The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52
;0 T i p i $J.W A YEAR, HUn* * f flfarn < N | rt>tir. cxm '*«4> Qmcm h*tofa Waifapure. HATURDAY, AUGUST 11*1900. - if# h*g m W*eppwfaiit cannot *s$* grot* tetter one, unprejudiced peo* jfia will regard Prerideat MeKfaleyV (Itinroe policy wall right. Awp*rio*** fan h*Vilittie*ynipail»y witk 4ba Empror WiHiam’a onter* to 'Gorman troojw Blurting for O’hfaa— |4give no quarter and take no prison- era,’* That isn't the American idea of civilised warfare. Senator Scott, of W. V**, who is Pm ef tteM ter&cm im tP mtmsgenf* says |he democraticattempt* to arouse dka(^ctio|(| |r*of|fyjQorjafau' {voters will not result in ihe' lose ofa frac tional part of one per cent of the German vote. The missionaries are resenting the charge, originated in Europe, that they were responsible for the Chinese trouble,'and showing that the respon sibility reate with the “robber nations’* of Europe, which have been steadily robbing China and Chinese for some years. The tact, known to every iutelli* . gent ischool boy, that there are no ad- vocateeof an American empire, makes the talk about imperialism being a campaign issue simple idiotic. Expan- ^ Sion is an issue, And it will be upheld byan overwhelming majority of our people, who believe in Greater Amer ( ica and the benefits It has brought . and Wilt bring to ns in Greater Amer- ' ieaand tlm benefits it has brought and Will bring tp us. yogi fHaada tot fag ttow s f tlmMaa- tiv* tmwar of Dr, GaHvmlft • p m 1'VWliyiAtok f ikf AVpiwi * IJP$ IPU w| ffPmt HOTNF atwnrok troute*. Hand far 19c, 50 b or 91 bottle, to <\ 11. Bldgway* The kiswag bug has invaded the City of Mexico, It Idfsl WlaEatttes, Twenty-nine oJRoora tad men wrote from the front tosay that for Bcratehes Bruises, Cute, Wounds, Bore Feet and BtiF Joints, Bucklen’s Araioa Halve i* the beet fa the world* Bame for Burns, Skin Eruptions and Files. 25 eta a box, Cure guaranteed, Bold by Ridgway fa Co., druggist. According to the repent census, th* population of the Russian Empire' is 129^200,000. It UaOtns . Constipation is a curie, and afflicts too great a portion of the American people. There is no excuse for it either, m we sell a remedy that will banish the curse, and with moderate use will keep you well. I t is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin* Bold in 10c 50c and $1.00 sixes. For sale byC. M. Ridgway. A French physician,’Dr. Hervieux, has made investigations which indi cate that flies spread smallpox. AMetlurTills HowSbsBsvsdHer Llttls Dssgk ’ Ut't lift. I apt the ^mother of eight children and have bad a great deal of exper ience with medicines. Last summer . my little daughter had the dysentery in ita worst form. We thought she woulddie. I tried every thing I could think of, bnt nothing seemed todo her any good.- r sawby an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly, recommended aud scat and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very bestmedicines weaver had in the house. I t saved my little . daughter's life. I am aUxious for ev ery, mofher to know what an excel lent medicine it is,. Had I known it a t first it woutd have saved me.a great deal of anxiety and’my little daugh ter much suffering.—Yours truly, Mrs. Geo. F.'Burdick, Liberty, R. I. .For sale by.C, M. Ridgway. Work for the new navy now under way wilt cost $92,000,000. —The quicker you stop a cough or cold the less danger there will be of fatal lung trouble. One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless rem edy that gives immediate results. You will' like it, Ridgway fa Co., Druggist*. A British cruiser burned 22,000 Iona of coal going from England 'to Australia. .--Millions will be spent in politics this year. We cant keep the cam paign going without money any more than we can keep the body vigorous without food.’ Dyspeptics used to starve themselves. Now Kodol Dy anopsia G an digests whatyou eat and allows you to eat all the good food you want. I t radically cures stomach troubles. Ridgway fa Co., Druggist*. it | ’ _^ HMJCSAtf. To farther reduce my stock I will will oiler for sale on my farm one wile north-east of €ed*rvilte/>n the (Jotemtew pike, Tuesday, August 21; a t l p . m.t the following property: H head of horses, consisting of 2 fillies eomiag Syror old; 8 head of cattle nomisting of 3 short hOrn cows, one fm k b f day of sale, 3 yearling heifers awdSatenrsi 40 head Of begs, con sisting of 5 brood sows, 30 shoals, 10 pig* aiid 1 boar. Also 5 tom timothy hay. Tcfnw;—All sums of $5 and under cash; over that aunt a nine months credit to purchaser giving note with approved security, J . B. Brown. The gold Democrat* of Maryland will vote for Fretideat McKinley, LWT kSTTCKt. Ids! o f letters ramaiaiug lincalled far fa tha ffafarvillepoetaflice for the uumth eatlfag Aug, I I , 1900. List No, Miller, Fred s,Oiiro T. N, & If* ■ Tbit ThrobbingHtsdsohe Would quickly leave' you, if you used. Dr. King* New Life Pills. Thousand* of sufferers have proved their matchless.merit for Kick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health, Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Ridgway & Co., Druggists. * A young man in Auburn, Me., to play a joke on his barber, paid him thirty-five old-fashioned cents. Later the barber sold one of the coins for $35. A'SO-VotudBs'iy can take Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin with as much safety and beneficial re sults as an adult, ft is a mild liquid laxative and chidren thrive upon it. Syrup Pepsin assists nature in cleans ing the Bystem; and its use is not at tended with any of. the upleasant griping* and nauseating effects caused bv the use of pills or so-called catbar- trc*. Try a 10c size bottle (10 doses 10 cents,) Also sold in 50c and $1 sizesby C. M. Ridgway. The State hatchery at London will send free of charge Mongolia phea sants to persons owning farms who ask for them in good faith for the pur pose of propagating the species. IM tm MI i Tragtor, Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, saved two lives, A frightful cough had longkept her awake every night., She had -tried many remedies and doctors but ateadil y grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery* One bottle wholly cured her: and she writes; this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long ofa severe attack of Pneumonia* - Such cures are positive proof of its power to cure all throat, cheat and lung troubles, Only 50c and $1*00, Guar anteed. Trial bottles free at Rid# way and Go’s drug store* I t is now being discovered that the Russian thistle pest may be made something of by actual use as fodder, if the thistles be cut when young, either fed green or as hay. BUfjr *f i Slaw, * To be bound baud aud foot for yean by the chains of disease is tbe worst formof slavery, GeorgeD. Williams of Manchester, Mich., says: “My wife has been so helpless for five yean that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottle* .of Electric Bitten she ms wonderfully im proved aud able to do her own work.” This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness* sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and ditty spell*. I t is a godsend to- weak, sickly, run down people. Cure guaranteed. Only OOe. Bold bv * gist. Ridgway fa Co., Drug- Lord Roberts is actually feeding at Pretoria the families of burghers who are still in the field against him. —-Madsen endorse It, rhifdmt like •M M i n r o l t . W tis fa to One i(hwtgh Cara. I t wit! quickly g t all Are** and law* trouble*, ' fa Cb.. Dugglus kw jw , k m - The readers of tbi* paper will l* pleased to learn that there ioat least one dreaded di*ea*e that soienoe has been able to cure in ail H*aiagea and that le Catarrh. Haifa Catarrh Cura the only positive core now known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh being aeo**Huti»n*t di*«**e, require** com - stitutional treatment* Hall's Catarrh Cute is taken . internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, therebydestroy* Ing the foundation of the disease, arm giving the patient stroawth by building up the ooaetitu- tiou aud MsMUng nature in doing It* work. The proprietors have so much faith in ite curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure* Bend for list of testimonials, Address: F, J . t fnaimv fa Co; Toletio, Ohio, Bold h r drugahtt*. 75c* Hall** Family Pill* are the beet, The dManro fawn th* fartifaift pofat of polar dfarovery to> th# pole iM f in * * Explinttion of An Aleged Wonderful Mincle. SANDFORDTOHISCRITICS Mia* Oliva A. Mill* Aaaarta That Af ter H«vln* Died Me Was tratifht to Ufa by th* Chlaf of the Haly Oheet and Ua Soclsty. . It the teetimoay ot all the one hun dred and fUty iamatee ot the tennis Is to b* believed, the R*v. Dr. Frank gandford, Chief ot the Holy Ohoat and He School, and leader of the world's evangelization movement, with Its headquarters at Shiloh, Me., has raised from the dead Miss Olive A. Mills, who has been for some time a dweller of the temple. People in his section who have been watchlnx the proxress ot affair* on the Durham sand hill are at a loss to understand how thla lateat manifesta tion a t Shiloh shall be. characterized. The scattered population about is composed of hard-beaded Yankee farmer's. The events of the last four or five years on the bill a re almost too much for their creduallty and yet In the next .breuth after, expressing doubts as to some things they will tell the listener that they have found Mr. Sandtord and bis disciples the best citizens the town has had. They,pay their bills promptly: -they feed the hungry. All are welcome at the tem ple. The persons who dwell there devote themselves to a life based up on all the preceptB of the Bible to the letter. In seven years Sandforjl lias built the’ great temple without passing the contribution box, has erected a chil dren's building near by—-a structure of stone—and has completed and quite fully equipped a $25,000 brick building that Is called "Bethes- da," and which is used as a hospital for the healing of persons by the pow er of God. In this building of Bethesda was wrought the alleged miracle that has attracted such wide attention. When a bare outline of the story hud been published In the local papers, and bad made the rounds of the press, the mall .for Shiloh (the teipple has a postofflcc of Its own) increased to hundreds of letters dally. People all over the Unit ed 8tates have been asking for addi tional facts and seeking corroboration. Miss Mills has made the- following written statement: "I had been tit for several days at Shiloh, but I was not very much' wor ried at first Then I grew worse. The elders a t Shiloh, prayed for me, hut la spite of their appeals, I know I passed out of this life. I knew when my jaw dropped. It was death. Then for a time I was in darkness. It seemed to me as though I was groping about somewhere and somehow, trylag to find exit f«>m some place to which I was imprisoned.: Tbea lt seemed that I rose gradually out of and above my body.. Th,e T In me rose. I don’t have any Idea..what this second self looked like.,, I never thought of that p a r t . I simply-understood-that f rose above what I reallzed, waMhe body in which f had dwelt. I could look down upon it. ’I could see the people gath- eted around it ns -It lay on tho bed. “ i heat. Mr. San-'ford came in and looked nt,me.and;lmelt. Oh! I was so afraid -that- he would pray loudly. Voices were something awful to me, I felt I knew just what all were thinking about. < 1 dldh’t need words. He prayed in a whisper. That brought quiet. seemed to me that I was content to drift- away- 8ome force impelledme away from th« room and those, friends. It seemed that I went through a valley of darkness* or, passing through * dark tunnel, I felt rather th*» saw th a t there was light— a great, rad taao e -st the other end, Slowly I drow forward into, that light. And as the llgkt gleamed brighter and brighter mjr foy grow more- and more profound. I knew that I was approach ing the Klngdam e t Ood Almighty* I was afraid foot 4 moment—there (a the dark; then..{. got. out- of the fear Into the great* wonderful p*ee* Of God that I ahall never, forget, 1 know I went almoet to heetefc.. 1 kpow—I know that, for the -fov touched my spirit. As yon approdch a vineyard you scent the fragrance o f the grape* before you gat where they are. Well* I was near enough to heaven for th* fragrance of it to touch my spirit. It was beautiful! “Then, from away back somewhere, came thinly and faintly, the words, 'In the name of Jesus of Naxareth* Olive Mills* come back.' “And again I was over the body from which I had departed. The people were gathered about. It teemed to me that thla poor* sunken casket ot flesh was some old. soiled, discarded gar ment. .1 rebelled a t putting it on again* But I knew that there was good reason for this command that had been laid upon me. After what I had experienced I was In no mood to withstand the commands of God* So I went back Into my body. In the aection round about Shiloh there are all sorts of expressions, The clergymen of Lewiston and Auburn preached sermons on the matter* for it has excited much religious iKtercst- In these two cities. These clergymen have been Interviewed, All of them state their conviction that Mr, Sand- ford is sincere, but misguided. When the expression of these opinions was laid before Mr. Sandtord he’said: “These tnen, though honest in their Intent, do not believe that God can do this. They practically aay so, Therefore, it will never fall within their experience to witness such mani festation of the power of the HoTy Ghost, For it God should answer doubt with success He would be put ting a premium on unbelief, end prac tically dethroning faith. They who did not see this thing stand counter to many ether worthy Christians who did see it. 1 never enter into contro versies With the churchmen. I have n* pntleniie with hair splitters, t don't preach, I practice. And, therefore, the Holy Ghost does by ms ss lie agrees hi Mis Beak to do by every man wbo will follow out His com mands, pot in their own roundabout way* but fa His direst path. Let ua he caution** how we strive to make tiod out a lia r/’ • Chinese are dangerous enemies, for they are treacherous. That's why *11 counterfeit* of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve are dangerous. They Ionic like DeWitt’s, hut instead ot the all-healing witch hazel they all json- fain ingredients liable to irritate the skin and rouse blood potsonfag. Fof piles* injuries and akin disease* use the original and genuine DeWUt's Witch H au l Helve. Ridgway 4kVo„ Drug- gists, -Turn, €MM h » and Cigar* at tifty*#, Y OU (-hn a lw ays Hwl * t o ld re liab le M ea t Rhop o f C , W , C r o u s e ' s Cho ice B e e ( F o r k S a u s a g e , Veal, L a r d , B o lo g n a , W e n e r w u s t , B a co n , H a m s , S u g a r C u red S h o u ld e r s . G ive ua a tr ia l and be eon- t raced. ;W.i.......................... ......... , . FRANK H. DEAN. A ttorney at L aw . 41E. Main St. Xenia, O. Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. . Blue Front Stable; Leave your horses there and your rigs be. kept on the inside, out or this rain and stortn. 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O. C jiaiu rs E. T odr , Drop CHURCH DIRECTORY R. F. tmrob—R»v. J. F.- Moiton, PiiKlor. services at ll;00 n. m. Sabbutli School nt 10a. ui. Covenanter Church—Rev, W, J. Simtleraon, t ftrtor. Regular services at 11:1)0n. ui. Sab* utbSchool at 11a. ui. IT. P. Chureb—Rev. F. O, R om , pat-tor. Set- visesat 10:'W it. in. iad 7:#Up. in. Sabbath Schoolat U:30a. in. standard time. ' A.M. E. Church—ltev, Mr. ilaxwcll* l’as- tor ^Preaobing at 11:00 a. in. and p. m Clan everySabbath at 12:30*. SabbathSchool at 3:00p. ui. Friends and visitors cordially Invited. M. E. Church—llev. A. D. Maddox, Pastor. Preaching at 11:00a. to. SabbathSchool at 0:45 a. lit, Younjt People’s meeting at6:45 p. ns. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Baptist Church—Rev. George Wsshjngton, psatoroftbe Baptist church; l'resching* at It a. m. and7:30p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p.m. Prayer tueetieg everyWednesdaynight .at 7:30, Everyone-Invited. # $600XEWARDI We eill pay the above reward for any case of LiVer Complaint; Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion,'-Constipatioeor Cosllveness weesanot Oarc with LiverUa. the Up-to~liate LittleLiver Pill,when the'directionsarcstrict ly cowplledwilh. They are purely Vegetable and nerer fail to give satisfaction. 25c boxes contain 100Pills*10cboxes contain40Pills, So boxes contain IA Pills. Beware of nubstitu- tlons and Imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NKRVITA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Clinton and JacksonSts., Chicago. III. For salebyC.M.Ridgway*druggist, Cedar- ville, Ohio. FILES CUBEDWITHOUT THE BIIFEI Yourdruggest*whomyouknowtobe reliable wilt tell you that heis authorised torefundthe money toevery purchaserwhereFI20 OINT MENTMis to cure any case or ITCHING, BLIND* BLEEDING, or PROTRUDING PILES, nomatter of howlongstanding. Cures ordinarycoses in six days. One application givescaseandrest. RelievesItchingInstantly. This is nnew.discovery and Is soldon a posi tiveguarantee. No Cure, No Pay, Price, $L*0. For «sloby C. M. Ridgway. Summer Ostiege- WheretoGoand How to Get There. The Seashore, Mountain and Lake Resorts constitute the meet attractive pleasnre grounds for the summer idlert They are within easy reach via Penn sylvania Lines, and agent* of that railway'system will furnish full infor mation about rates, train service and through car comforts to any of the summer havens. They will assist in arranging detail* for vacation trips and give valuable information free of charge* Apply to the nearest Penn sylvania Line* Passenger and Ticket Agent and be relieved of all bother in shaping preliminaries for your sum mer outing and vacation trip. E. B, Keyes, Agent, Cedarville, Ohio, Qwestie*Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of niiy ' nrediekie—in~the civilized world. Your mothers’ and grandmothers’ never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Bil iousness, Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermen tation of undigested food, regulate ac tion of the liver, stimulate the ner vous and organic action of the system, and that is all thuy took when feeling dull and laid with neadaches and other ache*. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you . For Mle by C. M* Ridgway. I Isiiibli NomaW mim II We want a reliable woman in every county to establish a corset parlor for the sale of Dr. Nichols* Celebrated af tipring Corsets. The heat pop ular-priced custom made corsets in the world. Latest style*. Every corset is warranted not to break or rust, ab solutely inqiervious to moisture or perspiration A new pair given for every pair that breaks. Guarantee printed on each corset. Kecomncnd- eilby over 10,000 physicians, We furnish complete stock and pay a sal ary of $40 to $05 jK»r month and ex penses; $3 sample outfit free. Bend 10 e#nt*)a#iMge for sample and terms, N ichols ' M anikmtuhinu C o „ New Cawtan, conn, CASTORlA Tho Kind Y<» H mw AlwayB Bowgfcfa •nd wfalefc **« MM in bm fbr over SO yean, fan* horn® tho tiiaatare •* and baa been rondoxmder hi* p«r- sonalaupervixlon aiaao tfoinfiaacy. ----------- . jdtowno<mot»doorffaiFo»*tttW*f AU Ooonterfelta, Imitation* «md« Tnfawti auad chUdron—Exparience ,B*perlraeiii. What is CASTORlA Cfastotis l« * harmless substitute fog Castor Oils fkW* goric, Drop* »nd Soothiuff Syrup*. I t I* Pleasamt. I t neither Opiums Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Ita age is Its guarantee. It destroy* Wonas And allay* Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieve* Teething Trouble*# cure* Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving heidthy and natural sleep* Tbe Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Frleud. GENU INE CASTORlA ALWAYS Bear* the Signature of TbeKindYouHaveAlwaysBought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. THCeKNTAVRMNNNVt TVMURRAYRTRKT, NEWVORRCUV* 5K5 Knock Down Prices -AT- H u t c h i s o n # ( j i b n e y Summer Silks, 65, 75, 85c quality down to 50c 25c for the 35, 45, 50c quality. Silk Gingham#rediiced from 50c to 25c. Dimities, i2.Jc quality down to 7-ic; SijC down to 5c. . ■ Balbriggan Underwear 25c Ladies’ Summer Vests 5 to 8^c White Goods in Remnants 5 to ioc.- D u c k S u i ts d qw n to $ 1 . C ra sh S k i r ts 25 to 75 c. White Marsailles Skirts greatly reduced.. Spring and Fall Suits, all wool, $5.00, $7.50, $10.75. Challies 3 yards for 10c, fine for comforts or Summer. J . H. WOLFORD BDGGYS■AT- Alilt ■PRICES Buggy Repairs o f Alt Kinds* Imperial Morns and Repairs. The southing mid benlim*.proprotiro of i hamiKohuii’s <*migh Ifomeily, it* jhPUSAnl fasfo (inti prompt and permit- iifuit euros, have made it a groat fay. wile with the iwnplc cvcrywhoit, Imp falti by tl, M. Itnlgway. —In Indio, tho >laud nf ihminp, IhmiPamhi die J hoahsu they oanuot obtain food. In Aimr'ro, tlm hind of plenty many sulfor and dio hi-paitHo they oiumot dig? at tho iyod th. y <nt, Kodol Dy*pop«in Cure "what you <at, It iurirtutlv is lu-ve;* and rAdtfally ‘ una all efoinih)( tronhiro. Jtidgwny fa C‘o„ Drnjtgkts. | If you want miyihsutf gom1,gn {tot Gray «. * **«'• j ' of NewYork I la theNifcatInsurance Cln» m tolusure your property-fa, B * e 2 " itfe llm lai^ert company in i b making a specialityof injuring fw . t and V illia g e property F i r e , L i g h tn in g and ToJJJJi doe* . Its agents do not h«ro* 1 *1 •polngizeto its ftolicy holders their property is destroyed, iK-cgqn^! C om p a n y F a y s the Cmfa immediately and without delay. Write to ine or rail at my office.W testimonials from my own eiutom«| ■ throughout Greene, Clark, Madia* 1 and Fayette counties. ; Office open every day fa the wed,1 W . L . C L E M A N S . AGENT , 1 Cedarville, : Ohio. Homer G, Wade, Olfice Manager, WheretoLocate?! Wlijr, in tbe Territory Trnversc>i] by tbe.... Louisville Nashville Railroad -TH E—- (iw a t O il! n il Soul liein Tinnkliw] ------ I N —— KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. M ISS ISS IPP I, FLORIDA , W H E R E Farmers, Fruit Growers , Stork Raisers, Manvfaeturen,\ \ J f n veiltors, Speeulasorx and Money Lrmlm\ will timl the gicatcst' olmncc? In tbe rnitcG SOitCFtomake“big money” by reanimof tfcej abundancennl ebeapnegs of LANDANDPARKS, TIMBER AND STONE, IRONANDGOAL. LABOR-Rmrmxc; I’rofi sited, finnneial assislanec. and t'uedwi fr<in taxation, for tho irianninetmer. Land and farms’MSI.00 ner line hik I cs wards, and500,(KKt acres in Weat Klaridatbt. can be taken gratis under II. 8. IloineiMil laws. | Ptnrkraiainj- in the Golf Coast District silt ] innkpenuriiioua profits. . ’ Halffaresxesrsiss tbePirst ssd ThirdTnesdsjsof etchnontii.. , Let ur, know what you waiit, and nesill toll you where and how to get it—butdon'ti delay, na the country is fillingup raiddly, i Printedmatter, maps and all infonnstiM j free. Address, R. J. WEMY88, , tlencrnl Immigration and Industrial Agt.1 Lnlsvills,XiBtickj. ExehangeBank CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUN rS of Merchnnls and I*-| dividnnls solicited, ColleettONj promptly mndc find remitted. TlRAFTS on NuyT York and Cite] cinnttli sold at lowest rates. Du j cheapest aud most convenient way 1* send money by mail. * I T OANS made on Real Estate, Pei- ** sonal or Collateral Security. William Wilduian, Pro*., Seth W . Smith, Vice Pres., W, J . Wildman, Caihkf> —Tin:- I s tin* m ost re liab le a n d S tr ic tly Up-to- d a te A r tis t in the c ity - -S p r in g f ie ld , O, HERVITAPILU ■fafefawwmr. is * VRit flMMfafari Im>n*mny,NiarhiMmlnlans,Lws fa* •tt, ail wntUiM^tmMtes. rrsUST isniNlistM f'ttaMM JgiQ mail C m naliTjpsg 9m Fate hy f*. if. tuAgweray. t#danim>. nfcW. IUK| .are,, solarki o/| i JPWOh JPSSrDwuwiutiu ,V tt» aSL, ^ o ott riiwanov u s r iouum jM irfHu*.U*» licrjulv eSKC-i-w.ilerAoksdlu Siriiirv, U‘. vtrt.Wv,E mb t UiLK 'ikift i/ rime,17 LTiii’.i J.r *>« r* Sw wh <»" ****».'’ ,*JKu2cr' S2Ta *r.''.W,T,.icrt t.y a l :r ^ ? u T - , f t row- ^Imaunt In $ht>InilC*Wild Zm lutlixM .W»M ZiTiu to « d'*« Shav-rp* it ‘« r °« ivit.illr,Minomlwr.IbleJ* £LTiv*o' .1 <*WJ4 LOSt | 1‘-iMM-Wi'daRysraiittotif *t * »frdUyooii *<{?;-*Vrtc. O.t W1 ... i . . r>.stolid . ruri4i''G *• w*j u-itifi sJEy.irAl I PATE! ’Caveat*," od Trade-Markso', lentbusiness conducted for M IOU*Ofnee *«ow-oaiTEo !*nd we can secure patent m remote f "HnWasldngtor, i Send model, drawing or phtl '(ion. We advise, if patenu Our fee not due till ichsfgc. »HowtoObtsl ?o«*5f'wme‘inSieXJ.S. snd| sentfree. Address, C . A . S N O ' Ore. patent orncc. w**l Dyspepsia D if ies ts w h a t 1 Iiartlficially digests til Nature in strengthen!! fltructlng the cxliausteq gans. I t is the latest dis an t and tonic. No othj can approach i t in efn stantly relieves and pern Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulence, Sour StotnJ SickHeadache.Gastralgl all o ther results of imiK-if Pmgored by E. c. Dewitt J C ln o lr tn a tl ' MlMMirSNMfkt ferr-T~— “TTV Westward. | am CalwmhHalTJ*!go Alton......... “I .... W.Jettbroon ” London......“ *,€b*rlMton11 Mmo .......” Oodarrllle._** .WUbecforce. ” far. flv. Spring Vail.” HhlSBUk.,., “ Waynaavlllo” niregonia.. " PoreAncient” Morrow.... *> So, Imtmnon ” Utrslind .... vMUford.r... Bataviade.. Clntlnsfseh1 AM •215 30fl 7 ..... f8 310 350 4'10 1422 *70 •4370910| f448 9S k.. 5331001] KaMwnnl. ammlmmmtl li BaUvlaJc_. ” Milford .... *• LovHaiul.... '• So. faUxinon *• Morrow......•* tt . Ancient ” Oregonla ... *‘ WaynMvillc •• KoxHitnn»., “ Spring Vai... K omhc ,... WIlberAvrco UedarvlUe... *• Selraa.___ •• S.Ohartoeton ” (iDnilon....... *• V.JefflMWn •• Alto*........ OslHMbMtir. 903 930 (9«35 AMho 1 •S56101 tS. rznmt 7491100 SOM sis! . *3011 IAMIA KtTWAM.t Kestlw■ {rssMM* Mrea. Iwsradt.. IHttimsad. AM 43 JiAsw*/ Jr>4fo'i* _ . . J 3 2 £ $ m * - ! £ | ■ f A r c a d e P h o t o g r a n h e r + 1 IZSTWAfia AMIAMi IM *isw*4’- u* M IW . .. kstktills ■* •TONI {f’ (•ati f t ; to.s«ml *47401 I64'’»h30l 700, AM | PMI I klOjn b dii: .... *l*ijy. t M »tfkFssedTree U1 WM: IrMFMMff;*12.00 . i’« ll* !» n S te sg lA I ii , i» ,««,aland *«* liinintm* and put»b: Pitlsharnh tlnlon 8I« Jtoto. Wsshlniiinp, 1 York, Nwa. ;i. 301 n Jto:ul f.w ftidiannp.q *1 anil a for r.ticns I a . 9. l/MlKli. 4«n!*lXia»5W, PttTAntmo for Itw im .n , m !S) tofjfjge fhiv.ka. su.1 Jordlng the tnnoing ♦ *C*att)ftiwFeatwylv ■jm with W tol
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