The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

f r* V ' X! Tin SU1 I f ilk }**•* to t v PSpini |aK wiKMuif jm / a p a tr t-s r a , thu ar Utiljt'iu * MN*t subscriber*. f V yswr paper w mmm HM wi • blue arm k is to inmuum I yoii ffi your sulwuriptfo* j» p u t dne wad• KNUdj MttlNNIt i*M l k t *3 C**. ^ ten***#- :ns r P»*IWM ?h' 4 83.75 t w e n t y - t h u d y e a r . s o . u . CF .DARV1UE . O H IO . AUGUST 2 S . 1 9 0 0 . P U C E $ 1 .0 0 A YEAR* There Are Different W ays of Keeping Cool, iU$ i r U n d e w e w ^ ^ n d ' s ^ ^ r i ^ r m e m ? 1 tO O U r iC ' b ' ^ , i n c o f S U M M E R S P E C I A L T I E S — S t r a w H a t 3 35 c t o $ I .o o . « • C o l l a r . 15 c , tw o f o r 35 c . m S o f t S h i r t s 50 , 75 ,w »d $ 11.51 T a i l o r , ! X la ttex* a n d F u r n i s h e r . Mt *fef**t M* 57.25 » B .■ nist . Ijr *trip*l »«d so aw iRS I E B E S T wh> pY on) ist, hii) II is, &*• $ 1 . 7 3 * , worthfront £18 _ *n m •op ie >| A10 **e*s*r* I i on or. >»{- o il- .txr, r i f t i f I j r t i j i i r e i blc B tl *1 mm ) Mr M l y At — vhredare atari* *t «# N H mm . Thnred*?* iseand John (Mu# . k l mot'** In riin tti* Irwin, m m ^ need!— #• m$ »»#•* wind*«#k. Royae k titef**4* ^ofXtwhk* i *>, COGITATIONS ‘ 1 fm Pointers as la Itew is .bacama a BrHMwtt CaaversaUeelnt* Mout people SApire toTiecome brilli* | sal coilversatioiialisle, but only a few I ftUftio the art. Many are nailed, hut few are chosen 1 ft Robinson CV uboc There arecertain things which must beobserved, anil anyone may become a brilliant convorsatMinalkt, regard- lewof whether hoHas anything to*s«y ernnt. It is prolmlily n fact that the most Stocking ignoramus, stands, the i»est tbow, for, according to the mice, one mint lie a simpering idiot or a half- baked lubber before lie can be en­ tered in the race at alb The “Ladies’Home Journal” knows bowul) those tilings in refined life are t in he done. I t has printed'sbme rules. (foe rule Is? “I t is better to lie frankly dull than pedantic.” .That is, it is k good deal better, if youare a lobster, to admit it, .rather tlin to pretend that yon know enough tnconns in out of- the ruin. I f you do not know any better than to eat pie witha knife, eat that .way. I knew a man once who lietieved :dieworld flat. He would argue \M he got black in the face, that if iearth was not flat, how Could tin land “blow from the four corners of earth,” . as. the $ihle. says. / Or At kt-clW the’ Wald froft* flowing E«t at the top of the well. It would fyerhUps pot have made him a brilliant |tanvei^tionalist t«> uibnit ins igno \ nmCej hu t' fewer people would have >wanted to beat Ins brains out with a bather tick. “A joke is impendent on its (reali­ se another refreshing and alto. {•ether original observation of that) itthion journal. Don’t, spring any Motherhi law pikes. Do not ask “ if it ie hot enough for yon.” The dutnccs are that it is hot enough, and there is no use talking about it. I f yousec a man carrying a rope, do not mk it be is going to hang himself; lie has been ask the satiie question 400,000dimes. 1 have tried it and know. I f a mart carries a jug,, don’t* , ... 'tele him ii hois going fishingaiid i f <** it goes, straight and swift ns a yourself to the heart* of your enter­ tainers, Occupy the best chair in the house and lean your head bock qq the chair head rest or. you might have softening of the brain. “Hover ask leading question#.'’ Do not ask if your host has bedbugs in the house. Do uof ask if the fam­ ily ever had the itch or fpotrot or pinkeye or bote*. Ho not. ask if your host’s father was a drunkard, or if he WABever hanged, or if i t is true that he was a chicken thief; Heather is it in good taste to ask your host if he ever licks hip wife, or’ it he pays his debts; and if he docs not, why not? “ I t is a provincialism to say ‘Yes sir’ and * mo ma’am’ to one’s equals." Instead you should use “ beteher life;” “you know it,” ‘“you’re mighty right,” “hot On yoUr tintype,” “ not on your previous existence,” and similar ex­ pressions that indicate refinement and high' breeding. Talk with sparkle and vivacity in it, is a good substitute lor wit.”. At table, you should ho vivacious and sparkling only when your mouth is full and then you can chew and laugh Hnd blow victuals over your ueigbhors and Appear brilliant. Every mice in awhile poke your neighbors in the ribs and kick their 'shins •or pinch them, and you ’will soou have such a reputation for vivacity and liveliness that folks.wiH waet to entertain you in.a forty acre lot. “Correct your neighbor without eoiiuv.difting hiiu.” Never contra-, diet a man uhh'fct he is a puny, one' lunged cuss on tho Verge of the grave with consumption*. If he-is healthy and muscular, correct him by sneak­ ing up behnul him mid knocking him down with a club. Follow these .few ■rules of the ‘‘Ladies’ Homo ' Journal” with a few Amendments, and you will be such.a social Hon that folkswill ’bo unable to do enough for you, and will hire tlie •tcckyanls in which to entertain you. • Nratag •'Paper. For a newspaper the name Bee has much appropriate significance. The course of travel for the bee is a straight ljue-rhence the terA» "bee-line.” It rises in the air from the sjmi where it has rested, quickly takes on observa­ tion, determines its course, and then >23 Years Otd. We are indebted to Mr. W. D. Nis* bet for a facsimile of the . first issue of the Maryland Journal, now the Bal­ timore American. • . ..The first number of this paper was printed by William Goddard, Friday, August 2(1, 1773, 123 yearn ago, The subscription' price was ten shil­ lings per annum, dr 'about $2.50. The whole paper was less than the sizepf one page of the Herald. On the first page is a card to the public by the publisher, siIso. a letter from the Bishop of C--------to the Earl of Bellamont on Ids late duel with Lord Townshoud. On the second page along with read­ ing matter from New York,' London and Philadelphia ure the market prices at Baltimore. We quote a few below: Wheat 11.56 per hu.; corn 66c ‘per bu j flour $4.80 bbl.j salt 48c per bu.; pork $20.40,per bbl. that is his bait. He i* going after viaegar. That j<*ke was used when As workmen were building the ark- ; it has been brought out and raahittgled 1m i weather boarded fu*d paiated up day since, baf it k the »a»e old i.M*' “Strive to be natural and at ease.” When you are tkiting a strange place JiA act allow yourself to liecome ner- ’■*•** and carry off silverware that $ m not belong to you. I t may kef [kwtnwed. Walk around in the par- f lwand examine the ehromoe on the i«*il, and aak the hoeteal if dm made * motto, “God Bleaa Our Home.” [eWeh hangs over tlw door, Wdt up ealbum and look through it, mak- !pleasant remark# about the pkw »piw. You may hart the fWinga fpmr ho#t«», hut better that than (appear bashful. Take the finally tofi* the center table and r««d family record and time endear bullet, to its destination. Can any­ one suggest a lictter pattern for news­ paper direction? The bee. is a model for industry. Like the zealous news­ paper man, it is always a t work gath­ ering and bringing in. I t get# liouey mostly, for the bee’s disposition is kind, but it gets a little material for use in defensive work, snd it can go in a bee-line for attack on such occa­ sions just as well as when on honey-making excursions. Every hoy brought up iu the country remembers how speedy and bow direct toward him the bee’s flight was when fie acci­ dentally disturbed the hive, or, per­ haps, approached the nests of the field bees for the purpose of getting their luscious eontents. But (he bee is not fond of war and never fights when It Is not neoessary. I t is so with the newspaper man, who is a man of pssee and preferably fills bk pages with that which makes for good-fidtow- ship and the advancement of intelli­ gence, patriotism and right-minded, newt generally. gvnwj Some of our citizen# would, do well to learn that an ouncejsf keeping their mouths ehlit is better than » pound of explanation. I ‘ 1 1 +: When a man is Content with his condition lie is providentially Messed whether he is the possessor of any of this worlds goods of not; 1 1 1 ; ' Because Moses wag the only loan that ever played Pharoh and got away withmil losing a cent is no reason why lie was n successful gahihler, t f t Of all lulls Unit have struck this section of the country it is the shirt waist ninn. • Mnn will Ho longer have to lie punished during these hot sultry* days by having to wear*a coat in order to keep in harmony .with the rules of etiquette and fashion. Ere another season rails around the shirt -waist-tor of our merchants had, apparently, two4customers to walk into his store. Asking for several articles they knew he did not keep, one of them asked flu some “Common Sense Baking Powder.” This put the merchant “ on” and the would-be-customers weren’t long in getting to the street. The merchant followed and proceeded to give them some pungent advice, which,we think Horace and Reece' will heed, *■ „ t t t The inhabitants of Pittsburg ou the' Rhine enjoyed themselves to no small extent, Thursday evening. William Jones, familiarly know as Bill,erected a plntforin on liis lawn next to the river front. Hero a large number pleasured in the terpsichoreau art, Prof. Booii Hines with his orchestra was presented and rendered some very heat quick-steps, The rendition of the professor’s most noted piece, “ 8oap Suds Over the Fence,” in “A”; under the fence, in “G” and through the fence, in “C”, from a musical standpoint was phenomenal;and the DARKNESS AND DAWN. *"DI “Darkness and Dawn,” which is to he fouls himself in a cool retreat with the truth, who borrow umbrellas add be one of the feature of the Midway jovial companions, such as a living neglect to return them, who gossip a t the Pan-American Exposition in skeleton, a widow in her weeds, an about their neighbors and who other- Buffalo next year, is a presentation of undertaker or two. I t is the thres- wise trespass on tho rights of othera. Dante’s Inferno. I t is remarkably hold of the place whichgood people Presently the scenes of purgatory-are realistic, with enough of comedy to expect toavoid in the hereafter. The passed and the visitor comes to the relieve the gruesomeiiesS that other- visitor, under the protection of guides. “Grotto of Dawn,” where maidens wise might jar sensitive natures. The is assured ofsafety. He i led through are dancing and singing and wonder- visitor ii taken in hand by guides and a series of corridors and grottos, along fill illusions greet the eye. The music Conducted to an ejevator by which ho burning lakes nud other devices of autf brilliant scenes form a happy seems to go down, down iuto hopeless torture, where ho may wituess tho ending of the journey. Thelcasonk darknea* As he steps from the cage punishment of those who juggle with a salutary one. On the third page was a letter writ­ ten by Mr. Ratheli, teacher of Eng­ lish language in the Academy at Phil­ adelphia. The following local is taken verbstum from the locals: “ Thomas Brereton, Commissioner and Insur­ ance Broker, gratefully acknowledge* the favors of his friend and hopes lor a ooniintMttoe of their oorrespomlauce. He has now for sale a Pocket of good Hops, a 2 Inch new Cable, and wants to buy « Negro Girl about 12 years , . The fourth page was filled mostly with advertismeuta of different char- tetett. The one of most Importance Is that of G*o*g* Washington, who was advertising 26,006 acres of land mi the Ohio and G na t Kanawha Riven,tea thousand nhmgthe first motioned and the nnmM fr between rite two Kenawhe Rivet* He he* the following to *ey of the lend: “Rime cea exceed therein luxuriance of anil, or oMiveafenee of eltuntinh, ail of (hum abounding with fine fish and wild fowl* nt various kind#, ne akoitt most excellent luendowc, many of whkdi ere in tbeir present state, almost fit fiar the seythe.” I t was also man will J>ens common as the ordin­ ary linen jacket. Women can go about the streets, in halls And dining rooms coalites, yet man is denied any of these privileges Tho 8t. Nicholas, Cincinnati’s most fashionable hotel, has issued stringent orders to the ser­ vants to eject guest* who go about the halls or dining room coatlem. 1 1 1 We understand that one qfour citi- sent, who is in opposition to mopolie# and trusts, has several hundred dol­ lars invested .in rubber stock that is making him over 6 per cent. Yet we heard this same gentleman fighting the Standard Oil Company just a few days ago, We wouderif ho is aware that he has hi* money in a monopoly. Posrihy if someone would inform him he would withdraw-Nit, t f t Young America is bound to tie to the front, no matter what the cost or outcome maybe. Tricks and schemas of alt kinds are devised and carefully planned in order thrtt he may enjoy himself, What the kite mind fails to find is hard to describe, Two of onr • I I I MtewsMuwjW maw P ■„*W. •V?#1« slatad ia the ad that tb* ***t ol gov- iyoatbs, who am rather canning haws vramatt woaW in afi pmhsrbUity he|wi«s«th)ag caastently mi band with lead at the atom* nt riw tiseetjwM* tot fi*ya>Ae on tbs sssrehaata s r ^ ‘ “ •rlhslsfei—Is, A few days gfs «i» guests certainly were treated with a rigorously musical program, Prof. Hines Seems to have the key to the secret. Quito a number of out-sident gathered around to enjoy the program. 'IHtesIt Bay to BayCfcMp. A cheap remedylor coughs and cold* is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more se­ vere and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall yon do? Go to a warmer and more reg­ ular climate? Yes, if possible; it not possible for you, then in either case take the only remedy that ha#been in­ troduced in all civiiscd countries with success in severe throat ami lung troubles, '“Boschee’s German Syrup.” It not only Heals and stimulates the tunnies to destroy toe germ disease, but allays Inflamation, causes easy, expectoration, gives a good night’# rest, and cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommendedmany years by all druggists in the world, For sale by 0. M- Ridgway, * MSMijJSi.Ufa Tho “ hello” girlriat the Xenia Tele* phone Exchange refused to go to work Monday morning, owing t o new rale* and change* which were .to go Into effect that morning. (t*arg» Lktis, the gnwsral maa ger, got up some new rules which re- quired the girl# to work on Banday, also make a Hr, Cba# ( k h k diief operator instead of Mrs. Bradley, who had held* that position twelve years, The men connectedwith the exchange have been doing the Sunday work heretofore. Mr. Little is up north on a pleasure trip and consequently the men have to run the office themselves. *’ taeacrisae to fstcek, August 25|h, 26th, 27th and 28th, for Knights ofPythias Bieunitl Con­ clave, excursion tickets will be sold to Detroit, Michigan, via Pennsylvania Lines. For further information, re­ turn limit, time of trains, etc.,, please address nr call upon local ticket agent of Pennsylvania Lines. i nfteea PewMtor, Mr. W. J , Smith and familyenter- taiued a number of relatives at dinner Tuesday, where a large baked fish was served. Mr. Smith, Misses Lulu and Eleanor have just returned from Mackinac .where they, together, caught and hauled to land a fifteen pounder. But it took only Mrs. Smith with her culinary ability to serve the fhh, which was fine. Still Imgraviag. A. G. Biuganion, the perpetrator of the domestic tragedy a t Jamestown was on lost Saturday morning taken to the county jail and is now in the bands of the sheriff. He occupies a room in the residence part of the jail aud{seems to bo resting easy. He is still improving and is' considered out of danger. He declines to talk about the recent shooting. ■ Gat their Stwra. The stockmen fromGreene county at the Carthage Fair, last Week, car­ ried off the greater portion of the premiums, ItobL Williamson, with bis Merino Sheep; D. Bradfute & Son With their Black Polled Cattle, and James Orr with his Polled Jer­ seys were there. - Crawford Bros.-and J , H. Drake with their Poland China Hogs and Robert Watt with bis Jer­ sey Duroc Hogs and South Down Sheep, left the Urbans Fair feeling that they had more than their' share of the honors. • •aaa YoerStamadi Matraaa Y*a? Do you have psiaa in the side, nausea, sometimes vomiting, distress after eating, belching, constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? I f you have any of these symtoms, you have dyipepaU or stomach disorder. These distressing troubles are promptly re­ lieved and then cured by Bailey’s Dyspepsia Tablets. Pleasant to take. They win bring quick relief to the wont eases. Written signature of W, J . Bailey on each package. Price 25 cents. Sample free. Druggist* who don’t have them will get them for you. Two kinds of tablet* in each jMokt^e. The latest discovery* MISS COST OatMaaa ger C#*rw *» Stud? far ft* Yjtinas'grif pailaaa Mi» Anna Cost, the newly elected Professor of Elocution for- Cedsrville College, is a -Post-Graduate student from, the College of Oratory d f the , New England Conservatory of Marie, Boston, with the degree of Bachelor of Oratory. The following i»tke reg- ular course o fstudy: vocal technique, economy of the breath, juethodiMJf delivery, defects ot speech, articula­ tion, pronunciation-wild enunciation, ; modulation, inflection, emphasis, pitch, qualities', application qf tone, effects, analysis, gesticulation, action and repose; phfsical expression,' curves, graceful ease, curvilinear movements, positions of head, body, 'feet, hands, etc; points, curves, etc; illustrative, duective and emotive ges- . tore, musical dedamatiou, readings and recitations of selections 'from the best authors—Longfellow, Coleridge, Browning, Scott, Tennyson, Dickens etc. Also some of SliakespearVwork*. A course in Home Readiug and Recitation will lie arrranged far those - having less time . to devote to the work, but desiring to study for gener­ al benefits to be derived with no ‘idea of becoming professional elocutionists; however,(wishing to attain j roficicnCy in this Hire. Juvenile classes wilt be given es­ pecial attention. . \ Courses in dramatic and lyric;; also in concert department will bo ar- ranged for those wishing to study - same. A class will" be organized for the • study of oratory, orations and orators, including style, clearness, emna in style, oratorical sophistries, essential» elements of an oration, analysis, di­ visions ofan oration, dilemmas of fo­ rensic oratory, practical style# o f . speech, Ac. Ga ta the tack gasra Naw. The saloons of Sandusky closcxl hut Sunday for the first time, through the efforts of Editor Mack, of tbeSan- dusky Reguter. The infuriatedmob of aaioon-keepera and tbeir friends bung the editor in effigy. The editor for some time has been turning his 13-inch guns into the ranks of the liquor clement of that city, and sc great has been the storm that they were forced to keep their doors closed on that day* The Republican, of Lebanon, has been having trouble with the same element, they having , threatned to boycot the paper; never­ theless the paper keeps exposing sad roasting* these “joints.” Sold by Ridgway. -All kinds paintsnt Mitchell. •—Chinese are dangerous enemies, for they ate treacherous. That’s why all counterfeits of DeWitt’s Wifoh Hand Salve are dangerous. They look likeDeWitt’s, but instead oftim all-b«*ling witch hssri they all con­ tain ingredients liable to irritate the skin and cause blood poisoning. For piles, injuries andriciadiasasss nss the original and genuine DsWitt’s WHett HnnslSalve. R%wayACo.,Bro*- ,gilts. T U B MEAL f i t tU B W IT H VOTttlUfe ifS. i I