* o f Pile*. Only 25 ets a , SoldhyRklg box Cure guaranteed way A Co., druggist —Reports show that over fifteen hundred live* have beensaved through the use o f One Minnie Cough Cura* Most o f these were esses or grippe, croup, asthma, whooidug mregh, bronchitis and pnanmoaia. !is winy mmmwtmm wwwiipwMi* wmjwij Jl Cfe»i NMMb Nm v m i Ow fisM itl OstalafM qwciiai them, Skwd tjc to partly pay pomwfflf p t wtjffmmgt m w « MWiycNiatM. IthasnaapoRM* Vf.Me* ,jMd| Mftfkug aagmsF’W a^a^sw ikimm ami want. « s t ^ •. $9 r» M tr ■Y- . s V r w w 9k
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