The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52
not. But in this case we can vouch | Exchange Clippings ] Z f L “ who would stop a clock—but none of A cerhvfftpreacher, when preaching our men are fool enough to ran the risk as did die above mentioned grass- widower, . Thursday, Sept. 5,1901 is the dute rne‘ ‘ on de*r^jne«^ mentioned that he had seen K'brass inoukeyjiu bis town set up in a store with a cigarette in its mouth. I t w*a Automatically arranged so that when the cigar waa lighted the monkey woulcNFrawintbe Smoke and ptiff it ANNOUNCEflENT. . t t t There is a big meeting going on at going on (or set that Springfi ld citizens will cele brate their centennial anniversary and it is expected to mark an era iu the city's hiBtory. The plat of the pres ent city of Springfield , was filed for record Sept. 5,, 1801. A number of committees have been appointed and are at work. Eleazer. I t has been N othing makes such a satisfactory Holi- out again. The works stopped on one* two weeks. There are lots of people occasion and the monkey was taken . apart to discover the cause, when thet works were found to be clogged and in ' a filthy condition* The moral ' was drawn by the preacher thus: ' ‘I f smoke from a cigarette will stop the works of -a brass monkey, what will it do for you.*—Exchange. t t t ' The contracts given Polar Greamery men, who operated amoDg tfie farm ers in this section several weeks ago, a^abnw ifig 'np a f feyeral bapksas promissory notes with due regularity, Tbetown?theagents operated in, in clude Jamestown, Cedarville, Jeffer sonville and other townV in this sec- o f tbs state.—Graene County Press. +t-1 Prof. John B. SVhitacre and wife visited friends a t Cedarville last week. —*Bellbrook Moon. f t t We have a gay grass-widower at this place, who has been desirous of that go every night. The girls gets hose, that is some of them, and some of them don't. I don’t for oue.' I don’t want any bo, but some of the girls go a purpose to get them.—Zoar Cor. Bellbrook Moon. t t t A certain fanner was solicited to buy a windmill, when he arid: “No the Lord has blessed me with fertile soil, furnishes the sunshine and rain for abundant crops and has prospered me so greatly that I ’ll be durned if I’ll ask him to pump Water for stock.” The agent should have sold him a gas oline engine.—Exchange. eg f ii Good Advice. The most ihiserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dyspep sia and Liver Complaint. More than seventy-five per cent, of tbo people in the United Slates are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects: such as Sour Stomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual Costivem-se, Palpita tion o f the Heart, Heart burn, "Water- brash, Gnawing and Burning Pains ; FT r * " . : y la tlt h e P it o f the Stomach, Yellow taking his second voyage on the mat- Sk‘in> ( ;oatc(1 Tongue and Disagree- rimodial sea for some time. Recently Taste in the Mouth, Coming up of. h« pasted the object of his affection Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc. on ib a front lid of hw wgteh, and last Go to your Druggist and get a bottle SM3E:£ o°t tU t)M mtcfc a d ^ p e i . .Often. Greeu’.P r a e 4 1 ii« i« c . limes in speaking o f people, we have day gift as a fine pieoe of Furniture,, a ser- vieable and everlasting remembrance. It is a useful and ornamental present that gives pleasure to anyone. While we are showing by far the largest assortment of holiday fhrniture it has been our good for tune to present, and naming prices that for this grade of merchandise are the lowest '. ' . / ever quoted, and we guarantee that qual ity has not been saorafioed, and every pieoe of furniture leaving our store is the Mc Millan kind. The highest quality through out. - ■ v" ■ —The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. They never gripe. Ridgway & Co., Druggists. • The Daytoil, Springfield & Urbana Electric Railway Co. have put on a market car to accommodate the dairy and the market gnrdners. The car will make two trips a day each way. The census shows that there are 1,400,000 more farroerB in the United States than there were in 1890. JILL the new / I ceived frorr Plaid Back,, 3' Storm Serges, Cloths, Prunell The^most novel provisions made in a. will is that of 8' St. Louis womau that her remains be- incinerated and the asheS'iningled with those of her husband in the urn where his already repose. - . SWr No use to make Mrs. Angie Satterfield of Xenia vis ited relatives here, Sunday. —I f the average man would-look himself squarely iu the eye, he would see at once that he needs Itocky Mountaia Tea, A priceless boon to to men. 35c. —When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, hut we can’t live without food, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure “digests what you eat” so that you can eat all the good food you want while it is restoring the digestive or gans to health. It is the only prepa ration that digests all kinds of food. Ridgway & Co., Druggists. ' Vast coal deposits have been discov ered in Upper Alaska. ?Ol Chas. A. Davis, of Jamestown, had his arm broken wmie assisting Prof. Boone, the mind reader, in find- ■mg a hidden key. A committee of six were In a buggy with Boone blind folded. the hypnotist driving. He got off the scent for a moment and turned down the wrong street, peep ing into the minds of the committee he saw his mistake, and in turning the horses about he flopped the whole committee and himself out onto the road, with the above result to Davis. The others escaped with less .injury. Of ever six Mexicans, five are tin- «1>1« mitl wr'rliet -Art thou one of the many that has drained the Golden Nectar that mak- eth thy heart full of strength and gladness? I f not, take Rocky Moun tain Tea. 1 Mrs. George Irvine and Miss Jean were entertained by friends-in South Charleston, Sunday. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are dainty little pill, but they never fail to cleanse the liver, remove obetruc* tions and invigorate the system. Ridgway & Co., Druggists. Miss Della Gilbert was the guest of her brother, Charles, in South Char leston, last Sabbath, The Warder Busbneil Glessinger Co., Springfield, have started up their f riant with fiOO men. A t one time ast season 1800 men were on the pay roll, which ran over 136,000 bi-weekly Vegetarian, _ Baked Beans. With Tomatoe Sauce. No Meat, No Fat. A t Gray's. can make at 651 Eton Suit: Rolli Among nice ass for Boys and G Although quite last year. Skirts and Colon Corset Cover Go H utch —I f you want to Gray's, anything good, go baard tbe expreesion used, that they j —New Crop. California Apricots ’] Peaches, Prumcs, Grapes and Raisins wouldatop actock, but we didn't know" whether it actually ever occnred o r , a t Gray’s. The aggregate wholesale traffic in geese at Berlin amounts annually to nearly $ 2 , 000 , 000 . WANTED! , Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office w« wisb to open In this vicinity, If your record is O, K. here is an opportunity, Kindly give- good reference when Writing. A, T. M obris W holesale H ouse , Cincinnati, Ohio, Illustrated catalogue* 4 cts. stamps. r ! The % ■J rn it, tl «■>LlU BOOB CASES I t would surprise you to see the immense stock of Book Cases we carry. Quartered Oak, Golden Finish, 5 feet 7 in. high, 37 inches wide, French Hate 12x12. Ad- Music Racks A gift of the above to the musician of the family would not only bring joy to the receiver, but also would add beauty to the home. STANDS Mirrors This article will not be on sale -until holi- d a y w e e k , Holiday Price Mirrors of finest quality, Our dis play is a handsome one. Hall mirrors and Hall Racks of the best patterns, C A R P E T S AT Exact] C O I J C t t E S Justable shelves $9.75 Holiday Price 49c iv y Picture Moulding LiP BOABDS Over 100 patterns to select from in stock. Mats $1 all colors, Quick notice orders our specially. Ladies Friend, Holiday e Easels, Screens A complete lino of the above can he found on hand. You should call and inspect the stock. Our line comprises the most com fortable and serviceable articles, All colors, Some with carved wood frames, others all over leather. Holiday price to 30,00 AM grades and styles ent and matched without waste,' See our line n Is jjDLJvmO PjfliV M C M T T , T . A 1ST /■'V ?? pT."* / !s l,U I s Mi Faet< T h e nati F iatl Piau Exp*, sivel M a i F. B. D e a le r . CEDARVILLE, OHIO. IAm o r a l D ir e c t o r . iMfcwnmm 1 naa nr Wk* IK ,,
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