The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

* w .w J, > r «* T l \ e I j e r q l d . $ 1.99 A YEAR. (hwejuit* Omes; W!»**WaiteW«m. S a t u r d a y , j u l y h , 1 mo . &$. # Yitteifeiw doubt but that Dowie iM A iitwume, that fcacure* certain ktodflf disease*, but it h>prajuxitermui Jar anyone to think It i* done by a spookd gift from Clod. The secret of bin poner lies id the feft that h its nekver mesmerist and suggssturaJtf, whereby he cense* mind to dominate matter,, To he successful iu this mode of treating disease the patient must have faith, obedience and be afflicted with nervous auil other diseases paused by morbid brooding; In ninny case they are imaginary ailments. These can be cured by method* of the mesmerist aud sug- gestionkt, there is no doubt of it; but 1 this praying to the, Omnipotent for Aid in curing disease is nothing more than a sacrilegious subterfuge to blind the poor diseased mortals who go to him iu their dispair. The Herald came in for caustic mention in last week** Leaves of Hetding. The Herald’s scope of in- , ftuence is small compared with this great country of ours, but, ueverthe* less it has proved u thorn iu the Bide ■ of that colossus fraud nt Chicago. The ministers of this place also gets* lambasting, which, in truth, only re­ flect to their credit, proving that their Utterances and moral influences are m>mere' stumbling blocks to Dowie’s , sacrilegious progress. „ The country understands illr. Bryan better today than it did before the convention. If he had been a mere demagogue, caring only for success, he would have yieJde to the overmas- taring desire of the delegates and yielded on silver. But he is n fauatic Who would literally rather be what he considers right thnn President. And It is, in this fact that the greatest dan­ ger fforo him lies. . I f the European commander bad shown the sense of Admiral Kempif . and refrained from wantonly redu­ cing the Taku fort uutil after the ministers were safe, many homes woulddiftve been saved from bitter mourning. But then, Europe has ' rewarded her commanders for their - j\ action' and the United States has pun- “ * jab KmpffTot htt by pntting'airortiW officer over him. S^ ls a matter of fact, the mere word­ ing o f theDemocratic platform counts for little. The' attitude of the party la known and it is a question whether i t Would not lose more than it would gain by any weakness on silver. Whatever any one may say or wish, silver is as dead ‘as slavery and the result this fall will turn On the ex* 'pension issue, which is very much alive. In the death of Admiral Philip the country loses a gallant soldier and a true hearted map. His words to bis sailors as they watched the sinking Spanish fleet at Santiago will long live: “Don’t cheer, hoys, those poor fellows out there are dying.” There spoke a spirit that had never appeared in War before. The interest of the United States is to preserve the Chinese empire, even though It be necessary, to Send troops to punish the reliels. The partition of China would put end, at once and forever, to the open door policy, just ai the annexation o f Hawaii put an end to the treaties of those islands with the rest of the world. I f Germany wishes the same com­ mercial treatment from us that France gets, it should make a start towards giving us better commercial treat­ ment by removing the prohibitory restriction^ upon American meat pro­ ducts. Governments, like individu­ als, seldom give unless they receive. Mr. W. ‘A, Calloway, a business man of Ban Antonio, Texas, voiced the business sentiment of the country, regardless of-polities, when he said the other day: “Although I am a democrat, I eau’t sec how, with all this prosperity, McKinley is going to he ds&fltal * Wall, well, w« knew Britain was he nigh led, hut we didn't know that they never eat peanut over there, and wakave found ft out only by hearing ofriftwta to introduce the delicious “ goober" into that country. Live and learn. asoMfcMr.-vwatA^fe'M-t* U s Democracy had a hard time Maravtring whether it had its pants amhash frontward* or wot, amt until k * d , wa* anflsfiadft which way it B n PwAlldtluahis t o p * « * *ft f t* , k to draw who art sppcaad to M*Ktoday m i Ms policy but who earnaot stand for I t to I. Yaa, tbs world move*. Jeff Davis is tk« democratic candidate for Gov. #f Arkansas, and Jeff is an cxpati- skmbt, too, How are tbosa democrat* who be­ lieve in expansion going to swallow that democratic platform? Tha Boxers ar# 11,000,000 strong and are growing 1,000,0QQ with each cablegram from China, The greatest trouble ofa missionary in China at present is that one is vary apt to lose one’s head, •---- DoesAPay to BeyCheap. A cheapremedy for coughsand colds is all right, but you w*ut something that will relieve and cure the more se­ vere and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more reg- ular*oHnuite? Yes, if possible; it not possible for you, then in cither cose take the only remedy that 1msbeen in­ troduced in nil civiized countries with success iu severe throat nnd lung troubles, “Bosches’* German Syrup. I t not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ, disease, but allays inflamation, causes, easy expectoration,- gives a good nights rest, and cures the patient, Try one bottle. Recoinmendedmany years by all druggists in the world. For sale by 0 . M. Ridgway. To Kill Cabbage Worms. - One .pound of rpyrethrum leaves mixed with 100 gallons of water will kill every worm with which, it comes in contact, and the remedy is harm­ less toman. QuestionAnswered. , Yes, August Flower still luis the largest sale .of any medicine • in the civilized world. Your mothers’ and grandmothers’-never thought of using anything else for ludigestioti or Bil­ iousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermen­ tation <;f undigested food, regulate ac­ tion of the liver, stimulate the ner­ vous and organic action of the system, and that is nil they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green’s August Flower, in liquid form to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by C. M. Ridgway. President Bel),-'of Antioch College .deelarw tbatther© was no egg throw­ ing, as reported by the Yellow Springs News; that the report.was circulated by Some one to injure the college. DI«dProa Takliy Pm*lo Aold through mistake. No worse mistake is that than is taking Blood Medicine for stomach trouble. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin cures all forms of indi- f estiou, constipation or stomach trou- le. Don't take th e ,wrong kind of mediciue, take Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. Ask G, M. Ridgway. Wilmington, 111., Sept, 21,1898. WVB. Caldwell, Dear Sir:-—I take great pleasure in adding my testimony as to the efficaiicy of Dr, Caldwell’s Syrup Popain as used in our Home, We use it in all cases of Constipation and Indigestion, Respectfully, Eva. J . Sweet, Nurse. Soldiers’ Widows’Home. Caring Chickens ef Cholera Those who m^ke their pin money by raising chickens or turkeys would like to known how to cure cholera. This is the way I cured mine: Took ebout a quart of wheat flour, mixed it very thin witn water aud gave ev­ ery morning. 'I f fowls are .too sick to eat, pour it down their throats. Give poultry plenty of buttermilk, aud cholera will not bother them, 1 have not lost any since I gave them this. - A Subscriber. -“There is more Catarrh iu tbi section of the country than all other diseases put together, aud until the last few years was supposed to bo in­ curable, For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by aud constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incur­ able. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and there­ fore require* constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F* J . Cheney A Co., Toledo, 0«» is the only constitutional cure on the market. I t is taken internally in dose* from 10 drop* to a teaspoonful. I t acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Addrets, F , J. C hunky A Co., Toledo, (); Bold by Druggists, 75c, Half* Family Pills arc the best, - Grice’s arc sending out belter cream than ever. Give them a call, Xenia, Ohio, . It k P#t PwhlmM)■ to die just yet, but you must digest th# food that now {mitts you, causing suck unpleasant eructation and sick headache or you will die just th« same, Ask anyone wlm ever took Dr. ( ’aid- well’s Hymp Paprin for ConstipaUnN. "aumcfc Trouble and A tC . If. IttdgwayV m m w m 9nm %I vm fkte-asfI, *.C. Itasay baa yssottaa whether tkt •JHor of a uewspapsr ha* the right ta publicly recommend any of the vari­ ous proprietary medicines which flood th* market, yet as a prsroativs of suffering we teel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Cone, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. We have known aud used this msdidae iu our family for ..twenty years and have always found it reliable. In many cases a dtse of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. We do not be­ lieve iu depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do be jk've that if a bottle of Chamberlain’* Diarrhoea Remedywere kept on band and administered at the inception of an attack much guttering, might be avoided and in very many cases the presence of a physician would not bo required, At least this has been our experience during the past twenty years. For snip by C, M. RiilgWay, Druggists, You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. C. M. Ridgway will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using it, I t is every­ where admitted to bo the most success­ ful remedy in use forbowel complaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe reliable. AGES 01 MAN. A babe with sunny eyes. Aud cheeks tike budding rose, A look of sweet surprise— So much he knows! And then— A lad with bnppy mien' And wireless, thoughtless ways, Filled full of life’s serene, Untarnished days. Aad then— A youth, erect, alert. With eager, mannish air, To learn, confront, exert, To do, to'dare! And then— . Young manhood, full of hope, Life's battle to begiu,. With friend or foe to cope, - Aud love to win. * And. then— A man, sedater grown, To whom success is sure.; " Home, honors—all his own— And'peace secure. Aud then— Gray hairs come on apace: Achievement less nnd less; ' Not now somuch life’s race As love’s caress! And then— Infirm, undone and lone; Remembering things long pasf; To live a burden grown; ’ , , A u d deathat last! And then— And then! Ah, we know naught; Perhaps a sweet repose, And blin beyond all thought— God knows—God knows What then! Is BabyThin thb sttnnter? Then «dd a Utile so o r r s cmmsMm to hismilkthreetimes a day. It b astonishing how fast .I k wUIimprove. Ifhenurses, let the mother take the Emabion. f t * ierte 's f l adHUW*Kevefe. 'imm age Bret Harts wrote ssriss «f steHks which he c*U«d “cowfeesed eovsW—hiukCMWstelc** b which h* buricwMed Ik* ntyk, iea»»NrJ*ew end pecsliaHtfes of the author* of the day, Mr. Harte lies just couipleUd, lor The Beturdsy Evsuiug * new series of these inimitably funny liter ary caricatures. Admirers of Causn Doyte shouM refnl the ndventuM* of Hemlock Jones in h*»* quett ofTlie tftolen Cigsr-Csse; and tnos# who are fond of Mr. Kipling will find pleasure ie Storms Throe; teles of Moo Kow, th* Cow; Puskat, the wsrmth-hivmg one; th* adventure* of Blesreyed, Otherwise and Mulleilwiuey. In Ru­ dolph, the Resembler. the astute reader will find a, new version of An­ thony Hope’s most popular story, and will vnderateud how much more com­ plicated it might have been had there been three kings instead of only two. The first of these “condensed nov­ els”—The Jungla Folk—will appear in The Saturday Evening Post oi June 80. •Harness are only a trifle higher in price* than they were several years ago; so do not get frightened, hut come to mv store, aud get yourself n nice single Hurneus at rensnnablo prices. Dorn, die Harness Man, $600 BSWABDI We will |>ay tlic »l) 0 ve reward fur any rose of LiVor Complaint. JOyqlepsi*, Siuk llcau- ache, Imligwtiuh, Cuiiotipationnr Coatlvupepe weicannut euro willt r.iver|tn, llto Up-to-lJute Little, Liver Fill,when tbodiroctiunenreetriet- ly untilpliedwith. They me purely Vcgeittiilo. nml never foil to give eittt.sfnotion, 2<tis lu>xe* enntniii lilli i’ilt*, ionIxiscs contain 'U*J'itta, &e ( kixch coutuin IS Pilfr." Jlewure of *nlt»Utu. Uoas uhtl Imilntioii!'. Scut by mail, ’stumps taken. NBItVITA MKDICAL CO., Cor. Clinton nnd.fncksun St*., Cliiengo, III. For sale LyC. M. lUilewny, druggist, Ccdnr* ville, Obio. PILES COREDWITHOUTPHE KHIFEI . Yourdruggeat, whomyouknowtobereliable .wilt tell you that heis imthoriaed to refund the. money toevery nurohas'er wliero1*1ZO GINf- MHNTlulls to euro apy cnee of 1TCUIXO, BLIND, BLEEDINQ, or I'KOTIU/Df.NO FILES, nomatter of howlongstaniliug.^Cure, ordinary cases in six days. One anplicntiun gives easeandrest. RelievesItchinginstantly. This is nnewdiscovery and is soldon it posi­ tive guarantee. No Cure. No Fay, Frico. $1.00, For sniobyC, M. Ridgway, into Snn- NEWTIME TABLE. The following schedule goes effect an the Pennsylvania Line, f day, May 27. WESTWARD. No. 33—10:17 a. m. , No. 19-3:28 p. ni. No. .8—9:00 p. m. EASTWARD No. 10.'—7:09 a. m. No. 32—4:41 p. m, No’s. 10 and 3 run'only between Columbus aud Richmond. No, 19 is a flag stop at CednrViile. The nltove trains, arc daily throughout the week. E, S. K eye 8, Agent. FRANK H. DEAN. A ttorney - at L aw . 41 E. Slain St. Xenia, O, Adam's Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High.and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. Blue Front Stable. Leave your horse* there nnd your rigs be kept on the inside, out of the nun and storm, 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield; 0 . ' C harles E , T odd , Prop The Mutual Life Insurance t:s Company of New York lticiiABD A. M c C urdy , President A s s e ts J a n u a r y i , 1900 , $ 301 , 844,537 New Insurance Written aud Paid For in Ohio in 1899 F I V E M I L L I O N D O L L A R S Insurance in Force in Ohio over F I F T Y M I L L I O N D O L L A R S ' Death Claims and Endowments Paid in Ohio in 1899 ' $364 ,350 .65 Many persons object to the usual foruiBof life insurance contracts 011 the ground that they involve the payment of premiums throughout life or a long term -ofyears, dome think even a twenty-year contract is too long an under­ taking. _The Ten-Payment Policies of this Company completely answer this objec­ tion and at the same time give the heat possible combination of Insurance, Savings aud Investment, . •These policies contain most tilmral options after three years in AUTOMATIC PAID-UP INSURANCE EXTENDED INSURANCE CASH SURRENDER VALUES AND LOANS They aVrt participate iu the profits of the <’oMiwnv at stipulated pr-rnxK Write fer# lull description, giving date of birth," Ategfo (>fability usd MMMturufMir t*(.Awill tit# (heir wbutu lime AftWtlfin* l.aMav«s fe» tHK MEYUAE Iiti’K nmynbisin Intrslive esMMet*Hy '«usnass)«mUsgwilk V L. C. LAWTON & SON, iivpinvi jtgwms*. Ctt^Iand, Ohio. W . CLRMANS, Loot! Afctit. l s i IM S ( HU It Hi N PiomoiesDi^shonTfaeeiful- nessandRest.Conteinsnelilter tWi imMorphine norHinerol. H o t N a r c o t i c . . MMeNMNeMaffirtteKamw1.1 1 jo+ 'rm t+ SiM m itrauR JSIm * . - rjLMvi rnrnlmm/ Worms,Convulsions.Feveristv ness andL o s s OF SURER .MwwMfMWMMeeeaseeeMMSSte**1"** FacSimio Signature of N EW Y O R K , ..1! } ) C ’ 1 S 1 ) O S 1 S EXACTcopyOFWRAPPER. c u m ■ffwrTniaaitn t a d CM II t S*- llte Kind You Hava Always BousjU Bears the gm o f In Use For Over Thirty Tears C A M theoehtuvhoohwuhv . hewvow *emr. J. H. WOLFORD 5> BlIGGYS ■AT - Alik - PRICES Buggy Repairs of A l l Kinds. Imperial Floats and Repairs. OPENING Summ er W ash Fabric. DIMITIES—First to show, best to wear, test to fade, designs pretty. The The lfie, quality yon would thiuk 8?,c quality worth 12Jc, $ell redidly, worth 25e, quality ami pattern ot imi iorted Organdies, Madras, Fig* 2 « J j O ! Of JTew York Is tlie sefi»t In * u ran c o Oomy to insure your projicrty in, it is the largest company m the eaSl making a speciiltyof insuring a n d V illia g o properly F i r e , L ig h tn in g an d .Ter** doe* . Its agents dp not hurts ajtologize to its policy holder* *1^ their property is destroyed, because jfa C om p a n y F a y * th e Cash immediately *«d without delay. Write to me or tall at my office tw testimonials from my own curtas#* .throughout Greene, Clark, Mwlbo# and Fayette counties. Office open every day in the week, W. L. CLEMANS, AG EN T , Cedarville, : Ohio. nno ured Swiss, Linens, Jacouetts (excellent for the girl graduate.') SILKS—Figured, for a Summer Drees, just right price and very popular. CORSETS—All the new shape. Excellent Summer Corsets 00c* KIDS—-All the pretty shade for 81,00 mid $1.50. Art Grill, witif the prices as many have visited other cities and we have secured the gales. SUIT ROOM—Finely stocked. Tailor Made Suite, Waists, Petticoats, Jackets, Separate Skirts, Muslin Underwear meeting large sales. Knit Underwear 20c to 50e, > H utchison & Q ibney Xenia, Ohio, Out General Catalogue quote* them, I!ei»t 15c u partly pay poutage or cxpreAsagc ami wt’U getnl you one. Ithas ttoo page*, 17,000 illustration* ami quote* price* on nearly 70,000 things •that you cat and us* and w*«r. W* constantly cany in stock aU ank le* quoted, jkJMk* Homer- G, Wade, Office Manager, Where to Locate? Why, in theTerritory Travcwcil by the,.., Louisville Nashville Bailroad -TH E— - % a t Ciiiiifiil Soiillipni Trimkliit .— « ih -— - KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI, FLORIDA, WHERE Farmers, Fruit Growers; ' jSfpets Jidtfiei's, Manufacturers, ■ ' Inventors, Syeculasnrs and Money Lenders. will iiiKl tiio greatet pfnuiccp in the Unitci ^tstc^ (onrnka“big money’' by rcaxoi)of tU abiiu.lnnce tin^ «hcnpnciB(tf LANDAUDFARMS. TIMBER ANDSTONE, IRONANDCOAL. LABOR-EVERYianrO! Free sites, fiiinnviiil ArnisVnTiefcVnnAficctUN* fromtftxiitjoq, for tiio iiianufActmcr. L.-tiuI anil forms .ot $1.00 iter nereand« b - wardn, andf.lHt.tHX)norcs in West Florida tbit c*nbo taken gratis underU. S. Ilnmectni laws. * ■Htookrnising in tiioGulf CokstDistrictwill mokecMirmeus jmifus. . i. Halffareexoariiootbs first (tad ThirdTuesday* tf eachmonth.• Let ns knew whnt you want, andwewill tell yonwhere, ami how in get it—butdea’* delay, ns tboeonntry is Oilingupriipidly. ' Printed matter, nnqt» and all inforustioa free,. Address, j R. 3, WEMTS8, General Imotigratioo aud Industrial Agt, L«aiivill*,K«stioky. Exehange Bank CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNTS of Mcrchnnte end In­ dividual* solicited. Collection); promptly made and remitted, ThRAFTH on N ^T York end Cis- ** cinnsti sold a t lowest retet. Tk* cheapest end most convenient way t» send money by mail. t> JO A N S madeonRealEstate, Per- ** sonnl or Collateral Security. William Wildmin, Pres., Seth W* Smith, Vic* Pres,* W. J . Wildman, Casbter, FOX, ■"THE- Arcade PliotograBher’f Is tiio moat and Strictly Up-to- date Artist in the city-Hi)i'*mgfu*ld, O. NERVITA PU ) iwtet* fttaMy*ItetHcteMl * •* « ! ««teImlwtOiai,Los) U \ »i«j*| ic< raagsB ................ _ Hti«ate»**■<» N t f v H i T « U « h iM M S S S i vvvVi ■teWNPiff WkyMfj/B ■mmmumm tm t* ? * * nke« 9 m fata i f C. It U 4 l***Af. ln* 0 * . CeSawrtet. WWa. >(k Ts the |* f k®r*€ , temii vitfe. h»? yssnteii f ihirtew msostir* * foots Ml atkiduej of breast . length of jeriipJ*r, arm, 21 i 22 inclin ehes, A for 13 n by gwd proportk' ever seen no white Xenia H - Ed * ranched weighs 5 feet 6 in Mr, Kill . far. him i of steer l* thisailin' nesville A fare office, at lik* to t poor.” “ pick oi and if si next fall . from tint per” \ wa* payi After th . take a p I f you doth wii better, r Ifth*v< gture wi less tli A Kt Eagle, li >and ardo “ Ihugg My rc : t» While t r Like a * A yet eloquon. Udl the that ma Tliof in A rizi Tens*9 at least rendere and the mhl hill the eo’ Ooloraf rigatioi - in the i former fteiaily porter. • f Mr, #V,*F A